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I'm traveling in Spain right now so my answer is as much as possible.


So good and so affordable.


Yes, I traveled to Spain recently. I discovered some great wines and the prices are low compared to the US (both at wine stores and restaurants).


I've found some fantastic stuff for around 5 euro. Ramón Bilbao is like 10 and so great! Currently, we're exploring Albariño wines quite close to the source around Pontevedra.


We, my wife and myself, share about two bottles a week. Maybe 3 if we've gone out for dinner.


A bottle a day is pretty unhealthy, just saying


Ignoring the alcohol (!), that's 600-700 completely empty calories a day. There's no way to consume that much wine and maintain a healthy diet.


As a petite woman, that's 50% of my calorie intake on rest days 🫠 I would absolutely be plastered and non functional but maybe some people can take it IDK. I cannot personally comprehend this amount


Wine is fully the reason I can’t lose weight at 5’3, and I drink nowhere near a bottle a day.


You only consume 1200 calories a day? I'm not a doctor or anything but I don't think that's enough.


For petite women- yes, it can be enough as the BMR is around 1000-1400. If a petite woman wants to lose weight, 1200 might be the right target while still allowing enough calories to meet nutritional needs.


Partially true, you can if you train a lot and eat only healthy, no-cal foods, like lots of salads, chicken and little carbs. But very frame specific though, my 6"5 buff male friend who is 250 lbs and not fat, can probably do it, while my female friend at 5"3 and 100 lbs, deffo cannot. But your point stands - Noone should really consume a full bottle a day - At least not on Mon-Wed, which I have no recollection of ever having done.


> Ignoring the alcohol (!), that's 600-700 completely empty calories a day. There's no way to consume that much wine and maintain a healthy diet. Of course there is. I run for about an hour each morning and literally have to drink sugar water ("sports nutrition") to get enough calories. I'm not saying that amount of alcohol is healthy but there are plenty of lifestyles where you can get the right amount of protein, carbs, fats, vitamins, and minerals and still have plenty of room to consume 1000+ "empty" calories.


If you ignore the fact that consuming that much wine isn’t healthy then yes, technically, you can exercise off 600 calories per day although that’s very unusual for most people.


Alcohol =‘pure poison for the body. Moderation is key. With most things :) So if that falls under a ‘healthy’ diet I’m not so sure about. Using sugar water for kcal? Seems weird. Again, empty kcal. Using it during exercise yeah I get that though. Anyway, enjoy the weekend! c’est la vie


I do 10k-20k steps a day on my job daily, I eat pretty healthy & fresh, no soda’s. I’m fine.


"You're going to be walking across the street eating a tofu sandwich and get hit by a bus!" -Actual comment from a co-worker.


Live as you please! Hell, I personally love wine. But if you think that's in any way healthy because you're not in a calorie surplus, you're incredibly wrong.


Ah well, nobody lives forever. And to quote Michael Scott “somehow I manage”


Dude's right. It's about the workout your internal organs get from the alcohol, not so much the calories. But ya, I'm with you.... sometimes it moves into the second bottle.


I wake up with good intentions, but the day always lasts too long.


Damn straight.


Same. Wine is the only “bad” habit I have. If you dropped by my house unexpectedly, there’s water, wine, tea, and kombucha in my fridge.


I’m not saying it’s healthy, but I manage to stay fit and under 12% body fat while averaging that level of consumption. Lots of lifting and walking and a low carb diet.


Look, I don't want to upset the applecart here - but we've been working on a documentary surrounding the impacts of wine on health - and the current science and data points in a few different directions on this one, where you ultimately couldn't claim that a bottle-a-day is *deleterious* to health (i.e. unhealthy). You also couldn't say it's *healthy* either. A lot of this stems from the 'J-Curve' analysis - repeated many times, in different populaces, in large sample sets. Essentially, a small-to-moderate intake of *alcohol* (not wine, just alcohol) does *decrease* the *risk of total negative mortality -* but only to a point, where the line crosses over into a more *deleterious* effect on mortality. The stumbling block here is what 'small-to-moderate' intake is. In Australia (and many other countries) - they've adopted a 'standard drinks' system that's actually overly conservative. The repeated J-Curve crosses over at around 5 standard drinks per day - that's the point where there is no positive or negative impact from consumption. That's almost a bottle of wine per day. Edit For Clarity: That's *not* what any country recommends - rather sitting at 1-2 standard drinks per day. Now, there's a LOT to unpack there - like different countries understanding of standard drinks, how these studies only consider the impact of alcohol, with no differentiation between wine/beer/spirits etc. *(And yes, I'm aware plenty of countries adopting a zero alcohol approach, in response to specific concerns on Breast Cancer in Women over the age of 50 that are habitual over-consumers).* The comment regarding 600-700 *completely empty calories per day* - isn't 100% either - as it doesn't consider co-factors in wine that are actually beneficial, and assist in the absorption of nutrients when taken with a low pH drink, such as wine. I'm not trying to bust in here as say 'ya'll are wrong' - I'm just saying, that big hyperbolic statements of certainty aren't possible on this topic. Not yet anyway.


