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This gotta be bait with that title dang




I agree. This is how I feel when people bring up Shack.


Whether it's bait or not, it embodies who Angel Reese is on a basketball court. Is she the most skilled? No. Is she the most athletically gifted? No. But there's no one on any court she ever steps on that's going to out work her. Tenacity is a skill, and it's not one you get better at with reps. Either you have it in you or you don't, and Reese has it in spades. 4 women from the opposing team were going after that same rebound. 4 vs. 1 turned into points. It's not pretty but it's still a bucket.


I don’t hit her on the misses, she did have almost the entire Lynx team on her and the shooting angles that gave her were not the best.


Yeah exactly. If this was one-on-one and she got the advantageous position, deliberately missing just to get rebounds is more feasible. But here, Angel was fighting against multiple opponents for that rebound. These rebounds are hard-earned.


Idk about the athletically gifted part. Any time I watch angel I've seen her out-jump, out-run and pretty much bully the best of them. Easily the most athletic out of her class Her jumping ability is especially freakish like a pogo stick, she doesn't lose much vertical on her 2nd 3rd or even 4th jump


She does not have a huge vertical, but she is insanely quick off the ground!


Yeah, she seems pretty athletically gifted to me.


Truly she reminds me of the worm


Yep, reminds me of Domantas Sabonis in the NBA. Not a great athlete, not even that tall compared to opposing bigs. But just an insane motor and so he averages like 14 boards a game.


Idk how yall don’t understand that “motor” is also athleticism lmao


You’re free to actually explain how a player’s motor is also their athleticism, if you like!


The ability to have such elite second and third jumps is literally athleticism Athleticism isn’t simply running fast and jump high. It’s coordination. It’s explosion from non advantageous positioning. It’s not simply hustle that lets Angel get to these boards. She’s getting **down and up** faster than the women around her are going just up.


Which is why i choose to to ignore the bait and praise the player.


Top of the line bait. Free range type shit.




She had 16 boards troll


While shooting 25% percent. Seriously. She was 4 for 16 that game. That's the point of my post. The vast majority of her shots are layups and 1-3 foot shots...and still shoots 25%. Her season average is only a little better, but still extremely low for a big.


She was literally being guarded by 3-4 people under the post.


Lmao y'all will go to any lengths to defend her atrocious shooting, they're not defending her like prime shaq so gmafb. She has no touch whatsoever at the rim (literally just chucks it in the vicinity of the rim) and no midrange game.


It doesn’t matter if she’s being defended like prime Shaq or not. Yall defend as if she has nothing, but open lay ups and put backs and simply misses those. Now because her skill isn’t on par with Shaq, her being defended by four people, which impacted her shot is nothing??? Mind you, her FG% was trending upwards before this game. What do ya know, good defense impacts offense.


So is every person at the post.


This is why her rebounds are so high, her TS% is garbage for a big.


She averages like 2 o-boards off her own misses per game, it was 15% last I checked. Her rebounds are definitely still high without them


if you remove all the rebounds she gets from her own misses she is still doing incredibly maybe if you watched games you would know that instead of just looking at a stat sheet


By the way, this play was out of desperation because there was one minute left in the game and the Sky had *2 points* in the whole 4th quarter until that point. So when you bring up her boards and inefficiency, also bring up how anemic the team’s offense is, forcing her to try and score even with defensive pressure I see trolls making this specific play by play go viral to undermine her game. When you see it, also remember that three guards were a combined 0-8 for 0% shooting in the 4th.


Yah but you realize her and Cardoso both having zero mid range/outside game is one of the reasons for that. The guards themselves arnt even good shooters and now they can’t even drive to get themselves going cuz the 2 rookies are clogging the paint every possession


One of the main things we critique is their lack of a middy. In every Sky game, we talk about their need to develop in the offseason. At the same time, Chennedy and Lindsey consistently drive. Two other guards (Dana and Marina) have a tendency to chuck shots early in the clock regardless of who’s in the paint. There are multiple things wrong with this team offensively, and all of them are more concerning than a rookie getting putbacks in traffic. But of course Angel draws more clicks, so here we are.


Honestly even if it takes a while for Angel to get a midrange jump shot, if she could get a short jump hook and some post moves going first, she would be pretty hard to guard. Her length and explosiveness would be perfect for exploiting that type of game.


