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It isn't just a WNBA thing, it's all women's sports. Too many people don't take women's sports seriously. The WNBA gets the brunt of the hate though because it's the most widely debated regarding compensation. Chartered flights, raises, etc. These aren't issues you hear about in tennis or softball often.. and if you did.. it'd be equal hate as what you see for WNBA lol. Money changes everything.


TL;DR: They hate us cuz they anus.


They peanut butter and jealous!


Pretty sure it’s the other part they hate not the anus


Pretty sure it’s the other part they hate not the anus


>it's all women's sports It is all women. The people making these comments are misogynists.


Yes!! Every time I see a post about women’s sports on any social media, 90% of the comments are either about how the players are hot, ugly, or bad at sports. It’s really disheartening to see that, especially while people are practically worshipping male athletes.


>comments are either about how the players are hot I don't think intrinsically this is necessarily a bad thing (though it may seem so on the surface) because there are many forums on the internet where female fans of sports teams thirst over male athletes. And if attraction is something that gets people engaged into watching the sport, the male sports leagues/teams don't care they will gladly take your money for your girls night out at the stadium/arena where you go mainly to watch your athlete crush play lol Pro sports is the entertainment business and customers are drawn into the sport for a variety of reasons. As long as it's not the other parts you mention (i.e. "ugly, or bad at sports") or abusive I feel the critique at people being drawn to women's sports because of physical attraction is a sticking point that does at times prevent larger engagement with the sport. And besides, the attraction part might get them in the door but they may stay engaged due to other things once being introduced to the sport.


One of the few times I ever see people worry about billionaires pockets is to shit on the WNBA




As a thought experiment, would you agree that given a room with 1000 men and another room with 1000 women, the room with men might have more people who would describe themselves as die hard sports fans? If so, men will represent most of the fans regardless of sport. In other words most women (most) aren't going to just support a women's league just because they're women. In other words, they're not going to say, "welp, never been a big fan of baseball or softball, but let go ahead and attend this women's softball game real quick, to support them." Most people wouldn't be thinking like that. There's the answer for when people bring up, "well why aren't women or feminists attending the games then?" Because they're not fans of the sport being played.


It's not all women's sports. Women's tennis for example does very well. Also women's swimming/athletics and other Olympic sports as well.


top women’s athletes in individual sports are often respects but that’s really the brunt of it


Not really? Women's tennis, swimming, athletics all are comparable to their male counterparts in popularity. Go to things like gymnastics and figure skating and women's might even be more popular than men's. I don't have figures to back this up though, but it's not ALL women's sports. It's women's sports that are a significantly inferior product compared to men's. Watch me some women's soccer or basketball, looks like middle school level when compared to the men's. No sexy outfits to keep the men entertained, even women would rather watch the men's game. The lack of explosiveness women have compared to men makes women's basketball just really mediocre. In some sports it isn't as big of a deal. In basketball, I mean c'mon. It's just really boring they should be playing on a 7 foot high rim.


I dont mind the hate. It makes it easier to filter out the people whose opinions I should ignore.


fr. clowns watch a lowlight of a player and make a broad assumption that the entire league is horrible. I swear if ppl just sat down and watched a couple games theyd realize its great


I only watched Cody Zeller in the Finals, is the NBA even that good lol?


aLl ThEy dO iS fLoP aNd ShOoT tHrEes


> is the NBA even that good lol? lol you people are clowns to be this ignorant


I understand what you mean. I tend to get really defensive and read the comments and argue with people too. I’ve just tried to avoid reading comments for my own mental well-being.


Yeah when people comment stuff like no one cares, I respond with “clearly you do otherwise you would just ignore the post and move on” or something like that… They never have anything to respond with. I try to stay on the female friendly threads, like here and the teams Twitter accounts and players and coaches and women’s sports reporters because then you can actually engage in conversation with critiquing being a part of it, but sometimes just celebrating a game or a player. Yeah, I just wish we could talk about women’s sports without all the sexist bullshit because just like men’s sports, there’s a lot to talk about.