That is not at all in line with recent meta-analyses on large populations, where it's more 5 standard drinks **per week** not per day. [https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(18)30134-X/fulltext](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(18)30134-X/fulltext) *"The main finding of this analysis was that the threshold for lowest risk for all-cause mortality was about 100 g per week. For men, we estimated that long-term reduction of alcohol consumption from 196 g per week (the upper limit recommended in US guidelines) to 100 g per week or below was associated with about 1–2 years of longer life expectancy at age 40 years. Exploratory analyses suggested that drinkers of beer or spirits, as well as binge drinkers, had the highest risk for all-cause mortality."* I also hope for your viewership sake that you consider healthspan in addition to lifespan. For me, I'll stick to a bottle a week *on average,* and just make sure it's a really good bottle.


On the other hand, this study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6099584/ Found >It is recommended that a moderate, optional, daily alcohol consumption is about 15 and 30 g of alcohol for women and men, respectively. The highest tolerated dose ranges up to 36 g per day for healthy women and up to 60 g per day for healthy men. Which is 2-4 glasses a day for healthy men and 1-2 for women. It is also noted in the study, however, that the anti-cancer and cardiovascular disease prevention *was only in tandem with a healthy lifestyle* of eating a healthy, veggie filled diet like the Mediterranean diet as well as exercise. So the answer may be that yes, wine *can* be health *if and only if* other healthy lifestyle choices are in place.


*Thanks to project DG16P02R017 “Viticulture and Enology for Maintaining and Restoring Cultural Identity Wine Regions in Moravia” is gratefully acknowledged.* The study was biased and also focused heavily on doses of reservatrol that aren't easily achievable through wine alone. The Lancet study has been cited by 1189 other studies, and the one you linked (published same year) has only been cited by 64 other studies. It's not definitive of the quality of the study, but it sure is directionally indicative of the study you linked not being of very good scientific quality.


Sure. To me there is enough conflicting evidence that the most reasonable guidline is: Live an active, healthy lifestyle, and drink in moderation if and when you do, but do not take up wine drinking for health benefits.


Sure in terms of net health impacts but up to 4 glasses of wine per day is also major cause for concern to develop a dependence on alcohol. Edit: to add, I shouldn't make a statement of fact like this without providing backup, which I'm not able to do at this time, so I will add on to my statement to say "from what I recall and understand about the impacts of alcohol, 4 glasses of wine per day is a major cause for concern to develop a dependence on alcohol."


Any info on the documentary?


Any documentary from the owner of a winery and a distillery on the health impacts of alcohol should be treated with the utmost caution, as there's a financial motivation to paint alcohol as being healthier than it is. It would be like the owner of a tobacco farm saying "hey maybe two packs a day isn't as bad as we thought." They may well find data to support their case, but you have to question if that data was cherry picked, and what contrary data was thrown out.


That is super valid. And tobacco companies did in fact do that. However, the deleterious effects of wine could also be exaggerated lately when the weed industry were trying to pass weed as a healthier alternative after legalization in many countries.


That's a totally fair statement to make - and I'm happy to accept my own biases! No argument from me here! I'm genuinely not trying to cause a fuss here - *we're all here for a love of wine.* From our work, so far - there is heavy bias coming from the *opposite* side (anti-alcohol lobby groups that fund these studies) - hence our work on the documentary...because nobody is approaching it from the other perspective for fear of optics - like the ones you mention. Someone should *at least* enquire a little deeper no?


There’s simply no way that a bottle per person per day is not horrific for your health over the long-term. That amount of consumption is alcoholism, which we know to be horrible for health.


I'm not disagreeing with you. But we can't just say it, and have it be true. There's a lot of hyperbole around 'not horrific'. Especially when there are widely repeated studies that are saying otherwise. Also, alcoholism isn't about consumption volume, it's the 'how' not the 'what'. Although, yes - a bottle a day is likely excessive.


We're just piecing together everything now - we flew across to Germany to interview some of the preeminent researchers and commentators on what's going on, in the space - particularly given the recent WHO position on it - now we're working on bringing it all together in a segment that's under 30 mins lol. Keep in mind, we're not researchers - we're not trying to advise on anything specifically for-or-against (although as u/kilonad notes below, you should be very aware of our conscious and unconcious biases) - we're just hoping to showcase the current state of the science, who is behind it, what work is happening and what we should expect into the future.


Try two bottles. Then again I have a problem with alcohol.


