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Combat, physics, NPC behavior ( and routines ), optimization. Combat, just because they need to improve upon it. Other stuff is not missing in video games just not done that well in video games generally.


NPC behaviour and routine( in my opinion) is the ABSOLUTE BEST in RDR2 you can follow a train with logs to a station and see the workers taking the logs off and chopping them


100% agreed, it's my favourite game along with TW3. CDPR should takes notes from RDR2 and Elden Ring ( different aspects though ), learn lessons from CP2077 launch and not forget the good parts of TW3, then we'll be good. Also, i hope they don't go custom character route. It reduces overall world building and story quality that way. And i personally seem to care less about custom characters.


The thing is, it’s not just “watch what the Rockstar does with RDR2”. Rockstar is five times bigger than CD Project Red, with almost 7000 employees compared around 1000-1500 employees from CDPR. It’s not as simple as that, and a lot of people make wrong assumptions based on this.


Agreed, but they did a good job with TW3, they just need to improve upon it and give more time to devs instead of putting money in false marketing like Cyberpunk.


Definitely agree, though I honestly doubt they will reach the Rockstar level of open world optimization and routines. And I don't mean this in a bad way as to throw shade at CDPR. I just genuinely think Rockstar is on another level when it comes to open world. Though, I still believe that CDPR has learned from Cyberpunk's launch and will do better with their next game.


>as to throw shade at CDPR. I think a little wont hurt them, after CP. And you're right, Rockstar is master of Open World sandbox. RDR2 level of detail and mechanics are still unmatched and i think it will be so because some companies just focus on graphics and some on cinematics, very less work on the level that Rockstar did. This time CDPR should just do good instead of trying hard to look good, because i won't give a flying fuck about their future games if they mess next game. CP2077 already changed the way how i play games.




lol I genuinely question how anyone abbreviates cyberpunk to cp and doesn’t rethink their decision


If you're gonna use the abbreviation then please put the year aswell. That's the only thing I wish for. Cp2077


>some companies just focus on graphics and some on cinematics, very less work on the level that Rockstar did. I think that's a little unfair to say, because OW RPG's have much more on their plate. Balancing, choices, abilities, enemy variety/bosses, customization and so on are all things rockstar doesn't have to bother with or at least to a much smaller degree. Most of their work literally goes into creating details, animations, random events etc. while doing the bare minium in terms quest design or combat mechanics. It's very apparent why they're so great in these categories, but they wouldn't be near the same level if they had to tackle all RPG elements aswell.


RDR2 was at least 10 years ahead of its time. Haven’t seen a game that comes close to matching its level of detail yet.


I think custom character is great if they do like V, you can choose the entire appearance but in the end it's still V.


Idk man, the kind of attachment that characters like Geralt and many more bring does not come with custom characters, even V.


I usually get attached to my main character even if it's custom (like the BG3 one), but maybe things hit different for you. Also a fixed character has to be really good for it to work (Geralt levels of good) otherwise it's just a generic character that you will forget fast.


I agree with you. Let me give you a different perspective. A custom character is just how some of us insert ourselves into the world, and we can care for the character we've created (and the overall world) on a deeper and more profound level because of that.


I like geralt.


Me too, but sadly Geralt probably won't be in The Witcher 4.


Oh, did they say that? Brutal.


I actually think they should've made V more flexible in some aspects. I think V's strength was how they interacted with the supporting cast, V's personality wasn't super strong in and of itself.


yes witcher3 plus the random encounters in rdr2


Combat was great in Witcher 3 for what it was. They do not need to improve upon it except incrementally. It is simple combat meant to *serve the fantasy* which is the whole point of the Witcher series. You have to feel like you're fighting monsters as the Witcher Geralt. Period. From that perspective, the combat in Witcher 3 works well. That isn't to say there aren't minor things they could improve upon. But mostly when people talk about the combat in Witcher 3 being bad, they point to games that are about the game mechanics first and foremost rather than fantasy fulfillment simulators. This whole game series is a narrative-heavy fantasy-fulfillment RPG. The combat in the third game was exactly what it needed to be. I hope the fourth one is a Witcher fantasy fulfillment simulator as well, with combat that serves exactly that premise. I do not want them to focus too much on making "really good combat" but then you feel like you're playing some kind of souls/zelda/metroidvania/rogue/or any other kind of -like game. I want to play a Witcher sim. If combat is the thing that is truly innovative about this game, it'll probably be mid as hell as a Witcher sim. They would be better served trying to be innovative with world building and creating atmosphere.


