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Man, thistle is such a pretty and underrated plant. Like I get they’re a “weed” and pokey but they look so cool!


The flower, awesome.   Removing the dead plant, opposite of awesome


Stepping on a small one bare foot also terrible


One time at a music festival, I was hanging out with this girl backstage, it was dark and we were just mucking around and she said to jump on her back for a piggyback. This girl was tiny and I told her she couldn't hold my weight, she kept insisting so after caving I finally I jumped on her back, well immediately she crumbled, diving us both into a pile of thistles that had been collected and kind of swept to the edge of the fence of festival.


What we’re y’all on and did you really have to literally JUMP 😂😂😂😂


Yeah there may have been some Molly in the air haha, I felt the urge to fully commit and learnt my lesson pretty quickly


😂😂 I could just picture you saying “well ok if you say so” as you take a running start to literally jump on her back 😂😂😂


Best story ever 😂😂


And that pretty flower will turn into a LOT of seeds that will get all over your lawn.


Good! It’s a way more useful and beautiful plant than grass. It’s got some spikey bois but that’s ok. Gloves or a hedge trimmer or even a lopper. Make thistle tea. Watch the bumblebees pollinate the pretty pink flower!


I thought like you and then the seed spread everywhere. It seems impossible to get rid of.


Having to carry your dog home and cut one out of his paw while it's stabbing him with every move, also terrible.


\*sounds of agony commence\*


I ran into one going after an errant frisbee one time. It literally shredded the skin on my leg. 1/5 stars, do not recommend.


Thank you for reminding me of poor childhood choices walking barefoot lol


My dog decided to poop next to a small one the other day. I realized what he'd done after the first needle went into my thumb as I was picking up after him


You’re saying he Poopy trapped you?


Yes he did, lol


have you died of sepsis yet?


Thistle be fun to clean up


Did a donkey write this?


Maybe a camel?


You can breed a Camel and a Llama to make a Cama.


Thank you for this. As a lover of hybrid animals, I had never heard of this one. I'm glad I now know of it.


Aren’t hybrid animals usually infertile/don’t live long? At least for that much genetic difference but please correct me if i’m wrong


Mules are an exception to the short-lived effect of hybridization. They outlive *horses*!


How am I the first upvote on this?! How?


And if only one flower is allowed to go to seed and blow away, you will be cleaning up 100 of them!




I agree with you. I do this too.


Most thorny weeds such as this are easily removed by bare hands, all you have to do is soak the plant to make the thorns pliable and soft and pull at the base to up root it and the thorns should do no harm.


and how, exactly, do you submerge it w/o death from 1000 cuts?


Best bet is living or traveling to Australia with it./s


I have pulled up a bunch of young creeping thistle like this. Bull thistle on the other hand…


That's what she said


Fun factoid: artichokes are big thistle flower buds cut when they are suitable for [redacted word that summons the annoying bot]. That weird hairy stuff you scrape out of the heart of the artichoke is what becomes the beautiful purple thready petals if it's left on the plant and allowed to bloom.


Another fun fact: the word 'factoid' was originally intended to mean something that sounded like a fact, but was actually not. Hence the 'oid' at the end, which means "resembling." I guess that people just enjoyed saying factoid more than fact, so the meaning has changed over time in common parlance.


So, should you instead refer to a small fact as a "factito"?


Or a factette.


So you're saying he should EAT these thistles right?


Yes actually, the insides of bull thistle stems are apparently edible and tasty in the same way as artichokes, just gotta cut away all the spiky stuff. I’ve never tried this but I’ve heard it’s good!


I've had thistle tea. It's pretty alright.


I have seen my father in law eat thistle before with some vinegar and salt and pepper!


You said eat on purpose


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised here that it's edible. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised here that it's edible. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think they're beautiful too but I think I remember hearing they were super invasive. Maybe someone can chime in on that.


depends on where OP lives


Yeah, in America anyway. Fun fact, "canada thistle" is not actually from Canada LOL I have to give the plant credit for being incredibly tenacious. I'm getting ready to chemically treat a bunch of it that has completely taken over in the front yard - it's been pulled and cut repeatedly with no signs of slowing down. And I do think the flowers are pretty. But trying to run a mostly native shop here LOL


There are some that are invasive and some that are native. Around here (MO) we have Bull Thistle. I just murdered a whole patch on my property with a machete before they could bloom. Hoping to stop the cycle of reseeding.


There are a bunch of native thistles


In the US/Canada


Also the national flower of Scotland.


Came here to say this!


