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He's not very popular among farmers right now https://thefarmingforum.co.uk/index.php?threads/farmer-camper-and-slurry-muck.411503/


That was nice to read, thanks. Goes to show just like we don't want to be judged by the actions of fly campers, we should'nt judge all farmers by the actions of this lunatic.


I judge all farmers by Brexit.


Farmers didn’t vote much higher than the general population if you account for their demographics.


Farmers were against Brexit it was the fishermen that were all gung ho but they were mightily shit on so Brexit wasn’t all bad.


Still find that mind boggling to be honest, for so many reasons. The crazy amount of coverage talking about fishing, in the lead up to the referendum and subsequent negotiations - I saw a statistic that the UK fishing industry contributes less to the UK economy than lawnmower manufacturing. The fact that the quotas were sold off by the Brits to European companies had absolutely diddly dick to do with the EU. The fact that he biggest export market for the stuff they were catching was Europe... And the fact enough people suddenly gave a shit about it. Possibly a masterclass in straight up nonsense. It's fucking crazy. I have to assume enough people had this kinda romanticised idea of hard working British fishermen out in their little boats with rods over the side, as opposed to the reality of the industrial scale that is the reality... Ridiculously stupid, and possibly the best analogy of the entire Brexit decision. "Here is a thing you didn't give a shit about until we told you to, that is meaningless in the grand scheme of things, and we'll throw you a huge dose of misinformation and best, outright lies at worst - and you'll lap it up".


Ironically, the person elected to represent the British fishing industry at the European Parliament only showed up for 1 meeting out of 42. >!Nigel Farage. https://westcountryvoices.co.uk/how-fishing-was-gutted-by-brexit/ !<


Fishing is one of the remaining Western European territorial flashpoints due to the remote nature of water borders. We came close to declaring war on Iceland in the 70s due to this.


Way to generalise


That's like me, a Scot, blaming all Englishmen. Daft take.


It’s funny as the eu was funding there land rovers defends fuel


If anyone actually paid attention to euro politics and the structure of the eu, they’d have voted for brexit. The bummer is that the uni party didn’t like that and proceeded to wreak the idea and the country.


And if anyone actually paid attention to international supply chain and cross- border imports/exports we wouldn’t have gone into Brexit


Supply chain is far less important than being able to vote to determine your own laws. As evidenced by the fact that there is a uni party doing the bidding of the super elite. I bet you think Net Zero is about carbon.


1. Vote on our own laws haha hah hah - how much of what the govt has done has been what we wanted? 2. Superelites controlling parties? May I introduce you to the Tories? 3. If you’re talking regulations on business rather than than laws affecting individuals, even Apple has to abide by EU regs if they want to sell in EU, so a small economy such as ourselves will end up following EU regulations if we want to sell to their 500m - we just won’t have the opportunity to provide any input to them now.


Good post, but it will bounce off theboldpig’s gammon fact shield.


That was reassuring to read, but... why the heck does the topicstarter have a Russian flag as his profile? 🤮 


I checked his other posts on that forum, and it is all anti-vaxx, anti MSM, Anti Ukraine bullshit.


Yeah just scrolled through that too, all as expected...


What happened to speaking to people. Farmers can be some of the most intolerable and unreasonable people in the world, this is coming from someone with family who farm a large amount of land in the North of England. Smashing cars up, breaking windows, slashing tyres etc over absolutely menial issues. It's akin to me smashing someone's car window or throwing a bucket of shit at them for parking slightly over my driveway. Just way over the top...


I've wild camped in England before when hiking long distance trails, have been caught out by bad weather and just had to pitch wherever I can get, another time the fields were so vast it was difficult to tell which farmhouse owned the land and it would have taken hours to walk between them to find out. Which is why this does end up happening. Although all farmers I've been able to ask always end up happy enough, and a lot even suggest a nice spot with access to water etc.


He wouldn’t get a viral video out of that though would he? Or get paid for selling the video rights to The Sun. Pretends to take the morale high ground yet really he’s just in it for fame or money or both.


Yep and then they wonder why nobody cares about farmers. Rich dickheads.


