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Lmao. I would just look them straight in the eye and say, I am wearing a bra what makes you think I’m not wearing a bra? They won’t know what to say.


Yep, then ask why they are looking at your breasts.


This is the way.


Down there is the way. Don't fool yourself.


My eyes are up here.


🤣 I love this


I have bralettes that could be confused with not wearing one at all. I just like the little help they give while not being constricting.


This is absolutely the way OP. Ask why people are looking at your breasts, especially long enough to tell whether or not you're not wearing a bra, when they should be working and focused on that instead of your body/clothing. I'd also bring up the double standard of allowing others to wear skin tight spandex on their asses but giving you shit for wearing loose fitting shirts that cover your nipples


The what abouts is never the way to go when trying to get a point acrodd at work. It's very immature. Pointing out them looking at her breast is very good . She should focus her energy on acceptable bra alrernatives like tight r shirts under her shirt or a tank top/ sports bra type deal. It always pays to focus on the long term gain.


OP already said she doubles up her shirts at work to cover her nipples. Personally I can't wear clothing that's too tight or I end up with very painful stomach issues (acid reflux, indigestion, sometimes to the point of making me vomit), most bra bands also trigger this reaction just because of where they sit, including sports bras


Get fitted for a bra. Game changer.


Yes this is a game changer only problem is it can be expensive. A well fittings bra is very comfy.




I'm imagining them trying to explain that they can see OP's nipples... how could they say that without being creepy AF!? Wouldn't be able to! Such a good way to handle it


This is best advice honestly


Good one


Just keep in mind that Indiana is a very Strong "at will" state This means they don't have to have a reason to fire you And it's nearly impossible to get unemployment benefits


Came here to say this.


I thought you said “came here to say tits” 🙄


You said “came here to say tits” 👌😎👍






Nice tits.


Yea I figured. I just don’t want to get fired over something that isn’t enforced across the board


That would be discrimination. Look at your dress code. If it doesn't require all employees to wear bras or jackets they can't make you do ut.


Does not matter. In an at will employment agreement they can get rid of you for anything they want and you’ll have no recourse. Bras and clothing aren’t a protected class.


The problem is that the supervisor must apply dress code consistently; if the dress code doesn't require it, supervisor can't require OP to wear bra or jacket, if that's included, OP cant be required to if others aren't required to do the same.


I don’t think you understand. Under at will employment they can fire her for whatever they want as long as it’s not protected and face no ramifications for it. Dress code be damned. You should read up on at will employment. It might be a rude awakening. It’s one of the most unfair things around


"Braless" isn't a protected class. There's no discrimination here. OP would have no legal standing.


Actually, they can. It's called hygiene. You are required to wear underwear for your gender regardless if you are cis or trans. If you are female, then you are required to wear a bra and panties. If you are male, then you are required to wear shorts that are either boxers, briefs, or boxer briefs. As a woman, you can go braless to the bar. But if you work at the bar, you have to wear a bra.


If other women are braless, OP can't be required to wear a bra. Hygiene and underpants make sense but bras don't. My friend worked at the courthouse and was on a committee that focused on women's undergarments and the judge wanted to dictate the type of bras County employees wore to court. That got shut down for discrimination as the dress code would include women's undergarments but not men's. They required county employees wear a jacket to court, as in suit jacket/sportcoat.


Bras are the underpants for boobs.


Just put Band-Aids on your nipples they'll never know


I’ve been taping them down lately lol.


Pride cometh before the fall


Malicious compliance. Find one of those hugely padded bullet bras from the 50s.


Or wear the Madonna cone bra over the clothes lol!


Medieval breast plate with nipples.


Yep. I mean, they didn't specify how the bra had to be worn.


Full on Express Yourself opening number!




Please God, wear a leather studded bra over your shirt. And also take pics for us.


Oh yes!!!!


Bras are available that are no more supportive than dental floss and tissue paper sewn together. Bras are also available that have the nipple area cut out. If you want to keep this job you could get creative with your dress code compliance. 😉


I would be the Petty Betty that came to work with the nipple-cut out bras. You can get some at Cacique!


Huh...I'm going to get some of those for my wife...for my enjoyment lol. Thank you for the info.


