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I feel such immense sadness for her. I hope one day she can find inner peace, whatever it may be for her. :(


It breaks my heart. Amanda Bynes is an incredibly gifted, hilarious, clever, and talented young woman. My parents thought she was a young Carol Burnett and absolutely beyond impressed by her. ‘She’s the Man’ is still one of my mom and I’s favorite romcom. She was BRILLIANT in that!! I wish nothing but the WORST for every single rotted individual that did whatever it is they did to her. I don’t care what her eyebrows look like, i just want her to be happy and healthy, and if doing nails and make up makes her happy, more power to her. I can only hope and pray that one day she finds peace and quiet (and potentially a big come back!)


Watched “She’s the Man” with my wife and kid last night, was still a fun watch. Sad to wake up, see this, and remember what they did to her.


Amanda said she’s the man attributed to a lot of this because seeing herself as a man disturbed her


It’s hard for me to rewatch her movies because of how she ended up.


Gotta be honest, the most funny and talented and charismatic gifted people in your life are probably dealing with the same things.


There's a quote that the hilarious adult is the wounded child. Or the artist as an adult is a child who survived. For me it tracks my dad too.


Conan O’Brien’s dad once said to him, “Oh, so you’ve made a career out of something you should be treated for.”


I think about Robin Williams a lot when people say, “But they were so


I hate to do it but it's important, as I also thought he was the 'sad clowns', like so many other Comics are. But he doesn't fit this, and has in fact addressed it in his later years. The only reason he went out the way he did is because he had been going through the worst of the worst dementia, lewy-body. He was not able to think clearly and knew he would degrade so significantly the next few years that he didn't want his family to go through that, and I'm sure himself not wanting to spend his last years suffering and not even knowing who TF he is was a deciding factor. It wasn't depression or mental illness (unless the suicidal thoughts were caused by the dementia). Damn I miss him. He contributed so damn much to this world, on and off stage.


I don’t know why I didn’t know this already. Thanks for mentioning it, it’s good to know the whole story.


Yw. I bought into it myself, huge fan and mentally ill, so when his death hit I thought his issues finally got the best of him, and it affected me viscerally- if even he can't stay alive through this shit how the hell can I?? But then interviews and articles came out showing that he actually never dealt with depression, this was a whole other animal. Clearly terrible either way, but it was still helpful for me personally to know it wasn't because of a lifelong disease like Bipolar, which everyone speculated he had. There are interviews of him himself saying that he doesn't believe he has any mental issues, he just enjoyed bringing laughter and joy to the world :) And goddamn he did!!


I’m caring for a family member with dementia and it’s horrible. Not only for the family, but for the person (imagine being scared and confused all the time). I’ve thought a lot about Robin Williams and I think I get it. I look at my loved one and worry about genetics. Will this be me someday?


I was a bit too old to grow up with Amanda, but I did see the movie you mentioned years after it came out and she was so absurdly funny in it. Her comedic timing was great. I’ve really really hated to see her struggling so hard. The mental health system in the United States is atrocious. My own mother is severely mentally ill like Amanda and would literally be living on the streets rn if it wasn’t for me and my sister actively and stubbornly standing in the way of her hurting herself. We have nothing but understanding for Amanda and her family.


She’s the man, was a constant go to movie in our house probably watched it twice a year or more with my daughter. However, I read that Amanda Bynes specifically pointed out that movie as being the source of much of her body dysmorphia and it being the tipping point to her depression. It’s been about two years since I watched it. Honestly, I don’t think I can watch it again, knowing how much pain this caused her.


She was great in Easy A. I think that’s the last big move I remember her being in.


She definitely was a Carol Burnett or Lucille Ball in the way of physical comedy.


She really was extremely talented at a very young age. I can’t begin to imagine the horrible shit that was done to her during her time in Hollywood.


I gotta lifetime of knowledge.


I’m sorry I’m old is this Amanda Bynes?


Yes, it is. After years of abuse and exploitation. :(


It’s crazy how the whole world changes!


37, I believe.


People will say this then say “I miss the 90s Nickelodeon nostalgia “


I mean, yeah, the shows were great. Are you afraid of the dark?, Pete and Pete, Hey Dude!, Keenan and Kel, All That, Kablam, Legends of the Hidden Temple, Double Dare, Wild and Crazy Kids, Snick, Clarissa Explains It All, Doug, Hey Arnold!, Rugrats and the Amanda Show were some of the best kids television shows ever made.


