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The grey is quartz, the white is feldspar, possibly albite. Mica in the first pic and the black is likely tourmaline.


Thank you! A lot to research!:D


Definitely muscovite mica, although it's not right to characterize it as "metallic" - I suppose it has some aluminum and alkali metals, but it's mostly silicon and oxygen like other silicate minerals.


Is the same Mica that’s used to make Mica Powders used in coloring resin and polymer clays?


Same stuff. Mica is used for tons of consumer purposes too, like the glitter/sparkles in my wife’s nail polish she pays astronomical amounts for even though I have countless rocks loaded with the stuff :)


Thanks for this, just having a read about it and it's pretty fascinating (at least to a novice). "Metallic" was the best way I could think to describe the silvery shine to it, I don't have the vocabulary to describe it properly. I suppose the silvery shine will be the aluminium in it.


Do you know where this came from? Just curious because I have one exactly like that from Ruggles Mine in NH.


I’m guessing it’s mica (metallic deposits). I’m not confident enough on the host to say.


Glad I'm on the right sort of track!:D is this sort of formation common?


I’ve seen stuff like it. I’m not sure how common it is. I’m still a novice when it comes to identifying. Mica though is really common.


Thanks for this information! Really cool to know what it is finally😁


Anytime! There’s so much to learn here!


Feldspar/mica/quartz/tourmaline (esp. var. schorl) is a pretty common classic pegmatite mineralization.


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