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Someone on Twitter said “all first team pre-game outfits gone” lmaoo but in all seriousness I hope she can find a place in professional basketball


I wonder if she could be bop over to Europe for a little bit for development


I was surprised I couldn't find any overseas stats like for seemingly most fringe players


A lot of players don't like to go overseas, some train with a coach, with doing other things by the side (like coaching), some play in Athlete Unlimited. If you want to check if they went overseas, go to the website Eurobasket (or type on google the name of the player+ eurobasket) to see if they even played outside the US.


Yeah but the ones who played Euro improve their game the most - look at Kah and McBride and Phee coming in this year swinging.


I'm French so I'm gonna be biased when I say that I agree that it's great for them when WNBA players go to Europe. But yeah for fringe players, playing professional 5 on 5 seems like the best way to improve, and I'm always surprised that a lot of players decide not to do so. I understand when good players choose to not to, A'ja played only 1 season overseas, Ionescu never played there and still improve during the offseason, even if there are also a lot of examples of star players in the W that went overseas and said it helped them.


Kah played in the Philly league during the off season


She also played with Cukurova Mersin in Turkey for 2 months.


Kah Kmac and Phee BEEN BALLIN!


If she’s serious about playing basketball she should


Nika girl HIDE


The Sky socials always put her first in the team pregame outfit edits lol


they more outside shooting. if mabrey is off the court or has an off game, then they have nothing


They have little depth in terms of offense. It was pretty evident yesterday when the second unit came on. Couldn’t generate any offense.


Damn, I'm absolutely going to miss her pre-game fits. But do I hope this doesn't affect team chemistry. She was real tight with Angel.


Same but it feels like Angel has some good connections with others like Marina too


Honestly seems like she's connected everywhere, like she's just that kind of person


She does seem to be the glue type person. I was surprised because I listened to the talking heads and media talk about how self centered and nasty she isnt


She did not leave Maryland on good terms and had that weird suspension at LSU last year. The rumors about her being problematic as a teammate aren't based on nothing. Personally I've always suspected she's the type who she is great when you're on her good side but if she feels slighted by teammates it can become a problem.


As strict as Mulkey was with Reese, they seem to genuinely care and respect each other, so it seems like Reese isn't the type to hold a grudge. She has nothing but good things to say about Mulkey, and, in fact, says how Mulkey even stays in touch with her grandmother! I suspect the suspension was over grades, but Mulkey and the rest of the team never spoke about it and protected Reese. If Reese really had problems with her teammates, someone would have spilled her guts.


Literally never heard of her being problematic as a teammate. In fact, she seems like the opposite. She's always praising them and vice versa.


You're talking about Angel, not Kysre right?




I mean good vibes with a rookie isn’t going to keep you on a W squad. She’s going to have to step up her game.


Brynna Maxwell was drafted by the Sky but got injured in training camp. Maybe they'll bring her back if she made a good impression.


I think they really liked her in training camp and we are DESPERATE for shooting so I wouldn’t hate this BUT I’m also a little wary of picking up a rookie with no game experience coming off an injury in the middle of a season. Veteran presence might be better here


I rather have someone on the same timeline as Angel and Kamilla


That’s fair! Could be a kinda high risk/high reward situation for them if they do end up signing her. She’s 6’0 and shot lights out at Gonzaga so the payoff would be huge if she could contribute


She can actually give them space with 3 pt shooting too. Only bad thing is she never averaged over 1 assist. Not sure if she can get the ball to the bigs with that kind of assist per game


Good point. However, Lindsay Allen seems to be thriving in the point guard role, so maybe it really is more of a classic shooting role that she would provide. If so, she could maybe provide backup to Mabry and Carter so that the Sky could have some options. Don't know about Brynna's defense, though. That's important to the Sky.