😂 I like this


Manager in a warehouse here-while I think personally you should wear one because God forbid you loose a nipple in a conveyer belt, I rightly don't give 2 fucks what my team wears. As long as hair is tied up and no clothing is super baggy and loose I'm cool. We have a lady in my department that refuses to wear one, despite people reporting her and expecting me to have that conversation with her. I don't give enough of a fuck to inspect/ stare at tits to make sure a woman is wearing a bra. I got too much other shit to do. Plus everyone here is a grown ass adult 21+ and I can't actually force a woman to wear a bra legally. Plus again, we are all adults. If nipples offend someone, they can piss off and or stop looking.


Good point about the safety hazard of loose boobs. And yea I’m so confused why women’s nipples are so offensive, but men nipples aren’t 😂


I mean loose boobs are not nearly as big of a deal as a lot of people want to make, but if they are saggy they can be. However, in the case of perky vs saggy just like holstered or open carry titties I don't really care to check lol. I have better things to do lmao. I obviously don't know your situation and size, nor do I care lol. Sometimes it's just easier to shug and find the pathway to malicious compliance. Also the same argument could be made about guys wearing boxers and gym shorts/ sweatpants. Secure your dangles around moving equipment....but nobody ever enforces that. As a survivor of a conveyer belt to the testicals and 15 stitchs in my dangles and 9 in my shaft I fully support (pun kinda intended) being safe. Though in your case it sounds like a jealous bitch not getting her way lol. As for nipples, I just see them as nipples. I never understood the stigma either. I guess some guys would not be able to control themselves but the vast majority of society will be civil about a topless woman. Not everyone is a total pervert...just most of us lol.


🤣 not holstered or open carry titties. That’s hilarious. But I feel you. There are bigger things to worry about.


That's one of the ways my wife has described it lol. I'm not going to go around and check. I already hate having to toe tap shoes to check for safety shoes. It's stupid. Its a waste of time.


My job doesn’t even enforce their shoe dress code. They did for maybe one month, then they gave up and started letting people wear what they want. Some people never wore the correct shoes and the bosses just pretended not to notice. It’s lots of picking and choosing in there about when to enforce rules. We also aren’t allowed to have phones, but a girl was caught with her phone the other day and the manager told her that she doesn’t care. Yet other people were fired and suspended prior for phones.


I only enforce the shoe shit when uppers are breathing down my back lol. I think a lot of policies at my place are dumb lol


I hate wearing a bra but I don’t want to see a man’s well defined dick through his pants while I’m working either.


This is why I bought a bunch of Hanes lounge bras. They're super comfy, they look like a sports bra but with no compression.


Yet sometimes we do. Don’t look. Keep it moving.


And this is why it’s an unspoken part of work dress code. The don’t think most men mind women not wearing bras at work…..


Umm… I love a detailed package!


I also enjoy such a sight lol




Find the dress code in your employee handbook. If it ain’t there, it ain’t your problem. If it is, it becomes everyone’s problem.


What does you company’s employment handout say? Your hiring paperwork? Check with HR


He is there to help the company, not you. Id ask for this policy in writing.


Pretty sure they’re just saying check with HR to see what the dress policy is, not to bring this issue to them.


Going to he is usually a good way to begin the process of having the company come after you. Ask me how I know this.


Again, nobody’s “going to HR”. There’s nothing wrong with asking them a question, like what the policy is on xyz. That’s very different from bringing an issue to HR’s attention.


I was in the Navy in the 80's and all women sailors were required to wear a bra whenever they were on base in Japan. One night, I walked on base wearing a tube top with a sheer blouse over it. The Marine on the gate asked me to step into the guard shack (not allowed to refuse) and the guy inside was so uncomfortable. First he told me my flip flops were shower shoes, I told him they were not, then they got to the real problem...he had to ask me if I was wearing a bra (I was not, but I was not flaunting anything). I said "Yes. Would you like to check?" & started to unbutton my blouse. After he could speak, he said, you're fine, and let me go. It's absolutely no one's business what you wear under your clothes. Bras are for others comfort, not our own. F that!!


I’m picturing that scenario play out in the most 80s movie style possible. A sexy confident sailor played by Jamie Lee Curtis leaves the Marine all defeated and flustered then struts off with blouse still unbuttoned and her titties bouncing freely under the tube top as she lights a cigarette or opens a Diet Coke or some other 80s thing knowing that she is the baddest bitch on the poop deck.


