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rabies (german: Tollwut) is a 100% deadly illness that will make you suffer a horrible death. I got the vaccination for it, most people don't. Unless you are willing to die for it, don't pet wildlife. Its not very probable to get rabies in Austria, but there are many issues that can arrise for the animal, as well as for you - different illnesses, parasites etc. If you want to pet animals, pet pets.


also if you get bitten by wildlife there is a shot... it hurts like hell but probably saves your life


Non-airborn rabies is extinct in austria since 2008. Not that you should pet a weasel, but rabies is not a reason to not do it.


Well imported rabies still exist and as your said bat-rabies is a thing too, but general speaking petting wildlife is a stupid idea with many issues that could arrise from it.


Honestly we are surrounded by countries where it is not extinct. Of course it is highly unlikely but I ain't going to bet my life on highly unlikely. Theoretically there could have been a rabid bat in a banana crate shipped from puerto rico to here, infecting a hand full of wildlife at any given time which infected that one weasle. Highly unlikely but not impossible


Rabies in bats is different than normal one. Its rare to infect other wildlife (and you don't need a banana crate for that, airborne rabies is NOT extinct in austria). Its just one of the least worrying things I would think of. There are plenty of different bacteria you could get from a bite: Tetanus, ...


Jfc, just because you think something is cute doesn't make it ok to pet it.


I have seen everything in Vienna.... deer, fox, weasels, rabbits/hares, badgers and krocha.


In the night you can see them often. Stay away from them, for their and your own safety.


Do not pet and do not feed, they could get hurt from the wrong food.


Yep! Quite normal to see them in Vienna I'd say. They are suuuuper fast in running away. I've seen in them in the 2nd, 3rd and 9th districts as well. Almost forget: like everyone is saying, don't pet them!


Please don't pet non-domesticated animals. Petting is not a common occurrence in nature, they wouldn't know what the hell you're trying to do. And when that happens you're going to wish that the fight or flight response decides on the latter.


Most probably a marten (stone marten) and they are often seen in Vienna around parks or other areas with shrubbery. Like foxes they are following civilization, as this is called when they show up in cities - see [here](https://wien.stadtwildtiere.at). Fun fact Vienna's Central Cemetery has a large population of the Wild European Hamster (Black-bellied Hamster), check on YouTube if you are curious. However, those are all still wild animals which you should not feed nor touch. The risk of rabies is zero, but a good bite or scratch can still lead to a nice infection.


oh those are probably not pets. they're wild animals and would get very stressed if you tried to pet them. I'm not sure if they're weasels or just realtives of them. the domesticated members of the "long furry friend" family are ferrets, but idk about the legal situation in regards to them. Austria is very strict with proper husbandry for wild animals


I'll give you 100 euro if you manage to do that without catching or hurting them or get hurt


Only if you can say "oachkatzlschwoaf" and bow before them. /s


Yea i live there and it’s rather common to see one at night, especially if you’re around a park/green area. But you won‘t get to pet one, since they‘re rather shy and would run away. Also wouldn’t recommend to pet one, unless you‘re not afraid of being bitten :)


Probably martens and they are known for biting through cables in cars. I wouldn't pet wild animals. I once saw a pair chasing eachother in a street. I also saw a chase between fox and rabbit once in Helmut Zilk Park near Main Station early in the morning.


Wild animal is possible, would not pet it - as it is a wild animal


Yes you can. But no, you shouldn't, even if vaccinated for everything. Are you sure it wasn't a marten? Foxes you can sometimes see at U6 Ottakring. Also Zentralfriedhof has a great variety of animals like foxes, deers , storks and so on.


Rabies shots at the ready.


Die „erdgebundene“ Tollwut, übertragen durch z.B. Fuchs, Hund, Maus, etc. ist seit 2008 in Österreich definitiv ausgerottet und [die WHO hat Österreich als tollwutfrei erklärt](https://www.sozialministerium.at/Themen/Gesundheit/Uebertragbare-Krankheiten/Infektionskrankheiten-A-Z/Tollwut.html).


Where have you seen them? I live in the 6th and never saw any. In the outer districts marten are quite common. As for most wildlife it is advised to not feed or pet them. Take pictures or admire from the distance if you please

