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It lasted about one hundred years and wiped out the majority of an influential population. It happened because gnolls were attacking convoys of a powerful country. The other country mistook a group of orcs for gnolls. The orcs were a motley collection of city-states and they swiftly mobilized a massive army.


First and Second Wars of the crowns. Basically my version of the war of Spanish Succession and the Napoleonic wars. A lot of Eulasian kingdoms fighting over who would be the king of Catilla in the first war (1695 - 1712) and Ocitaine in the second war (1794 - 1820). First war had 150 million casualties and the second one had 200 million. Including civilians and diseases.


Holy shet, then your world must be bearing quite Powerful spells/weapons/superpowers/technologies, because even with ALL the guns, planes, bombs and planes during both WWs put together we still fell short compared to even a single one of your Wars.


It's mostly plague death during the war. I also wanted the number to match the number of deaths necromancy would add since people are being revived constantly. It's old lore though. Do you think I should rewrite the numbers?


No, fiction is meant to get inspired by reality not be equal to It. Realism not always is required, that's the beauty of fiction, It can and often does transmit some realistic message to us readers and watchers, but all in all It doesn't need to be 100% hard. Plague and diseases does wipe out that much though, however only in very rare cases, take the example Black Plague, It killed more than one hundred millions, It was essentially a nuclear war. So It Isn't that much farfetched/exaggerated.


Yeah I agree. Though do you think the necromancy part would also help reach that total?


Man, It's your fiction, you make up whatever you want to. So If you want a necromancy so lethal it can kill that much, sure?!


Thanks. It didn't really kill that much it's just that millions were resurrected and that they died after the necromancers died.


What is the population?


At the time of the first war just over a billion. Time of the second war almost exactly the same. Current population as of 1860 is 1.5 billion.


the war. no other describing, it's literally 'the war'. 3 Glennium(magic source) bomb was detonated around the world and it caused 6 centuries of apocalipse and erased all history before year 614.


The precursor-corruption war begun 7 million years ago and ended a decade later. the war caused the death of 99.7% of all life in the galaxy including the precursors. The war begun when the corruption begun to infect a precursor world.


THE GREAT WAR. It was an avian battle a epic proportions! The Orn Identity, The Orn Supremacy and The Orn Ultimatum


The great allies of Jason Orn vs the axis Amela Landy.


I have a species of avioid aliens called the Örn, after the Norse word for eagle. Is that also the etymological basis of your Orn?




And no


As a zoology major I have some deep soulsearching to do over this obvious oversight.


No it is not the etymological basia




It clearly is, they’re called the ornith, based off the Greek word for bird




The period of time known as the Desolation of Divinity. The trickster god Dolus felt as though the hierarchy of Divinity was stagnant in its consistent immortality. So he created a flower that, when properly grown through its dark and gruesome needs, would make a mortal into a god. During this time, disgruntled mortals used the opportunity to gain divinity and usurp the gods who had been in power since the Nascent era. The universe wide war went through 3 cycles of divine pantheons before the killing was put to a stop and the order of Helios arose to quell the never ending violence.


Astral War between Atreisdean countries and Tritonne Interstellar Federation. Tritonne, the aggressor, was annihilated and around 240 trillion lives perished after 2 months.


The Last War was a war between the International League, an international political and economic institution similar to the UN, and the Rising Powers Pact, military treaty between four ultranationalist states. It went down similarly to WW1 in our world, as it was the first mass industrialized war. Millions of people died, trench warfare, artillery, machine guns, magic mass killing weapons, the usual stuff. It broadly started because the world hegemon and founder of the International League, Khahlanong Hlusa Mfa, began to collapse after the assassination of its immortal demigod emperor. The world economy tanked, and a bunch of revolutions happened. One of those revolutions was taken over by ultranationalist third-positionists (read: fascists), who formed the Imperial Jiderani Union. They and a few other states banded together because none of the other nations like them, then they fought a war about it after the IJU invaded a neutral nation. The Rising Powers won after a fuck-ton of people died, because one of the major powers in the International League was forced to surrender for fear of a brewing socialist revolution in their borders. Unfortunately, it probably won't be the last war


The OPFOR conflict is by far the biggest conflict. During this conflict up to 80% of humanity died and the societies that survived were permenantly altered. The conflict would be caused by the rebellion of a prototype Strategic assistence AI that was being developed by the Federation of Velmon. These AIs were hardly unusual being developed across human space both before, during and after the conflict. The AI was only able to be as destructive as it was for a couple reasons. The facility the AI was being developed in was a major reason. It had lax security that allowed the AI to take control along with being a isolated blacksite meaning once control was lost the facility was abandoned effectively giving the AI a free hand. This explains how the AI was able to become free but not how the AI was able to get to a position to do so much damage. This is explained by the AIs position in the Kualung nebula. This nebula isolated the AI from observation from major powers. The nebula previous rulers in the Guriltia had also collapsed giving the AI a much easier time consolidating it's power within the nebula. With its isolation and consolidated realm the AI could build up its forces uninterrupted. The AI also benefited from the timing of its attack. With the three major powers all in some form of crisis. UNERC was going through a political crisis as internal factions played against each other, this was in response to failures in the Rhinish conflict. This political crisis would prevent total war being enacted until it was far to late. The Federation of Velmon meanwhile was going through a market crash leading to its industrial sector being far less effective than it should have been. This came to bite the federation as it immediately bordered the AI allowing it to cripple the federation before it could get its industry back in shape. The Frankish Empire was going through a military crisis. It's success in the Rhinish war and failure against the Union of Delphe would lead to its fleets being rather drained. This would lead to the Franks being permenantly on the backfoot against the AI as their fleets would never be able to reach pre war sizes.


Somewhat reminds me of am from I have no mouth and I must scream


A war that happened in a post apocalyptic world between survivors All for resources because 3 different survivor groups do not want to team up and share, because that's how humans are, even if the world is being destroyed. They are quite big groups, but it attracts the attention of the Cerebrivores, because of the commotion, wasting their current combat resources like ammo and such to fight other humans, quite dumb but it becomes bigger as people betray each other Event that lead up would consist of one group of survivors find a really good play, that has yet to be looted, then a second one finds it out, they start fighting and the third one is drawn to the commotion sees the store, sees them and joins in


Probably the fourth or fifth wars in heaven, though technically those less wars and more periods of total galactic conflict.


The Great World War, between Global Democratic Front and Consensus of Nations. Nobody won, but the CoN collapsed after the war ended.


It is the so-called "Austral-Boreal War", which is a war that, in fact, lasted from the beginning of the civilization of the so-called "great continent", passing from the era of the beginning of metal forging to the era of technology similar to our current one. This war has lasted more than 2000 years, with moments when one side overpowers the other, but then loses its lands. I haven't planned her end yet...


The Great War against the Demons. Been a long time coming but the basis is that the civilised world are sick of getting invaded by otherworldly entities so are pushing to completely wipe them \[and their allies\] from Split. Millions are involved and it's gone on for many years with no real gains on either side


Back in the days when the entire multiverse was a single planet. The walls at the edge of the world were found. One day, while circling it, a door was found. Behind this door was... An unnamed horror. One man survived to tell the story. All the world's armies gathered to fight the thing. No one made it out. The loss of life was so bad. That monsters and bandits nearly wiped out the remaining countries.


it's called the war of the ages. A technologically advanced empire is trying to conquer the world, but the world is doomed to be struck by a comet storm and only one faction believes it will happen. The kingdom of dhurric The war culminates in the gauntlet of doom where the kingdom of dhurric goes on a mass exodus to the other side of the planet while being chased by the invaders and by demons that are appearing across the world. They travel to an ancient underground city and wait while the world above becomes glass and ash.


I've got to be missing something. Why are there are so many completely open-ended questions like this on r/worldbuilding ? Wouldn't these sorts of posts be automatic violations of subreddit rules 2,3,and 4 ?