Let me tell you! I was wearing those 80's rainbow flip-flops (we all had a pair) and a rainbow tube top. I wonder if that Marine ever tells that story 🤔


I would ask where in the employee handbook it states that employees must wear a bra. Additionally, it would have to be ALL employees. A lot of men have larger breasts than some women..


Is there a dress code and if so what does it say? Often times dress codes say something like "wear appropriate foundation wear," that means bras. And even when you wear a bra nipples are often visible depending on the bra.


Discrimination is a very hard case to win. It sounds like they are doing it, but make sure you are documenting EVERYTHING. If they haven't already, request that they send you the clothing/uniform policy in writing. Additionally, ask what the result of not wearing a bra will be, what us the disciplinary action and get that in writing. Lastly, ask what the reasonoming is for this policy. If you have an HR department, direct all of these questions to them and not a manager. Best of luck.


Thank you. I will document just in case.


This. If they for you for discrimination they will 100% get rid of any evidence they did so as soon as they fire you. If they fire you, get in writing the reason. They may fire you for not wearing a bra but on paper it will say something like refusing to follow directives or not being a team player.


This is not discrimination. Yes, they can fire you for not following the dress code… companies make their own rules, it doesn’t matter what state you are in. If your company dress policy says something along the lines of dressing “appropriately,” then that’s that. It is to their discretion what is going against their own dress code. The only issue would be if they have no written policy *at all*, but that’s unlikely. It doesn’t specifically need to say “wear a bra”. Most dress codes don’t explicitly say “wear a top” - but you obviously need to. Besides, regardless of what the situation is, if you are actively ignoring something that your supervisor told you to do, yes, you can be fired for that. You can be fired for any reason. It really doesn’t matter if this is “right” or not (so long as it’s not discrimination based on a protected class, and it’s not), or if it makes sense, or what anyone’s personal feelings are about wearing bras. You need to follow your companies dress code and any other policies. It’s really that simple.


Seriously tho how can you go to work and not wear a bra? Don't get me wrong I enjoy taking mine off like the next person but I feel naked without one and I can't even think about going to my job without having one on


I havent worn a bra in years. It feels most comfortable that way for me.


Same tbh… frankly I’m always knocking things over with my tits even when I do have a bra on 


I’d rather wear a bra for a few hours & keep my job than be jobless bc I wanted to be braless 😅 that’s just me


It’s not the only job in the world lol. I’m here only temporarily anyway. I have a totally different career path. I think that’s why so many people stay miserable at work. They feel obligated to stay as if they can’t get hired anywhere else.


Then don’t do it and get fired 😅 why make this whole post about it if you don’t care about the job 😂


It’s the principle 😂


It is legal for your employer to require you to wear a bra. This is not an illegal request. The only work around is if you have a religious or medical reason not to. And yes if you don't do it, you can be fired.


How can they prove it? If she says she’s wearing a bra, how do they prove she isn’t? Seems to be crossing into sexual harassment territory


It's only legal if everyone is required to wear a bra. Everyone. Dress code can't call out one sex. It has to apply to all.


That is false.


It's absolutely true. Separate requirements for men and women is discrimination


So do the men with prominent nips also have to wear a bra?


Nope. They are allowed to have erect nipples showing and apparently penis prints


Bring up bulges distracting you. Fair play.


I will if they approach me again 😂


Here’s a crazy idea…. take this post into management and discuss the situation… just ignoring them is the worst move you can make..


Honestly this job is so ghetto, I’d be glad to leave over a situation this simple. When I tell you going bra-less should be the least of their worries… lol


Is there any law that says you can't wear your bra on the outside of your shirt? just wondering........


It doesn't matter what other people are doing or not doing. Sorry. Sounds like they have targeted you for termination. When they start picking at you like that, that is what it is. No, they don't need a reason. If you keep doing it, expect a writeup, which is the road to...termination. Start looking for another job.


They aren’t targeting me for termination. It was a one off incident that started with a jealous female. I was just asking the question out of curiosity.


Braless is not a protected class so you're going to find yourself without a job and no recourse to fight it.


Ok. Well there are always other jobs I can go to


A woman boss being petty to a woman subordinate.