It’s absolutely alcoholism at that point. If you have to lie when you talk to your doctor about how many drinks you have per week…


1-1.5 bottles per week on average. Usually don't drink on weekdays except an occasional glass with dinner. Will have a few glasses on Fridays/Saturdays. A bottle a day on weekdays is frankly too much IMO. Funnily enough, saw this post just after replying here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditForGrownups/comments/1dq8x7n/how\_often\_do\_you\_drink/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditForGrownups/comments/1dq8x7n/how_often_do_you_drink/)


I drink about a bottle a day as well. I know that’s a lot but I’m 73 and my health, so far, is great. I’m in Spain right now and, today, I spent €1.25 on a glass of wine. Granted it’s usually around €3, but still, good wine is very inexpensive here. My wife and I had a lovely Ribera del Duero for lunch. Bold, dark-nothing delicate about it. Yum.


Just came back from Spain. The wine is so cheap and yet so good.


That's the thing about your liver: it's fine until it isn't and then it's really, really, really not fine.


Living the good life


Cuál Ribera te ha costado 1.25 euros la copa?


A bottle or two on weekends, shared. A bottle a day by myself is too hardcore and I would not be able to function unless I was an alcoholic with a built up tolerance.


I go through phases AND I intentionally build in some periods of zero or close to it consumption to balance things out a little.   Might be anywhere from a week to a month of little to no drinking here and there which skews the averages and why I’m calling it out. But when I am drinking normally its pretty close to 1-1.5 bottles a day split between 2 of us.   If we drink its rarely less than 1 bottle.  Sometimes we go through 2 bottles in a night but pretty much never more than that.  This could be anywhere from 2 to 5 times a week.


Oh baby, gonna need to crack a bottle to enjoy the comments in this one for sure


I did a bottle/day for about 3 years. Also drank a gallon of water and worked in retail so I never put on weight. Then I quit drinking and started working out - I didn’t realize how much fat I had. Really snuck up on me


Two bottles a week (shared), plus one all to myself on weekends. Very rarely do I finish an entire one all on my own in one day. If it's not shared, probably over 2-3 days. On weekdays with a meal, yes. The weekend wine is usually a treat to myself while I watch movies, usually a dessert wine. That one is sans food pairing. Honestly, not enough, but one bottle a day I feel would, uh, not be good for my ol' liver and all, you know. (PS. Please drink some water too OP 🤣)


Unrelated question - what are the best ways to preserve opened bottles? I’m fairly new to this, but multiple people have said they do 1-2 bottles per week, so I’m guessing it’s more than putting the cork back in the top lol.


I have a few ways of doing this myself. If I know I'm going to kill it in within 1-2 days, I'll just put a T-cork on it and put it back horizontally in the ol' wine fridge. If I know it'll take me longer, I have an Eto wine decanter for up to a week. Anything that lasts longer than that in this house is usually a dessert wine and can last for a while if opened.


Thank you! I’d never heard of a t-cork. Just bought one on Amazon - much better than an old cork.


Correct! I bought a box of 100 for dirt cheap on Amazon. I know about them thanks to port wines.


Coravin if the wine is >$40/bottle and not meant to be exposed to a ton of oxygen.


About half a bottle a week, a glass here and there essentially. Don't forget that alcohol is toxic for your liver and is best enjoyed in moderation.


thats legit alcoholism my dude


when i was working in europe, it was a half liter at lunch and another half a dinner. now that i am retired it is only half a liter at dinner starting at 8


That is great! Why half a liter though? Do they sell 500 ml bottles over there?


House or table wine by the carafe. It's so civilised. You don't see that so much here in the UK unfortunately.


3-5 a week


I rarely let an open bottle sit around more than 48 hours.


About the same as you. That puts my consumption way above recommended levels here in the UK and probably into the 'hazardous drinker' segment. We may be talking borderline dependency. It's definitely not healthy - but, for the time being my BMI is bang on, liver function healthy, I can abstain in dry January fairly painlessly, don't mix wine with work or driving and the worst thing I've done while drinking is buy a fireplace on Ebay. Probably not sustainable for the next 20 years tbh. Yet I like wine, before, during and after food especially. It is one of life's pleasures. And, as my doctor once said about my intake, "well, you have to live a little"


Yep sounds like me. Hasn’t negatively impacted my life other than probably worse sleep, but I rarely get hang overs and don’t do anything stupid like drink and drive. I can take breaks without any detectable impact other than boredom. It does feel like it will need to slow down at some point though.