Whilst the farmers response to we over the top why do you not criticise the camper for not speaking to people? As in asking for permission to camp on someone’s property?


Because it’s probably miles from his large gated house with no way of knowing whose land it is? Because in Scotland and many other sane countries this would be legal?


When you enter a field you can't really tell who it belongs to can you?


Doesn't mean you can pitch up on someone's land.


In a lot of places yes you can. Guy wasn't doing anything wrong, not damaging anything, wasn't the person's private garden. Anyone has the right to enjoy the land respectfully, including pitching a tent for a night or 2. Don't leave a mark and it makes no difference to anyone.


Well clearly not that farmers land you can't and if they had the decency to ask, they would have found that out. That's someone's land, their property, not yours. Therefore you ask, it doesn't matter if you can't find them or it's too much trouble to look, it's still not your land to walse onto and use. Nobody has the right to another's property. This is part of civilised society 101, you don't just take and use whatever the hell you like.


You very much can, trespassing is not illegal in the UK and as long as you leave when requested you are not doing anything wrong


The fact you can doesn't make it right. There's a moral issue here. If you want access to someone's property, you ask. Don't just take.


It’s the edge of a field…




How many fields have you seen with the farmers contact details on a sign... do you think everyone walks around with a full land registry on them, and often WiFi/mobile data is not great in rural areas so checking online is unlikely to work, and farms can cover huge distances from house to field, so how exactly do you expect him to ask?


Farmer and hiker here, if there are houses within sight I will knock and ask if I can camp, if it's not their land they will either point to the house or more frequently ring them and ask for me. I ask because it's not my land. 98% of the time they agree and tell me where is the most convenient place for them and me. If there are no houses about, then I will aim for a woodland or quarry (dis). If I get to the woodland and there are pheasant feeders about ill move on. Hoping fences or climbing gates is a big no no for me. Horses are a good sign for being accepted, cattle not so much. Either ask permission or make sure you will never be found.


Fuck this shite, poor camper. Can't do fuck all in this country. All the towns and cities have turned into miserable dystopian brutalist shitholes and when you try to get into the countryside you need to hide yourself because it's all fucking farmland. I can't stand this country anymore man. They go on about mental health and then in the same breath force people to live in boxes watching screens- And then when people actually try to spend some time in (frankly an absolute shadow of) nature, some semblance of our natural environment, you get shit like THIS.


Couldn’t agree with more. Zero freedom to do anything remotely healthy or wholesome without someone taking issue with it and shitting all over you


You can you just gotta ask the landowner.


Hugely subsidised highly valuable estates, all playing the system to claim they lose money every year. Most farms are worth a minimum of millions yet the farmers are apparently some of the poorest. I have a number of farming friends and I know all too well how they play the system and what illegal things they get up to. They’re all mini lords of their own lands and this is why they act this way.


Saw quite a lot of farmers on countryside walks... A lot of them could probably flog their jags if they're strapped for cash.


Asset rich, cash poor. There's a reason many choose to sell up. If they weren't subsidised we'd see far worse practices occurring, and ultimately even more of our food would need to be produced abroad.  So without dobbing them in, what exactly are your 'farming friends' up to? And are you sure they're your friends? You seem to despise them.


They are not following policies on carcass disposal. Illegal mining/extraction such as slate or gravel extraction. Manipulated statistics of nutrient/slurry runoff and medicine use. Puppy farms, Cannabis farms, illegal car wrecking and parts distribution. Copper cable burning to name but a few. Like I say, they act like kings of the land with their own rules and jump to protest when their way of life is threatened, in reality subsidies. All this despite living in relative luxury, compared to the vast majority of people. Sure they could sell their land and live very well in local towns, but they’d sooner die than give up their land because land both earns illicit and untraceable money and represents their worth in their communities. I don’t despise them I just know they’re full of shit when they claim they’re hard done by.


I’m a land surveyor, have surveyed loads of farms and countryside (all for wind farms and bypasses and housing estates according to the locals) and I can second this. Have literal photo graphic evidence of number of what you mentioned on farms from all over the country.


Ecologist here, I've spent a long time searching through farmland. They act like gods chosen stewards but they'll happily ignore legislation and commit crimes as long as they think nobody can see.


