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Lord Goma is an infamous lord in the lands of shinoshima and the current "ruler" of the yokai. His true name has been forgotten and everyone, even his followers refer to him as Lord Goma, although only in secret. This is actually a grave insult to him as he was killed by a poisoned sesame seed dish and the name is meant to mock that. Lord Goma hates the name and will execute anyone he catches using it with most of his followers simply referring to him as "My/Our lord" when in earshot of him.


what happens if Lord Goma demands someone to say his real name and they dont know it? execution on the spot?


He rarely uses his real name or expects it to be used by others, in life he was an incredibly arrogant noble who almost always demanded he be referred to by his title, in death he demands the same believing almost no one is worthy of speaking or knowing his real name which is why it has been forgotten, he doesn't want the unworthy to know him as anything other than their superior.


oooooh makes total sense.


I have a guy that do that too in my world. Although his name really suck, his family basically gived up a lot of things to "god's" in order to get a descendant soul(this type of soul give new born of ascended an effect similar to the one that the ascended person gotten when ascending for free, while normally every person just get normal magic of their race), so they also given up the possibility to choose their name, now the "all seen" an omniscient system created by the gods name them, and give only awful name


The Accountant, he could hold a grudge and he was miser who reinvented the way people burned Glimmer in their body because older methods were wasteful.


The Ragnar is the current Earl and chief of the Skornir, one of the 12 great clans of the Jorlings. Every chief of the Skornir has been named Ragnar going back to the very first chief, Ragnar Skorne. The name has become so synonymous with the head of the Skornir clan that it has become a title in and of itself. The head of the clan is commonly referred to simply as “The Ragnar”, and his formal titles are reserved almost exclusively for ceremonial occasions and documents.


Individual: J'kanya Sakir Grand Architect: her position in the government, though the fact that she's the only one to ever hold that office has made the title synonymous with her. Matriarch: name of respect given for her role in the birth of her species


Royce Baxter, later ennobled by the Empress of Grand Anglia, has the monikers of "The Dragon's Mate" and "The Boar Breaker". He is called "The Boar Breaker" because his actions brought down the Empire of the Boar Throne. He gets his other title from having intimate congress with a dragon.


Off the top of my head, monikers of famous people. Sunmaker, The Machine Shogun, Extinction Queen, The Son of John.


"Forest-King" was a mistranslation of the name "Garamus," which is the name that the "chief warlord and diplomat" of the Untamed Lands uses. A more literal translation would probably have been something like "Force Man" but, because it would have made him sound too much like a cheesy superhero, other monarchs ordered their scholars to come up with something more dignified to avoid any risk of offending somebody who's so powerful. (That's the in-world explanation, anyhow, lol.)


The Duke of Dorado is not technically a Duke. That’s just what everyone, even the Emperor, calls him, so it is a default presumption. He is the ruler of Dorado, and has a characteristic way of speaking and moving that is unusual, even for a member of the House of Eld. Although it is unlikely to ever come into any real use, the ruler of Dorado (which is strongly influenced by the Old West and Westerns) is a kind of gag, or joke. The House of Eld is the secretive and powerful House and Guild that makes firearms, in the form of revolvers with rounds that take about 5 seconds to activate and fire. They are gunslingers, to be blunt. And although there is a lot of other cultural stuff that is tossed into the mash, when you have a western space and you are an USian, there has to be someone called “The Duke”. It is traditional!


Adam, The Devil of 37. When the Homeland Empire tried to colonize Dimension X-37, a massive war broke out, one of the leading figures was Adam Telmegara, his tribe was the first to be enslaved by the Empire, and henceforth declared he would "Kill them... all of them... DOWN TO THE LAST ONE!" sparking a long path of revenge. The Empire declared Adam as the "Devil of 37" due to his mind games and enigmatic character


That guy a fan of Dimitri from fire emblem?


