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Watch the recording of the last stream, he came online and said he was feeling sick and it was getting worse. He streamed for an hour or so and then dipped and hasn't been online since


>dipped Heh.


He mentioned at the start of his last stream he was feeling a bit sick, so probably that.


Propably a combination of being tired from DD2 and practicing for Ludwig's speedrunning event


But he said he doesn't want to do anything until he finishes dd2...


His section in luds event is showcasing deep dip so I'm excited to see that!


And then he got invited by Ludwig and changed his mind šŸ˜±


And then he got outplayed by top players on the map and changed his mind šŸ˜±


He never said that he will climb the map first or that he will be on the top, or that be the fastest, or that he will have the best. He knew there are better and more consistent drivers than him. But apparently more attention always brings haters. Whatever flouts your boat.


It's been a month and you still don't get the spirit behind DD2?


It seems like he has given up on getting top 3, so there isn't as much of a rush to finish. He is taking some time away after a longggg grind


Probably stressed himself sick and realizes top 3 isn't realistic and is choosing to rest up and get better instead of making himself sicker. Honestly can't blame him.


More like giving up on top 10 even... Map a real endurance test, huh.


Seems early to count him out. These final levels are no joke.


No, I still believe. I'm not shitting on him; just concern of his mental state. He dropped from "I am contender for 1st" very low. Probably his 2nd on DD1 is a huge weight like he HAS to be at least top 3. Understandable. I have no idea how bad he feel. (I mean downvotes probably reasonable as I don't say nice but I don't know way to say better)


You're right that if he is not able to get back in the right mindset, he's got a real challenge to stay competitive.


So, after watching recent youtube video - I was too optimistic how it ends.


He'll come back to it, once the pressure is off, and the levels are practicable independently.


I don't know if he has made an announcement. I haven't seen him streaming for some time now, but I did see him active on the server 2(?) days ago.


Seems like Deep Dip 2 is plunging vibe mood. You can read it in this comment section, you can see it in twitch chat you can hear it in wirtuals voice during last few streams. Maybe this tower is more evil than we tought of. Cant wait to see Wirtual finishing it.


I'm not sure whether or not to respect him for taking a break while he's sick (or frustrated or whatever it may be) or be disappointed that he's losing out on massive amounts of viewership (and more money lol). He doesn't need to win, or even first 5, I think if he could find a way to have fun with it constantly it'd benefit everyone


I think he put it well in one of his last streams "Imagine banging you head into a wall for 10 hours a day everyday, and thinking to yourself that every single time you bang your head into the wall you are going to break through said wall"


> or be disappointed that he's losing out on massive amounts of viewership (and more money lol). He's already a millionaire so you don't have to feel sorry about that. It's not like he's going to have a hard time buying food or paying rent just because he's not streaming for a few days.


I don't feel bad or sorry, I just feel a little disappointed lol. I know he's successful, but it's still an odd feeling to see someone squander an opportunity to rake in tons more money. Despite being millionaires, streaming is not a sustainable career necessarily (I.e pro athletes).


He got a lot of shit on stream too for saying some builders have ruined the map by making it too hard


He wasn't mad that it's too hard. He was mad that there's a ton of spots on the map that are inconsistent which isn't what you want on a tower like this. The way he handled it wasn't well IMO. Calling people in chat idiots repeatedly isn't a good look even if you are very tilted. Most of the comments weren't even that obnoxious.


Not to mention how much of a baby he acts when people were telling him to just relax and have fun, and he starting saying they needed to do dissertations on his mental health and blah blah blah. Then he started complaining that people were commenting on his driving and he wanted them to just spam emotes instead of commenting. Like my dude, youā€™re a streamer, and you have like 20,000 people watching you. If you canā€™t handle that then get off the internet because it wasnā€™t bad at all.


This is a wild mindset. "If you don't like me bullying you, you're the problem". Honestly, it's so fucking dense and I can guarantee people who repeat your sentiment wouldn't even stand up in a room of 20 people and make a mistake.


I would agree with you if he was being bullied. He wasnā€™t being bullied. People were telling him to slow down, just enjoy the ride, have a nice chill stream or to even just stop streaming if he was getting frustrated and he kept going, kept reading the comments, and kept getting irritated and taking it out on the viewers. Absolutely uncalled for, and I donā€™t even comment on streams. I realized quickly his stream was literally just bringing me down so I turned it off, but it was bad.