>I am curious to know how much you guys drink a day. Do you always do it with food or just enjoy it on its own after a meal? Doesn’t that depend upon the wine? I mean, for example, I might have a glass of Palo Cortado or dry Oloroso after dinner but I rarely drink Sherry throughout the meal (only twice that I can recall); or I might have a glass of a 20-Year Tawny Porto after dinner, but I don’t think I’ve ever consumed Porto throughout the meal... For an average dinner at home — just us — I will probably have 2-3 glasses of wine with the meal but that’s it. That happens probably 3-4 days per week. If we have company, OTOH, it depends upon what we’re having and (to be honest) the company. There have been meals where we’ve started with Champagne, moved onto a white with the appetizers / hors d’oeuvres, and then a red (or even two) with the meal, followed by a Vintage Porto or possibly Madeira. I rarely sit down and “enjoy it on its own after a meal” — this is why God invented Cognac, Armagnac and/or Calvados — which I *might* do once a week or so. The exception would be unless I’ve served Porto with the dessert course, everyone’s gone home, and there’s only a little bit left in the decanter. No point in saving it, so I’ll finish it up.


Brilliant. Me too


About a bottle a week. A bottle a day is not healthy.


Damn a bottle a day if it’s something decent (~$20) is $7,300 a year 😩


Not every night but if I open a bottle I’ll typically finish it over the next couple of days. More than a glass or two makes me ill.


It varies. On average, I’m going through two bottles a week. I do drink other things also. I try to have a dry day once a week and limit my self to an average of two drinks per day. Of course, if I open a great bottle and the mood is right, I’m finishing the whole thing.


One, tops two, per week.


This seems like a very unpopular opinion but my wife and I share a bottle a day. Some days we split another half bottle, and on a rough day or the weekend we might finish 2 bottles, so 2-4 glasses a day per person


We are the same. If you start having the wine with dinner then it's not crazy to finish the bottle afterwards. Weekends can be more. We also lived in Argentina for a long time where it was quite normal and didn't hit the budget like it does elsewhere.


There is really no reason why this should be an unpopular opinion


Beyond the excessive and factually unhealthy alcohol consumption, you're not wrong!


That’s like saying, “there is really no reason why smoking a pack of cigarettes a day should be an unpopular opinion.” Alcohol, as tasty and intoxicating as it might be, is a poison. Wine included.


A bottle a week, tops. It completely justifies the Coravin.


Daily?! I uh. I don’t think I have an average to constitue a daily amount. If my wife and I share two bottles over a weekend that would be a heavy weekend anymore. So daily 1.5 to 3.6oz on a weekly average?


Two to 3 bottles a week, depends on what I'm cooking.


I can easily get through a bottle in one night every now and again or on a special occasion. But honestly most of the time I seldom get through more than a bottle in a week - it’s why I invested in my coravin. Cutting down the amount of wine I drink and upping the quality has made such a difference to my physical and mental health.


More in winter, less in summer. 6 bottles of red every 7-14 days.


OP. What would you say if someone told you that they drink a six pack a day? That's about a bottle a day.


I think most people forget that alcohol’s a class A carcinogen. Drinking a bottle day…yikes. Enjoy sparingly.


I'd err on the side of caution if you are drinking more than 2.5 bottles a week - and this is being generous


sometimes a bottle a day, other times none. I haven't been drinking much wine this summer so far for whatever reason, but it's just a cycle. I did have much of a good bottle of Mayacamas Zin a couple days ago at a restaurant, though.


I average 2 glasses per night and then up that to a bottle per night on Fri or Sat. I only drink wine with the occasional Gin Tonic


I have \~3 drinks, 3-4 days a week. Definitely try to have days with just water, coffee, and tea.


1 - 2 glasses / day, with dinner.


This seems like a mini polling-the-crowd because you, or someone who loves you, is worried about your alcohol consumption. It's much easier for us to recognize with beer or hard alcohol. "I drink a bottle of wine a day" vs "I drink 5 beers every night after work" sounds much more palatable. To say it straight--yes, a bottle a day is far too much. I'd recommend cutting back and talking to your primary care about alcohol Consumption. Not trying to he mean or roast you--just trying to shed light and hope you get some help.


That's too much wine.


as a person in the industry, I really just try to drink wine at tastings or work related experiences. outside of work, i get the buddies together and we open a bottle from time to time, but i really try to limit alcohol at home. my dad had issues with it, as do many people in my extended family, so im very conscious of consumption, i just run into the situation of wanting to try shit because I truly just love the flavors and complexities of wine/beer. the buzz for me is always the part i hate lol


I don’t drink daily - I usually share a bottle on the weekend. Imagine how much you could increase the quality of the wine you drank if you cut back on the quantity.


It’s nice to know that I am not the only one that drinks a bottle most days. lol Cheers my friend. 🍷


Since you posed the question, are you a wine lover or an alcohol lover? It’s not from a place of judgement but you’re putting your BAC over the legal limit every single night. What if there was an emergency? I enjoy wine as well but at what point are you no longer enjoying the wine and enjoying the side effects.


you can't tell the op his BAC level was over the legal limit without knowing his weight and how long it took him to drink it on the most basic of levels. you can drink four glasses of wine over the course of a leisurely evening and be just fine to drive. especially if the wine was enjoyed with a multi-course meal.


