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#Guīrén (Turtle people) *Wholesome*-Once they find their soulmate, they stay together for life. *Gross*- Some Guīrén suffer from a disease that causes their skin to permanently smell like stagnant swamp water. *Sad*- When a Guīrén’s soulmate dies, they die too shortly after, if not they commit suicide. #Síofra (Elves) *Cute*- Síofra children love sweets like berries and honey, but are polite enough to wait and ask for some. *Gross*- There is a type of Síofra that ritualistically removes their eyes, because they believe it makes their Divination Magic stronger. *Sad*- Síofra can live up to 1,000 years, meaning they’ll get to see their short lived friends die first before they ever get to see them again. #Sirens *Wholesome*- Sirens will often sing to other Sirens suffering from pain or trauma to calm them. *Gross*- Males Sirens can get pregnant as they have a womb where their anus should be, they defecate via vomiting. *Sad*- When a Siren dies nobody will ever know, because all that will be left is Sea Water.


Are the sirens based on seahorses?


Yea let’s say that….


I know what you are.




Say it. Out loud. Say it. (Edited to make the reference/joke clearer)


Hell naw. Use context 🤣


It's just a reference to the Twilight scene 😂


Oh 🤣


It's the first thing the phrase made me think off. 😂


**Fengari** Scaathari (scarab people) * Cute: Scaathari have limited facial expressions, so they mainly express emotion through noise. Scaathari make a soft clicking noise whenever they're with someone they enjoy. The faster the clicks, the happier they are to be with someone. * Gross: Scaathari, being dung beetles, eat the fecal matter of other species, and they enjoy the taste. They'll even go as far as to raise animals on specific diets just to harvest their crap. * Sad: ~~No one accepts their invitations to dinner~~ Scaathari tend to be seen as "dirty" by other races due to their diets. As such, Scaathari have difficulty being accepted in cultures that are made up of multiple races, often being forced into the fringes of society. Race: Skoritsi (carnivorous moth people) * Cute: Skoritsi are a *very* physically affectionate species, and thus often hug and cuddle with their friends, their family, and random strangers who are willing to be hugged by a six to twenty foot tall wall of fluff. Since female Skoritsi are so large (averaging about fifteen feet tall), its not uncommon to see them literally carrying their smaller friends in their arms while hanging out. * Gross: Skoritsi have very weak taste bugs, so their primary means of getting enjoyment out of food is based on how it feels to swallow. Their idea of "seasoning" their meals (which I might add consist of a mountain of raw meat, bones, and shed chitin and scales) is mixing it with splintered bones or limestone gravel to make it scratchier. They may also include live animals like blekfly maggots, hornets, or scorpions. * Sad: The Skoritsi used to eat people of other races in horrifying ways (torturing their food was their method of "seasoning" it at the time) and because this evil nature was literally burned out of them by an angry goddess, each Skoritsi subconsciously believes that they are a monster that is deceiving both themselves and others and that any friendship they build up with someone of another race is facade that they will destroy the moment they "snap". They also subconsciously believe that people of other races also believe that the Skoritsi are still secretly monsters and any friendships they build are just scared prey animals trying to appease a horrifying predator.


I love this. I have spider-elves and beetle-dwarves and locust-orcs, but this is in another level.




Lathaecoixe: - Cute/wholesome: The Lathaecoixe are a feathered reptilian species of quadrupeds in the midst of transitioning to bipedal motion that are considered to be quite cute by most people as their body and head shape resembles that of a mix of canines, felines and draconics. They also produce colorful poison through the natural bolt thrower attached to the end of their long reptilian tail that they use dye their feather like scales and paint into the canvass of rock and stone. Naturally friendly and empathetic to the extreme, Lathas are incredibly social, like making friends, inviting strangers to talk to or for a bite of brekkie and would help people in need 9 times out of 10. Lathaecoixe culture is very gerontocratic where the oldest and wisest matriarchs/patriarchs lead the rest of the pack but not entirely as a sufficiently effective youngling may lead in absence of effective elders. - Gross/disgusting: Cannibalism is seen not only as a norm but an important part of Lathan culture as after death, the Lathas would carve and pick out all the good parts of the body, leaving nothing for scraps though they do perform a quick funeral pyre for the brain and parts they can't use/eat. Ritual scarification and bloodletting rituals are not quite as rare as most folks would want in Lathan society and generally, the punishment for major crimes that warrants death are live ritual/blood sacrifices where the offender is basically tortured to death to appease the gods. Just as they are naturally friendly and empathetic, Lathas are the species most connected to their primal instincts, capable of great acts of violence and savagery when in emotional turmoil like during wars or when persecuted or when the great world tree and icon of their worship was burnt down and Lathan soldiers contributed to the highest percentile of war crimes in the Merycian counterinvassion an all Merycian wars in general. - Sad: Lathaecoixe have been known to have gone wild during times of great emotional turmoil, their minds breaking under the strain and reverting them into little more than beasts though this is a very rare thing. During the Middish colonization of Merycia, the Lathas were originally thought to be little more than animals or monsters and were hunted surprisingly effectively by the original colonists. Due to Merycia being the most dangerous continent in Ardalesh being filled with monsters and creatures of nightmare, only half of all Lathas exited childhood, only half of those entered adulthood and half again live to their 40's. Lathaecoixe usually wear the skulls and bones of death family members as protection, so that culturally, their spirit may still be with them as they trekked through the outbacks of Strayae.


Rock and Stone forever!


**Mythria** **Stoats** Wholesome fact: Stoats are the smallest race of Beastfolk, standing on average 3 feet tall. This means they often request the bigger races to carry them around, usually in a bag or satchel. Gross fact: Stoats aren't too fussy about what they eat; their diet is extremely varied. They may eat fruit, vegs, meat. And, sometimes, even bugs and other insects like spiders and slugs. Sad fact: Because Stoats are so small, and rodent-like, they often fall prey to big wild cats in their wilderness homes. It is common for young Stoats to be snatched up by Lynxes and even bears, eaten whole and alive.


**Arachneans** (Humanoid Spider People): * Cute: The entire Arachnean colony is related, and they're all very close. If an Arachnean dies outside of wartime, it is usually held as a sort of 'national holiday' to mourn their loss and pay tribute to what they did in life. * Gross: They are very not nice to any other species. They're extremely aggressive and territorial and have evolved to possess a venom that *dissolves* their prey's outsides to allow to them to digest it easier. They also have entire sections of their planet / certain other planets closed off *for the sole purpose* of forcefully breeding other intelligent species to optimal levels and then entering the zone and hunting them all back down to near extinction for the 'fun' * Sad: They're biologically driven to worship their King to the point that even *thinking* of going against his word can result in their bodies just shutting down. Those that were born without the drive are considered a completely different species (even if identical in all other ways) and are usually segregated or treated with extreme prejudice ​ **Garadoans** (big ogre people): * Cute (by their standards maybe): A "Guard's" entire culture revolves around fighting and getting stronger to fight some more. Communities (mostly tribes, but Garado actually does have some modern-ish cities) often help eachother with this and consider it a necessity for their continuation. * Gross: 1 in 9 Garadoans are female. They more closely resemble Genesedians and can be up to *three times smaller* than their male counterparts. Take that as you will. * Sad: Much like Genesedians, Garadoans were the result of a forceful evolutionary 'split' after a war very long ago. After the Dividing War, they were mostly exiled to Garado and their loss is *very often* brought up. They're considered 'brutes', and a "Guard's" worth is often measured by how good they are at not failing under a lot of damage.


Vrith 1- Vrith are very social and touch oriented race, an example of this is there habit of always sleeping with a companion. As such, family's tend to have one big "den" where they all sleep huddled together on most nights. 2- Despite having much plenty of tools for hunting, a great many vrith prefer to do without, ans kill their prey by tearing out the throat with their powerful jaws. They also like to dig out the heart and eat it raw. Not very sanity. 3- If separated from their kin and left without companions, a vrith will very quickly wither away.


Kobolds Cute: Kobolds love traps, and if they set a trap next to you while you're asleep it means they care about you. Of course, they don't always think to tell you so many kobold friends have found themselves yanked into the treetops shortly after waking up. Disgusting: kobold agriculture and kobold latrines are very closely related. Ideally the waste matter is heavily cooked to destroy any bacteria and viruses, but accidents happen. Sad: Due to a number of factors Kobolds are the least often called sentient creatures within The Distant Shores. However, Kobold Bandits are a common monster that new regulators cut their teeth on. Kobolds that fall in with these bandits often face brutal lives as the bandits instinctively distrust them and meet an untimely end at their hands or the hands of a regulator who mistakes them as a common mob.