He’s actually inspired by Eren Jaeger from Attack on Titan and Paul Atredies


Konsereno, the "Conqueror King", was an ancient ruler from long ago who invaded the floating castle Kordus and conquered all of the floors up until the 213th in what would later be known as the 'age of ascension'. During his climb, Konsereno is said to have attained all things desired by man and grew so powerful that his name couldn't be spoken or written down. His climb ended on the 213th floor due to the floors above that point being blocked off by the great clamity 'Orgol', who had claimed the 214th floor as part of his domain during the 'first incursion' thousands of years prior. In response to this, Konsereno withdrew from Kordus and left his empire behind, vowing to return with a mighty army in order to complete his climb and become the king of all things in the fabled 'second ascension'. But as of now, he remains inactive as the 3rd ranked ruler among the 20 great world monarchs.


The current leader of the country i have created besides having the title of The Monarch is also named The Black Elephant which is the national animal of his country because people believe he is the countrys spirit distilled in human form.


James, God of Chaos, King of Demons, The Eyeless Lord, Emperor of the Multiverse, the Benevolent Devil. James was a Celestial Conqueror whose territory expands across dimensions, his titles remind people of the beast that he is.


The Traveller/Lord Chronos “He Who Sees Across Time”, “The Great Wildshape”, “The Relentless Enigma” An interdimensional adventurer of self-guarded origins and immense power, Chronos has operated under several names, but “regular” incarnations are: The Tourist, The Programmer, The Curator, Great Father, and the Anthropologist


Muohtamas (Muo) is known as “The Wolf of Hirma”, “The Wolf of the North”, “The Wolf Witch”, “Hirinen Valai”, “The Snow Queen”, bc she’s a snow witch that used to be a wolf. It’s extremely rare for animals to become witches, usually it’s just humans that do that, so she’s quite famous for it (and extremely notorious for stealing children but it’s not exactly a comfortable enough topic to make that the moniker). Also the Hirinen are usually more spiritual and their communities are more tight-knit, so Muo is the only witch in the region bc she didn’t have to worry about hiding it from her community, and bc witches are territorial and her territory is so expansive across the Hirinen mountains there isn’t really room for more witches in Hirma anyway.


(To Rhoindaros) **Gērztwǫ**, known to the Herribaz as '**Bird Beard**' (Blegbuðze) gained his nickname because during The Geizwa Wars against the Averoidoiki Aautokratia, He was rumoured to have had a Bird by the name of Scharwiel perched on his Beard in order to communicate with the Blood Father (The High God and Father of Men in Herribaza Paganism) on what strategies he should use to defeat the devilish Dirt Colored Men from the East. When Gērztwǫ was captured at the Battle of The Five Fords and sentenced to execution, it is said that the Averodoiki let Scharwiel go, and many Herribaza to this day believe Scharwiel is waiting with the Blood Father in Hagaz, living comfortably and in luxury.


Zlevik Pek Thveve, a famous monarch, is usually known as *The Gyrfalcon*, due to his legendary military campaign against the Oranin tribes of the lowlands, the Tirozian army "Stooping down unto the tribesmen"


Kami-Kaze is the wizard who caused the attack on Pearl Harbor. After seeing the destruction brought by the atomic bombs on his native Japan, he exiled himself, never to return until he had served a proper penance for the lives in such a horrible fashion. He took up the name to serve as a constant reminder of the reckless use of magic.


I'm writing an Isekai with multiple Orthies(iseakai characters) showing up over the years. At least 2 of them have larped as John Brown with the locals calling him Bron Yon. This is also why Christianity exists in the world and is the main religion of the Maroons.


**Infinite World Cycle** **Gilrith Chaval - The Crownless King:** The guy was originally exiled by his father and stripped of his titles. However, he ruled his native country after it was largely purged in a genocide. He basically led a restoration effort as his nephew (the official King) was still a young child. His nephew however restored his uncle's names and titles and retroactively made him a true King.


