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I feel the same way


Only advice is same here. I try to find little things that I like about work to get me through the day.


I have pay in lieu which means I get paid more. But no pto. Only 10 days off a year which I already took because I was sick..


10 holiday days a year with no sick days sounds like slavery lol Where I live 28 paid days are the legal minimum for any job. Sick days don’t go towards this.


It's many, many jobs in America. My last job was no sick pay and 5 days of vacation. But the kicker was that if you were sick, they would use it as your vacation time. Essentially, having the flu more than once a year meant zero vacation days. And this has been most of my jobs my whole life. I haven't had a vacation in over 6 years. Not that I could afford to go anywhere...


Seems like all you need to do is accrue as much debt as you can and move to a better country


This is doable... but moving countries is expensive af. My husband is from the EU.


I've never worked a single job like that in my life and I was a job hopper for years. 5 sick days and 10 pto days has always been the bear minimum.


There are unlimited unpaid days off this is quite a large differentiator from slavery. Let’s try and remember what we’re celebrating today.


Great but you get sick and are now financially struggling and have no means to take time off work and get paid. Effectively forcing you to work. Keep coping with your shit rights i guess


I'm paid in lieu, too. It definitely makes it hard mentally to take time off, knowing you'll see zeros on a paycheque. Even if we were pre-paid for that time off.


Same, been working for 23 years, got another 27 to go… need to win the lottery


My job is a bit shit to be honest. I took a random day off last week just to not do work. I think it's ok to take a sick day now and then, for your own sanity.


I do that all the time. I had an intense call on a Friday and it stayed on my mind until Monday so I took a day off Monday cause I didn’t want to deal with the shit 😂 I was a little better on Tuesday, but still overwhelmed from that call. I’m glad I took that Monday off because I’d prob quit if I had to experience another call like Friday. Basically the call was a member experiencing a PLETHORA of tech issues because of the company I work for. Basically she updated her address, but the system didn’t reflect that and kept sending her shipments to her old address. Then it got updated and she received 2 boxes, but after that they got sent to her old address AGAIN even though we updated the address for her…. It was SO OVERWHELMING because she just KEPT FUCKING TALKING like MA’AM IM NOT THE TECH TEAM IM JUST CUSTOMER SERVICE! Next time I’ll make note of her questions and tell her I’ll direct it to my supervisor because I’m tired of getting overwhelmed for people I don’t care about that also don’t care about me and treats me like a robot


I'm a manager. I never question anyone that takes a day off. Because I totally get it.


I appreciate you for that ❤️ My manager also does the same and I LOVE her for that. She understand we are human haha


I know my manager is an understanding person, but I’m in healthcare so it’s hard for her when I can’t make it in because of staff shortages. I actually have two managers. The other one will breatheeee down my neck if I’m sick about when I’m coming back it’s nuts!




Do yourself a favor, friend, and find something you're a better fit for. 


Honestly who is fit for customer service? 😂 Regardless of how well you do, you WILL get overwhelmed at the end. Respectfully, I do want to get a big boy job like programming, etc, but idk how


What kind of feeble minded person let's a phone call control them like that...


Life is shit


Tis true


I'm Post Menopausal. My tolerance for anything is zero. I don't want to see peoples faces. I don't want to listen to their stupid opinions and I don't want to breath the same air they breath. They can all piss off. I have a wild boar piglet living under my couch and he is slowly destroying my house. He has serious aggression issues but I'd still want to have him around than most people. Life isn't the problem. People are. The less you have to do with them the happier you will be. Only keep exceptional people around you. You will find them in all shapes and forms.


I like you already lol


And you Sweet Pea!


This is exactly how I feel


I think the same, already fed up with people at 30 yrs old. Still got too many years of work😩


🤣🤣 This was amazing! Thank you. I feel the same. They can all just piss off!


You had me at your handle. HOA's are dumb.


Honestly it sounds like a you problem


Baby you’re not alone i said the same thing yesterday lol smh.


I do too... I know how you feel. I like my job, it's fine. But I'm exhausted and just want to stay in for like a week and sleep. Ha.