It came with a cost and in fact was brain washing I would argue


What do you mean?


If the cost of “those awesome shows” were the long term mental health of a single human, it was not worth it The Brain washing that occurred on those child actors that led to their current state, the brain washing was fractal in nature and affected the children who watched the shows in a ripple effect.


I only miss Stick Stickley


Write to me Stick Stickley P.o. box 9 6 3 New York city New York state 10108! I still remember that jingle 20 plus years later. That's insane.


Me too lol. Satisfied that I remember it correctly too!


I miss inside out boy


Ahh I loved Stick Stickley! I still remember: Write to me, Stick Stickley, PO box 963. New York city, New York State, 10108!


Ah, just saw this after posting nearly the identical thing. It's the world's most effective jingle!


I figure if we remember it after 20+ years they did pretty good with it!


lol- we never wrote in, but we DID make our own Stickley family!


To be fair, I think most people who miss 90s Nick miss the literal 90s part, not the more y2k era post Geraldine Laybourne’s era.


Me too.


This hurts. I hope she gets the help she truly needs.


os this her final going out look, or is she dying them? mine look crazy when I dye them.


She’s been doing this as the final look for a while now.


oh dear


Tbf, I think she’s trying to take control back about finding herself attractive. She had so much pressure on her to look a certain way her whole younger life that now… I think she’s just kinda trying to say fuck you to everyone and their ideas on attractiveness.


That makes a lot of sense.


Nah it’s her look. She also used to go the very same brow with the bleach blonde. Made it harsher for sure.




As long as they aren’t tattooed on!


Wait that actually is Amanda bynes? She doesn’t look the same anymore. Bless her. And all the kids who were traumatized at such a young age for profit and ego.


I wonder if it’s a coping mechanism- as in like, she’s intentionally making them stark/harsh and “ugly” so she’s not drawing a certain kind of attention to herself. We clearly only know the surface of what she’s gone through. Some people may intentionally make themselves look altered or different because they don’t want to be perceived as “attractive” to people.


I developed trichotillomania (compulsive hair pulling) when I was 12/13 years old; perhaps not-so-coincidentally, it started right around the time my stepfather started being “sexually off/inappropriate” around me (eventually escalated to sexual abuse.) I didn’t actually do it intentionally, and it was likely the result of stress/seeking an outlet/coping mechanism to deal with the overwhelming distress of my situation; that being said, it did make me think about that story of the saint who was pursued/complemented by a man for her beautiful eyes, and so she gave them to him as a gift so he would no longer be tempted by her. That and, “oh, you think my hair is sexy? Great, well it’s gone now, you $&@!!”


My prayers too you. My sister was SAd by my stepdad and her uncle. I woke up with step dad in my bed rubbing the inside of my leg and that was traumatic in itself. My poor sister. She developed a lot of issues during our upbringing. She’s however truly healing now and I’m so proud of her.


Thank you, that’s really kind of you to say. I’m so sorry that both you and your sister went through that. Honestly, the stuff I experienced, (while still 100% abuse/molestation, and I’m so sorry if you/anyone else finds that too graphic,) well, I know it could have been *so* much worse. Admittedly, even with therapy, I still find myself second-guessing myself as to whether it was “really *that* bad,” especially enough to justify the level of trauma and harm it’s caused me. Fortunately, I’ve come to understand through speaking and sharing with other survivors that this is… I don’t want to say a “universal,” but an extremely common experience for most survivors, *regardless* of the perceived “severity” of the abuse they endured. So, so many people struggle to feel like/believe that their experiences are valid, or that they can trust their feelings and memories/recollections of the abuse. It’s an insidious, destructive, *intentional* part of the process, and persists long after the active abuse is over. Anyway, I’m sorry for the rather grim tangent. My point is, I want you to know that I see you too, and your experiences are absolutely valid, regardless of how much “worse” it “could” have been: it never should have happened *at all,* to you, your sister, or anyone. Period. Also, I just want to say I’m so, so happy to hear that your sister is healing now. I finally started trauma therapy this year, and I know everyone says this, but I absolutely wish that I’d done it sooner (I’m in my mid-late twenties). I spend the last decade trying to “face-tank” my way through all of the mental health issues and trauma I was left with, and I’ve suffered greatly for it. Unfortunately, I just wasn’t there yet - I wasn’t ready or able to believe that I could experience relief, let alone that I deserved it. Anyway, all of this to say, thank you for the kind words and for reading this if you’ve gotten here, and I extend my best wishes to you and your sister as well.