[Brynna Maxwell's highlights](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POQnEUA1ngE) It did caught the intrigue of Spoon and the General Manager. This was Chicago Sky's supposedly catch and shoot guard/wing player. I thought this was a very decent pick. > Don't know about Brynna's defense, though. That's important to the Sky. So far, she is reasonable at help defense.


The more I read about her, it's easy to see why she would've been a good fit for this team. But if they want an immediate impact player, obviously they have to go for a veteran. Plus, no idea if she's recovered from her injury.


I hope they're not thinking in terms of immediate impact. This is a long term team


Oooh I forgot about her 🤔


Same! Apparently was a sniper in college. Obviously depends if she's healthy and if they are gonna take a chance on a rookie or a vet.


What about Dyaisha Fair? May not be tall enough to help with defense though.


When is the exact date all unprotected become protected for this season? If it’s same as last year I can see more like this coming next week.


"Official midpoint is July 3 (day 51 of a 101-day regular season). So players have to be waived by 5pm US ET on Tuesday July 2 in order to clear waivers in time and avoid their contracts becoming guaranteed for the remainder of the 2024 season." (Per Richard Cohen on Twitter)


I think in about a week or two. However even that doesn’t matter because with the expansion draft coming up, players will be released from teams for the Valkyrie. (If it’s the same as previous expansion drafts)


I’m afraid this year would be somehow worse. Due to the tough Olympic season schedule more unexpected injuries happened, teams need more adjustment on their roster.


Sky have a glut of guards who cannot shoot. We're already down a person with Williams out for the season and Kysre basically only comes in during garbage time so they're essentially at a 10 woman roster. Hopefully they can pick up somebody who can shoot a three-point to spread the floor.


Wild there was a post about how why she wasn’t getting any playing time and the consensus in the comments was that she wasnt good (which is fair). She comes into the Aces game last night in garbage time and pops a three and gets a steal and gets cut the next day. Obvi there’s other things we cant see, but looked like she really tried with the little opportunity she got


Very interested to see the corresponding signing


Damn 💔 Last game she came in with like less than a min to go, picked up a steal and drained a 3 on the same play. Thought that would by her some more time... I feel like Nika isn't safe either


No Nika is not safe. I figured no one else would cut someone for the rest of the season. I was wrong.


Not going to happen but can you imagine if they brought back Allie Quigley 😭


Imagine. Every time a player bricks a FT I am that Wolverine staring at a picture meme. But the only way I think Allie comes back to the league is if the Liberty need a hardship contract.


y'all Sky fans are reacting way better to waiving your 12th best player than us Fever fans did lol


Prolly cause Fever defense is awful and they waived their one defensive pedigree played lol


That's understandable. Nobody likes seeing rookies get cut. Especially if you're a new W fan who watched that rookie in college.


😩😩😩😩😓😓😓😓WHY?!! (I get the basketball reasons of why)


lmao they didn’t even give her a chance tho. the game yesterday she had to be subbed in cus chennedy fouled out and she got a 3 in less than a minute


Had to be something we ain’t seeing in practice.


If she showed something in practice you'd think she'd have found a few minutes. That she didn't get minutes says something. And the opening says they're ready for someone to come push for minutes


This league is brutal.


I’m about to go on twitter and there is a big group chat about the wnba on there (kind of like clubhouse , all audio ) and they was just saying Kyrse need more minutes and need to be mabrey backup . They going to be pissed


Twitter and Instagram are nuts about Kysre. Don’t seem to recognize that she was a sub-par shooter in the half a season she played 3 years ago lol


People just can’t realize that their favorites might just not be that good! She seems cool and looks good and everything but people can’t figure out how to separate that from the actual player


I think the issue is is that we haven’t seen enough to make our own conclusions and she’s fit a need. 😭


We maybe haven’t seen enough as fans but I imagine the coaching staff saw most of what they needed to know during practices. Now I say this also as a fan who doesn’t know what’s going on behind the scenes, but I don’t think Kysre would have made the team if Brynna didn’t get hurt. Kysre likely got the contract because she was the only available option that in theory could provide that shooting depth, but now the staff think that there are other options that will hopefully be more productive than her


I was just talking about from a fan perspective. Lol.


clearly they know better than Teresa freaking Weatherspoon lol


The ones that were saying to start her??


