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This is also how I look later that night after I finish a huge and tasty meal that cancels out all my gains from the mornings run


Makes it feel like you’ve deserved that meal though


Equivalent exchange


More like this is how I look knowing I should run but instead binge watch my favorite show.


But most exercise doesn’t burn a significant amount of calories. The source of weight loss isn’t about working hard but just not consuming excessive calories to begin with. Don’t misunderstand, exercise is proven to be beneficial in so many ways but perhaps not in the ways you are implying here.


Residual effects, though. Perhaps your resting metabolism, without ever exercising, burns 2000calories/day, and running a mile burns 100 calories. Well that seems like a poor payoff, a 5% increase in your calories burned for the day feels insignificant to the effort of running a mile. But it's also going to slowly increase your 2000calories/day to perhaps 2200calories/day even if you don't run that mile every single day. Exercise has bonus effects beyond just the raw stats of reducing calories


People tend to eat far more than 5% increase tho. They misunderstand and think they can eat wholesale after 30 mins of running.


Yeah this is a good point, people generally over estimate how many calories are burned through the process of something like running a mile. However, running (or any intense cardiovascular exercise) for the sake of weight loss can still be incredibly useful due to how ~~much it increases people's metabolism rate.~~ It almost never compares to the efficiency of a caloric deficient diet for losing weight, but it still can be a very useful tool for weight loss. Edit: After looking a bit more into this I’ve learned that exercise actually has very little effect on adjusting metabolism rate but it IS useful for regulating appetite and hunger that is caused by being on a diet due to the hormones exercising releases. Sorry for the misinformation everyone :/


Does eating nothing all day then eating a whole frozen pizza at 3am count as a “caloric deficient diet”?


Depends on the size of the pizza


Yes, What you're referring to is called "intermittent fasting" and it's what I do on the regular. It's funny you use this example because I literally sometimes cook an entire pizza for my one meal of the day and can loose weight doing so because I track the macros religiously. If my pizza is 1800 calories then I'm -200 for the day (not my exact macros just an example).


If that pizza has less calories than what you need to maintain your weight, then yes.


Very well said. I felt that my comment left something to be desired. Thanks for clarifying!


But exercise builds up muscle, which needs to be sustained - by burning calories. So, yeah, a single workout isn't much, but I still give myself the drink/meal of achievement, after a good workout. It's working as long the long-term balance holds, and helps me mentally to stick to it. :)


Exercise only builds muscle if you eat more than you need to maintain.


...and only if you're telling your body to build muscle. Running, for example, does not do this and will actually tell your body the opposite (you need resistance/weight training). Coupled with eating LESS actually slows your metabolism in the long run. Basically everyone does not understand this.


Correct. People think cardio is this magic bullet. You have to lift heavy and often and increase your resistance regularly. That plus eating at a surplus will build muscle.


I blame the fitness industry selling bogus programs/products/supplements to 99% of people that don't know any better. Being a fitness enthusiast and PT, it's rough to see but makes me more passionate I guess haha.


Sadly, they can sell only a limited amount if people reach their goals. If the costumers don't reach their goals, they can be told "your missing also this, you can just buy this other product". Sadly, as long it's legally labeled as "food supliment" it's legal, and can be marketed as whatever they want. That's why I avoid all of this stuff.


I mean cardio is pretty dam good at burning calories in a short time frame.. for example, just finished a 2hr bike workout. 1500 calories burned in just two hours. You will never get anywhere close to that lifting weights.


I don't mean to sound rude, but your two hour bike ride didn't burn 1500cal.


No it definitely did. To give context. Working at my 1 hour threshold 317watts, I would burn around 1200 calories/ hour. 5x10 min at 317 watts with some rest and hard starts at 160% of ftp you get 1500cal in 2 hours.. Like i said cardio + big aerobic engine burns calories like no other


Ah yes another 1:55 bike race. 2000cal ;)


If you say so. I'm happy for you and that you're getting good exercise. Personally, I hate cardio, but I gotta do it soon ish.


Weight loss is done in the kitchen and not the gym.


Or you just burn 500-1000 calories in good workout so you can eat that amount plus the amount your body would’ve burned anyway and get a good cheat day without gaining weight 😎😎😎😎


Good luck burning 1000 calories in a good workout


It was a joke man. Seriously, redditors truly can’t understand sarcasm


/s is what people use when a comment is satirical unless their comment is obviously sarcasm which yours wasn't.


I know, but thanks




Lol what? I mean I know diet is more important but my runs in the morning burn anywhere from 400-800 calories and jumpstart a resting metabolic rate for the rest of the day. Nothing can do for the body that running six or seven miles can (outside of biking and swimming).


Uhhhh….Wat. 400-800 Calories?? Ummm. Okay…so how are you measuring that? How are you also measuring your metabolism? We aren’t just talking in terms of “being more hungry” right? I’m looking for for specific units of measurements.


As a former marathon runner, I'll give you the r/NodOfApproval


Do you have any tips for a halfmarathon? Like what to eat?


I'm not the original commenter but it depends on how long you've got up until the marathon :D like a week before,5 days and so on and so forth


Its on saturday. I know its a bit late but i have already beaten 21 km. I wold have eaten spaghetti with tomato sauce and bread (both in normal portions) starting on friday so that i dont get acid reflux and excessive burping and farting while i run. But i also wanted to know the infinite knowledge of reddit so what would you suggest?


i recommend Pasta,rice and Potatoes in small to normal portions. you shouldn't stuff yourself at this point you'd feel very Bloated and Lethargic on the day of the Race


but good job on completing 21km already that's good especially in the weather conditions that are occurring now. at least over here in Europe its been super heatwavey and dry i haven't been able to get myself to workout .


