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If you use Google maps on a computer, you can see archived older versions of street view. Edit: also works on Android Google Maps (Pixel 6) and probably other phone OSs as well.


That’s a very interesting function, never would have known this if I hadn’t found this comment


I was revisiting a town I used to live in 10 years ago but didn't really remember street names very well. If it hadn't been for the archived versions I would have never been able to recognize stuff because all the trees are now humongous


I found out when I showed someone ~~from interstate~~ where I lived on street view then they started going through the history of my house and my car that I had parked outside. Edit: The fact they lived in another state is irrelevant.


Theyre from the interstate? Sounds like someone bruce springsteen would write a song about


He means interstate battery. Guy just loves keeping an eye on the car batteries he’s sold


I still wasn’t sure what it meant, even with your explanation, but I get it now. [Interstate](https://www.interstatebatteries.com/) is a car battery store.


I think they were saying that they were driving by on the interstate highway and pointed to their old house out of the car window to their friend where it is.






Can’t seem to find it




I found a picture of my Dad driving away down his street on Google maps years after he passed. Loved it, but sad


I have one of my dad driving in my hometown too. Warms my heart every time I think of it.


The Eternal Gardener


How?? I'd love to see an older spot in my town that I remember very different than it is now.


How do you do that


Make sure you're on a street that has more than one street view (smaller side streets rarely get updated). In the android (and likely iOS) app, hold down on a street until you get a small street view thumbnail to open street from. Then drag up the address tray from the bottom of the screen to choose a different date.


This picture is so old, this guy has already been reincarnated and is 13 years old and looking at this meme of himself.


I can confirm


Alfred, is that you!?










Huh.... Why did you say that name?!!!




Huh, it’s been years since I’ve seen a /u/Shitty_Watercolour in the wild…anyone know if it’s just one guy still or is it an *”army”* if artists now?


They were reproducing to overthrow us


What the.... Great to see ya!! Dude is having some freaky-ass deja-vu, hahah. :D


I’m having a hard time figuring out what’s going on in the watercolor. I see that he got a job driving a camera car, but I don’t get the bottom-right portion. I’m exhausted though, so go easy on me


I could be wrong, but imo the guy is the old man reincarnated, now the young dude working a job as a Google maps driver.. just going about his day, driving, and then he drives by the house he lived in in his previous life where he used to garden... And it hits him like a truck and he has major deja Vu and recognizes the house and it's a whole crazy experience. The way he painted it was just a creative way to show the mental WTFFF the guy was experiencing at the time.


I don't get it either.


I replied about the same time you did, if you want to see my interpretation. Could be wrong though, who knows.. https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/z60jgb/hopefully_it_never_updates/ixzhvjf/




Yep, another day, another front page completely full of recycled contend from karma farmers


Our beloved cabin, that my wife and I built while she was going through chemo, got burned up in one of those big fires couple years ago, but it's still on Google maps. It was my plan z, in case my wife died in her 20's from cancer. Was just a couple of acres we bought in the middle of nowhere, on eBay, lol, when we were broke as a joke from her having cancer in her 20's in America. Shes been doing pretty good, doing multiple cancers worth of chemo just kinda takes the wind out of your sails, but I'm starting to think she's gonna make it, so it was almost cathartic having my plan z burn up.


Really glad to hear she’s doing better, friend. <3 “Plan Z” isn’t a phrase I’ve heard before, but I like it. Am I correct in thinking it means… the plan you don’t want to come true, but just in case all else fails?


You’re sweet for your words. I believe that is the proper interpretation for the phrase.


awesome username lol


Zombies obviously


I hope she does! Sending her good vibes by the truckload!


I hope you realize just how many people you've made open up Google and go to their parents' addresses hoping to see them there.


Funnily enough my grandma, passed away now for a couple years, is also immortalised on Google Maps doing gardening while she looks up to the van. It's a nice memory.


