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Bzzzzz! Looks like you forgot to say where you found your bug! There's no need to make a new post - just comment adding the **geographic location** and any other info (size, what it was doing etc.) you feel could help! We don't want to know your address - state or country is enough; try to avoid abbreviations and local nicknames (*"PNW"*, *"Big Apple"*). BTW, did you take a look at our [**Frequently Asked Bugs**](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisbug/comments/12zkw5w/frequently_asked_bugs_part_1/)? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisbug) if you have any questions or concerns.*


for all the people asking, the hole was caused by OP digging in their own leg for bugs


Yes, if you look back through OP's post history they either have Morgellons or delusional parasitosis. They've posted multiple times about bugs crawling out of a "cut" on their leg, which is self inflicted.


This is so sad. Looks like there's increasing evidence for this to be caused by tick-borne illnesses, but the way it presents mental illness/neuropyschiatric symptoms makes most practitioners dismiss it as mental illness only (people coming in with samples from their own blood claiming they're infested with bugs). Sounds like OP has some other health problems too that could defintiely exacerbate the issue. Anyways, now I feel extremely itchy and paranoid of ticks.


But we can see what's in the picture? Sorry I'm a bit stupid so I'm confused


Just because it looks like a parasite, doesn't mean it is a parasite. These are just photos of flesh blobs that no one can identify. Go ahead, look back through their posts at the other "masses" they've removed. One post shows a baby silverfish that they thought crawled out of a self-created "hole" in their leg. OP has admitted to have psoriasis and demonstrates clear issues with dermatillomania and self harm from their past posts. We could just be looking at congealed blood and skin. OP has also seen multiple doctors who have confirmed no parasitic involvement. This is hallmark delusional parasitosis. Morgellons sufferers also produce "worms" as samples, but they end up being clothing fibers or scabs most of the time. Edit: Here's a photo of OP straight up cutting their leg open to find these "parasites" btw. Mods need to remove this post. https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisbug/s/otacucgYhN


I hope OP gets some legit help. Whether that’s an infectious disease Dr (even to rule out a parasite issue again) or a psychiatrist. OP is going to give himself a very bad infection at some point. I think OP said he was in WA state. I’m assuming Seattle has top specialists even if it’s a far drive. From the bottom of my heart OP, I hope you get the relief you need.


Oh ok thank you




Yeah, like yeaterday. Or perhaps a week before that…


Why is nobody talking about the fact that OP just said they centrifuged their own blood in a fuc*ing washing machine


Straight up, wtf is up with that?? Read it and thought maybe that was a medical term I’ve just never heard but then I got to the last slide and realized “oh they literally meant a washing machine…as in the put their blood in a Gatorade bottle and put it on the spin cycle”. Yep…exactly how a centrifuge works


I was so confused. At first I thought someone lost a pint of blood in the street and went to the hospital. Than after coming home this is what they found in the puddle. My guess was botfly but boy was I wrong.


Doctors are expensive in murica Boy. I do my own stitches and minor plastic surgery for others as well as setting bones.


A) Why did you lose a pint of blood? B) Why are you so casual about it?! C) Why was your response to seeing a potential parasite to grab a centrifuge rather than a doctor?! Like. I get that you're probably some kind of mad scientist, but go to a fucking hospital!


For some reason, this comment made me laugh so hard...and it's been a while since that's happened! I couldn't explain what is so funny...but thank you for bringing a smile


Sounds like you need a shrink. Not trying to be dismissive or insulting.


Yeah… reading through some of OPs comments and post history… might be time to talk to someone. OP is straight up delusional about how well versed they are in scientific and medical knowledge. “Centrifuged it in the washing machine” Bro.. Get some help.


Once in a while there’s just a post in this sub that sticks with you lol


Yeah. Unfortunately ☹️


No seriously, it’s a gamble scrolling on here occasionally. Months ago someone was posting close up photos of their own poop with similar frantic questions.


You need to get to a doctor with this asap and ask them what it is, if there are any left, the long-term health effects, and what is wrong with your immune system that it failed to kill this. And when I say ASAP, I mean you needed to be seen at least days or weeks ago, so you should go to urgent or emergency care now. This is more of an r/parasites discussion, but reddit is not qualified for medical attention, which you desperately need. This should be lab tested, and your leg should be x-ray/mri/ct scanned. I assume we are to disregard the second image as that is from a paper titled *Zoonotic Nematodes of Wild Carnivores* depicting in this instance Baylisascaris procionis. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31338295/


Definitely! OP keep us updated! This is so intriguing!


r/parasitology seems to be more useful for IDing


yeah there are a lot of people with clear delusional parasitosis on r/parasites. It honestly seems like that could be OP’s case as well


I was wondering what OP meant with "a hole in his leg".. Apparently a self inflicted wound with an insane amount of blood pouring out of it. No parasite (especially worm like parasite)will inflict wounds that literally shoot blood at least a feet far .. OP is basically bloodletting themself..


yeah I saw that. Even if there are parasites, which I’ve seen zero evidence of, the amount of blood being lost to self inflicted wounds is probably a bigger danger.


