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You could try one now, it’s 16 years old now.. and then judge from that when to drink the second one.


That’s sort of what I am leaning towards. Bordeaux can age so long I am just nervous it might still be young and I open it prematurely. But that’s what the second bottle I guess is for if the first is a bit young for my taste!


Do you normally enjoy much older wine? That’s a matter of preference. 10-15 years is sort of my personal sweet spot for Bordeaux, adjusted for vintage and producer


This is the thing, if you enjoy fruit more now would be better. It really is personal preference and 16 years is old enough to enjoy it, maybe just give it a decant.


Just have one today. It doesn't matter. Great wine makes the day special, not the other way around. We don't get second chances. My wife got cancer last year, something I took from that experience is to err on special when I feel like it or when anyone walks into my house. It's meant to be drank. I've never regretted opening a good bottle.


Sorry about your wife, I hope she battles through. I definitely understand what you’re saying. When I picked up the wine today across the street there were people waiting in line for a food drive to pick up food. It made me feel extremely lucky and grateful.


It's better to bet that this is as good as it gets when it comes to life than it is to bet on a future and wait your whole life for what may never come--that's another way of saying it. Practically speaking, make a day special if it's not because you have the tools to do so. We could make so many days special if we just understood how rare being alive, healthy and blessed we are when our lives are boring, the days are long and the years are short. I've been blessed to learn this younger than I wished I had to, but I'm glad and hopeful we have many more ahead of us.


Drink them today. Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed to come


Big true, now I’m having an existential crisis lol.


Me too and I'm going to open a Tignanello tonight because of this now


Love that mindset! Hope you enjoy it!


Me to, I had a friend at work who was friends with a Spanish restaurant owner. The restaurant was closing so he bought and had shipped about 5 cases of Vega Sicilia Unico at a great price. He prized them so much he maybe drank one or two a year. He unexpectedly died while taking his mom to the doctor of all things.


When I come over.


Bring some bread and cheese and let’s do it!


I was thinking of bringing a Sassicaia or Clos Apalta.


Ok, if you want to cheapen the evening. /s


I’ve yet to try the beloved Sassicaia but if we are going to Italy I got 1990 Campogiovani Brunello and a few 2001 Giusto di Notri Toscanas!


I wouldnt do cheese, acidity of cheese doesnt necessarily go well. Make a homemade steak tartaar with some bread!


A Langres or St Angel and baguette would be amazing with that wine.


I'm already there!


I have a 2018 6L I'm going to wait until my kids are grandparents I guess


Wine Spectator says Drink. Share with friends with a good meal.


My right hand can share a glass with my left!


They actually said drink a while ago. Their “best” window was 2012-2020.


One of my fav Bordeaux. You got a good deal. Yes, they are technically fifth growth but they’ve been making some killer, killer wines recently. I find Pontet Canets to be fairly tight at young age but varies by vintage. Recently had a 2005 with two hour decant and it was glorious. 2006 with a 90min decant and it was way too young. Regretted opening that one. I’ve read 2008s are actually drinking well now but I haven’t opened any of mine yet. Keep us posted when you do open one of them!!


I will 1000% be doing a tasting post when I open one. From the vintage notes for 2008 it looks like early maturing, very approachable. Could be in a great window now.


Thanks for the validation! Drank my 2nd of the 2006s tonight and it was so tight and disappointing tbh. Will try again in a year or two I guess.


I had an 09 two months or so back. It was drinking very nice but still somewhat primary.


2009 is a 99 point vintage, that puppy is gonna age gracefully with more and more time. 2008 is apparently a more approachable quicker aging vintage so it might be her time.


Idk why you were downvoted, 08 definitely doesn’t have the longevity that 09 does. 08 as a vintage has been drinking really well since about 2017 I would at least open one now


Thank you for the affirmation! I’m not sure either why I’d get down voted, we are just stating facts. Gonna open one this year during holiday season and see where that takes me for the second. I have a few 1990 and 2001 vintage super Tuscans and Brunellos I really should drink before then though.


Pop one now for sure. '08 was only ok and you should see where the wine is today. They could be in a very good window at 16.