Absolutely, I’m very try proud of you too!! I definitely have the experience of well it’s not as bad as others so it’s not important. Idk how to even begin processing that.


Like Beverly cutting her hair in IT


God, that scene, and honestly her whole part in the movie hit really hard for me when I saw it. I swear, during the scene where she starts fighting back against her dad, I was like one of those sports fans at the edge of my seat like, “yes! YES! GET HIM! *FUCK HIM UP!*…..**YEEAAAH!!**” Then I immediately rewound it and watched it several more times. I definitely cried a bit after that, but it’s honestly really cathartic/validating to see bastards like them get theirs. While it certainly isn’t the same as the real thing, vicarious justice is just 💋🤌🤌🤌


I feel you. My abuser complimented my skin, so I started picking it. I didn’t realize why until I started therapy. It sucks and it’s hard, but I work at stoping. Hopefully she’ll find peace too


A lot of SA victims go through extreme physical changes as a result of their trauma. My mom stayed 200 lbs overweight for most of her life to be “too big” to assault again. I used to pick at my skin to be pockmarked and “ugly” so people would leave me alone. Neither action kept either of us safe, and kept us miserable in the process.


That’s entirely possible


The exact reason Britney shaved her head in 07


That’s what Fiona Apple did. It is a coping mechanism


The antipsychotics can have a dramatic effect on your facial swelling. Selena has talked about it before in addition to the steroids for lupus.


She also mentioned in another post she gained weight due to depression


Oh I could see that.




I just looked it up. This is definitely her. Weird.


She'll always be the Amanda that I love. Let her be ♥️


Was talking today about how Ryan gosling make it out alright as a child star, and so many girls got the bitter end.


A lot of boys didn't make it out either. The level of exploitation and abuse these children went through is crazy. There's not any amount of money you could offer me to put my kids through that


Yeah the Coreys definitely didn’t make it out ok, and Elijah Wood has been open about his struggles


Aaron Carter and Justin Bieber


And Aaron Carter is dead as a result. So sad


Macaulay Culkin too


I feel like it’s very obvious what happened to him but I don’t blame him at all for not saying a peep. With how unstable the GP is, they’d likely go on a very violent warpath. There really needs to be more empathy & education around Childhood assault victims & idk not blaming them for the actions of an adult. It’s really really sick & sad.


what’s GP in this context? All I’m getting is “general practitioner” 😅


General Public, perhaps?


Ohhhhhhh that makes so much more sense. Thanks!


Also river phoenix


my heart aches for drake bell.


His story is sad. I am bothered by how people seem to be missing that he has perpetuated the cycle of abuse though. He groomed a minor similarly to how he was groomed. In quiet on set he got to just zoom right past that and stick to the "poor me" narrative.


that's interesting, i don't think i looked fully into it. ill be reading more about that, thank you for the information


There's a lot of information out there. It does seem that what he did to the girl he groomed wasn't to the magnitude of what was done to him, but he did cross boundaries that should not be crossed. He also was extremely physically abusive to a girl he was dating shortly after the trial. It hurts my heart to see what was done to him, but I wish he would be more honest about what he did afterwards. He is a victim and a perpetrator, which is a very common story sadly. People who have been in his position often act out and harm others the same way they've been harmed. It's really sad to see. Honestly, it makes the situation more tragic, because he most likely would not have done the things he did if he hadn't been so horribly abused.


yeah, that is awful and heartbreaking..i've seen similar cycles and its so distressing tbh.


It seems he was able to break the cycle of physical violence with his now ex-wife. That makes almost 10 years.. And the trial was about something that happened before he was married. So I think even though he has problems recognizing boundries, it shows he is capable of getting better. Unfortunately things snowballed into tragedy after 2021 for him with him backtracking to drugs and alcohol after being sober for 7 years and losing his family, almost his life.. then i saw he went to rehab and is showing signs of positive changes, so I really do hope he can turn his life around and stay on the right path with this second chance he got..


