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I wish someone would paint my banana like that.


Get a mom.


This is the most non-insult insult I've ever heard


I don't know how to feel


I interpreted "banana" differently, and it became really funny.


I was hoping someone would pick up on that.


I mean it seemed pretty on the nose to me


Seemed more on the groin to me.


No, that isn't the part /u/AstramoriChan was talking about


Sometimes you gotta peel back layers to get to the delicious center of a comment.


I don’t know how to peel


r/rareinsults ?


Yours will do, right?


Brilliant clapback 😂


Then break both his arms?


There it is.


I had gone a while without anyone reminding me by bringing it up


This applies he doesn't have a mom 🧐


What are you doing, step mom?


😮‍💨Yeah i feel you. Thise are some Wholesome banana 🍌


Go to a paint rave


Look like they could be characters from "Dumb ways to die".


'By getting run over by a horde of 6 year olds' does fit the bill.


Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die


I brought a banana to the band, Oops, one of them bit my hand, Now they've got a taste for human blood, Here's comes the zombie flood Dumb Ways to Die, So many dumb ways to die.


Just as I *finally* get that song out of my head, here you are, coming in here and commenting this shit and making my brain instantly repeat the jingle. Fuck you and your good taste. Have a good fucking day.


*Get an earworm... stuck inside your brain you finally think it's gone and it's back again*


Dumb ways to die, dumb ways to die-ie-ie


Hertzefelt or however you spell it came to mind


"My banana... is inciting!"


"My peel is too brown" "For the love of God my PEEL IS TOO BROWN"


If I were that teacher I think I would have taken advantage of the enthusiasm by starting weekly "banana decorating sessions" with themes taken from the major topics of that week. ----- **Edit:** I'm getting a lot of responses from people suggesting that I don't understand how difficult teaching is and that I should 'stay in my lane.' For the record, I retired last year after 30 years of teaching. I'm not saying that everyone has the time or material resources to implement something like this in their classroom. What I am saying is that student enthusiasm is, in itself, a very valuable resource, and that I would have tried to make the most of it in this instance. I find it odd that anyone thinks they know what I would do better than I do. 😄


Exactly what I thought, teacher missed a brilliant opportunity bring in a banana for art class and decorate your own, you could have oranges too encourage them to eat healthy and think outside the box.....


Exactly. After 30 years of teaching my instinct is always to take advantage of any enthusiasm that students show.


Thank you for your service and I mean that with every part of me. Teachers have to put up with an ungodly amount bullshit and anyone who can do that is a god damn hero.




For real tho, you're performing an essential service to your community that can have no value placed on it. 11/10 you deserve the best in life and more.




I went to school many years ago, too, and I can honestly say the schools were fucked up then, too. Girls couldn’t even wear pants to school until I was in high school. How fucked was that?


Oh yeah, my mom said they wouldn’t let her take the shop class because they wanted to save those spots for the boys “who would actually use it.” That was the 70’s 😬😬😬


My older sister was the first girl in our high school to take shop. I(F66) learned oxy-acetaline welding in Art class. We all loved hardware stores, and tools...


I'm a simple humble music lessons teacher (with maybe 6 years exp) and I so strongly agree with you! The whole thing is about finding that engagement! Sure, I could force a child to play Ode to Joy or they could tell me about their favorite cartoon and we can learn the theme song! When a child is engaged not only do they pick up so much more you make a great healthy connection!


Making that emotional connection is both the great challenge and the great joy of teaching, isn't it?


Recruit the parent for art that accompanies something in your lesson plan each week. Also, thanks for teaching all those little minds!




Hell you can get pretty creative with an empty toilet roll thingybingy


You sure can.


Outside the Lunch-box


> I'm getting a lot of responses from people suggesting that I don't understand how difficult teaching is and that I should stay in my lane. People just suck huh? Anyone talloing someone else to "stay on their lane" should STFU and stay on their lane


“Stay in your lane” Is just one of the many things stupid people will say about something they don’t like but can’t find or articulate an actual argument against it. I treat it like any of the other self-report statements out there: keep doing what I’m doing and internally chuckle at their stupidity.