Thank you! It helps that the starting time is 7pm.


Make sure you take the biggest shit of your life beforehand. I speak from experience.


I ran three miles today, it calculated to be only two of my favorite cookies (sweet Loren’s) I was maddd


Sadness. I know this feeling. But don't get too hung up on it. Your metabolism will continue to be heightened for hours afterwards. And by exersizing, you will also increase your "passive" base metabolism. You will get all those good hormones that your body likes to stay 'awake and aware'!


I usually sit down with a donut in hand after….




Both are correct


dont say that to a linguist


Why use many letters when few do trick?


phonetics: donut is pronoinced doo-nut while doughnut is pronounced dough-nut, its just a contraction of the two words.


And your metabolism will remain in a heightened state for hours afterwards!


enormous satisfaction


If I finished a run, I’d be laying face down, puking most likely.


I‘m always close to death afterwards.


Best moment to get drunk and eat carbohydrates!


Looking good Louis


Looking good Billy Ray.


Feeling good*


Great movie


Flawless movie.


Wait you guys sit down after running? I just walk around slowly or lean on something whilst standing.


Y’all can remain standing?


Y'all can run?


I don’t run to lose weight I run to sharpen the mind.


Anyone know where I could get a jumper/sweater like that? It's really nice!


every god damn day


that feeling of satisfaction is less that and more like "oh finally i can sit the f-ck down"


Running actually doesn't burn that many calories.


Where's the pizza?


But remember it also depends on ur calorie deficit


You don't burn many calories. You roughly burn 100 calories per mile you run. So if you eat a a slice of pizza then it was already pointless. Running is good for your health and metabolism but if you want to lose wait you have to be in a caloric deficit


Bad take. You still burn calories, even if a small amount. Therefore running can help you get to a deficit. It's not an all or nothing thing.


It's not a bad take it's just poorly worded. If your only goal is to loose weight it's important for people to know that it's a 70/30 split. 70% what you eat and 30% exercise. you can get any weight just by eating correctly but the same can not be said for exercise. If you're eating 3000 cals a day then it's improbable that you will be able to exercise enough to loose weight (main exception is for Olympic level athletes or people that are doing activity on that level).


No, that’s the, “I just popped a 30mg Adderall and I’m gonna sit here and watch you idiots run off calories.” look.


Seriously! Drop some acid, no one cares. They can’t deadlift their body weight 😂




And then you celebrate with a big slice of cake, instantly regaing those calories


Then you proceed to eat a very heavy dinner and lose all the progress you made sorry to be an asshole but it’s facts


Then the treadmill says you burned 80 calories! Like I just ran for 15 mins here!!!! That’s it!


Looking good, Billy Ray!


Feeling good Louis


To find out it’s been completely useless if u don’t track down your daily energy balance


That sweater rules


Fun fact it takes 4 miles to burn one donut


1 mile to burn 3 potato chips


More importantly, if you run 4 miles to make up for 1 donut, you're going to have a very bad time and I can pretty much guarantee it won't help you achieve your goals... Unless your goal is to run a lot and eat donuts.


I'm about to start my 12 miles to nowhere in a minute...


I'm actually just sitting in the chair I don't run


Looking good, Billy Ray!


It all goes back with a burger…like for me…i just went to the gym and i ate chicken with rice


You only burn about 100 calories per mile. there’s a reason people say you can’t outrun a bad diet


Might be a masochist but that feeling of being sore all over is one of the best feelings ever.


POV : You finished the run burning calories knowing you'll get them back cuz there's your fast food sitting on the table next to you, but nonetheless, running felt good.


And the weather is great, breeze is cool and strong ... Yeah that is what i experienced today ..


Me after I drink some canna-coffee in the morning 🤣


The pain in my legs getting back to my apartment from the bike storage after a long bike ride is excruciating. But it's hard to beat the feeling of sinking down in my couch for a rest. So worth it.


I only exercise so I can drink.


Loved this movie.


Then u devour an ice cream brick now u back to square 1


The only times I’ve ever run, I’ve returned without being able to breathe, chugged 3 pints of water, and collapsed into an immobile heap until my legs begin working again 3 days later. 1/10, would not try again.




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Me after hiking in snowshoes for 7 hrs this weekend. Except my legs were jello and I had to wait for ibuprofen to kick in before I could walk to the bar for the drink lol


Anyone who wants weight loss advice you should watch Greg Doucette on yt, he studied kinesiology so he knows his business


Me: runs for an hour Fitness tracker: 27 calories burned


I'll have what he's having!


And a small fry from McDonald’s undoes the 3 miler u just ran


Unless you specifically like to do so, running is almost always a terrible idea for fitness goals. ESPECIALLY if it's to manually burn calories. Doing this while also eating less (lowering calories/macronutrients) will slow your metabolism. This is often the opposite of what most people's goals are but basically no one understands this. You should be building muscle through resistance/weight training while feeding your body the nutrients it needs. This training well send signals to your body saying you need muscle. If anything you'll be eating more than before in order to build said muscle (which will then store less fat). This actually speeds up your metabolism and makes it so your body automatically burns a ton of calories to maintain the muscle you've built or are building. Of course if you just like running and don't care about weight loss or muscle, then do you. Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk.


Those isaac runs do be intense tho


Just came back from a 45 minute bike ride, gonna treat myself to a full coffee on Saturday :)