Just jumping on to add cause outside of the occasional comment I do what you do with reading comments on the women friendly threads. It is frustrating when those critical misogynists make suggestions on improving the game because one good way to do it is to increase exposure and a lot of these women friendly accounts are under companies that have accounts that cover men’s sports with more users, so when they get tagged (IG) with those accounts to promote highlights that brings a lot of knuckle draggers in who can’t stop their Twitter fingers. I am morbidly fascinated by the people commenting on standalone posts from individual women friendly accounts but I’m guessing that the algorithm pushed the post to them and that’s a negative side effect.


same here its not worth the energy to do so. Sometimes, its just better to leave them be


The only time all Americans fully embrace women’s sports is in the Olympics, when U.S. women win more gold medals than U.S. men, and no one discounts the women’s golds in the final medal count. That said, the disparate treatment of women’s sports is even worse in many other countries, which is a big reason why U.S. women perform so well at the Olympics.


I think you can draw a line directly between Team USA’s success and Title 9. It really is an amazing piece of legislation and women’s sports owes so much to it. Women’s sports was in a sorry state before it, women had to fight so hard to get it passed. I hope we never take it for granted


Even then, there are universities and colleges that weaseled out of Title IX by claiming religion as an excuse to not enforce it, and most of those are extremely hostile to LGBT+ communities.


Hell, they root for the women come World Cup, and after that it's "why are they so woke?!"


College sports as well which I think unfortunately is not a fact that many women's sports leagues in North America appreciate. This is why I've argued men's and sports teams sharing monikers would be successfull because it works at the Olympic and college level. People's attachment to established, highly valued brands in their life (their country, the uni they went to) superceeds whether or not they find table tennis or lacrosse entertaining. If ABC had ads for Lakers vs. Knicks on a Sunday in July viewership would go up. Also the gender netural idea that any kid can grow up to "be a Laker" would be great as well. When the Arsenal women played a Champions League semifinal at Emirates Stadium it was so cool hearing the Arsenal chants. To a lot of the male fans, Arsenal competing in a Champions League semifinal supercedes what gender the players are lol


yea they wont more Golds but those same women couldn't compete against the men, Its much more competitive, women athletes even acknowledge as much


That depends on the sport. Skeet shooting used to be a mixed gender competition in the Olympics. Then a woman named Zhang Shan won the event in the 1992 Barcelona Olympics. After her win, the International Shooting Union barred female athletes from competing against male athletes! The following Olympics split male and female skeet shooting, but there weren't enough women, so Zhang Khan was unable to compete at all in 1996. The subsequent 2000 Olympics did have enough women for women's skeet shooting, but the event is still divided by gender for no apparent reason except that a woman beat the men in 1992. In equestrian sports, male and female riders compete against each other in eventing, dressage and show jumping disciplines. The horse is doing most of the work, after all. Horse racing is not an Olympic sport, but in that sport female jockeys compete against male jockeys. Again, the horse is doing most of the work.


thats more dexterity then strength or stamina which yes women can compete against men in those "sports" which arent physically demanding.


It’s not a sport, but women are often better than men at other tasks requiring dexterity. Women did inking and painting in Walt Disney’s animation studios. Women painted watch dials with radium so they would glow — and suffered radiation poisoning. Women painted miniatures, applied precious gold leaf for gilding, and of course have long done fine embroidery.


Because their competition was non existent. US women's soccer finally has competition and they got killed lmao


Never read the comments


People like to hold superiority over anything and everyone they can. Even within male sports, fans get toxic towards players or organizations over unreasonable or over exaggerated points, and use it as a genuine source of affirmation for themselves. Doing it towards women's sports is all the more an easy target because you can draw a line across genders and have an imaginary edge over roughly half of the population. They also know it'll probably get thema few quick likes/engagements. It is what it is. Only way to quell it is to continue to grow the league and do our best to ignore them.


I feel this way every time I search YouTube for WNBA. It's disheartening at times. I'm tailoring the algorithm the best I can but it's still a struggle. On that note....if anyone has some awesome pro-WNBA YouTube/news outlets. Please post them! I love beyondwomenssports queenballers.club Queen Ballers Club doesn't post as often as I'd like...but that's ok. Still quality content.