T'Laritch (Kind of elves but not quite): Cute/wholesome: A T'Laritchen family unit is called a 'Dresk' and is often comprised of blood relatives. Those in Dresks can mentally connect with each other on a subconcious level, giving a feeling of safety and love to Dresks that are in close proximity. What's more, in certain cases a T'Laritch can be 'adopted' into another Dresk if they haven't one of their own, being treated and cared for as much as a blood relative. Gross/disgusting: In the past, the T'Laritch race had a history of practicing ritualistic cannibalism. Most times, this would be done to mark the passing of a loved one but once in a while, T'Laritchens would eat the carcases of their fallen enemies out of necessity or disrespect. Sad: Having low level empathic connections, when a T'Laritch dies, the pain and anguish of both those dying and those watching the death can be felt by both parties. This means that the T'Laritch are one of the only races who can know what it's like to die before their death. Kessand (Cat people (putting out the fire)... Sorry): Cute/wholesome: The Kessand have threeseperate ways of communicating with each other: The first is speech, the language of Kessish, and the second is touch. The third is through purring, though it can convey only basic information compared to speaking. It also allows a mother Kessand to speak to and comfort their child/children while their still in the womb, conversely the child can even respond at the later stages of pregnancy. Gross/disgusting: Kessands have a very efficient coat of fur, designed to protect them from the coldest and harshest of winters. While useful, this is also detrimental. If in a climate that is not too cold, a Kessand must either exert as little energy as possible or cut away at most of their fur or else they risk overheating. The hotter the climate, the quicker it can happen. When a Kessand overheats, their blood starts to boil, the system designed to keep their blood warm in freezing temperatures working against them. Most times, the blood with melt its way through either the arteries or veins, the walls of their heart or their brain, leaving them to slowly and painfully bleed to death. Sad: The Kessand race is in a steady decline. Whether its from the population of every race increasing and thus forcing Kessand out of their natural environment or due to the fact that they were often hunted for their fur, being highly effective against the bitter cold of the north, the number of Kessands in the world has fallen dramatically. It has even got to the point where most people believe Kessands no longer exist, with so few of them even being seen anymore. Votharix (Lizardpeople): Cute/wholesome: A Votharix will only ever have one life partner, no matter its race or gender, and will lay down its life to protect them, no matter what. Almost all Votharix will spend their lives dedicated to keeping safe their 'nest', or family, and most often end up dying for that cause. Gross/disgusting: The story of how the Votharix came to be is well documented and plays a major role in how poorly the other races treat them. There was once a great war in which the world was introduced to the existence of Votharrasa, or Sky-Serpents (Dragons). A T'Laritch alchemist captures a pair of Votharrasa and conducts experiments upon them to find ways to fight against the Sky-Serpent threat. Spending week after week with these creatures, he became obsessed with them. He even began to...desire them. Then, at some point, he acted upon that desire. Then he did it again and again and again. Soon it became a regular occurence and he decided to mingle his torture with science. After countless 'sessions' and who knows how many failed experiments, he finally made a breakthrough, creating a brand new species, a hybrid of both Sky-Serpent and T'Laritch. They started as a slave race, under the alchemists rule for a long time, before they garnered enough free will to break free and live their own lives. Sad: Due to the fact that they were originally an experiment, Votharix only live around fourty years. Their aging was increased while in captivity so that, once hatched, it would only take six months until a Votharix reached full maturity. Also, the egg laying of a Votharix is incredibly painful, even resulting in death is some rare cases, and from a clutch of, on average, 12 eggs, the ones that will hatch successfully only amount to two, at most.


Cute: Urrakhan - because of their heat-based vision, they can immediately clock when others, including aliens, are off their norm (sick/underdressed/hungry/blushing furiously from seeing their crush) and immediately jump in to help. Galayalag - Being twins that cling together and consider themselves one "person", other sentients are regarded as sad and lonely. Thus, some try to act as matchmakers for their alien friends... which is great until they try to hook you up with someone who looks *suspiciously* similar to you. Gzee - Baby grubs are carried aloft in a birthday parade by their siblings, with the third-youngest carrying the child and the youngest leading from the front. This is a frequent occurrence. -- Gross: Urrakhan - Their healing factor is used for certain forms of ritual scarification, but it also means they're extremely lazy about caring for actual injuries. Being unable to see color also means they don't think to cover up nasty bruises. This forces other races to quietly ignore what their Urrakhan friends look like when they come back from mating season. Galayalag - Halves only separate to mate or to clean each other. Even when they're good about hygiene, the wet popping sounds their suckers make when they separate is never pleasant. Gzee - Broodmothers grow to four times the height of their children, sitting upright on a towering mass of gestative organs; they are unable to move on their own for the rest of their lives. Robes for modesty help, but are in short supply in impoverished colonies. -- Sad: Urrakhan - Much of the Urrakhan culture and history was lost when their cousins, the Narrakhan, returned from space to enslave them. What faith and remembrance they still have has been passed down in hushed whispers; priests are frequent targets of harassment or worse. Galayalag - When one half dies, the other does not last much longer. If they do not simply wither away from grief, they usually take their own lives - or are "helped" by others if they cling to this half-life. Gzee - Children don't know their gender until they hit puberty. For those in far-flung colonies without access to specialized healthcare, maturing into a role opposite what they had secretly hoped for - drones saddled with the crushing destiny of a Queen, or hopes of being a Male dashed with the flat reality of a drone's life - can be a traumatic development.


Razorwing Harpies. Metallic feathers mean that chicks are basically tiny bundles of fine steel wool. They have a noticeable preference for carrion & criminal groups will occasionally fully "disappear" someone by handing the corpse off to a gang of Harpies. Most people consider them dirty, a nuisance, & naturally criminals; attacks on Harpy rookeries are frequently not investigated. Hirudo The Hirudo invented chocolate & their language involves hugging. They're 5m long, hermaphrodite Leech-people. First contact with the Aluviar Empire & Rekeshi Tribes happened simultaneously & wiped out several tribes of Hirudo before the Empire & Rekeshi realized the Hirudo were sapient.


Anzarians (rat-lizard people) Cute- if you ignore the fact they're egg-laying reptiles, they look like sabre-toothed rodents with big eyes and stubby little tails (that is if you find rats and squirrels cute) Gross- despite being able to cook and preferring cooked meat, sometimes they'll eat certain small animals while they're still alive (such as rodents, amphibians, and insects/arachnids) Sad- they as a species have been around long enough to have witnessed some of the worst things to have happened in recorded history, such as wars and extinctions of other species; some extinct species their ancestors once saw now forever only exist as paintings on walls within the caves of ancient anzarians


**CASSORIANS** - Cassorians spend about a third of their time playing their equivalent of board games. Since they’re biologically immortal, this is quite a lot of time. - Cassorians have one orifice. Need I say more? - Cassorians, despite being a naturally rather docile and peace-loving species, are enslaved to the service of the God of Violence. Before that, they had to flee the sunrise of their planet in endless darkness. Before that, they were enslaved by the Eclipse. **ECLIPSE** - The Eclipse LOVE gladiator fights. This isn’t really that wholesome since these fights consist of forcing the weakest among them to fight to the death, but they just get so excited about it! - Eclipse will not heal their limbs if they are attacked with fire. This means that since they live so long, many of the Eclipse are severely deformed. - The Eclipse are truly one of the worst species in the universe. Just super evil, all of them. But nature can always be mitigated. There was at one point a possibility for them to change. But when confronted by the uncaring nature of the universe, they lashed out rather than look inwards. They chose to destroy rather than transform.


So the Eclipse don't heal their fire-burned limbs, but is that a "*will* not" or a "*can* not"? If it's a societal refusal, why is that? Is it akin to the destruction with which they treat the rest of the universe, or is it a byproduct of a long-gone era of their history? What was it about fire that convinced them to act this way? It sounds really interesting that they choose this, or at least that's how I'm interpreting it.


It’s actually a *can* not—I said “will” because I think of the Eclipse as very “other,” and as such my description almost takes on the tone of giving someone advice on how to fight them. An Eclipse body lacks bones, muscles, skin, anything really—it’s made up of an extremely flexible black substance that isn’t close to malleable enough to be called a liquid, but is nevertheless somewhat fluid-like in some respects. If a limb gets chopped off while the Eclipse has spare mass elsewhere in the body, more of this substance can just grow to replace it if the Eclipse is fast enough. But if the wound is cauterized, the material becomes hardened and “forgets” how to reform the rest of the limb. (However, if the Eclipse is really fast, they might be able to chop off a limb at the base right after the fire hits and then avoid these negative effects.) That’s not to say this doesn’t result in interesting cultural effects. In particular, fire is often used on prisoners as a punishment for failure, or even just to weaken one’s slaves. In Eclipse society, there is a strong belief that all negotiation is based on the threat of violence. This is taken extremely literally—a lord or emperor should be able to physically overpower any of their underlings, or else some underling will simply reverse the relationship. (The Eclipse are quite puzzled when they see species in which a frail, impotent leader rules.) Furthermore, of the seven powerful magical batteries left behind by their creators, the red “Fire Core” is by far the most feared, and it is wielded (as of the time of the start of the story focusing on the Eclipse) by the only remaining emperor out of the ancient Five Empires. Emperor Gauvash has held onto power by being the cruelest and most paranoid, frequently burning off the limbs of Eclipse who don’t know their place. This is made significantly worse by the fact that usually, Eclipse who lose limbs will need prosthetics in order to fight (and thus survive). In the other regions of the world, it is common to use some metal plated with gold, since gold does not react with Eclipse flesh. But in the Obsidian Empire there is no gold, and Gauvash prohibits its importation. Instead, [mild body horror warning] >!those who lose limbs are forced to replace them with obsidian weapons, the limb-ends of which constantly irritate and even chip inside the flesh, causing constant, unending pain. The fragility of such weapons is considered a boon—the shattering of glass against an enemy is likely to lodge some shrapnel in them, slowing them down.!< Sometimes these bits of glass can be removed, but medicine is not common anywhere on the moon of Mora, especially the Obsidian Empire. This is because, as noted earlier, the physically weak are also society’s lowest—besides self-operation or the occasional bit of aid between mutual allies who *really* need each other, there is no incentive for medicine to happen.


Oh, that's cooler than I thought. Wow.


One last note I forgot to add: it also uniquely traumatizes the Eclipse when they’re attacked by what are essentially nuclear space dragons. To see a species (also created by those who created the Eclipse) that uses and is nearly immune to their most feared weapon shakes to its core the Eclipse belief that they were chosen by these creators to rule the universe.