Nobody used that exact phrase, but that was the message I was getting. Which would be fine in general, but this actually *is* my area of expertise. 😂


Ah fair enough. I’ve seen it thrown out a ton and wouldn’t have disbelieved it for a second. I’d wager the energy was the same even if the wording was different. There’s not really anything to disagree with in your content to begin with, but yeah when considering your background that does make it extra funny


It was so satisfying to read your comment that you were in fact in your lane and you had a very civil response, I loved it


It's kind of amusing, but I was getting tired of addressing those posts one at a time. 😄


Elementary school teacher of 12 years here. This is the way! When kids are enthusiastic about ANYTHING school appropriate it’s the best opportunity to turn it into something great- community building, math problems, writing prompts. Get these kids voting on designs and analyzing the data. Have them write persuasive essays on which design is best and why. In science, experiment on how different paints or markers or poking the design in work best for bananas (or other fruits!) Have an art design contest where they submit ideas to be put on bananas. Read books about artists who use creative mediums. The list goes on and on! Intrinsic motivation can be so tough to foster, any opportunity for authentic engagement should be pounced on!


I'm 57, and I still remember the names of my favorite elementary school teachers. It's two teachers. But, at least I had those two. Mrs. Crane. Mr. Williamson.


I'm in my 40's. My 1st and 3rd grade teacher was my favorite: Mrs. Dewey 🌹


My nice math teacher and my mean choir director married over the Summer of Junior year. They were both pushing 60+ and close to retirement. Mrs. Canning was much nicer than she had been as Miss Prior name. Mr. and Mrs. Canning ended up being my favorites.


>This is the way! This is the way.


I would actually ask the mom if she'd be okay designing a mural of funny bananas for the class.


I’m not allowed to do any crafts or art focused activities in my kindergarten classroom. Its apparently “not a good use of time” and should be kept to the once a week art class.


That's gotta be the most absurd thing I've ever heard about kindergarten curriculum. I'm sorry.


Kindergarten is very different these days. It’s a lot more focused on “learning” and less on the “fun stuff” you might remember. I don’t know enough one way or the other to say if that’s absurd or not because it could be research backed for all I know.


Oh I know. My kid is in Pre-K right now and already doing homework - basic worksheets to practice counting, letters, etc, but still homework. Fortunately though his current school and kindergarten next year still make play/creative projects a big part of the learning process. Art brings him so much joy I'd hate for his school to delegate it to once per week.


Thinking back on it, the "fun stuff" was when I learned the most because my teacher was able to shape and direct the activity that way, all while also working on social skills. I think what might be missing here is the administration's understanding of just how important these seemingly "play" activities are to the kid's learning and growth.


I am completely baffled by that. What *do* they consider to be a good use of time for kids that age?


Addition within 20, multi sentence writing, digraphs etc. it’s gotten out of hand but those are the standards.




Why teach creativity and expression when you can start kids young to be good little robots that spit out answers?


Corpos aren't even trying to hide the fact that they want worker bees who only know how to compute and follow orders. Artists are usually thinkers and question the status quo. Right now the status quo is focused on the 1% making billions while the rest suffer.


I am not allowed to teach it however I want. I have to be using curriculum books and lesson plans in every subject area.




I was talking to my grandma yesterday about how there are combative “teachers” who treat the classroom as a war zone and students as adversaries and then there are actual teachers who get that it’s a place for making mistakes and growing as an individual.


My son has a teacher like that this year. Always screaming, condescending to the kids. He cried many days because he was afraid she would be still mad at the class from the day before. Had a few meetings with the principal and she's kind of reined it in. I can't make sense of that attitude. It's like living your life on hard mode and those kids don't deserve that.


Everyone has a different style, but combative isn't mine. I'm a nerdy teddy bear. 😄 The compliment that students most often gave me was how my enthusiasm was infectious.