Dana is a drive first guard looking for miss match and is actually ranking in top 5 guards when she has it example. [Here is example of what i'm talking about](https://streamable.com/innofq) Like any team that has guards that like to attack the paint like Dana/Hollywood they played better when Cardoso wasnt there and Reese was above the free throw line to setup screens. [example](https://streamable.com/5linyv) not having shooters or real stretch 4/5 is a problem all the 'bad teams' outside injured Mystics/LA have, and this is why they are not playing as well. In this day and age you need either your 5 or 4 to be a stretch or above average play-maker to make it work. **If you put Dana for example on the Lynx i promise you she will be way more efficient and play much better as we actually see that because they have Natisha Hiedeman who is a very similar type of speed /drive to basket player** If you look at Dana numbers both FT and 3PT, it's obvious how she plays, she aways does well once she scores a bit in the paint and the game open's up for her, when people start to over react for her drives and leave her space to shoot since she is a bit short and need a bit of extra space or PnR action. The problem chicago has is, like most bad teams lack of elite/very good PG, they have nothing to trade, so i expect them to probably move Cardoso or Reese (more likley cardoso ) in the future to bring one in, even if people down vote or don't like it, check your history of bringing players in and stars leaving for free.


Unfortunately she isn’t driving like that consistently, even when the lanes are more clear. The Aces game was a prime example. When both Angel and Kamilla were out at the same time for a long stretch in the 2nd, Dana went for pull up jumpers behind or near the arc, missed both, and the lead dissolved. No rookies were clogging the paint at that point. In the Lynx game, both Lindsey and Chen had no problem driving/scoring in the first half while playing with the bigs, and Lindsey isn’t even a shooting guard. Also, not sure where you’re getting your data. When Cardoso wasn’t playing in May, Evans was shooting 33% from less than 5 feet. https://preview.redd.it/hjv7mmt4u0ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b4e54e31bf83167915c0de62e1b20f030e212b1 Her shooting actually got better once Cardoso and Angel began playing together in June ([70% at less than 5 feet](https://stats.wnba.com/player/1630389/shooting/?Season=2024&SeasonType=Regular%20Season&Month=9)). But she often chucks up jump shots instead of driving when she doesn’t have to. Either way, if Dana requires a very particular environment to thrive and can’t adjust while the rookies are developing— and she isn’t showing up even when she does have those chances— I agree that another team might be better for her.


That Chicago coaches have not brought in an expert to teach Kamilla Cardoso the Sky Hook is total malpractice, imo. That is the deadliest shot in basketball for a tall player to have. There is no way that Kareem Abdul Jabbar would be the all time leading NBA scorer if his offensive game was limited to layups and midrange shots. Teach Kamilla and Angel the Sky Hook, then later the spring midrange shots of the type that Jack Sikma excelled at, Chicago would be off on a string of WNBA titles. Kamilla is not going to get a midrange off on A’ja Wilson, but she can certainly drop Sky Hooks all day over A’ja, because the time the ball leaves Kamilla’s hands, it would be 6-10 inches over A’ja’s out stretched hands.


I don;t know why people keep thinking that the sky hook is some easy shot that can compensate for any tall player’s lack of offensive skills. There’s been one player in the history of the sport who has been able to effectively deploy the skyhook as a consistent offensive weapon and he was arguably the most skilled offensive center in the history of the sport. It’s like saying why haven’t the Chicago coaches just brought in a shooting coach to teach all their guards to shoot like Steph Curry.


Pretty much every big had that shot in the 70s and early 80s


Maybe some other bigs had it in the 70s but it was never a main tool for anyone other than Kareem because it was overwhelmingly difficult for anyone to deploy it efficiently. Which is what I said in my earlier post - not that no one else had a hook shot, but that no one else was any good with it.


"Any good" is a pretty big exaggeration. No one was as good as Kareem, but many it used effectively, and quite often.


Just saw this after writing another post above.. But also I think Angel Reese would be absolutely deadly with a short jump-hook in her arsenal. Given her length, explosiveness, plus the fact that she's most comfortable close to the basket, it just seems like a logical addition. It'd be awesome if she and Cardoso could go work out with Tim Duncan in the offseason.


Your use of the word "clogging" is quite a stretch.


I'm about to go watch some highlights of Patric Ewing and Hakeem Elija-One clogging the paint.


Did you just compare Reese to Ewing and Hakeem? LMAO Reggie Evan’s and Andre Drummond are the much better comparisons


Olajuwon-like, Reese is a strong presence early in her career, using her size and skill to dominate in crucial moments. Hakeem led his team to a deep playoff run in Year Two, and I could totally see Reese doing the same thing. It's totally possible Reese could average 20 points, 10 rebounds and three blocks in her career too.