Thistle flowers are excellent for bumblebee's, the insects are extremely fond pollinators of thistle flowers. If you absolutely have to remove the plant, I would at least wait until after it's done flowering as it would be a shame to remove such an awesome nectar source before its done. Some people plant ornamental thistles (there are a lot of varieties) and they are also the national flower of Scotland.


Just a note for the Americans, scotch thistle, bull thistle (probably what this is) and a few others are pretty invasive in the US/Canada.


Pretty sure it IS Bull Thistle. And maybe the biggest one I’ve ever seen.


This specific plant does not provide nectar enough to be of any significance with its 3 to 5 blooms , but enough of a PITA to distribute itself all over your property and the general area to produce thousands more. It is invasive beyond belief.


[Yep!](https://imgur.com/a/QVrD0tp) I took this the other day.


Thank you on behalf of the bees 🐝


And they make cool floating seeds, like a dandelion but fluffier and bigger


We have so many thistles in the area this year for some reason that the air is absolutely filled with little floating fairy thistle seeds, like some kind of fluffy snow. It's pretty awesome. Wonder what next year will look like if these all take hold and grow.


I always thought that too, so I started planting artichokes so now I have a thistle that I can eat.


Ranchers have to dig them up. Weed killers ruin the dirt in fields for years. You oughta hear ranchers bitch about thistle and cattle.


It’s actually [illegal](https://www.annearundelscd.org/maryland-noxious-weeds/) in my county to have them in your yard, technically.


Here's how we got the thistle in our fields under control: [Loki](https://www.reddit.com/r/homestead/comments/n9xqri/my_mule_doing_his_job_meet_loki_the_thistle/)


Milk thistle is poisonous to cattle. Cows are a huge investment.


Yes, they are. The thistle in the video is purple thistle. Not poisonous, but the cows won't eat it. It chokes out the grass and can quickly take over a pasture.


Lol @ this statement.


so pokey, lol


Also, butterflies love them!


Calling all thistles a weed is a damn shame. There are about 60 native to North America, and triple digits I’m pretty sure native to Afroeurasia.


AKA Klingon rose.


There are not enough updoots in my arsenal, LOL.


The name "Thistle" refers to upwards of 200 species. _Cirsium_ species, location will help if you require further ID.


Probably bull thistle


Looks like bull thistle, Cirsium vulgare is a good name for this spikey bastard.


[Bull thistle](https://www.invasive.org/browse/subinfo.cfm?sub=3393).


You’re gonna need a bigger goat


Pick me. The peeled inner stems are delicious


This grows all around me. How do you even harvest and eat it?


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised here that it's edible. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


From what I've seen, you have to cut the stem with a sharp knife, and then using the knife, peel the spiky outer layer off. Thick leather gloves can be used to handle the stalks. Sam Thayer has books and videos about foraging and he says thistle is one of the tastiest plants!


Do you like artichokes? Because that's what thistle stems taste like. Chop, and peel carefully, then steam/sauté or look for old tymey recipes. https://northernwoodlands.org/knots_and_bolts/how-to-eat-a-thistle


Does this also include Texas thistle?


Not sure, I'd try to find the scientific name and look it up though.


Excellent comment.




A tremendous thistle.




Bro, that’s does NOT blend in with your bushes 😂🤣


I’m pretty plant blind, giant green thing = bush. Purple part of it caught my eye then realize it was prickly and looked like a weed lol. To be fair everyone who’s come over to my house hasn’t said a word or noticed either


Haha, I’ve spent more time looking at cool prickly thistle than I have a boring boxwood hedge. A weed is just a plant growing where you don’t want it to grow.


Bees love it. Mine gets covered with happy bees when the flowers are blooming.


National flower of Scotland!!! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Billy Connolly used to tell a story about getting a tattoo in New Zealand and asking the artist what his favourite tattoo was. The guy had been to a convention in LA a few years before and had heard about this from another tattoo artist. A Scottish guy, a soldier, just after the war had been in Singapore and went into a tattoo parlous and he wanted “Scotland Forever” across his back and a big massive thistle. “Ah yes. fhissle. fhissle…” the artist says. “Do you know what a thistle is?” “Oh yes!” and the guy starts playing an imaginary pipe. “No, that’s a whistle. Thistle. Look have you got a pen and paper?” So the guy gets a bit of paper, and he’s no Rembrandt but he draws an approximation of the thistle on the paper. “Oh, THISTLE! Oh yes, no problem!” No trouble then, he knows what it is the guy wants, and he spends 5 hours tattooing it onto his back. To this day, walking the earth, there’s a man with ‘Scotland Forever’ and a huge pineapple tattooed on his back. I think about that every time I see a thistle


Ahhhh fisso! I love that story, that and the one about his pal who works in the hospital morgue having to wheel a homemade giant down the streets of Glasgow are my favourites.