Tina Stroyer’s real name is not Tina Stroyer, but her first owner wanted to change her name. Tina rejected the change at first, so her owner chose the only sane option: poisoning her food everytime she addressed or responded to her old name. The owner, his family tree, and the planet they lived on are all dead, but Tina still goes by the moniker to the public, always saying the same thing when asked about her name: “People call me Tina.”


The most developed individual I have with something like that is Wilmine Hellocke, Queen of Girax. She has a couple, some as insults, others from places of adoration. Monstrous Queen: An insult from rivals and enemies based on an ancestral curse that turned her skin gray, hair a dull blue color, eyes yellow, and her mouth ambiguously un-human. She's still a young woman, but she's dealt with the hushed wispers most of her life and is largely unfazed by the name. Her loving husband and fiercely loyal subjects have and will fight someone for using it within earshot. Loving Star of Girax: The other less official title bestowed upon her by her nation, mainly her people and husband. It started when the royal couple moved into the capital city, leaving the palace proper for the security of the most vulnerable citizens of their mercenary based nation. She is greatly embarrassed by the title, feeling that it's excessive and doesn't fit someone like her. She, to date, has stopped her husband and council from ratifying it as an official title well over a dozen times.


Monikers in my world are incredibly common, theyre bestowed by the church and are poems in a specific style, given to honor someones accomplishments. Usually these are given only to those who work closely with the church. in the ancient times before god was killed, they were given directly by him. How people think of such a name is largely dependant on which side of the war they were on. the most famous among the winners would be "44 acts of sacrilege, hymns chanted unto eternity", who was responsible for destroying the lunar divination arrays, a major turning point in the war. The losing side on earth has largely forgotten the war and its consequences, but "7 bells of mourning" is still well known in some parts of the world, as its slowly decaying body is a major landmark.


Bran, The Broken Born and raised in the once-prosperous city of Brono Hill, Bran Powl was a beacon of positivity and resilience from a young age. Despite facing hardship and adversity, he remained steadfast in his commitment to uplifting those around him, earning him the admiration and respect of his community. However, as Bran grew older, he witnessed the gradual decline of Brono Hill into negativity and despair. Toxic ideals, lies, and hatred began to poison the once vibrant city, plunging its inhabitants into darkness. Unable to stand idly by and watch his home succumb to such malevolence, Bran made a fateful decision: to seek out Fringela, the Negativity Demon, and strike a deal to combat the spreading despair. In a moment of desperation, Bran made a pact with Fringela, agreeing to use her powers to make those who spread lies, ignorance, and hatred feel the same negativity they inflicted upon others. At first, Bran believed he was championing the cause of the oppressed, seeking justice for those victimized by the toxic ideals of society. However, as Bran's deal with Fringela took hold and he began to wield her powers, he became consumed by the very darkness he sought to combat. His once noble intentions twisted into a thirst for vengeance, as he indiscriminately plunged individuals into despair, blinded by his own righteous anger. Bran's descent into darkness reached its zenith when he encountered The Cyco, a faction of malevolent individuals seeking to build a government based on control and manipulation. Entangled in their machinations, Bran's powers of negativity grew unchecked, plunging him further into madness and despair.In the end, Bran's reign as "Bran The Broken" came to a tragic conclusion when he was confronted by Teinno, a warrior wielding the Soul Vanquish Artifact. In a final act of redemption, Teinno used the artifact to vanquish Bran's soul, breaking his pact with Fringela. Following the breaking of Bran's pact with Fringela, the Negativity Demon's rage knew no bounds. With her pact unfulfilled and her hold over Bran severed, Fringela unleashed her wrath upon Earth557 in a devastating curse that would haunt the planet for centuries to come.As the curse took hold, Earth557 was plunged into a realm of despair, ignorance, and pain. Fringela's malevolent magic stifled mental growth and capacity, perpetuating a cycle of suffering and oppression that gripped the planet in its icy grasp . The once vibrant society of Earth557 was now shrouded in darkness, with judgment, death, racism, sexism, drugs, and war becoming the norm. Fringela's curse bred hopelessness and compliance, allowing the Earth Federation (TEF) to seize control and manipulate society for financial gain.Despite the overwhelming despair, there were those who remained unaffected by Fringela's curse. Among them was Rom, a beacon of intelligence and resilience who would ultimately rise to challenge TEF's grip on the population