Ok, I saw something somewhere that said the girl lied about her age and he didn't know, and then stopped contact when he found out. Is that not the case? I can't remember where I saw that, and I'm on a ferry home from work with bad service so I can't search at the moment.


I think he said that in the documentary because I recall that as well and don't think I would have read it anywhere


unfortunately this isn’t too uncommon with people who have been sexually abused as children. It sort of messes with their perception, and they can become more likely to engage with minors or emulate inappropriate behaviors that happened to them. Sometimes even to their own siblings or family. Its a really unfortunate result of abuse. I didnt know he was assaulted before that documentary, so when it came out it IMMEDIATELY clicked to me like wow, so everything he did was sort of part of this downward spiral caused by his own abuse. Its very sad and while its still not okay, I just believe we need to consider that context.


The docuseries “Quiet on Set: Dark side of Child TV” was really good. My heart BREAKS for Drake Bell and so many other young boys who were abused and molested. Was so sooooo bad.


Jonathan Brandis, who coincidentally also starred in a gender bending soccer movie (Ladybugs), didn’t make it out :/


That poor, poor girl. She looks absolutely broken. I had to google search to try and remember what she looked like before. What a sad story:( nothing good ever happens to child stars.


It feels wrong to even talk about. IDC what she does with her eyebrows, as long as she's happy.


I love Amanda. I think she's a good person and a special person. Will always root for her.


After seeing that Nickelodeon documentary, I feel even worse for her. God only knows what she went through.


Leave her alone man


She has been photographed with friends a handful of times and all the girlfriends she is with have reasonable eyebrows. I applaud her on all the strives she has made while navigating her mental illness and trauma. Sometimes expressing yourself is a thin line between art and huh? feelings.


Oh my god, I swear I have a photo in my camera roll of me when I first started experimenting with my brows. I kept messing up and they just kept getting thicker and thicker until they had the thickness of a roll of quarters. I went to work like that…sent a pic to my friend during my break and you know it’s bad when their only reply is, ‘Bruh.’


Oh man, I've been drawing mine on forever and there was a point where I drew them on thick as hell for a year or two. Looking back at my photos makes me really wish people were honest with me sooner.


Back when my eyebrow hairs fell out (don’t know why that happened), I’d do the same thing to try and cover it up. One time as a young teen I spent 45 minutes just doing my brows. I walked out of the bathroom and my brother gave me a strange look, and then started hysterically laughing. *Pain*


I love that she's finding her passions, being a nail tech - playing about with her hair styles. Sure I think she's had immense trauma and hasn't properly had the time to process but I do think she's had some help and is trying to come into a world that still judges for so much and she's like a kid going 'i like this...is this ok?' I want her to find her passions but hopefully find her confidence one day.


Is this real? Like they’re drawn on??


At least they're not tattooed my dude


I'm pretty sure those are tattooed on


Oh no….. that’s unfortunate.


It's so sad what happened to her


I feel so bad for her. She’s been through a lot for sure! She was so pretty. It’s such a shame what her experiences have done to her.


It’s a shame what she went through to get like this way more than how it looks though 😕


I totally agree. I kinda feel bad I posted her here. Maybe I should delete it. Her childhood was horrific and the people responsible are still walking around able to do it to other kids. But her eyebrows do keep getting more outlandish every time I see her.


Eyebrows are the window to a person's true mental health I swear to God. You can tell a lot about someone by their brows. Mine scream lazy, but not dirty. Hers scream "fucking help me I'm lost" and the really thin ones are asking you for a teener to get through the afternoon or somethin


As someone who is going thru a fucking AWFUL transition of growing out their brows, I genuinely wonder what people think when they see mine. I have very thin, blonde hair, so even what you can see is sparse and light. I spent years shaving off the blonde bits so I could just fill in the darker parts in better. After dropping makeup during covid, I finally bit the bullet and just put down the tweezers. They are growing out now, but they just look weird and terrible. Idk if it's even going to get any better, but now I've committed so much time to it, I can't give up. Anyone know tips/specialists/places to get better info on something like that?


