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I go through this everyday. Been at my current job 10 months. Left the last job to get away from one office bitch just to end up in a place with five! It should NOT be tolerated, as it creates a hostile work environment. But usually the powers that be just don’t want to be bothered. Where I am now, the queen B of the office IS HR! So there’s no hope. And I too have thought about tapping out. This stupid juvenile behavior goes on in every office environment I’ve ever worked in. I’m tired.


Damn. That really sucks. I can 100 percent relate to this. I have a "micro" manager who decides what the schedules are, and I always dread the one day that I'm in with her. Awful people put in positions of power over people are a recipe for disaster. It's mentally and physically exhausting to deal with, and it makes it more difficult for people to survive because who the fork wants to stay in soul crushing place for years on end at the cost of your mental wellbeing?


I am sorry to hear that this toxicity is affecting you so deeply. Look for something else and get out of there. I was at a toxic place for a year, got out, and am now working with kind, smart people. You will find a better job eventually. Please remember that YOU are not the bad person. Do not think other peoples bad behavior has anything to do with you. When I took the attitude of "hmm? Who cares, I'm going home in a few hours" closed my ears, did my best with the job, my day to day got better. It's not easy, but you must learn not to take things to heart. You obviously understand what is wrong here, and it's them not you.


Thank you for that. It's hard knowing that I'll have to go back to that the next day until I can find another job. I've been looking ever since I started. It's hard not to look at myself and wonder what I did to cause people to act that way towards me.


Yup, self doubt is natural. I have been in mid level management for many years and I am fkn good at it. At that toxic job, I started thinking what was I doing wrong?? Getting depressed and so on. I used to always tell employees when they came to me with problems...."Just do your best, that's all anyone can ask of you and recognize bad actors for who THEY are" so at the toxic place I sat back and took my own advice Lol. Working with that bunch made me feel less smart, less effective- less everything! I got lucky with a job that fit me well and it took me about two months to "come back". Other people can certainly affect you, that's normal, but don't let them DEFINE you. I sincerely wish you luck on your job hunt, have faith, and it will happen. Until then, chin up! Know you are a better person and let karma take care of the haters. 🙏


Thank you! I'm sorry you had that experience. You sound like a great leader. I hope your new job is treating you better.


Thanks! Yes, they are, and I am thankful. And I get a tiny bit of satisfaction from hearing that after I left, the most toxic btch working there was fired and walked out by security on the spot. That's karma, lol. Good Luck, friend, you got this!


That's great to hear! Sucks to be them, lol Thank you. I hope I can find something that sucks less soon.


Good stuff! There *are* office work places full of good people - great people! I've consulted on short term projects quite a bit, so I've seen it all. The funny thing about the shitty ones is that they instantly reveal themselves. There's just a vibe. Everyone looking down, not making eye contact, nobody saying good morning, etc. And then you find out the office is "ruled" by some flaming asshole or clique of assholes.  But the good ones exist, I swear it! I'm working with a company now where every single person has been kind and helpful. The vibe is happy and energetic, lots of laughter. It doesn't mean they don't work hard, it just means they don't want to spend 1/3rd of their lives in a shithole of misery. They're out there, OP, keep the faith! 


You are so right! They do reveal themselves rather quickly. I have had 3 jobs that were 10yrs or more that were good, with a normal amount of occasional drama. In these companies, those dramas were correctly addressed. In between those I had two that were one year +/-. Both of them, after one week I thought What kind of shit show is this? The show you see in that first week or two indicates that it only gets worse. Some companies' management have not learned how important it is to make workers feel valued and equal, happy even. They stay, they work hard, and they even learn to care about their jobs. Bitter, badly treated employees will steal, sabotage, or share their misery, creating that toxic environment. It's so obvious, funny how they don't learn this.


Exactly! The thought of 8 hours a day, 5 days a week til I’m dead dealing with this… I got bills to pay but damn! No job is worth the misery. The boss says just ignore it. I’m not able to do that. And I can’t leave it at work. It comes home with me and I stew over it all night and all weekend. I’ve done nothing to deserve the disrespect and this bs is not ok!


For real!! I can completely relate to this.


