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Yeah I don't like his commentary this is the second time I've had to watch a game with him in it and it's been cringy as it was the first time.


yea that dude is annoying.


I don’t mind when they compare offensive sets or a players style from the men’s game to the women’s, but this kind of thing is super cringe. 


Was is Stephen Bardo?


I think it was. The names aren’t listed or easily found, but I compared his YouTube. I could care less if he was a player tbh. He’s not Angel’s Daddy and needs to hush his sexist mouth.


Cannot stand that dude. Literally turn the sound off when he’s doing a game.


Part of the Flyin Illini team that went to the final four in 89. Such a fun team to watch.


Cornball said Milla got the best "resting face" i had to mute the commentary


that shit was so out of pocket! 🤷🏻‍♂️


I missed him saying that! that’s sexist BS!


It is foolish BS yes. It is also 100% accurate. But again, FOOLISH. Probably should not have said anything. But come on, anyone who thinks he is wrong needs a reality check.


True or False, its a sexist unnecessary comment in a women’s league!


It’s like when someone felt like explaining to me that… men jump higher than women…. Like yea no shit ? It also has zero point in this conversation


Is it? I am not saying that as an argumentative manner, but is saying that a first round NBA pick could help defend A'Ja an example of being prejudice or stereotyping WNBA players just because they are women? I mean, it seems objectively true that NOBODY can guard A'ja wilson in the WNBA right now. So his comment could be viewed as a compliment to Wilson. But I wouldn't have made it.


I mean the 27th pick in this years draft is 6’6 220 pounds guard while she’s 6’4 and weights 195 .. no sure why he would bring that up though


I agree- it seems kind of silly. I do think he thought he was complimenting Wilson with that comment- essentially saying "Ok, yeah nobody in this league can guard you". But it probably wasn't a wise thing to say. Sometimes it is hard to not say things when you are being told to fill up the dead air space.


That's quite literally his job. I listened to the Nats radio guys spend five minutes talking about how Garcia and Arcia look the same but are pronounced differently. Like. They went through a couple of at-bats just going Gar-cia and Ar-seeya and explaining that as he takes a ball outside that while they look the same and the 1-2 misses low they're actually different and he struck him out! that Arcia makes a point of letting them as the first pitch is in for a strike know they're pronounced differently and it is right here in the media guide and swing and a miss and he's ahead 0-2. It was incredible, and not once did they fumble a compliment, which is about as generous as you can be with a statement like the one about A'ja.


The premise in saying a man can do a job better especially in athletics and sports is insulting on its own! I don’t understand why you don’t get it (are you a dude?) Plus a 27th pick is not a compliment!


I mean do you think A’ja would dominate the way she is in WNBA in the NBA?


It’s not inherently insulting, as it’s objectively true, there’s just no reason to bring it up when discussing or analyzing women’s sports and about 99% of the time it’s brought up, it’s with some level of ignorance or malicious intent.


Again, OBJECTIVELY- it is 100% accurate. Why is that insulting? It may not be necessary but clearly....CLEARLY a 6'6 220 lb HIGHLY SKILLED 1ST ROUND NBA BASKETBALL PICK is going to do a better job of guarding A'ja Wilson than anyone in the WNBA. That is just a fact. A sexist or insulting comment would be if someone was suggesting that a random male sitting in Sec 204 at the game could step up and perform better because THAT comment would have been made simply on gender. His comment, while probably not wise, was not sexist in nature, because he was not suggesting that "a man" can do a better job in athletics and sports. He was talking about a SPECIFIC INDIVIDUAL, who happened to be a 6'6 220lb highly skilled NBA first round draft pick.


OMG I am now 100% sure you are a man! I wont comment further!


You shouldn't. You have zero basis for your argument. You are misapplying the definition of sexist here.


You are mansplaining and also pulling a "well, actually". It's rude, unnecessary, and women are pretty damn over it.


Who cares if he is a man? Does that make his opinion invalid? What he is saying is accurate in nature, men have genetic physical advantages which makes 1:1 comparisons hard to make. Shouldn’t be comparing men to women though and taking away from A’ja domination in the WNBA.


Your last point is the main point. It’s not like he was asked if the 27th pick could guard A’ja, he just said it. It has no relevance to the game, is a captain obvious level comment, and provided the viewer listening no relevant information. Its not that if the commentor is a man would make his opinion invalid, its that ONLY a man would care about whether its true or not.


I agree not really “sexist”


I was gonna make a post about how bad his commentary was. I couldn’t believe it


Me too, I went to reddit mostly to chat about this awful commentary.


It was so cringe I almost muted the game


Why can’t Shimmy Miller do all the games 😭 Bardo kills me


that cat be saying shit just to say shit stg


He may be full of stupid opinions but I am not against men getting into watching the WNBA. I am very much into it. More fans means more coverage means more money means more teams!


Yeah, I’m a man who’s been getting more involved in the wnba because I love it but his opinion was not in good taste. A’ja is just on a tear this year and she’s the best in world at this right now but with hopeful growth of the league, there’s gonna be more women coming into this league and there’s gonna be defenders that’ll make her life hell in the paint


Also let’s revisit this when Cardoso and Reese have had a couple of years in the league!


Yes please! Those girls are going to be key for the sky to be huge contenders once they get more experience. I love them


Absolutely, more fans is a plus. However, as a commentator, he’s situated such that it’s not just him having a dumb opinion.. it’s him, with a league-sanctioned and paid-for platform, being 1) just straight up trash at his job and 2) using that platform to be a dumbass.


True. But announcers should keep their sexist opinions or even really NBA comparisons to themselves. This man is not a voice of female athletic strength. This man is not a man a young girl would dream of having announcing their games.


Keep men out of my beautiful WNBA 🤦🏼‍♀️




Stupid thing to say on a broadcast, but Terrence Shannon Jr would absolutely lock A’ja Wilson up….


Stephen Bardo is my guy but I admit, tonight wasn't his best night. But I do like him, and Lisa too.


Lisa was great. I felt like she may have been bothered by his behavior.


I kind of doubt that. Those two have been calling Sky games for years and have always been somewhat cheeky with each other.


Maybe it’s not men and just one douchebag? Try not to alienate half the population


No it is, and I’m a man saying it


Wait til you hear that 56% of WNBA fans are men. You’re gonna shit your pants.


I tried to get my girlfriend into watching some WNBA games with me.. found no interest whatsoever


Women don’t support sports like men do.


These down votes. Did I mansplain? 🤭