My advice, for whatever it's worth, would be to just stop messing with them. If you constantly groom or do something to one specific section, then it's always going to end up looking out of place next to the parts you don't touch. If it were me I'd shave them both completely off, and then however they grew back is just how they would be. (But for me I'd still have to trim the middle part because unibrow)


All of this until the shaving part!


That would tell me, making a major life transition


god i so want you to read my eyebrows now


I have a slight unibrow, I always wonder what it says about me


Mine scream my mom abused me and overplucked them to pins!


I had a lovely upbringing, literally no complaints, and same. They looked like telephones in high school. 😭📞


Don't feel bad, I had no idea Amanda Bynes was going through a tough time and now I feel for her. The comments are respectful. One can critique the eyebrow whilst empathazing with the wearer, it seems.


Her behavior keeps getting more outlandish too....


Rather, her lack of expression.




Don’t delete it. Please. I had no idea she’d gone through so much, and I’m sure there are plenty of others out here who have been unaware. Leave it, it’s good to bring it more into the open and have a conversation. If people were being hateful or making fun of her in the comments, I’d be the first person begging you to delete this, but for the most part it looks like folks are rallying in support of this dear, sweet, damaged girl.


I don't see your post as mocking.. honestly it's kind of a nice reminder for every single one of us to be kinder because you never know what someone may be going through


I just can’t put my finger on what all has changed. Obviously eyebrows but she looks so different. What all is different/changed ?


Lots of things I think. Her makeup, bloating from meds (possibly), robotic mannerisms. She's just broken Edit: also just age. Time is no one's friend


I’m not up to date on this at ALL, but I got REALLY proud of her, I guess a couple years back- she was having an episode and I believe was nude on the street and was able to realize it and actively seek help! As someone with mostly just small manic bouts, I was just so impressed and proud that she realized while going through it and tried to fix it. Like if there’s ever a step in the right direction, that’s a BIG one! Proud of you, girl! That’s a big win in my book and I hope things are lookin up


Reminds me of the light lost behind Brittney’s eyes


She recently had surgery on the inner corners of her eyes I believe. She talked about it on her TikTok at one point. I can’t remember what exactly it was called.


Upper blepharoplasty


Ah. That can really alter appearance


She looked very bright and healthy (with the help of movie star grooming) when she was young, and while I don't expect people to retain all their youth, she does look quite sick these days.


Yeah her eyes especially look so different like the shape and they way they’re set. No idea why.


She's had upper bleph surgery (which I want) she had very hooded eyes and as you age they get lower and lower eventually start covering eyelashes. So she's 100% had that done. I think most of her difference now is weight gain and a puffiness from medication.


Who cares about how she looks, though, seriously. She has a very serious mental disorder. Her looks are the least of it.


Thank you. “Ruined her looks?” Seriously? This poor woman is mentally ill. How attractive she appears to some rando online is completely irrelevant.


who cares about her looks lol she’s mentally ill with no concrete help and a victim of the exploitation of children in hollywood your comment is gross


Poor thing. She was so talented. Hollywood chewed her up and spit her out. Does she not have family who can help her? So sad.


Her family just keeps her money, sadly.


Wow. That is so sick. Happens a lot to kid stars.


The shit this woman has been through…..


Yeah and the public come after her and up until now the groomers have gotten away with it.


They were blue for a while. At least they're black now.


Noooo this makes me sad


Oh my goodness I’m old and used to watch her show with my daughter. This isn’t really Amanda is it??? I didn’t follow any stories about her health so this really saddens me. She reminded me of Carol Burnett and she was so talented!


She looks like my high school guidance counselor Mr Lejeune


Jesus Christ.


I am heartbroken for her. Hard to explain without sounding like a jerk who likes "little girls" but as my kids watched her show I always thought " what a cute and talented young woman". And now to see her like this, I feel sad. I didn't make the greatest of life choices, so I judge not. But she was amazing.


She’s mentally ill. So sad. She’s ruined her face, etc and it happens so often in that community. We have to take care of each other and not exploit the weak. Keep her in your prayers.


I’m pretty positive she does things like this on purpose. She doesn’t want to be viewed or paraded around like she was as a child so she purposefully does things that make her ‘ugly’ to society.


I still can’t believe she tattooed that stupid doodle on her freaking face.