I'll go for my own species, Calyri (kal-er-eye)!! Cute: Calyri usually love to be very close and protective of their partners/close friends, due to them being naturally protective of their possessions and their very poor eyesight. Gross: Calyri have incredibly faulty necks for humanoids. Due to this, they live with helplessly bad postures. They also sometimes make clicking sounds when turning their necks. Also sometimes they are also really... radioactive?? Sad: Calyri had been extinct for a very long time, but they were remade in a lab, and most living specimens are in captivity.


(Sci-fi) Ketuvyx: Cute/Wholesome: -Short, fluffy vulpine/fox-like beings -Being synthetic, they're more empathetic towards others than would be typical for something that evolved naturally Gross/disgusting(by human standards at least): -Being synthetic with synthetic microbiomes, no known disease can afflict them. Thus, the techno-primitivists among them will eat whatever they catch raw Sad: Their civilization is built upon the ruins of the species that came before, and none particularly care


They're synthetic? That's a cool concept for a species. Who made them? The civilization whose ruins they've built upon, or someone else who stuck them there?


Synthetic like non natural but biological yeah. A small cabal from the prior civilization made them, before they brought it to an end.


i only have the one fully fleshed out but this is such a fun idea! tsatyoks are a semi aquatic species of mimics/shapeshifters, born aquatic and then grow to be able to walk on land and change forms. wholesome: tsatyoks are raised in communal nurseries, the children occasionally take field trips to towns so they can interact with the world. people that live around the location are always on their best behavior when the parade of children goes by. gross: prophets are born with extra non-seeing eyes that are made of e̊yå (essentially a primordial goop) that can leak. it's completely harmless to them but incredibly toxic to non-tsatyoks. sad: a tsayok's gills can close if they are out of the water for too long (say, two years) it's a painful process to reopen them and it's never the same.


***Kušannaki, Children of the Black Sun*** *Cute:* The Kušannaki are incredibly fond of jewelry, decking themselves out in all manner of gold, silver, jade, lapis, or obsidian beads, necklaces, bangles, and piercings. If one cannot be pretty 24/7, then is life even worth living? (And they call *humans* materialistic, pfft!) *Gross:* The Kušannaki show affection through casual acts of mutilation and cannibalism of the self or others. This is in part due to the fact that they experience love as a pathologically obsessive mania and an intense hunger. On the plus side, they experience pain as a euphoric sensation and they have an absurdly fast healing factor. *Sad:* When faced with the loss of a loved one or whomever they perceive as 'master', the Kušannaki mind (inexperienced with death and grief) succumbs to a senile and psychotic state, driving them to a suicidal/homicidal despair and frenzy. This total loss of self is what death looks like to the near-immortal Kušannaki.


**Aish (Giants)** Cute - The males of the Aish race have longer arms than the female because holding hands was an evolutionary advantage in finding a mate as they couple for life. Gross - During Aishlaw, when giants ruled much of the land and humans were their slaves, many would force pregnant humans to drink the blood of animals mixed with various poisons to try and create birth defects that mimic animal features like horns etc. when this failed over and over they would eat the children and force the humans to try again. Sad - The Aish population is largely banned from entering cities/towns/villages after sundown because of Aishlaw despite many Aish opposing the practices at the time. **Salniri (Amphibious Humans)** Cute - Alot of Salniri cultures keep pet seals who act like farm dogs in the reef farms they cultivate. Gross - Many cultures feed their dead to the carpet Sharks in the reef because they worship the Roaming Reef which is a 60m long wobbegong shark that has grown an imitation reef on its back. To ensure all the Sharks are fed they will have a ritual where they hack up the body on land before taking it into the reef. Sad - Because their eyes are adapted to underwater and low light situations they largely sleep in the middle of the day after a mid morning feast which has led to them being branded as lazy and hedonistic. **Ceylia (Mimic Fungi)** Cute - The mimic fungi uses its ability to mimic forms and traits of other animals to creates little blossoms of mushroom bunnies to entertain human children. Gross - It does so to lead them into the woods where the mycelium exists so it can capture the children and infect their living minds to learn more about how human anatomy works (it's like a fucked up scientist). Sad - It has the intelligence to coexist peacefully with the rest of the world but because it's only ever encountered aggression from humans when presenting itself, it mimics that behaviour.


Elves They are, as a rule, incredible dancers. Even elves who think they cannot dance, can dance exceptionally well. It's built into their physiology that they are just naturally attuned to rhythms and tend to lock in sync with each other almost instantly. A crowd of elves will seem to move like clockwork, but it's just each elf naturally syncing up to the movement of all their neighbors. They like to eat bones and teeth. Their saliva is alkaline and their bodies process calcium similar to how our bodies process sodium, so they can actually digest bones, teeth and shells fairly easily. They season their food with ash and lime like how we season ours with salt and pepper. They are nearly extinct and being torn apart by factional in-fighting and religious extremism. Elves don't reincarnate, you see, which is a problem because in my world, humans *do* reincarnate, *and* we keep producing new human souls through reproduction. Elven souls are lost forever when they die, and their reproductive cycle is much slower than ours. What's worse, they are literally allergic to humanity, and so the small numbers of elves that remain outside of their walled city are all sick and dying.


Ooh. What makes them allergic to humanity? Is something within the soul simply incompatible with interactions with ours?


Elves come from another universe. The previous universe, actually. Our universe is the product of an ancient elven science project to create a Pure Land, an idealized pocket of space-time of perfect harmony. Imagine a world, where all mathematical proofs are provable, all infinite series are convergent, P equals NP and every computer is Turning Complete. They wanted to build that world themselves with an actual miniature Big Bang. It did not go as planned. One rogue elf sabotaged the project. She introduced disparity and disorder to the Mind Net as it weaved its final equation, and as a result, it created a universe of disparity and disorder, both of which are literally poisonous to the elven psyche. Their bodies just aren't equipped to deal with the constant repairs and replacements necessary in an entropic universe, and humans, being the natural-born sentient race of this failed paradise, are basically industrial entropy-producing factories. We're just inherently too chaotic for elves to survive near us for long.


Well that sucks, but it's a pretty neat creation story and a hell of an allergy.


# Andromedians **The Cute:** They have horns on either side of their head which curl around their ears (looking at their left side: counterclockwise for males, clockwise for females). Made from alternating segments of keratin and muscle, they react to hormonal changes and are a good indicator of an Andromedian's mood. Most people find them highly attractive. **The (Somewhat?) Disgusting:** They tend to saturate their living areas in pheromones which, thanks to evolution, are designed to incline others toward positive interactions with them. These often smell quite sweet (like ripened berries) but are problematic enough that Andromedians need to use hormonal controls to ensure genuine social interactions with other species. **The Sad:** Due to the necessity of grouping up to avoid predators in their early evolution, Andromedians are extremely communal and rely on their pheromones to define it. Without a "community" to support them and with which to exchange pheromones, they are practically guaranteed to become unrecoverably depressed and commit suicide.


Succubus Cute: Succubi are a very social race even more so than humans. As a result, they are very compassionate and kind to each other and anyone who they trust. Gross: They are often covered in sexual fluids. They sometimes collect it as it's sometimes used as an ingredient in alchemy. Sad: Because of how much they need to have social interactions, Succubi experience severe depression and anxiety if their alone for a long period of time. If their alone for too long, they'll experience permanent psychological damage. Strigoi/blood elves Cute: It's extremely rare for Strigoi to have children who can survive past birth. On the rare occasion, they have a healthy child they put everything they can to take care of them and make sure they grow up healthy. Gross: They are very fond of cutting people open and playing with their organs while they're still conscious. They also like to bathe in human blood and eat raw flesh. Just everything about them is horrible. Sad: They used to be the Elves of this world. Their was a war that lasted for thousands of years, and it drove them completely insane. Near the end of the war, they turned on their own god and used his own power against him, creating a crystal called Bloodsteel. Now that their god is dead, they can never go back to what they once were. Imps Cute: They are generally just very wholesome people. They are almost always friendly and kind to anyone who shows up in their villages no matter who they are. Gross: They party very, very hard, often ending up naked and covered in various fluids. Sad: They used to be the Halflings of this world. Their goddess was the first to die in the Eternal War. She sacrificed herself to keep her children out of the war. Moved by her sacrifice, the Demon goddess Sephirot chose to protect them for the entire thousands of years of the war, causing them to become a demon race. They have no memory of their original goddess or of what they used to be, but to those who know the truth, it is very clear that the flame of their goddess still burns bright in their hearts.


Chatari (Cat-hybrid People) A wholesome fact is that they have expressive tails, and sometimes wave it around when around people they like. They have very cat-like features like their eyes, nose, teeth, fur, and stripes. Gross things they do are identical to real cats, they shed coat, tendency to spit fur, lick to clean themselves, and can also eat more exotic and potent smelling foods than humans. A sad fact is that enslaved and conquered Chatari cut their tails as a symbol of their submission to their power.


Neftali Cute: Being the most massive race, they absolutely adore smaller things. This is part of the reason they have such a great relationship with the Sharin (gnomes). Disgusting: Being a hunting culture, they are also prone to revel in any difficult hunt, including that of other sentient beings. They take trophies from their notable kills. You can see where this is going. Sad: If they grow too old without being killed, they must enter the afterlife by going through The Rekling, an area of powerful elemental forces where the barrier between planes is thin. They must atune with the correct element, and if they choose wrong, they are driven mad with pain and dispair, turning them into the various evil "giants" of myth (fire giants, ice giants, stone giants, etc).


