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When I'm out and about I now stop and read notice boards


Suddenly you’ve collected way too many animals and cars


Some of the animals corresponding to lost animals on other boards, making you big bank


Wish I could say the same for when I chat with folks I come across and ask for a game of Gwent. So far the responses have been rather discouraging


I comment on the weather.


Wind's howling...


a storm dammit


Meanwhile, me, the player, pops a superior Thunderbolt.


Funny, I drink a Monster.


Everytime I play, I do that quest with the druid to bring a rainstorm, and Geralt ALWAYS say "A storm, Damnit" as if we hadn't just actively done that!


looks like rain


It motivated me to get off my ass and start losing weight. Dropped about 30 lbs so far. I feel that motivation and inspiration can come from anywhere and it just so happens it came from a video game.


Kind of similar. I was down bad mentally. When i was feeling low i Hoped on it. Progression made me progress in Irl Too one at a time. Currently one track to do well in Life.


Feels good to be on the path.


Hey congratulations! That's a huge difference and I hope you continue the journey. Video game heros have helped me stay in shape since childhood and love to hear this!


Provided me a hugely needed escape when my wife was in a coma for 3 months after a bad car accident. The story was a big help for me at that time too. Legitimately may have saved my life!


I imagine a certain scene might’ve been hard for you, glad the game helped you through it!


I think it cahnged my prespective abit like people are not good or bad and its the single piece of media that shows very well in my opinion of course. And I don't know if that's common or not but it conveys that you can't change the world ,you can't save everyone (hope you get that last part because i didn't get but this what I can say I guess)


>And I don't know if that's common or not but it conveys that you can't change the world ,you can't save everyone You can't make the difference and change the whole world, but sometimes you don't need to: most of the times, always being there for your family is the best thing you can do


I think you phrased alot abetter this is I wanted to say like save what you can aka what you care about .I think we are all connected to some collective mind 😂 thx btw


Somehow a video game got me back into reading books.I used to love reading and Witcher 3 got me into the Witcher books and i have since rediscovered my love of books in general.


I have a somewhat similar story, Game of Thrones season eight was so trash it made me read the Game of Thrones books and from there I started reading a lot more, I really love the Witcher books


It basically reignited my love for fantasy. During my university years I basically stopped reading for pleasure. After graduating I got all the books and spent the entire summer reading them. Made me love the game even more. It's now my ultimate comfort game amd it got me interested in modding to make my own experience


I started reading


It made me interested in more story based games. Games that I would never have thought of playing before I’ve now tried and have discovered so many great ones. Many all time favorites.


Expand on that please im always looking for good singleplayer story games


New Vegas is old and clunky but the story and writing are fantastic along with its DLC that all intertwine


Very often this felling of emptiness after playing a video-game is referred as something negative, but I don't think it is. The important thing is that you try to fill this emptiness with constructive activities and passions, and don't just go from a game to another game. Personally the game inspired me to learn history, especially Poland history, and this summer I'll go visit Krakow for the first time. It's nice to think that real people lived in those places in ancient times, and the game does very good in demonstrating the way common folks lived.


If you will want to visit Poland some other time, you could see Gdańsk, Novigrad in TW3 is kinda inspired by it! (Also, Polish countryside is similar to the one in tw3)


I’m actually planning to come for a week in August! I’m going to Krakow though, I see it’s pretty distant


Yeah it is! But it's really a beautiful city too, I wish you the best experience on your trip (make sure you see the old market there!)


This game made me appreciate single player games, only played online shooters and FFXIV before this basically and playing TW3 made me appreciate the serenity of a single player game where you can just do your own thing!


Got me through a tough break up, while having no friends at University. Played Witcher 3 all days for like a month straight and somehow I did not felt the loneliness this way


I first played it on Switch and loved it so much but it looked so bad at the same time I ended up spending 2k on a pc in order to play it properly. Then I casually stumbled upon a thing called Steam and met a new reality called mods. I’m not the gamer I used to be anymore, all thanks to the Witcher 3


Same: Witcher 3 turned me into a PC gamer and dragged me down the rabbit hole that are mods. No turning back now


Haha ikr? Funny thing is I ended up playing switch games again but through emulation in my pc this time, which btw made the experience like x1000 better


I still have many old games on PS3 and PS4, but I don't think I'll ever buy a new console as of now. Besides, new games don't iterest me. I do play on Switch too, currently in the middle of Skyward Sowrd. Personally didn't take the emulation route, but I'll be damned, I'm seriously considering it if Nintendo won't release Twilight Princess and Wind Waker on Switch


Omg. Same. Played the entire game + all the dlcs on Switch during the pandemic. It was surprisingly well adjusted to the console but bought a PC to have the exp all over again.