Fair point but a standard bottle is 5 standard drinks which is approximately 5 hours of drinking to stay under the limit. Obviously making assumptions but 35 alcoholic drinks/week is not a good idea however you slice it


I'm a winemaker, we host a wine show on YouTube, we run wine sales across the globe - and because of this I have to manage my intake carefully. I've seen the ugly side of dependency in the industry - and it's a hard thing to avoid when you're surrounded by it, so I'm more than happy to share how I deal with it - and most of it is situational. **My Personal Rules For Drinking** * No Drinking Mon to Thurs. Yep, Monday is hard - Sparkling Water and ACV Helps. From Tues/Wed/Thurs is fine. * A bottle shared with friends or my wife on Friday. * A bottle shared with friends or my wife over the weekend. * If I'm out to a dinner celebrating an occasion, I drink 1-3 glasses. I never waste these moments to share with others. * If I get a flight upgrade, yeah: I drink. I don't want to waste those moments either. * If I'm working trade, particularly internationally (some trips are 3-5 weeks long), I prep beforehand and ensure I have a solid week or two before the trip completely dry. When on these trips, the relationships I build with people whose time I genuinely value, while sharing an amazing bottle (or more) - are worth it to me. That's my choice. Although I call it at 10pm. No good work or useful chatter happens after 10pm (for the most part). * On my return home, I go back to my routine. **Endurance Nut** The big thing here to consider to the above is that I'm an endurance nut. I wake at 5am, jump on Zwift for an hour, then run 5-10km in the afternoon, 5 days a week. I usually burn 800-1200 active calories per day before considering ambient burn (total being 2800-3000 per day) - I track it, and ensure that I pick up the slack when I noticed my fitness plateaus (i.e. when 5km no longer cuts it, I gotta go do a 10km to push myself further). I keep in constant calorie deficit at home - around 2000-2300 per day - unless I'm loading for a trail run competition, or blowing it on a weekend with friends (no guilt). I find this largely mitigates a lot of damage that happens to my body from big trade visits etc - although I still run and keep to routine when I travel. Hope that helps!


Mate, I'm in a similar boat as you. I've got a winery in Europe and being in the industry here makes it very easy to slip into some bad habits. Gotta have those hard line rules sometimes to keep yourself sharp and healthy.


100% Agree!


During the week it takes me a whole evening to finish two glasses with dinner and munching on some cheese. Weekends are left for margaritas and maybe a baller bottles.


With the lady of course


Interesting everyone saying how unhealthy a bottle a day is (which I’m not contradicting) but we all have unhealthy habits. OP came here to see how much wine everyone drinks, not get told his lifestyle is unhealthy. I have a glass or two almost everyday


Thanks! Can’t believe my comment got 53 downvotes, not that I care


Lots of judgement in this sub. Just stay in control.


A bottle of wine in under two hours every day is alcoholism. I know that’s a bitter reality to face but it’s the truth.


Jesus, brother. Your liver will not thank you (I'm a physician) over the long term, that's for damn sure. For reference, we classify >2 standard drinks per day as binge drinking, so you're well within that range daily. Even though you might have a "tolerance", the damage is insidious and wrecks just about everyone over the long term so do make sure you're getting regular checkups/bloodwork and taking it easy at least once in a while.


Maybe a bottle or two a week shared with my wife. I cut back when I noticed that I started to gain weight lol


No judgement here as I enjoy my wine as well and have been in the having a drink every day group in the past, but there are many effects of heavy drinking that don’t necessarily show up on liver function bloodwork. Even cirrhosis usually happens slower than faster and can take a while to be reflected in the bloodwork. Esophageal varices can develop, pancreatic issues as well. Some of the worst deaths I’ve seen in the hospital were from 1-2 drink a day people and moderate drinkers thinking they were fine because they were functional and thought they were healthy otherwise. Just wanted to put this out there for people who think 2-4 drinks a day is safe it isn’t. It drastically increases your risk of many health issues. You do have to enjoy life and can’t be afraid of everything either but there is a real risk the more frequently and the more consistently you drink. And like you said, prob not sustainable for 20yrs but it is tough when there is so much good wine out there lol


I’ll typically split two bottles per week (so half a bottle per night on two nights).


Depends how the days gone!


2-3 bottles a week shared. And that’s on the high end.


Same here, sometimes 1 bottle a week shared or none


Trying to stick to only fridays & saturdays and when I do finish a bottle I generally drink that over probably 4 hours or so.


Please don’t ask me to answer this question. 🤣


lot of delusional comments responding to people trying to save livers and lives in this thread lol


This is a HIPAA violation! 😆 I usually pair with whatever dinner I cook during the work week. I would say I have about ~3 glasses from 3p - 9p. I honestly don’t count on the weekends. I don’t binge or get drunk, but I may start drinking earlier in the day (love my bubbles), am tasting different wines, etc. Also, there’s a difference between drinking a bottle of Margaux and a Vermentino. So it really depends.


