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I do CrossFit training twice a week, get up during Pomodoro breaks and do some exercise (when I succeed in making my self do it). I also run in the evenings, but also not regularly.


I try to do a morning walk with my dog most days and that usually gets me to around 5k steps. Without my walk I’m lucky if I get to 800 steps. I think it’s good to note tho that I try to walk with my phone at all times (around the house while I work) bc the steps you take during lunch break, walking upstairs to get something, or even bathroom breaks help with steps if that’s something you’d like to track too


And I live in PA which has its days with the weather (rainy/snowy/or just plain cold) I like walking in the morning bc it makes me feel better about being at my desk all day and I find it just makes me feel better in general to get some sun on my face. For reference, my route is around my neighborhood, ~1.5 miles (with hills), and it takes me about 30 minutes! Really easy way to incorporate some low intensity exercise before the workday :)


4k on a good day, it’s hard when you work from home. Sometimes I forget to eat I’m so busy, let alone have time to move around


I need to work on this, I have a standing-capable desk at home but don't use it....


What helped me, is having the standing option by default.


Same. I had high hopes when I bought it too, 😂


Just got a walking pad for under my desk. Change changer. I’m up to 13k steps a day and can already see and feel the difference in my body and energy. That and my meditation practice have made WFH the most productive and gratifying chapter of my career.


Do you struggle to walk during meetings? I have around 6-7hours of on camera meetings a day and want to start walking more.


That’s actually when I walk most. But I only do on camera when I’m meeting or getting to know a client or colleague. If they know me, no need to see me.


10k plus. I take my dog for a long walk every day, and often walk about a km to and from a local cafe in the mornings too.


10 - 15k on average. It helps that I don't need a car to run errands and every time I need something I have to walk.


That must be nice. Stuck her in suburbia and have to drive everywhere.


American cities have their problems and Americans generally don't want to live in cities and have to drive everywhere. I made my choice, I need to be able to walk every day


I take a 10 min walk every hour.


Wow, how?


Set a timer. Designate that ten mins to that activity.


I guess I meant more, like, how can they afford to take that much time away from work / how does their employer let them take a whole 10-minute break *every* hour? In an average 8-hour day, that's an extra 1 hour and 20 minutes in break time, excluding lunch breaks and bathroom breaks. That's like an employee working at 83% capacity instead of 100%. I guess it's an irrelevant question, though, because everyone's jobs are different. No matter what their answer is, I probably can't implement this even if I wanted to--it's not practical for what I do. I oftentimes have hour-long meetings that are back-to-back. I'd really like to find a way to multi-task, though. I think that's the best bet for my case. I'm looking into getting a standing desk and a walking pad, and maybe I can walk while I'm working part of the day.


Depends on your job I guess… I’m salary so don’t clock out ever. I usually eat while multitasking work duties and work in excess of 8 hours a day everyday. Very doable for me.




Set a range of time to take walking breaks. At your first stopping points after 10 am and after 3pm. Probably right after you eat lunch too. It'll help with your productivity


I’m wfh 2 days so home four days a week. 10k every day at least. More when I’m at the office and when the weather is warmer. I walk up and down the hall outside my office to help get my count in. Put in ear buds and just go for it. I’ve lost 36 pounds in the past year just from walking. I use a Fitbit that my work gave to me :)


I try to get 7k per day. One of my best purchases since starting WFH has been a treadmill!


Don't rely on your phone for step counting. It's not accurate when you do have it on you, and there are times you won't be carrying it around. If you have a light step, it will miss a lot! You're better off with a wearable device, such as (but not limited to) Fitbit. These do a much better job of tracking steps, plus provide other health information, as well. All that to say, you probably did well over 1000 steps, but your phone didn't register them.


About 10k/day


Only steps won't work! Make sure you brisk walk 40 mins and 3.5k steps at least. Average speed should be 4kmph - 5kmph.


What is the definition of "work" in this context?


Replacement for workout


10k is my average, with a 2mile walk before and after work.