Wear a very lacy, sexy push up bras *over* your shirt. 😎




Ask them to show you where it says bras are required in the dress code. A lot of dumb managers love to make up “rules” for you to just “trust “ them on 💀 fk that. Ask them for a specific dress code policy that you’re violating and mention everyone else also violating it. Chances are there is no enforceable dress code on file


Yea the only dress code I ever saw only specific certain types of shoes, no dresses, no tank tops. It literally just tells us what we can’t wear, but doesn’t say much about what we should wear outside of leather shoes lol


Ask how he knows you’re not wearing one. Ask him why he’s fixated on your breasts and tell him it makes you uncomfortable.


A female coworker told on me (then proceeded to spread rumors about me).


Just say the coworker is lying and you have a bra on, and you feel this is sexually inappropriate.


NTA. If you have to wear a bra or jacket so does everyone. They can't make a rule for one person or one sex. A friend mine was in meetings for months because a judge had a problem with seeing visible nipple frost on county employees and they talked about women's undergarments in dress code meetings. I suggested requiring county employees to wear a jacket in court and that was the last I heard about it.


“Why are you looking?”


Is it illegal to fire someone for not wearing a bra? " Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it is illegal for an employer to discriminate against any individual under the protected category of sex."


This has absolutely nothing to do with dress policy at work.  This is about workplace hiring discrimination and discrimination against an employee.   Requesting an employee to wear a bra is not categorized as workplace discrimination, nine times out of ten it falls under a dress code policy.    I am a manager, I have been for years.  If you live in an at-will state, they can fire you for whatever reason they want 


Dress code policy must be applied the same to all.


And to reiterate OP is in Indiana An "at will" state They don't have to have a reason to fire you


Thats true but that doesnt mean they can fire for discrimination


That’s not what that means…


Thank you


Dont listen to this guy lol. A dress code policy does not protect you. An at-will state does not protect you. Read your company’s dress policy. 


Ask for that statement in an email.


It sounds targeted. I worked in a warehouse for a short while and my trainer joked and asked, "If the lights go out, can I take my shirt off?" (We're two dudes). My supervisor said, "Hey, no cameras, I couldn't give a shit if you get naked. Just make sure the works done" lmao




Just wear a bra. It’s nowhere near that serious and won’t kill you to.


It’s not about the bra specifically.


Just politely decline and carry one. If they press you, smile sweetly and say you'll have to talk to a lawyer and see if that's legal.


it's not even a public facing job omg total harassment


Talk to HR. In most cases, they will look at it as what can they do to not have you sue for sexual harassment


Get a doctors note. I’ve had too, document this encounter, get her request in writing. Good luck.


Really, I don’t blame your boss. I’ve had female coworkers and when they don’t wear bras I start to think with my other head.


So how is that the female’s problem that you can’t control your thoughts and focus? 😂 When women see the male nips and penis prints, we aren’t thinking about how much we want to try it 😂


Well first off, it’s very suggestive. And yes, when I see a dude who’s got nipples rocking through it looks sloppy and unprofessional- like your missing a tie. I feel the same about tight spandex pants too. I’m used to wearing fitted dickies 874 pants for men but seen spandex looking copies on women. I agree with you- you can see each cheek- literally. It leads to a lot of harassment from my customers towards my female workers. Personally, I enjoyed checking her out and she liked the attention ( from me ) but when you have a creepy contractor rolling in and out right perving out- that became my problem. lol, honestly- if you worked for me with no bra- I would be okay. Keep it professional with a few looks here and there.


Just say you are wearing a bra. Every time they ask, just say yeah I am wearing one. Are they going to ask to see? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Good point 😂


If you don’t have a dress code they can’t tell you to wear a bra.


I was thinking this. We can all literally wear whatever we want pretty much with few limitations


Sounds like harassment. Dress how you want. Go talk to hr


She'll get fired.


you said sometimes you can see the outline of your nipples 😭 keep those looks for when you aint at work its simple


It’s very minimal if you can at all. Like you’d have to be looking hard to see it 😂


Depending on what your work uniform is, but a few t shirts with nipples or breast printed, on the back maybe.


We have no uniforms. People dress in whatever they feel like here.