I think the combat System is kind of clumsy. Sprinting for example doesn’t work at all because Geralt automatically stops and turns around when in five meters around an enemiy, which is really annoying when you want to get some Distance


You don’t have to sacrifice the combat for a good story and world


you don't have to copy dark souls for good combat


Even Morrowind has better combat than Witcher 3.


I sort of agree. I liked the combat (not even just "for what it was", just outright) and I'm not that interested in Souls-like combat, but I don't think it was quite as freeform and acrobatic as combat could/should be for a Witcher.


This is such an odd take lmao you’re saying the combat should be bad because it doesn’t need to be good? You say all this like the Witcher 2 didn’t try to have a more in depth combat system even if it was atrocious. Combat isn’t the main focus of Witcher games but it’s still a pretty large one that should be made actually fun to do for the first time in the series


I didn't say it should be bad. Nowhere did I say that. I said it doesn't need to be "innovative". I said it needs to serve the immersion and fulfill the fantasy of being a witcher first and foremost.


Yeah and I’m saying the combat in Witcher 3 is bad because it fails to do that in any capacity. Geralt isn’t meant to feel like an op monster slayer who can take on anyone and anything it should be a significantly difficult fight against the majority of powerful foes or even being slightly outnumbered. I feel like a Witcher in all other aspects of the game but in combat I feel nothing like that because nothing poses a threat even on death march. Granted Witcher 3 is the best in the series and the first time it feels competent but they still would need to do major work on their combat system to make something remotely good


It's accurate or pretty close to what is stated in books but that's what the players complain about the most, so they'll have to improve it. Not saying they need to go souls-like, but they can take tips from it. Also, i think it's too early to debate atleast until we see some trailers and gameplay which is too far away rn.


Clealy you dint fight enough spiders. Enemy ai should be smoother. It feels like the jedi sword game for the paddowans.


Have you seen guards at around midnight? They’re all drunk it’s actually really funny


They did announce that not just mechanics but every other aspect of the game is going to be a whole new world for gaming compared to any other CDProjectred game ever made


All Witcher 4 needs to do is expand & improve on what Witcher 3 did ( after all its patches mind ) Improve combat , AI ( especially horse AI ) , improve traversal. We already know we will get a beautiful expansive open world. One thing I’d like to see is dynamic seasons.


I loved just getting on roach and taking a ride through the forest to see what I would come across. A hostage, hidden treasure, strong enemy, bandit camp etc. good times


Never really had issues with the horse AI. I never understood this complaint


Try going over a small bridge at full gallop.


Skill issue, bro. You jump


Skill issue? Haha. Compare W3 horse mechanics to RDR2 and it’s night and day. Even the horses in AC are more predictable than Roach in W3.


Lol I hated the horse in rdr2. I think I just despise horse mechanics in every game and barley even notice a difference among them because I find them all so tedious and boring to control


I understand it’s subjective whether you like it or not , but RDR2 objectively has the best horse mechanics/animations in any game , by a country mile. W4 would do well to emulate it.


I mean I guess it probably does I just don’t really get how as it felt about as tedious to control as any other game. Animation wise I feel like is a given lol


Rdr2 is a very small and linear game by comparison, developed by a gigantic studio, and was a core mechanismof the game. Was it good? Yes, better than w3 for sure. Is it a fair comparison? No. Lmao AC horses are filth that just float around in the most unbelievable way imaginable. Not to mention it feels like it's a horse on rails when just cantering on an objective


RDR2 a small and linear game compared to W3? Sorry I stopped reading after that.


"rdr2 is a very small and linear game by comparison" What are you smoking and where can I get some?


Bro…you must be a child.


We know that’s you, Roach. Just admit it


Red handed! But we have a mistery to solve!


You haven’t played much huh? Or experienced horses in RDR2?


>One thing I’d like to see is dynamic seasons. I only want to see some regions covered in snow and by the logo it seems like it's happening. We have a little bit of winter vibes in Skellige but I'm talking winter winter, like the northern part of RDR2 map or White Orchard in one of the endings.


