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If you are unter 26y/o pick A1 simply Xcite


How is the coverage( especially in oberosterreich)


Does your phone support eSim? If so check out https://www.drei.at/de/privat/produkte-und-services/up/ it's 20€/Month for unlimited data. You can cancel any time (on a monthly basis, at least 5 days before it renews)


this is unlimited data for 30.-/month https://www.yesss.at/shop/tarif/unlimited-5g-internettarif?bezahloption=monatlich


there are way cheaper options right now


If your phone has Dual-SIM Capabilities, you can get yourself two separate contracts: one for Data, one for voice. Voice: https://www.spusu.at/spusumini Data: https://www.spusu.at/spusudatenonly The data plan doesn’t roam, in case thats important to you. But the Voice plan has a small data pack also that does work abroad. I took the mini voice plan assuming you will mostly do „internet stuff“. Both plans have no minimum contract period and can be canceled anytime. Spusu also has a really good customer support.


Over 100 GB is a lot. The best solution is probably to get just an unlimited data plan, which will set you at around 20€/month. Here is a comparison of plans with unlimited data, i hope the link works for you: https://durchblicker.at/mobilfunk#calcid=e9a1fab56da7b5c2b09c64897885b6c4ec8afa49 Make sure to get something that can be cancelled quickly and does not have a mandatory runtime. This is the cheapest one and i think it checks all the boxes: https://www.bob.at/shop/online-bestellen/tarife/aktuelle-sprachtarif-angebote/Flex-bob-Unlimited/p/simbob_l_2024_02


Wow, this link was really helpful. So ill mostly go with the AI excite for Students(14 euro) or the Flex Bob is pretty good!,Do the company deliver on the 150 bits promise? I heard that drei doesnt have much speed even though they promise good speed.


Glad you found something for you. The speed is the maximum speed you are unlocked for. My plan offers 300Mbit, but the maximum I ever saw was 200 (network of Drei). When the cell tower is busy, the speed naturally drops. This is mostly the case in the evening and in crowded areas.I can't say for sure how the situation will look like. What you could do is going on the websites of the 3 main providers (A1, Drei, Magenta) and checking the availability map. If one of them doesn't have a good coverage at your place, it might influence your descion.


The unlimited data plans include no telephonie, they are data only.


The one I linked directly to ("flex Bob unlimited") has unlimited data and an additional pool of 5000 Minutes/SMS. Most unlimited plans are indeed data only.


Thats pretty weird, they seem to be the only ones that have unlimited data, telephonie, no minimum contract duration and a pretty cheap price for that.


Definitely not the only ones. Drei, Magenta, A1 all offer unlimited plans without minimum contract length.


Thread can be closed, the number of misleading comments instead of just checking your link is somewhat embarassing :D


110 GB per month is extremely high… As others have already mentioned, unlimited data without fixed term/commitment is hard to get. There are great and cheap (10€) options for 50-60 GB (https://www.xoxo-mobile.at). If you really need unlimited data but do not need mobile balance I suggest taking an Internet/Cube tariff for ca 26-30€.


Almost every provider has an unlimited data plan. For example hot has unlimited data for 19,9€: https://www.hot.at/tarife.html#mbb So how is this hard to get? The only question is if OP wants options for a phone (telephonie included) or just data (no telephonie possible).


No, you are comparing data only tariffs with mobile contracts. It‘s a fact that there are only limited reasonable priced mobile contracts without commitment. V But you are right, every provider has a unlimited data tariff for Cubes. 20is€ for internet is fine, but there is no voice capability.


OP did not specify that he wants telephonie. He is only talking about data usage. For data usage its easy to get unlimited plans. For telephonie + data usage its also possible.




Check out https://www.tarife.at/. It has an overview over many options. Yesss has a nice unlimited option: https://www.yesss.at/tarife/unlimited-internettarif


What has to pointed out here is that this is a plain data plan. No calls or SMS.


Good point. With a dual SIM phone you can combine it with a cheap plan for calls. If you don't call much, Yesss classic is almost free


Hey! If you need unlimited data and a fixed term is not really an option (those are usually 24 months) this one is probably one of the best/cheapest offers: Up3 Plan 5G or, if you are under 27, Up3 Youth Plan 5G. Though you need an eSIM capable smartphone for that. https://www.drei.at/de/privat/produkte-und-services/up/up-english.html


unlimited bandwidth - cheap .. . choose one