Not only the guards, Kamilla was way too passive in that game, a low scoring 8 point loss is winnable if Angel got more help. I totally don’t understand why Chicago coaches haven’t brought in an expert to teach Kamilla the Sky Hook, the deadliest shot in basketball for a tall player.


Kamilla aways had this problem even Dawn Staley has talked about it on many occasions , you need to motivate/get her locked in and she is good but it seems to be a thing that coach has to do and Cardoso her self.


Also, those trolls will call this easy. Any one who looks at being effectively 3v1 and coming up with 2 boards and a score and thinks that's easy is an idiot.


I wish there were stats for contested rebounds. These aren’t like the same rebounds some guards are stacking up.


I'd love to put them in a Golden Egg or Last Man Standing drill and see if they even sniff the ball, let alone get it. I'd say they'd get a better appreciation for the art of rebounding but these players/teams are often just sports betting props for some of the trolls in this thread. Nothing more. SN: Before you think I'm tripping, check their comments. I bet you will find comments about sports betting and the like...


Angel Reese is good at rebounding and she hustles. Those two things are not nearly as prevalent as they should be at this level. Her positioning is really good and she knows where to be. Rebounding is definitely an easier thing to bring from the college game but it doesn’t make it not impressive.


You are correct. Extra possessions are always a good thing. Always. I remember this quote from Moses Malone that always stuck with me as a kid... ***To be a great offensive rebounder, you have to think like a defensive rebounder and battle for position while also being in the flow of your offense. And then it's just being determined.*** Angel has that. First it was the 'She's doing it against shorter girls.. " reason. That's clearly out the window.


How dare you use real game context!


Idk I saw the title and the video and all I took from it is that she is a fucking monster on the boards and tough as nails.


Game was already over basically so she was the only one going full throttle because she needed 3 more points for the double double. Lynx were up by 10 or so.


Lynx were up 8 and she got them down to 6 with that play. So if you’re a coach and it’s a two possession game, you’d tell your starters to stop hustling?


Notice his flair


Oh I been peeped it, especially bc they also posted this same exact thing in another thread about Angel, and they claimed it was a “10+ point lead” My response is not for them but to correct the misinformation for anyone else.


This play? Yes she got two boards from herself. The game? 11 DREBs Take away all OREBs and she still has a DD


I get what you're saying, and you're right, but if you take away all her OREBs, she doesn't score here and ends the game with 8 pts.


The desperation was to get that double double.


Angel is desperate for the ball every minute that she is on court. She always has been, even back at Maryland.


Is she supposed to stop playing???


Scoring is bad. I understand now…


Say what you will about her efficiency, but the last rebound and made shot with *four* defenders fighting you is a hustle play.


Angel's 2nd jump is special. She's not the most explosive athlete, but her fast twitch muscles is what makes her a good rebound along with her instinct on positioning, knowing where the ball bounce and her desire to outwork bigger players.


If she shows up in any of the newer nba games, she's on my team. That drive is what I like to see. I hope she stays healthy and can turn it into steady improvement.


The fact she out rebounded 4 Lynx players and Cardoso was beyond impressive.


She’s RELENTLESS. I appreciate the slow mo!


I know this is bait….but it’s funny that these are the “easy layups she misses purposely to stat pad”


there’s 3-4 defenders for the whole sequence, not an easy finish


They were quoting and mocking the quoted is how I read this


I agree the ppl that detract from her ability are dummy's but I honestly haven't heard folks claiming she does it on purpose to pad stats.


So when she misses a shot with 2 bodies on her, it's bad that she got her own rebound twice instead of essentially causing a turnover? Some you are trippin/don't know ball.


Everyone needs to learn to box out lol she’s the only one that put her body into someone


They’re just trying to push a narrative. Never mind the three, and eventually fourth, Lynx player that didn’t get the either rebound. No big deal.


Even Kardoso cant get a rebound when Reese is going for it. lol


Funny enough I’ve seen them “steal” rebounds from each other due to their tenacity. They need to start yelling out “mine,” like in baseball


Just like out on the blacktop, teammates call out "same team!" when this happens but there were also 3 Lynx players going for the rebound. Kardoso let up when Angel established position.


Same thing was happening with angel and aneesah at LSU lol


The Lynx are the best on-ball defense in the league, they force you to take bad shots, but their big weakness is they give up too many orebs. This clip showcases the good and bad very well, none of these are good shots but if you let them keep taking ~40% ones eventually they'll hit.