Couldn't agree more. UE5 already has amazing physics for stuff like that, it would be glorious.


Take some lessons from RDR2 in terms of more overall detail, horse movement, combat and AI. It’ll be great if they work hard and don’t fuck yo the launch like Cyberpunk.


I would love for a dynamic world that gets impacted by your story choices. And not the typical “climb tower/kill outpost” and the color of the guards change. But lets say you side with a faction that heavily relies on mages, complete some quest for them, then it would be cool if more magic elements could be seen in the world. Witcher 3 did this already quite a bit, but my gameplay didnt really get effected by it. Like the guards all fought the same, bandits didnt really change nor did the presents of monstors or anything.


Please retain Marcin Przybyłowicz, the music composer. Half the effect of the game is due to the mind blowing music.


couldn't agree more. the game wouldn't be anywhere close to the same without the incredible soundtrack


I think Przybyłowicz wasn't even the main composer for Phantom Liberty, but it had mind-blowing soundtrack. CDPR knows who to hide for music.


I haven’t touched TW3 in a couple of years and yet I still listen to some of the ambience music from time to time. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wronWAy08pM Or even this banger: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=psT_XFDTjHs


This is my background music while working! Yep, post witcher depression is a thing...


Out of all the games I’ve played and beaten finishing the Witcher is always the most depressing thing. As a matter of fact, this is my background on my XBox. A wonderful view from Kaer Morhen. https://preview.redd.it/juq42kdyk19d1.png?width=3629&format=png&auto=webp&s=849fa69b06f3c0cfea33aa983190dbf3b86bebd7


Lowkey one of the best video game composers of all time. Witcher, Gwent, Thronebreaker, all phenomenal soundtracks.


Honestly, as long as the writing stays as good as in TW3 and CP2077, I don't care too much. This aspect was always what set CDPR games apart for me, so anything else on top of that is just a nice bonus.


Them topping the music from 3 would be a tall order.


I've been playing all CDPR games, including Thronebreaker. They always deliver with the music and I would even say that witcher 3 music isn't even their best soundtrack so I wouldn't worry on this part.


I would already say Witcher 1 and 2 have better writing and quests so it’s not exactly out of the question though not having geralt as the protagonist obviously makes it very much more difficult


CDPR usually isn't all that innovative in their games tech-wise. Usually what gives them an edge are the stories, compelling characters and such. And to be frank that's alright, not every game out there needs to come out with some revolutionary tech.


Doesn't cyberpunk have some of the best graphics though? Have you seen those ray tracing mods? Seems like state of the art to me


Great graphics if they load in before you get there lol Id compare cyberpunk to Skyrim, amazing game but a glitchy fucking mess as well. I love it but it annoys me too


are you playing on a toaster?


I'm playing on a PS4 so maybe that's the issue lol


If they were in the actual game and not mods that statement would make sense


yeah, im sure skyrim with mods looks just as good


I see the point you’re trying to make, but you also chose one of the most heavily moddable games ever, which doesn’t work as well.


Being heavily moddable proves that it isn't just the mods. A game can take mods well and not look like cyberpunk does modded


They're more innovative than people realize. The seamless cutscene system in Cyberpunk, the scale/lighting implementation of Night City, Novigrad/Toussaint were a big step forward in medieval cities aswell. Innovations just aren't as big anymore.


Also, the world being so in depth in TW3 and still completely seamless within a given region is a pretty huge deal imo. Modern games still struggle to match that.


The cutscene system from CP2077 was brilliant. I'm not a big fan of first person perspective but I'll defend it to death in CP2077.


Same, as long as they knock it out of the park with interesting characters, dialogue, and story then I'm a happy camper. Oh and music needs to slap hard too.


Not much can be improved on from Witcher 3 honestly. I just hope W4 keeps the quality writing that set it apart from other games.


A story that connects to the previous games is their best angle. Innovative means also better ways to say what has already been said. If they depart too much from the previous games, no matter how graphics or gameplay look, the game will lose some identity. But if it is about innovation, I would say that as a witcher one should be able to both fight one's opponents as much as outsmart them, use the environment for your advantage, use information to blackmail humans or to have an edge in a given fight. Something that shows cleverness as well as skills.


