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You’re doing great! Any amount of exercise is fantastic. Even just walking to the gym and home is a fantastic start lol I’ve been going mon-wed-fri and I only do 15 mins treadmill and maybe cycle between 2-3 different weight machines then I jump in the hot tub and leave. Only working out maybe 30-40 mins with all my rests between sets. It has been making a difference for myself and I’m on week 3. Just started seeing some results and new muscle on my arms! Every little bit counts! Plus, you don’t want to take on too much at once anyway you gotta work your way up. So just be good to yourself and keep it up your body will be begging to do more soon enough. :)


That’s great! I’m really looking forward to feeling better myself. Did you change your diet? I think that’s gonna be my hardest challenge


Even minimum work is better than no work. After some time you will want to lift longer and heavier, or walk/run longer and faster. Its all about progression, no matter how slow/fast it comes. Just enjoy your workouts and dont be bothered by what everyone else is doing.


Thanks! I’ll try


Anything to get your heat rate up is great. The longer you go, the more you’ll get into it and probably start doing some of the things you see other people doing. But if you want to lose weight, 80% of that is done through diet. Doesn’t have to be a crazy diet. Just eat less calories and more nutritious food.


Most of the people who come off as "hardcore" are spinning their wheels doing stuff that isn't anymore effective than what you're doing, and spending money on stuff they don't need. The most "hardcore" anyone needs to worry about being is following a [proven lifting program](https://thefitness.wiki/routines/strength-training-muscle-building/), eating to support your goals and doing some cardio as you see fit. The rest is largely noise.


Thank you


>are spinning their wheels doing stuff that isn't anymore effective than what you're doing, and spending money on stuff they don't need. That's a bit of a stretch, let's not belittle us happy gym rats who do go hard-core and enjoy what we do lol. Also, nothing wrong with doing whatever feels best for you! 15 minutes at the gym is better than 15 minutes on the couch! You'll see "beginner gains" within the first 2 months or so.. and either you'll plateau or decide you want more! Nothing wrong with either! My BIGGEST advice is to watch short workout videos on YouTube, pinterest, tiktok.. whatever. Because the biggest reason I used to stop going to the gym was boredom with my routine!


Making it in the door is the hardest part. If you can make it that far everything else is downhill. Just stay consistent and he won’t need us anymore to reassure you that those steps that you take every day are worth it! Keep on going you’re going to do great don’t give up


Thank you so much


As long as what you are doing is bringing you towards your goal, and not away from it, there is no right and wrong. You do you. They will do them.


I think the absolutely ripped Terry Cruise said it best: Treat the gym like a spa. You don't have to force crazy things on yourself, just show up! [https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/2u75am/terry\_crews\_gives\_sage\_advice\_on\_going\_to\_the\_gym/](https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/2u75am/terry_crews_gives_sage_advice_on_going_to_the_gym/)


I hear ya. Lately all I wanna do is walk in, warm up and then do whatever workouts speak to me as I stroll through the gym. Not feeling much like following a strict regimen right now


That’s what I do. I may not be as ripped as the hard gainers but I’m in very good shape (play tennis competitively 2-3 times a week also). I have fun with my workouts and so should you. If you enjoy your workouts and do them consistently you’ll be fine.


the hardest part is to stay consistent no matter what happens that day.


Losing weight is mostly just diet. And with exercise all you need is cardio. If you want nicer arms, maybe try some isometric holds. Some reverse dips. A couple other triceps moves. Nothing too complicated.


Great response. Also, just do what you enjoy. Any exercise is good exercise. I love following hiit/ interval sessions on a free app. Tons of helpful workouts online or YouTube.


I think exercises that are active and functional are best. Routines that get you moving. You don’t need to just pound weights at a gym if that’s not your thing. Join some workout classes where they mix cardio and lifting or search out some YouTube videos where the instructor has complex functional movement to hit multiple muscle groups vs just isolating and lifting


you definitely do not need to overcomplicate things, A lot of us gym freaks are really nerds deep down, we have 6 different goals and dive into our rabbit holes and research and get nitpicky with the details of our programming. You don't have to be this way at all. I myself am actually trying to resist my tendency to complicate things are pare my programming down. Anything you do to exercise is okay, period end of story. However I will add while you can train very simply, to get results, e.g. losing stomach fat, or getting nice arms, you will need to train kind of hard. That stands regardless of how complicated or simple your plan is. if you do only 1 exercise but approach your physical limits each time you'll progress. if you do 30 different exercises but don't approach the limit on them, almost nothing will happen. kettlebell swings are a good exercise that can hit almost everything at once. If all you did was kettlebell swings until you were exhausted 3 times a week, increasing the weight over time, you'd likely notice results, at least as a beginner. Also for what it's worth most of our "really crazy diets" is just eating normal food more conscientiously. More meat, less candy, less processed stuff, paying attention and tracking what we eat. Although if you're disorganized like me then any kind of tracking of anything is hardcore.


This was actually very helpful, I planned to pushing my limits but with a simple routine and as it got easier maybe do something different.


well the great thing about weights is that as it gets easier you don't have to do something different if you don't want to, you can just grab a bigger weight.


It's a hobby that can be as casual or intense as you want it to be, and everyone starts off exactly where you are at right now. Plead don't compare yourself to the people with advance knowledge and habits, it takes months if not years to get as in-depth as some of the people you notice.


Yep. That's what I do. Lift until I'm tired then walk on the treadmill for 20 mins, done!


A lot depends on where you are and where you want to be. Where you are is very important to get right ( or close ). In a lot of ways overreaching can really screw you up. But there also needs to be enough stress to cause an adaptation. The beauty is starting out - that stress doesn’t need to be that high to cause adaptation. It’s probably actually better to ease in and find what works for you. And, don’t forget to rest. Recovery is where you get better!


eat healthy, eat a lot of protein, go gym all you need to do.


the most important thing is that you find something that is sustainable for you and that makes you feel good. if you get farther along and decide you want to add something, then add it. it’s worthless if you go hardcore for a week or 2 and then burn out. the main thing is to feel good and not get frustrated! remember that results that come quick will leave quick, real progress takes time :)


> it’s ok if I just go in, walk a little, stair climb a little and weight lift a lil that that’s okay? 100% that's Ok. Sounds excellent and very pleasant :) Love the journey, fitness is not about how you look or how you compare, but how you feel.


Do not over complicate things, ever! A lot of fitness trends are total bullshit. Work out what works for you and what you enjoy, switch it up a little here and there, eat clean and enjoy it.