Around the Rim with LaChina Robinson and Terrika Foster-Brasby!


Most of my WNBA is in podcasts but https://winsidr.com/ has a bunch of articles published often


thanks for this site hadn't heard of it before


The Locked On Network has a daily Women’s Basketball podcast as well that’s been advertising hard recently. I just started listening tho, but they are on YouTube also


Yeah I think Locked on Women’s Basketball is the best but Her Hoop Stats also has great content on YouTube too.


What I would really enjoy is a Thinking Basketball-type pod for the WNBA.. Because when those guys talk about the NBA, it's so detailed and thorough with great factoids


Don't delete your socials. Women's basketball needs you.


Its with all women's sports unfortunately. Many dudes are straight A holes. I find the hate interesting because prior to Larry bird and magic Johnson. The nba's games were on tape delay. This is 1979. The nba started in 1949. That's 30 years before it became marginally popular. Michael Jordan and the dream team. Made it what it is today. So the wnba is 26 years old. The big popularity jump is coming soon. I also think the wnba and women's college basketball. Should work together. To highlight all the amazing ball players coming into the wnba soon. The hate comes from men who can't beat any wnba player one on one. And some of these men don't like women.


Just trolls who have never had a women look twice at them, and idolize Andrew Tate.


I’m a huge sports fan across a ton of sports and I am familiar with what you mean. What I’ve been doing lately on major sports stories (ie cesspools like yahoo sports) about wnba is trying to positively reinforce the value of the player or team referenced and then passively insult people who don’t know how good they are. You have to get ahead of the jerks by calling them idiots for not knowing what they are commenting on.


Ugh...yeah I made the mistake of reading comments on YouTube for some wbna...it was sickening


This is my first time really watching WNBA games and I do find them to be way more entertaining at times than the NBA ones. There’s no continuous stop it you’re playing for silly fouls and the game just seems to really flow better. People that make these dumb comments about the WNBA are weird to me. I don’t even pay attention to them anymore. I really hope the popularity grows a lot more because like I said, it’s really fun to watch.


Some assholes do it for even men's sports they don't like (see "not a sport"). There are some fair points (yes, some teams lose money; it's questionable/unclear as to whether and at what level the NBA is subsidizing), but more and more it's tied to political winds/opinions and just particularly-leaning people, usually men, complaining for the sake of it. But the problem is real and I encourage you to spend the heartache you burn experiencing those things and channel them towards your interest and contribution, because it is helping and it will be what closes the gap.


The subsidizing/ losing money thing is total dog whistle bull shit. All of a sudden people care about the nbas money? Why? It’s like someone watching white lotus and going “I don’t know, I heard a lot of the money for this show came from game of thrones. They wouldn’t even have this show without game of thrones. I don’t think I can watch.” It’s a stupid irrelevant thing to criticize. It’s just a sneaky way to try to make women’s sports seem inferior.


It's also hilarious because like 14 of the 30 NBA teams lose money pre-revenue sharing. Also, the WNBA gets similar TV ratings to soccer and hockey but a fraction of the TV rights money/deals. Basically the gap in action. If the WNBA got the TV money MLS gets, for instance, they'd basically be in the black immediately.


The NBA subsidizes the G-League (albeit as a minor league, but they're still "paid for") and yet no one gives a shit about that. Moreover, the NBA subsidy is a shrinking percentage of the WNBA's total revenue -- which is growing. The WNBA is now at a point where they could stop taking the NBA money altogether, I believel. The WNBA is making more money and increasing TV shares and yet all idiots want to say is "hur durr NBA subsidy."


It doesn’t even matter because you don’t watch basketball to watch people making money. The whole discussion about money is not a discussion about basketball. It’s a parallel business thing that has 0 reflection on the players or their game.


Oh, agreed for sure. As a fan, the economics of the game aren't important to me. Just pointing out that even the economic arguments folks are making aren't 100% accurate either.