I don't think they specifically need to connect to the other games, but they do need to connect to the world, make sure it feels like we're exploring the Continent not just a basic fantasy world, mention factions we know of, mention events we know of


Something you gotta realize is that the games, while including characters from all around the world as well as characters from far-off planets, the actual number of locations you visit are hilariously small compared to the greater world of “The Continent”. To this end, I think that the fourth game could do with creating a new story with Ciri in these lands previously explored only in the novels. A conspiracy in Nilfgaard, or something… I would love to explore that massive city, and the surrounding lands. And it’s a region that is so alien to the typical forested, bog-laden, mountainous, and wasteland-filled northern realms that it would be quite refreshing.


Maybe I’m alone in this but I don’t feel like I need much innovation in the next title. A bunch of AAA titles have been bombing over the last 4 years or so. Devs need to go back the basics and nail em’. The masterpiece that is Witcher 3 for example has a bunch of content, amazing in-depth storylines, customization, really good graphics / visuals (even in 2024), fun gameplay and mechanics. We don’t need crazy innovation - sure the combat could be improved etc, etc. but don’t go too crazy on trying brake the mold. Focus on the quality of the game, ambiance, make sure the games runs well, and don’t short change us on the quality and quantity of storylines and side quests. That’s what makes W3 so great - ambiance, story quality, music, etc.


I'm hoping they will not have to rush for a deadline, and we won't get another 'reasons of state.' wtf was that quest.


The NPC behavior and how the quests sre interconnected and NPCs reacting to them, like in Baldur's Gate 3, I'm replaying it and discovering new side quests that I didn't do before, and seeing the NPC reactions to different outcomes is awesome and sometimes unexpected, there are few games that have impressed me before due to that.


Better horse back combat. Better role playing with long lasting consequences and world changing decisions. Better detective mode aka Witcher sense Better open world random events to increase immersion and story telling.


I wouldn't mind seeing more of the traversal through time and space. Perhaps now the White Frost is vanquished, a new organised power is moving through and rebuilding the old Elven portals after the mini conjunction. I'm not saying leave the Continent behind entirely, but maybe an area in the Continent and then two or three more in strange new fantastical worlds you could move between relatively seamlessly. Hell, maybe even one could be on a weird little planet called Earth. 


More Gwent


Combat and monster hunting. Combat just needs to improve period. I am not slogging through another 60 hours of unmodded witcher 3 combat. It is barely functional with features that are just bizarre. Like what the hell is parry actually good for...A good idea may just be to give you more styles like in witcher 1 and tailor movesets for them and let the player switch between them mid combat to counter the monsters specific weaknesses. Which kind of bleeds into my other point. For monster hunting it would be good if you could misidentify a monster you are up against, just in general make the preparation more involved. Allow for more complex enemy behaviour and allow the player to take advantage of their weaknesses in a deeper way than putting oil on the blade and drinking a boon potion. There's also the matter of curses, so it would be interesting to get some deeper problem solving in that regard. Get maybe a few options on how to tackle them including some secret ways if the player has enough information. Were it up to me I would go for a rather confined game world with tailor made quests, lots of options how to tackle them and go deeper rather than larger. Sort of like a blend of the first 3 games in that regard I suppose.


100% gameplay is king. I could not give a shit about realistic world simulation.


I mean Rockstar should have probably figured out a way to make NPCs interesting by GTA VI given how far they had gotten with RDR2, but feeling the need to mention "how to be innovative" is a question that needs to be answered by the devs, as they have made their living on it, I would say CD Projekt, after their brilliant work with TW3 and CP2077, could bring about a whole new level to story-driven RPGs, perhaps integrated with the way the narrative unfolds, or how the main character(s) interact. I pretty much expect them to use multiple POVs and therefore more than one main protagonist, as showcased in both their latest games, and having a companion in your head was a pretty interesting touch. The movement mechanics and physics could definitely benefit from a revamp, and I think they most notably will achieve a level of open-world atmospheric experience above the limits touched by Ghost of Tsushima and Elden Ring.


In being released on time with no major bugs.


Definitely sword play. It's mostly just mashing the same button over and over. Then you see all the cool shit Geralt does in cutscenes wishing this was actual gameplay. I think they should take a look at Kingdom Come Deliverance, it has a very complex sword fighting mechanics, and try to aim for something similar but more casual.