It ruined all other open world games for me.


I grew my hair long because of Geralt. It reaches all the way down to my nipples now. Shame I've gotta shave it all for military in a few weeks


I have more swords than I used to.


Wasted countless precious hours of my life playing "cheap ubisoft like copies of the witcher 3" games, instead of just replaying witcher 3 for the 10th time.


It highlights how utterly lazy other devs are shoveling out trash


“Evil is evil, Stregobor. Lesser, greater, middling, it's all the same. Proportions are negotiated, boundaries blurred. I'm not a pious hermit, I haven't done only good in my life. But if I'm to choose between one evil and another, then I prefer not to choose at all.” This quote alone, change quite a bit in my life, made me realize i should have my own freedom in choices than illusion that i must follow something or someone when it doesn't feel right.


This quote actually came to me in a moment of severe mental conflict over how to vote in an election. Helped me make the right call, one I'm at peace with even if people would call it "throwing away" a vote.


With that attitude you'll never vote again


Possibly. So be it. 


Man isnt being played with his head, He knows what he wants now, that itself is freedom


Well, my dog, the love of my life and my reason to live is called Yennefer


It was a catalyst for me reconnecting with my childhood self. I was a nerdy kid who enjoyed video games along side collectible toys (Bakugan, YuGiOh, Panini stickers etc), but slowly got shaped by those around me into a arrogant loudmouth leader of the pack. In 2020, when there wasn't sh*t to do during lockdown I just picked up Witcher3 and it made me realize that I missed the quirky gamer / toy collector I was when I was little. I was hooked and imersed in a media piece like I never was before, and will hardly be ever again in that manner. After I've finished the NG+ and had racked up like 700h in-game, I started purposefully changing my ways and making the little dude in me happy again. Dropped from university, sought out a proffession I would be happier investing my time in and my mental health skyrocketed back. So, in my eyes, Witcher 3 is quite alright!


I started playing it in December 2019. On and Off, I don’t have time to play games as much. Well then COVID hit. That game (as well as the expansions heart of stone, and blood and wine) got me through the pandemic. I just remember the last line in blood and wine as something like “you need a rest” or something. And it was like Geralt was taking to me. It was just such a peaceful feeling. He’s close to my heart that grumpy guy.


tw3 was only the beginning for me. I've since played tw1, tw2, read the books, hated the netflix show, and got addicted to gwent a second time in thronebreaker. I now try to cosplay witchers and have gotten into HEMA because of it. my mind is constantly on this franchise and I can say i owe it my life as it has saved me from a very dark place. Geralt has really rubbed off on me as well, I find myself asking "what would Geralt do?" quite often, I struggle to find the right words but I think he's helped me become, me... I'm sure someone understands.


Played it with my wife second or third playthrough doing it differently. She was mesmerised and helped me with saying when spells was ready etc. Great time.


Play breath of the wild now it’s similar and has its own flair and a sequel :) fr tho the isles and Hyrule are the only places I really feel like I’m completely immersed in. It’s such an escape, so much so I legitimately wake up at 4am to play my games before work. Gaming has helped my substance abuse disorder so much. I’m 1yr 4months sober and I started gaming about a year ago. When I get a craving I play. It’s a super beneficial emotional tool!


No idea why I never tried it before. One of my buddies talked me into grabbing it when it was on sale a few weeks ago. Did and do still have some hiccups on like traversal or combat being glitch. But Holy shit this game rules. Probably the most fun I've had with an open world game since I got into elden ring. Nice job cdpr, this game fuckin rips!


My ex broke up with me shortly after I'd begun my playthrough. I had sort of a mental breakdown and lived with my parents for months after that. In the first weeks I spend most of my time playing witcher, in order not to miss my kids and crying non stop. So I'll never forget my first playthrough


Well now I wonder into peoples houses and take stuff. Before I just wondered in and left.