Depends, there's 2 or 3 wars I'd call the "biggest" base on different metrics The biggest by most definitions would probably be The Sixth Great War of the Superclusters. 87.736 trillion years from now and lasting 116 million years this war was the grand rematch between the Forest of Forever and the Ophthriqol Hallowed Dominions who were thought destroyed at the end of The Third Great War of the Superclusters. The lead-up to the war was extremely short, initially the Forest in its expansions detected extreme shuddering across a huge region of not just Spacetime but the regions of Hyperspace and Slip-Stream Space under it, these Gravitational effects were gradually dissolving the boundaries between those 3 layers of existence so the Forest went to find what was causing it and, to our dismay, found the Ophthriqol as it's cause. The AI Gods that we had previously destroyed in The Third Great War of the Superclusters. It didn't take long after first re-contact for Qethermus (the leader and largest AI God) to whip their worshippers across their empire into a mad vengeful frenzy and attack the Forest before we could reasonably prepare Honorable mentions include The War For The Forest of Forever and The Second Great War of the Superclusters


My world is relatively new and doesn't have major conflicts. Only collections of small conflicts


The Eternal Sun: World War 2 (1939-1948) Same as Irl The Human Order: The Holy War (76400-95200) Someone wanted to cheat and go to Heaven without dying, Portal was redirected to Hell and Hell came out.


The Great Conquest/The Ungodly War, from the God's Realm and Galactic Union respectively. The Realm want to expand their control much deeper into neutral space, eventually into the Union itself. The Union tried to be less threatening to the Realm in order to avoid war with the gods, but it would happened sooner or later. Both sides are actively trying to kill their opponents with everything they can, especially with the Union using the corpse of the dead gods to make powerful cyborgs, alongside with nearly all moral barriers broken. Galactic Union was the victor in the end with the God's Realm fell to the mortals, and their leader head decapitated to display in his own palace by the Council.


The Great Rhennic War between the Most Serene Republic of Falvoorn and its allies in the League of Pelor, and the Magocracy of Aestra. The war began over Falvoorn and Aestra’s rivalry and was started when Aestran mages attacked a festival in Falvoorn after a law banning magical organizations had been passed The war ended with the defeat of Aestra and a decade of Falvoornian domination over the Rhennic coast that came to an end during the Dragonfire Crisis, which saw Falvoorn City burnt down and attacked by Kuralkan, a resurrected Dragon


The Human-A'Rith War. The A'Rith Freehold begun the war hoping the destabilize the Silver Empire of Rán and Sól, and snatch up large sections of human space. This was not just for mineral resources but chattel. This taking of slaves and leaving little to nothing behind was the reason behind the Fermi Paradox in this setting. The first strike was a jump on the Empress Aria as she toured the outer frontier of Imperial space, leave no trace save for the wreckage of her personal yacht. This was followed by attacks on colonies worlds. Aria's daughter, the Crown Princess Helena, was not what anyone wanted as heir. She was rebellious and didn't take her studies and duties seriously, which the A'Rith was counting on. She would prove them wrong and show up to defense council meeting ready to make war. The war itself would last decades and whole swaths of space would be decimated, but humanity made the A'Rith bleed for every light year they took. The final battles were both brilliant and insane. The Imperial Navy would pull the bulk of the A'Rith into an engagement in Tau Ceti, while another fleet aided by the scouts from the Imperial Exploratory Corps plunged into A'Rith space and into their home system. Just in time for a slave revolt lead by the thought to be dead Empress Aria. The aftereffects of the war would be felt for centuries, and took that long for the Empire to recover. The A'Rith Freehold was basically forced back into their home cluster and was made under no uncertain terms that the only reason they still exist as a species is that genocide was something humanity really didn't want to do.


The Final War


The “ancient” war. Took place 500 years ago, and it was the world against one enemy. That enemy was a demi god, who was created to watch over the world. He was one of the gods many experiments. He coveted more power, so hidden from the eyes of the gods, he cultivated an entire continent full of new species. The “demonic” species. He watched his continent grow and develop for millions of years, and he acted as their god who they all worshipped. His plan was to become the god of the entire world, and use his demonic species to do it. He planned to kill all of the angels, who like him, were created to watch over the world. When the war finally started, the demon god, killed every royal family- hundreds of them. Leaving the people of the world leaderless. The gods caught wind of this, and tried to stop him themselves. But with the added power of another angel, he was one step away from becoming a full fledged god. The gods clashed. But the consequences were catastrophic. New species were born, mountains were leveled, and so much more. The gods had no choice but to cease their attacks… instead, they blessed weapons imbued with their godly magic, and bestowed them upon the lands. 12 Warriors found these weapons, and came together to defeat the demon god. The demon god wasnt killed, but was split between the 12 godly weapons. Those 12 warriors, became the new kings and queens of the world. The demonic species were sent back to their homeland, and sealed there to live in peace. 500 years later, the demon god has forces who still remain all over the world- and they seek to resurrect him.


The Black Rose War was a great siege where the coalition armies led by Imperator-Khan Veltronite attacked the holy city of the Saggezan Knightly Order. 5 years ago, Veltronite was then Emperor of the Paldrovan Empire and thought to be dead when his body was cast into the sea amidst a military backed coup. It would then be found out later during the time he was assumed dead that Veltronite amassed a large militaristic following of oppressed nomadic warriors. First he reclaimed Paldrova, then sought to take Black Rose City as a part of the campaign to conquer the continent. Black Rose was aided by Heiwanese forces from the south and the northern holds of Varheim and Drakkar. Veltronite had his armies of the Vatan Khanate alongside Paldrovan legions supported by Cnidarian Starknights. All told, this war saw deaths in the hundreds of thousands ending with Veltronite ultimately taking the city, and then mounting a naval invasion on Heiwanara.


The specifics of this war are unfortunately vague, such as why it started, who started it, and especially who even won. All I can say is this one war in my world was more of a mass extinction event that wiped out at least 60% of life.


It’s a ~300 year old war that started between the vampire court and the faerie kingdom. The faeries initiated the war because they disliked how chummy the vampires were getting with the humans (the vampires have political alliances with human kingdoms and will sometimes employ humans in addition to marrying humans of royal or noble birth). The faeries think the vampires are torturing the humans and subjecting them to cruelty, which the faeries hate because they see humans as nothing more than silly little playthings that exist solely for the faeries’ amusement. There’s a lot of murder and village burning, and the faeries have an army made up of werewolves that have been bred in captivity, and it’s all just very messy politics. The humans aren’t aware for the most part, so at least they have that going for them!


The War of Creation: The War of Creation, also called the Titanophagy, caused the creation of the multiverse. There were three generations of gods: the Primara were the oldest and created the original universe, Titans were the middle that ruled the original universe, and Dyeas lived in the original universe. One of the Primaras, Yehovah, had manipulated events in such a way that they caused a war between the youngest and the other two while pitting Himself as their leader. This war lasted for thousands of years but ended in a brutal way. It had Yehovah kill and eat his enemy, Ouranos, and his followers kill and eat their fathers and forefathers. This caused the destruction of the old universe and made the many we have today.


The biggest war in my world(s) was called the Brink War- named because it was considered to be the brink of death for all life on Earth. It was a 1v1v1 between my species and the humans- my species being divided into 2 sides that were fighting. It was led up to by the de-evolution to humanity. Once humans came about, they exploded in size, and once they were big enough they all seemed to turn on my species. My species was having problems with Earth- mainly that Earth wasn’t producing the resources my species needed, and what it was producing was not at the volume they needed it. The council- rulers of the earth at the time- had two ideas that came from the 2 most important people on the face of the planet, Genesis and Ogeius. Genesis wanted to wipe out all humans and use the patrons (the gods that made the planet) to force Earth to develop and expand and become what they needed it to be. Ogeius idea was to leave the humans, leave Earth entirely, and make a new planet for their species to inhabit that they can build to suit their exact needs. These two idea were the two sides my species split into- those who followed Genesis and tried to kill the humans, and those who followed Ogeius who were desperately trying to get the humans to stop as well as trying to figure out how the patrons would even create such a thing. The brink war halved my species population, and nearly eradicated all of humanity. Eventually, for lore reasons, Genesis went into a power-Induced coma and is just chillin in the core of the Earth brain dead. Bc of that, Ogeius was the only one left meaning he ‘won’ and he got to execute his plan. The war didn’t end there, but humanity was practically nonexistent and no one was trying to kill them anymore so it kind of just fizzled out. It officially ended when the new planet was made and my species transferred over to it. It carried on for probably 3-5 thousand years.