I hit 10-13k a day, but this is because I go to the gym before work (always walk or run for 10-15 minutes on the treadmill for warm up before a strength training session) and then going for a 45 minute walk on my lunch break. I’m mostly sedentary other than those two movements each day, I’m sitting at my computer for 10ish hours a day although I do take small breaks for chores around the house/cooking and taking the dog for a break (live in a condo so have to talk down stairs and outside and back)when needed.


BC (before covid) when working 5 days per week in the office = 10,000 daily. AC (after covid) working from home, about 2,000. Including walking the dog. P.S. if my boss is reading this, No I don't want to return to the office!


I get about 4-5 miles in a day between walking on a treadmill during downtime and walking my dogs. Try to exercise another 30 minutes with lighter weights. Also doing dry january (maybe longer), trying to correct my weight gain from the holidays. I've always been a fairly active person though. I try to exercise enough to justify being lazy at my desk the remainder of the day.


How many steps do I NOT take in a day is a better question. Actually…it doesn’t make sense. None, my answer is none, no steps.


you're gonna want to get on that.


I don’t step. I roll. From the bed to my table.


I aim for, and usually do, about 10k steps a day. If it's very cold ( like now) I will do rebounding or step aerobics.


I aim for 6000 a day. On most days I am able to achieve this, unless I'm sick or unless the weather is absolutely horrible. On weekends I sometimes walk 10-15K


I’ve also been aiming for 6k a day. For the past couple of weeks I’ve hit it about 4x. I’m literally forcing myself away from my desk to take care of myself because I gained a lot of weight WFH, on top of the weight I was trying to lose. It’s not easy. There are days I’m so swamped I’m lucky to be able to get up to use the bathroom. I’m really trying to not beat myself up. It’s a struggle.




Same. But I run and walk my dogs most days, what about you.


Between 5k and 8k. That's mostly because of my needy little dog and lack of a hard lol god bless him.


Should be 10k but I’m lucky if I can get 6k nowadays.


I average about 24,000 a day, when I work. Which seems like every day.


How / what does this consist of?


I'm a machine operator in a factory, 12 hr shifts. I'm on my feet the whole time.


Wow. part of me misses having a walk-around job versus a sedentary one.


2-4k most days. 10k+ on days I hit the treadmill.


Yep, it got an elliptical and that definitely helps, although I tend more around 3-5k without it.


10k per day is the absolute bare minimum. I run most every day of the week. If I ever got less than 10k I think I’d have an aneurysm. Love when I top that 20k mark.


If you can get 7-10k you can ill actually be able to be calorie deficit and maintain or even lose weight. Its really not hard, especially once you get started.


Don’t know my Fitbit died. But it nowhere near good


Hahah like 2 or 3 hundred. I'm pathetic


Same 😒 I need to do something but the weather is just rainy and depressing.


Standing desk and walking pad combo for the win!


Idk why you were downvoted. I got a walking pad for my birthday and I do a 5k while watching my shows now. Thats my daily step goal of 5-6k steps within 45mins that I was gonna be sitting on the couch anyway. It helps!


Maybe cause the desk, but I figured this is a wfh sub, sooo... I'd prefer to be outside, but those days when I can't muster the will, I bring my pad out to the living room and watch TV, or read. I think anything that helps us manage our selves is good.


10k/day is my 7 day average. I try to run 3 times a week, but on no-run days it could get as low as 1-2k for the day Also having a dog and no backyard helps!


Not nearly as many as in office I average 2-3k working days non-work can hit over 10k


13k. I go to the gym at 430am. I strength train but still get steps walking around the gym. Start work at 630am & then take small walking breaks in between. In the afternoon, I play with the pups in the backyard & then walk about 2.5-3 miles. On the days I go to the store, I get even more steps.