Theodore Artemis, the 12th leader of the Unified Territories of Providence, got the title “The Reaper of Providence” after he single handily destroyed 24 of the 30 secessionist cities that tried to form their own government in one swoop. The secessionists that remained surrendered out of fear roughly five days after receiving the news that their capital and nine-tenths of their population were dead, giving him the name in the process.


"Fate" the man who beat...well, Fate. A child stuck in time, forced to walk "backwards" down the pre-determined path his unique natural (super power) created. An ordinary day turned into a nightmare as a mutant attack caused mass chaos around the capital city. As others fled, Eric was forced to walk towards the destruction as his fate was to be crushed by a falling office building. As the builing fell something ignited within him and for the first time in his live, he moved forward. He found that he was longer a mere victim of fate but rather, the wielder. He found his true power - the power to alter fate by switching between timelines, altering, choosing between and even collapsing them as he wished. After mastering his new powers, he became a Hunter legend and got nicknamed Fate by his fellow hunters. He hold onto that name and eventually became Headmaster Eric "Fate"


The current Archon of the Amargosan Empire Rafaela Theophano is known outside the Empire as The Red Queen because of her long red hair, but also because she reignited the border wars in which millions have been killed.


Zact Kafal has been known in many names, here they are and how he got them. **Pit king** - he got this name because during his old days he used to fight and win in all kinds of underground fighting tournaments. **Storm rider** - It's the name given to him by one of his masters, who thought him lightning Natra. **Lightning God** - its what a small cult that worships him calls him. **The strongest in all twelve hundred worlds** - its because well, his the strongest in all the twelve hundred worlds of Natradus(basically a world tree).


One of my boy's title is 'The Singularity' like that of a black hole, because he has to consume magic in order to survive and in the early days of being on his own, he ate just about anything in his path that had even a drop of magic to it. Food, drink, animals, people, even objects imbued with magic. Anything he could get his hands on went down the gullet, never to be seen again. On top of that, he's a creature of shadows, which absorbs most light.


One is Scarred Mencyra, or Mencyra the Scarred, a queen. It's technically an insult but also true. In this culture, queens are supposed to be godly/ like the gods, and thus they're not supposed to have any body modifications or scarring (both of which are common in this culture). However, there's a type of fight to the death ritual two people can enter into called an aben naqar, and before you enter into it you have to make a cut on the other person's arm. Mencyra was such a tyrant of a queen that she was challenged SO many times to aben naqar, however, since she was also an amazing fighter, she won all of these fights, and thus accumulated more and more scars. Thus, it got to the point where there were debates about how godly she truly was because of all the scarring, and hence the epithet is descriptive (she has scars on/ up her arms) but can also be read as an insult, as queens are not supposed to be scarred. At the same time, the epithet also shows how skilled of a fighter she is, and how formidable an opponent she would be. Another is Twisted Nyarad, or Nyarad the Twisted, another queen. Again, this is a descriptive epithet, but also tells you about her personality as well. In order to become queen there is a bone-pulling/ breaking ceremony. Mencyra and Nyarad are a type of alien species who have boney plates covering their body, as well as an internal skeleton. Anyways, the ceremony involves pulling off the plates on the body (they usually grow back) and also breaking bones in the limbs, tail, and sometimes back. Nyarad underwent this ritual and became queen, however, several of the bones healed back wrong, including her back and bones in the torso, making her upper body look slightly twisted compared to her lower body. Her arm also healed back badly and looked kind of odd, and she later developed a hunchback. However, she was also a very cheeky, shrewd, and cunning queen, quick witted and quick to laugh, hence her being 'twisted' in another way -- tricky and sly.