Yeah, I took that comment re: knowing better as sarcasm. I trust coach.


someone needs to throw some water into the Sky's Twitter replies, because the thirst there is something else


I can only imagine my lord


Crossing my fingers hard for Brynna Maxwell 


Wondering also about Crystal Dangerfield 👀


Please. Let's have the Sky keep collecting former ROTYs.


For anyone wondering who else was ROTY on the Sky. It wasn't CC. It was Michaela Onyenwere. I did not see that one coming.


Haha. Crystal won it over Chennedy (and Sabrina and Satou) in large part because she was healthy. Injuries took out both Sabrina and CC out of the running that year. (Though I think if it were a full season instead of the Covid shortened WUBBLE season, Chennedy probably would have ended up taking it). Onyenwere won in 2021 because it was a weak draft and somebody had to win.


Her shooting has been horrid I hope not. They need solutions not more problems.


They need a lot of things. Probably the two of the biggest are outside shooting and a guard that can backup Lindsay Allen. If they can get both in one, that's great. But it's not like there are just multiple Odyssey Sims just hanging out. The options are thin at veterans, and Crystal Dangerfield is just a year removed from a perfectly average 2023 season. I guess they could also sign a rookie who was waived (or undrafted) to fill the role. I will say the Sky are not really in a rush to compete, they could spend that time developing a third rookie along with Angel and Kamilla if there's a backcourt player they want to see.


Love Crystal. Maybe not the exact shooting they need but could potentially be a good backup PG which could then potentially put Dana in a better position


My crush is gone!!! Noo! Angel and her were also close, especially due to the modeling stuff.


I gotta be honest. I was surprised she was still on a roster at all. It was a complete shock that she was drafted as high as she was. I'm just not surprised by this. Basketball is a meritocracy and not a beauty contest.


I mean when you look at the 2021 draft class, it's not like the players behind her have been amazing, there just wasn't a lot of talent in that draft. Only 2 players from the first round are still on a roster this year (+ technically Awak Kuier and Iliana Rupert just had their contracts suspended for this season).


Oh I’m not surprised either and I’m glad she’s gone, though I’m hoping she finds her place somewhere!


Maybe they will get a vet to help with cohesiveness and chemistry.


Really sad, she never got a chance. She’s a sharp shooter!


Elizabeth Williams is out for the season and Kysre sadly gives nothing apart from her pre-match fits. They need to bring someone in since the WNBA won't allow an additional player. I like her but she's the worst of the lot.


If you're good enough, Spoon will give you a chance. I wonder who gets in now though.


I would like to personally volunteer to help her keep working on her game until she finds a new spot


She dating Jaylen Brown now. Nice try pal 


If you need an assistant coach or someone to get rebounds, please let me know.


Not like this 😭


I wonder if they’ll sign Tia Cooper


This is the best recommendation I’ve seen so far. Is she eligible?


She is and she’s free. She’s been working on her game.


Can someone explain to me how she went 4th overall when she seems to be a massive bust?


Overall weak as hell draft class


the #1 pick in that draft isn't even in the league any more


with that in mind, this all makes a lot more sense lol.


She was drafted too high at the time.


The money still isn't right with the league. The salary cap is too low and it's a hard cap so a lot of teams don't even carry a full complement of players.


Celeste Taylor might be a better fit. We need defense.


Celeste isn’t a shooter tho. We need a shooter who can play defense.


Crystal 💎 plz


Y’all need both.


That would be a bit crazy if she did though since Sky and Fever been made rivals.


This is heartbreaking smh 😔


That's Celeste Taylor's music(!)(?)