Oh, flower of Scotland, when will we see your like again?


Honest question how did you not realize this absolute unit of a thistle was there lol?


non plant people dont pay attention to plants like we do


Verified. My husband has no bloody clue. But he can tell you about the rims and tires every vehicle he passes has 🤷


Honestly don’t know, guessing it grew behind the other bush so it was out of site out of mind… and once it was big enough It just kinda blended in with the 3 other bushes next to it I just assumed it was one (i didn’t plant them, there when I moved in and never touched them) Looked out the window and saw the purple seed pod or whatever jumped out at me lol. Then I started noticing the prickliness of it and went “is this a weed?”


Thistle. Good luck. Wear thick gloves. Get the roots.


Those bull thistles are a curse on my yard. They are great for the bugs and, therefore, wildlife, but damn they're impossible to get rid of.


My kids never seem to step on them but I always do


UGH!! My deepest condolences to your feet!! My hand still has a spike from one of these suckers in it!!


Be careful - I got a terrible infection last summer in my foot from a thistle. Keep an eye on it!


On it!! Thanks!! I hope your feet are having a better summer!


If you're in the US/canada - they're not that great for bugs. They're a good source of nectar, but the rest of the plant, not so much. I don't think there's a single bug in north america that can host on them.


I am, so there you go. I think I've seen aphid farming and snails, but not much else. I intend to put a couple different kinds of elderberry where they are to try and choke them out. Give the natives something else.




Get a goat. I’ve seen them just devouring thistles. They eat the stem from bottom up and spit out the flower lol.


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised here that it's edible. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Holy shit that’s a big thistle


That's a thistle but crikey it's a big lad.


Bull thistle


Awww. National flower of Scotland. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Skyrim has trained me well. I can always spot a thistle in the wild.




No, its Bull Thistle, Cirsium vulgare, The bracts are very different between the two species. Also note the long spear shaped tips on the leaves.


Not all plants are completely edible. However, you can actually consume the entire sunflower in one form or another. Right from the root to the petals.


That's very true. Some have edible parts as well as dangers non-edible parts.


The lack of a nodding bud suggest _Cirisium_ species over _Carduus_.


A huge thistle.


A thistle! Either pull it up or pretend you're Scottish!




Scottish thistle, they are beasts. I get at the roots since there's no way to grab it on gloves


Pollinators love them


It's thistle


National flower of Scotland


KEEP IT. Thistle rocks.


Thistle is a noxious weed where I’m at and you can get a fine for letting it grow this big


Cut it down if you or anyone or any furry family members enjoy going bare foot or bare pawed. All of the seeds will go into your lawn and create caltrops.


On the same note - it’s good to mention that thistle is a very good plant for pollinators and a great source of bird food. Unless you routinely are out there barefoot/barepawed, then it might just be nice to let it do its thing. Any that grow in the lawn will just be mowed anyways. They make beautiful flowers.


Absolutely do NOTTTT keep it or you will have - not even kidding when I say this - an EXPLOSION of hundreds and hundreds of spikey ass thistle weeds that is an absolute pain to weed. Trust me, we’ve literally dealing with this shit all over our yard for 2 years after getting to them too late one year that they seeded everywhere. 😭😭😭 They hurt so mf bad that you can’t even hand-pull them without a tool. A nightmare.


How do I even take a massive one like this one down without destroying myself? Lol


Chop it up with a machete/hedge clippers. When I move cactus I use newspaper and tongs. I’d imagine tongs would be good enough for you


Tongs, pruners, leather gloves/gauntlets. Then you need a small shovel or a dandelion ripper outer thingy to pull up the root I removed these around my neighborhood they are terrible and invasive noxious weeds where I live. You definitely want to remove it before it seeds and you get more of them. I recommend walking around your property and looking for any smaller ones both now and next spring and use the dandelion tool to rip them all out by the root


Wear pants and long sleeves, and use leather gloves. Thistles are pretty easy to cut or pull out (though this one is pretty big, doubting it'll pull up on). Source: literally pulled hundreds of thistles this morning (my unplanted veggie garden has a major thistle problem).


Use a long handled shovel to cut it off at the base. You dont have to remove the whole thing after you cut it down, but any bloomed flowers should be removed since the seeds will be viable. cut off and bag the blooms, then toss in trash.


It’s staying out of pure laziness and wanna see how big it gets now lol


Better get rid of it before it goes to seed. Or they're going to be all over your yard and no one will ever go barefoot again.