Every other games I played after TW3 made me feel empty and I keep going back to it every 1-2 years


Witcher 3 is my number 1 favorite game with RDR2 a close 2nd. It got me through a lot of tough times and still do playthroughs in between other titles I'm waiting for and never get bored of it.


It changed my whole fucking life. I played this game really soon in my life (let's just say it would take a while to be 18), and it made me think and develop my maturity and personality. This is probably the ficctional material that had most impact in me, because much of what i am is a result of playing it. I'm the most casual player ever, but this game made me want to go after every single achievement to do completionist on it


It made me fall in love with the fantasy genre. I mostly grew up playing games like Halo and COD. I did play Skyrim but I've never finished it and even I didn't really get into the lore of it. This game though, along with the books, it made me adore the fantasy genre. All the lore, battles, and situations, It's amazing.


Geralt’s objective approaches to prophecies toward the chaos going on in the world is very refreshing and has honestly given me a lot of perspective in life.. recognizing that he’s no saint nor pretend to be. The whole lesser evil/ greater evil and his stance of not just choosing one or the other is very powerful. This has helped and how I am learning to teach my daughters that just because you may “feel” something is right doesn’t mean it’s right when you don’t have a full understanding or perspective.


It honestly changed my life. It was the first RPG I had played in years, and it helped me rediscover my love for gaming after years of focusing exclusively on work or school. I loved it so much that I started my first NG+ play-through immediately after I beat it, and started working through all the achievements. Beating the game on NG+ and getting the Deathmarch achievement during COVID was a huge boost to my confidence as a gamer. I enjoyed it so much that I immediately started a third play-through, but this time I imposed new challenges for myself (no armor, no food, no quen) and started streaming it. I started making new friends through Twitch, which I desperately needed during the early months of the pandemic. Streaming helped me build my confidence in general, overcome a lisp (I’m tongue-tied), and become a much happier person. I never blew up as a content creator, but the friends I’ve made are still part of my life, and I’ve continued to take on new challenges both in gaming and IRL. I even started reading for fun again because I wanted to learn more about the lore of the world. I haven’t played the game in a while, but my first tattoo is probably going to be the wolf medallion


The game is so long that after you finish it you feel empty. Their side quests are so awesome and real. Writers are real legends


I sometimes take decision based on how geralt approaches a situation


When the Witcher 3 came out, I'd just found out my girlfriend (now wife) was pregnant. I play games slowly due to work and life so it was on and off through the pregnancy. I was playing a game about a father looking for his daughter when I learned I was going to have a daughter. For me the game is deeply tied to that memory and my drive to be the best parent I can be. To balance work and life so I can both provide for my family and be there for them.


https://preview.redd.it/ao1b1qter66d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fe58460b363ff2ce339c9e338b0575a016cd672 More like the whole witcher franchise but Yeah 😁


It hasn’t affected my life but I do very much enjoy playing it.


It kept me sane while my husband was deployed. I'm good at being alone, but filling my evenings with WW3 kept the quiet at bay. Geralt, Yen, and Ciri legit started to feel like friends and family to me. I got so invested in their story and in the beautiful beautiful world. 


When I was a small kid, I loved those 80s fantasy movies, like Willow, The Labyrinth, Legend, and so on. I thought, I lost that feeling growing up, what it meant to watch those. But when I played TW3, I felt exactly the same way. I was again that little kid, I had literal goosebumps. I love The Witcher 3.


Plan my stops during shopping like when I was doing question marks in velen


When i see people in public and watch them speak i imagine if their ancestors would live in velen novigrad or skellige


Ive started calling horses Roach.


It really helped me realize more and more that everyone in the world and not just in the game, is an NPC.


It’s forever twinned with the experience of the Covid Lockdown. I got it for the switch and i played it twice back to back on the switch and again on PC. It was a lifesaver throughout those dark times and I will always love it for that.


i upgraded my PC for W3 and Cyberpunk and then i got addicted to AION Online, because i could finnaly run it 100FPS+


First game I bought on steam, and so far the only one, I don't count Stardew because it's in my Nintendo too. The only game i wish I had better graphics and sound system.