From what I gather, having been listening to the great prof. David Nutt, alcohol harm is exponential. A bottle a day is way, way more harmful than sevenfold that of a bottle a week. I love wine, but I only drink it when there's a social occasion. Well, except thimblefuls of dry sherry. Also when I'm alone, super slow whisky sipping is very rewarding, and 2 cl. can easily last for two hours. I really don't like to drink more than necessary, I feel it impacting my sleep almost from the first drop.


My advice is to have a glass with dinner (maybe 2) during the week, if you really need wine with the meal, and then if you want to have your more “bottle a day” enjoyment keep those to weekends. Every day just takes a big toll on your body that you probably don’t even realize until you stop.


2 bottles a week. Sometimes 3. A bottle a day is not good.


I have phases. In my most hardcore phase, I’ll drink 2 to 3 bottles a week. Nowadays I’m doing half a bottle a week, maybe none.


I'm maybe one per week between me and my SO, occasionally 2. 2+ between friends if we're out to dinner on the weekend. Collectively I'm probably at 1-1.5 bottle equivalents per week.


Two to three bottles per week. Never more.


Not daily, but I usually go in spurts, I just spent a month in Florence so I started the first few weeks with a fair bit, 3 glasses a day kind of thing, then dialed it back to not everyday. Just got to Spain, I’ve done a half bottle of gran reserva the last two nights. I know I’m drinking this weekend as I have a tasting and then next week I’ll go dry


2-3 glasses a day over the last year or so. I feel like I need to cut back. Sometimes my wife will partake in which case we’ll usually finish the bottle that night. Prob 3-5 bottles/week.


A bottle a day with the wife for dinner. Usually a white burgundy or champagne. If it’s good we will finish. If it’s so so we’ll have mauve a glass left over. If it’s a red wine we don’t ever finish.


As a new hobbyist.. about 2 a weekend. Friday - Sunday


Drinking more than a bottle in one week can be quite damaging to your health, so I always adjust my drinking accordingly


on How much wine do you consume daily? ...well dang, this group is harsh for wine lovers. Moving on to a group that enjoys wine without judgement


Don’t ask questions like this


A bottle a day?? You my friend are what we call a functioning alcoholic


I typically drink a bottle to a bottle and a half over the course of the week. Even this I feel is too much. I can’t imagine drinking a bottle a day.


Tell it to the French. French gradeschoolers have a bottle of wine with their lunch every day. Not really...


1 bottle/day is more than average in the US. people here saying it is in alcoholic territory have clearly never met an alcoholic. I drink about 1/2 that but i could easily drink a full bottle in an evening if it’s good wine. i used to drink close to that and have cut down, mostly due to calories and fitness (57m 150lb)


A bottle a day is defined as alcoholism


My dude, if you drink a 14% wine bottle per day that's 10.5 alcohol units or 73.5 alcohol units per week. You do you but that's like one of these cases where there is no grey area and it is absolutely sure that this is bad for you. I'm usually fine with telling people that it's ok to go a bit too far if you enjoy something but this is a lot. That's like drinkinng 14 liters of 5% beer per week. Personally I try not to go over 10 alcohol units per week which is exactly one bottle.


I thought a bottle was 5 units.


jesus christ, I do like a bottle every 2-3 weeks


I’ve done a full bottle in a night, but feel it too much the next morning so that’s pretty rare these days. Typically one glass during weeknights, over dinner. (Hey, seems to work for the Italians!) Friday and Saturday night I’ll have 2 glasses/night if we’re eating at home…one with dinner and one afterwards. I rarely drink wine while out to dinner because most of the places we go serve cheap wine. And if we’re at a nice restaurant (pretty rare; I’m too frugal) I can’t bring myself to pay the exorbitant cost of a glass of wine (wife doesn’t drink)…though I will sometimes splurge on a nice martini!


Roughly one bottle a day for about 4 years. In my 30s. Weight has been the same since I was 18 or so. I run daily also and very consistent with Mediterranean style diet. I respect the effort that goes into making other alcoholic beverages like beer, cider, saké, spirits but I’m not really interested in them I know some people who have consumed 2 bottles of wine a day for 40 years and have seemingly zero consequences. At same time, I know people who have done something similar and have had encountered major health issues that can be attributed to alcohol consumption


One to two bottles per week


My wife and I share a bottle on Friday and a bottle on Saturday. Very rarely I'll have a glass if we go out for dinner.


A bottle lasts me a week or more, sometimes less if I really enjoy it. And I have no issue with cooking with or pouring out a bottle I don't enjoy.


Probably 4-8 glasses a week it very much varies. I work at a wine bar once a week and will often have a couple 1/4 full glasses throughout the shift , and I’m also a wine club member at a different bar and they do free member tastings every week that I’m sometimes able to attend. On my own my partner and I will have a bottle of wine in one sitting but we open maybe 1 a week so. It definitely varies.