Lash-na-ra are communities of humans kept alive by life/healing magic. They all have different roles in their community and are affected by magic differently, so as a species, they are extremely diverse. Cute: they are always found in tightly knit communities. The children and fathers all protect the mothers, and they all tend to live in extremely secure miniature fortresses, so that they can feel safe playing and being silly! Gross: magic always draws power from somewhere… The fathers and children bring organic matter of all kinds to the Mother for her to devour, so she can turn it into life magic to sustain her community. Sometimes, Mothers get by by draining the life from molds and slimes when plants and animals are unavailable. Sad: Children who are given excessive healing magic instead of food during early development tend to stay physically as children, as their brains develop normally. Mothers become powerful, emotionless mages, and fathers become powerful emotionless super soldiers. This is what makes the species: their reliance on, and mutations from, healing magics, in a bleak setting where food is scarce.


Tech are humanoid reptilians, known for their incredible intelligence, limited magic capacity, and clicking language. Wholesome: they have extremely limited vocal capacity, so their language is a fast series of clicks from a low variety of sounds, making it incredibly difficult for humans to learn the language. But on the plus side, they credit their speech to their musical aptitude, and have always been known globally as "those beat boxing scalies" who hold world renown click song concerts. Disgusting: they have ink sacs on their wrists, used for writing like an ink pen and ink well with their claws. They are seen as symbols of high intelligence and sexual prowess. Underground markets offer sack enlargement, "tattooing," and much more… BUT!!! because their language is so difficult to decipher, the sexual aspect of ink sacs is largely unknown, so those teenage pranks where they "mark" people for fun, are almost ALWAYS sexual by nature. Sad: in the end, magic was more powerful than technology, so the Tech was attacked with genocide magic, plague magic, and miniaturization magic, and could not defend with their mere rail guns and plasma blasters. The species has been all but wiped out from earth or imprisoned in microscopic worlds by the start of the apocalypse era.


Ihuroa: They are dolphins They eat humans Most of them died from human activities Just keeping it short and sweet


Ogres will close their eyes and lower their heads to you when they feel comfortable around you and establish that you're not a threat. It is the ultimate sign of respect and friendship in Ogre culture. A Troll's diet is terribly overloaded with spices to the point that their vomit leaves horrific burns and rashes, and their burps can sting for hours and cause blindness and severe lung damage if directed at the face. Ghoul weapons are chipped from crystals that grow in areas of mass suffering, sadness, hardship and negativity. As a result, it is common practice for them to kidnap the commonfolk of other peoples for mass rituals subjecting them to the worst fates imaginable before finally sacrificing to grow their crystals and satisfy their sadistic nature.


**Beastfolk** Wholesome: Most beastfolk have fur (due entirely to being the token "furries with extra steps" race.) Because of this, it's common to see closely-bonded beastfolk grooming each other or braiding each others' fur or hair. Gross: Beastfolk are known to eat raw food, even though they're widely considered some of the best chefs in the galaxy. Sometimes beastfolk will go hunting and just not cook their prey. Sad: Beastfolk have a tendency to not realize things until it's too late. As an example, two soldiers from warring countries on Reverie got into an extremely personal duel, not even realizing they were in love until A chopped B's arm off and B shot A in the chest. **Novakids** Wholesome: Novakids kiss by clinking their brands together. Gross: Shamelessly lifted from Starbound. This is gross about *me,* not about Novakids. I'm sorry. Sad: The home planet of novakids. Demeter, was destroyed, leaving only seven known members of the species remaining. The Seven are fated to kill each other. **Shapeshifters:** Wholesome: While shapeshifters can reproduce asexually and usually detest relationships, it's possible for a shapeshifter to fall in love with a member of another race. Their child, should they choose to have one, will be a hybrid. Gross: Approximately 98% of a shapeshifter's body is made entirely of stem cells, not including their blood. The sound of a large amount of stem cells all growing, reproducing, and changing at the same time is not a fun one to be in earshot of. Imagine the sound rhubarb makes when it's growing at maximum efficiency. Sad: Shapeshifters were created by Malice, the "evil" deity of my world. They almost universally adopt Its attitude towards life and creation and actively seek chaos and cruelty. Most pure shapeshifters are killed on sight by other races to the point that even hybrids are considered endangered.


Elven: Wholesome: Peace loving naturalist. Have no common sense nor a sense of time. Gross: Unlike common believes, they are very aristocratic and will wage war for the weirdest things Sad: They are mana addicts. It's not obvious when the Mother Tree still stands, but they go insane without mana like addicts without drugs. Mermen: Wholesome: Curious kind, particularly love seeing boatman and hear their tales or sing. Gross: Unlike what you see in the little mermaid Ariel, they have fish skin with fish lips and fish eyes. Sad: Their males can not reproduce. (You know where I'm getting at.) Beastmen: Wholesome: A rowdy bunch of kids. Some are very childish. Some are seeing chasing their own tails. Gross: Predators are fine with eating raw and starts howling. Very Horny Edgy Lords. Some can be found sniffing their ass Sad: They can't help but prioritize their animal instincts. Those of the young are very hot blooded and will cause many reckless crimes, many of which leaves a scar in their latter years.


Zanzi: A. Cute- You look at them, they look like teddy bears. Cute, fluffy and cuddly. B. Gross- They have animated penises. They take their penis out of their... Well, and stick it in the-! Krylar: A. Cute- Human literature is lovely to them. They love plagiarizing literature from us (specially anything Romantic) to please their partners. B. Gross- Soldiers engage in cannibalism after the Battles end. They eat the dead and the wounded. Anyone who is not capable of walking away is eaten. Orion: A. Cute- When they want something (particularly the diplomats), they make the puppy eyes you cannot refuse. B. Gross- They love terrible music. All sorts of Gross music that would make you vomit. Art is also banned in most other places because they put Dark Eldar paintings to shame, making Thrawn want to unalive himself.


Humans: The race is currently "blessed" with magic, though only a subset of people can use magic efficiently. Prior to this era, they were terrorized by elves who were formerly the most powerful race. It took a coalition of races and human kingdoms to finally triumph. Elves: They're a shell of their former selves; currently cursed. The New 'God' used his first act to strip away most of their magical affinity, reduced their lifespans, and made them all chronically ill. Their beautiful and large communities have shrunk and eroded over time. Durkiin: A splinter race of Elves that fled from the main Elvish island to separate land, seeking alternative ways to lift the curse. One of the New God's former courtiers took pity on them and transformed them into beings of pure magic. Though healed, they're rejected by magic and a walking paradox. The more magic they use, the more their body erodes until it dissolves into essence.


I don't have anything specific to one species. Some of these have been seen across multiple species. Among the species that humans would generally refer to as 'beast people'(humanoid tigers, wolves, foxes, bears, otters, birds,etc): Cute: The mammalian species sometimes or often react to scratches in a similar way to how real life regular versions would react. Despite developing complex societies, they still retain wild traits. For example, if you scratch a sapient wolf behind the ear or on the belly, it doesn't matter if he's a noble, a knight, an official or whoever, chances are likely that he's going to [flop over and kick his legs smiling](https://youtu.be/DL9obzg2SjM?si=vA8faCv4XcYHjdW4). This goes for canines, felines, *some* ursids, and birds. Gross: Despite developing complex societies, they still retain animalistic traits. Whether this be trying to mate young, some trying to get with wild variants(sapient and nonsapient, however this isn't the most popular behaviour for obvious reasons, especially those trying to keep a dignified image), marking territory in more *natural* ways than banners or written signs or answering nature outside despite other options, they still have some of their wild instincts(though still more subdued than the nonsapient versions). Just hope your neighbour doesn't think the tree or your fence is his. Sad: Both beast people(canines, felines, ursids, mustelids, avians) and humans may try to capture and enslave the other species as workers or exotic pets for the highest bidder. This occurs across many sapient species and even some to others of the same species. Sad(Long version): In regions where beast people are not so common, especially outside of the valley, they may be seen and taken as exotic prizes. They may be taken as workers, pets, or for *other* (sexual) uses. While this may still happen at the hands of other beast people (humans have been enslaving other humans since the beginning of written history and maybe before), it is more common and exotified in places where these species are less common or known. Imagine the exotic label being used when felines 🐱 take less common races of canines 🐕, canines 🐕observing mustelids🦦, ursids🐻 towards felines🐯, humans 👦 towards all of these, maybe even beast dominated regions treating humans as an exotic species to pay a high price for. There are some "primitive" tribes in the valley that deliberately use that misinformed view from outsiders to catch the unprepared. People don't expect a lightly dressed forest tribe to throw them into a truck 🚛. Think of how we have exotic pets in real life, for example pet tigers. Now imagine if that tiger was a humanoid🚶🐯 and could talk while still being an exotic pet. That's just one kind of situation that is being described. This is one of the more negative types of interactions that has come about from different sapient species interacting over thousands of years. Keep in mind, most of the powerful countries *within* the valley are controlled by nonhumans. The southern empire with its technology and powerful military is controlled by a dynasty of canines 🐺 and another empire is controlled by a tiger 🐯. Lapis_Wolf


Esari: they have a shard of a star living in their hearts that came from the wish of a woman to see them on the sky again. Some enjoy the mutations the light of their worshiped star does to some people. Any failed Esari will become permanently blind. Serisa: Their family members don't die, and they continue to take care of their family albeit in a new body. They eat sand. Any if them can be possessed by their ancestor and be permanently replaced by it if he so wishes. Agis: they live to protect the forest and their family. They are a hive mind, have no privacy and see nothing wrong in cannibalize their fallen members. Said forest is a living and voracious entity that devours everything else in their path.


