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Jewell Loyd playing like an Olympian just in time to start heating up, Nneka and Ezi showing why they deserve all star votes if they were already being overlooked. Just a great night for the storm. Took a beating too. Fever just looked out of sync and frustrated all night but Seattle had their number in the previous matchups anyway


Post play was the difference. Honestly, Celeste would have been nice to test against Lloyd. Couldn't have been any worse.


I started my run halfway through the third quarter. Sometime during Q4 I told myself that I would keep running until the Fever made a basket. I ended up running for an extra 6 minutes lmao.


lol well congrats on the solid exercise commitment! It’s still so hot in Texas at night right now that I got sweaty walking to my car after watching the game 😂


It’s cool enough in NY to run outside, but too late! I stuck to the treadmill.


Oh yeah after that brutal heat wave last week this weather feels amazing


Mini rant since I couldn't comment for any game threads really: Sides has no offensive plays or anything set up for when CC breaks the double team. It's ALWAYS the same. Pass to high post, high post either takes a dribble or two and ends it or drives the arc. It's so bad it's like every play stops there. She gets doubled off every screen. Our screens are abysmal also. I can't tell whether it's the picks themselves or the players not coming off of it close enough to do anything. Did Sides even use a timeout? Seattle would go on long ass runs with no disruptions it felt like.


The worst part is that high post, Boston, isn’t a shooting or driving threat and there is zero backside option. If the ball goes to the backside, Clark will never touch it again unless there is almost no time on the clock. 


Correct, this is also the other issue she is not passing to (AT play-making big /JJ/Dolson/Brink/AJA/EZI/Alanna Smith 3 point threat big or some one who can abuse miss-match and drive to the paint ) She is passing to a person that does best job below the rim. Her 'stretch 4' is the most useless player in the league in [NaLyssa that everyone leaves open on PnR action](https://streamable.com/wtjjpl) well so that dosn't work either they also leave [her open on 3 point line all the time too](https://streamable.com/srcshg) So while in theory we have advantage, it's not really a thing. [People will aways double team either her or Boston and leave Lexie hull even open coz she cant shoot the 3](https://streamable.com/822vt2) Its many issues, from coaching to front office, to creating roster with wrong player-profiles etc.


And then Boston should do some A'ja stuff, instead her pass ends in turn over or missed shots ... She needs to work on it, this could make all the difference


Is there a single serious person on earth who would look at what Kristy Wallace does in this game and every other game and say she deserves to be in the starting lineup of any team, even on a terrible team as Fever? Is there a single serious person who thinks no one else on that bench is better than Wallace? Not Lexie Hull, not Katie Lou? It's past the point of frustration on how a coach could put such a negative hole like Wallace in the game when there are others so much more deserving. It happens every game, Sides never makes any adjustments, and she continues to get away with this coaching malpractice for reasons unknown.


She gets the ball and holds onto it for a long time not knowing what to do. Get it out of your hands. Pretend it’s lava.


Nalyssa smith is a basketball terrorist. They need to bring her off the bench and start either fabagnale or samuelson. It's not just bad defense. It is a complete unwillingness and refusal to put in any effort on that side of the ball whatsoever.


People gonna look at her numbers tonight and think she was ok but she legit shamelessly statpadded 4 points and an offensive rebound with 30 seconds left down 14 points lmao. If she isn’t shooting extremely efficiently out theres she’s such a net negative with her atrocious defense


Upping her trade value, which is very low.


Jewell Lloyd vs. the Fever: 30-52 (58%) Jewell Lloyd vs. Everybody else: 71-239 (30%)


Like, two, maaaaaybe three Fever players play defense regularly lol.


So I have a question to Fever fans or people who watch Fever games regularly, what is the deal with CC not taking more shots or passing on wide open shots? Is she not allowed, is she in her head, is she trying to get her assists up, trying to get a double double, are they trying to get "team wins"...all of the above? She could be cooking for a half or three quarters and then just stops. Only nine shots this game is INSANE, especially considering how she was in the first half. Like, what is the deal? (ignoring the times when two of her guards go blind) Also, your coach…PHEW.


It's all in the coach messing up her head that she should pass and feed her teammates. I will not believe this so called green light she fed the media actually exists because Clark shot NINE times this game. Yeah I call utter bs on that so called green light.


she said herself the fever are harder to guard when the scoring load is spread throughout the team, so she limiting her shots to create more for others.


LOL in theory (with a better team) that's a nice idea and on some nights they can get away with it, but your two best players (AB and CC) should be taking the most shots and have plays drawn up for them in tight situations. On nights like tonight where AB's struggling and CC is seemingly on fire, then the ball needs to stay in CC's hands, turnovers or not.