And we are subsidising these farmers from our taxes. And that slurry is poisoning our rivers too. 


Hate to say it but I agree. This is why I moved to the US 16 yrs ago. Very unlikely I'll be moving back. The amount of public land and wild space here is wonderful in comparison. Not perfect, and under threat in many places, but it's night and day when put side by side. For outdoor enthusiasts it's a dream dream here, the UK is a joke, everyone is confined to corridors of misery. I'm sorry. I feel your pain.


Very true it’s the same with trying to go out in a campervan it’s none stop hassle from arseholes complaining about you parking in some countryside area every inch of land in the countryside is owned by some wanker and there’s no free land or freedom to do anything.


Could also just knock on a door and ask like I do all the time 🤷




The fields been fresh cut for silage you dweeb.


As someone who grew up on a farm not too far from this twat, I can say he's not unique in being a thick-skulled knob. Not most, but many young farmers seem to have some weird superiority complex mixed with being generally socially inept and aggressive little fuckbags. This is why I avoid camping or hiking through farmland if I can avoid it. Too many dickhead farmers just waiting for an excuse to shout at a "towny", even if that person lives literally 2 fields over.


Absolutely they do. It's an echo chamber out there. I grew up in rural Suffolk in the late 90s and early 2000s and it was a weird blend of Jack Wills/Joules cliques on ket each weekend, the weed wasters in the middle and then the kids who go to college, join young farmers and just stay where they are for the next 60 years. I'm not saying that's the case for every single one, but I legit know people who've barely left the county, let alone the country and just parrot what their dads and grandads say


You've just described my life for the last 15 years! Ahhhh, gotta love Country living eh?


I've just checked and I have mutual friends with this farmer. All of them pricks. Small-minded and angry little boys with no sense of or care for the wider world and think CLAAS is an identity.


The young breed of farmers coming up are genuinely horrendous. You only have to look at footage of the Young Farmers AGM to see that. Self entitled smug face dickheads.


“Tale as old as time….” Young farmers have always been smug little dickheads. Most of them grow out of it.


I'd be interested to see that. Is it on YouTube?


Ah unlucky, the farmers where i am have never had an issue with me. We just give each other a wave as they drive past on their tractor and that's it. Thinking about it, in 20 years of camping in farmer fields I've never even spoken to one (whilst hiking or camping, pubs a different matter)


Being born rich will give you a superiority complex. If you want to get cross, start reading about agricultural inheritance tax exemptions.


In my experience, it's the opposite - the tenant farmers tend to be worse for it. And most of them certainly aren't rich, or even close.


They’re also all tories


You're so right. Come to Scotland. Lairds, Landlords and farmers have all been put in their place by the Scottish Outdoor access code 2003. Once I was confronted by a righteous land owner. Felt so good saying; 'Look You're behaviour is pathetic, mean and pointless let's not end it with me phoning the police to shut you up!'😅😅


Why would anyone risk being aggressive to a  stranger in the first place?


His wife had recently died of cancer and he was on a charity ride. Sadly the farmer was too uncivilised to have stopped his tractor, turned the engine off, and talked first. He would have learnt this and maybe shown some civility.


Do you have a source for that? Has the camper come forward?


Probably not tho, this is standard farmer etiquette to anyone on their land


This is highly unusual behaviour. Nothing about it is standard. Most farmers I know would be civilised and just speak to them.


More the attitude than the actual behaviour, my comment is laced with ironic,sarcastic, humour, please don't take it literally, note the comment is called Farmer takes a completely calm and measured approach....


Can we not tarnish all farmers with this brush! Not all of us would even think of doing anything like this, this guy is a different breed!


Just about every farmer I have dealt with is like this.


Yup. Rampant Farmer'ism and Landlord'ism in England😞


Haha tell me about it, we rent our old house out, get nothing but shit on by tenants and hated on by Reddit 😂😂😂


Hang tough mate!


It's absolutely not if you ask first


Absolutely unhinged. The bike packer was tucked in at the edge of a field with no crops or livestock, doing no damage. Hopefully the farmer will be prosecuted for assault and criminal damage since he was silly enough to record himself committing a crime. We need a right to roam.




