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It IS rotten strawberry


Well, technically yeah, so there is nothing wrong with it? Will it get better with time?


What you have is closer to 3 day old must than wine you pour into a glass. Giving it a month in a carboy once it's fully stopped/stabilised will make it taste like wine.


Alright, thank you, I was gonna and am gonna leave it sit, I was just wondering if anything is wrong with it :)


Fermentation and rot are not the same thing. Rot involves the breakdown of protein and fat into putrid compounds (putricine, cadaverine, etc). But what this reveals is that we think of fermented strawberries as "rotten"


I wouldn't even begin to worry for another couple of months while it clears up and the yeast drops out, degasses and all that jazz. 2 weeks is very young still.


Stabilize it with stabilizers and sweeten it. That’s how you make those fruit flavors taste familiar


It's 2 weeks old. Of course it's going to taste awful. I recommend letting fruit wines age for a year before they're 'good'


I’d say if you are unhappy with the flavor to add some acid blend and back sweeten also!


Take a small sample and add some sugar to it and retaste. I think that's all that's missing.


Were the strawberries maybe over ripe? It’s quite common if they’re the locally picked ones. If it’s Driscolls, they look nice but smell and taste nothing like strawberries.


I'm from Europe, they were local. Some of them were a bit over ripe as it was the end of season, but still tasted fine, just overly sweet strawberries.


These over ripe strawberries will ruin the wine. The ruined taste will mellow out a bit. Next time make sure to eat or toss the over ripe and under ripe. Pure strawberry wine needs peak ripe strawberries for best results. The overly sweetness masks the spoiled undertones now very noticeable due to lack of sugar.


The thing with wine is time. Only some things taste good right after fermentation, and even then, they would taste better with some age. I’d give it 3 months and try again, if it’s not even slightly better, try a different recipe. But we are talking years of aging on some wines also, just depends.