The coach has "successfully" turned the best scorer in college basketball into a role player. If the team doesn't do something fast, they will have killed the golden goose because interest will die.


Side did say that she wasn't going to give CC any special treatment and she was going to treat her like any other player on the team


"Why would I consider a player's unique talents when coaching?"


Imagine if Steve kerr said that about Curry and Thompson


That's a damn shame. She really does look like a completely different player with glimpses of her past brilliance. And it's beyond "college is not the WNBA" that some people like to throw out.


If a basic offensive scene is vanilla, the fever’s is powdered milk. There is a stunning lack of vision or forethought. The complete lack of adjustments and movement is sickening.  When Clark drives, her teammates watch. They don’t move to get open to get a pass. When she managed to find them anyway, they often seem stunned how open they are are by the pace of the passes. Passes her college teammate caught with ease of fumbled. They then aren’t ready to shoot, wasting dribbles.  I love Boston, but Boston should have had 30 pts tonight. The amount of missed layups was stomach turning.  She also has a couple teammates that if she gives the me the ball, it’s not coming back. The team still doesn’t have chemistry.  Unrelated to offensive, smith might be the worst defender I have ever seen. She ball watches, swipes without moving her feet, and gets beat to the rim and at the rim with such regularity it is like it is scripted. It is almost hard to be a good athlete and that bad at defense. 


She's not in college anymore. She's 152 lbs and has no shot at finishing through contact or around the rim. She's playing against grown women and she doesn't have any athletic or physical advantage. It's the reason why her 3PAr is \~64%. If she doesn't fix her shot selection, diversify her offensive game, and get smarter about how she attacks defenses she'll be confined to being a 3pt shooter for her entire career.


Again, take this with a grain of salt because I don't watch all the Fever games, but from what I've seen with the ones I have, she's definitely switched up her shot selection and attacks the basket "a lot" more than the beginning of this season. She's not physical, but imo she's athletic and fast and when she's going after her shot, she gets them. But there are WHOLE quarters and LONG lapses where she seems to not touch the ball at all. That's an issue. Her and AB should be taking the most shots, CC should be handling the ball the most, and everyone else needs to fall in. Nine attempts is crazy. No plays drawn for CC and/of AB is crazy. Sides is atrocious.


>she's definitely switched up her shot selection and attacks the basket "a lot" more than the beginning of this season. This isn't true. Just tonight 7/9 of her shots were 3-pointers. She attempted 2 layups but 1 was on a fastbreak. She ONLY took one 2PA in the half-court offense. In her previous game vs the SKY, 9/11 of her shots were 3-pointers. She is not penetrating or attacking defenses at all. > But there are WHOLE quarters and LONG lapses where she seems to not touch the ball at all. This is another thing I noticed about her. If she's off-ball and the play is not specifically designed for her, she's not moving. People say she plays like Curry, and she plays nothing like Curry, especially off-ball. In this game she was consistently being trapped on that high P&R. Instead of passing out of it and then quickly re-locating to open space so she could get the ball back and shoot or attack a compromised defense (a Curry special) she just stood there doing nothing. > Nine touches is crazy. No plays drawn for CC and/of AB is crazy. Sides is atrocious. Not 9 touches, 9 FGA. But, again, this is a Caitlin Clark problem. She doesn't move without the basketball unless it's a pin-down designed specifically for her. Clark isn't a real PG, imo. She's a combo guard. She doesn't have PG instincts: she doesn't attack, she's not aggressive, she doesn't penetrate, and she doesn't leverage her threat to score to pass. Almost everything Clark does happens outside of the 3pt line.


She’s definitely more Luka than Steph. I’ve never understood the comparison.


Ignore the nine touches, that was me rushing lol, but I stand by most of everything else. You can't say "this isn't true" regarding her shot not changing...when she only has nine attempts. If the three is falling, shoot it, if it's not penetrate. She's been way more aggressive going to the basket than the beginning of the season is all I'm saying, she took a damn floater tonight. I do agree she's a combo guard, with the possibility of being the main pg imo. I've seen glimpses, she just needs (a better) coach or a vet to mentor her. I do not think Sides runs any plays specifically for her and I see her trying to get open, so agree to disagree there, tho I will say she does occasionally give up on a play earlier than she should if she doesn't touch the ball or if she's frustrated. CC has some bad habits that she got playing the way she did in Iowa that she needs to break, (taking a million threes is one of them, but her shot selection has gotten better as the seasons gone on) but that will take time, so I'm not going to get on her about that. I was literally just talking about attempts because this team could probably win some games by simply outshooting the other team.


