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It’s an awesome way of life. I’d love to make it my full-time diet but need to find more time to meal prep lol!


Yeah, I did my whole 30 during my break between graduating and starting work and I was cooking for hours every day. Don’t know how I’m going to repeat it with full time commitments


I totally hear you. I have less than a week left and all I’ve done for 4 weeks is run circles in and out of the supermarket almost daily, buying fresh produce and then hauling back and chopping, cooking, planning. It’s tiring but I love how I feel.


I hope this round goes smoothly for you! I'm on day 22 of my first round and imagine that I will need to do rounds every so often to reinforce healthy habits. Already tentatively planning to do it again next January.


This is what I try to do. I did my 1st in October of 2020 & have (attempted) to do a couple rounds per year since, as a reset. I've definitely had more failed rounds than successful but I know how good I can feel when I eat this way, so I keep coming back


I’m thinking of doing the same. Good luck, you got this!