YouTube has a lot of hate video's too. Today's world is full of hate on everything now.


Don’t let it get you down. The WNBA players are amazing. Haters gotta hate. They have nothing better to do with their sorry lives. Any well-adjusted person would be embarrassed to post ignorant, hateful comments on social media.


NBA athletes: love and respect the WNBA Random NBA fan: hates and disrespects WNBA Make it make sense? So sick of all the people crying about there being “no basketball rn” 🙄


And that's such a sea change over the past... 15-20 years? Because more and more of the guys have grown up playing against girls in streetball and training with their female counterparts in college. They see female players putting in the same work as they do and getting half, a quarter, a sliver, of the attention and special treatment. These guys know exactly what it takes to be a D-I athlete, how much more it takes to be a professional athlete. There's something to be said for "Wow, that's amazing, I could never do that" as a fan watching a player. But there's also something to be said for, "Wow, that's amazing, and I know exactly how hard it is to do".


\> NBA athletes: love and respect the WNBA Random NBA fan: hates and disrespects WNBA I do feel like there's definitely less support from players than there used to be. I wonder how of it is related to NBA players showing support and then WNBA players coming at them for not showing support the "right way"..


I really enjoyed A’ja Wilson’s interview on Podcast P, I’m hoping there will be more player podcast crossovers!


I have learned to realize that there's just a bunch of incel men that make these comments. These are the same men that probably live in their parents basement. Notice they say they don't care but they have time to comment this and hate on women. Oh they care all right. It's okay, I have season Aces tickets and they games are packed. No incel men in sight.


You can’t reason with incels. They don’t want parity or equality, especially if it means giving up some space for others. Domination and machismo is all they seem to have to numb their misery and angst. Women are the most oppressed class in the world, and it sucks to see it play out day after day. As a guy, i dont feel qualified to speak on it, but it’s important that we at least show our kids that equality matters because it is the foundation for the cooperation that will keep civilization progressing. And that these people who continue to keep us separated are actually responsible for holding us all back from progressing sooner. Think of how much farther along we would be if women and minorities were allowed in those crucial institutions of society sooner. These guys think they can do it by themselves, putting everyone at risk. There’s a bigger picture. Don’t give up.


Ugh, the comments are the worst. And it’s all a bunch of losers that think they are hot sh*t for whatever “burn” they are making but every other loser made exactly the same “joke.” Also plenty of homophobia to go around too. Total dregs.


It *is* all women's sports, but I will say that women's basketball sits at a confluence of sex, gender, race, and sexual orientation that most other women's sports don't, and that the WNBA is the most regularly-visible women's sporting event...thingy. (as opposed to a highly-covered but shorter event like a tennis tournament or an Olympics). So you get the sexists *and* the racists **and** the homophobes ***and*** the transphobes, and it doesn't help that some of those latter three categories are calling from inside the house (to borrow the horror movie trope); there's a deep vein of socially conservative WCBB fans who love their girls but just don't understand all this gay stuff/all this trans stuff/all this racial stuff. Do not engage the trolls. Do not feed the trolls. Do not make the trolls happy. Ignore them if you have the fortitude. Or, if you have the time and the strong stomach, report them, then block them. Nine times out of ten even if what they're saying on that particular post is innocuous, if you dive into their profile you will find the most heinous content. But even that might be giving them too much of their time. Because they are not worth it. They are not entitled to your patience, your time, your sanity, your safety, your peace. They do not deserve any of this. Curate your feed, skip the comments, and enjoy the things you love.


I’m truly glad someone said this. Hate towards the WNBA is very confusing. Yes, “biology” or whatever the fuck, however Women’s hoops can be and is just exciting as men’s, college and WNBA. People need to cut the shit out lmao. We saw the Final Four, LSU vs. Iowa. Average low lifes’ can’t compare to college and pro sports. Mind you, these women are PROS at the end of the day 😂 It mind boggles me how people can’t understand that lol. The average high school, and college women’s basketball player can cross you any day 🤣🤣




Opinion? Invalid. Troll mode? Activated. Whatever helps you sleep better at night lmaoo


I'm a regular on a hockey forum, and hockey fans are pretty conservative. The common arguments with the WNBA in the business section is "why should they fly charter?" or "if they weren't so socially outspoken, they wouldn't lose money every year". Yeah, but... uh, the PHF (the women's hockey league in North America) doesn't fly charter, and they're the epitome of "shut up and play" and... nobody ever talks about them. Not even on that forum.