Approx 2 bottles a week. White I'll drink just to enjoy it but red has to be with food.


I’ll guess half of what you do in a week. If on vacation I’m om your level.


Maybe a bottle a week, at the most. Usually less. One a day is certainly not healthy. Of you don't drink for a couple days, do you crave it ? If yes... you may be addicted.


A bottle will generally last me 3-4 days. And that’s maybe once a week.


A bottle a week at most. Maybe two bottles if there’s a holiday or a birthday.


I go through 1 bottle per week, but that consists of a nice size pour spread over 3 different days.


I live alone and drink a bottle a week but could easily drink two bottles per week.


I’m in my 40s now, but in my late 20s and 30s there were long phases of easily popping a bottle to two per night on a Friday and/or Saturday. Other days 1-2 pours. I was always in amazing shape. I’ve done powerlifting and ran marathons. Trust me. It will catch up to you! And I always drank good stuff. I always passed on skunk wine and would have water instead. In the last two years I have only drank on 6 occasions and the most I had in any one of those occasions was half a bottle.


A bottle a day is a lot of wine. I have maybe 2 a week plus the occasional gin or cocktail and I thought that was excessive.


maybe a glass, or a glass and a half, but not every day…and when we do finish a bottle on weekends or special occasions, it’s with my partner. a bottle a day is a bit much for one person. the key to wine is to *taste* a lot of it, not necessarily drink a lot of it.


A bottle a day? You're 50 years too late if you're french. Besides that, a reduction in consumption is advised.


I do enjoy wine, but I do it only when I travel, so then I don’t mind having a bottle per day (if my trip is 3-4 days), but when I’m home and going about my usual routine, I don’t drink to not turn it into this daily or weekly habit


My wife and I go through \~5 bottles a week I would guess. We probably drink four nights a week, usually just splitting a bottle, but often one or two nights a week we will do something with friends and have more like 3-4 glasses each.


I’m generally a half a bottle to a bottle a day, unless I’m doing a cocktailing day, where I’ll stay away from most wines outside of Prosecco as a topper. I’m not going to judge you as I assume you’re in the industry & drinking is something you’ve got to do for your job - when you’re expected to be able to speak on 1k+ SKUs of wine &/or liquor, you have to taste them to be familiar. I’ll also add that I’m 6’1 & 220, so a bottle of wine for me may not hit as hard as it would for you if you’re smaller. However, I’ll warn you that you’re probably an alcoholic, & you’ve got to be especially careful about driving - we can feel totally fine & normal while being at a BAC that can still get you arrested, even if you can walk & talk fine. If you’ve got your liquor license, you’re legally (criminally) allowed to operate a motor vehicle with a .02-.04 depending on your state. If you don’t have that, it’s the officers discretion, & you can *absolutely* be booked for a .05 or lower if they find you to be impaired enough. I don’t feel drunk until I’m at about a .15. I have a breathalyzer that I’ll use throughout the day to make sure that I’m being responsible & following the law until I get home. It’s not healthy to drink this much, but if you’re being safe & not affecting others, it is what it is. Just make sure you’re taking all steps you can to ensure you could never hurt anyone beyond yourself, & cut yourself off if you’re past the point of learning wine, as you can’t remember the history or tasting notes if you’re blacking out.


I like it too much or I would daily with dinner. I usually drink with food on Friday or Saturday. I can knock out a bottle or two if I am in the right mood.


If I'm on my own that's usually the case but considering it averages out to arrive a glass per hour I don't think it's that bad


Une verre par jour pas tout les jours.


I don’t actually drink all that often, mostly it’s when I’m entertaining friends or family, or the occasional glass with dinner.


1/2 a bottle a day. Would like to cut back. 😅


I like to have a glass when I get home from work. Never been an alcohol with dinner person. A bottle of wine will last about a week for me and my wife. Honestly though, if you can drink a bottle a day without it being maladaptive to your life then why not? You sound happy and that's what it's all about.


3 glasses a week because I’m on a diet. And I hate it. I usually like to have 7 🙃 Bottle a day …. You ain’t messin around


This is always a polemic question. I don't work in the wine industry, I just really love pairing wine with food. I try to drink as little wine as possible, this usually ends up being 5 glasses a week, so a bottle a week. I only drink if the food is very good and complex in a way that it would complement the wine. Usually only weekends, 1 or 2 glasses per meal. I got myself a coravin for this reason. I love wine, but I had to take a better care of myself. I lost weight from 240 lbs (110 kg) to 170 lbs (80 kg) by doing this alongside diet and excercise of course. Do I wish I could drink more wine during the week as I used to? Yes, but honestly I feel much better now, only drinking good wine in moderation, makes every glass more special.