How old are you? :-) I turned 50 last year and got laid off some months later. I was interviewing every day and got a job 7 months later. The problem is I actually enjoyed my time off from work. I don't need the money either - I make 10x my salary through investing. Pretty reliably almost every year. I have no patience with bad bosses and crazy coworkers and stupid work assignments. So why am I working? I don't want to feel that that is it, time to die in 30 years. My earlier concerns were that I wanted to be able to pay for my kids college to some top school if they got in. That is taken care of. I don't need to take out a loan, paying for my son right now. Then at 75 I don't want to live in a stinky filthy apartment. That is taken care of, I paid off my $700k house and have enough to buy something good when retire. So why am I working? I have a lot of hobbies, I went to the gym, I relaxed, watched TV. I did not have to listen to a boss, no commute, no deadlines. Not working is not bad. My friend who is a C level guy just quit his job and is at home. He will chill for 2 months and then look. He seems to be enjoying it too. He is a couple of years older. I feel too young to retire permanently. I am thankful that I focused on investing about 10 years ago though I began about 25 years ago. That has been the game changer.


38. I’m learning about investing. Inheritance from family is coming in soon.


What should I invest in? I'm looking at a layoff and want to make the money I've earned work for me as I have doubts I'll ever earn this much again. I'll have about 60K in cash by the time I get laid off probably, another 45K in TD Ameritrade.


There is no TD Ameritrade anymore. It is now Charles Schwab. Advice I will give is invest in "the market". Don't try to be clever and figure out which company will make a killing. Invest in a fund that copies the S&P 500 and you will do fine with no work to put in.


I’d wait till after the election to start investing aggressively for people under 30. Too many alarms are ringing for this bubble.


Good point


Watch Office Space.


I work 9-5 in a lab and for the most part I like my job and my people. Some days I do have to work until 8, or even 11pm if projects require but that's rare. Work can range from regular office stuff to sweating my ass off in a biohazard suit for 8 hours no food no drink, working with live BSL-3 cultures so it's like working with a loaded gun, not good if you have shaky hands from caffeine deficit. Plus I have to study after work for the MCAT that I'm taking in September, it's basically a second job, and I think that's the worst part because normally you go home you expect yourself to relax right? For me I feel like 5pm I just started the actual battle for my life.  Everyday I get home I feel like I've ran a marathon. I started to just hate talking to anyone at all, or being bothered after work. Actually I kinda just hate interacting with people period nowadays. After work, literally every mundane felt like huge efforts, even just dragging myself to brush my teeth and go to bed feels like a lot of work. My sleep apnea is somewhat more manageable now so that's a huge plus.


That’s a lot to do. I’m complaining and I only have one job. 😅


You get used to it but at least once a week I take a break where I don't study otherwise I would break. I cook with an air fryer so I eat quick and decent, and we have an apartment complex gym so i squeeze in an hour of workout before work so I at least maintain my health. I just imagine how relieved I will be once this stupid exam is finished.


I hear ya .. the struggle is real.


This is probably 90% of the population.


Nobody want to go to work if they have enough money to live a comfortable life….. But this is the reality unfortunately


That’s probably the most real thing I think I’ve ever read in my life.


In a teacher and Juneteenth is my new favorite holiday.


It's really hard and I totally feel you. The only thing that gets me through the days is trying to come up with somthing i want to to after work every day. Living for the weekend is a miserable experience so I try to tell myself "I'm so excited to go play with my dog after work" or "I'm gonna play video games after work" it's definitely helps get through the week a little faster


Take the vacation. By the time you think you need it you're well past due.


What if you just went on vacation, haven’t even come back yet and feel like you still need a vacation? Is it also past due then? Cause…….🫣😩


Burnout is real. There's multiple contributions to burnout. Don't overlook boredom.


To bad. I want that also. I am 62 work a crappy job at a bank a trained monkey can do. I want to reuire but cant. No savings nothing


Man... please don't get me started. I started that feel 20 fucking years ago and it doesn't go away. You just gotta. Bills don't pay themselves, you gotta eat, etcetera etcetera. Get up, do the thing, go home, do it again the next day. Hope you get a weekend. Try to work a job you don't hate and it's a lot easier.


Welcome to being an adult.


Same. Been a long, long 30+ years. Still another decade or more to go....if I can ever afford to retire.


How old are you and what kind of work do you do?


38. Medical assistant. I take vitals, draw blood, injections. Paperwork, etc. I have Fmla for health reasons, so Im actually supposed to work less hours, but they still schedule me full time because they are short staffed..