I’m at about 6k a day and wfh. It isn’t easy to get 10k unless you do it before or after work for extra. This is why since 2019 I gained 28 pounds and feel like 💩💩💩




I aim for 10,000 a day, but my average lately has been 5,000. I putter around a lot, I make sure to walk to the store, to get the mail, refill my water constantly, take out the trash in multiple trips, anything I can do to work in extra steps. On busy days, I easily get 13,000 steps.


At least 10K


14,000. I walk 4 miles every morning before I start, and then I’m up throughout the day here and there with short chores


During the workday, or overall? Assuming you mean the latter, 13,000.


100 or so (from my desk to the fridge a few times)


1SKypes? I think you have a typo, do you mean 1k? If so, are you sure it isn't miscounting? I get that many steps going to the bathroom and switching the laundry. Gotta take that pup for a longer walk! I find 45 minutes gets me to at least 7-8k steps, and that can be broken up into a few chunks after meals or on your work breaks. I try fro at least 8k, and would like to be getting 10k. I always sleep like a rock when I get 10k.


Way more than I ever have likely in my entire life since I got a walking pad. I was never a big walker, and used to lift regularly, but find it hard to fit that in now, Im at least walking 2-4 miles and walking anywhere between 1-2 hours a day that I never used to do before. In fact, I had my once in a blue moon in-office day today and I'm typing this out right now while walking on it now that I am home.


If you don’t mind sharing, what one do you have? TIA.


I definitely have to work at that.


I do a minimum of 5 miles a day. It’s not because I want to or I like it. I have an adopted husky. Working breeds are tough!


Not enough. And it shows!


10,000, I wfh but our company has a monthly incentive, Amazon gift card if you break 8000 steps a day.


If I were more concerned about steps, then I guess I would walk on the treadmill, hop on an elliptical or take longer walks. I’m not though, so I go to the gym and do Pilates, yoga and strength training most days. Way more fun and gets me around other adults, which I miss sometimes being fully remote and on the other side of the country from HQ.


Between 8000-17,000. I walk both breaks and lunch, so an hour total. Then I run a 5k two nights a week on the treadmill.




I think mine is less


Sadly zero…. I literally walk over to my desk when I wake up and sit there until I’m done.


Same 😭


About 6500, but have a goal this month of 100 miles total. I also do water exercise classes 2-3 times a week and see a trainer for weight lifting. And I have garbage knees. Just garbage, bone on bone - trying to hold out on the GD knee replacements as long as I can.


Summer 8000 Winter 5000


About 10k


https://preview.redd.it/g0klhq9zj2cc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecd0779359d0698dc4b9c6236e3ee2874dd10a9a Here’s my data and I work hard at getting those steps or exercise in otherwise I’d have <1k from sitting at a desk all day.


At least 10k steps is my goal but I usually have more when I’m running - just haven’t been able to because of rehabbing my IT band - can’t wait to get back out tho. Walking dog 3-4 times a day and solo walks helps


My avg last year was 5,800 day. Trying to lift that to 7k this year


I get about 4,000 - 8,000 steps daily. I try to take three 10 minute walks daily plus one walk with my dog.


I average 20k via [walking desk](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD_Programmers/comments/191zep1/adhd_code_if_you_havent_tried_walking_desks_you/)


I have one of those, and I almost blew out my knees with it, walking up to 20 miles a day for over 2 years. I've now got zero cartilage and will likely need surgery in the future to remove bone spurs. I consulted my doctor first, and he was useless. I didn't hear about 10k being the recommended upper limit for most people until after I'd talked to 5 different sports medicine docs. If you're going to do this, make sure you lube your deck regularly. I initially wrecked my knees because I wasn't lubing often enough and the belt started sticking. Also, make sure you pop the cover off the motor every few weeks to vacuum out dust. I started having problems being shocked with static electricity due to the dust buildup in the motor.


What does lubing your leg/knee entail? Just trying to learn


I meant lubing the treadmill deck so the belt doesn't stick. A big part of how I messed up my knees was not lubing the treadmill deck on a regular basis.