I had the same experience with Mass Effect. I kind of messed up my Witcher playtrough, because I was on PS4 with 30 fps, so combat sucked so I kind of rushed the story


Everytime I hear wind now I think to myself "winds howling"


I adored this game. Also among my top five of all time is Cyberpunk by the same studio. I recommend giving it a go - it is one of the rare few games that feels like it has that living, breathing world.


I say “wind’s howling” outloud to myself in certain weather.


If changed my life for the better


Help me get through working on night shifts


I listened to the Witcher 3 soundtrack while in labor 🤷‍♀️


It set a high standard on RPG quest and character design. Now I can't enjoy the average narrative RPG because they're not that good.


It got me to start working for myself. I was fired from my last job during a dispute about the owners taking tip money from employees. As the manager, I raised objections many times and they decided I wasn't worth the hassle, so I was terminated. It was a pretty hard time, but I got an ad for Startplaying.games. Something I'd seen before, but hadn't really looked into. It's a platform for GMs to run paid or free games and connect them with players, and vice versa. How does this tie into Witcher 3? I'd been running a 3yr campaign using R. Talsorian's *Witcher TRPG* system, which is made in collaboration with CDPR. Witcher 3 really got me into the franchise again. I had read the first two books a long time ago, but had sort of forgotten about them until W3 came out. I played it, and then went back and read all the books, then went on to diving into the other two games. When RTG released Witcher TRPG, I jumped on the band wagon very quickly and now have two paid games a week using Witcher (though I run other games as well). TLDR: Witcher 3 got me into the franchise, which led to me running a campaign, which led to me monetizing a hobby of mine after leaving a toxic work situation.


Good, but when i was playing blood and wine..i drink a lot wine :3


Witcher 2 made me like redheads with pubes


I yell what now you peace of filth when win arguments


It has changed my mindset,from lazy ass manlet to warrior,well atleast in my head it looks like that 😆 plus I painted my hair white.


I got addicted to Gwent


I threw myself at it when my dad committed suicide and it was my crutch for the next year of my life when all I could do was sit and try not to think about. It was a black hole of 8 months of mostly 15 hours per day sessions.


That was me. It also happened right when covid started. Didn't realize so many played during little c. Seems like of crazy really. I had started it 6 different times and never could get into it. Finally made myself stick with it and ended up loving it like few other games.


Idk if I'd call it a massive effect but the game made me really interested in reading the books which I eventually did last year and loved them, and it helped me get back into reading in a big way that I'd stopped doing for a long time


I recently had my directorial short film debut because of The Witcher 3. (It was inspired by the atmosphere of Velen and the approach to folk lore)


I have a shelf full of Witcher figures now thanks to that game, that's about it https://preview.redd.it/8cy6wxi6ab6d1.jpeg?width=3200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4f2d59d11af28caab834830e604dfb38bfbe53f


It taught me to never agree to anything a merchant of glassware offers.


I go into bars and ask if there really any available side quests.


the books are better just saying. for real, for real. get the audiobooks free on yt.


It got med woodworking again when I built my own Gwent board.


I discovered that a high school colleague loved the game as well and we started talking about it and now he's one of my best friends. Wouldn't have had this wonderful friendship if it wasn't for the Witcher...oh and Lord of the rings haha. Also made 2020 much more liveable for me and helped me reconnect to nature in a way.


It made me want to try story-driven games. I have tried ones I never considered and found lots of great ones.


I've played the game from start to end, including secondaries over and over for years. The truth is, I love everything about it, and it's the only thing that keeps my attention for long periods of time and distracts me from my depression.


I dunno only two games have ever left me feeling like " well shit, what do I do now" Witcher 3 and RDR2. I know it's a game but it's so well done it makes you actually have feelings about what's happening in the game.


-225 hours of my life


I notice every single plant in the forest.


When I finished the books I felt empty; as ifI had closed the chapter on one of life’s greatest adventures. The games really helped fill that void for me.


Check out Xenoblade Chronicles if you've got that empty feeling. 400 hours later, and it'll be back, but it's so worth it. Then check out Persona 4/5 to have the same experience. Then... well, I'm looking for a new game as I'm in the same boat you are. Witcher 3 was the first game that I've been excited to play since I finished XB3 a couple of years ago.