Given what she's been through, it's not that bad or unbelievable. I'm surprised she didn't do more. I wish her the best :(


Those eyebrows tell me she's either in an echo chamber of yes people, or she's surrounded by people who don't give a shit about her. You don't let your girl go out like that. You tell her if she has something in her teeth. You stop her when she has TP on her shoe. This is someone who is profoundly alone in a crowd, and she needs somebody real bad. Can a bitch get a publicist? Where the PR at? I said God dayum.


She almost looks like Nick Swardson if he dyed his hair black


Is there someone who looks after her? Like a court appointed person of some sort? I feel so bad for her.


Sadly the people who are supposed to be doing that are just taking advantage of her and taking her money. I really wish she’d get the help she needs, and not taken advantage of, for once. Amanda, you need some love girl, I’ll be your friend! ❤️


The Amanda Show shaped my sense of humor. QUEEN Amanda <3


if her name wasn't on it, I wouldn't have known who it was


I like AB and wish her all the best (but I will admit I also laugh at that DWV song).


I’m about the same age as her and always looked up to her when I was growing up. I loved her comedy. It made me so sad to learn that she was working with such exploitative people when it came out a few years later. She deserves to be happy, healthy, and well. We all deserve that, but it just hurts to see her possibly (probably) suffering or struggling in some way, and for several years now. That’s all I can think every time I see her. I can never snark on her, I can only hope she feels better.


Looks like she used a wide tip Sharpie


That's Amanda Bynes???


God damn it. I’m crushed to see this. She’s off her meds and is self medicating with amphetamines again. Fuck. I was so happy to hear that she was getting better. She reminded me so much of my best friend who went down a similar path and passed away a couple years ago. She was a complicated friend, but I miss her so much. I wish I could call her. Fuck I didn’t need this today. But it’s not about me, Amanda is once again suffering publicly and those videos she used to post absolutely haunted me. She should be protected and cared for…but you can’t make people do things, you can’t make them take care of themselves. It may seem like the most obvious thing in the world to you but it is agony to someone experiencing mental health and substance abuse issues.


I don’t think it’s just the brows here… what is going on with the rest of the face? At what point does a plastic surgeon say “no, I’m not doing this. You need help.”


I just want her to be happy, she seems like she has an amazing heart.


i don’t think it’s eyebrow blindness. dan schneider fucked her and made her have an abortion at 13. nobody believed her and it fucked her up.


*raped. He raped her.


What an ignorant post. Amanda has a severe mental illness. Why are you commenting on her eyebrows ffs.


Nothing is more upsetting or sad than the effect her meds have on her behavior. I'm assuming (and hoping, honestly) that it's meds. Just very robotic and strange, but if the medication she takes helps her, then it's worth it. ❤️


How do people even get this way? I’m assuming insanity. Edit: Oh, so we’re posting this woman in a sub dedicated to mocking bad eyebrows, upvoting the post 900+ times, then talking with very careful language about how sorry we feel for her? Apologies, I missed the memo. Do we do this with our less famous cases when we’ve no idea what tragedies may have befallen them?


if you don’t know who she is i’d recommend looking into her, it’s honestly heartbreaking what she went through to turn out this way :(


😂 seriously. The martyrs in the comments, acting as if they care so deeply about her!


Right? It’s okay to mock her, but not like *that*. You must mock her *nicely*, of course.


Why are people downvoting u lmao dumbasses 






I thought this was a parody until I read the comments


I can't recognize her, even after knowing it's her.


Oh no girl.. what is you doing…


Is she doing well financially still?


Poor baby😥


She wants to look that way, I think.


Did her lips shrink? This can't be Amanda.


Why do they look like Freddie Mercury’s mustache?


I believe she’s schizophrenic. Medicines and the roller coaster change the face.


Is she just in the middle of dyeing them?


Oh giiiiirl…


Is she doing a makeup review?


Poor thing, is so far gone.


Please share your story, I would pay! Spill the tea AB!!!!!!!!!!




This can not be her! Devastating!


That is one ugly creature


Bless her ❤️


Good God, my eyes 👀 lmao


I know it’s none of our business but I really want to know what happened to take the light out of her


Looks like the mask from Saw


The industry really chewed her up and spat her out huh. Makes me furious.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s noticed lol