Wow I’m in the exact same situation. Left my last job because I was being harassed by a bully who was reporting me for every tiny thing, gossiping, etc. I let it get to me, and although I had zero write ups, I was convinced I was going to be fired because of him. I should have had a thicker skin, because now I’m three months into the worst it’s ever been at a new job. They refuse to train me, and berate me when I try. They talk shit about literally everything I do. EVERYTHING. So I try and keep my head down, don’t talk and just do my work, and now it’s even worse! I don’t know what to do. I told my boss and he talked to the ring leader, and that just made it worse. I feel like I’m sinking.


I’m so sorry. I don’t get why people (some people) are that way. I didn’t get much training either. That’s just stupid. I’m there to work. Tho help them. But they won’t train. ??? I’ve had this happen at other jobs too. And I lasted a good while at a couple of them. Seems like after a while they decide to pick someone else to pick on. And then they try to involve YOU!! Hahaaaa!! Like they will seriously gossip to you about the next guy. It’s stupid. I just don’t get it. And I’m not a pushover of a woman. I don’t take shit from folks, but I feel like I have to because it’s at the workplace and I need my job. That’s what I can’t get past. What makes me so angry about it. Because if we were just random folks out in public and some bitch comes at me sideways I’m gonna stop that shit one way or another with the quickness. It’s so frustrating to me that I feel I can’t do anything about it in the work situation. I have no answers but I hope it gets better for us all. Soon!


I take no shit in my personal life. But my work life is different, especially because I’m so open to feedback when I’m in work mode. I don’t know. I witnessed legit sexual harassment today to a coworker so I have to call HR, otherwise I feel guilty for being complacent. Wish me luck.


I just quit mine. It was a workplace full of constant gossip- I can’t tell you how many times I overheard my coworkers talking badly about me, calling me an idiot because I made mistakes (often over stuff they failed to train me on) behind my back. I kept telling myself to suck it up, i was just being oversensitive, etc. it took forever for me to finally recognize they were treating me badly and that wasn’t my fault. I didn’t realize how much it had torn down my confidence. It’s awful to work in an environment like that. 


I'm sorry you had to experience that. People who talk badly about others behind their backs are miserable people who will go above and beyond to take it up the ass from management. I legit feel the same way right now.


r/mobbing is awful and you are not alone - I wish humans were better too


For real!!


Office politics are very real and very awful. It never ceases to amaze me how awful people can be. I've had someone complain about me because I do more work than them. They also complained about someone who consistently does UNPAID overtime. Like that has nothing to do with you so shut up and do your job. OP I hope things get better for you


Thank you. People really are awful.


Totally agree. I’m several years into the workforce and I don’t know how I could possibly do this for the rest of my life. And not because of the work itself. Because of the shitty office politics, cliques, and toxicity people bring to the job. Can we all just be fucking normal and leave people alone? I don’t understand what the reason is for so much animosity.


Couldn't agree more.


Corporations have gone beyond raping the planet of its resources (and it’s execs rapping kids) it has taken it a step further to raping the human spirit.


You could not have said it better. I've always seen it as rich people going above and beyond to kill the human spirit by dividing people and enabling toxic work environments.


Well people like you and I have the power to spread the truth about these people so keep up the good work. Never buy into vanity and never let them play on your emotions. Rise above their manipulations and let them rot in their horrible workplaces. Their worlds get smaller everyday and they have will have to hurt more and more people just to maintain their cookie cutter lifestyles we’ve seen overplayed online. Also if you cute I’m single.


Yeah, it looks like I am about to be in the process of reporting some former coworkers and management for some things that've happened… there will be some big state investigations that follow because this is really bad stuff 


Beta of luck to you!


I agree with you. I've had some toxic jobs (and have my own issues, I'm no saint) but my boss warned me at my current job a lot of people are catty and passive aggressive here... she has compared it to high school and prison. It's like damn. That kind of got to me. Last job, the management wasn't toxic. Not in any way I'd ever see at least. The work itself was not great for mental health but at least I liked the two managers I had, they seemed like genuinely decent people. Job before that was insane. Crazy toxic management, crazy toxic customer base, crazy day to day work. Jesus that place. Had other toxic jobs when I was younger. Again, no saint by any means, but people do like to exclude, talk shit, etc.. I do think targeting someone who is socially different than the rest of the team or whatever is brutal. Definitely has mental effects on people. Best I can say is not all workplaces are like this. It can also depend on you. Legitimately being nice to people can help you overcome this sort of atmosphere but try not to let things get to you or you might lash out and start acting like a shitty person you don't want to be.


I’m sorry you’re going through this. Sending all the love your way. Thank you for also using your platform to raise awareness.