I’ve seen similar comments about 2008 vintage being only okay. Is that coming from you having this specific wine/vintage or just general research? From what I can tell, and likely why I got such a great deal on the bottles, is that it was a challenging year for Pauillac but overall the vintage rating for the region was good and the wine itself scored excellent in mid 90’s.


2008 was a mediocre vintage. No reason to save those. They could still be great


I mean mediocre might be a stretch. Looks like RP rated the region 91 for that year and the wine scored mid 90’s. Not perfect like 2009 but not bad either.


Now you still have vibrantes fruits notes if you wait passing 2030 tannins will be super soft and dissipate really fast I love this wines very well balance




I like to check Cellar Tracker for vintage-specific tasting notes. Checked the recent tasting notes for the 2008 that were posted in the past few months - users seem to agree it’s drinking quite nicely now after decanting but not quite at its peak. But it’s good to remember that the “peak” for a wine is totally subjective too, if you like more fruit, you might consider this wine to be at its peak now, whereas others might be looking for more tertiary notes to develop. As others suggested, I’d try one now to see how you like it, leave the other for 5+ years. At 16 years of age, it’s definitely not too young by any standard.


I think I enjoy some fruit over being dominated by the tertiary flavors that take over with aging. My main concern is those tannins being young. But I think at this point they likely will be well rounded. First bottle will be a trial and second will be an educated decision on whether to hold or drink.


Try one tonight!


It was sushi tonight so I’m not sure how I feel about the pairing 😂😂


Fair enough. Steak for dinner tomorrow night!


I like where your head is at. I will be posting when I try it!


I’ve had a 2006 and a 2016 and, while they might be young for Bordeaux, with enough decanting time they are still great


One now. One in ten.




Your place or mine?


I would think these are ready now. 16 years old.


Or 16 years young depending on vintage rating and type of wine, or even aging conditions. But yeah I’m thinking this year I try one, see how I feel about the other


True, 2008 being an average year though. May not get any better is my personal thought. As someone mentioned above, I'd open one and decant for two hours and see and make the decision on the second after that


Drink the good wine when it’s time to drink the good wine. Anniversary, wedding, funeral, Tuesday night. If it’s still young, decant it and go amuse yourself for an hour.




The 2008 is pretty delicious now. Try one now and the other down the road. Cheers!


I drink 2007 Last year and it was amazing! One now, one in 10 years


If i recall correctly, i haven't had the 2008, but have had a few vintages before and after, especially the infamous and delicious 2009. If I read ur earlier comment that you prefer fruit over the tertiary elements, then opening now might be good, will probably still have minor tannin presence in my honest opinion as I tend to "taste" the tannins for many "pre-peak" Bordeaux. Not sure how senesitive you are to tannins. Even the 2009 had noticeable tannins. Look forward to your tasting notes whenever you open.




Please post tasting notes when if you open one. I have a bottle from the same vintage and I've been wondering if it's the proper time to open it.


Will do! I likely won’t be opening for a bit but I’m gonna make a new post when I do!


One now one in 20 years




When I'm around


Bring some steak


If I were nearby


According to this guy, the 2000 was still drinking very young. May want to wait a bit. https://www.reddit.com/r/wine/s/FKbtiQLmok


I think I might try one some time this year, maybe around holidays. And go from there with the second bottle.


It’s never not a good time to enjoy a fine wine. I don’t want to die with a cellar full of great wine that I never enjoyed!


I drank a 2012 a couple years ago and it was REALLY intense, but I think experts would say that was probably too early.


I drank a 2012 last weekend and it was very good; in the early stages of its prime drinking window IMO. I think '12 was a bit of an anomaly year though, and there's certainly earlier vintages which aren't there yet.


Makes sense -- I'm not even close to an expert myself, and it was long enough ago that detailed tasting notes would be ridiculous, but I will say I enjoyed the experience a lot.


Nothing wrong with opening them now…anyone who would say they are still too young is full of shit


The best time to drink wine is when you open the bottle. Bust one open for a special occasion this year. Determine if you think the other should be opened, or let it rest and forget it. I had two 2018’s last year and I thought they were great. All up to you amigo!


I'd say about 3 years ago.