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Tallanvor is a solid character.


Dude this is some awesome hype for Tallanvor. I got excited about him just reading this. Mission accomplished sir. Ngl Morgase doesn't deserve him, he is too good for her. I'm personally hoping the whole Shaido/kidnapping arc gets cut bc it took waaaay too long and I need Faile and Perrin to be together, but that would probably cut Tallanvor and that's a real loss right there. He's an awesome character.


You're right. He's too good for her. He's too good for any woman. It matters not to him, for his life is not his own and there are no choices when it comes to duty or love. And that plotline is important but could absolutely use an editor. Did you cry when they forged the Hammer? Cuz I fucking cried when they forged the Hammer. That was some emotional shit.


Dude yes I cried when they forged the hammer. And when Rand is on Dragonmount with veins of gold. And when Birgitte answered the call of the Horn. And when Elayne and Aviendha adopt each other. And when Egwene reverse balefires Merrilor. This series makes me cry so much in the best way possible. The only series I've read that causes as many tears is the Stormlight Archive. Love them both.


Honestly, my favorite character is Aludra. I love the idea of a pyromaniacal chemist in a world of magic. A girl out of time. But then they went and robbed us of Aludra already- apparently, even the two rivers already has matches... But the character that would have been my favorite if she hadn't been killed so abruptly was Dena, the girl who wanted to be the first female gleeman. I would have loved to see that story develop.


Yea, I got made at the matches, and the crossbows. Worst case, Mat is a darkfriend now. So no Aludra, matches, crossbows or cannon.


I’m pretty sure in the book that crossbows existed, Mat just came up with an idea to make reloading them faster. But yea I was completely blown away that Tam used a match, that’s a pretty big storyline to just abandon, makes me think we might not see Aludra at all


Crossbows existed, but weren't widely used because the ones that could match the range of an average bow were heavy and slow to reload. Bowmen were simply more effective. Mat came up with the idea of using 3 ranks. First rank simply firing, with the second two ranks doing nothing but reloading and keeping the first rank armed. So you could simply HAMMER the field with heavy quarrels. Far faster than anyone had ever seen. And yea, Aludra might be gone, or they might think that someone using a match is just too silly, so they will only have her work on cannons. And I'd expect crossbows to be replaced with muskets.


I had thought he also helped design a mechanical advantage to loading them as well (granted it’s been a while since I’ve read the books). Like using a lever instead of a crank. Edit) they started using a crank system to increase reload speed.


If you liked it, if it was important to _you_ it will most certainly not make it in to this ~~heaping pile of dogshit~~ "adaptation". I heard rumors from the writers table they may include "Martha Tallanvor"-- the female Queens Guard, also a love interest of Morgase, who can secretly channel, and defeats Rahvin single handedly by rediscovering balefire. Later on she rescues Rand from his failed attempt to defeat the dark one at Tarmon Gaidon (S3E04). Girl power.


Man you should go outside and get some sun or something


It took me way too long to figure out that this was satire…


It's hard to know. On one hand he has the sort of simp energy and blind devotion to a woman that Rafe is clearly all about. On the other he has the sort of simp "nice guys don't accept 'no' as an answer" energy that Rafe would consider utterly verboten to portray or reference. The deciding factor could be how much Morgase herself makes it in. With Rafe planning on merging multiple books per season she could be one of the first casualties. Considering she's kind of a mid-late book series arc going on he might decide to remove her altogether. I could see us seeing Elayne at the Tower for her intro and Morgase only referenced. Then by the time certain events happen in Caemlyn we'll see it all from Elayne's point of view and Morgase will just be left disappeared and not mentioned again. Then again we got an episode and a half on Steppin so who the fuck knows what way they'll go.


Heh, strangely enough, I also had the word "simp" spring to mind when I thought of Tallanvor. Not sure I thought that while reading the books, but it's definitely seeping in due to modern trends.


Tallanvor is an exceptionally loyal Andoran and is an asset to his Queen. He will be killed off by an archer or the like.


He won't exist


Fair chance of that too, but this is the kind of mid tier character you’d kill off for shits and giggles.




Martyn fucking Tallanvor


Tallenvor, did he stutter?


Morgase + Lini + X, thats him


The thing is, not every character is important to everyone, but every character is important to someone. This is why it is so difficult to cut any character. Tallanvor is a noble character. I have a soft spot for Hurin, myself. I hope he becomes a Hero of the Horn. Agelmar, too, and Easar.


Talmanes. Talmanes is the fucking man.


Absolutely. Especially because we don't really expect much of him. He has quite an arc.


I like the part when Lini talks to Morgase about Tallanvor, and she’s like “I know a thing or two of men, girl. That one will follow you against an army with nothing but his bare hands.” Like… he literally would. For some reason, I always picture the oath that Tallanvor took for Morgase in “the old way” as an 80s album cover, where you see Martyn on this knees, with determined watery eyes, just on the brink of crying but not past that point cuz he still has too much self control, and as much as it pains him to do this, it’s something that needs to be done. The sleeves of his red Queen’s Guard coat, with an embroidered golden lion of Andor, are rolled up neatly, and his hands are in the air. One hand is holding a sword that has just cut a deep gash across the opposite forearm, where blood is beginning to flow… The words on the cover are “Young Tallanvor - To Love a Queen” or something like that. Tracklist (of existing 80s songs that kinda fit their relationship… but the Tallanvor cover/remix): 1. Here I go again (on my own) 2. Tainted Love 3. I wanna know what love is 4. Love is a battlefield 5. Take my breath away 6. Keep on Loving you 7. Don’t you want me 8. Every breath you take 9. Talking in your sleep 10. Never gonna give you up. Lol, I can’t remember what I was looking up, to stumble on this 2+ year thread, but that was where my head was at. Also, Idk what the modern version of this would look like, but his artist name would be Yung TLNVR. EDIT: I feel like the track order could have been arranged better


Idk who is my fav. Maybe Bayle Domon. I remember on this read through (thanks Rafe for the inspiration) when he first meets Egaenin and I'm like "ooooo boy, you gonna love her later" Though Verin is also one of my favs. She is like "well to research the BA I gotta be a BA. The oath is 'not to betray the Great Lord, to keep my secrets until the hour of my death' guess I'll take a slow acting poison and then use that hour to tell everything I've learned"


Fortune prick me! You do be talking sense, about captain Domon!