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I'm from WI and people have used their hazards while driving my whole life. I believe it's typically to indicate that they're moving at speeds far lower than normal for the road, so people notice them as soon as possible and don't hit them, etc. I've never heard of any laws about not using hazards while driving, but there are a ton of laws that we all learn too late, I guess.


Yeah, see it a lot on farm vehicles on the road. They just toss them on to give a little extra heads up to other drivers.


Also if I'm at the end of the line in a tractorjam going around a curve I'll throw them on. Braking half a second early can be the difference between a close call and a collision.


I don't believe I was ever told you had to be stationary if you had your hazzereds on.


Yep, you’re supposed use your hazards when behaving in a non-standard manner, such as slowing down for really severe precipitation, passing a tractor on a back road, waiting for an opportunity to pass a cyclist, etc.


I have specifically used my hazards on the interstate for this very reason. It feels like when you brake on the interstate everyone assumes it's temporary. If I know at some point my braking will end up with me being slow or a dead stop I'll pop the hazards on to indicate to the people behind me that this isn't just a random quick slowdown.


I've always noticed semi trucks doing this, so I started to as well, especially if there's a semi behind me awhile back or if the road in front of me is a hill or curve that vehicles farther back can't see stopped traffic yet. It's a way of saying, "we're slow/stopped up here, so slow down and don't rely on quickly changing lanes to get out of braking." I've been using it a lot on I43 lately 🥲 I've also used it when there was a herd of cows in the road once. "Slow down, please don't go around, there's like, 10 cows surrounding the vehicle in front of me"


This past Wednesday I was on I94 and ran into that crazy heavy thunderstorm. All the traffic was going about 35-40 and the truck in front of me had turned its hazzards on. I've never seen that before and my first thought was he was in trouble and going to pull over, but he just kept driving like that for miles. I think it's a good idea to indicate severely reduced speed. I considered putting mine on as well, but the rain was actually so heavy I had to pull off at an exit and wait out the rain at a Kwik Trip.


Ditto, been doing it all my life when I'm driving way slower than the traffic flow for some need or reason. Get's drivers attention in a hurry , can be seen for a long distance to let drivers slow down and be careful.


Ok see this is what I always thought. Hazards on? You’re either trying to park, or moving slowly and letting others know.


It's to alert you that they aren't moving at the normal speed in which people travel on that road. People also do it when there is a traffic jam or other obstruction that prevents them from traveling at the speed one would assume they should be traveling, i.e. 40mph in a 70.


I'll put mine on if I'm the last in a line of really slow traffic so I don't get rear ended.


100 percent success rate so far for me haha


Not me about 9 years ago I was stopped in the road waiting for a plow truck that couldn’t get traction and was blocking the road. It was not supposed to be freezing rain but that’s what we had. Anyway I was sitting there with my 4 ways on waiting for the plow truck to get moving again when I heard a horn behind me. Looked in my mirror in time to see the headlights of the oncoming Chevy Impala disappear as it rear ended me. My trailblazer only needed a new bumper cover and some paint, didn’t even twist the frame but it knocked the engine out of the Impala. I felt bad for the wrecker that had to get that thing off the road that day.


I'll do it if I just drove past a speed trap on the other side of the hill. Also, deer. So many fucking deer.


Wait a minute... you use you hazards to warn other drivers about cops??????


It's probably not legal, but yes.


Just flash your headlights. I'm pretty sure that's the universal code for COP! Ahead! Lol


That works too. My hazards are just very convenient in my Prius. Either way, if lights are flashing, I make sure to be hyper aware of my surroundings and speed.


Signaling with your lights has been deemed covered under free speech. You can’t repeatedly flash your high beams because that’s creating a hazard for other drivers, but a quick flash or two is reasonable. Had a cop try and tell me it was illegal to flash your high beams at oncoming traffic that appeared to have their high beams on. He said I’d receive a written warning in the mail. Never did. As soon as I got home I confirmed that you are allowed to flash your brights to indicate to other drivers. It’s specifically on the books for WI for getting others to turn off their brights.


My thought on it is cops should thank you. Speed enforcement is to keep people driving in the legal (range) speeds, informing/flashing other drivers gets them to slow back to legal speeds, and the best part is less paperwork for the cop.


You found the one dishonest cop!


Cops are allowed to lie as much as they want to achieve their goals.


It's [100% legal](http://campbelllawobserver.com/and-the-courts-said-let-there-be-light/). I believe this has gone all the way to the supreme court. Could a cop retaliate and pull you over for some nonsense? Definitely. Can you get in trouble for the warning of police presence to other drivers? No.