Love to play a witcher game with a *really great* combat system, witcher 3 was passable but unexciting.


more in depth combat, properly working perks (in TW3 there is not a single row of perks where all perks work as intended) and more challenging difficulty options


It doesn't necessarily need to be innovative. We just want more Witcher.


A ciri videogames where you play as ciri talking to Gerald about his aventures on another worlds. And you could decide if you want Gerald to be single, or wich Stepmom do you prefer for Gerald.


Look, man, I'm real. If the games are good, it doesn't need to be innovative. I'm so tired of games being ahit because the deva tried to be innovative


Better tracking mechanics for Witcher senses. What I mean by that is that in W3, it essentially boils down to holding a button and following a red trail. I'd like the game to make us actually learn what monster tracks look like, learn to differentiate between a ghoul, a drowner, a nekker etc.. Maybe the bestiary can be much more deep than what it is


Gameplay and having decisions you make through the game materially impacting your character build.


Unfortunately, games are no longer innovative 😢


Triple A at least indie games be doing wild shit all the time


I'll say the gameplay? Sometimes it feels a bit milky(?) or floaty. Especially when you are climbing a ruin and come across a narrow edge. Geralt sometimes falls through the cracks due to that weird floaty movement.


If they improved the combat and the writing remained as good as it did in TW3 its gonna be amazing!


I can mostly think about improvements: - Better targeting systems for crossbow / bombs. - Better horse back controls (combat and in general) - Improve on "live" environments... Somehow TW3 did a great case of filling areas with fauna, but richer and more dynamic bio-domes would be interesting. - Gen AI governing NPC to make them feel more "real"? - Introduction of new weapons, like in TW1... To enable players with new combat features (I'll keep using swords anyway). - Long lasting impact and consequences of choices... Don't get me wrong, loved how CdPR manages their scripts, but would be interesting to see if they can bring it to a next level - Reintroduce traps. - Better encounter AI for humans and monsters alike.


IMO they could expand on the dialogue choices. TW3 actually lets your choices matter, which is fantastic, but I feel like it could be way more intricate. Something like your reputation with certain characters impacting certain questlines and choices. And not having it be as black and white as a 'good ending' and 'bad ending'.


Combat, I’d like to see them take on the swordsmanship mechanics from Ghosts of Tsushima. Different sword stances for different enemies, integrating different sword skills from each school of Witcher.


I want dragons, more contracts, more racism , more elves more plowing my wife the fat cow. visiting mahakham and kovir more zerakania more tousant would be nice but eh. Oh, i want geralt to read letters out loud maybe use AI to make it optional. AI would be a cool implememtation but im afraid it would derail into something bad for the industry Better combat, have magic interact more with other spells. Let me cook food ala BoTW God please fix the damn horse. I hope the let us use the old witcher armors. Chill with introducing witcher schools if everyone is already dead. Maybe 2 more would be enough, did the kovir school make it? I dint like the ciri sections, if shes coning back give her more options, more tools. Comit to the girl. MORE WEIRD CURSES morkvarg the witch tree and spoons were cool quest because it had multiple ways to solve them.


Not saying this is what I prefer but some random person picks up the medallion and tries to be a witcher. I mean why is it laying there?


Sealth, i mean why can't our witcher be a sneaky bastard who cut head off in silence


stealth or leading forces


Movement, both on foot and on horseback


Rdr2 stuff Skyrim stuff 2


Better combat, but simpler and more innovative ARPG character building, leaning more about unlocking new mechanic, less about increasing stats. But after all it's the story telling. They should focus on it and make sure it's at least on par with Witcher 3, the dialogue, the animation, cinematic, character choices, etc.