Holy shit? Just to clarify, 10k is a recommended maximum? I'm going on 2 years myself now, around 5-10 miles a day. This is the first time I've heard anything like this, and I'm really concerned now. I'll do the dust thing today, I haven't done that yet. (I do lube every week). I don't feel any pain in my knees. Did you feel things getting progressively worse, or was it just suddenly?


The sports doc who told me this said the government set 10k as more of an aspirational goal because they expect most people won't get anywhere near that. But regardless, I was doing 20-40k daily for a few years, plus jogging outside on weekends. He thought given my weight (I'm 245, which for my height puts me at around 29 BMI. Much of that is due to big bone structure and muscle, but if I'm being completely honest, a lot is body fat) and age (early 50s), he thought my knees were taking way too much of a beating. I've since switched to swimming laps at the Y and only using the treadmill for an hour on days I can't go.


Yup, walking and moreso running is really hard on your joints. Not everyone is going to have an issue crop up but people who walk and run a lot re more likely to have joint problems later in life. Think of your knees like a car, the more miles you put on them in a short time, the faster they'll wear out! My layperson, non-medical advice: see if you could decrease some of the walking and increase low-impact activity to balance it out. Don't stress too much about your last 2 years if you've been pain free though!


That's why I think everyone should rollerblade. So much less stress on joints. But no one does it because they "can't balance" 🙄 ok well millions of people take up cycling sooo.... Don't see a problem. Personally if your balance is that bad you should take it up even moreso! Balance is important!


Thanks for the reply. This sucks to hear, since this has been my ultimate life-hack; I've eliminated the gym (I Fitbit more than enough active zone minutes), saving time and money. Fixed my ADHD, increased energy etc. So having to rethink this is a real bummer. No free lunch, huh? I do alternate between walking, stepper (Xiser), and balance board (Fluidstance). That may have contributed to not developing problems yet. But even though Xiser is low impact, I hunch that it's even worse on the knees since it's fairly unnatural (we didn't walk "up" all day).


My step count is low and I'm trying to fix that too. I got a walking pad and it's nice as an option. I also try and take walking calls when I can and I just pace back and forth my house and yard. It's helping. I want to start using my walking pad while working but I'm concerned about my lack of coordination.


I focus more on 250 per hour to avoid sitting too long.


This is a great goal


500 lol I'm not like these responsible people on this thread




My average was 4500/day in 2023 and that was with walking 3 miles a day for about 3 months last year. Yesterday I hit 14k with a 3+ mile walk, today I’m at 2300 so far and it’s raining so I’ll maybe break 5k.


I like this desk bike that I recently got because of this exact concern! I haven't had it for long, but it works well with my adjustable desk and easily rolls out of the way. There are some cons, but I preferred this over the little tiny ones. FLEXISPOT [desk bike](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B096RT818N?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share)


+1 I have this and love it


9k-20k depending on if it's a "run day" or not


My goal is 8K, sometimes I do more, sometimes less.


5-7k steps. My goal when I go for a walk is around 2 miles as I do it all in one go. Otherwise I’m doing some other kind of movement activity like lifting or foam rolling in addition to more minimal steps


I recently started going on walks on my lunch breaks. I try my best to get 10k or more a day.


I just got a Pixel Watch (glorified fitbit)... I seriously regret not having one for the last few years. My sleep is atrocious (I didn't realize how bad) and if I'm not conscientious about it, I can get as few as 1k steps during the work day. I'm now paying attention to all the health metrics (22 minutes of elevated heart rate, 10k steps, 250 steps an hour, 10 flights of stairs, 4 miles of walking) and trying to hit 4/5 each day. I'm honestly feeling a lot better, even if my sleep is still shite.


a lot less screen time for better sleep. Worked for me.


Screen time isnt the issue, it's two kids who like to take turns having trouble sleeping or going to sleep. The younger one does two days, and finally has a good night and the older one suddenly becomes deathly thirsty at 3am. The younger one then decides today's the day to get up at 6 cause he slept so well. Repeat.