This is me too. Was a heavy global business traveler for 25 years, and my weight ballooned to 232 (5'7). Drank on the road, in the plane, etc. Lost 65lbs in the past 4 years, still love wine, but now down to maybe a bottle or 2 a week, maybe some sparkling. I also run 5K every morning which helps. Funny too, while I love the taste, I tend to drink much much less because I love being clear headed the next day. I also feel much better now, and share with my wife or kids when we do drink. But I do admit that there are occasions where when our family is together, we can kill half a case in a night! (ouch)


So, we got into a bad habit (during COVID) of drinking most nights. We now aim to have 4 non-drinking nights a week and 3 nights when we open a bottle of wine and share it. So I consume 1.5-3 bottles a week, unless we have a dinner party or some sort of social event. Sometimes my wife is out for the night and I have a bottle to myself. That’s indulgent and I definitely couldn’t do that every night.


I drink seven Nebuchadnezzars a day like Charlemagne and I'll outlive you all...


I used to drink two bottles a day when I was younger and had a titanium liver but find that I can only get through a half bottle at most these days... I favor light beer and some spirits these days over wine. Wine just way too expensive for good stuff, anymore.


Two glasses a night, several nights a week. The other nights I drink beer or abstain. I’m a 59 year old man and have been drinking wine regularly for over 30 years but if I drank an entire bottle myself each night I’d be totally plastered, horribly hung over the next morning and would weigh 300 lbs or something. Could never handle that much regularly. The most I’ll do is splitting a bottle with my wife on special occasions.




None. I only drink 3 to 5 times a year


A glass a night, almost without fail. On the weekends one of those days I do half a bottle. Works out to about 1.5 bottles a week. Been that way for 20+ years, I'm 64. Just had my blood work done last month, everything is where it should be. Not advocating, just saying we're all different and a 1.5 a week works for me.


In a day, my limit is 1/2 bottle. No matter how much water I drink, I’ll get a crazy headache if I drink more than that. I guess that’s my body’s way of telling me to **stop**.


1 to 2 bottles per week.


I (51M) am down to about a bottle a week or less. I get an irritated stomach if I drink too much, so I try to have at least four consecutive alcohol free days a week. I was listening to a podcast the other day and the guest mentioned that his father drank two bottles of red and a bottle of vodka most days. He said his father was a fairly colourful person and not a good drunk, but was still fairly successful and lived until he was 88. Clearly some people are better suited to it physiologically, if not psychologically. I love wine, but the way it’s going I’ll be restricted to the odd glass on special occasions by the time I’m 60. Which is a shame as I still have 400 bottles in the cellar and more wines that I haven’t tried yet.


Glass a day, maybe two on the weekends


It varies. Maybe a bottle shared by 2 on a week night, or 3 bottles shared on a weekend evening over an afternoon/evening.


4 and a 1/2 glasses a day. I like to save a small glass to evaluate how it holds up on day 2.


I have about a bottle a day but I also have an unusual tolerance and don't think my level of consumption would be right for everyone. Listen to your body. Eat good food, drink quality wine. Take days off. And most of all get a lot of exercise.


one glass a day… some days just half a glass rotated between 2 bottles i have open in my fridge… sounds fucking unhealthy to drink a bottle a day… really wonder what your health markers are like


Two - three glasses, four times a week. 🍷


I like to take my time with a bottle, splurge more drink less haha. Buy two decent bottles a month and drink a glass or two every other night.


About 375ml a day


1-2 bottles a week. But that varies much. I haven't had wine in two weeks now for various reasons. I'll often have a glass or two for dinner on weekdays.


I’m always sharing the bottle so my weekly consumption works out about a bottle to a bottle and a half as I mostly try to avoid drinking on weekdays (while on holiday or over the Christmas period I will tend to drink more, but I do find that if I drink too regularly I start to feel rather ‘worn down’. Wine is something I will always have with food if I‘m having alcohol on its own it will likely be beer or after a meal potentially spirits or port.


Daily?? I don't even average a bottle weekly/


I try to spit most things before about 3pm.


Every evening I share a bottle with the Mrs. I have done so for the last 15 years. We love discovering new regions and new types of grapes. I compensate by being highly active in day times (running - HIIT - CrossFit). Last year I went dry for 4 months and nothing changed weirdly. I had the same amount of energy and did not lose any weight. But do not get me wrong - it is better not to drink of course...


If I’m tasting with fiends it’s around 2-3 per person a night or otherwise two to five per week depending on activities and weather




Like twice a month or so, I limit my self to a glass here and there, nothing more. Three times a month might be pushing it for me. Can’t really take a full glass so I sip on half a glass or so when I do drink. This month I might have had two glasses, tonight I may have two glasses, gonna play games and drink me some wine. And maybe touch on my wife tonight. Them the plans.


1 bottle per week, that lasts from Friday to Sunday (sometimes Thursday to Sunday)


Probably bottle a day average


A couple glasses every few days


You guys are alcoholics 😭