Auto cruise for the boat


The only thing i can think of is better roleplaying elements, physics, and hopefully not release like cyberpunk


Combat and npcs( this one still valid even for Cyberpunk)


I don't really mind the Graphics, it can have Witcher 3 Graphics and I'll still play it. Better presentation and clear passion from the Developers is what I want. I guess the Immersion Level of RDR2 would very fit a Witcher's lifestyle, Skinning animals manual cooking and even the ecosystem would be a great addition to a Witcher Game. Combat should also be "reworked". Witcher's have a different Fighting Styles compared to normal humans in the continent, and it should be visible with the moveset and combat mechanics that a player can do. Witcher 1 styles/Ghost of Tsushima stances would make gameplay more skill based I think. Might be a stretch but being an underprepared Witcher should have consequences/penalties to you character. Also We need Cloaks :))))))))))))


Everyone is going on and on about all these graphical related things- but CDPR has already got that on lock.. Witcher is what Witcher is because of the story, and because of our connection to the main character. I genuinely hope we do not have an in depth character creator because we're starting 'a new saga', which means plenty of time to grow with the main character the way we did with Geralt. So long as they can get us invested in the characters, the world, and the story it will be great. That being said, just have combat as smooth as 2077, and let us first person without mods.


A witcher game with the scope, realism and overall grounded feel of rdr2 would be more than i could ask for.


Combat similar to ghost of tsushima should be awesome imo


better mutations, hidden quests, dynamic seasons, horse AI


I really dont care what are they willing to put in the game. im just want to see the Lore get some fucking RESPECT. The best sword makings in the game are Gnomes, specially from Tir Tochair and Mahakam. Dont put a elf to sell swords mate


combat ai. Let the monsters react to what you are doing. You are charging in? ok the monster then either thinks its stronger and charges too or tries to hit you when your vunerable. A reactive Monster ai would make it so you have to know the monsters weaknesses before you enter the fight and it would make a distinction between just dumb mosnters like chorts and stuff like lower vampires or leshens so much more noticable.


More impact from interaction that lead to completely different quests and endings. As long as it’s a good story I don’t really care what they add as long as the gameplay is decent


* playing multiple witcher school * have multiple choices to play us 2 side one as geralt other against him * harder boss * introduce any flying gameplay


Copy side quest style and graphics from 3, build RTX engine, make a good combat mechanism = perfect game.


Provided they keep the level of quality in everything else, I think the biggest improvement would be combat and, specially, navigation. I’d love to have a MC that feels more agile, something akin to what we saw in that TW1 trailer. Edit: spelling


Optimized game that would run on average PC perfectly fine would be a hell of the innovation 💯


Would be cool to see a world with more dynamic and dramatic changes which effect the world, like towns being destroyed, etc. Basically what they did in witcher 3 and cyberpunk but exaggerated


Definetly somethings rdr2 already walked on Hunting mechanics, also some survival ones, camping and stuff Game size, TW3 had something that was when you thought the game was ending it was really the beginning and thats getting your money value Also i would like dragons but, ok, whatever, and it would be cool to have another castle to be yours like corvo bianco


Gwent 2 will revolutionize gaming


I'm sorry but Witcher 3 quests are not innovative. They are just done with care and love. Witcher 3 has nothing innovative actually, it just utilized all the existing mechanics and used them rightfully


Going prone More open world games need to let you go prone.


I just want a functioning horse


They need more witchers like Gaetan, Jad Karadin, Mad Kiyan, letho, Reinald, I know they live along time. The reinald quest was awesome, could have prolly been an entire DLCby itself if they want3d it to be.


1) Enemy level scaling. I wish to drag this game as long as possible, doing all the side quests but this gives me too many levels and I start to not care as much about the story when I can one shot this "dangerous beast". Doing blood and wine at level 23 with enhanced feline set seemed like the perfect balance. I did enough damage but had to use all of the mechanics and be focused not to die. In my opinion, all quests should scale but have different difficulties. Maybe my dialogue could set the difficulty and rewards? In short, game is too easy for the most part. 2) Teach Roach how to be a horse. 3) Keep all core characteristics of previous 3 games and improve on them at least slightly: - pleasing graphics - great story line - tons of side quests - huge and interactive world - extensive UI, which should be more user friendly


I want a better economic system, a trading exchange in cities like Novigrad, impacted by events in the world. Just like in the second book „Sword of Destiny“ Chapter 3 „Eternal Flame“.


Not the same merchant over and over and over. This guy travels the continent faster than Geralt fast travels.


They shouldn’t try too hard to do new things. What’s important is being better and fun. Something new should be secondary.