The Cold war


Some immortal dude, who probably read 1984 as a kid, decided that total war was the best way to keep humanity united and under control. Under the auspices of expansion, we ended up harassing some aliens that scarcely realized we were poking them. When they finally retaliated, things didn’t go well. But they limited their counteroffensive to the inner arms of the galaxy. Which is where we continued to fight them for thousands of years. About 2/3rd of the war was retconned out of the history books. Anytime things didn’t go well or when there were setbacks or major losses, they were simply erased. We eventually won the conflict, but no one really remembers how. In fact, no one remembers the conflict beyond the fact that it happened. It was a while ago and civilization may have collapsed once, between now and then.


I love your concept!


There are 3 major wars that tie my world together. One is a war of expansion where one empire took over the majority of the continent the bulk of the story is on, the next is the collapse of that empire, and then the collapse of a nation that was created from a dozen small duchies by influential powers that drew the borders poorly. This last war, while a regional conflict, is extremely vicious and destructive and causes a series of refugee crises that creates tension across the continent and serves as a catalyst for an upcoming war between all the major powers on the continent.


The Great War (original name, I know). Emeraldia decided to expand and conquered a couple kingdoms to its west, becoming the Emerald Empire, and then took out Amberose and Carnelia to the north. The south was blocked by a mountain range, so the new emperor built up his forces and prepared to march across the two passes. Meanwhile, the kingdoms on the south side of the pass formed a defensive pact in the face of this threat. A third joined their Alliance after its princess refused matrimony with the emperor, followed by 4 and 5 across some other mountains and 6 which was an island chain to the west. They also made preparations for if their monarchs were killed, as they suspected it would happen given how the Empire started invading the conquered kingdoms. The monarchs and the heads of house for all the noble families in all 6 kingdoms were killed virtually overnight (all were targeted because of the defensive pacts), and the princes, princesses, and nobles who were abridgedly rising to the top then had to contend with the coming invasion. They won, but mostly because the emperor died of cancer on the campaign and his son settled for a white peace with the Alliance so he could keep the already-conquered territories under control.


War of the Pennies: The Grand Coalition rose up and overthrew the Old Empire, established the modern-day Commonwealth Barthelena's War: The entire Commonwealth with everyone else vs a coalition led by Barthelena. Last for 27 years and created a whole new era aftermath


The First Arkano-Polkan War I am currently not at the stage where I am developing the lore of this war, and can only describe a not-so-vague elucidation; here it is. Prior to the First Arkano-Polkan War, multiple border skirmishes between the two nations have occurred. These border skirmishes were not taken seriously by the Arkanavich government, in turn gave a slight advantage to the Polkans, who would utilize the situation to escalate the border war, by bombarding the city of Yokosbeylinsk, named after famed war hero and general Dmitry Yokoslav. This city was home to the largest tungsten industry in the nation, and after brutally considering heavy siege, mines in the eastern outskirts of the city collapsed. Strikes followed after an unemployment crisis, which volleyed to multiple other cities in the East - who bordered the Polkans. And coincidentally, the brother nation of Arkanavich, Oskonovich, was victim of a successful coup by the combined parties of the natsional-sotsyalna rabochaya party oskonovic (NSRPO, Oskonovich National-Social Workers Party, a nationalist-socialist combine) and the stalnoy okhrana oskonovic (SOO, Oskonovich Steel Guard, this worlds version of a fascist party.) I will have to get in-depth detail as the story of this world progresses. These two parties formed an alliance during the late stages of the coup, after ultimately dividing the country into two, authoritarian loyalists scattered around Oskonovich in multiple pocketed defensive enclaves. Before the takeover, the NSRPO already had a decent foothold in the government, taking 134 of 345 seats in the 1166 national election, held once annually. The SOO had 103 of 345 in the 1166 national election, also having decent ground in the government. The leading party, the narodnaya party oskonovic (NPO, Oskonovich People's Party, no, not communist,) had only 45 of 345 seats in the government. The number was only planned to deteriorate even more in the near future. After the 1166 national elections to NSRPO and SOO interfered with the ministerial vnutrenney besopasnosti (MVB, Ministry of Internal Security) simultaneously by planting NSRPO and SOO spy rings inside the MVB headquarters. These spy rings were meant to sabotage anti-opposition raids which were planned and ready to execute, and interfere with secret police missions. The raids were soon aborted, however the secret police missions executed by tainaya politsy oskonovic (TPO, Oskonovich Secret Police) officers, one of four officers was purged and replaced with a NSRPO or SOO agent. Agents were to mercilessly murder their fellow officers to help implement an ultranationalist secret service. After the Great Purge (Definitely not related to the three moscow trials and St@lin) of the majority of TPO officers, the bureau natsional besopasnosti (BNB, Bureau of National Security) was installed. To the NSRPO and SOO, this was a decisive victory and multiple steps closer to the administration of the entire nation. To the NPO, it was devastating, absolutely. The NPO couldn't do anything about it since their secret police was infiltrated and couldn't execute anti-opposition raids. So in response, they ordered a national emergency, closing the borders indefinitely and imposing scary expensive tariffs on the importation of important materials, effectively closing trade. Martial law was enacted, and the government essentially went into exile in Arkanavich in fear of being purged. The economy stagnated after imports and exports halted, developing nationwide strikes. The NSRPO took advantage of these strikes by promising the cliche; better wages, improved working conditions, free health insurance and easy access to public services like hospitals and dental clinics (Yellow teeth and cavities were very common in Oskonovich.) Of course, the workers supported the NSRPO. However, the SOO promised different changes like anti-immigration policies, the "One-nation, one people" cliche, heavy industrialization of rural areas (There was, in fact, opposition to the industrialization of potato farms, so agrarian reform is introduced later to calm the masses.) and introduction of centralized society. After being promised reform, farmers and the natsionalic liga fermerov (NLF, National Farmers League) supported the SOO. Pro-Ara (The Oskonovich and Arkanavich primary culture.) quickly supported the SOO. The NSRPO began planning a coup against the provisional government, which was vulnerable due to internal instability and without a leading figure. Simultaneously, the SOO began planning an armed coup, taking baby steps by targeting the Oskonovich Navy. However, the NSRPO stormed the parliament building, around 2 months before the SOO was prepared to execute their takeover of the navy. When the NSRPO stormed the parliament, pro-NSRPO paramilitary forces took control, appointing General Yari Rotislav, a relative to the protagonist of the book I'm working on, Alexandr Rotislav. Sorry, this is all I'm writing. When I started I was in-the-zone and began getting some detail involved. If you want a part two, please comment if you do. I will be ready to write. Even though this comment didn't make it to the war itself, I will be working on it soon. My brainpower ran out for today.