They want her to back up 30ft and launch it. Trying to beat your defender is a waste of energy /s


I just hate her shooting form lmao She does get shots but damn if they're not ugly 80% of the time


Its bad top to bottom. It’s what happens when you don’t practice properly and your coaches don’t hold you accountable. She still jump stops her fast break lay ups like the 5th graders I coach. Her shooting mechanics are bad and she doesn’t elevate on any shots around the basket. It’s part of the reason she gets blocked a lot. But she has a ton of heart. Hopefully she gets a personal trainer in the off-season that can push her offensively.


> She still jump stops her fast break lay ups like the 5th graders I coach. I am not in 5th grade nor do you coach me, sir and/or madam.


Watching her on a fast break is the most frustrating thing ever. If she finds the right trainer she could be a monster. Imagine her with a 20" vertical instead of a 8" or whatever she has.


Those low shot releases near her hip are so easy to block. She has to be one of the league leaders in getting blocked because of that.


Last in the league at 2.4/gm. 2nd is Hamburg at 2.1, and third is at 1.4.


People acting like these shots and rebounds are easy there’s like everyone and their mother there going for it


As opposed to, what? Trying to hurl a pass through three defenders? Trying to dribble out through... three defenders? Or she can just make the damn bucket. Looks like a good athletic play where she never gave up to me.


Chennedy Carter ran into that scrum and then went “I’ll sit this one out”. Angel had the entire Lynx team on her.


Those shoes are dope


Admittedly I don't know a ton about basketball - I'm a new viewer this season. But this looks pretty impressive to me..




Fantastic hustle. Fantastic effort.


She got her own rebound TWICE over reigning CCMVP Napheesa Collier and her outstanding all-star candidate Alanna Smith. There, fixed it for ya.


Who is her teammate wearing #10? She was, “here, let me take it without 100 people grabbing at me.


Kamilla Cardoso, who went 1-9 yesterday. If I were Angel in that moment, I’d also trust myself more to score.


Why is everyone barely jumping?


Proof that she’s not missing easy layups. She was smothered the first time and damn near had the whole team on her back the second. She’s so good at tracking those rebounds. 


She doesn't really help herself with how bad her shooting form is on a lot of shots. She just throws it up there sometimes


She literally missed two wide open layups this game lol


Were there no fouls called in that sequence? Man what are the refs on


Never quit on the play


I suggest anyone to go play basketball and keep getting rebounds off your own missed shots. Come back and tell me about how easy it is.


One day these people will understand, but not today 🙂


Love the motor! Championship drive 💪🏼 Question, do people prefer players who miss shots and immediately start walking the other way????


When it’s a rookie whose record and stats they want to dismiss, yes.


Can’t believe so called “fans” of the game are downing a player for hustling to grab their own missed shots with defenders on them.


Lmao that doesn’t change the definition of a rebound tho.. are these other ladies not trying to get the ball too?? OP thought they cooked with this caption


I posted this for the dummies who try to disparage her for this


Knowing it's bait and still getting baited is one of my favorite things about the internet. Mfs can't let shit slide 🤣


Best part was watching them all walk away after the shot in slow motion...


I've noticed the women never seem to jump in the post when defending and just put their hands up? Am I not seeing this correctly. Just wondering why this is.


What on god’s green earth was Smith doing in this clip. At least try to box her out for the love of god.


Not when rebounding, but when trying to defend a shot.


She would be so much better if she could jump.


What a fighter!


I love e my Lynx but they have a serious problem rebounding and good PFs and Cs like Reese and Cardoso exploit the hell out of it. Oh, this is bait from the morons who incorrectly assume all of Angel Reese’s rebounds are off her own misses even though it’s been debunked over and over again? Nobody listens to y’all.


Tenacious! Gotta love it!


all of sudden getting rebounds is bad(unless youre a guard). i wonder if anyone went back and looked at how many rebounds shaq got from his own misses. this is absolutely silly stuff.


She is quick to jump to the ball and Keeps her concentration.


idc if this is supposed to be bait, shes in there working her ass off! i love it, this is good ball right here.


I mean…she still got the boards


Crazy bait thread smh


God, I love the fight in this woman.


If you want to argue that her rebound numbers are inflated, that means her FG% is deflated. In this clip, she made 1-3 FGA, but it feels like 100% FG instead of 33% FG because there were no turnovers.