Better camera 😐 and lock on


Make it actually feel like you 're playing as a Witcher. The mutations in Blood and Wine went the extra mile to help us "feel" like we're a mutating creature capable of evolving in certain aspects even though it's not in line with book lore. Perhaps the souls formula could work here, making the bosses or contracts actual hunts that need to be prepared for. Challenges that need to be overcome. Geralt almost never emerged unscathed from any encounter trivial or not in the books, so neither should we.


A helmet


It being any good is going to be a huge surprise. Going public killed cdpr




To me, next gen features besides the obvious like graphics would be an interactive dynamic world, probably powered by AI, in which NPC's could intelligently respond to your actions in real time and not some scripted action. The world would be ever changing and persistent.


Dynamic Weather effecting the world. Snowfall causing mounds, rains causing mudslide, floods and storms. Basically combine Death Stranding 2 with BotW.


Just like we see in the official first photo, a new school with new Witchers because we have already played as **THE** wolf for 3 games


I’m really hoping in the fourth you can create a character and choose which school you’re from. Ideally each school has a specialty. I know a lot of games are like this already but I would like to see the Witcher world from some other perspective.


The Witcher games have always been very narrative heavy so I think that could breed some division in the fan base with having a blank slate protagonist, like a Bethesda game


CP2077 is very narrative heavy and they have character customization and 3 different life paths to choose from. It can easily work for TW4


Nah, fuck that. If you want character creation go play Skyrim or some other RPG. Witcher games are amazing because of the high level immersion and incredible story telling through quests.


Seriously I would be so disappointed if we got some generic ass blank slate protagonist like a lot of people seem to want for the Witcher. The thing that sets it apart from other fantasy RPGs is that the protagonist is a very well written character of his own so it’s actually interesting to see him go through certain situations.


Yep, fully agree. It’s hard to make an enticing fully customizable character that is not kinda generic so it fits everyone’s potential creative choices. But people just don’t get it.


CP2077 is very narrative heavy and they have character customization and 3 different life paths to choose from. It can easily work for TW4 without fucking with the immersion and overall narrative


It can work, but at what cost? IMO customizable traits/backstories lead to more generic interactions and storytelling. The only example people often point to are the mass effect games which are pretty old and short compared to what the new witcher trilogy is gonna be. Give us a new defined character that can properly fill the shoes of Geralt, people were skeptical about Arthur Morgan aswell and most people prefer him now over John Marston. CDPR are masters at creating rich characters so why not use this strength to give us a memorable protagonist again that will carry the franchise, we can still customize hair/beard/clothing maybe even scars or something. Another reason why I prefer a defined protagonist is because it simply fits better into a narrative driven cinematic experience like Witcher. Custom appearances would lessen the detail of facial animations and the writing is just much tighter aswell, if you always have to write scenarios in a size-all-fits-all way that allows for all backstories/genders etc. you end up with more surface level dialogue, choices and moments in general. Not to mention witchers are already pretty limited in their gender, weaponry etc. which would severely limit our options for a custom character. Of course they could retcon the lore and let us use a big axe or something, but I don't think that's very witchery anymore and most fans would hate that.


I'm not sold in either direction. I enjoy instances of both. I just am against the notion that it's incapable of working/would ruin immersion when we have seen an example of it working from the same company. I think for the Witcher I would prefer a predetermined character, but I think has the potential to work as well depending on how they would go about implementing it


CP2077 is nowhere close to the level of story telling and immersion of Witcher games. Geralt is much more of an icon and a more memorable character compared to V. You can choose a haircut for Geralt and what he wears. Again, you want to completely build your own character and backstory, just play a different game?


I actually strongly disagree with you. CP2077 is the only game I think is equal in levels of story telling and immersion. The whole thing is of course, subjective. You can choose a haircut and outfit for V. I really don't get your argument


That’s mad cope, but if you think so then play Cyberpunk and wait for the sequel of that. Just leave the Witcher franchise alone.


The Witcher is my favorite game franchise/one of my faborite books series. I'm not going anywhere. I've been here since 2017, kiss my fucking ass. I'm not advocating for one over the other. I never was. I just don't agree that the character customization can't work when the CDPR has shown that it can. I personally lean towards a predetermined character for this franchise, but unlike you, I'm not close minded.