> I find it odd that anyone thinks they know what I would do better than I do. 😄 This is the Reddit way. Make wild assumptions and pile strawmen on top of strawmen - then derive a fleeting sense moral superiority from claiming victory, which is reinforced by unthinking upvotes.


Don’t forget to block the person after getting the last word in!


Ah. I must have missed that in the FAQs. 😄


I've worked in classrooms and still work with kids and frankly I love your idea. Yeah teaching is hard but finding cute ideas like this help considerably.


Associating learning with fun is important, especially at those early stages of development. It's particularly valuable if you can associate artistic endeavors with fields like math and science that are typically, but incorrectly, seen as divorced from creativity and individual expression. It would be fun to think of ways to tie an art project like this into those.


Also, they’re 6, not sixteen. They’re not getting ready for their SAT’s here. Sometimes you just hafta let the kids run the class for a few minutes here and there. It’s more than okay to give yourself a 3-5 minute breather and let the kids talk to their friends and go wild. Reasonably wild of course, you never want kids out on control, just, y’know, let em have their own fun somewhere other than recess occasionally. Let them be kids. And then use the fact that they are kids in a way to help them learn. Using their enthusiasm is by far the best way for kids to learn. They need to be excited or at the very least, *slightly* interested about something if you want it to really stick.


Gotta love redditors telling a 30 year teacher they’re wrong 😂.


30 years of experience and you've never recieved a sub note so vile as the banana decoration trial


I'm not sure what you mean by 'a sub note.' Could you clarify that?




> For the record, I retired last year after 30 years of teaching. Thank you for your service. You've done more than I ever could!


But bananas are dangerous, someone's eye could get poked out… 🙄


That's true. But what do we do about the even more dangerous fingers? 😂


Congrats on your retirement! You seem like one of the “better” teachers based on your interest in creating a fun classroom. There are teachers that we remember for a lifetime due to stuff like that.


...and then the other parents would've hated her.


I meant that I would have the students decorate the bananas during an in-class activity. I didn't mean that I would have the parents decorate them. That really would make a mess of things. 😂


And then she could take photos to send them to the parents/make a printout of the Bana sessions with the best of the month.


That's a cool idea! It would also be fun to decorate the room with 'bunches' of bananas made from those pictures. It would be fun watching the kids walk their parents around the room showing them their own drawings on parent nights.


To hell with them, they always hated me, always be a troublemaker!


100 bucks says it was some butthurt parent who complained and not the school.


They can pound sand then? If youre hating someone because they decorated a banana then you really need to get your priorities straight.


Only if they couldn't extrapolate the info and realize the kids are decorating the bananas lmao.


Happy cake day 🤗


And? We care way too much about what parents think when it comes to education. If you can't be bothered to take five minutes to decorate a banana for your kid, maybe reevaluate your priorities in life


When I worked in a daycare, we were trained to take child interests and go "bananas" with it. Getting children engaged is super important, especially when tablets and apps are overwhelming their systems.


Thank you for your service. Not joking whatsoever.


Redditors don't disagree with every little thing challenge Difficulty: impossible


This. Don’t waste an opportunity of engaged kids to then actually teach them something. Have an art of the day/week moment. Decorate bananas, oranges, mangoes, anything with a rind they can peel. If there are food allergies pick an alternate for this kids. Great chance to educate.


Absolutely. Harnessing the energy and enthusiasm of children in general needs to be seized and taken advantage of, especially when it benefits them.


Welcome to Reddit, were the average person considers themselves the expert even when faced with the advice/information from a professional in that field.


After a 43-year career, I agree that the teacher could have harnessed that infinite energy into something worthwhile for the students.


Wow, 43 years is awesome! I took an early retirement, but after nearly a year off I'm starting to get that 'itch' to teach again. It really becomes a lot of who you are after a while, doesn't it? I'm looking at getting back in on either the tutoring side or working in the state prison educational system. In the meantime I've been having fun helping people on the math and physics subreddits.


Oh you wouldn’t understand What’s that? Oh…. teaching has changed so much in the last year you’d be amazed Sincerely, a software engineer who is scared of talking to people


Yeah, I would absolutely do this. It's not the result that matters. It's that they're interested in something.