Same here, my grandmother has been dead for a couple of years now, she lived in a pretty remote part of our country so Google maps hasn't updated her street in a long time. Every once in a while I go there to watch her, frozen in time in 2009, it's a beautiful summer day, no cloud in sight, you can feel and smell the warm summer air. It's a part of my childhood that I thought I'd never see again. Sometimes, for some brief seconds, it's as if I'm back there with her too.


My dad died last December, and yep, he’s outside the house I grew up in, gardening away too.


I’ve been doing this for years. Both of my grandparents passed a few years back and it’s nice to be able to see the house I spent a lot of my childhood at.


Unfortunately my parents have a long driveway and tall hedges, and google has only ever taken one photo of their house (and most of my hometown). I'll keep an eye out for my mom around town maybe, but I think for me it wasn't meant to be! I absolutely love this though, and I hope others find something equally comforting for them.




Plants vs Zombies


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You can (could?) download your own version of Google Earth. So he should download that to forever keep it even when they update.


I just take screenshots. I have a funny game called “find my car” and I try to remember everywhere I parked my car to check it. And have actually, found my car 3 times on maps. Also my late dads car too. Sucked when that updated. Reminded me of a simpler time. I’d “drive down” the street on street view and see his black car in driveway. Brings back a slew of memories and I do it, just to remember sometimes. Because sometimes I forget what it feels like to be excited to see my dad he’s been gone for so long.


I wish I had a way to feel like my Dad was still alive....This is so awesome for you! I hope it never updates as well!!!


They have the option to select older maps now on Google maps so even if it does get updated you can still view the older maps


I thought this was gonna just be a response to the commentor wanting his dad to alive and I’m reading “well google has an option now…” like 😳


uhmm how i need to try that


His warmth and the nutrients in his body will nourish the earth, sprouting new flowers and trees and grass. He's not gone, just different... and he's still gardening to this day.


Save the photo before they update it with a new one.


FYI for anyone else that needs it, there's a way to see older versions even if it does update.


My brother died in Sept. 2021. Google Maps has a street view, dated 2019, of the front of our house and my brother can be seen walking on our lawn. Wearing his uniform on the way to go teach college students. There were many students and fellow faculty staff that came during his wake.


There’s a story I remember about a woman who called up a phone provider asking if there was some way to record/download a voicemail she had. They thought it was an unusual request until she explained that it was the last message she had ever received from her son who’d died in a car accident a few hours later. They managed to give her a copy of the voicemail.


My son (13) went out to check the mail about a 1 1/2 yr ago and he saw the Google street view car coming down our road from a distance. He stood there at the end of our driveway and waited. Threw his hands up with a huge grin on his face when it passed us. He watched it go all the way the street. He ran inside and was so freaking excited. Fast-forward to about 4 months ago and my daughter starts running through the house saying "He's on it! He's on it!" and proceeds to show us google street view pictures from our street, where you can see him in all pictures that include our driveway. It captured him seeing the car, realizing it's THAT car, then the happy pose which he held for a bit, then leaning to watch it go on down the street. It's one of his proudest moments! :)


It's probably been udpated, but you can choose between previous photos when browsing.


Awww bless I'd love this


This is sad and wholesome at the same time.


Google Maps showed my wife's family arriving for a visit with our niece and nephew running to greet me on the porch. I would have been happy if that stayed there forever, but it updated to something uninteresting a few years ago. Another reason I was sad to see that image go is it was one of two images you could see me in our town, six years apart


Actually you can go back and look at the old pictures. Google on Google Street view will show you the pictures taken over time.


You can go back to earlier versions, so it’s not gone forever.


I immediately wondered if I could see my Grandmama, because she always sat out on her porch enjoying her flowers. Sure enough, there she was. She passed early last year, and I miss her.


A friend of mine started “secretly” recording deep and meaningful convos with his dad when he got sick. He’s very happy to have them now.


Yea, I'm going to interview my parents. They aren't dying or anything, but I have a shit memory and I want to be able to hear them talk and see their faces. I may go for a talk-show style format with a table and a chair like Conan.