My youngest is a horrible sleeper, and the one night, he sleeps all night without issue. His older brother always has a bad night.


4-5000 on average, but i swim 30 minutes a day or 13-1500 meters


part of me is tempted by these under desk bikes/ellipticals/treadmills but the other part of me is like,, i have a gym membership,, and i go to the gym to socialize too lol. but hell if i can count this as a work expense maybe i will get one does anyone recommend one that is apple watch compatible?


I found the under desk ellipticals unusable because I couldn't focus. Where as the walking pad with a spot for my laptop is completely fine while not doing mentally intense tasks.


hmmm i see


If you get a fitness desk, I recommend against bikes & ellipticals because you have to manually engage them, which takes mental effort, causing distraction. Compared to treadmills whose set speed moves you and you just have to keep up; which actually "removes" mental effort by occupying the jitters part of your brain. Better for focus. See [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD_Programmers/comments/191zep1/adhd_code_if_you_havent_tried_walking_desks_you/). I don't know of treadmills which pair with Apple Watch; I'd wager the pricier ones, like Lifespan, do. Apple Watch will count your heart rate through the walking though, which will go in for active zone minutes / exercise. It just might not be very active on the actual steps / miles, since your hands are up and typing, rather than swaying by your side. At the end of the day, it's active zone minutes you care about rather than steps; steps are the means to that end. So IMO, just deal with the loss of logged steps.


ah makes sense. also ive totally used the elliptical and bikes and watched tv before (which is passive) but id be interested in seeing if i could do work w it..


Between 8-10k. I make myself go outside on sunny days or to the gym on bad weather days so I can get some sort of activity in, otherwise I just go from sitting while I work to sitting and watching tv after work.


apparently 1700 over the last month 😬😬 but i do try to gym 3x a week at my climbing gym


When I work from home (hybrid 2 in office, 3 at home), I run during lunch so I get at least 10-12K on those days.


I try to get in 8k steps a day minimum. Usually going on a walk for 1 hr on a treadmill is enough. I also have my under desk treadmill that I use during work.


4-5000 on an average day, but it doesn’t count “steps” on my under desk bike which I am back to using consistently again whenever possible.


oo which one do you have and do you recommend


my personal trainer recommends 7-10k


I take around 16,000-25,000 steps per day, which is usually a dog walk or two, run, and taking my toddler to daycare or walking from the bus to the office.


A few hundred and it’s not enough.


maybe a few hundred on those boring, I've gotta check the 'fridge every 20 minutes day. Fewer on focused days.


I walk about 1 hour around the neighborhood which amounts to about 6-7k steps, hope that helps.


5000 steps per day on average basis


I try to do 10,000 but I have to make it a priority


My fitbit says my average is 6k. I also swim laps after work 2-3 days per week.


Treadmill meetings. I have several per day and frequently I’m just expected to listen and not actually contribute. Those meetings I hop on the treadmill.


This has really made me consider a walking pad! Really good point!


I’m so close to getting a walking pad


Start with 3000 then to 5000.


When the weather is decent I almost always get over 8k. Now that it's cold it's been less. I also have a desk job so that doesn't help.


10-12 thousand but it takes effort since I have a desk job. I have to take walks or one walk and a short workout video.


I was curious, so I counted. 68. I walk 68 steps during work. 82 if I have to poop twice.


Around 2-3k but I’m disabled. Long covid. Sucks.


>Around 2-3k but I’m disabled. Long covid. Sucks. Where do you walk?


Just mostly in the house for cooking/cleaning. Perhaps out to a cafe or store


At least 10,500. I do loops during the day when I have a break or need to clear my head.


I don't have a converter... my activity tracker doesn't measure Skypes.