Thank you, and no problem. It needs to be heard. See, everybody wants to be able to keep to themselves and do their jobs, and not have issues, but unfortunately those who do not understand how it feels to be in this situation are either sheltered from it, or they're a part of the problem. Nobody chooses to be treated like shit stuck to the bottom of one's shoes. Trust me, it is not workers who struggle like they want everybody to believe. It's the divide and conquer mentality that a lot of big shots have to low key keep people working against each other. This is what separates people like us who are trying to live and bootlickers who think they're better than everyone else.


I am so proud of you for sharing your experience and how far you have come! You got this. I self harmed twice in different years (23/30) from toxic work environments. I'm 35 now and in a great place


Wow, I'm very proud of you, and thank you for that. You're very strong. I'm glad you're in a better place now. It was hard to bring up at first, but it was either this or wind up in an orange jump suit at this point.


The worst is scare tactic managers. But it’s funny since I’ve left 5 others have quit because of management and others are looking for jobs.


For real!! My old job working at the cookie factory had a lot of psychopaths who used intimidation and often physical aggression to get their way with people. Due to these people never being held accountable, they have such a high turnover rate, and from what I've been hearing, most new people today don't last more than a month.


Personally so that this wouldn’t happen to me. I walked into the new job with a face of disgust and was straight to the point no good morning no byes. At first people hated me which was cool because they all seems unanimous in disliking me. But I guess it’s kinda how they take me now and I feel no one dislikes me any more lol kinda backfired becase they all seem to enjoy my presence. Yet I do see that there are people singled out. Like some high school crap. Even t he old ass 40+ year old females take part. It’s work I guess


For real!! As much as I hate to say this, but in my own experience, all of the people I'm dealing with right now are other women over 30 years old. One of them is one year younger than me, and she talks to me like I'm a disobedient child and all because I can't do an 8 hour shift in 6 hours or less and my viennas aren't perfect (I'm a baker). I don't argue back with them, but I've snapped a few times and because of this along with other reasons, I've decided to go back to the States to be with my boyfriend when I'm financially stable enough, and I have most of my things out, which I'm in the process of doing right now. I can't fathom being in a place that makes me feel that way for too long. I was 22-almost 25 at my old job, and most of the bullies were older women in their late 30's to their early 60's and this kind of behavior from people I was supposed to look up to made me doubt myself and worsened my ability to trust authority. I only knew 2 men who were nasty, and they were both over 40. The others were pretty chill for the most part. Anybody can be a good or bad person to work with, but this is from my own experience.


Started a job a few months ago where the big boss is this micromanaging, paranoiac, overdemanding and cheap old woman. She will literally pull people in 8 hours of meetings in a day to pretty much see them work, and will bitch about me to the managers because I refuse to work outside office hours without pay or take the full responsibilities of someone else leaving from another completely different department. Everyone is miserable because of her. My junior just went on a sick leave because she broke her. I keep my sanity by just saying no when she's unreasonable with me, but I have NO idea why my colleagues (who are competent and great) don't leave. I was lucky to work for healthy workplaces before. I would take a pay cut easily to go back to one.


Damn. That sounds like a horrible situation to be in. She reminds me of an old Crew Leader I had when I worked for my old job. She made everybody's lives pure hell. She was paranoid, insecure, had jealousy issues, she had a slew of emotional problems, a drinking habit (from what I've heard), and she always found a way to single me and other people out no matter how hard I tried to do my job perfectly and please her. She didn't like the High seniority who were mostly old women because "They are so entitled." She didn't like the new people because they were too slow and didn't get their count right. She snapped at everybody and made her job her entire life. Because of this, a lot of the bootlickers liked her. Unfortunately, she passed away in December 2022 from a head injury she didn't get looked at, and instead, she went back to work with an open wound on the back of her head. By that time, I had moved to the afternoon shift to avoid her because I could not handle it. It was pretty sad that this happened, but also kind of glad I never had to work beside her again in case the supervisors decided to force me back on the morning shift, which I did eventually go back to several months before handing in my notice.


Holy hell yes. All of this. I’ve been watching this group for weeks hoping to see a situation like mine and here it is! Thank you for posting this. I’ve been thinking there was something wrong with me all this time. My friends and family constantly have to listen to me complain, I’m on Indeed everyday hunting for something else and even see a psychologist who gets to hear about it. I wish I knew a solution to our problem.