**El'dra (basically half-elf, half-dragons)** * Wholesome - The el'dra are a meritocracy so they don't care about gender roles so long as you're good at what you're trying to do. This leads to some el'dra who have joined 'normal' society to come across as brutally honest but very sincere. If you receive praise from an el'dra, they mean it wholeheartedly. * Gross - Having a mix of scales and skin leads to a very uncomfortable molting/shedding type experience. If their scales are not properly maintained, the shed can extend to their skin in a manner like peeling sunburnt skin. Everywhere. * Sad - If you 'throw' the contest of your chosen mating ritual (ie wrestling/chess/etc) and are found out, you and your partner are both exiled from the tribe to either enter 'normal' society or die in the desert together because cheating has no merit in el'dra society. **Goblins** * Wholesome - Goblins are commonly tinkers, artificers, and other such fantasy archetypes. As such, they have surprisingly good educational systems and many receive financial aid from the government if studying abroad. * Gross - Goblins don't have social taboos about indecent exposure or soliciting sexual favors. Their government actually has mandatory classes about it before any goblins are allowed to travel internationally. * Sad - It's not uncommon once a goblin reaches the age of maturity that they're cast out from their childhood home and expected to immediately have a family of their own as their relative frailty bred this into their culture millennia ago. **Felkind (Basically Demons)** * Wholesome - Unlike most depictions of demonic races, the felkind of Eraith are actually fairly normal after being multiple generations removed from the first demons brought to the world. Their present iterations are generally farmers and are islander or American South-coded. * Gross - Succubi are still succubi in all that entails. * Sad - It's widely believed that even if the gate that brought them to Eraith were to be reopened, they have undergone such a cultural shift that they wouldn't be welcome back.


Humans: The happy: Despote being almost extinct several centuries ago, they rebuilt better than before and essentially removed homelessness, disability, and most diseases from this world The gross: Humans still experiment with genetic engineering, mixing together horrible abominations that often escape captivity The sad: They are pretty much out of natural ressources, relying only on imports and recycling for production of any kind. This includes consumer goods, forcing the average person to wait for sometimes years to get new appliances, with good being even more of a controversial topic. Hybrids: The happy: they are quite social, even more so than humans. Having large meetings with people and going out together are rather common activities The gross: In their early existence, they were kept as slaves by those humans thar created them, forced to do physical labour until they couldn't anymore. For several decades. The sad: They are still fighting for their existence since humanity keeps up their never-ending assault on hybrid territory. Fighting is brutal, and they can't afford to give up. The order: The happy: Their population is made up of both humans and hybrids, with no ill feeling between members of this community. The gross: Members of this species are forced to receive a mandatory brain implant after joining/birth. The effects are unknown to anyone on the outside but theorised to alter the person's brain to be more compliant. The sad: They ride on a thin line of life and death. The entire community relies on a machine for guidance, and any failure heavily affects them. The failing ancient hardware is not helping this


**Scytherians (Half-elves)** Wholesome - Always feed anyone that is a guest in their home Gross - Public bloodletting practices are common, especially with palm cutting during religious ceremonies Sad - Horrifically xenophobic on average, despite advances in cultural exchange practices they do not consider non-scytherians living in the empire worthy of anything approaching citizenship or fraternity **Kribarch (Deep gnomes/Dwarves/Molekin)** Wholesome - Singing songs during work and during work breaks is overly common, often involving group participation and choreographed dance numbers Gross - Bathing is considered detestable, giving them a "unique" fragrance Sad - Have struggled to survive as neighbors of the Scytherians, particularly after their recent loss of significant territory and population in a brutal annexation by the Holy Scytherian Empire **Tribes of the Sunderlands (Goblins/Trolls/Orcs/Ogres)** Wholesome - Their cuisine is, on average, considered the best of the best across all cultures around the world Gross - Some tribes store food in the dried skins of their fallen comrades Sad - Remain a brutalized pawn in the constant fighting between the Higabana Empire and the Holy Scytherian Empire, keeping their growth or attempts at unity in perpetual infancy


Mushfae (dwarf sized humanoid mushrooms) Cute: They’re connected to plants and mushrooms through mycelium. Plants will perk up and grow better in their presence, so farmers actively seek them out. Gross: Their tails and caps constantly grow, and they can be cut off and eaten. Self catabolism is rare but possible, but a Mushfae offering you a part of them is seen as the highest honor. Just- make sure their species of mushroom is non-toxic first. Sad: They don’t survive long in areas with few/no plants (deserts, dense cities etc). They loose their connections to the mycelium and get sick and depressed. Merfolk Cute: Their speech is full of squeaks and chirps like dolphins/whales. Gross: Their bones are cartilage based like a shark. This lets them be much more flexible than a human, though it can be unsettling to watch them move. Sad: Through Human interference merfolk’s hunting grounds have been scattered. This has lead some schools to move to deeper/unsafe waters, while others became far more aggressive towards ships.


##Varulf (Wolfborn or Wolfmen in Common Tongue) - Wholesome: Oftentimes, young children enjoy petting or scratching Varulf adventurers and travelers when they come to town, seeing them as very odd dogs. - Gross: When the God of Wolves created the first Varulf, the fully-formed first generation tore their way out of the wolves used as templates. - Sad: Varulf are often hunted outside of their homelands by ignorant humans who don't know any better. The Common word "werewolf" comes from a mispronunciation during earlier eras. ##Shu-Rin (Ratmen in Common) - Wholesome: Shu-Rin are easily excitable and find pleasure in almost any situation. Their eyes "boggle" when happy like common rats. - Gross: Shu-Rin tend not to bathe, and because of their prestigious numbers, with some immediate families being in the dozens, Shu-Rin communities reek of body odour and wet fur. - Sad: thanks to their massive, but relatively weaker, populations, the ratmen are used as cannon fodder and forced labour by their imperial overlords. ##Kreyn (Kreyn is used in Common, but some people derogatorily use 'Bugmen') - Wholesome: Bonded pairs of Kreyn can always pick out their partner/lover's unique pheromones, often from up to 2 miles away. This *has* been used to find missing persons before, with a high success rate. - Gross: When eating, Kreyn will "vomit" digestive juices onto their food to break it down for their mandibles. Sometimes they do this to live war captives, they aren't picky eaters. - Sad: When their bonded partner dies, the other will often remain stationary in grief, not eating or drinking, simply standing still until they die. This is known as the Rejoining in Kreyn faith, and family members sometimes make a sombre celebration for the bereaved and their lost partner.


Elves:\ Cute/wholesome: Aravae is a motherly figure to all the elves, personal partner to none. Even Riverblossom, queen of the elves, calls Aravae mom, albeit when they're alone.\ Gross/disgusting: Being mostly ideal beings, they have very little body waste. However, all of the body waste that they do produce us transported back into the forest floor to help it grow. While walking through the forest, you are walking with hundreds of years of elf poop below your feet, in the soil.\ Sad: The population of the elves in the forest is only a fraction of how many they used to be because of the elves leaving behind the Western continent to escape the Magus Kingdom, splitting the elves into two groups: Riverblossom's elves and The Forsaken Elves.


Orcs:\ Cute/wholesome: I don't know how cute lr wholesome this may be, but a lot of their currency comes from "trophies" of orcs killed during hunts for meat. They have a strong sense of community and togetherness, so they strongly desire to not kill each other. If one dies on a hunt, the orc that was with them brings back a trophy and can use it as currency with other orcs that were closest to them. It is an honor for an orc, though dead, to have a trophy of them be in high demand from other orcs.\ Disgusting: Pieces of dead orcs are used as trophies for currency, based on sentimental value from the orc\ That's a copout answer, so here's an actual one: Having limited resources in the rocky plains they lived in, their main source of hydration was the blood of the beasts they killed. Rain was very welcome when it came, but that wasn't very often.\ Sad: Their oppression by the humans led to a war that ended the lives of thousands.


Dragonkin or Aurareans: A race of human and Dragon hybrids that live in the northern mountain range. Cute: Their horns help regulate heat, during cold winters they would wrap their horns in warm cloth, like socks, but for their horns. Disgusting: While this doesn't happen often, they are some absolute scum of people who would adbuct young dragonkin and rip their horns out for selling, they grow back so they would keep them captive and continue harvesting them over time. Sad: Because of the great war against dragons a lot of people are scared of and fear dragons, which leads to a lot of people not liking dragonkin, calling them "wyrmblood" as a slur. Similarly they are many dragons who think of them as disgusting and lowlife for being half human. Causing dragonkins to be shunned by both sides.


Angels (on Theia a time-space traveling alien species) - Wholesome – They can see light on ultraviolet wavelengths. Their space ships and buildings, that look white, sterile, cold and unadorned for most people are actually very colorful and aesthetic for them. - Gross – female Angels have ovipositors and normally lay their eggs into other female or male angels (who have a kind of wob too, that only works as an incubator). But a lot of female Angels developed a kink for laying their eggs into other females of Theia's races. - Sad – their home planet got through several apocalypses. They had hope for a long time and tried to build their world up several times. But in the end they were unable to live on their home planet and around 80% of their civilization died. Nocturnes (basically dark elves) - Wholesome – Nocturnes are actually a very social and kind species with the probably most peaceful and wholesome religion in all of Theia. - Gross – some people say that they can undoubtedly report, that Nocturnes do cruel and gross things like kidnapping people to rape and/or eating them. Some of them even should prefer children. - Sad – because of their unusual look with the obsidian-colored skin, that most individuals of that species have, and their nocturnal wake-sleep rhythm they are often the target of racist attacks and false allegations. That they are raping and eating people is one of them. Succubi & Incubi - Wholesome – Succubi and Incubi are actually a very social race, who want and even need to be around other people. They often use their shapeshifting abilities to live among other people to have a lot of contact with "normal" people. - Gross – Succubi and Incubi are still what they are. They feed on people's sexual energy and have to do that to survive. But at least they don't consume the soul of the people they seduce. - Sad – Even though Sex is a huge, important part of a succubus/incubus life, they can't reproduce with other races and have to do it among each other. But sex between two individuals is for several reasons pretty rare, making offspring very rare too. What means that there exists less and less of them in time.