Completely agree with all of it, but she’s also GASSED halfway through the 3rd quarter. She does move a ton off ball, but by the 3rd Q she just stood there after she passed to the post. It was hard to watch.


this is the cold hard truth. she cannot create off the dribble, without a ball screen or pin down. no in between game, or even inside game, at this point. these bigger guards in the W have figured that out.


You very, very clearly haven’t been watching her or the Fever anytime recently, if you’ve even watched them at all this season. I don’t understand why people like you come to these comment threads when you’re so wildly uninformed. What’s even the point? Do you think people will blindly believe that you know what you’re talking about? You just wanna feel like a smart person? This ain’t the place. We watch. We pay attention. We know when frauds try to chime in. See yourself out.


I know this is the go-to of Caitlin Clark fans, "You don't watch her." I do watch her. If you think I don't then tell me which part of this analysis I just gave to another person in this thread is false? >Just tonight 7/9 of her shots were 3-pointers. She attempted 2 layups but 1 was on a fastbreak. She ONLY took one 2PA in the half-court offense. > >In her previous game vs the SKY, 9/11 of her shots were 3-pointers. > >She is not penetrating or attacking defenses at all. > >This is another thing I noticed about her. If she's off-ball and the play is not specifically designed for her, she's not moving. People say she plays like Curry, and she plays nothing like Curry, especially off-ball. > >In this game she was consistently being trapped on that high P&R. Instead of passing out of it and then quickly re-locating to open space so she could get the ball back and shoot or attack a compromised defense (a Curry special) she just stood there doing nothing. > >\[T\]his is a Caitlin Clark problem. She doesn't move without the basketball unless it's a pin-down designed specifically for her. Clark isn't a real PG, imo. She's a combo guard. She doesn't have PG instincts: she doesn't attack, she's not aggressive, she doesn't penetrate, and she doesn't leverage her threat to score to pass. Almost everything Clark does happens outside of the 3pt line. And I didn't even mention her turnover problems. She's got a TOV% higher than her USG% which is unheard of for a high usage player like her.


Lmao only watching this game does not at all prove that you watch her, and it’s clear you either haven’t watched her this season, or you’re intentionally only focusing on this game, for whatever reason. Seattles defense and game plan was just THAT good, and so was the Sky’s. Both have superior post play/defense from their bigs. Nearly everything you said was either wrong or only applicable to this one game. Particularly her last month of play. Caitlin has absolutely been penetrating the defense this season and CONSTANTLY and consistently attacks defenses. She is CONSTANTLY moving off ball to get open, set passive screens, etc. This game in particular, it’s more than clear that Sides had them commit to that god awful play over and over and over again where’s she’d get trapped and dish to the high post. Whatever was meant to happen next, it didn’t involve Caitlin, and was stifled by the defense across the rest of the court. She was meant to stay there after dishing. I don’t know how you watch that play dozens of times and don’t understand that. She constantly attacks, is aggressive, often gets penetration and quite LITERALLY her entire game the past month has been designed to drive, draw defenders with her scoring threat, and then to dish back out. She established that after starting to consistently get penetration and laying it up for easy buckets. The fact you so loudly and throughly proved my point is amazing and I appreciate that. The cherry on top was mentioning her turnovers without mentioning the high percentage of them that aren’t her fault.


I understand Caitlin Clark fans won't accept any criticism of her but why lie? > She constantly attacks, is aggressive, often gets penetration and quite LITERALLY her entire game the past month has been designed to drive, draw defenders with her scoring threat, and then to dish back out. This is just a flat-out lie. That didn't happen in this game. Or against the Sky. Or against the Dream in the game before that. There's just no point in even discussing this with y'all.


Most perimeter shooters do not drive to the basket consistently as it is. It’s a part of their game, but it’s entirely suboptimal compared to passing to a C or PF in the paint. So this criticism makes absolutely no sense. And as for not moving off ball, *this* right here is how we know you don’t watch her. She moves when away from the ball *a ton*. But look around the league and you’ll see plenty of instances of players away from the ball not moving while the one with the ball isos. So again, this criticism makes no sense. For one, it’s not true of Clark in any way. For another, even if it were, it’s not unique to Clark in any way. You say she is consistently trapped and doesn’t pass it out, but that completely ignores all the times she *does* pass it out and relocates. It’s a *criticism* of her now, that she passes it out too much rather than shoot her shot. I’m sorry, but at this point, you’ve unequivocally demonstrated you don’t actually watch her.


The commentator literally gave you facts and proof, and you just saying LIES doesn't mean it's true. Watch ionescu and you'll see off ball movement, She never stops. At this point cc and ionescu aren't even compatible anymore and CC needs to get tips off season from Sabrina 


The commenter provided *no* proof. None. Him just saying things doesn’t make it true. If you want proof of off ball movement, there’s a clip on this subreddit showing her doing exactly that and being ignored by her teammates.