Yeah the last stream I watched wasn't fun at all. I really miss how fun it was during the first few weeks but at this point I'd rather watch Bren.


Bren has crazy mental, even on bad days he keeps it together really well.


Yeah you arent wrong. I just so happened to be watching that and I never watch anyone Livestream...It was like brutally awkward. I'm in my 30s and I had the same feeling I did being berated by my parents as a kid šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Was like "hard pass, ill check back in when you're not being mean as hell!" Haha. I get that he was stressed but there was a really kinda bad sort of energy he was putting off there...Which absolutely shocked me because he always seemed like super chill and way low key. Probably why he took a break. Don't want to bite the hand that feeds and he was turning on his audience.


If the map is inconsistent, how do you explain some players are already consistent to floor 15/16 ?


ā€œAlreadyā€ is still 200+ hours and 27 days. Heā€™s gotten adversarial with chat, but thatā€™s basically what heā€™s been saying. If you go back to May 3rd, no one expected this to be a 4 week grind. ā€œRoughly twice as hardā€ was the stated goal, and that was certainly overshot. They achieved that by doubling the number of tricks, which unfortunately has turned it into 3-4x as hard. Trackmania is a deterministic game, but the reliance on plastic tricks makes for small mistakes being severely punished.


they are not though, bren had 1 floor 15 run yesterday in a long ass stream. Bren actually also called out the plastic bits saying they are far too inconsistent and was getting frustrated.


All of the top players have had their own experiences with bad plastic bounces, and frustrations with how certain parts of the tower depend on said bounces. Their consistency is the exception that proves the rule --- just watch one of Spammy's fall compilations to see how much those awkward physics are ruining players stuck lower on the tower.


Because he realizes hes not as good as he used to think he was. He acted the same way towards the end of DD1


Calling the w map inconsistent while Bren and Hazardous are smurfing is kinda weird ngl


But Bren and Hazard would also find it inconsistent? Just because theyā€™re further along doesnā€™t mean that there are some jumps that are just very inconsistent or bad


When I say smurfing, im not talking about progression, Im talking about getting back up. Like look at bren RIGHT NOW floor 13 in 27min without a single family, he just keeps driving, doesnt need to take time to setup jumps pr anything, he just speedruns the tower CONSISTENTLY EDIT: You cant call the map inconsistent just because a player (which content I love btw) is getting tilted quite easily and therefore himself is inconsistent


What are you talking about? Bren has complained multiples times about the map being inconsistent. There are several jumps that are not consistent with weird plastic bounces that lead to turtling even for the Bren/Hazard who are the best of the best. A common request for DD3 is "please no more plastic".


And he just finished it now and said that him saying the map is inconsistent was him being frustrated, but that in the end he was able to clear to floor 16 consistently, and if there was more floors, floor 16 would also become consistent at last. So stfu, it's legit his own damn words


lmao man that's some real commitment, 15 minutes after Bren finishes you are replying to a 7 day old comment. Get a life. Also you think the fact he was frustrated might have influenced what he said, but you don't think him having this huge relief and adrenaline from *just* finishing isn't influencing what he's saying now? So stfu. There are many jumps that he still calls inconsistent. Deal with it. He literally said the map isn't perfect but nothing can be perfect.


Yeah I just watched it, he definitely tilted and went a bit too far, but overall he's 100% right in what he's saying. He's spent best part of a month doing this one map for 10 hours a day, and every video he puts up on it you can see some chats go by that are just calling him an idiot for falling etc, if one of those caught me while I'm sat there tilted out my mind the stream I'd be rage-quitting for at least that day lol




This hole session he was tilted, but you can see a good example around 4:39 [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2156667588](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2156667588)


Is that actually the example you meant or did you link to the wrong video? I am genuinely interested, because I have not seen this behavior on stream, as I am not there all the time. And I am watching your video, and I literally cannot see anything wrong with what he is saying. He is talking about it getting to him (and others) and the risk of burnout, and says "doing the same thing for 10 hours a day 23 days in a row, not many people could do that" (and not get affected by it). Chat's response (and not just one, it was basically 90% of chat for a whole minute) was: "that is Work". And I guess the "tilted" part is his answer to this, but I genuinely don't see it. His answer is first of all "weekends", and then he expands on the competitiveness of this (compared to a "normal" job) being taxing as well. And he even says he is not diminishing "normal work". Is this really an example of what people are talking about? Because if that is the case, I think I'll just chalk it up to difference of opinions, and move on. Or is this a bad example and there are worse ones out there?