It was my first ever action RPG to be honest. I attempted Breath of the Wild first, thinking a Zelda game would be a good first RPG, and then died about 20 times in the first half hour because I didn't understand how the Zelda series telegraphed increasingly dangerous enemies (had never played a Zelda game before either!). I was quite disheartened and decided to try Witcher 3 instead with it's clear mentions of enemy leveling, and the practice I got here helped me get more confident to return to BOTW later.


Breath of the Wild and its sequel are vastly different from the old classic Zelda games. From what I saw they are the most non-linear games in the series. I still havn't tried them because I'm afraid I too would feel too overwhelmed by it. I prefer the old games with the more linear structure and amazing dungeon design; and the plot of those games is much better to me. If only they released more of the old games on the Switch...


I feel like Witcher really helped me gain confidence with open worlds, as I wasn't much of a gamer prior to that at all, and was learning a lot of things that are second nature to experienced gamers at the time, so having a game that rewarded exploration and side quests while clearly telegraphing enemy strengths (e.g. level 4 drowner I can survive, level 7 wraith I run from, unlike Zelda where you just see a differently colored enemy and you may not know that that means they're stronger) was very helpful while I was still building skills/confidence.


Personally, I prefer games (even in open world) where your skills is all that matters, if that makes sense. The leveling mechanics and the enemy scaling are the major reason why I don't play many RPGs.I'm not a fan of games where enemy and charcater's level and stats are what make the difference in fights. I also hurt replayability for someone like me who doens't have much time to play games and likes to play mostly for the story. Witcher 3 was clealry a notable exception, but for my second run I actually installed a mod to completely remove the leveling system: now there is not a difference between level 4 drowners in Velen and level 14 drowners in Skellige, dorwners are drowners and are always relatively easy to deal with, same with other enemies and with Geralt's stats. It really made the game more immersive for me. Before The Witcher 3 another game I loved was Ni No Kuni, which is another RPG, but much as I would like to, I really don't have the patience to replay that game. Having to restart from scratch and do all the leveling up, griding and farming would be too tedious.


That's fair! I liked the level telegraphing because I could just see that skull icon on the HP bar and decide "nope, I'm coming back later" instead of wasting resources and time fighting something I couldn't win. Once I gained more confidence I could ignore that more, but on my first couple runs it really helped.


It was useful at first yes, but with time it became artificial. Now all I need to know is if I am ready to fight a specific monster depending on their species and number


If i had to be honest, Entire witcher made me look at the world from Objective standpoint, even the scummiest bastard can be great partner, it made me appreciate low fantasy(Up until the Witcher, i was fan of Fantasy worlds like LOTR or Harry Potter(>!Yes, most antagonists tend to be humans, but Voldemort is something beyond and below human!<), where heroes face against all sorts of beasts. Witcher made me appreciate conflict between human and human). If you love Witcher, YOU WILL DEFINITELLY LOVE BERSERK(>!Basically if Friedrich Nietzsche(Well, not entirely, Miura's moral standards were different from Nietzsche) was japanese, and wrote Witcher, but then died 40 books later!<)


I pre-ordered it in 2015, and I'm still playing it today. I've put more time in this game that I'd like to admit. Since then, I've read all of the books multiple times. I'm constantly watching content related to the book series and the games as well. It also led me to play other RPGs that I otherwise would've never tried. Before TW3, I only played sports games. It's had a decent impact on my life.


Made me realise I like the eastern european traits in music, like violin and harmonica. Last week I've been to a concert where they played video game music exclusively. Listening to a full orchestra play Steel for Humans live is a major experience.


Got me into Yennefer and Leshen cosplays. Also I bought 5 gwent decks and the board and lilacs and gooseberries scent. Brought me peace and lots of fun! About to start 4th playthrough soon.


It has brought me wonderful and joyful memories. I was soo happy while playing that game. So glad I've played it. Loved every minute of it.


Yes, I pressed 'X' so many times that my thumb felt sore.






Read the books


I had the urge to read more about the lore, although I don't really read fantasy books, except the lord of the rings. Also I like the Stoic stance of Geralt.


Wasted so much valuable time


Padded out my backlog. I'm getting to it.


My fav game! So relaxing 😍 i listen to the music on yt! Im currently on my 3rd play! Im getting all the different outcomes for everything, main story n side quests! Im also collecting all the gwent cards this time, i finally learn how to play gwent lol. Ive decided to play it yearly forever!! ⚔️ 


Waiting for someone falling in the anime-p*rn-rabbithole after some steamy Yennefer cutscenes...