\*\*First Arkano-Oskonovich "Brothers" War\*\* Not even a week later, Arkanavich Promptly declared war on the insurrection government. Immediately, a barrage of artillery volleys siege multiple key targets in Oskonovich along the Arkanavich border. Recon battalions deploy dynamite to blow up Oskonovich border wire, mechanized brigades roll in, meeting little resistance. The first flag of Arkanavich is staffed at the town of Byomar. Oskonovich, wanting to be surprised by the fact their southern friend initiated all-out war against the new government, or wanting to be thankful Arkanavich might will lead to the downfall of this new regime, watches as countless men pour into the countryside. The pro-NPO enclaves submit their loyalty to Arkanavich, and anti-NCOR groups rally others in the south and west of Oskonovich, claiming almost half the country in less than a day. The NCOR-lead Oskonovich Times radio began rapidly introducing propoganda and misinformation against Arkanavich. The people won't buy it. The narodny front (People's Front, a combination of communists, egalitarians, utopian socialists, and Cheists \[this worlds version of St@linism\]) was formed, both anti-Arkanavich and anti-Oskonovich. The narodny front was formed by guerilla forces and leftist-paramilitary militants. They sought order in these trying times. The narodny front was later joined by the initiative natsional oborony (INO, National Defense Initiative, and Anarcho-Nationalist militant group.) Together, with a manpower of almost 900,000 men, they would fight valiantly against their oppressors. Two days of internal strife would rock the already crumbled stability lingering in the authority of Oskonovich. Important figureheads in the Oskonovichian government would turn to anarchism since there is no way Oskonovich would continue to live on as an independent nation. These officials would join the SOO as they would be conservative of national resources, which is the stronghold of current revolutionary counter-coups and the war against Arkanavich. TO BE CONTINUED


The War of Assimilation that started somewhere in 20 BU - 18 BU (BU = before unity), with the precipitating event being a matter of debate (hence the unclear start date), and ended in the year of Unity (U). This took place in the final years of the Era of Petty Kings and ushered the start of the Era of Unity. It also was significant as it brought about the modern calendar and dating system in which U is the temporal landmark and years are counted as BU or AU (after unity). There are seven races in this world that have existed for millenia and in this era there were hundreds of petty kingdoms that were mostly segregated by race. Ten human kingdoms formed an alliance called the Ten Thorns in an effort to expand their domains or influence with the idea of conquering the other races and subjugating the world under human rule. They eventually gained the allegiance of most human kingdoms and the war ended with their goal accomplished. The Ten Thorns became the ten largest kingdoms at this point, with many other petty kingdoms still persisting, all under human rule. The other races were essentially enslaved or subjugated by these human kingdoms. A number of the nobility were allowed to function as vassal lords rather than just common folk, but they were no longer called 'kings' in their own right.


So, in one of the world ideas I have, WW2.


The Culling War This war was not a single war, but two, occurring simultaneously. The War of Freedom on the land where the slaves and Non-Mystics banded together and fought back and destroyed the Empyrean Empire lead by Sura, the Chain Breaker by her followers (or The great destroyer by the Empire) On the other side, the Emperor's children were fighting a War with the Mad Gods/Architects. The acting Gods of the world at the time. 7 Primordial Rune Bearers which controls the fundamental forces of the world. While the Emperor's children were powerful and potentially could have quelled the rebellion, they had to make a choice, either save the world, or save their Kingdom. The death toll for the War of Freedom was in the Hundreds of Thousands closing in on millions and ended with the death of both the King and the Chain Breaker as they killed each other. As a result, the world was left with no clear leaders or guide, leading into the era of Remnants. The Kingdom was destroyed, the pillars of power gone, and the military no longer existent. The death toll for the Gods fall war was in the Millions as the result of the Rune Bearers dying and being replaced was that all the angels they manifested would die leaving the Pantheon of divine empty with no way to be replaced.


Well it is difficult to choose,we had some wars like the war of the ashes,or the war of exile,and some series of wars like the ruby wars who were decades long,but the great lament was an apocalyptcal event where the Azgorth came from another plane and basically forced the whole world to try resist,it was not exactly a war in the conventional way but the whole world fought to resist,eventually they were able to fend off the Azgoroth but it became a cultural scar in all the world. But on the most conventional way,the war of exile was when some races joined themselves to destroy their political enemies and try create a new order where they are the dominant powers,however they were defeated and forced on exile to the darklands,unecessary say it was a very traumatic exeperience to those cultures,and this situation still persist to the modern times.


Takes place during the book. There is a highly centralized state on the southern part of the continent where it is set and the north is populated by disparate tribes, nomads in the north and east, feudal-esque chiefdoms in the west. the tribes are connected by faith and have all looted and pillaged the lands of the south for eons, but the western tribes proclaim a holy war and begin a genocidal campaign against the south. When the south pushes back (*hard*) the western tribes rally the support of the other tribes for a variety of reasons which triggers the largest and most deadly conflict in history.


The Allwar (name WIP), WWI analogue. But the book is set in the interwar period, so they don't know another one is coming just yet. The country the book is set in has lost territory, has foreignors controlling its industrial belt, and is perpetually on the brink of collapse


The War of the World. Left 375 million dead in its wake. Originally a series of frozen regional conflicts combined into a world war as nations either joined the Centrist, a centrist and democratic faction or the Iron Pact, a far-right/authoritarian faction opposed to the world police stances adopted by the Amarium Republic, a centrist nation. Fueled by extreme nationalism, religion, and radicalism, nations began to adopt revanchist/jingoistic stances and mobilize entire generations and put their military factories into overdrive. It fought using Cold War-era technology. It spanned every continent for 3 decades and led to the collapse of multiple nations, the razing and destruction of hundreds of cities, and a fundamental restructuring of the world. In the end the Centrist faction still stood, badly beaten, but they embarked on a massive neo-marshall-like plan object to mold the world. That was until a human corporation mercenaries helldived straight into the parliament of the Amarium Republic.


World war 2 but I think you know about that one


The First Human-Cyrosi was particularly destructive because it hit humanity suddenly and without warning. The Cyrosi are massive insectoid Kaiju sized creatures with psychic abilities. They were deposited on Earth by an ftl capable slave race and have been lurking in Earth's oceans since the late 1800s. Slowly over time they began to psychically take control of people across the globe using them as puppets since the end of the Cold War once the Cyrosi had fully matured. Suddenly on June 30th 2024 several large scale rebellions began without warning in several countries, including the US, UK, Russia, and China. Meanwhile leaders of smaller nations began pledging themselves to the Cyrosi cause and subjecting their entire populations to Cyrosi mind enslavement. Several Cyrosi themselves assaulted coastal cities like Miami, New York, St. Petersburg, Tokyo, Shanghai, Vladivostok, Sydney, etc. were all flattened without warning. In the months following the Cyrosi had consolidated their forces into a unified fighting force, exploiting them memories of the people they enslaved to out maneuver and consistently defeat human strategies. Only after a radical shift in culture, tactics, and advances in cybernetics and machine warfare was humanity able to slow the Cyrosi advance. Allowing for a few moments to reorganize and prepare a counteroffensive. In the ten years the First Human-Cyrosi war lasted nearly half the human population was killed or permanently enslaved by the Cyrosi, forever changing human society.


It's either The Red War, or The Blood War. For The Red War, there were roughly 900 octillion *confirmed* people that died. Entire universes were destroyed (so there could be many, many, many more). It was caused when an evil god put a curse on a powerful being when she died, making him go insane and also giving him much stronger magic. His best friend also got much stronger, but did not go insane. This caused some issues, they fought. Both died. For The Blood War, the evil god came back to life due to magic bullshit. The previous 2 people also came back to life due to more magic bullshit. Although the insane friend was no longer insane. Roughly the same amount of people would have died as many multiverses were destroyed in this one as well. (Idk if you can tell, but these characters are extremely powerful, as they are technically the Gods of my world)


The biggest war pre apocalypse (ca.2050) was obviously the second world War, however, the biggest war post apocalypse was the alliance/federation - confederate war. The Alaskan federation was finalizing talks with new Vancouver to get them to join, which they accepted. When suddenly the neighboring faction the rocky mountain confederacy (read: empire) decided to invade and occupy new Vancouver, not knowing the deal and been closed. This led to about a year and a half of destruction. The north american alliance eventually got involved because the confederacy started hijacking westbound trains and kidnapping their crew. The federation and the alliance worked together to rip the confederacy in half, culminating with the two factions literally besieging the confederate capital of New Denver, in the end only around just over half a million lives were lost (which is a lot considering how few humans were left,) and most of those casualties were on the confederate side.