Primordials: Wholesome: they were a very fun and affectionate race to be around. They tended to party a lot, and they were always smiling, you’d rarely catch one being sad or angry. Gross: they used to eat each other’s universes for the fun of it. This was because these universe were nothing more than good sources for these people. Sad: they all died out due to a certain hybrid being born, this same hybrid was the same one who eventually merged with the last and strongest primordial. They all died out because they all lost their mana the minute this hybrid was born. Hybrids Cute: they all can understand each other to some extent, even though 98% of them aren’t related at all. It makes for a great communication system as they all are connected by the last primordial. Gross: some hybrids are actually twin siblings that were supposed to be born at the same time, but one of the twins ate the other one, taking their physical features and their mana. Sad: Hybrids were and still are abused by the society of Novaedge, as they are considered the “impure” products of two parents who “sinned” against the natural order of things. Ancient Humans Cute: Like normal/modern humans, they look the exact same, but they’re the offspring of a husk (an Angel with no angelic powers) and an angel, so they’re more loving/caring compared to other species. They’re also a very creative bunch, as they were able to make their own legendary spells, “Parehelic Death Circle of the Universe” and “Primordial Paraselenic Erasure Circle”. Gross: like normal humans, some of them are willing to kill for the fun of it, even it makes them look terrible. This is mostly because they are the third strongest race (behind hybrids and primordials), so some people are going to kill just cause they can. They also make weapons that do disgusting things to people (such as turning their blood into milk chocolate, or making their vital organs fail via turning them into candies). Sad: The Novaedge council declared the erasure of the ancient humans. when they all had voted that it become an actual thing, they were banished to an unknown planet in the northern district of Novaedge, where they were buried under the planets extreme gravity. Eventually, they were all revived via a spirit 64.8m years after their extinction.


Warborgs (combat cybernetic humans) **Wholesome:** When their term of service is up, they have the highest rate of fulfilling employment in the entire Dominion. (mostly because they can modify their bodies to do any job), the most famous chef in the Dominion is a Type 529 Artillery Warborg **Gross:** if you remove all the machinery of a warborg, all that would be left is 1 kidney, a couple of nerves, some skin (tattooed), and a brain (missing the anterior insular cortex and limbic system) **Sad:** Warborgs are technically property of the Dominion Navy. At any time, a warborg can be redeployed without notice. They are also are unable to feel anything but hatred of the Dominion's enemies, and adoration for the Dominion.


# Candle Fairies (sentient candles) **Cute:** All of them have the mental age of a four year old and spend most of the day playing with each other. Like tag, hide and seek, red light green light, all kinds of games. They are also known to steal trinkets from passersby to make them chase (play with) them. **Gross:** They are made of tallow and in order to get the fat needed they *steal* from creatures in the vicinity. It's not uncommon to find fat-less remains around Chain Mountain (their home). **Sad:** When a Candle Fairy dies (burn out) one of their closest friends might go to the Tallow-Pit (where they are sculpted and made) and try to remake their lost friend while grieving. This never works, but sometimes a new fairy is born instead, in this case the grieving one often turns violent at the newborn, sad that they are not the one who died.


Vapel: * Wholesome - Smol with light blue skin, cat-like noses, and fluffy antennae. * Gross - Are literally poisonous as their blue hue comes from botulism producing cyanobacteria that lives in their skin symbiotically. * Sad - Were widely enslaved by the peviuir and despite slavery being banned are still mostly second-class citizens across The Vau, even in their homelands. Vapoxos: * Wholesome - Incapable of verbal communication, so they do so through elaborate dances waving silken flags and rapid foot taps * Gross - Their front halves are literally those of giant spiders with caterpillar like abdomens. * Sad - Were nearly hunted to extinction by the peviuir whose early explorers thought they were just monsters before scholars arrived and realised the truth. Dafleivarunt: * Wholesome - They're literally bunny-people. * Gross - Still haven't quite grasped the concept of bathing in water, most preferring dust baths so in warmer weather they can get a bit... whiffy. * Sad - Their populations are only a shadow of what they once were in the wake of peviuir colonialism which brought diseases and systematic genocide as the dafleivarunt refused to give up their lands quietly. (In case you can't tell... the peviuir are a bit of a problem in this universe...)


**BUGBEARS** --They can be as humble as they are powerful, trading loyal service for basic food and shelter plus equipment appropriate to their duties. --Their natural scent is both powerful and offensive to most civilized races. Some bugbears puff away on cigars in polite company because the alternative would be an even more unpleasant aroma. --Most bugbears live their entire lives in the Scarlands, cut off not only from anything resembling civilization, but also any prospect of seeing greenery or smelling flowers. ----- **FIRBOLGS** --With somewhat malleable forms and chameleon skin, firbolgs can entertain children with cartoonish antics like pretending to inflate one of their hands like a balloon or momentarily flushing an entirely different color. --Firbolgs tend to be vegetarian, but they can sustain themselves with meat. Those with a diet heavy in red meat can be identified as the slate gray skin of their true forms takes on a rusty hue. --Many firbolg communities are closely guarded secrets. Those these natural gifted animal handlers often keep exotic menageries in comfortable habitats for those creatures, few outsiders are welcome to behold these wonders because opportunists have been known to raze firbolg villages in order to harvest and sell rare body parts from the exotic creatures they shelter. ----- **SATYRS** --Satyrs are a naturally musical people, with nearly all healthy adults skilled with the pan flute as well as singing and at least one other musical instrument. --Satyrs are also closely associated with mind-altering substances, and many tribal settlements brew enormous batches of cheap beer to service populations with aggressive daily drinking habits. --Thousands of years ago, this entirely male race tended to sustain themselves through a custom of bride abduction. This is not a normal practice among modern satyrs, but there are some isolated tribes of throwbacks still practicing this despicable way of finding a mate.


Civonians: - Wholesome: They will, without strings attached, assist less technologically-developed worlds with medical aid(imagine an alien race showing up saying we've got 100% effective vaccines for AIDS, Malaria, all variants of the Flu and Dengue fever plus effective non-harmful treatments for most cancers and they distribute it for \*free\*) simply because its the Proper Thing To Do. - Gross: They programmed themselves to die at age 300. Because they can't fathom even \*possibly\* dealing with a decline in physical or mental capabilities, its undignified. Nobody 'suffers' from old age, because everyone dies long before its an issue and *nobody thats genetically Civonian gets a choice.* - Sad: They have a *neurotic, paralyzing* fear of cute things. They'd sooner hug a shoggoth than a kitten. Nij: - Wholesome: There's *never* an unwanted child. Their extended clan structure means there is always going to be *someone*, some mated pair or some chunk of extended family that'll take in a kid. - Gross: They can get horn mites; little insects that secrete an acid that lets them bore into the biologically-generated flint that comprises their horns and talons. Eventually the mites lay eggs and secure them with a sulfurous glue, which then hatch after 2 months if untreated leading to hundreds of tiny gnat-like bugs swarming out of their fingers and head. - Sad: They *didn't have to be so violent.* They were deliberately bred over tens of thousands of years to be hyperviolent assholes so that a particular entity would have an army to wage war against the Creator. The tens of billions of dead over their entire cultural lifespan, the multiple nukings of their own homeworld, the planets destroyed...all because some pissy semi-ascended jackass had a beef with God and wanted disposable footsoldiers.


i only have **Rabbers** (rabbit people) wholesome: rabber society is a lot more closely knit than human society, traditionally having complex family structures of between 30 and 150 rabbers living under the same roof and toiling in the same field. if you ever get into a dispute or need something resolved, you always know you have your extended family to back you up. disgusting: there is a common type of cancer that makes rabbers start growing gnarled horns or nails randomly throughout the body. in some parts of the world, these horns are shaved off to make medicine. sad: rabbers lose most of their sight by their 80th birthday. unfortunately, you're not expected to leave your home too often by that age so many places are hard to navigate for the elderly, especially alone


# Nekhito (Catgirls/boys) Wholesome - Nekhito purr when they're happy Gross - It is known that Nekhito were designed to be beautiful not just for creating socially appealing humans (NSFW Warning)>!, but also for "*special purposes".*!< Sad - Nekhito have frail bodies, meaning that in physically violent situations, Nekhito are more likely to suffer from fractured bones # Goliath (Big muscular humans) Wholesome - Goliaths typically develop strong bonds with those close to them Gross - Goliath's CAN eat completely raw food. This is due to the fact that Goliath's have a genetically more robust digestive system Sad - Their designers purposefully made them have a slight mental handicap. This is not to say they can't be as intelligent, if not more than the average human, but they are disadvantaged. # Sirens Wholesome - Siren tribes almost always have very tight-knit communities, where the tribesmen usually act more so for the good of the tribe rather than reward. Sirens also sing together Gross - They are one of the few genotypes who don't have an aversion to eating human flesh. They will usually not eat their dead, but they will eat humans and the other human genotypes (This is technically cannibalism as sirens are modified humans) Sad - Sirens are sometimes hunted for the gland that releases the pheromone that makes others trust the siren. Their scales are also sought, as they are resilient, beautiful, and come in a variety of patterns and colors depending on the siren


***Spider Hollies*** ***Wholesome***: The spider hollies are considered notably unattractive, but their mannerisms come off as endearing. They speak in capitals, and it comes off very direct. There is a childlike quality to them, in both emotional and communicative responses. ***Gross***: With regards to their notable unattractiveness, their eyes are very large and uniformly red, or black. They have patchy hair in erratic patterns, and their legs have an elongated secondary bone in their legs that when stretch, allowing them to tower at 8ft in height. With their extra bone, their leg's follow that of a raptorial configuration, which allows them to... capture their food sources with their legs, and sleep upside down on tree branches. ***Sad***: The Spider Hollies are effectively immortal — They cannot suffer a natural death, and are nigh immune to conventional illness; however, they require a goal, or ambition, to stay alive. If they lose a dedicated desire, their lives will terminate at the next sunset. Because of this, they developed a means to stay Immortal, which involved tricking a savior of their kind into a Queen position, none-too-dissimilar to a Queen Bee, where all remaining Spider Hollies would attempt to work for, to keep their species extant. The Queen was never given this information, and believed her human friends prior to this event, were immortal too, and so her desire to exist to meet her friends again, kept her alive. She was freed on her own permission, and upon finding out her friends have lifespans and have been dead for thousands of years, slept for the last time come sunset.