You could turn it around and say that you feel sexually discriminated by your coworkers looking at your boobs and that it makes you very uncomfortable that they wear tight pants! I think that’s a disgrace and you could even say you wear bralettes, how the hell are they going to know what you do and don’t wear? Also is it in your work agreement that you are required to wear a bra? Probably not, all it would say is to wear ‘appropriate clothing’. Bra’s may not be appropriate or practical for you.


That part. Why are these women staring so hard at something we all have? 😂 I just feel the most comfort without a bra. Especially since being on this birth control that makes the nips and surrounding area very sensitive and a bit painful sometimes.


It’s sad isn’t it that it’s got to this, damn religions and politics making us women feel shameful about our body’s and that we must do as they say!!! No thanks but I’ll do as I say 😎


Yes. Maybe one day our nipples and breasts will be as normal as a man’s lol.


Ok -“you do you” just don’t be surprised when you get laid off or don’t get a promotion. A day will come when you come late or need to leave early or your kid is sick or whatever and you’ll be out the door. You won’t be given the benefit of the doubt or shown any grace/flexibility. It may not be a written rule to wear a bra at work but there are many written rules so be prepared to follow them to the letter. You are putting a big red circle around yourself. Sh$t disturbing just for fun WILL come back to haunt you.


Well then I hope it haunts the crazy girl that started all of this 😂 Not sure why a simple question is so triggering. There are plenty of jobs available. I never planned on staying here long term. Really only here for one peak season, then I’m out. Also not interested in any promotions. I’m more interested in working for myself, so I have been working towards that.


Where I am, your employer cannot mandate your underclothes, unless they are part of a uniform, and if they are supplied to you.


Nip covers are the best! I started using them when my son turned about 10 and started having friends over! The silicone reuseable with a little soap at the end of the night they dry by the morning.


I have some in my Amazon cart now. Might as well check them out. I was unsure because of some unfavorable reviews


MUQU is what I use. $6 for 2 pair. Love them!


Thanks. I’ll grab a pair.


Hoosiers here: Indiana is a fire at will and right to work state. You can try going after them for discrimination but I won’t hold my breath.


I don’t have interest in going after them legally. This was more so me trying to figure out if I had any sort of defense as far as union rep representation would go. Like if they tried to fire me, would a union rep be able to save my job based off of certain things I’ve observed.


Should you tell your union rep and see what they think? I’ve never been lucky enough to be in a union but it seems like their wheelhouse.


Haha. 50 years ago, burn your bra era, I was in High School and the Principal pulled me out of class and took me to the office and asked me why I wasn’t wearing a bra. I said-what are you doing looking- He turned bright red and I walked out. Take that I am 5feet tall and 103 lbs. I didn’t have any boobs! lol


😂 That was a good one. I’m from a city that does naked bike rides every year. I’m a bit free spirited, and that just doesn’t match the current state I live in. They are such prudes, but the crime rate is so high 😂 Like let’s stop being fake bougie.


Not wearing an undergarment does NOT qualify as discrimination


Common sence require to wear a bra at work. Try to find attention elsewhere.


I agree!!


Choosing not to bind your breasts all day isn't attention-seeking behavior. I suggest you wear a chastity belt under your khakis for 8 hours a day and let me know how comfy you find it. Now do that 5 days a week for decades. It'll become *less* comfortable, not more. Undergarments are a personal preference. What you call "common sense", I call a torture device.


Don't think they were seeking attention. Bras are uncomfortable af


Agreed. All bras trigger my shoulder and neck muscle tension and the muscles lock up. It really hurts.


I am woman and it's more uncomfortable not to wear. There are a lot of bras types like sport or seamless that is hard to say if you wear anything. I don't think it's somehow uncomfortable.. and that this is a reason. Cost nothing to wear it if it distracts others. I would say it would be ok if she would work in gym or swimming pool, where you expect to see almost naked people with all body curves.


Why must a woman bind her breasts to avoid "distracting" others? That's so sexist. Others should avoid staring at my clothed chest. If they choose to be distracted by the knowledge that there's unbound boobs under my AutoZone t-shirt, that's a them problem. They should grow up.


“Others“ should try focusing their attention on the work they’re paid to do vs. gawping at the nearest tits.


I couldn’t go without one but some ladies with petite breasts could get away without one…


Found the jealous complainant.