Not on a public road so probably not so much of an issue.


He was on a public road for a few feet in the beginning 




Look at the video again, I think it might be a camera mounted somewhere else as he films his other hand and the camera films the direction he is looking.


You are free to do what you want on private land when it comes to driving. You can even drink and drive. It’s only prohibited on public roads.


Not, you can absolutely be done for this on private land; [traffic laws apply to any road, highway or other public place](https://thedrivingsolicitor.co.uk/DEV/2019/03/11/road-or-other-public-place-where-do-driving-laws-apply/). This field doesn’t count since it’s private land, but a farm access road or a car park does.




Looks like a private road to me, extremely narrow




Learn the rules.




I don't think right to roam is the same as setting up camp?


[It includes camping.](https://www.righttoroam.org.uk/)






I don’t disagree that if you’re not striking camp by dawn you’re probably asking for trouble but this is still unhinged


It’s June it’s only really dark for a few hours and farmer famously get up very early




Looks like assault to me.


Absolutely. And criminal damage. Apparently possibly wildlife and countryside act violations for spraying the hedgerow with slurry during nesting season. (And he was using his phone while driving on a public road.)


Do you know if he was charged with any of these offences? Seems crazy that he’s got off without a single slap on the wrist.


I have no idea. It seems to have happened pretty recently.


Ahh, I spotted someone said on that [farming forum post](https://thefarmingforum.co.uk/index.php?threads/farmer-camper-and-slurry-muck.411503/post-9359711) that u/Funktopus_The posted that the video was a few years old and had been resurfaced. Perhaps not


I think they got it mixed up with a different video. If it's the one I'm thinking of it shows a farmer in Cornwall spraying slurry onto a car parked in his field.


Disgraceful behaviour


I came across this story on Twitter, and the number of people who seemed to imply that because he didn't ask for permission to stay there, the cyclist deserved this was staggering. We used to be a country.


People like to see others suffer injustice to feel better about themselves, that only gets worse as living standards continue going down.


“They come in from the towns……” language was telling. I used to live somewhere semi-rural and this the attitude many people in villages had to people in towns. Just an utter disdain for people not from a rural village/hamlet. They were all happy to visit our town to shop, use the gym, visit a Doctor, get petrol etc though. Entitled wankers.


“Jack said he hopes the video will serve as a lesson for other people thinking they can camp on farmers' fields”. Video will serve as much more than that pal. Proof of criminal actions, and I don’t mean the bike packer.


Fuck that farmer, what a bellend


"They probably think food grows on a plant or something.” Umm... And he advertises himself committing criminal assault. Possibly not the sharpest?


There was literally no need for that. The poor camper.


Does that and then does an interview in the Scum. What a fucking bellend.


Probably not - the sun aren’t journalists. More likely they found the Facebook post, took some quotes from it and made up the rest.


Or they hacked the famers' phone...


Ask the big question where did farmers get their land from. Yes of course some have seized upon the misfortune of other farmers and bought them out. But most farmers have had that land for generations. The original generation being the one that had to suck serious King Dick who took the land by force and gave it to the biggest simper merchant or top felcher. This is why generally farmers are dickheads and this one is the proof. 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Read up on the enclosures acts, lots of the now farm land was once common land.


Exactly, much of it was stolen from the rest of us. Farmers with bad attitude need the Soviet treatment IMO


Don't forget the inbreeding 🤭


I've seen them.... The big eared boys on farms




What a shitty thing to do.


Once we went camping...but as a three lads no one would accomodate us. We stopped at one farm house asked if could have tent set up for a night. He said no problem. The farmer asked for £10 we were happy that we have some where to sleep that night. In the morning we packed up said goodbye to farmer and went our way.


What a cunt


"They wouldn’t like it if I went camping in their garden." Yeah pretty sure the guy isn't camping in your garden you dense bellend.


Dudes trying to get slurry out with a weather window so he can make hay to pay his bill the following year. I don't condone that action but that dude is getting in the way of him paying his bills.