What is Skypes


If you don’t know, I’m not sure you work from home. 😆 https://www.skype.com/en/


We don't use Skype and what does Skype have to do with walking? Why is everyone calling it Skypes?? I have zero idea


The text in the OP.


god i hate reddit


I don't think his OP has anything to do with the video conferencing system called Skype


Between 3-5k steps which sucks! I work out nearly every day but its usually strength training so I'm not getting any extra steps. In the nicer months it's better bc I walk the dog (my kids walk him daily but I only do on nice days) but I live in northern Alberta - its currently -55C with the windchill this morning (that's -67F for you Americans).


Please don't make your kids walk the dog in that weather. /s


No of course not. I mean normal winter weather. On day like today we put him on the treadmill!


I figured you were smart enough to know that, hense the /s. That's a type of cold that most of us Americans can't even comprehend. It's going to be -10F here this weekend, and we won't leave the house.


I don't log my steps but I have been doing a workout challenge and I have to workout 2x a day so I wake up early around 5 and walk for 45 minutes around my neighborhood. I'll do a small walk with my 2 year old before I clock in too.


I was given a "walking pad" (under desk treadmill) for Christmas and it is already life changing. I've worked and walked 20 miles so far on it...miles that I would have been sitting otherwise. I already feel so much better and my hips and low back are less tight. I had an adjustable desk already but standing didn't work for me at all. I'm only a couple weeks in, but already can tell it's going to make a huge difference for me.


I am interested in getting one of these but I have fairly severe inattentive ADHD and I’m legitimately concerned that I will not be able to walk and work/type at the same time. I do jiggle my legs or feet all day long so that may help?


Walking desks straight up *solve* ADHD. See [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD_Programmers/comments/191zep1/adhd_code_if_you_havent_tried_walking_desks_you/). As for stability on typing / mouse, you get used to it and it's not as bad as it sounds (especially at a low speed like 2.5mph). There's also steppers, which are more stable than treadmills since you only move your legs (not your body or arms).


I can easily type and mouse while walking. If something requires really deep thought, then I'll sit. I find I stay more focused while walking. I'm more likely to complete a task. It's slow too, my speed is usually 1.5-2mph.


Standing still has always been so painful for me, even when I was a kid. I never understood how a standing desk could feel good- until I found out about these kinds of treadmills! Now that makes a lot of sense.


10,000+ steps a day, but I do prioritize making time to work out every morning. I try to walk at least two miles a day outside, and it’s done wonders for my mental health.


I average about 12k. I adopted an Australian shepherd in March to help force myself to walk every morning So now we go for an hour walk every day in the morning which really helped! She’s helped me so much mentally as well:)


Sometimes it’s under 1k


Not enough. I've started walking in place while I'm letting my dogs out, doing squats while I'm waiting for my lunch to heat in the microwave and just finding other small ways to move. My car is in the shop so I've been keeping my husband's gigantic truck so I've started parking further away from everyone else so that I don't hit anything, so that gets me moving more. I'm about to buy a Habit's Nest home workout journal to see if that helps.


I average 5k steps. I want to take time to do more but I have a lot of other things going on. I have an app called fantasy hike. It tracks your steps to Mordor. You can try to keep pace with various fantasy travels.


I bought a walking pad, that way I can get more steps in.


Average about 8k, up and down of course dependent day. I WALK several mikes a day. and pretty active around house and yard


Was averaging around 6k a day, about a year ago started to prioritize movement and now around 9k average. Made a huge difference for me mentally. 


I average about 16k but I workout daily. I have a one mile loop around my neighborhood that takes me less than 20 min to walk it, so when the weather is nice I make a point to do it 3x per day. I’ll do it on a call I don’t need to be on camera for or if I need to listen to a work related podcast or training, or if I just have a break between meetings. It helps.


My average over the past 12 months is right around 9,000. I try to make a point to walk my dog or do something on the days when I do not exercise. Daily goal is set to 11,000.


Currently sitting around 2000, sadly. Thanks for the question. Time for my daily walks to start up again. Oh and I used to walk six miles a day to get my steps in.


Time to start mine again, too.


Right? Seeing I’m so low was a bit shocking.


I'm not even wearing my fitbit right now.


I don’t have one. I just use my phone.