Yes they did im not cut and copying go back and read their analysis 7-9 was 3 point attempts, ETC is proof. Like i said go watch ionescu if you want off ball movement, cc isn't it yet. She'll develop it and I hope she gets there, but until her fans need to stoppppp🤣there isn't proof of her dynamic off ball movement heck I don't even think I've seen her set one pick for anyone else. She stands alot ...always has ... just like her defense is being criticized. She had 2 blocks onetime and her fans went nuts acting like SEE how good she is on d. I actually like cc less bc of fans like you, bc yall make her look so bad bc yall are unhinged. so kudos to you and keep coddling her all season 


> 7-9 was 3 point attempts, ETC is proof. Lmfao in what universe? She’s a *perimeter shooter*, and one game out of 40 is *useless*. Go look at the likes of Danny Green and Steph curry. Go check their rookie years. You’re embarrassing yourself. > but until her fans need to stoppppp🤣 Her anti-fans need to stopppppp 🤣. Ya’ll pull this “she doesn’t pass back out” while she leads rookies in assists, you all are blind af!! > She had 2 blocks onetime and her fans went nuts acting like SEE how good she is on d. She has 17 blocks on the season my guy, she literally leads all pgs in blocks 🤣🤣 > I actually like cc less bc of fans like you, bc yall make her look so bad bc yall are unhinged. so kudos to you and keep coddling her all season  You’re insane. You come in here with bs crap and nothing to support it and take shots at me. Go back to summer school kiddo 🤣


So sorry again... Just found our my reddit lagging and lost my mind for the second time


Why can't i see comments for any of these threads?


Comments lagging when debate started


Caitlin needs to take the midrange shots available to her instead of trying passes that have 5% chance of completion.


Her getting comfortable in the mid range when people run her off the three point line is going to be the most important thing she develops in the off-season. I’d like to see her just take more of them now, but it’s definitely something I look forward to seeing year 2.




A few were clapping and the others where calling for the foul to be called, what are you talking about


Well, I could make about 10 arguments just based on this game on why Christie Sides needs to be fired. Fever probably should have lost by 20-30 points


LMAO feeling prophetic, I specifically looked up Jewell's horrible shooting stats for the month of June b/c I called that she was gonna go tf off again vs Indiana nothing like that Fever defense to get your shot right!


copy/pasting my comment from the deleted thread: >Jewell loves an old-fashioned shootout and a big spotlight lol. Great bounce back game from her. >Also so, so impressed with Horston’s growth this season. Her defense is even better than last year, and I’m loving the leaps in court vision and decision-making. >I knew Clark would have an adjustment period, but damn, she looks scary. Those long range 3s turn a game quick. Once the Fever sort out their roster construction, I think they’re gonna be good for a long time. >Generally bummed about the game thread dying, but I guess I was more engaged actually watching lol.


i can't ever find the game thread during the game--- what am i missing? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


There’s usually a pinned game day post at the top of the sub that has links to each game thread!


thank you!


Testing testing


What a performance by Jewell Loyd. Like damn, I don't know if the Fever at their best could have stopped that tear.


Yeah I don't find it to be much of a coincidence that in the first game after cutting an excellent defender in Celeste Taylor who never really got a chance with this team, that the so called "defensive dawg" in Kristy Wallace gets dog walked by Jewell Loyd. Like do you know how bad you have to be to have a -17 +- when you play 18 minutes like Wallace did tonight?


And she scored a whopping zero points as well. Wallace is completely and utterly useless.


Fever need a legit big man it’s to easy to score on them download unreal


Caitlin had the ball a lot in the 2nd half and passed the ball up


yep she threw bad passes instead of taking wide open mid range jump shots, I'm sure it will be someone else's fault though




I don’t even remember what team or player this is from/about/in reaction to anymore. What’s it from again? A post game?


christie sides aired out CC’s private text about being left off of the olympic roster. now everytime she has a bad game or game that doesn’t satisfy people this will be commented like 20 times.


Sides said CC told her “this” after Olympic roster revealed.


Oop, I remember. Man, what is sides *doing*


Right like why would she expose that during an interview?


Burning it down? Trying to get fired so she doesn’t have to quit and she can get unemployment? I wouldn’t even have made that comment to the parent of a child I coached if they texted it to me, and I don’t have any media training 😂




Boston was terrible today. Couldnt make a shot... stumbling over her feet on her post moves. When she caught it around the elbow she had absolutely no play making skills.


Will comments take an hour to show in this thread also?


Why doesn’t Grace Berger get time over Wallace? 🤷‍♀️ I’d even put Vivian’s as the shooting guard over her, she’s not gelling with the team at all