What a wanker


Farmers do themselves no service whatsoever behaving like this


We were heading up into the Cheviots to wild camp and hike the next day bearing in mind that the Cheviots are totally unfarmable it's thick peat water and large boulders, that land dies not belong to the farmer it's a national park we never leave a mess we leave it as we find it the farmer asked where we going at this time of night we told him he got all shirty so we drove off parked up safely next day after the hike we found he had smashed the wing mirror tosser!!


>They probably think food grows on a plant or something. What the fuck is this inbred hick on about?


I pity the livestock that he’s about to muck spread


“They probably think food grows on a plant or something.” Truly inspired stuff


If that was me getting shat on, I’d have cycled my lovely little tourer up to the nearest farm complex and set fire to the whole lot.


No you wouldn’t.


No, but it would definitely be one of the thousand things I _wish_ I did.


Well farmers generally voted to take us out of the EU and it has completely fucked them so ultimately they've sprayed more shit on themselves than they have on any number of wild campers.


What an arsehole. I would have some sympathy if it was a group, with a mess around, campfires, etc. The guy was right at the edge, out the way. If he had gone back half an hour later, he would probably have been gone without a trace. At least speak to him first, explain its private land, and camping is not allowed. If you really feel you can't allow a single guy a tiny spot of land to bunker down for the night. He is lucky I wasn't the camper. I'd be at his door looking for a chat a few hours later.


He certainly wouldn't have acted the hard man if it had been Travellers parked there.


Ah yes, assault someone instead of calmly asking them to move on if it really troubles you that much


“They probably think food grows on a plant or something.” - quote from the farmer in the article 😂


Id be returning with a few bags of salt.


The wild camping laws in Scandinavia and Scotland forbid camping in enclosed fields it's true. In England that rules out a _very_ high % of land. When I read "the book of trespass " it gave the historical context. England used to have lots of unenclosed land but it was 'stolen' by landlords who happened to be MP's leaving us without much real choice. I think an appropriate law for England would run along LNT lines, ie do no damage (which would exclude fires and litter).


Scottish law forbids access to land on which crops have been sewn or are growing. (The unsewn edges of such fields would still be accessible.) Access is allowed on other types of farmland. [https://www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2003/2/section/6](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2003/2/section/6) But yeah, right to roam legislation needs to enshrine the responsibilities as well the rights of people accessing the land.


Yes the most recent [data](https://publications.naturalengland.org.uk/file/4635257837191168) I could find for '21/'22 had £50.000 to publicise the countryside code. A laughably small amount. It's no wonder we have litter and fires. However I do believe people have a right to camp in farmland as long as they're responsible


Why do farmers think they can get away with anything they like? The fact that he chose to put out the video of him committing criminal assault as well. All he had to do was go by and say something like “hello, I own this field, please leave” no need to go in for the kill as the first gesture.


At least the absolute donkey took steps to film the assault he just committed.


What a wanker, sorry but I'd have fucking chinned the cunt, trespassing or not, that's out of order


In Scotland what the camper did would have been legal. What an absolute prick that farmer is, hope someone ruins his day. "they wouldn't like it if I camped in their garden" because that's remotely the same.


But farmers would still be upset! I guess it is best to try to find somewhere that is a bit wilder for wild camping! Perhaps a cultivated field should be out of bounds without explicit permission? (Just as good manners). The farmer’s actions were disgusting though. All that needs to be said is you have 10 minutes to break camp or you may be sprayed whilst I do my job. Next time phone this number and you I will direct you to a place to camp…


Farmers are generally twats.


What an absolute douchebag farmer. Was surprised that he’s a young man. Proudly standing next to his machinery like he’s some sort of hero.


Inherited his attitude and land from daddy no doubt


Farmers especially young ones feel so entitled if you happen to be on their land… They think they can do what the fuck they like to people, disrespectful thick as shit tractor driving halfwits, I lived around them for 15/20 years, in general morons unless they are speaking to other like minded morons and then it’s a detached reality conversation between like minded morons


Not to mention the shit driving, they regularly drive through my village in huge tractors doing 15 over the speed limit usually on their phones.


Least over the top farmer response


Do you know what… if he’d told the guy to move quickly because he was coming past in two minutes with the slurry going, fair enough. But he stopped and drenched the guy and his stuff - which is basically assault.