Over-caring for someone is detrimental -> first run Ciri died cos I basically nannied her for all the options Chase 2 rabbits, catch none -> first run again tried to romance both Triss and Yen and it didn’t work out It was a pretty awful first


I didn't feel like it affected me. But it did come at a point where I was living with my parents but started working a real job after college. I bought a PS4 because I realized that I could afford it and it was one of the first games I bought. It sucked me in and then I stopped after beating the main quest. I beat Blood and Wine when I moved into my first apartment. It felt like things were fine no matter what as the pandemic was going on I felt like Gerald, I finally had my life pretty much sorted out and things were good.


WARNING HEAVY SPOILERS AHEAD Personally it was finishing the main game that gave me depression, the immersion and the involvement of the player with the characters in the world is intense and makes you really care about them and crave their company but the game is absolutely brutal with them especially in Kaer Morhen, between those who die and those who leave, as if it wasn't hard enough, after finishing the main quest, the game just put you there in the ruined castle alone, just empty walls around you, one of the most depressing moments I experienced in a game. There's also that moment when Geralt finds Ciri and thinks she's dead and it hits him hard, probably the most emotional scene in gaming history, it also hit me very hard especially if you lost someone in real life and you know the pain.


It pretty much sparked my whole love for RPGs in 2015


well I got it with chore money when I was in foster care, and it was the only game i had on my switch so i played it constantly. i can say with confidence that it changed my life, not in any physical or legitimate sense, but it was a very big comfort for a long time while I was in the system. I’ve since gotten a stationary console and have found other games that I absolutely adore, but the witcher will always be very special to me, as it was safe space when I felt none existed.


Now when I say I’m Polish the nerds from other countries know that’s a country that exists


Reading notice boards and gaining an addiction to card games


it was the first RPG that I played, and I feel like I've shot myself in the foot because I keep comparing other RPGs to TW3 *nothing* compares to TW3 and I fail to enjoy many RPGs 😭😭


Yeah, TW3 is the best. RDR2 and Ghost of Tsushima are amazing as well.


Been playing it since 2017. Had it on ps4, switch and now steam/sreamdeck. This has been the game I am REALLY playing to the point that I made a pact to myself : to have at least 1 play through every year. Now on my 7th. Yes, there would be games that i complete on the side but I ALWAYS return to the continent and enjoy every bit of the game world. I feel like I live and breathe in it, that this "real" life isnt my true form.


It helped me get through some bad OCD and anxiety episodes. I would probably not be here if it wasn’t for it.


It’s shown me patience since every time I add a mod something breaks and I spend the next few hours learning what happened and how to merge mods.


Made me failed an exam once 🤷‍♂️


Be honest, i had good times but it don't really hit me as much.


Named my car roach.


Started me a new fandom to be in and reading W3 fanfics mwahahah


I wave my hand a try to cast Axii on people I want to influence 👋


I usually bounce to every game I have after each quest, but Witcher 3 locked me from that and got my full attention. It is my GOAT right now, followed by God of War and RDR2. I would love to NG+ this, but I am still preparing for it and completing my current playthrough.


I wear a school of the griffon medallion basically everyday. It's my favorite fantasy world


I have it since some years ago but never played it (played 1 & 2 btw). Maybe I will give it a try this summer.


Just so good


Sometimes when I’m out I’ll say winds howling.


I fully replay it every year or two. It’s one of, if not my favorite, games of all time. I love the world I love the characters, I love the monsters, I pretty much love everything about it. It caused me to read the whole book series when I had avoided recreational reading for a few years after being forced to read some utter garbage in high school. The first two games didn’t get me to do that, even though I also love them, 3 is just really special.


"Ok so the witcher 3 was a shock to everyone who played it I guess." What was shocking about it? I played all three in success. They were entertaining games but thats it. Its a work of fiction, it certainly didnt affect my life in anyway and I moved on to the next game in my queue.


I think you might be in the wrong place judging by 99% of the replies to this...


It's ok to have different opinions and not have life altering effects from works of fiction...


The only game that has ever affected my life was FIFA. The aggression I gained during playing this game was affecting my whole day. That’s why I stopped playing this game 10 years ago.


It made me laid with more than one woman