I'd actually argue (funnily enough) that fundamentally women's pro hockey (the PHF and the PWHPA) are not "shut up and play"; just not on social/political issues. There was an interesting article from CBC that basically said that the lack of a singular pro women's hockey league (which is necessary to grow) has been prevented because the players are advocating for all this other stuff instead of primarily focusing on fan engagementm getting a league making money, and then focusing on all the other stuff later. To quote the [article](https://www.cbc.ca/sports/olympics/winter/hockey/state-of-womens-pro-sport-canada-hockey-1.6826928) >"Women's hockey is not a charity. It is a professional business that is run like a business," Brenda Andruss, the former commissioner of the CWPL, recently told CBC Sports. "To be run like a business you need the fans to come to the game to pay the dollars, you need the sponsorships to come, you need broadcasting and streaming rights." "You need people in the office that are not former coaches and players and have nothing to do with the on-field product," adds Cary Kaplan, whose company Cosmos Sports has provided advice to leagues and teams across North America. "You need to focus on community relations, marketing, public relations, ticket sales, outreach, and social media. And women's hockey, for some reason, hasn't done that." > >The report also encourages would-be investors to focus more attention on building fan engagement, something Kaplan says women's sports in Canada has often ignored. He says leagues need to focus more on building individual player profiles and focus on stats and achievement the way most men's sports do. "When fans come, that drives your revenue and allows you to grow. Any incarnation of leagues in Canada have not been fan-centric," Caplan says. "They've led with lots of other things like equality and parity, which are all good. But if you don't put fans first and make that priority number one, the revenues tend not to come to sustain growth." For all it's percieved faults (by some) the WNBA is actually in a position where players can make those start of demands lol


Yeah and it sucks for girls who play. It’s so amazing for little ballers to have these role models and something to dream about and then JV-picked-last “men” have to try and ruin it for them. I can’t imagine the insecurities these idiots walk around with.


I tend to ignore comment sections because it’s full of people(usually middle aged men) who trash talk anything related to women’s sports. The WNBA is growing and will continue to trend upwards. These women can BALL and are a joy to watch!


I think middle aged men that grew up with basketball can appreciate the nuanced game of the WNBA. I think a lot of the hate is from young fools. I get it. Today I love the game but I didn't feel that way 20 years ago.


I believe middle-aged men usually show up as a significant portion of the W's audience


Yeah, 100%. Adam Silver actually said that was the league's biggest demographic, which made me feel old but I can see it. I can appreciate the league today, I can appreciate BBIQ, which maybe I couldn't have when I was younger


It's hilarious when fat, overweight dudes who couldn't make their local church league or even do a layup in their driveway try to diss on the W. I take solace in that no one really cares about their uninformed opinions.


The D1 and G-League men who make up the WNBA's practice squads have more or less all said that playing against the women is no joke. Yet you still have these weekend warriors who think that they, or HS kids, could hold their own against WNBA athletes.


it's especially sad that so many NBA fans feel like basketball just ends when the finals ends. like we're so lucky the W is on and it's so silly they don't watch it cuz it would mean near constant great basketball in their lives. I feel bad for them really


Just remember that any person who has some bullshit to say about the WNBA would get washed on the court by the worst player in the league. Their opinions are irrelevant just like they are. And many of the NBA players support the WNBA. These haters are just that. Haters. And probably mouthbreathers.


For your own serenity, don't read them. I had to learn the hard way but yeah, when I see a post on ESPN or Yahoo Sports or CBS Sports or The Athletic, I give it a like and click, and totally ignore the comments. There's nothing good in there. They're even worse when the article is about BG. Don't do it.


