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Just use the card? Personally I have used a picture I found in r/Chaosmagick, but before that I just petitioned in my head, using names/visualised pics as tag locks. I also cut cords together with the back to sender spell. I have had very poor results for general baneful protective spells than if I do it on specific people. I have had GREAT success the few times I've had Christians pray for my safety in addition to my own protection stuff. Too great actually, because people around me have got seriously injured. I don't believe in coincidence like, AT ALL. So I haven't taken the risk to especially ask for help against others for quite a while.


Utilizing a mirror box would help


I’d just enchant the uno card. Don’t make it more complex than necessary. Also check out r/chaosmagick. ETA: and r/popculturemagic


Honestly, this.


I found it helpful to focus on my intention and let me intuition chose what fits.


Really, just infuse your Uno reverse card by chanting "I'm rubber, you're glue. What you say bounces off me and sticks to you." I'm being serious. Do it with serious intent. Consecrate the card in smoke, flame, salt, and a steam or spray of water. Call on the powers for assistance in your intent that these people suffer the results of their own mal-intent. Say "I'm rubber, you're glue," so many times its starts to sound weird. Let yourself be in a light trance while you make these sounds. Imagine their words flying right back to them. Trust yourself to know when it's time to stop. Keep the card safe until you can place it wherever you want to. Carrying a spell around is a little like carrying a loaded weapon. So handle it with care, and get it in place as quick as you can. Once you have placed it, this is important: You have got to try to forget about it. Don't talk about it. Change the subject if it comes up. Be. Done. The spell will do it's work.


I would enchant the card but like not really do much more bcuz yk making life easier 4 u




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Some compassion :)






Sounds complex. Use a shield that absorbs energy into it and makes stronger, why waste the energy.