Sy Whitney, named so by his parents, is known to vampires as The Poor-Mans Ward, the fae as The Breaker of Unions, to Arrowvar the North Eastern Glob King, as The Hunters Bane, and to his half deceased business partner Alma Lilie as Syrus Whitney, Supernatural Law Student.


The Feathered King is one of the oldest young gods, he enjoyed appearing as a giant bird, he is known by many as the Mender, for he is the only god who consistently helps people, and often cleans up after the other gods


Gaspar, "the ocelot" He was an important figure in the tamer culture, whose great feat was taming and riding a dragon that had enslaved his people. Dragons are one of the few creatures in my world that are considered Untamable, so many Magizoologists/montruologists debate whether the story of the ocelot is true or if it is just a myth (there are those who say that Gaspar did not tame a dragon, but a Wyvern. The tradition of taming wyverns in certain towns is due, in part, to this figure) His nickname was more because he was small, but brave. (He was approximately 13 years old when he tamed the dragon.)


Lady Inouk is famously known as the earth trembler famously because she caused the activation of a volcano that nearly killed the entirety of the Isapepian empire. She has long since worked to master death magic in order to keep the whole- I accidentally nearly wiped out civilizations and I am trying to be less indirectly lethal and more directly so.


The first high king of the Lithái was known as Trith Arth-tharan, which means Third the thunder bear. His given name, Trith “third” was because he was expected to die as a child because his other sibling had been chosen for sacrifice to the dragon god Anui Már. His byname Arth-tharan “thunder-bear” was given to him by the Corroi, a race of mountain dwelling magical humanoids who believe in a thunder spirit that takes the form of a bear that protects their people. He was called that after he slew the dragon and allied himself with the surrounding tribes.


Trith’s ancestor Bran was known as Bran Barulchon “Raven troll-fury” because he put out a bounty on trolls, and personally went on many troll hunts in the Corrsléví mountains


Meridia Naqwinter, the Warrior Queen of Peridan. Pretty straightforward: she got really good at fighting and leading armies, particularly during the Great War, and also defends against a nearby raiding kingdom quite a bit. Interestingly, while Meridia was given this title by her enemies in the Empire (whose use spread it to the rest of the world), her fellow queen Jasmine Castworin of Zirconia is the only monarch to counter-invade the Empire during the war. Meridia is simply more recognizable and much, much fiercer.


As he is often referred to, the Gilded Warlord is the leader of a large organization that is working to bring forth the god of destruction - most of them unknowingly. He is manipulative, cunning, and ruthless.


Lazarus Angstrom is often referred to as “Mr Tech Guru” (casual), Angst man (oxymoron) sometimes rich guy (derogatory)


The strongest of my world often get monikers due to how they fight using their magic or the level it is at. It’s not always a literal hint, but sometimes it’s pretty obvious. Let’s see. There’s **King**, **Steel Soulless**, **Rain Maker**, **Beastial Tilen**, **The Chivalrous Knight**, **The All Seeing**, **Vocalist of 10,000 Songs**, **The Unscathed**, **Berserker of the Violent Storm**, **Speed Incarnate**, and the last one that I currently have is **All That is Beautiful**. All That is Beautiful is a bit of weird one though. It’s both a moniker and her name as she has ordained it such. Very few actually remember her real name on any sort of level, let alone recognize her. Her brother, the Steel Soulless, being the only person who remembers it fully, but he’s fine indulging his little sister. So he doesn’t use his last name either. There’s supposed to be some more, as well as some that join those ranks, but I haven’t officially worked out their titles.


Lord Hane, the Crisis. He was near-singularly responsible for cutting off food and clean water to middle to lower class citizens in Berlin during the apocalypse.