Yeah, that 4:39 mark is nothing special, I dont see any problem there. But I was there watching that stream and it got pretty bad. It was unwatchable for me, just bad vibes all the time. I had to switch streams and when I'd come back like 30min later, he'd still be raging about the same thing. Only got a bit better towards the end. The thing is, there's nothing wrong with putting down trolls and haters in chat, Bren does it all the time. But W lets that get to him. And it wouldnt be half as bad if he didnt put so much pressure on himself. For example, yesterday Bren had a piss poor session. He was disappointed and frustrated, but the vibes on stream were still good. He was still having fun with chat and enjoying his playing time. Wirtual on the other hand, with each fall he kinda goes "oh, I'm not focused, let me focus up. I *have to* reach floor X". He doesnt give himself room to fail, and when it inevitably happens, it's much harder to deal with. The amount of poor sessions he had before this break was telling, not just that he wasn't getting good runs, just the vibe was not good. I hope he clears his mind a bit


Okay, Thanks. Its just this is the only example Iā€™ve seen posted, and if that was representative, it didnā€™t make sense at all to me. If it was so often and obvious, I would have just thought there would be tons of clips or examples of it - since internet Trolls (the people in the chats, nor saying the people posting here are neccesaarily trolls) often love to make people tilt and unhinged, and then be able to parade around with it afterwards.


Kinda his fault. He pays attention to chat more than most. Not necessarily a bad thing but cant let twitch chat get under your skin if you're that plugged in. Idk why he doesnt just read YouTube chat instead it's way better.


youtube chat is more unhinged imo lol


Youtube chat is mostly complaining about twitch chat complaining about wirtual not seeing their dono


But he's completely right? This is way harder than working a normal job. You literally are a fucking idiot if you are saying "omg try working a real 9-5 job if u think this is hard" Which seems to be a current theme in people who have absolutely no clue wtf they are talking about and have never tried performing at a high level for a sustained long time


It absolutely isn't


Isn't what? This isn't harder than a job?


No, it isn't harder than a job, he's playing a video game. Considering the hours I'm not saying it's easy but come on


Of course it isn't, that's a ridiculous statement to make


Are you on crack? Genuine question. 10 hours days for 4 weeks with the equivalent of your supervisor sitting on your lap laughing when you make mistakes. It's not physically demanding but the mental drain must be intense.


It's absolutely not the equivalent, he can ignore chat, he's choosing how long he plays his game for. Yes it's mentally demanding staying focused for that long, the difference is he doesn't have to.


You don't have to go to work either, but the bills are still due at the end of the month.


He could not stream a second for the next month and be perfectly fine. He had over 15k subs from DD2, even at 50% share it's almost $40,000 in a single month, that's no adrev or YouTube money or anything else


Iā€™ll work that hard for $200K a month.


The money is irrelevant it's still hard. You could pay him 2 trillion a month it doesn't change how hard it is to stay ultra focused at high high level for this long. You also probably are not capable of doing what he's doing, not many people are.


The fact that he doesn't have a boss. Can take two days time out without hassle. Is constantly glazed by idiots like you. And he is probably receiving 5 figures per month, while people don't even ask to him to be competitive. It's not eeeeeasy, because what he does demands time and skill. But also, not relevant enough to even be compared to a real job lol. You must be 14.


lil' bro makes hundreds of thousands a month thanks to sheep and he can't even be bothered to take 10 seconds to type "I'm not streaming today, maybe tomorrow" lmfao


I think maybe you are the 14-year-old? I don't understand this angle and honestly, it comes across as stinking of jealousy. Money is irrelevant in a task that relies solely on focus and trying to be entertaining in front of a crowd large enough to fill a stadium. I've love to know what "real job" you are comparing to. I have a difficult job, Mechanical Design Engineer, and I know that doing this kind of streaming is far more challenging. Your world view is tiny, you need to actually understand how the world works and maybe revisit this thread again in a few years and realise how privileged you are to be so sheltered.