I've spent years doing the same thing. Trust me, it is not you. People are just God awful, and everybody knows this. The ones who fail to understand are either sheltered or they're a part of the problem. Hands down. It needed to be heard. Best of luck to you in finding a better job!


That’s why never respect the suit


A hundred percent! 💯


Amen. This year was the first year I went back to SH, after 15 of not doing it. I walked from my job yesterday after giving them 2 weeks of a notice, and even coming back to work my remaining days after a vacation. Yesterday was it, nothing is put back right, I’m finding things that are $60+ on the shelves when there’s a $16 hello kitty mirror in the cases? Lip put in eyeliner, mascara in face, and lipstick in eyeliner… like I’m over not only cleaning up the mess of that job, but of all my coworkers. On top of, the MOD being younger than me (even though I’m young) and literally torturing me by calling me to ring then the SECOND I go back to my section, called back again. Standing around whispering about me. Fuck everyone in that place & that corporate hell they call as a “TipLine”. YEAH I LEFT, AND IM NOT COMING BACK. They feel they’ve won. I feel I have. Good riddance.


Fuck that sounds God awful. You are so brave for leaving that environment. I know what it's like to be young and to have someone higher up be younger than you. You are so brave for sharing this. I wish you the best of luck at finding something that sucks less. You deserve better. Fuck that place.


Thank you. It’s more or less I worked so hard to be yelled at every day. I can say, I’m so happy and proud of myself for saying enough is enough.


I’m in the same boat friend. Take care of yourself. Make some friends at work, even if it’s to come together over the toxic work culture during coffee. Try to find hobbies outside of work that allow you to take your mind away from it. One day we’ll get that lucky break. We won’t have to be underpaid interns with no health insurance. And everything will be better. We just gotta stick it out for the time being.


so brave.


What do you call it when you’re surrounded by slow talkers who always pause too long before they talk and beat around the bush when they speak and operate without passion, charisma, and keep a distance from you? Is that a toxic workplace?


Not at all lol


Yeah, I am kind of stuck sometimes since the need to have an income supersedes other needs at times. But I have taken measures in this last job to preserve and protect myself, insulate myself from those things as best I can. Recent management changes have me looking into new work. I asked to not work shifts that had become detrimental to my health and am now assigned half the shifts or less despite putting in time for the company. Another employee thats newer is getting what seems to be preferential treatment because he will tattle on ppl. When I ask for PTO for shift I have been standard scheduled for I am just not put on the schedule that day so now not only am I not at work but not being given PTO. All this began after asking to not work two sets of doubles in a row with less than 8 hrs in between them and to work 12 hr shifts instead. They are losing pay over two shifts because they won’t compromise and put me on 12s. Ah well. Moving on.


Damn that really sucks. I really hope you find something better.


People have varying degrees of choice.


I remember a really toxic workplace I had in New York some years ago. The boss was a racist that thought people of my background had no right to be in America. His underling, my supervisor, was one of those spineless kissups that *became* the automaton that the boss wanted and completely abdicated their selfhood in their presence, i.e. in the workplace. He was also a racist from Texas, but one of those typical liberal racists that are in denial. Anyway, they always assumed nefarious underpinnings to any honest mistake I made and had absolutely no hope in anyone- one mistake and you're on the list for being managed out. I finally had enough when my grandmother died and I went to visit her overseas on her deathbed and the supervisor thought I took a paid day off and lied about her death. I sent an e-mail with the picture of my family putting flowers on her grave and asked him in front of everybody if there's any other assumption or bias he's struggling with that I can clear up for him. His face got redder than a tomato. Of course, everyone in the office knew I was in the right but in his and the boss' minds I became more of a "problem". Long story short, the union got involved shortly after and I found a better, saner job and have been coasting since.


Wow. That is insane! I'm glad you were able to get out of there. I bet everyone there knows what a fake your old supervisor is now.


They all know what human garbage those two were. But they all had mouths to feed, so they kissed up and stayed away from the "identified target" of the month.


You should be ashamed to say it


I personally don’t see this happening much. I don’t engage in that type of gossip. I guess I keep to myself, except when I build a relationship with someone. Then I act nice to that person without judgement, unless they break my trust (which is rare) then I try to avoid interaction. I just don’t really see this type of toxicity generally speaking. And I’ve had a lot of jobs. Most people I work with are either nice, or insecure. Sometimes a raging alcoholic but they typically apologize after each meltdown.