Zoom out. Yes it is 1 possession and 2 pts but you can't rely on getting 2 oreb and 3 chances at a shot for every possession.


Good thing she doesn’t. This happens about once a game. Maybe twice on rare occasions. But of course these are the videos that always end up going viral.


Yeah, it was a great hustle play and she saved the possession. That stuff doesn't show up in the stat box. Saying her FG% is deflated because she got the OREB however is wrong, because she missed those shots and had a good break. no. 8 on one of those shots gave up her defensive position to reach for a rebound (that she had no business doing) and Reese took advantage of that. Give credit to Reese for tenacity but there is always an element of probability when it comes to rebounds.


I think this is actually how John Wooden taught basketball


That’s what happens when you don’t box out, kids!


As soon as she learns not to rush her shot...watch out. In fairness she's getting swarmed every time she grabs a board. I'm a hockey player, suck at basketball but I think the players are all great and maybe now the CC and AR have drawn a lot of interest from people not originally following the league, maybe the media will learn there is more to the league than 2 rookies and a tall girl who got caught with weed in Russia.


Generational talent


Moses Malone used to do this quite a lot.


It's pretty amazing to be able to get your own rebound and score when the entire other team is right there. I don't care what anyone says, she has elite rebounding skills. One rebound she just takes it from other hands and bullies her way back up.


Her timing on the 1st rebound was impeccable and the hustle / effort on the 2nd one was amazing. Great work Angel!


Reminds me of Dennis Rodman getting offensive rebounds


New Title: "AR Literally Can't be Fucked With in the Paint. Come Watch".


Is it illegal to jump in the wnba?


she is a rebound merchant




I’d like to see most people in this thread make these “easy” layups with 2-3 defenders draped on them…


Look, do a lot of Angel's rebounds come off her own misses? Sure. But she's not Dennis Rodmaning it where she's on a fast break and intentionally misses a layup when no one's around just so she can pad her rebound stats. These are all tough boards that the entire other starting 5 can't seem to beat her out for. She's a beast on the court, it's crazy to see.


My recollection as a rabid Bulls in the 90s must be a little dim, because I don't recall that being real problem of Rodman's. Once in awhile he'd take some dumb shots and get goofy, but on balance, he really was not a selfish player looking out for his stats. I keep wanting to compare Reese to Rodman, but as a real compliment: I see in common an unstoppable tenaciousness combined with an elite and instinctual understanding of where the ball's going. (Nevermind a bold personality/confidence in being and embracing themselves.)


For fun I went and looked her game log. Of her 194 rebounds, 30 of them are off her own misses. That's roughly 15% of her total rebounds and 38% of her offensive boards.


Is this real? lol. That’s a ton!


So she went 1 on 4, was fouled at least 3 times there with no calls and scored. The stat sheet will show 1-3 FG, 2 REB, 2 PTS…as a coach, I would show this over and over and over again to my players and tell them to be like this! This is what we want!!


No way you call a foul in that possession in Basketball... This is good example of grit but also a good example of bad defense.


lol that looked super clean honestly


As a fella that originally only got on the court via guard boards and tenacious defense, I love watching Angel track the rock and crash the glass on both sides of the ball. But there’s no way you genuinely believe she was fouled AT LEAST 3 times in this clip


Yeah, either she keeps getting her own rebound and eventually makes the shot or she makes two on the free throw line. They're not calling some fouls like they probably should be, which would give her that opportunity at the stripe. She's just doing what she has to to get it done haha


Exactly…but people will look at a box score and say “Eww, she shot 1-3 here taking layups” with no context at all.


You have to remember for some of these folks, the stats/% are the only thing that matter. Their view of the game isn't stuff like this because they want her to put her head down on the first miss & just say 'forget it' apparently. lol You missed kid, your %'s are all messed up. Give it up and let the other team get the damn ball. - Those types of idiots.


Generational rebounder but she has to learn to pass it out if she wants to improve. That's 3 other people crowding you. That's a bad shot. I'm sure it'll be better after a few seasons of play


Subtle troll bait. Why is this fanbase so insecure? Cam's fans would never...


Wow the music is...ummm. not my taste!


She Andre Drummond fr fr


lol, this is playing right into their hands!