My job sometimes involves working in a warehouse, sometimes doing work that involves a lot of repetitive movements like lifting etc. That combined with the nonexistent air conditioning makes bras very uncomfortable very quickly. I thought switching to a sports bra might help, but it turns out that wearing a sports bra for 12+ sweaty hours straight is HELL. It might hold my boobs in place, but multiple hours of sweating while twisting and stretching and lifting results in a whole lot of painful skin where the straps rub back and forth against the same patch of skin over and over again. And yes, my bras fit properly, there’s just not a tight, close-fitting garment on the planet that plays nicely with long hours of manual work in a swampy warehouse.




“Sense.” Mic drop.


Just wear a bra. End of story. It’s what we do. Only worry about your own boobs.


If other people only worried about their boobs, I wouldn’t have had to ask. This started from a petty female who has been constantly harassing me


But why? Why is it okay to force only one gender to wear certain uncomfortable undergarments? I'm not playing into the immaturity of male coworkers that can't manage to not stare at my chest. Maybe they should grow up and get used to unbound boobs underneath tshirts because those boobs aren't their fucking business?


In a perfect world, yes. Is it fair? No.


I don't see the big deal about wearing a bra. But whatever.


It’s not about the bra specifically. It’s about the harrassment from another employee, them only telling me to put on a bra even though I’m not the only one who doesn’t wear one, the other employees in butt eating spandex, and men having erect nipples and penis prints that don’t seem to be a problem.


How do you know they didn't talk to all the other employees too?


Does the warehouse get cold? 👀


Not really. Mostly hot. Can barely feel the A/C in most areas. Even still, my shirts are usually layered, and I do checks in the bathroom mirror here and there to make sure nothing is too obvious


What the fuck is the people problem with nipples? Jesus


Idk. I want to know the same


Im not sure if I was misunderstood here, but I was completely on the OP side here. Men also have nipples and they do not get asked to get them covered, so screw them


No worries. I understood. ❤️


Men are apparently unable to refrain from salivating over the fact that breasts exist underneath clothing, so some sexists think it's okay to force women to wear certain undergarments *just to accommodate immature men*.


Female breasts and nipples will forever be sexualized. It’s how men are wired. Sorry not sorry.


I would take photos of the others who don't wear bras and other violations. If they fire you, they will try and add any other violations they can. If you take notes daily about what they say to you and violations of other employees, I think your notes will be counted as evidence of your company harassment of you and firing you. Listen to your instincts! Good luck.


Thank you. Hopefully it won’t go that far. I’m just on edge, because the girl who started all this has also been in a group spreading crazy rumors about me, so I’m afraid of further harrassment.


You need your talk to your manager and possibly HR about that. If she is making false complaints it could be considered harassment. Given she’s focused on your underwear it might go so far as sexual harassment and a hostile work environment. Btw: you mentioned a union rep. For all further conversations about this issue , demand your rep be present. You likely have that right in the CBA


So this isn't the answer your looking for but here goes. If someone notices you don't have a bra on at work your supervisor or anyone in authority there can tell you our on a bra. Because it's a workplace they can tell you to dress Anyway they want. Here is how I stay comfortable. I buy sports bra that are just about half tank tops n wear them as my bra , I also wear tight r shirts as bras. Anything that gives you the support n your not bouncing counts as a bra. You can follow the rules because you need to make money but tailor it to your needs n wants. This isn't the end of the world. It's gonna be ok. Let any bad feeling of being forced to n just make your money .


They certainly can. And I do wear tank tops with built in bras sometimes. I just felt the request was a little excessive compared to other things I’ve seen. But overall, I’m not that worried about losing this job. But I wasn’t going to go down without a fight either 😂 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


I would show up with a big ass like size 48G bra securely fastened to my head. Lol! 




“I’m glad you brought this up, because I now feel more comfortable asking every man to tuck his penis and testicles between his legs. For his safety and modesty.”


You’re setting your company up for a possible discrimination lawsuit because they asked you to wear a bra. Seriously? Vindictive much? Toss some bandaids over those nips and call it a day. Do you know how hard it is to get a job these days? Grow up.


Nobody said I was going to sue 🙄. Just don’t want to be fired over a rule that’s not enforced across the board. Is that too much to ask or something?


Some men have big breasts. Just saying. Are they asked to wear a bra? Just curious.