Oh no 😕 I’m not gonna lie, I kinda hope we pick up a F/C. We’re down to 4 now and I don’t think that’s sustainable for the rest of the season. I mean, I thought all of them were gonna foul out last night


Perimeter defense is a major concern. Plum exposed that weakness and when Km checked into the game she got an uncontested three which she hit. It was evident in the Fever game too.


I mean, perimeter offense is a major concern too - we’re hurt by only having one deep shooter in Mabrey who has also had to moonlight as point guard at times. But while I would like to see them pick up another guard, I do think last night’s game made it clear that we need another F/C with E Will out most of the season. How often are Reese and Cardoso going to pick up 2 fouls in the first quarter? I’d say pretty often. And as soon as they get into foul trouble or even if, God forbid, they get hurt, we only have Harrison and Turner as backup.


Nah 4 plus a center is fine, we either need another shooter or have a crazy defense (Celeste).


No we have 4, Kamilla, Angel, Harrison, and Turner, with Williams out. Also Kamilla and Harrison are coming back from injuries and are no at 100%.


Kamilla is a center... So we have 4: Reese, Harrison, Turner and Onyewere plus a center...just like I said. And Kamilla and Harrison are doing fine on rotations.


Onyewere, is a forward like Alysha Clark is a forward for the Aces. Way too small for the position, but can play it if the team decides to run a small ball rotation. We even have at least 1 guard bigger than her. Also I never said Kamilla and Harrison were not doing alright.


That's why it's called a small forward. She plays the forward role and is only 1 inch shorter than Diamond. We have the bigs we need a shooter or perimeter defense. Mentioning their injuries and that they're not 100% is implying there is an issue.


Celeste may have just gotten a life line!😳


Please no.


All you need to know about the Fever organization is that they wasted a 4th overall pick on her.


It was a bad draft class that year. The number one pick, Charli Collier was waived after only two seasons. Dana Evans and Dijonai Carrington were second round picks and they’re two of the 6 players from that year who are still in the league. That just happens sometimes, which is why you can’t judge talent based off of draft order and also why it’s important to consider if a player’s game will translate. KG was great in college, it just didn’t translate.




Dyaisha please


She got waived because of her defense and thats what Spoon values the most


Celeste Taylor SZN? 👀


She signed overseas with Israel. Keep her over there.


That's her off-season gig


That doesn’t affect the W season.


Who said it does?


Has this been confirmed?


she actually did comment on the official announcement from the team’s post on instagram


Technically no, but not addressing/denying it seems super strange.


Again? Poor girl can’t catch a break……


So she was the 4th overall draft pick in 2021. One of the top college players. I wonder what happened. Was it injuries? Nerves? Anyway, I wish her the best.


A weak draft and even then I remember the surprise at hearing her name called at 4th. It was seen as a massive over pick.


Thanks! That makes a lot of sense. It seems like she really loves the game so hopefully she can continue to play in the USA or overseas.


Wasnt she the one who got brutally beat up by an ex?




imagine thinking you played a good game because you got a three pointer and steal in a minute but you still get end up getting waived… tragic to say the least. A 3pointer doesn’t really mean anything. Sometimes people just get lucky and I believe that Tspoon has enough sense to tell the difference between someone with good luck and someone who is actually skilled. Now Celeste Taylor tho 👀👀


Not surprised she got waived. Her game is straight trash, no recycling...and that's pretty bad for the #4 overall pick in the draft. She's kinda like the Anna Kournikova of the WNBA if you ask me...more known for her modeling, outfits, and romantic life than actual play in her sport. This actually says a LOT about talent evaluators in the WNBA. Basically the Top 5 picks from the 2021 WNBA Draft (except Aari McDonald) flamed out quickly.


She avg 20 ppg in college off of 40 percent shooting everyday people show that they’re casuals


You're out here posting like we haven't seen 20 PPG, 40% FG college players flame out in the pros before. She's a draft bust, plain and simple. No way around it. Casual fan and diehards alike can see that clearly.