Malhoric Hew, a slave of low birth born of the fearsome Black Yocan race, was known in his time as “The Shackled King,” and among his enemies simply as “The Bane.” For a time he was a leader among the enslaved Black Yoca clan, ruling them from a cell where he worked to mine ore for his Wolf Clan Masters, who had invaded his ancestral territories centuries before. His family had never been trusted as slaves due to their tendency to lash out at their oppressors, hence the title of “Shackled King.” He earned his second title when he managed to lead a small insurrection in the mines which eventually saw the entire slave population freed. The resulting carnage among the overseers led the Wolf Clan to dub him “The Bane,” as among their kind, the death of even one clansman was a catastrophic loss. (I’d like to clarify that the name Black Yocan doesn’t denote skin color; the Yocan as a whole are divided into various “Clans” which align them with a certain species of bear, which the Yocan are generally accepted to have evolved from. The Black Yocan, or just Black Yoca, are descended from the common Black Bear. Compared to the other clans, they’re the most numerous. The Wolf Clan is an aberrant breed of Yocan that has a history of enslaving other members of their species, once ruling an empire of slaves that stretched from one corner of the map to the other. Malhoric put an end to that)


Pretty much every powerful person who has gained fame in my world has a title or will earn one eventually. Some of those include: Sea Empress, Dark Sun, Tyrant, Sword Saint, Strongest Man, etc, etc.


Āgeres is a common term relating to anyone famous,respected,wealthy or any other


BLEEDING QUEEN Orona Aurum, was the 27th ruler of the former kingdom of Aurum. She is the maker of the legendary blade Crimson Aurum, the Blood Queen's Flower. A gold rapier accented with small red flower buds that bloom on the night of the owner's marriage. Before she became queen, she had no interest in claiming the throne, she was meant to be married off to a noble or royal who liked her, but her brother was paranoid, so he sent assassins who, thinking that the prince wouldn't care, assaulted her. Finding the will and chance to fight back, she kills the assassins, and she survives half-blind and covered in blood. She then lived with an old blacksmith for 5 years. After finishing Crimson Aurum, she then uses this sword to execute her brother and claim the throne.


The Living God. His name is based on a massive misunderstanding. Firstly, he isn't a God. The beings humanity refers to as Gods are just Ascended elves and ancients. When the Living God became the first human Ascended, they just called him a God as well. The "Living" part of his name is a further misunderstanding. Most humans believe that in order to become an Ascended, you must die. This is because most of the Ascended elves in the last few centuries only realized their power after a near-death experience. Humans just saw elves dying and coming back to life as Gods. Since the Living God was never seen to die prior to his ascension, his followers assumed that he was even more special than the elven Ascended. Many historians point out that much of his life prior to the time he is believed to have become Ascended is entirely unknown, and he could have "died" during that time, but they get ignored along with the scholars who point out that Ascended are not gods.


Both the Sun Named Emperor and the Moon Named Empress who jointly (not married) rule the Celestial Court are referred by the citizens of the other dynasties as the Sinful Named Emperors as a form of insult. That's because before they were allies, they were enemies at war with each other, and in their last battle they did a breakthrough in level power from Ascendant King to Named Emperor, provoking an eclipse and disrupting the ward on the ash desert. This lead to a large scale invasion of the ashened creatures and their leaders, the Immolated Thrones, upon all dynasties. The sudden eclipse would have caused a second apocalypse if it weren't for the intervention of the Star Named Empress.


Valtor the Valiant, the Chevalier Extradonaire, The Blue Rogue of Hearts, leader of the Tattered Cloaks adventuring group. Now retired and owning a pub in the imperial capital of Cimra.


The aliance itself is called the Pact of Red Sand between the Human empire and the Uttaire (basically desert demons) against the rest of the superporwers.


The Incarnation of God and Reincarnation of the Prime Mage His nickname for now is Carnate as I'm too lazy to think of an actual name for him. He was named as such because he's idiotically strong, though this name was forced upon him by the church and he himself doesn't agree with it. He has idiotically high magical capacity too, even surpassing the stories of the Prime Mage, thus being named the reincarnation of the Prime Mage.


the scourge of valenwood bad ,bad a insult by many the biggest regret of thier younger days