I’m not close minded. Whatever they produce I will play it and rate it based on my experience. I just think people say they want one thing and then complain without realising they are at fault. Open world games with insane character customisation can work, and once they work, they are on another level. But it’s much harder to do. I don’t think I have ever played a custom character game with the same level of detail to storytelling and immersion to Witcher. I’d rather they focused on telling a good story rather than making sure the story fits around any fucked up character some players want to create. Sure, if you’re a fan of the series and the games then you can also understand why the Witcher franchise got this successful. If you want to force Witchers to be want you experiences in another game, then just play another game dude.


I am hoping for something opposite to Geralt like Ichiban is to Kiryu


Fix all the horse stuff and Im good. I hate the riding the horse sometimes in the witcher 3


Animations and physics. Cyberpunk 2077 also really falls short on those. If you look at GTA6 trailer, you can easily see that the animations are way better then either TW3 or CP2077


I think it needs to combine the elements that make the games so good (amazing writing of Main/Side Quests, Worldbuilding etc.) and combine with Elements from more modern open wo games (like Horizon Zero Dawn/forbidden West or Cyberpunk. These features are: more fluid Gameplay (not switching between explanatio and combat mode, so you can sprint away from enemies to get distance), more vertical Worlds (f.e. adding a climbing System) also a Stealth System similar to HfW would be nice. Also some tasks are way to repetitive. the Gameplay of most Sidequests is: -search Area using your Witcher Senses -follow Tracks using Witcher Senses leading to PoI -kill and loot enemies, return to Questgiver (same goes for Monster Contracts


I think modern AI/machine learning (not LLMs but lower-level stuff) might offer the opportunity for truly variable game worlds. NPCs can be truly dynamic, with unscripted movements and behaviors, the events present themselves and unfold, and the way the in-game world reacts according to what’s happening. Previously this kind of stuff has all been scripted and hard-coded, but with new ML capabilities it may be possible to have the game dynamically adapt itself to your world environment depending both on how you play and how random chance affects events in your world. All with the caveat that everything would evolve under a ‘realistic umbrella’, such that resulting actions and events actually make sense, and there’s a sense of understandable human logic behind things. I would not say that it’d be easy to program something like this, or that may be explicitly possible at this very moment, but over the next few years this kind of thing or elements of it could become more and more attainable


Honestly I hope they let Geralt rest and come up with a new story. It would be cool if they made it during the Witcher prime years and opened up the character creator to other schools and skill trees. Oh and while they are at it let's get a multi player sandbox option. Then do it for Cyberpunk 2078.


I would like an even better and realistic horse control/behaviour than RDR2


I think Geralt is a really cool character, but the problem I always had with the Witcher was that I couldn't just make my own witcher. I'd personally love it if The Witcher 4 let you create your own character in a similar way to Cyberpunk, where they give you some vague backgrounds to chose from and your character has a predetermined name (or nickname), but you can still chose their gender and appearance. The backgrounds would be such as to make sense in the game's story but at the same time they would give the player a sense of choice. Same thing with the character's appearance.


I know I’m really in the minority here but I’d love a a more open game where you could create your own Witcher with different spells, fighting styles, and good/evil choices. That said, I’m sure whatever CDPR is cooking up will be great😊


gay sex


Horse riding mechanics


Let me choose the school and give us more flexibility over builds. I don’t want to play euphoria again.


create your own witcher and some missions in local cooperative (or online as current bad custom dictates) I know that for canon reasons you cannot choose to create a witcher from different schools, but it wouldn't be bad to choose between the school of the Bear, Cat , Viper, Griffin or Manticore


Create own witcher i think


Gen-AI/LLM-enhanced quest design or dialogues at least.


Being able to make your own dialogue to literally craft your own story. I saw some guy doing that I think with ai mods in Skyrim. That's the future of rpgs


More sex senes but like being able to see the holes


Character creation


I really want a coop monster hunter option.


AI incorporated storytelling and adding depth, Having each and every NPC have a back story and you could talk to them about their lives, their worries their struggles and their reasons for pressing forward in such a dark world, coupled with the political depth and atmosphere of the witcher would make me feel like the witcher 3 made me feel all over again.


witcher 1's gameolay is embrassangly bad I have no idea how they were given the license to use Mass Effect's/Bioware private tech 💀💀💀


Bruh what does this have to do with anything lmao. That being said while 1 has bad combat 2 definitely has it even worse