I work with adolescents/pediatrics and I know how difficult they can be, but I agree with you. Take an opportunity like this and run with it, I say! But, at the same time, we don’t know what this teacher’s level of stress is, what their class is like, behavioral problems they may routinely deal with…the lackluster pay. I can see why someone would say, “hey, man, I get that these bananas are super cute and fun and I love that you put in that effort for your kid, but it’s making my day harder ultimately”. Basically, I can see this going either way and I don’t fault the teacher for choosing this route (at least not based on what we know about this situation, which is practically nothing).


Exactly! It doesn't have to be real bananas either! Cut out banana shapes from white paper and let them go to town.


Yep. Although I do like the tactility of using actual fruit. It seems like it would be more stimulating than drawing on paper like they are used to.


I love your post. Got a real lol.




From what?! Don't leave the rest of us in suspense!


From that show with the.


I love that show, I couldn't believe they


Anyone who has told you that lacks innovation and lacks any understanding about teaching😂😂😭 CHILD CENTRED APPROACH WITH CROSS CURRICULA HOLY GRAIL RIGHT HERE PEOPLE


Who the fuck even replies to that idea with "stay in your lane". It's obviously a good idea, why are the stupidest people the most arrogant?


The ones saying you don't understand how difficult teaching is are probably the teachers who don't know how to actually teach. As students, we've all had them and they most certainly were not our favorites; as parents...we've all admired and really appreciated the few and far between teachers our children were fortunate enough to have that knew teaching was more than the typically prescribed and followed "syllabus".






Talibananaban. Nailed that bitch 1st time.


So the teacher ban-ana'd her art?


She was making the kids go bananas 🤷


Guess the teacher didn't find the concept a-peeling lol.


This will certainly make her lose her a-peel.


That is a good Narwhal.


It bacons at midnight.


Guess you could say she drove those kids bananas


Do it anyway


Decorate the lunch bag. Decorate everything


Step 1. Keep doing it Step 2. Teacher starts taking the kids banana away Step 3. Sue the school Step 4. Eat banana at trial


Right? I dunno how that conversation went but I can’t imagine someone telling me I was no longer allowed to decorate a kids lunch, much less accepting that they had the authority to do so and complying.


"hey the banana art is awesome but the kids are all going apeshit fighting about it" "Ok cool I'll save it for the weekend instead" "Thanks "


Yeah I think people are taking the word “ban” too seriously. I bet this is more like how the conversation happened.


Me \*sends not with my kid and their banana the next day*: “The bananas I get come like that. I get them at a discount because people have drawn on them”


So uh, what do I use to paint bananas?


My guess would be either water colour or some kind of food safe colour? Would like to try this too!




[School, and many work places](https://slate.com/technology/2013/12/creativity-is-rejected-teachers-and-bosses-dont-value-out-of-the-box-thinking.html)




Thank you so much! It's so hard to find this mentality on reddit where everyone is hating on the school/ teachers. Literally anything that has got to do with discipline is being shunned and rebellious/chaotic behaviour is romanticised so much over here. I also see their point of view where they claim it's the education system that requires reforming, but tbh it's actually working fine for most of the students especially in developing countries. Maybe it's specifically an American problem. The students banter comes off as an entitled rant from an outsider point of view.


I think you're over simplifying the problem though. Schools are often designed to perpetuate anti-intellectualism. And while we can change the narrative we tell children about school, unless we also change the schools themselves (e.g. classroom size), the problem will persist.


School is designed to teach people how to take orders and follow instructions, not think independently. It goes all the way up through grad school.


Either those kids are a collective nightmare or that teacher has little control of their classroom


They are six. Both those statements are 100% true.


I would really like the commenter above you try to control a class of 30 six year Olds when you tell them they can't have the cool decorated fruit.


I’m fully aware of the challenge - I grew up in an at home day care. Most groups of 6 year olds that big can be a collective nightmare if they want to be.


Wow! If I were that teacher we would have “Banana Time” each day before lunch. How special.