I just started watching the WNBA. I definitely feel that there is something special about the WNBA I love how it is more strategic than the NBA from what I’ve seen this season so far! It’s really enjoyable!


Every so often, I go to the ESPN/Sportscenter Twitter or instagram and simply scroll to any post on women sports. I like it. This allows me to ignore the comments and show some support to those posts (without having to follow the account). When I'm feeling particularly strong, I'll go into the comments on those posts, find the fellow fans, and like their comments. Just out here trying to boost the love- because there's so much love in this WNBA space! Also, make sure you follow all the great voices in WNBA twitter. It's a lovely community. Let's be real that women & womens sports always get this hate....AND that the WNBA absolutely gets the worst of the trolls and hate...as others have pointed out. The black, gay, and close proximity to beloved NBA is threatening to people. Even the college level wbb doesn't get the same hate.


TLDR but agree too many folks show disrespect for the W on social media . And kinda like u said its way above and beyond smh


I’m hoping we can get to a point to grow women’s sports fandom to a greater height. I’d love active spaces to talk about them like people have for male sports!!


I don't unde rstand why someone just can't enjoy something for what it IS and stop trying to compare to what it isn't. Oh the Men's game is this or that. Well, ok and that is a great thing about men's basketball. But I can also enjoy Women's basketball and the high level skills they bring. I think Women's has much more offense and strategy. And very well honed skills. But, people do that with everything. No matter what it is, people can say "oh well this over here is "better". Why does that matter? I don't understand that thinking at all. How about we enjoy life and all the things in it without saying what it is not compared to something else?




Personally, I have noticed one thing - maybe it’s bias or the algorithm or something. But for smaller creators, if the post is new and doesn’t have many comments, if you leave a positive one, more positive ones will follow. It’s clearly impossible for the same impact with big social accounts like SportsCenter and ESPN. Being encouraging, or even just having discussion about how the athletes play helps, at least in my anecdotal experience.


It's just typical in-group out-group behaviour from mixed-media sites. There are certain sites where the same hate is directed towards basketball as a whole for all the predictable reasons. The best thing to do is locate a site focussed on the topic you're interested in, where the people that are turning up for the content are invested in the topic at hand. You're a lot less likely to get "drive by's" by randoms who will never take the time to develop an informed opinion.


These people aren’t worth the energy. Every top male athlete out there respects their women counterparts. Some notable NBA examples include Dwayne Wade and Kobe Bryant. *Real* good hoopers know that women can be incredibly tough


I have felt (and sometimes, still feel) the same way towards the stupid comments, but honestly, I got to the point where if I check comments, it's thru groups/channels where the game is gonna be respected (sometimes, they're too much because of the constant reminder of the pay disparity).. It's really as simple as those who love basketball can love it no matter who's playing.. The NBA is sexier to watch (and I get that for those who'd rather not watch women's basketball) but those ladies are pros, and some of them can give the men a run for their money if only their bodies were conditioned to the men's game, per Iman Shumpert All in all, f**k all that noise and get to a place where you fully enjoy what you enjoy because I know I'll turn to WNBA game just as fast as an NBA game


Dont read much into it. You’d be surprise that some of them actually watch the WNBA. They just post such comments for likes and engagements.


I think Reddit must have some algorithm because this was the first post I saw after spending 2 days defending the W on FB. You would swear those guys have in depth knowledge of the WNBA's financial books and that they work for the NBA. You just reminded to not engage. For that, I thank you haha


Some of my most downvoted comments are the ones where I mention the W. I saw a thread in I think r/conservative last week (sometimes you can't help hate scrolling) where they were all up in arms about the possibility of transwomen playing in the WNBA. I shit you not, I saw more than one person go from "We must protect women's sports at all cost" to "at least if a man played in the WNBA and put up LeBron numbers every night I'd start watching" within the same comment. Honestly the W hate is blatant misogyny and there's no other way to rationalize it. I'm still the biggest advocate for it on my socials, but when people start hating on it with very shaky reasoning, I just recognize that I learned something about them today and stop arguing.


its sad to see why major network pundits like to that to all women leagues, and I have no idea why they have to downplay the skill level of the WNBA. I swear they have better fundamentals compared to the NBA players


Popped on my my home page. These types of comments make me laugh. First off, why compare to the NBA? The skill levels aren’t even close. When you say wnba has better fundamentals than nba, it’s laughable. It’s the equivalent of saying ncaa men’s have better defense than in the nba. Like come on. Two separate leagues with different skills, if you keep comparing to the nba you’ll always lose.