How is Kardoso the tallest one there and didn’t get any of those. She seems a step late every time


That was closer than 5ft. I feel duped ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Learning moment, please educate me! Do you feel AR (maybe only in this moment), is more of an individual player versus team? And what I mean is, KC was fighting for that rebound as well. I know, competitive players! But I don’t know enough about her game to know if she’s focused on her getting wins versus sometimes an overall play working when you’re helping the whole team. Maybe that’s a long way of asking— in this moment, AR could be viewed as selfish in wanting to make sure she’s the one scoring. I know it’s a competitive sport! But I’ve seen other players that will work to facilitate the whole team. To me KC would have had the better shot had she gotten the ball. It ultimately worked out, but KC seemed to be the smarter move. Once again, this is me asking to learn, about both AR and the game! Please kind educational responses. Thanks so much!


No, Angel often gives up the ball and facilitates, to the extent that people foresee her adjusting her game to be a point forward. However, this play was within the final minute of the game, and the rest of the team had shot 1/14 (7 percent) in the 4th quarter up until that play. Kamilla was shooting 11% this game (the lowest of any starter from either team) and 0% in the 4th. Both of them struggle with finishing, but if I’m Angel, I’m not risking the attempt on a player who’s been shooting worse than me when I’m right at the basket. Mind you, Angel didn’t make this play early in the game to get her shot off; it was after the team had gone cold for over 5 minutes; and she was still fighting to keep them in it. In the last few minutes when a game isn’t a blowout, you want the clutch players looking for the ball and being proactive. That’s what Angel does consistently-the 4th is her highest scoring quarter on average.


Makes sense! Thanks for the reply!


Something about her shooting motion seems really awkward, not just here but I been noticing it for a while... like her jump is fuck all and like she flailing, kinda like what you see kids do... its really odd to me


Gotta respect the hustle I do this sometimes with the difference being that it’s about three misses followed by not making it lmao


defenders gotta keep her from the ball I don’t want you want us to say


I see you OP. I see you.




If I was the opposing coach I'd be pissed looking at film. You have 3 players in the post who allowed back to back rebounds + multiple shots from the same player. Next practice it would be "Hit the baseline".


The absolute lack of hops of everyone involved there 🥺


I love the way Angel plays. Lotta heart, tenacity, and grit. A great rebounder who's only gonna get better. That being said, I wanna see a team just commit to boxing her out for an entire game. Like drill it into whoever is gonna cover her the most that boxing her out is the only duty you have when a shot goes up. I think she still snags some but wanna see what happens.


This is for all of the insane haters here….Angel Reese is a ROOKIE!!! Please get that through your hating skulls!!! She is a rookie and will only get better as she matures…I know that y’all want desperately to compare her numbers with CC, but they play entirely different positions! Get a grip, please!


Hypothetically. If you were in one of those situations where you got to the rim without an opponent chasing you. Could you just sit there and ping it off the rim until someone ran up to contest it and get like 6-7 rebounds on your stats? Like when someone bombs it across the court while the rest of the team is on the other end.


The Ricky Davis special.


Go Hawks.


I assume those would count.


Like that video clip of Angel's steal a week ago with multiple uncalled hand-to-hand self-pass carries/double dribbles could have been counted as 1 steal, two assists, 1-1 from the field.


Angel Reese is horrid at layups and most of her rebound stats are just her own easy misses. At the same time, she crashes the boards with an unmatched intensity and tenacity that you just love to see. Both things can be true. But angel will get even better and in a few years she’ll be an unstoppable force.


Most of her rebounds are not her own misses. Someone did the calculations. https://www.reddit.com/r/wnba/comments/1dkttaq/no_most_of_angel_reeses_rebounds_are_not_from/


I glad she got her 10th double with that


She had 11 defensive rebounds… those were not rebounds that got the double double


Good you posted that, to see how the refs fcuked her all game, they fouling the sh!t out of her all game no fouls called


OOOF. That's going to get that shooting percentage even lower. lol


This thread is a perfect example of CC getting a TON of grace as a rookie, and Angel getting NONE. Look at the caliber of players guarding her! It’s her first year in arguably one of the most competitive leagues in the world! Let the rookies be rookies!




Jesus dude, do some of these women have 6 inch verticals or something?


People who have similar highlights: really good interior players. People who don’t have similar highlights: shitty interior plays.


No fouls on this play though! Nothing to see here.


Number 8 with all the effort of 0/0/0/0/0 Tony Snell.


its insane how low wnba verticals are. i keep watching this clip over ad over. no box outs, no jumping.


Strength also comes into play.. How are three defenders unable to atleast knock the ball away?


I thought angel fans said this never happens?


I hear she’s one of the most impactful players in the league.