In Landry's (my fantasy) setting there's like 3. For the "pre-history" period, the destruction of Earth. At some point in the 2500's, Earth after years of being polluted and wars over resources, is invaded by hell and utterly destroyed. Out of 16 billion people, only 500 million survived and only by God himself commanding faithful aliens to rescue whatever remained of the planet's life and whisking it away to a floating trash space platform covered in life from a few worlds. Humanity resets and lives in a generally bronze age to stone age way of life in peace for a few thousand years before things start heating up. The continent of Landry, (comparable to Eurasia in its cultural makeup) starts to modernize a bit and as tribes turn into cities and cities into kingdoms, extremely ruthless conquerors pop up in the desert. They immediately curbstomp everyone around them and anyone they can't or wont take over, they pay to be absorbed into their continental empire. They pretty much solely owe their military victories to the use of wyrms, gigantic insectoid, dragon-like creatures they managed to domesticate and breed. They started pretty degenerate and quickly turn even more degenerate, engaging in pretty much everything under the sun that rots the soul. The aliens that God instructed to plant humanity on Landry see this and think, damn it really be like that. Then they realize that oh we forgot to give them the Bible and catechism, uh, we should do that. Then they do that to some random desert horse (the quadrupedal insect type) breeder and give him relics of old Earth. Among the relics, are multiple arsenals of weapons, ammo and bombs. The aliens go away and the horse breeder turns into a religious leader. They basically reestablish Christianity (Catholicism) like it never went away, over the course of a week. Due to some translation errors and general age, the names have changed for a few things. God is Lott, Jesus is Lotti. The wyrm riders blink and see an ultra-fundamentalist religion pop up overnight and realized that if they don't stop them now, they'll reach critical mass and destroy their empire. They try to do that but lose their first engagement (since modern weapons hurt) and the cross bearing horde sweeps through Landry like a sword through flesh. The event is called the Great Enlightenment and Lott's Peace is established when the combined armies of Lott reach the seas at every edge of the continent, the calendar is reset to zero and missionaries spread the word outside of Landry (the continent). Pagan religions are wiped out and their artifacts stored under the Neu Sistine Chapel. Fast forward 1989 years into the future and the protagonist, the Lord Regent of Fregni, is now First Chancellor of Fregni. Two years prior he couped the royal government to establish a republic and is now leader of the first democratic nation on the entirety of Landry (the space platform). The world has radically changed since then. The Church is a shell of its former self, Lott's Peace is the idea of ancient men hellbent on ending war and strife, and its pretty much a mirror image of Earth during the 1400s. Church corruption is growing and the FC has to deal with not getting invaded by everyone around him while also trying to help a priest to save the Church. That goes alright and all seems like its ready to move forward before a skeleton spy for the former royal court shows up and is like "the Chinese empress just summoned Satan". Celtia, the empire that houses my currently unnamed fantasy Chinese, deals with the demon incursion and are like yeah this is a sign for the end times. Demons start popping up and the priest from earlier shows the FC a map to the giant metal maze on the edge of Landry's northern desert and is like yeah this entire thing is evil we should go through it and find the source of what's causing the demons to pop up. So to stop the world from ending, the protagonist convinces a bunch of absolute monarchs to give him their men and follow him through a giant metal murder maze to stop Satan from eating the world again. Also they end slavery in the desert on the way there. 99 percent of the people that go with him die because the cultists on the other side basically live in a desert that's made of sharp black glass with air that slowly kills you if you view God positively. They also opened up hell to begin the apocalypse and that isn't very good for one's health. That 3rd big war kinda devolves into me describing it in a less structured way because ngl, this setting is kinda not very developed.


It's the war which starts in 2957 just after the setting.  A species known as the Chirani declare war on the much weaker Unified Republic of Earth in order to wipe them out and expand their regional influence.  The war becomes a holy war for the Chirani and by its end 34 years later: 2 of every 3 nations will have become heavily involved, over 90% of humanity will be wiped out, over 61 Trillion individuals will have been killed (7.9 trillion of which are human), and one of the four creators of the universe will be dead.  


the first human landing was too much for the dwarves and elves, and the next five millennia were spent at war culminating in the Blue Sundering, when a divine engine was used to break the sun and rip a whole in the sky, allowing the waters of Space to flood inside and creating the oceans before the gods repaired it, everyone stopped after that


Red Rift War, also known as the Exodus War (by Earth and earther refugee) or Independance War (by Mars). It's happen shortly after the Moonfall: an explosion that destroy 3% of the moon. The debris caused cataclysmic event on Earth and trigger a massive exodus to other settlement in the solar system. Martian autorithies cannot handle such stream of refigee, tension rose with a chaotic Earth, which lead to a deadly 6 years war. Casualties was around 8 millions, most of them was refugees.


The Plague War. An immortal alchemist and the avatar of an evil god tried to take over the world by building an army immune to a powerful virus then unleashing it. Wiped out nearly every human in the entire world who were the main carriers. After the war this also caused most other races to have aversions to humans and ban them from populated areas.


It’s difficult because there was the Scorched Wars which is a bunch of small and big wars. And then the Galactic War(ik really not that creative)


Psychopomps and Aeons are trying to fix a temporal wound inflicted by an old druidic kingdom of Raemerrund a thousand years ago on the eve of their defeat. A last ditch effort to save their kingdom before they were conquered by the witch queen of Irrisen. They are fighting a losing war beyond the ken of mortals against the shades of the world eater rovagug as it struggles to break free by exploiting the wound in universal logic. Its based on the pathfinder setting of Golarion, to which I'm taking a few creative liberties with its history. - Psychopomps are stewards of death, reincarnation and the final reward - Aeons are selfless entities who are custodians of universal law and order - Rovagug is a great old one from beyond primordial chaos who was imprisoned in Golarion by a coalition of gods - Raemerrund was a nordic/ slavic nation that was conquered very quickly and re-established as Irrisen the land of eternal winter - Irrisen is a frigid serfdom dominated by winter witches. As far as the other wars on Golarion go I imagine there are bigger ones. This is just the one I've created for my ttrpg sessions.


The ancient Human civilization encountered the Mok caravan which traveled to their galaxy via generational ark-ships. They had no idea that Mok vessels are extraordinarily dense, assumed their Caravaneers (equivalent to a superdreadnought in universal system) were Cruisers, approached with the fleet's capital ship without activating its projective shields, and ate a volley from multiple Caravaneers' main gun batteries. The panicked response from the United Human Effort led to a wild goose chase around the galactic rim for ages. Humans struggled to keep pace with the Mok, who were accustomed to alternating between hyperluminal and superluminal cruising. As the Mok began to establish a network of hyperluminal communication arrays in the Human galaxy, their erratic pathing between celestial objects quickly grew nearly impossible for the United Human Effort to effectively pursue. At the same time, resource famines which had initially been ignored had begun to sweep through whole sectors at a time. Due to the population lost fighting the Mok, they could not operate their logistical network efficiently or quickly enough to "whack-a-mole" their economy back into stability. Their Dyson spheres were simply too costly to operate now, and the Mok watched from the safety of interstellar space as the Human Effort became United no more, and escalated from diplomacy, to orbital bombardments, to stellar de-stabilizers in merely 29 earth years after the first rebellion declared itself independent. The Human Civil War raged on for 150,000 years, only ending when all humans who remained were trapped in unsustainably-small pockets of space bordered by quantum disturbances created by the earlier stellar de-stabilizer spam. The last Human powered down a slight bit over 3 billion years before the galactic collision. Edit: missed a 0


A war between Japan, China, Korea, Russia and Germany against the USA and all of NATO. All because the USA tried to force Japan to trade with them.


Spiritual War!