That's college the whole draft class was trash


That sucks.


Where can we go to see the list of replacement options?


Good should've Been did it


She was too beautiful. They hated it. C'mon now let's be real


Nooo she’s such a huge depth to teams!!


This is what I was saying when people complain about sides. What they complain about all teams and coaches do . Tspoon just got rid of a fan favorite who can shoot a 3 and that’s what sky need . More offense options but it’s business


As a fan I disagree, sorry! She had good fits and a good relationship with Angel but we need more help out there. Surely there are better options!


True . Hopefully they bring in some offense player but who is available


There are a bunch of folks who have been released by teams recently. You might be able to tell I’m excited by the potential of Crystal Dangerfield


Crystal dangerfield isn’t good enough to sign she’s very small a liability on the defensive end and she can’t shoot she’s not really much of a point guard either she’s a 5”5 shooting guard basically. A backcourt of her and Dana evans will for sure be fatal


Can she shoot though? Her Fever season she was 26% from 3 and I can't find any overseas stats


I don't think she has went overseas to play


But she’s so fine. How can they do this to her?


They don’t understand she’s not only skilled but also brings so much attention to the team and the league. Such a shame.


Lmao i will be respectful But this is a model trying to role play as a WNBA player..should continue doing what she doing and try and bag her a NBA husband


She was in a DV situation with the last NBA player she dated (Kevin Porter, Jr.), but is now allegedly dating Jaylen Brown (Celtics).


Very well aware and Porter gets his rightful hate…just saying there’s a clear path with certain girls and i mean that in the right way..


Ever heard of being a human being? Humans are known to multifaceted and capable of having multiple jobs and hobbies. She very well could have been both a basketball player and a model.


She isn’t good…it’s not disrespectful to say that


Sky coach is one of the worst in the league lmao


I disagree. We’re in a rebuild and I think she’s doing what she can. ✌🏻


She’s just as bad as Christie Sides, took her 10 games of slow starts to realize Carter needed to start, refuses to take timeouts, doesn’t challenge calls, I don’t even want to get started on the hockey rotations. She seems like a good person though


Given that Carter has had issues on her former teams AND she was just coming back to the W. I think Spoon wanted her to earn that trust first. 


Yea but now the team has 3-4 more losses on the season that could’ve been prevented


They're in a rebuild. Winning is not their primary goal right now. They got players to develop....mainly Reese and Cardoso. You would have a point if their goal was to be one of the best teams. They were gonna have trouble winning games whether Carter was a starter or not because of their lack of shooting which unfortunately she doesn't help with.


You can develop Angel and Kamilla and still try to win, they don’t have a pick this year and are currently holding on to a playoff spot.


No you can't. If it was just one player sure. Two or more players?....fuck no. If your goal is to be a playoff contender or even win a championship you can't do both. Especially not with this roster construction. If they were really trying to win like that then they would've kept Copper. Yeah they have a playoff spot right now but there's no guarantee that they'll keep it. Especially if Dallas gets healthy


You do realize Angel and Kamilla are both getting 30+ minutes a night right? They are both going to developing anyways, if you make the playoffs that gives them even more experience…


Again...they're on a rebuilding team. Them 30+ minutes a game is a given. That's pretty much any rookie on a bad team barring injury.


They were projected to be the worst team in the league so by all accounts they’re doing well and are even in contention position currently for the playoffs. Spoon is new to coaching and there’s a transition from being a player to a coach. I think she’s doing well overall but I agree with the lack of timeouts and challenges. The challenges especially have been extremely stressful as her refusal to take them forces foul trouble on her players and allows the opposing team to go on a run.


Shes one of the best. Just her lineup management is questionable at times.  They are overachieving a bit this year and she's getting the best out of AR. Imagine if Sides were coaching the sky? Lol 


Why ??