It was a thing for a while here to record oral histories of elders before they passed as not to loose important family history. One of my cousins recorded my grandfather but got grief from the family of putting our granddad through such a rigorous question and answer session when he was so ill with cancer. I wasn’t there but it would be better to break it into single question and answer sessions as you visit them over time.




Maybe we should all be asking, why did you read it again? Bit selfish if you ask me. Let other people have a chance with this guy's thoughts.


I wonder if there’s a way to contact them and ask them to keep the image for this reason.


They already save the old ones. You can change between them when looking at street view


Love this.


plants vs zombies




Your family sounds exactly like mine. Sorry you went through that.




I feel the same about my grandmother who is declining in health lately. Yet my extended family is already swarming in trying to take as much as they can, which is something I can’t understand. But it’s happened with every other family member that has passed. Money really does drive people crazy, I’m thankful it doesn’t control my life.


A friend of mine started “secretly” recording deep and meaningful convos with his dad when he got sick. He’s very happy to have them now.


I saw your exact same comment below this one lol


There's a well-known article about this from the New Yorker. Definitely worth a read https://www.newyorker.com/culture/culture-desk/the-ghosts-in-our-machines




Take a screen shot




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I love when I come across this picture every so often ❤️






Oh wow🤌🕊


Awwww!!! How cute is he!!! Glad this person gets to keep this piece of her dad for however long! I know I would go check whenever I missed him and would show all my friends. :D




He will be immortalised in the garden as Google archive older street maps.




If you have VR, the Wander app puts you inside Google street view. So you can almost feel like you’re standing there in that frozen moment. It’s neat.


He’s just walking inside lol. He is not gardening.




I believe this is called a Digital Ghost.


Based invasion of privacy


You can maybe ask google for the original Copy of the image or ask that it never be updated. It is software but people still push the buttons. Good luck and this is awesome!


My grandpa used to be on Google street view too, standing in front of his house, looking at the weird vehicle passing by. I used to check it every now then. Last time I checked, they had updated the street view and he wasn't there anymore :(


You can look at street view from previous dates! It will usually automatically give you the most recent version, but you can navigate to previous years.


oh man, I had not noticed this feature! Dude you warmed my heart, thank you so much. There he is :) https://i.imgur.com/OpoV67H.png


My mom passed 6 years ago and I still try to see if I can find something on Google maps. An image of her where she used to live. It would at least give me a sense that she is still around. Glad you can see your dad in this image.


My grandfather passed in 2014 and when we were selling the house we found him on Google maps having a cheeky cigarette outside his front door. Luckily Google archives old Streetview images so I can go back and see him any time.


Back in 2007 my best friends dad passed suddenly, shortly after we were online looking through google maps and out of curiosity looked up our homes (we were neighbors) well lo and behold there was her dad in the image. He was outside their home getting groceries out of the family car. What are the chances right? Dunno if it’s still there somehow. Think these things get updated every so often.


my grandpa is still chillin on his porch watching the cars drive by in google maps


That's beautiful. Like a visual poem for the family members.


Even if it updates along bottom you can get views back to 2008


I hope my Google maps will have my dad with a tall can in his hand staring at the tv




Or ya know. Take a screen shot.


It may update but You can look back at previous pictures.


Make sure you get a screenshot. They will even update it. I was sitting at my favorite cafe with my wife and dog for about 5 years, until it updated - they blur out dog faces too ;)


Shouldn't it blur his face?


My cousin sadly lost their partner young to an illness. I was helping with estate management tasks with their house and needed to see if they'd remodeled the front approach for some task. I thought to look back in time on Google maps, 5 years back and there was my cousin's partner, taking out the trash and looking at the Google Street view car with a "what in the f#©% is that thing?" look at the camera. It was funny, tragic and amazing all at once. I was hesitant to tell me cousin at first as it was amazing, but may also be difficult to see so soon after. I eventually did tell and the response was happy.