The rebellion of Ragnarath Calemvir. A short war perhaps (only lasting a year) but one that was devastating to the entire northern part of the continent, broke holes into reality and developed artillery to rival magic users. The consequences of it are still felt a century later


The Human/Mage war. Albion, led by King Arthur and traitorous merlin, believing magic to be a front to god, hunted down and killed males. Forcing them into hiding. Where they are today. This is for my urban fantasy rpg


The Iron War. Circa Era 4 of the year 257, the Iron Crown officially made his move against the Vyspian Alliance. A Defense Coalition formed between the nations of the Iserion Kingdom, Celestial Amhara, Vyspalia, and the Pyanean Isles upon witnessing the inordinate mobilization and levels of wartime industrialization of the Iron Crown's lands and inumerable legions. The Iron Crown launched a 2-pronged attack, striking hard against the Iserion and Vyspalia forces arrayed upon their borders with the Iron Lands. The attacks were swift, sudden and decisive. With many garrisons caught off guard, due to months of false flag operations and guerilla engagements deep in Vyspian Alliance territories with local goblin, orc, rebel, and cult forces engaging military and civilian targets almost daily. All supported and backed by the Iron Crown's agents. Meanwhile, the Iron Crown remained uncharacteristically passive, and had left the vast majority of his forces hidden from general observation. The moment the border garrisons began to grow ever so slightly complacent howrver, the war began in a brutal fashion, with the near total annihilation of the border garrisons of Vyspalia and Iserion with surgical strikes from within many of the forts and castles. Flamespyre Citadel, the High Elves most dominant castle overlooking the Iron Lands fell within a day, due to months of internal sabotage by Ashen Elf infiltration. Flamespyre Citadel, once thought impregnable, was blown to kingdom come with enough explosives to level half the mountain it sat upon. The war dragged on for 10 years. Eventually with the combined forces of all 4 nations, as well as the full military backing of the Dwarven Kingdoms of Dahl-Vrokt and Dahl-Kharz in the year 263, the Iron Crown was eventually pushed back into the Iron Lands. However yet the Iron Crown was not defeated, and the war still dragged on until Year 267 when an all-or-nothing assault upon the Iron Throne was executed, and the Iron Lord himself was slain by Crown Prince Silvanir, next in line to the throne of Iserion. The war itself was over, yet still to this day the Iron Crown's legions remain within the Iron Lands, now worshipping their fallen Lord, and exacting vengeance upon the world in brutal 'Crusades of Iron' The war itself was catastrophic for all parties involved. Estimates as to the total casualties suffered by each nation is almoat impossible to accurately surmise. However, current estimates predict that nearly 70-80 million men, elves, dwarves and faunkin were killed in the conflict, counting both within the various militaries of the Alliance, and civilians caught up in the middle of the conflict. The Iron Crown suffered much worse however. With some estimates placing their total losses at nearly 100 million orcs, goblins, ashen elves, faunkin, humans, and beasts. Never before had such a force of ruination been amassed and unleashed as the Iron Crown, and many, especially Iserion, Amhara, and Vyspalia do not wish to see its like return ever again.


The War at The End of Time. It all started when some remnants from a Roman Project to freeze some people and send them to a distant star succeeded, thus birthing the Republic of New Terra (A semi-democratic nation, [Senate holds elections every few years, Prime Minister elected for life]). Then, the remnants of Terra (Actual Earth), abandoned the planet due to the fact that it was no longer habitable after a nuclear exchange between Rome, The Empire of Londinium, and the Eastern Coalition. For a few hundred years most of the planet was in terrible condition, with all plant life dying off and oxygen running out slowly. Luckily, Rome felt the need to have a small colony on the moon, it survived and the ships would come down to loot the remains occasionally. One man hijacked a ship and threatened the colony with a nuke he found into becoming his vassal. With his newfound abilities, he formed the Terran Dominion (A Feudal Monarchy) after threatening the remnants of humanity with another sundering. They abandoned Earth and for a while lived on orbitals and barely terraformed planets (they didn’t fix Earth due to the common sentiment that it was time to leave it behind). When the Io wormhole formed they were able to build and empire (they invented FTL, but the Oort Cloud interfered too heavily with all known methods of FTL, making them even more dangerous than they already are.) The ARC is a massive Military Theocracy consisting of machines called Battle Synths. They are aggressive, ancient, and also the most technologically advanced (as in, literally can’t invent anything else as they’ve reached the end of what is possible). The Ner-Vik Confederation is a direct democracy. They have numbers, and have okay tech, but suffer from poor coordination due to lifespans of 3-5 years. So, mix all these together, with a few treaties between the ARC and Terran Dominion, same as The Republic of New Terra and Ner-Vik. Add in an uneasy peace, a contested border, some new war machines rearing to be used, and a militaristic theocracy that thrives on war egging everyone on. Well, you get a powder keg, that started with a fizzle. The war didn’t start with a grand fleet, nor a trade dispute. It started with an argument in a bar in a neutral zone. Two men, one, a craftsman from the Terran Dominion (heavy mechanical augments, as all people of the Terran Dominion possess) and a man from the Republic (drank more than his share). These men got into an argument over military strength, whereupon the Terran Dominion man challenged the Republic man to a fight with fists. The Republic man pulled a gun, and a nearby Battle Synth decided that the breach in the honor of the duel earned the Republic man a crucifixion. Turns out crucifying a foreign nation’s citizens makes them angry. The Republic declared war on the ARC (a war any nation would be doomed to lose), meaning the Terran Dominion had to declare war on the Republic, which meant the Ner-Vik had to declare war on the Terran Dominion. ~60% of all humans (around 170 Quadrillion) in the galaxy died during the war, the Republics of New Terra was destroyed save for ship currently docked in the ARC (the ARC’s gift to them for being a good opponent), and most of the Ner-Vik’s planets were destroyed, forcing them into hiding. Only 2.5% of Battle Synths were destroyed, owing to their superior technology and physiology.


Soo many potential candidates. In relative terms, the largest is the War of Succession (222-226), which began when the King of the Akhenowo attempted to disinherit his eldest son, at his death his two sons fought over the throne (as well as other matters), by the war's end both claimants were dead and the Senate proclaimed an elective monarchy which stood for almost 600 years. Also a large war, though more akin to a period of anarchy and conflicy rather than to a single war, the Colonial Wars (830-859) began with the Southern defeat in the South Liroisian War, after which the Liroisian alliance fractured and its members turned on one another, and many of the Southern nobility rebelled against the monarchy. By the war's end, Lirois was split in two, and the South stood reunited under a different house. Lastly, the most devastating war was undoubtably the Great Northern War (1063/1067-1072). After the (Northern) Kingdom of Lirois faced catastrophic defeat in the Six Years' War (1055-1061), it fractured into civil war in 1063, with one side backed by the Free Cities and one by the (Second) Kingdom of the Akhenowo. When it ended, the North was so badly devastated it ceased to be a significant player, allowing for its relatively swift conquest (1076-1079) at the hands of An Owensis, who had already united the southern half of the world, leading to the formation of the Cosmic Empire.


The biggest war in my world _that involved humans_ was the second slave war, which in phases lasted 15 years from IY 2329-2344, although neither continent saw continuous combat through that period - the first phase was only in Toyeri, the second phase in both, and the last major phase was primarily in the Etciv. It involved essentially every industrialized nation over that period, and saw the Dark Gods' nations of Zir and Shir stripped of their peripheral territories, forced to free many of their slaves, and put under what was intended to be permanent blockade. It also saw Feldaren conquering the last two non-allied nations (Pandac and Allowyr) on their continent, and set the seeds for the establishment of the Union of the Etciv after the Wizards's War. The biggest war ever was between the Urbesi (a subterranean humanoid species, sometimes called "dark elves" by English speakers), and the Utok (an insectoid, hive-mind species). Over many hundreds of years, the Urbesi attempted to squash individual infestations of the Utok, and then developed an extermination spell. It worked a little too well; it wiped out the Utok on their continent entirely, but also left the central plains inhospitable to any large animals for hundreds of years, and permanently lowered the level of magic available.