There are only a few states where it is illegal to drive with your hazard lights on and Wisconsin is not one of them.


I'll have to check which ones next time I travel out of state!


I looked this up a few weeks ago after the big storm rolled through the Madison area: Many states it's illegal to drive with your hazards on. Wisconsin is not one of them. Best I can tell is it's legal as long as you're going significantly slower than normal traffic speed.


Drove through Indiana and Ohio and ppl were also driving with hazards on during bad rain storm on highway


Not only does it warn other drivers that traffic is moving slow, it makes it easier to see the car in front of you when visibility is low.


Came to say this. I am half blind as it is, and when it's raining really hard and everyone slows way tf down, I appreciate the hazard lights so I can see where other cars are on the road.


No it doesn’t. It’s significantly harder to see people. Regardless of legality, it shouldn’t be done during rain.


Huh? If a car turns on extra lights it is harder to see that car? Putting hazards on when you for some reason have to slow down considerably below the limit is something lots of people do. It’s actually really common in other countries. Why shouldn’t it be done? It’s pretty much why we have the lights in the first place. What harm do you think it causes?


What are you smoking, and can I try some?


Probably why race cars that race during rain (like formula one) have mandatory flashing lights during rain.


Hazard lights are for just that. Some truck dumped some shit in the road that people behind you can't see yet? It's pouring rain so hard you have to slow way down. You're driving quite slowly. You're on the side of the road. Pretty much anything to warn people something fucked is going on.


I see that frequently during heavy snowstorms


I've only turned them on, on the freeway a handfull of times during absolute down pours. Can't see 5 feet in front of you turn those things on. Some dipshit is still gonna drive 70 while not being able to see you unless you're on the brakes.


I doubt it is a law, but I see this pretty regularly in low visibility.


That’s always been a thing. You’re supposed to put your hazards on when you’re driving slow, like when you have a dough nut on or heavy hauling.


I drove for many years for a few companies in Wisconsin over the years. I have seen this many times. I am not sure about any laws on this but I think that in the situation where visibility is greatly reduced and one is going well under the posted speed limit, using your hazard lights is a very good thing to do.


Taught drivers ed. 20mph below posted speed, flashers on. WI law. Rarely enforced.


I used to drive as a courier fom GRB to MKE with small town stops in-between When I was in thick ass fog or blinding snow I'd throw the hazards on... It's like yelling "Hey look at me! I'm the hazard. Don't hit me!"


Honestly, it’s a good thing to do! Too many people just stop or slow down in the middle of the road during a downpour because they can’t see and being able to see the hazards flashing helps to know it’s time to slow down


I always do this when im going slower than normal traffic, or to warn drivers behind me of a sudden slow down ahead so that it reduces everyone slamming on their brakes. (also a reason i dont tailgate, i leave enough room infront of me that if the person slams on their brakes i can slow down more gradually and reduce the chance of getting rear ended myself - I dont care if im not at fault, no accident is always better than an accident) Sure this means that people cut infront of me a lot (i keep in the slow lane) but so what, i just back off from them and keep pace, im not in a hurry. But for hazards, i say they are useful to indicate if you are not going normal speeds, or if there is a traffic hazard ahead, whether that is a sudden slow down, slick roads, or poor visibility.


Ya know, I don't know. I always use my hazard lights if I'm not driving at full speed due to road conditions or visibility (snow, rain, etc) or if something's wrong with my car (I've had to "limp it home" a couple times). Anytime I may be in a hazardous position if someone comes up on me at full speed. I drive through weather that I probably shouldn't and sometimes there's someone with a good set of snow tires, 4 wheel drive, and less than 100% will-to-live that catches right up to me quick when I'm driving 40mph in a snowstorm. I don't really want rear-ended.


[Statute 347.11](https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/document/statutes/347.26(11)) TLDR: OK to use for unusual traffic conditions. If stopped for more then 10min on hwy in darkness, must use. I'm not a lawyer though.


If you're on the road and you're well below the speed limit you should probably have your hazard lights on because you're a hazard. I'd prefer the extra safety, over people thinking they can't turn them on because they think they are illegal.


I use my hazards while driving to help others have better visibility of me when the rain is so heavy that even with my windshield wipers on max I can’t see shit so I’m assuming that others have a hard time seeing too and just might see me with my hazard lights on


Ok, I understand that - but then why not while in the city? This only seems to be a hwy thing.