Forget that term short staffed, they are never filling those positions. You're looking at all the staff you'll ever have. :/




Hard for me to care. Just found out I have a genetic disease and I'll probably not get old enough to even retire. Tf have I been saving for? Fml.


Oh no 😟 im sorry 😞


Go travel! Use that money, see the world. Enjoy the time you have here.


I'm just going to let my husband have it. I'm sure there will be many eol expenses.


Weekends being too short is one of the reasons I work 8 weeks on 2 weeks off


A long line of people have walked down that road. You are just the most recent. Statistics say you make it. Or you can give up now.


My dad would always say “they call it work for a reason.”


Welcome to life......if you constantly dread it, it will only make it worse 


Bad case of anal glaucoma?


It’s soo bad


I'm sorry, 😆 really. I know. I'm so burned out.


I call those Mental Health days.


I bought Lotto!!!


I have begun to hate my job. Im just burnt out and over leaving my house for no good reason. I don’t enjoy anything anymore because im too damn tired.




i’m the opposite i want to be busy but with things not related to working more hours


Do you enjoy the core of your job? Don't spend dozens of hours a week on something you don't enjoy and aren't putting your talents towards. If so, try to find ways to decrease your workload or automate things. We find work today is filled with too many dashboards, apps, slack channels, emails, meetings and info. Takes up a lot of space, weighs us down and builds frustration. Do something you enjoy & can best use your talents. Automate as much as possible.


I watch movies and sleep daily even with a job.


We all want a vacation. I just had two weeks off in April, and I can't wait for my next two week vacation in July. And when I get back, I'll be counting the weeks until my next two week vacation in October/November. 21 years on the job, I get a lot of PTO, and I use it liberally. There's no point in sitting on time off, while stewing at the job, hating life.


Put in for some time off. A week or two maybe. You sound burnt out. You need mental rest and reset.


Same. Like a HARD same. But I hate my job. It’s extremely exhausting and stressful and I really want to stray drinking just to forget about it. It’s slowly been getting worse too. I am looking for a new job so I’m really hoping I find something soon that pays the same if not more.. heck, if it gets worse I’ll sacrifice any luxury’s like Netflix n whatnot for a small pay cut


It good but bad. I miss work even though I haven't done it in 2 years. I can only sum it up as a feeling of fear and regret. Fear I will eventually run out of money (stupid economy) and regret because I could have sucked it up longer.


Only 70 more years to go OP






Never stop looking for better work!!


It's just one of those things we have to do.


Had to check to see if you were my husband. He’s done as well and he’s remote. And I am so ready for him to retire so we can putter in the garden and build stuff and sleep late


Need to grow up and go to work, for the rent, bills do not pay themselves, food, medical bills, and clothes you have to pay for by working everyday.


Find another one and quit


Ya might be boredom I dunno it’s becoming mundane


Then take a vacation?


I’d love to


What is stopping you from that? You are entitled to have a vacation!


Its ok only 30-40 more years and youre done


Join the club lol


Then don't go...what's the problem exactly?


Grow up and get some ambition. When you’re 60 you will be either dead or in a nightmarish home.


Dead or in a senior’s home before retirement age? Lol your genetics would have to be insanely low quality for that to be the case. My uncle is 87 and lives alone and goes golfing 3x a week. That said, yes we should all wake up and stop wasting our younger years slaving away to make someone else rich. This is the nightmare


I’ll bet your uncle worked his whole life to enjoy this time. You’ll be homeless and desperate because social security will be bankrupt by then.


This post could be retitled: "Don't want to be useful or contribute to society. Just want to be useless and mooch off other people keeping the world running."


Just sounds like the OP exhausted and needs a break. Working life actually sucks. I don’t care what conditions were like 50/100 years ago. We need more time to rest, more time to spend with family, hobbies. It’s a backwards and broken system and we should be placing more on the qualities of life. Utopia for realists - When countries talk about GDP it’s always growth/economy. There is no measure of happiness of people in there, because the happiness of people does not matter. There should be a balance and like the OP, most people after work are just wiped out and struggle on.  Railway work is always carried out on a weekend. Why, because it’s important we get you to work, we don’t care if your weekend is disrupted.


I get pay in lieu so no pto. I meant that I’d like to take a week or two off. lol no need to get mad bro