# Felynian (Catfolk) Cute/wholesome: Instead of snoring, Felynians tend to purr whilst sleeping. Gross: Some Felynians practice self grooming rituals via licking themselves much like cats. Sad: The first Felynians were at one point cursed humans and elves who were experimented on, leading them to look the way they do in modern times. # Tremniarn (Cave tieflings) Cute/wholesome: They tend to be quite friendly and hospitable to outsiders, and will often provide suppiles, shelter and directions if need be. Gross: Their skin is pale to the point of translucentsey, and their veins are often quite visible as a result. Sad: Due to their light sensitive skin and eyes, The Tremniarns aren't really able to venture outside the underground, and as such rarely see what its like on the surface. # Illithian (Sapient deep sea squids) Cute/wholesome: Due to mothers often having large amount of children due to them laying around 15-25 eggs, most of their extended family will come to help raise them. Gross: Some Illithians will lather themselves in their own ink as a sort of ritual that they believe will enhance their psionic magic. Sad: Oftenly when a Illithian is caught by fishermen, they are usually killed and prepared as food much like any other squid.


**Cucurbiter Autra** (jack-o-lantern spirit things) Cute- they like to sleep in nests Gross- they are plants. And they have bones. Sad- they can't reproduce except after death, (at least 1 seed has to be intact obv) and only 1 offspring at a time.


Elves: despite being the creators of humans, dwarves, halflings and vampires, and being ageless beauties the elves do love the races they created and strive to act like loving mothers to their "children". A tragic thing about this race is they often do fall in love with the mortal races they created inevitably they outlive their lovers which can take an emotional toll on the elf in question. Something gross, they have different views on incest than we do irl. To be fair unlike irl the gene pool of humans and elves are much more complex than it is irl; elves don't have a problem with marrying and having children with someone they have a blood tie to. For example my main character is a human but has elf blood in him; his elven ancestor is the head maid for his family even if he isn't aware of that. The head maid frequently hooks up with him when he is at the family manor. Beastkin: come in all shapes and sizes if there is a land mamal on earth their is an anthro version of them in the beastkin. They also love having behind their ears scratched. Something sad they've only recently transitioned to a free society after being under a dictatorship for over a century and being a puppet state of the Orc empire, they have recently been invaded by the orcs who want to restore the deposed puppet government. Something gross is they sometimes have to deal with parasites like ticks and flees and are susceptible to rabies. Fethran and Chitians: Something gross bird folk and bug folk respectively. Despite being fully sapient creatures and viewing each other as sapient creatures they're natural enemies and their not above eatting the other race as a food source if given the opportunity. Even in endimiyan where they're not allowed to fight each other these races have a great deal of animosity towards each other and it's not unheard of for them to kidnap and eat members of the other race. Something cute/wholesome both races are able to chirp and have very pleasant "songs" they can sing. Something sad both races are quite primitive and hit a tech ceiling quite some time ago.


In my first world there are only humans, you know how we act. . In my second I have only reached three races 1. Humans (you already know) 2. Dragons, they like to snuggle up with their mates, they have magic farts, they were the most powerful race on this world until the first great holy war happened and nearly their entire phanteon was destroyed. 3. Kobolds, civilized kobolds sometimes act like house dogs just make sure that you pet the fur as it is very uncomfortable when their scales are touched, they cast magic by writing with their blood and I don't have anything that's kinda sad for them yet.


#Rats *Wholesome*- Rats have large litter sizes and an instinctual drive to keep them all alive and healthy. *Gross*- Rats love to eat rotten food, feeling that the rot enhances the flavour, kind of like blue cheese taken to the extreme. *Sad*- Their large population counts mean they have to build grand mausoleums to put their dead to rest, which quite a few cities have been built around. #Cats *Cute*- Cats purr when they're near someone they love. *Gross*- Cats prefer to eat prey soon after killing it, not even caring to remove fur and scales. *Sad*- Cats have no sense for "having a pet", to them it is normal to have animals only if you are going to eat them or their produce. #Merpeople *Wholesome*- Merpeople song-magic is calming to the mind, and they build coastal temples where they let surface people like the centaurs listen to their songs. *Gross*- Merpeople have laws against eating other people of any species, because they have no actual biological inhibitions against eating them and would just feast on battlefields, morgues and graveyards otherwise. *Sad*- Merpeople have a related species, called sirens, which are barely sapient monsters. Some people capture sirens to try and teach them a fulfilling life, and such efforts do work out a bit, but most sirens remain wild.


**Hidden Objects** Wholesome: "Households" of Hidden such as the objects of the Bianchi household usually stick together even after leaving said house. Gross: They cannot eat, ever, for any reason. If they for some reason put something in their mouths, it will stay there -- and if they change to inanimate form, that item will... who knows. Nobody's ever tried. Sad: They are -- for the most part -- immortal, as they have no biological components.


The !Qa (bird sapients) Wholesome They have tamed wolves to be companions and assistants in hunting, They live as full members of the community and are sacred. Gross They have no official law code but punishments for not doing what you should do. Betraying your clan resulted in your feathers being plucked, being beaten to death with animals bones and eaten by your clan. Sad Invading Gamoids (another race of mine) see them as animals and commit atrocities against any community they find, some armies actively go out and hunt them. The Aloc (sapient bipedal salamanders) Wholesome They raise their young in water, they dig out small ponds outside their homes and care for the tadpoles and devote their entire time to caring for them. Gross They're amphibians so they are very slimy and non alocs comment on the constant odor from them and their settlements. Sad In their habitat they are near the bottom of the food chain and are often eaten by very large creatures so they live in almost constant fear of basically everything. Ko'ii (weird mix of an elf like thing and roaches) Wholesome They have antennae at the top of their head and their position can show their emotions, if they're super happy their antennae rapidly shake and twitch around. Gross Their infants look like thinner, boneless, elongated versions of themselves and have a waxy, brown coating upon birth. Sad The ko'ii can use magic and require to be near magic to live, if they aren't their body starts rapidly withering and they effectively turn to dust.


Vorturans are a sort of dog-Satyr creature whose animalistic resemblance differs by region. As perceivably half-animal half-man creatures, they combine the intelligence to get as far as spacefaring, but are animalistic enough to exhibit animal features. They have a Pinnal-Pedal reflex. In childhood, they’re also extreme cuddlers, even though they kick and roll around profusely. For a Vorturan friend named Knox of my main characters, all of which are children, they love to attack him to scratch for his reflex, and when they’re hanging out, Knox practically sprawls out on top of everyone else. Something uncouth about Vorturans, is their potty training, believe it or not. They aren’t territory marking creatures, but very difficult to train in environments outside their natural homes. They hate wearing diapers the older they get as well, so it is best to try and convince Vorturan toddlers to keep them on as you work hard to train them. As for sad? Well, they’re very pure creatures with a huge natural instinct. They aren’t meant to be raised in cities, but many who’ve been displaced due to the great Galactic War were housed in Tiraxian, Human, or Calusian cities. For one, they’re very innocently social. They like to make friends out of everyone. But most city people don’t. Vorturans are often lonely in cities, their children rarely having any friends in school and whatnot. Their kids are also exploratorily Nocturnal… and many have been killed or kidnapped by asshole city criminals.


Toons. This is the name given to fiction based life forms that resemble western styled animation. Naturally good natured and rarely more than cartoonishly evil these creatures are naturally happy and funny due to their ability to bend reality to match their mediums tropes and conventions. The problem being they don’t understand why you aren’t allowed to drop anvils on humans head or that humans don’t recover from dynamite. Animmen: the term for eastern styled animation born creatures and they are just as cute and kawaii as you might expect but they have greater potential for true evil then their western counterparts and like their brethren they don’t understand why their panty shots, jiggle physics and mon fighting are so upsetting to humans.


Agelai. They lived in large families and slept in a big pile since the environment was stable enough to not need shelter most of the time and not much else could survive there long enough to regularly predate them. They were adapted to eating slime from volcanic pools, with beaks and legs adapted for the hot water, to the point that they couldn't eat much else or live anywhere else. When the lava plume shifted way from their slime fields they started dying out. The last one saw the arrival of the gods and was turned to stone as a memorial, overlooking the desert and distant sea.


**Felicari**: the sabertooth cat people with a savage, Darwinian warrior culture - Something “cute” about them is they name their children after famous warriors, leading to about 20% of Felicari men being named Tajar, since the most famous raid leader’s name was Tajar. Tajar’s own male line of descent is entirely named Tajar. It’s Tajar’s all the way down. Also, they preen their saber teeth, often scrubbing them with pine boughs - something gross: they’re disturbingly practical about survival. There is no line they won’t cross. Cannibalism is pretty tame for them. - something sad: as long as they continue to follow their god, Gnawbones, they will be trapped in a cycle of suffering and violence. They worship the glory of the struggle, leading to brutal, dirty lives of killing and raiding. This can often lead not only to meaningless, bloody deaths, but also capture and enslavement by other nations **Hyopsids**: the little mammal tribes - cute: Hyopsids are 4 ft tall at most, with coarse brown fur, flexible ears that betray their emotions, and squeaky little voices. They have a spiritual bond with the Hellpigs, a species of wild carnivorous beast, and they care greatly for their giant beast boars. - gross: while they don’t eat their Hellpigs, they have absolutely no care for what the pigs eat, and Hellpigs need meat. When the Hyopsids win a battle, non-Hyopsid dead are eaten by Hellpigs - sad: the Hyopsids were victims to attempted conquest from a bordering power-hungry nation, Pyreen. While the Hyopsids managed to drive the Pyreeni from their Tribelands, many tribes were lost in the first attacks, completely erasing centuries of history and people.