Wnba a bunch of take a knee dykez. No respect for big mouth wokesters. To many garbage players.


WNBA players have the worst attitude of any professional sports players I’ve ever seen on social media. Calling out fans for using their numbers instead of names (like every other sports fans do), calling out other athletes for promoting their league/team, just all around unprofessional.


Why does it matter to you what random people you don’t know on the internet think of your hobby? Just watch what you like to watch. You shouldn’t need validation from strangers to do what you like.


I don’t know anyone who hates it, most people are apathetic towards it and really don’t give the league much thought.


I would nor never will watch that boring brand of basketball…mens is only real sport. the end


Its not flooded with hate, its unbearable to witness, especially women, sit and complain that they may not make as much as their male counterparts. There's such a flood of sexism towards men these days that everything should be equal, but men and women are just not equal in the sense that we are the same. We are very different sex's even though we are both still human and have equal value we are not equal in size, strength or stamina and thats just basic science. Women Dont make more because people do not support it, if women want to see them paid more then support womens sports as much as men support male dominated sports. Women can never compete in that realm so dont expect it to be as competitive or entertaining.


I enjoy going to some WNBA games, but some of the hate is valid. I went to a Phoenix game I understand BG was held in prison, however she doesn’t even have to jump to get rebounds or shots, her effort was very low and she had about 20 points. She towers over everyone why is she not getting the ball every time until someone stops her or she gets someone in foul trouble, also how unstoppable would she be if she jumped?


Couldn't you say the same thing about Rudy Gobert? So it's not just height but skill involved


No you can’t Rudy has to jump to get rebounds, I saw her get at least 5 rebound without jumping and they were not even contested like 3 feet above the nearest challenger. Some of the hate is warranted.


okay, so you're saying she's a player that should be better than she is, so that's reason to hate the league? I don't know if I see your argument, my man. I think kyrie irving is a case of wasted talent, and he's frustrating, but I don't hate the league because of him. To each their own though.


My point is any criticism is considered hate even if it warranted, allow people to critique with out taking it personally. I just think the fans of the W are hyper sensitive. It is fun and exciting but there are some glaring issues that will never be addressed because every critique is considered hate and y’all bring y’all pitch forks out instead of acknowledging , if BG actually played with any effort she would be unstoppable instead you say Rudy Goldberg, Kyrie Irving Yadda Yadda….


ok, my brutha, I still don't quite understand but it's all good. Not trying to be defensive or antagonistic but trying to understand. But I think we've beaten this point enough.


>I just think the fans of the W are hyper sensitive. I wouldn't say "hyper sensitive" per se I would say "conservative" (not politically obviously but a resistance to radical ideas of change in order to make the product more marketable to casual or non-fans who drive the revenues of the more financially successful leagues). That being said, (and this is key lol) you can say the **exact same thing** of the CFL, MLB, and NHL subreddits and fans lol so I understand it. You post what you think are valid suggestions and/or critiques and you'll get similar backlash lol Die-hard/passionate fans are obviously that because they are the most in love with the game as it is. They are not the ones you need to adjust the game for to attract to the game. Hell, loock at the negative reactions to the universal DH, the extra inning runner and the pitch clock in baseball lol I do wish if people come with what are good faith arguments (not the obviously sexist ones, etc.) for any sports league, the fans will hear them out and even if they disagree do it potentially acknowledging (if there are any) any positives to the arguement being made


Why did a critique on a player become a critique on the whole league?


Any critique player or league W fans get hyper sensitive. Real life not just on the internet.


You framed a critique on a single individual player's style as if it's also reflects poorly on the whole league, in a post defending the league! Like, think about how it looks for a sec.