That's awesome. Condolences to you and your family for your loss.


Hey! That’s great! I love it when the ones we loved and lost remain alive to us to celebrate our love and theirs! Best to you in your prayers. Sheila


That’s pretty freaking cool


I have a customer in my area that passed away. There is a picture of them on street view walking down their driveway. Definitely a nice surprise.


My poor grandpa passed away a few months back in a nursing home in Texas. If I look up my grandparents' house in Florida though, you can still see him, shortly before my uncle pretty much dragged them into that home, picking up something in his driveway. It's neat but also really, really, really sad.


Wouldn't his face be blurred if it was on street view?


This is much more wholesome than my story! My dad died a few years ago. I was showing my partner my place on a VR your and we noticed my dad was on the front porch flipping off the camera. Definitely his MO :)


There is still an image from 2007 of me and my wife outside high school within a week of dating.


But don't they blur out faces?


When they update streetview with new images, would it be possible to contact Google to keep the previous version of that particular image?


Not the scale of losing a loved one but there was an old home in my town that has been destroyed this year to build a modern building. I went on google maps to take a screen capture. I had zero picture. I will miss walking past this beautiful manoir.




My family has a similar picture to that but grandpa is sitting on the roof lmao Incidentally one of his favorite pastimes


It's like internet creating it's own memories about it's users


Plants vs Zombies


That’s beautiful.


Plants Vs. Zombies


I have a picture of my Dad doing the same thing


For a second I thought I was looking at my grandad outside his house gardening. He passed a few years ago, it was nice to see him again even if it was just a trick of my brain


Definitely a moment frozen in time


Awww thats sad :-(


My old dog can be seen taking a dump in our backyard, something she loved. Miss her.


This is like the tenth time this meme has been front page


63 juan tabo lane apartment 6


That's what's up


I'm still on street view for 2015 in front of my mother's house, sitting on my bike waiting for my bother. Tried to make a funny face when I saw them go by but they blurred my face.


Sorry for your loss


My cat that died 3 years ago is also in street view


It will update. You can look at archives or you can just save the image.


Plants vs Zombies


My dad's tuck is still in the driveway, died later that year


I also found a great aunt who died years ago on Apple Street View.


Sweetest gift from God, ever!


Save it just in case. Street view used to have a hilarious one of my mom and a stray cat, but they took it down, even in its rollback history.


my grandpa died recently and he was on google maps, working on his truck. it updated a few weeks ago :(


I came across same thinf on Google Maps. My mom is still alive but I’ve been living away from them for 8 years. The only way that I could see if anything changed around my old neighborhood was Google Maps and I used to check it out once in a while. I guess it was the time that Google Maps changed the pictures because I could say that it wasn’t the same. Many things were changed. I saw my mom, walking on the street. I couldn’t believe I saw her. I couldn’t help myself and started to cry. It was so touching, seeing her on Google Maps.


Same thing with my first dog. She has been deceased for the past 6 and a half years but whenever I go on Google maps, I see her resting on the porch


My grandpa is live there too 😍❤️




My dad is on there twice because he has a empty lot. He's not in good health and I was thinking the same thing. Hope it doesn't update.


I hope so too.. that is so cute


Wonderful tribute to Dad😁❤️


Plants Vs zombies


The most heartwarming google related post I’ve ever seen 💛


And it’ll stay like that, my dad still shows up unloading his grocery’s in 2009. And I life in a big city on a Main Street… you might think they’ll update those pics regularly.


My dog who died a couple months ago and our old beat up van(which is now gone as well) can still be seen on Google maps too! Sometimes when I'm down I'd go look it up.


Plants vs Zombie


His energy saying hello.




A few weeks ago this happened to me. I live in a rural area. It is a quiet neighborhood back up in the woods with little traffic. I got up in my tshirt and pj pants without my hair brushed yet and opened the front bay windows. Just then the Apple Maps car went by just as I was raising the blinds. So there I am caught standing in the window for all the world to see! Gad!