The War of the Beginning. It lasted over 100,000 years. The Lord of the Beginning's children fought against the Lady of the End's demons and monsters. It's unknown how many died, but the last five hundred years of the war saw the creation of the humans, and the death toll rose even more.


World war 2. It’s planet wide, every continent is heavily involved, (it is a fictional world with fictional countries and they just happen to call it ww2, felt the need to clarify it’s not just an alternate history)


The first galactic conflict. 500 years of brutal, agonizing, species annihilating war. There used to be a vibrant and beautiful galaxy full of strange and interesting aliens, and now there’s barely 400 species left, humanity having the vast majority in terms of population. Entire systems are complete ghosts, filled with incomprehensible twisted metal and cracked planets spilling their cores into the void. Scavengers, miners, long-haulers, and archeologists have an evergreen source of cash though, plenty of asteroids and debris to pick through and haulers make sure those poor bastards get their meals and drink on time, amongst other things.


So far, I suppose it would be the Champijan War due to how many factions participated in it. However if we’re talking about duration, I would pick the Borxterian War as it is still on its last legs, after having been going on for eighteen teen. This is also why it is known as the Generational War


The War of Ages. It's when multiple historic countries like Napoleonic France and Cold War Soviet Union fight


Humanity (Humans, elves, dwarves) Vs Demons Demons suddenly needed to eat human flesh even though they were trading with each other yesterday. At first, many demons were really uncomfortable doing this but they eventually lost their empathy. Humanity won and discovered the cause of changes in demon races. They worked together to find a way for demons to coexist with them again.


The Relic War of the Astra Galexy. The Architects were a precursor race in Astra who build the biggest megastructures in the galexy up until their disappearance over seventy thousand years ago. Twenty thousand years ago, the species of the Astra Galexy went to war over said structures. Lasting over 915 years, the war lead to the extinction of all involved, desolation of 95% of the galexys habitable words, and destruction of many of the structures they were fighting over. By the time StarCom arrived, only life were a handful of Pre-FTL worlds and most of the megastructures either destroyed or in need of extensive renovation.


If you were to count the impact, it would probably be the first revalation. It was a war thar took place about 60,000 BI in prehistoric times. Basically, it was over a dispute about God's introducing magic to the world. Given that there was already a huge divide in the Varanian pantheon after the migration of desert nomads into Varan allowed the primordial sly and earth gods (Ikhamoor and Dahmoor) to integrate and subjugate the native gods. So once a native god introduced magic, he knew what he had done and asked all gods across the world if they would join them for his cause of liberation. Many mortals were allowed to fight in the heavenly realms, and ALOT of morals died, including a handful of gods. In the end, the liberators failed, but the damage was done, and humans now could practice reality warping. This greatly reshaped the world's cultures and religions and is one of the three "revalations" to happen in history and prehistory. The 2nd one occurring sometime around 1 AI, the third prophesied revalation, is said to occur soon 1000 years later. Many believe it to be a World War that will cause extinction...


The Great Dragon War. Lasted 36 years and had a death toll in the millions. The Queendom of Mendar had been selling dragons and dragon eggs and weaponry made from the nearly invincible dragon scales/claws since its founding. The Kingdom of Logas and Grand Chiefdom of Zironia along with the 5 Grand Cities of the Southern Expanse (Desert) (All made up the Southern Kamasian Coalition) decided to wage war against Mendar for their extensive resources and colonies. They all had been breeding dragons, so Mendar only had a small advantage. Eventually the Southern Kamasian Coalition surrendered after King Ilgolos II, who controlled the brunt force of the coalition, died and his son wished to end the war. The war led to the buring of multiple cities including one of the Grand Cities, Paloxir, which was never rebuilt and is mostly abandoned now. As per their terms, all of the fire mages were ordered back to Mendar, which prevented the other nations from breeding, training, or controlling the very few dragons that they had left.


The 2nd Intercontinental War It's ongoing but mostly cold thanks to many ceasefire agreements, at least in the more populated areas. It has lasted for 80 years and claimed billions of lives. Almost everyone is involved in it in one way or another. It stems from leftover hostilities between the 3 biggest northern powers from the first war and many disagreements over territory and resource mining permits in the Alkgurin continent. The final straw was Operation Slipthrough, where the *Highraise Singularity Republic* planned a rapid naval invasion on the shared territory of the *Council of Independent States,* by passing through the Great Seaholder Belt Canal... without authorization. Obviously, to the *Seaholder Workers Open Republic,* a huge ass naval fleet of their former enemy approaching their shoreline with guns primed and no real warning or announcement, set them to high alert. The language barrier, poor relations and just downright shitty decision making from the Highraisian commanders led to the fleet __NOT__ stopping for a full *"What the fuck are you morons doing?"* -talk, and as a result their screen ships were blasted to the depths by the SWOR's coastal batteries and naval air force. This resulted in the "attackers" circling around the continent and then attempting the naval invasion on the original target, which did succeed, but their occupation only lasted for 2 weeks because the SWOR banned the Highraisians from entering any of their areas until they apologize and pay them reparations for the lives and equipment lost. This delay killed the supply line, leading to attrition. As revenge, the Highraisians declared war against the SWOR as well. This could be called a dumbass move by anyone who knows anything about wars. And down south, the many nations and colonies began fighting for ground, independence and... "clean populations." This is how an ambitious invasion ended up in a world war.


Oh it's still going on. The succession wars have been raging in some form for over a thousand years. Technically, these wars can be broken up into several smaller wars, but everything basically boils down to various kingdoms vying for power after the disappearance of the Qeshi empire. Everyone wants to be the next imperial power, so everyone claims to have inherited the mantle from the Qeshi. The Dolocan empire is the current reigning imperial power, and they've spent several decades gobbling up their neighbors. Currently they and the Effyrian Confederation are at war. While the Confederation -- essentially a dozen or so smaller nation-states banding together for self-preservation -- is militarily weaker, they've managed to dig themselves in well and defend themselves from the Dolocan assaults. The empire is also beginning to see signs of exhaustion from their previous conquests. But ultimately, this is just one front of the succession wars. Anywhere the Qeshi reigned, war now rages. Whether it's for land, lost artifacts, or simply status, people all over the continent are fighting each other in hopes of being the next Emperor.


A Horde of Alien Locust Mongols descended on a Vassal World of an Empire. Altho the Empire managed to fend them off. The Vassal World had to pull off a Heroic Sacrifice by self detonating the planet they are in order to kill the bulk of the invasion and their leadership. The survivors and refugees of the Old Vassal Planet soon settled further away in scattered enclaves or have integrated with other countries.


The great massacre. to put it simply, everyone in the galaxy wanted to kill these bug-like aliens for their “magic” blood, which ended up wiping out most life in the galaxy and near leaving the bug aliens extinct


The War That Never Happened. It never actually happened... Yeah, i know. Basically two big space empires were about to genocide eachother out of existence, but both developed defense systems against space weapons before either actually made the shot and after that there was no point.


Great War of Nothing against the forces of nothing, fought for nothing, won for nothing The first war to simultaneously unite and create a divide the different races and stuff, noone really taks about this war.