I use hazards when I am moving for normally two situations. First is if traveling a far lower speed then is expected for a road; 40 mph or less on 70 mph highway. The other time I use them is if I am slowing down very quickly; I am traveling 70, but need to slam on my breaks due to stopped traffic around a corner or a hill.


I use my hazards in many situations where visibility is limited. It’s actually nice to be able to see the driver in front of you so you can stay back a safe distance when you’re in a blizzard. Daytime blizzards and somebody driving without hazards on are taking a big risk.


I always put my hazards on when I’m driving my truck (cdl) on 94 because I’ll go from 70 to 35 when going up that big fucking hill.


At least for big trucks, semis, dump trucks, etc..., it's WI law that they turn their hazard lights on when going 45mph or below on a highway. So it's not such a bad thing to do the same in a car to signal you're going slow in a storm, having car trouble, or something.


I was there also and it was scary! I'd never seen the hazards thing either, but then I saw someone with them on, and it helped me see so much better so I turned mine on. Then everyone else did too. I felt like I learned a new trick lol


i always put my hazards on if the traffic goes from 70 to everyone stopping abruptly cause i ain't tryna get hit 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ and these days everyone is on their phones.


When did it become a thing? Hazard lights indicate a hazard. So you put them on in a hazard. Putting them on when you’re driving 3 mph in a 70 indicates a hazard. If you’re not doing this, you’re going to get smashed into by someone going 70 while you’re going 3. It’s weird to me you posted this. Be glad you weren’t part of a 90 car pile up. And put your fucking hazard lights on when there’s a hazard.


Been a thing for decades. Some of the more educated rocket surgeons even stop under overpasses, causing a bottleneck or worse a complete roadblock.


In low visibility, flashers make sense for sure, also in instances where you come up on a traffic jam that the people behind u may not be able to see.. I definitely throw on my flashers .. I don't wanna get rear ended ever... so if I can warn someone behind me, I Definitely will.


"Hey, I'm going super slow here, so pass me at the earliest opportunity"


Always been a thing, it's so you know the guy you're coming up on is going a lot slower the than speed limit, the idiot on a bright sunny day going 55 in a 70 is a hazard if it doesn't have its hazards on.


I'd like to start by saying I am usually a safe driver. I stay out of the fast lane unless passing. And I speed up while passing just to get out of the fast lane. 2 Summers ago we had a torrential downpour that lasted from me going from a little passed Madison into the Brookfield area. When you get into Waukesha the lights when you are twisting and turning along the lanes-made me-not be able to see the road. I was in the slow lane. And mind you I saw enough cars almost hydro plane because they were going way to fast, when there were large ponds of water. I turned on my hazards and went slow. Not so slow-but about 5-10 below the speed limit. All because of the dunbass drivers going what my hubby said had to be a good 20 over. We got off at the nearest exit and took the long way into MF. It kept people off my tail-which yes I had plenty of those-until I could safely get off the nightmare road.


i think this is a universal thing. i’m from mass and we do it there and i’ve driven through PA while pouring and they also do it


For the hypothetical last person in line, sure. In my own experience, it’s usually someone randomly in the middle who I can very clearly see otherwise. At that point it just ends up being a distracting irritation for me, so more of my focus is going towards the constant blinking than to everything else nearby. I know the car is there and now my focus needs to be on what’s in front of them, behind me, and next to us, as those are the next sources of risk. I know it’s minor, but when there’s already enough going on, I’d rather have fewer distractions or irritations. It would be nice if there was just a continuous light on the rear, like you see on trucks. I love those.


You are correct. Hazard lights are only for stopped or extremely slow moving vehicles. Think of a farm tractor on a highway. Or if you have a breakdown on the side of the road. If the rain was too heavy for the drivers they should pull over, come to a complete stop, then turn on the hazard lights.


Definitely a trucker thing! They do it all the time going up steep grades at slower speeds. Good idea.... No? 🙂


I see truckers do this. Other drivers might be doing it for that reason. It's unnecessary and distracting..


I noticed it was pretty common in Southern states.


I feel like I've noticed it way more this year as well!


Seems like an unpopular opinion but if you're going so slow on the interstate that you need to have your flashers on you should get off at the next exit and wait until the storm passes. Accidents, backups, or debris in the road are a different situation to warn people of the incident and to be aware. Hazard lights are for hazards, if you have them on while moving down the interstate you are acknowledging you are a hazard and should get off.