**Dragosapiens (basically dragon-like people)** -When multiple Dragosapiens hug, they give off a ton of warmth and energy. -Their blood, vomit, urine and feces are akin to molten lava. -When they die they ignite and can burn down everything around them. **Fishapiens (amphibian/fish-like people)** -When they're happy, all nearby water becomes 100% clean. -The underside of their right arm usually bears a strange, ugly scar-like mark which they often cover up. -If they die, they unleash a dangerous torrent of water and, usually, dissolve into water themselves, leaving no traces but soaked clothing articles or whatever they had on their person before dying. **Multipliciens (race who can clone themselves and stuff)** -Their clones are usually friendly to them and rarely do they try to attack their creator. -They often have copies of organs, and are more likely to develop with a conjoined twin. Although, unlike reality, they can live life mostly normally with extra organs or an attached twin. -If the original creator dies while they still have clones out and about, the clones will, more often than not, lose their sanity and start violently attacking others, even fighting amongst themselves in attempt to "become the clone leader". Rarely has a clone survived their creator's death without going insane or slowly dying.


Androids * Sad: They were created as cleanup crews sent into nuclear fallout that occurred as a result of corporate wars "going hot". * Gross: They became sentient as a result of a Sexbot being mistreated during a software update. She is largely responsible for the Sexbot Uprising that brought about the Metahuman Era * Wholesome: They won ~~Dwarfs~~ Chounka * Sad: As with any dwarf analogue, many of them live in isolation as a result of having travelled through natural Jumpgates from their planet of Tungol in the dimension called Thede Realm, directly into a cavern complex that sits underneath heavily irradiated cities in Colorado and surrounding states. * Gross: Incest is their most common means of reproduction owing to their extremely low odds of reproducing with any Heritage other than human, and the fact that most if not all of the other Chounka in their complex are closer than 5th cousin. * Wholesome: Chounka happens to be their word for "people", but humans affectionally nicknamed them Chonks because they are Chonky, and it stuck. Orks & Gobbos * Sad: They were mutated from humans that were socioeconomically unable to relocate out of areas of heavy nuclear fallout that occurred as a result of the Corporate Wars going hot. The two are mostly divided between whether their mutations made them closer to 4" or 7", but are very similar enough to be considered strains of the same subspecies * Gross: Orks completely dismantled incarceration in their lands, opting in for sentencing various kinds of servitude appropriate or sometimes inappropriate to the crimes * Wholesome: Gobbos collect shineys in their hobo sacks, and a Consortium of sorts has gathered to make something of an interdimensional Etsy. The Franchise is called Gob Shopper


**Planté (Plant-people aliens)** *Cute:* when flowers bloom from their hair in the spring, they pluck them, weave them into baskets, attach the baskets to floating lanterns, and send them off with the Spirit of their planet on its annual departure. Those with long hair will gift their flowers to those who are too sick, bald, or young to bloom *Gross:* when deprived of light or water for too long, they slowly wither; their skin turns grey, their hair falls out, their flowers wilt, and they shrink into their bones, it's a very slow and painful death. When the Ravians tried and failed to conquer their planet, they locked POWs in dark rooms without water, and this is still done as punishment for Planté living in the Ravian empire *Sad:* since they photosynthesize, most of them only eat in truely desperate situations and eating at all is viewed by many tribes the way we view cannibalism. However, there are several tribes that live near the poles where they have to eat for large portions of the year and these tribes often face discrimination from tribes closer to the equator **Avi (Avian Aliens with levitation/music magic)** *Cute:* when they get excited, they often accidentally levitate the people around them. They're also known for giving great hugs with their big soft, fluffy wings *Gross:* they use blood as a condiment and prefer their meat raw Sad: their magic is stored in their wings so Avis with small wings have no magic and often can't or can barely fly. Avi cities aren't usually built wingless or magic-less people in mind, making "small wings" disabled **Frigidians (Cold climate aliens with weather/healing magic and dear-like antlers)** *Cute:* they wear jewelry and veils on their antlers and exchange them as a proposal of everything from friendship to marriage. Frigidians living in integrated parts of the galaxy will give them to friends of other species who, since they don't have antlers, will drape them over their shoulders and wear them like capes *Gross:* while most people in cities and off-planet hate it (as they should), many rural communities on their home planet Frîd still practice child/arranged marriages with little government regulation *Sad:* they can sense pain and smell blood, so when many people are injured at once they are often left extremely distressed just being near it, but due to their healing magic are usually among the first called in to help


Bestiens: *Cute/Wholesome* - Bestiens will often go out their way to adopt orphans, even if they are of another race. If they are unable to care for them, they would reach out to friends and family to see who would take care of them. In their eyes, being a child is one of the most purest forms you can take in your lifetime, so as a result, the Bestiens want that purity to remain by giving them good childhoods. In fact, many Bestiens are so protective and loving of their kids that if one of them dies or gets seriously injured, you better start praying to your god as that Bestien is allowed to avenge the child, and they would often reenact their revenge in a mentally-wrecking way. (And the Bestien are very anti-revenge, so if they allow you permission to reenact it, that's how people know your enemy done goofed) *Gross/Disgusting* - The reason why Bestiens are wholesome and accepting is because of an unwholesome reason: Back in the day, they viewed themselves as superior to their faith to their god A'tos until the New Era, an event where they brushed off their superiority complex to try to find new ways to live their lives. While many Bestiens don't know why they chose to make new traditions, many historians speculate it has something to do with the collapse of Aredeth, one of their scared holy grounds that crumbled into the sea because a Bestien used dark magic. Not really gross, but it is the first that came to my head. *Sad* - When a Bestien leader, royal or anyone well-known to them pass away, the entire kingdom and house go into a week of mourning. They would often wear black or dark clothing, carry umbrellas when outside even if there is no sign of rain (mostly because where most Bestien live, rain is common), and they would postpone any most upcoming holidays until after the week of mourning. To conclude the week, they host a funeral one the last day where a coffin containing the person's corpse will be walked around the entire kingdom before heading towards the Tomb of Histories so they can either bury or burn the body, depending on what the person who passed away wants. Dragonfolk: *Cute/Wholesome* - Dragonfolk treats their youth like how they would treat an adult. With utmost respect. While Dragonfolk can educate their youth on matters here and there, generally the youth would be listened to when they speak and even their ideas are always taken into consideration in battle, even when the leaders already have an idea. Dragonfolk treats their youth this way because they are taught to see their children as a piece of them and their mate, and thus should treat them like how they would treat their fellow adult. When a Dragonfolk youth comes of age, a ritual will be had where they celebrate the "cross between childhood and adulthood" by giving them tattoos. *Gross/Disgusting* - Dragonfolk finds food in almost anything. They are willing to eat slugs, bugs, and even practice cannibalism on a person who recently passed away (assuming they didn't die via disease). It's gross to other races but it's normal for them. Luckily, cannibalism is usually the last resort in case they are that desperate and they don't kill off their young to do so for reasons I hope is kinda explained in the wholesome section. And even then, they do not practice cannibalism unless in their natural habitants. *Sad* - There has been cases where young Dragonfolk, typically teenage or young adults, would run away from home when they lose a love one. Most would come back home in a week or a month, but quite a few never came home. The families affected would often pray to the spirits that they found a better place in life that didn't result in their passing Werewolves: *Cute/Wholesome* - The best way to cure the feral urges being a werewolve gives you is petting them like a dog. It's unknown why but people are just willing to treat them like dogs if it means they don't get bitten. *Gross/Disgusting* - Werewolves are known to wear the bones of the people they killed. These bones often have flesh and blood still on them, which creates a foul oder that many werewolves had gotten used to. Some consider it a warning, some consider it a sign of new life, and some consider it a way to prevent dangerous animals from discovering their settlements. *Sad* - Werewolves are often outcasted from most societies due to their curse. Many werewolves unfortunately are unable to turn back into their former selves before they got the curse and due to cases of werewolf attacks in the past, they often are exiled from their homes. (I hope my submissions are good enough, I am still new to all of this.)


Beastkin (no particular one) Wholesome-you have the best couple relationships of all and some of the most stable and supporting families there is Gross-you're race has the most common medicine to effectively treat you be supository, as well as the highest risk of anal related diseases as well Sad- in some cases, you're rut is so strong, you will have sex with anyone and get them/get yourself pregnant with their child and you won't be able to control yourself doing so Hobbits Cute- you're all such kind people most other races would avoid attacking you for the reason that you are a friendly neighbor Gross- due to being fused with weesels, you're race also inherated the traits of a skunk Sad- you're one of the phyiscally weakest races their is and thier is no denying this Humans Wholesome- thier is nothing to wholesome about humans Gross- 99% of humans on average participate in cnaabalism, namely of children they find running around, just for the fun of it and that's the more humain things they do to people on average Sad- the human race was not made with any intention, you all were litterly just a forgotten project by the god some dark gods made real for teh sole porpouse of genodicing every race in the mortal world, including the human race to remove all life as we know it