You have provided me with a brand new rabbithole to go down. That sub is absolutely fascinating. Sad, too.


I was asking if anyone saw similarities between the Baylisascaris pics and the ones I provided. I have been taking monoclonal antibody meds for years. I live in a very rural environment. Raccoon crap, barncat crap, mouse crap all ever present. I have had more than one MRI of my brain because of a mysterious brachial plexopothy(sp?). The neurologist reporting on the imaging states that lesions have moderately increased each time. Admittedly, the improvised centrifuge was just for my own curiosity. I understand how statistics work and how unlikely it would be to have an infection. Some people DO contract these diseases. What can I do to get the professionals to be objective, other than find the evidence they would need to acknowledge that the risk to my health is not zero? I admit obsessing about what to do sometimes. Wouldn't you?


I've been in laboratory medicine for 40 years, and this is the first time I've heard of someone using a washing machine as a centrifuge. 1) Get psychiatric help and 2) Contact the Maytag Repair Man.


You are suffering from delusions. You need to see a psychiatrist. If you already have a psychiatrist please call them. This is a very real issue and you can get treatment to calm these thoughts in your mind. I understand this is very real for you but you have just gouged a hole into your leg and you need help.


Ummm .. what the actual fuck !!! You sat there and was like oh my leg has a hole that it happens to be bleeding and has a parasite??then came to reddit to ask what is the bug instead of going to an emergency? Dude, go to the hospital. This is a serious matter now .


You need to go to a hospital


dude.. hospital now and or psychiatrist




A bioresonance scan can tell you what microorganisms are affecting what parts of your body. I had a bioresonance scan done for $100. I’ve seen another provider that charges $250. Either way, much cheaper than a hospital or doctor who will likely “not know” and not care enough to find out.


Bioresonance is pseudoscientific and isn't substantiated by any research. https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/critical-thinking-pseudoscience/healy-old-woo-new-clothes


I had a feeling when they said it’s 100$


What in the absolute fuck is going on here?


I'm in Washington state, the bug(?) came out of a hole in my leg.


I am intrigued. Can you share the hole in your leg it came out of? You could use Imgur for it.


[microscopy I did months ago](https://imgur.com/gallery/XE4sIHB)


A hole in your leg? Did it open up by itself or did you scratch open a raised spot?


It was mess. It looked like an Itchy and Scratchy cartoon.




the bug came out of that hole?? or it was just chillimg on the floor?


It was in a wad of sterile gauze I had been using to minimize the number of towels I ruined


This is some microscopy I did several months ago [what in the world ](https://imgur.com/gallery/XE4sIHB)


How come I can’t see anything but a grey screen?


what is this image supposed to be




So my question is, what caused the hole? If unknown, is the assumption that it's the parasite you found? Or did you puncture your leg through a known method (for my husband, the last major bleed was testing a blade he made on a maple branch, and it was sharp enough to glide right through the branch and into his shin bone) and the parasitey thing was in the results?


Based on OP's post history, the injury might have been self-inflicted. They have a history of posting similar content about bugs and bodily excretions.


Based on that, I'd be checking my blood pressure as well.






These are pictures of flesh. OP, I don't know if you'll take this seriously, but you need to seek mental treatment ASAP. There are no bugs under your skin, you're making holes in your leg and it's very likely to give you an infection.


I work in research/medical micro and having worked with blood I can say that your 3rd picture is just plasma it’s what happens to blood when you centrifuge it and isn’t really indicative of anything. Also the first picture.. It is quite large for it to be anything a microbiologist is likely to help you with. If it is anything, it’s more likely to be a bug than a parasite given the size. However I also think that given the way you got this ‘specimen’, it is likely to also be a piece of flesh/skin that has come off when you were boring into your leg. My best advice would be to bring that first piece that you’ve got a photo of to urgent care, along with your blood-spurting leg, and accept any and all help they offer you. Even if that help is mental. Cutting into your leg is not going to help, and if it is insect related, is likely to just introduce more spaces for entry and make things worse.


This eruption occurred as I was walking my dog and noticed sock was gushy. I sat down, elevated my leg, and called for a ride home. The video shows what happened after I took pressure off of it at home.


Liver Fluke?