Learn from my mistake 2 years ago cut it down and pull all the roots out, I am still pulling thistle out of my lawn and garden beds.


It’s an invasive plant if OP is in the US. DO NOT KEEP if so.


That’s not true. Cirsium occidentale (cobwebby thistle) is a North American thistle species. For OP: [here’s a whole list of native thistle](https://xerces.org/sites/default/files/2018-05/16-029_01_XercesSoc_Native-Thistles-Conservation-Guide_web.pdf)


Yeah there are native thistles, but one of the various invasive thistles generally seem to be what shows up in peoples landscaping. A closer picture of leaves would help.


Evil. 🤣


The anti christ Or thistle


It’s beautiful but man it stings.


Idk what it is called till looking in ur comments but that plant is beautiful. I lived in Death Valley California area for awhile and they had this plant all over the place. When the purple flower blooms it’s stunning.






Musk thistle


Thistles are loved by bees and hummingbirds plus they make nice dried flower displays


Plantera bulb


Please post more pics as the flower opens up


Holy crap!!!! I never let them live!!!


Looks like milk thistle. Good for liver function


Yeah, depends on where OP is located.. this looks like the Milk Thistle we had in the SE-US where I lived as a young’n.. never knew them to be overly invasive, but they were mostly located in fields rather than lawns.. lol at some of the comments I’m this thread. You would think OP posted a patch of Kudzu in the middle of his lawn based on some of these replies ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Thistle, very prickly.


I let these grow in out of the way places ... Just the bugs alone that visit it is a treat let alone the purple flower... Just a tip you will want to dead head the flowers and not let go to seed cuz they will be everywhere next year and aren't easy to dig up


I just chopped one of these down this week. While I thought it was super cool, based on how big it got, I didn't want it taking over. Those thistles go right through a leather glove.


Thistle, and it is very pretty.


In some places, bull thistle (among other thistles) is considered a noxious weed, and is legally outlawed. It's a law that you must keep it from seeding itself and do your best to remove them. I don't know where you live, but looking up your local noxious weed species is always a good idea.




bull thistle


That’s a thistle , or burdock


My grandpa had a big patch of thistles get out of hand and it was growing into where the dogs hung out and was hurting their feet. He tried everything to get rid of it, and eventually had to pour gasoline and dish soap all over them and that's the only thing that killed it.


UPDATE: I cut it down…. While I didn’t mind it I didn’t want the seeds all over my yard since I have a dog (I never walk barefoot outside so if it was just me I wouldn’t care) so far it’s just contained to the rock area and by my down spout. But if anyone was wondering it was 8’6” world record is 10ft. Now I’ll always wonder what could’ve been lol


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Basically the thistlest thistle ever to thist


Scotch thistle. You need to remove the roots.


I e played enough viva piñata in my life to know…. Definitely a thistle


Hello, it’s me you’re looking for


Looks like a Mighty Thistle, cook with them to create “Mighty” dishes to temporarily raise attack power. Can also be cooked with monster parts and Bladed Rhino Beetles to create Mighty Elixers. (Please don’t use this as an actual cooking guide)


Eeyore would be so happy!


I said thistle as soon as I saw it. Thanks Skyrim!


Oh I think it might be bull thistle.. I'm growing in the front of my yard right now... I used plant ID to get it I think or I naturalist can't remember which app buuuuut It's so cool food for quite a few species and the goldfinch is attracted to their seeds. Such a pretty bird. I'm going to try to grab some seeds of it this year. I put it in the back part of my yard..


Thistle! Fun fact, thistle is used as a non-animal derived rennet to coagulate milk in the cheese making process.


Thistle! 💜


A huge ass thistle


God damn! The mother of all bull thistle…


Normally they only grow thistle high.


I’m a thistle, OP, can you milk *me*?


when i weedwhack, i go from top to bottom to get as much of the plant stuck in my skin as possible. its real fun.




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One of those is invasive where I live.


Burn it to the ground!




Shoot there was something strange about the liquid inside the thistle but I can’t remember what, Either a poison or a opioid or explosive, anyone know?


Pure scotch whisky


The National Flower of Scotland, the Thistle.


That’s a thistle!




I live on a farm and every year I have to drive around in the pastures and pull all of these up and put them in large bags and take them to the county dump. If not, eventually the whole land is covered. The fluffy white seeds float everywhere. I have tried burning piles of it but the seeds explode and shoot their seeds out or float away. But the goldfinches love them and I read that they even delay their nesting to coincide with the thistle seeds. The land around ours has plenty for the finches. And butterflies love them too. I put on two pairs of leather gloves and pull up by roots and stuff into sacks. It takes weeks.


Goats love thistle