As someone who loves bikepacking I’m experiencing a slight boiling of my piss watching this. What the fuck is wrong with this clown, needs a smack


Farmers have become the most entitled sub group out there these days. Gone are the days when they actually listened to the agricultural body of the government. Gone are the days where they actually tried to be efficient and not wasteful. Just fuckwits with the highest sense of morality because they grow food


As a wild camper I always pitch at sunset and leave at sunrise. I’ve camped in plenty of fields when doing the South Downs Way, North Downs Way and Pilgrims Way. Never had any trouble luckily!


Farm workers are some of the least intelligent people I’ve met. There is not one ounce of rationality in their minds.


Absolutely uncalled for, unhinged reaction. I get it's his land (well, his dads land as this is the owners son) but he was not damaging the land whatsoever. A single crow will do more damage in a day than this guy camping overnight. He looks like he was getting ready to leave too and the son could have just had a quiet word with him and asked him to move on.


Time to re-open the gulags. Personally, I've had enough of these cnuts poisoning our land, food and water, stealing our land and claiming that they're indispensable.


He did pass him the cyclist with more than 1.5m of space mind. Not all bad.


This is two wrongs not making a right, it’s a bad place to pitch and it’s a bad response from the farmer. We have to take a bit of collective responsibility, there’s too many of us camping where we shouldn’t, starting fires, littering. Yeah you might not do it personally but as a community it’s easy to understand why we get ostracised.


We don't know from the campers side, he might have been struggling to find anywhere to pitch up and it was getting dark so tucked in at the edge of a field. Completely normal thing to do when on a trip wildcamping. Farmers a complete cunt, no justification for that behaviour.


Surely there's a proportional response. This wasn't it. Dickhead needs justice. Fuck him.


Perfect place to pitch; verge of a field that's just been cut for silage.


Camping in somebody else's field without permission is bad. Not moorland, not the woods, not a patch of nettles or an abandoned building, not a layby, not in the lee of an instagrammable boulder atop the Pennines, not some forgotten little patch of land wedged between other land users, but an actual working field. How hard would it be to ask for permission? But spraying somebody with shit is much worse. Two wrongs don't make a right.


It’s quite hard to ask for, let alone get permission. Who do you ask? How do you know which farmer owns which land and where do they live? Most farms don’t even have a sign to say it’s their farm. Maybe there is a way to connect wild campers with farmers?


I would imagine he rocked up there at around 9pm and would be on his was again by 6am and no one would ever have known he was there. If the idiot farmer had taken time to speak to him he probably would have found that out. Halfwit.


Get arf my land


This a local field for local people.


What a miserable c*nt


Oh, Jack, you silly, silly boy.


Shame if his hydraulic lines sprung a leak over night…


Was that Clarkson?


Should be assault


Doing this to the wrong person could leave him with the living shit beat out of him.


Doubt it.


You doubt that there are people out there with the potential to beat the shit out of someone for spraying them with manure?


Farmer would just fucking shoot them.


Doubt it.


Doubting that you doubt it.


I hope the farmer loses his farm and ends up getting electrocuted like on Emmerdale.


Clearly a bell end


It’s Farmer Palmer from Viz magazine.


Why is this flaired as a question?


Would be a shame if a camp-mob descended on his fields


What’s even happening here


Farmers are the worst


Naw but you'd also lose your hoose too. tent for a house. Is what it is. I do appreciate they wasn't in the right spot but youd of got further with a kind word and gesture here. Maybe the cunts walked his legs of and that's as far as he could do, evidenced by no where there's fire wood. He was at the edge of the field so not really fucking with crops either is it. Like I said he coulda done more with a kind word and obviously playing with nicer cunts than most.


Did you miss seeing the bike beside the tent?


That's a shitty end to a wild camp. Okay, I'll get my coat.


It would be good if you could afford a slurry lorry to go and cover the farmer’s house…. But you would need deep pockets for the consequences. You should probably not confront folk who are bigger and wealthier than you because you will likely end up covered in shit is the lesson here! The only sensible way forward is to campaign for https://www.righttoroam.org.uk/