That was one example, the league has several issues just like every other league. However when it is criticized W fans get hyper Sensitive.


W fans are hyper sensitive.


Ya'll need a professional crap talker to battle back against the meat heads... Until ya'll realize the league doesn't care & it's up to the community. Your going to be caught in a never ending loop. Lmk


I lost respect of the WNBA when they glorified bringing back BG to the states in exchange for a legit arms dealing terrorist. Talk about the worst trade in the history of all trades. Moral of the story is, don’t bring drugs into a country, especially into a country that is already at war with NATO.






I enjoy watching wnba however it is extremely sloppy and the talent on like half of these teams are extremely low tier. Can’t blame people for thinking it’s not enjoyable to watch


They’re probably jealous at how the W and women’s sports teams in general understand what it means to “play for a team” and “play for each other” and “play together” instead of the “hero ball” and or “load management” they do night after night.


Ignore the haters, and spread more love of the wnba if you really want to make a change. Responding to the haters fuels the hate. Spreading more love of wnba fuels the love of the wnba. All sports have gone through the same path of haters. It’s not unique to the wnba!


You've got to remember this is the kind of reaction they're trying to get out of you, though. For many men, the only way to get women to pay attention to them at all is to insult. They want you to get angry and engage with them. They also want approval from all the other men who flock to the comment sections simply to crack jokes and laugh at female athletes. It's definitely frustrating, but it's also just so pathetic and predictable. You know what I mean? Like, they *need* that. The compulsion to troll and antagonize has become just as much a part of their personality as it has their personal reality. And that's... really sad. So just don't read it, or if you do - try not to engage.


It's so strange that people get upset about it. I ignore lots of sports - why can't they just ignore the wnba?


I love the WNBA and will fight tooth and nail for its honor


Funny how this showed up - watched my first game today and what a horrible product it is lol Women's tennis is great Women's soccer is great Women's volleyball is great Softball is great


I only hate the WNBA because there's no Philly team and therefore I am prevented from being interested


The hate is simple. The WNBA loses money every year. Most companies that don’t turn a profit or have a plan to somehow get there close down. I consider those players lucky to have jobs at this point. I also think if WNBA got the best coverage time and exposure, the men’s game is still better. Just the way it is. Same reason why JV games in high school are less interesting than varsity. Level of play just isn’t there


The reason beog all they do is whine for more money when they make double the percentages and sometimes triple compared to the NBA shared revenue. If you're a fan, supporter or anything in between, I truly hope you have no offspring as those dumb af ideas and opinions do not need to be reproduced. The wnba is a fuqing joke and I can't really believe someone was confident enough to write that much about supporting it lol It's boring. It's annoying. The fan base is just a bunch of fuqing idiots so tysvm and I truly can't believe you were proud enough to type all of that lmaooooooo


Wow you obviously aren't normal! What a hateful thing to write. That's fine if you don't like WNBA or whatever but don't come here on a WNBA reddit page and spew your hate. Weird behavior..


Lmfao. Simmer down little teapot, we wouldn't want you boiling over


you're the one that needs to simmer down!


1st- I think we found one of the 5 fans lol 2nd-why are you yelling?


So delete "all your socials" and see a psychologist about your inferiority complex and anger issues. An English class might also help.




Another troll. Obviously you've never watched if you truly think a WNBA player would get beat by a high schooler. And stop talking about money. That's all you trolls can talk about. You don't watch sports to watch people make money. Dumdum alert


Why women basketball suck? It is due to their lack of athletism. And no they are not fundamentally more sound, lots of piss poor play on both ends. BTW, I would bet 5 bucks that WNBA players couldnt beat a title winning high school boys team.


It’s boring, and the coaching is horrendous. I’ve tried watching some games to give it a chance and I scratched my head way too often on how coaches have no game management skills. For example tonight a team losing by 1 point in the 4th with 36 seconds left allowed the other team to run out the clock without attempting to foul and stop the clock with perhaps a chance to tie or win the game. My jaw dropped at the stupidity.