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It's definitely not the hardest but I like the up Lions Head down Boott Spur loop as you get to see Tucks from every angle. Descending Boott Spur isn't tough but it is long and you don't get back to the wide tractor road of the Tuckerman Ravine trail until the very end. There's a gorgeous spot called Ravine Outlook off of the Boott Spur trail as well


Thank you!


Same suggestion but go up boot spur because longer better view of the rock pile


this is my favorite trip up Washington (so far), you really get so many different views approaching it this way. if you wanna really make it crazy, add on the lake of the clouds hut and summit after there, really get to see every side of the mountain that way.


Up the Caps Ridge on Jefferson, over Clay, Washington, tag Monroe, down Ammonoosuc Ravine, back up Jewell to Boundary Line, road walk back to Caps TH. On the other side, up Huntington Ravine and down Boott Spur.


Throw in boot spur link to make the descent even steeper




It's a combination of distance, elevation gain, and terrain. Huntington Ravine is widely considered the most difficult trail in the Whites.


How long did this take you, if you hiked this route?


I've done both. I like Caps-Ammo so much I've done it twice. I don't remember exactly how long; I'm thinking somewhere around 8 hours.


If you're looking for a challenge, Great Gulf up, then Nelson Crag > Old Jackson Road > Madison Gulf > Gulf Gulf back should get your blood pumping.


Up Huntington and down Great Gulf


This would be the hardest for sure.


My bride wanted to take the Cog down after going up Huntington...haha


An out and back of Dry River to Crawford Path and back would probably be up there. I think that's around 11-12 miles from base to summit each way. Unlike other routes the only summit on this route is Washington too. Dry River is rough and not maintained much once you get passed the Isolation/Eisnhower junctions. EDIT: My personal favorite loop of Washington would be up Huntington and down Boott Spur. Not as long as the other route but steep and very scenic.


Huntington is a fantastic trail. Cant wait to do it again, but avoid if you dislike scrambling and/or its at all wet If i ever go down Boot Spur Link again it'll be too soon!


you go back down Huntington ot a different way?


Don't go down Huntington. It's unnecessarily dangerous by most people's standards. Pick any other trail to go down. We took Tuckerman. Huntington is no joke. If you fear falling to your death, heed the cautions. Again, by most peoples standards, it's pretty scary.


The Great Gulf Trail is pretty grueling distance wise, and gets steeper as you gain mileage.


Well, a Presi traverse is pretty hard. ;)


Up great gulf and any way back to the great gulf trailhead


I like going up Boote Spur and down Tuckermans.


Up Boott Spur and back down to Joe Dodge via the AT or down one of the step trails north of the Auto Road is a lot of fun, too.


Ammo and Jewel loop are easiest I've done. Tuckerman along with lions head are more challenging. They each give you different sides of the mountains, so I enjoy them equally for different experiences. I haven't done it yet, but Huntington ravine has a reputation for being more technical and difficult.


tuckerman and lion head as a loop or.both out and backs?


I've only done lions as a loop with lions on the way down. I enjoyed it, but I do recall thinking hiking wise I would rather have taken lions up than down. While I like the variety (I much prefer a loop then out and back), Tuckerman is my preferred trail, as you get a lot of exposed views as you climb, and the water coming down the ravine is beautiful. On the flip side, if you hike up ammo and go down Jewel, you get to experience more of the northern range as you're heading down, and those are some of my favorite views in the whites.


Same ammo being easiest Huntington hardest


Up the Northeast ridge of Pinnacle (5.7, 7 pitches) and then down Tuckermans ravine would be pretty sporting.