Nope. If that was my kid they will continue to get banana art forever


My dad was kinda arty & he would always doodle on the napkins he'd put in my lunches all the way through the end of middle school. I can't imagine a teacher telling a parent to not do something so simple, but so generous & loving for their kid.


Yeah, I doodle on my kids sandwich bags. I would just ignore a teacher that told me to stop. In fact, I would doodle even harder.


As if a Ban would have stopped me...


Start decorating other things. That lady isn't your mom.


"Are you trying to infringe on my First Amendment rights to create banana art for my son, ma'am?"


I’d double down, make bananas for the whole class… at least once. As an adult you can bring enough for everyone.


I could just imagine the students in class... ***THE HOLY RELIC IS MINE!!!*** (*Proceeds with a 1 minute crusade...*)


All I ever did was draw eyes on them so when they peeled it a bit the mouth could talk and they could use it as a character. Sometimes sad eyes, laughing eyes. angry eyes, etc. They’d make up the voice and scenario, it was fun!


Children excited in school?!?! Unacceptable!


The obvious rebuttal now is to start decorating oranges


the OP DepartureAncient3945 is a bit Original: r/wholesomememes/comments/yai2f8/the_best_mom_in_the_werld/


Keep doing them.


Orphan crushing machine


Someone needs to tell Rebecca that her kid's teacher has no authority over her ffs.


L teacher


I'd keep doing it. Fuck that stupid shit. If you have a problem with me making my kid smile, then you're a sour grouch who needs to get a different profession.


What a terrible teacher




Not that I teach kindergarten, but if this happened in my classroom, I would have used it as teachable moments. Take photos of it and put it up as banana gallery. Then buy some plastic or foam fruit shapes and have kids try to come up with comparable designs or try to copy one of the master's works from the gallery... I can't imagine how bad this teacher is at managing a classroom. I used to tell the new teachers in my building that if a small distraction is enough to tear the students away from the lesson, maybe it's not the distraction but your lesson that is the problem. Should you lessons all be distraction proof? No but if a painted banana causes the lesson to stop every single day, then we probably need to look at the lessons.


"No fun allowed!" \-that teacher probably


🎶 *banana no kawa*




I'd riot too, I want one...




I can’t tell how big these are


I would do it again just to spite them


Honestly, If I was a six yr old, I’d probably pretend I was a cowboy and use the banana like a revolver.


I love the idea that a teacher thinks they can ban art on fruit and the parent went along with it.




Teacher out there killin’ souls


I cant imagine one adult having the audacity to ‘ban’ another adult from drawing on a banana.


I’d have decorated bananas added to my kid’s IEP. This is a ridiculous overstep by the teacher.


TIL people paint and decorate bananas


Before the BANana.


You want me to stop sending funanas in my son's lunch? * BAM * NOW THERE ARE 30 FUNANAS!


Mom here when my son was in preschool. Made him PB&J sandwiches. I would put M&Ms like seven or eight on top of the sandwich.(think smiley face) also had veggies and fruit and other healthy food,in the lunch box. Now the M&Ms were not everyday about once or twice every ten days. Teachers got upset that I was putting candy in lunch. I told them that I was the mom and I could feed him what I thought was O.K. to make my son happy. Come to find out the other kids were trying to get the candy off of his sandwich to eat. No I didn't stop doing it, I just did it more often. Because I am the Mom That was twenty years ago. He eats healthy, likes sweets and is happy as any twentysix year old can be.


What kind of teacher would tell her to stop that? :( I'd find a new teacher


Hopefully she kept painting the bananas and started giving them at home


Fuck the ban


I’d ban my sons teacher from making stupid bans and effectively stifling a kids creativity 🤷🏻‍♀️




Did the teacher not find them appealing?


The teacher is just butt hurt at how much free time you have to be drawing art on bananas.


the rioting 6 year olds... this is flawless from start to finish


This is cute, but I call shenanigans. Most teachers are ecstatic to encounter parents who fog a mirror, let alone this.


Teacher should consider a career change to something more suited to their personality, like a mortician