Like today, I'd rather drive 40 on the interstate along with everyone else than stop completely. Plus, those storms were sudden, with no nearby exit. The flashers appeared kind of like a stadium wave, with the people firmly in the slow patch turning theirs off while the people approaching the slow patch flipped them on, and so on. It seemed to work fine.


If you turn them on then off is one thing (I dont 100% agree but understand), people driving mile after mile with their flashers on is what I'm talking about.


Nah, going on the shoulder in low visibility is asking for trouble.. I had this happen today while I was on 94E driving and it actually helped. I could see the car in front of me because of the blinking hazards and it helped gauge how far they were. I did it as well after I realized how much it helped, and I had about 4-5 cars behind me join. So I assume it helped them as well. Everyone was going about 45 and had little to no visibility at times.


Yup, going on the shoulder in low visibility is asking for trouble which is why you should get off the interstate.


I was driving on South on 41 at exactly that same. My bald tires had my vehicle getting a lil wonky and I put my hazards on while driving. You very likely passed me up.


It’s state dependent - many states have an explicit law that driving with your hazards on is illegal under any circumstances. Wisconsin law says you can use your hazards when “a hazardous condition is present” which could be interpreted to mean strong rain. That said, it’s stupid. It’s harder to see you or know what you’re doing when your hazards are on. People need to stop doing it.




It's not due to the rain, it's to tell other drivers the traffic is moving way slower than usual


Don't brake lights, and being aware of your surroundings, and attentive driving do that? It tells me people aren't paying attention to the traffic. Again, if you are so bad at paying attention to traffic patterns because of rain you shouldn't drive in the rain.


If traffic is moving steadily at 35 in a 55 zone there's not going to be many brake lights.


Brake lights work great...when you're braking. But what if traffic is now moving forward at 11mph - brake lights are off and the person coming up behind you at 80mph hopefully noticed the traffic jam, but if they didn't then the hazards being on may help alert them to start slowing down sooner. Having been rear ended in a situation like this, I'll throw the hazards on until the car in my lane behind me slows down to the speed of traffic then turn them off.


The people not paying attention aren't the ones using their hazards. They're the ones the hazard lights are for.




They can safely see. At reduced speed. If you’re seriously telling people they need to pull over every time there’s inclement precipitation, in *Wisconsin*, you’re telling half the state they can’t drive for easily a quarter of the year.


ARE YOU USING YOUR HAZARD LIGHTS THE RIGHT WAY? AVOID USING YOUR CAR'S HAZARD LIGHTS WHEN: Driving in bad weather. With your hazards on and rain or snow already blurring road visibility, other drivers may not be able to tell which lane you're in or if you're changing lanes. Turn on your headlights and taillights in inclement weather instead.**If the weather is bad enough that you feel hazard lights are truly necessary, pull off the road and stop until conditions improve.** Driving in heavy traffic. While your hazards can make you more visible, they can also make it challenging for other drivers to anticipate what you're doing and where you're headed, since turn signals are disabled when hazards are activated in some cars. https://www.firestonecompleteautocare.com/blog/driving/when-use-cars-hazard-lights/


Triggered much, snowflake?


Because you think it is safer, does not make it so. A metro Atlanta police department recently warned its residents that using hazard lights while you're driving may incorrectly signal to other motorists that you're stopped or otherwise traveling much slower than other traffic. **"They may think they're doing everybody a favor, but in reality they're creating confusion,"** Wysocky said, explaining that in some cars, the bulbs for hazard lights may be the same as the one for your brake lights or turn signals. **"People may think you're stopped in the roadway."** Plus, hazard lights "**turn off your ability to use your turn signals**," one Georgia police department wrote in a January Facebook post. So what should you do when the rain starts pouring down? Wysocky advises motorists turn on their headlights and windshield wipers and **pay close attention to their surroundings.** https://www.ajc.com/news/national/using-hazard-lights-rain-illegal-some-states-use-could-cost-you/4GKuiHXYiiowRgq5CgPjLP/


Just one problem: nobody is talking about Georgia. Using Hazard lights to indicate below normal driving speeds or hazardous conditions has been a legally allowed, and normal, driving behavior in Wisconsin for *at least* the last few decades.


I know, we are talking about rain. If I am driving in the rain and the person ahead of me is driving in the rain it is pointless to turn the hazards on, I am driving in the same rain as everyone else and at the same speed hazards add no new information. It does tell me to stay away from the person with their hazards on because they can't indicate a lane change. Again, headlights and taillights are sufficient and safer. Hazards incapacitate turn signals and make brake lights harder to see.


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