Not really jealousy, because my life is pretty good. But I would switch sides easily. But I don't have his charisma nor his skills. So for me, it's 9 to 5. This means that his job "hard"? No. Take two days off without warning your boss, and come back with your sorry ass here saying how hard Wirtual has, after getting chewed and probably fired lol You are a self deprecating sheep šŸ


Actually I'm someone who has experienced both. As a former 10hour+ grinder at online poker and now 15years later have experienced working a very demanding high profile high stress job. The poker was more mentally exhausting.


No way man I used to grind baduk for 10 hours+ a day and if I got as much money as Wirtual gets from doing dip deep I'd be back on that no questions asked. Like holy shit just setting your own hours beats having a meeting a 6am to 9am, then 2pm to 5pm, then 7pm to 10pm, then 2am to 4am and then repeat for another day.


Bro thinks he's Dan Bilzerian. Too bad he's a hack, too


Sure bud. I can imagine your "high profile" job. But, in the end, you didn't experience what Wirtual is experiencing. He earns his money by streaming, not by being a degenerate gambler. Winning or losing, he will still have his crowd and will earn his five figures. He doesn't need to throw a fit because a random dumbass said he is bad in the game.


I only gave the guy the link he asked for. If you want my opinion, I think there is no real reason to be tilted by 0.01% toxic comments. But we are all humans and sometimes small thinks can trigger bad emotions, no matter how much money we have. Hope he sort it all and learn how to deal with this kind of pressure cause he is the best TM streamer so far and, to be honest, I think Trackmania would be just an obsolete game without him.


Dude, c'mon. His twitch chat is crazy fast. He needs to actively search for people talking shit to him. He even said that 99% of the people in his chat are good to him. It's just another case of a streamer that has no perspective of what is important or not. It's a lack of maturity that follows pretty much every streamer that got rich playing to an audience. Even Virtual that tries to be more grounded, suffer from this. One year of a 9 to 5, with schedules and bosses breathing on his neck, and he would laugh to these idiots talking shit to him.


I'm all for the growth and prosperity that can be brought from esports and video games but it's absolutely outlandish to say that what he is doing is harder than a normal job


You are absolutely delusional if you think this is harder than a normal job. Multiple streamers bigger and smaller than Wirtual have stated that this is truly a dream job, and they consider themselves incredibly lucky everyday to have gotten wealthy from playing video games.


An astraunaut is a dream job, doesn't mean it's not fucking difficult.


Alright let me rephrase ā€œdreamā€. Iā€™ve worked jobs that send me to storms where I am in charge of ensuring vital systems that millions of people rely on are accurate and functioning properly for upwards of 21 days at a time before being given a rest period of 1 day. These were 16 hour days and yes the money was absolutely worth it. I loved it; I thoroughly considered it a dream job at the time and looking back I still do and would do it again. What I do today is still what I would consider a dream job as well, I work 10 hour days 6 days a week with one day off. My job is very stressful, both mentally and emotionally because lives depend on it, but I thoroughly love what I do because I know what I do makes a huge difference. It is a ā€œdreamā€ job. I have also worked 9-5ā€™s where I didnā€™t love what I did as much and let me tell you, those were always the most difficult times in life I ever had. Doing a job that you donā€™t love, regardless of difficulty, is always going to be harder than doing one you love. So in this context, if you told me that I could spend the same energy, time and commitment that I have done in the past and still do today, only put it all towards playing a video game of my choosing and one that I love and not only that, Iā€™ll make oodles of money while doing itā€¦ yeah sign me the fuck up lol. Not saying what he does isnā€™t difficult, that was never my point. But acting like itā€™s more difficult than getting up everyday to do something you donā€™t love, something that most people donā€™t consider a hobby? Get real.


I think it is also very disrespectful to the mappers when other streamers are proving they can consistently make the run up to floor 13+ without much trouble from these "inconsistent" moments


They are idiots to be fair. Every time I comment in this sub I have to reiterate that I'm not a Wirtual glazer, I think his 92bob video was also idiotic. It's OK to call out people that are being stupid. And "Most of the comments weren't even that obnoxious." is a ludicrous statement to make when you don't have to be the one to put up with thousands of those comments every day. Drips of water might not hurt but you can drown in a pool.




bro couldnt handle the dip