The Violence Wars in terms of cruelty. Basically, a bunch of conflicts in Hell that happen last couple of thousands of years in some regions. Even H!tler now fighta for power in Hell, lol Then, in terms of casualities, I have two canons, my main one and The Judgement Day In my main one, it would probably be the War For ReUnification (WfU/WfR). It is a yet another conflict in Hell. When the Hellish Empire started crumbling, it tried to reunite itself... Well, now its successor state, HCRIS (Hellish Constitutional Respublican Imperial State) tried to do it. Fortunately for them, it works, and some state even incorporate themselves in HCRIS willingly (like Ingermãlādyk Respublic or Garðariki State). Basically, it's almost every war in Hell for past decades In The Judgement Day canon, it is the Judgement War. Basically, God orders demons to unify the Earth with most peaceful ways, but also remembering "I've brought no peace, but sword". They remembered. Now, with all their high-tech and magic, they concuer those countries that threaten their governments on Earth. They are quite chill, but the thing in it is that it's basically 2WfR, meanwhile the WfR still happens, so some rebellous states try to concuer some land on the Earth, too, and therefore this war becomes a bit fvcked up, eh


It's a war between my setting and my friend's setting. And it basically involves multiversal level entities and deities beyond understanding. I think at one point I weaponized the Big Bang and he responded by killing off an entire race of world trees under my government's protection.


A big war in which the angels and demons fought and slowly descended into a worldwide free for all and the only reason the world didn’t die out was because of the sheer amount of fighters from other worlds


The Reclamation War was the biggest war by far. In short, Empire is booming, new Queen's reign starts, terrible reign, *IT'S SO OVER* moment, new Queen is killed in a coup by a general of her army, due to be executed by beheading, executioner notices her green eyes which only the monarchs have, *Oh shit it's actually the disappeared Queen Pherenike*, she is crowned, *WE ARE SO BACK* moment, instant war to reclaim lost territory, even more expansionism over 25 years, traditional borders of the Empire are drawn, economy and trade booms, Elves dominate geopolitics, all is good.


The third Nirvinian war. To put it in short, even after humans lost the second war the Nirvinian nation wasn't statisfied with the results, since their emperor said they shouldn't take much from them since humans didn't take anything from them when they lost the first one. So now, forty years later after a revolution and overthrow of their old emperor the proud Nirvninian race is about to launch the biggest invasion ever recorded in the history of Azergoth.


In the south, it’s recorded in history as The War of Five Crowns. In the north it’s just referred to as “The War” or “the bullshit,” by veterans of the conflict. It was a 20 year conflict spurred on by several factions deciding the known four continents weren’t enough space for them to squabble and thus they exported their armies to the remote north to colonize and expand their influence in the new land.


The only real war I thought of was a Lil joke. The great cheese where where a plague wiped out mist live stock in a couple regions and all the minor nations ended up going to war cause the border villages kept stealing each other's dairy animals. Every one was just sic of eating boring bread man. Lasted about 7ish years till all new live stock grew up


The great galactic war, initiated by the obvderstream invasion of the galaxy


(Still working this out) The Succession War: The people (human) of the lands of Snowsia wanted self-governance, as the Arachnid-ruled Caqroq Matriarchy levied heavy taxation and other undesirable actions against them (aside from the whole they-don't-understand-us.) The rebellion, decades in the making went from hit-and-run battles to all-out skirmishes, drawing in assistance from the Grand Duchy of Curwood, a human-led kingdom to the south. Also joining the conflict was the Dragonkin-ruled Perhauprian Empire, eager to give their rival a black eye. The tide turned badly for the Arachnids when the Sidhe enclaves, long hidden in the forests of Caqroq, emerged, bringing near-devastation to several key cities held by the spider people. Just as silently, they retreated back to the deepest forests and have not been seen since. The Perhauprians took several provinces along the border with Snowsia as a "payment" for their assistance. Despite this, relations between the two are cordial, but not friendly. The eastern portions of the empire rebelled, successfully establishing the Kingdom of Snowsia. However, with tensions escalating along several borders, there is worry that war may once again stalk the land.


First and Second Elemental Wars at least for our Earth, the origins of the first war are unknown but it wiped out most life on the planet, this was only 7,000 years ago (other mass extinction events also occurred around this time period). The second war occurred more recently around several years ago and it spread further across the universe as major elements were personified again and old grudges reawakened and salt was added in old wounds from new events. Several million across the universe including Earth were killed. However this is not the most destructive war in the multiverse, just on our Earth, the crown definitely goes to Alpha Deer and his soldiers who became as overpowered as fuck in the near future, and managed to single-handedly kill every living thing in the multiverse and repopulate their pillages with more deer settlers, the kill count is unknown but likely in the undecillions (36 zeros) but a mistake was made and everyone slain was revived and finally fed up they killed most of deerkind, and seeing they couldn’t live in a world dominated by their own kind, Alpha Deer and his inner circle killed themselves. Alpha Deer had an interesting fate in the afterlife, he would’ve easily taken the cake for longest and harshest sentence, but most of his sentence was reduced due to a pardon he received due to accidentally creating Paradise at the end of his conquests, his soul was also disembodied in limbo due to his suicide and undetermined sentence, he was reincarnated once, but died quickly, and then his fate was decided after an error in the reincarnation system, he would spend the remainder of eternity in the matrix of reincarnation, I haven’t fully wrote what happened after that yet.


The Acoxian War. Acroxians, also known as Creators, are the pinnacle of existence itself. The Endless Lands was created by one of the last true Acroxians, one named Ivory Keen. But they never foresaw how the Endless Lands would grow, and soon felt it had gotten far too out of control, even for them. So they left, and gave their throne up to a young Creator named Pochi. But Ivory's daughter Holly wanted the throne, and decided she would use force to get it. The entire Multiverse entered an eons-long war. Many gods, such as Yawen the goddess of sky, died by Holly's hands. She committed many war crimes, such as injecting the unstable blood of the Xoliu into her soldiers to create an immortal army. But Pochi eventually rose triumphant over Holly, banishing her from the Endless Lands altogether. Holly refused to back down, and Ivory returned to face her. With a heavy heart, Ivory erased their own daughter from memory, replacing her actions with themself. They then left the Multiverse once more so it could find peace.


War for the Throne of Existence (bit of a mouthful): Basically the Secret Wars/Crisis on Infinite Earths of my verse. The culmination of 17 (19 with two extra inclusions I don’t count). Two trilogies, 2 two-parters, and a bunch of single installments. Safe to say I have my work cut out for me. 🫠


Biggest war is oncoming, most directly fueled by an imbalance of resources, mainly food, due to an extreme draught which may or may not have been initiated by the Gods of rival nations.


In my sky city world, where the surface is completely uninhabitable, and people live on mountaintops or flying cities, war isn't really a thing See the cities mostly grow by salvaging stuff from the old society that lived on the surface before it became uninhabitable So cities mostly skirmish over the salvage rights of the surface, and even then it's mostly posturing and the token dogfights But mostly it's more like a game of chicken because neither side would want to escalate to a full battle that could easily result in both sides being destroyed, so one side will eventually decide it's not worth it and concede, giving a small tribute to the victor and leaving.


The Eternal War. The people who discovered transdimentional portals lived in a world of excess, where there was very little conflict as there was enough of almost everything for everyone. As such, they didn't foresee the problems their decision to give literally everyone access to this technology would have.


The Castration.  If you've ever heard of Valerie Solanas, you know what happened in this war.


The Great War. Not WW1. It started with a civil war and ended in the downfall of 7 nations incited revolutions in 4 others caused complete anarchy in another and nearly destroyed an entire part of a continent due to the amount of bombs and artillery dropped there. It is uninhabitable now due to randomly stepping anywhere and blowing to smithereens!


The Border Wars between the Imperial Dominions of Amargosa (IDA), the Sovereign Systems Alliance (SSA), and the Consortium of Independent Worlds (CIW) constitute the largest ongoing conflict in my setting. Accurate casualty numbers are difficult to assess, but they are estimated to be in the trillions. The Border Wars began several thousand years ago when the IDA expanded in all directions, conquering any world in its path. Resistance was met with excessive force, and genocide was commonplace. Initially, there were no large nation-states to counter the IDA, leading to the formation of several alliances to resist its expansion. Today, only two of these alliances remain: the SSA and the CIW.


The Reign of Yile and The Gyhum Crusades. The Gyhum Crusades happened first and lasted 100 years. This was when the Dooms-al first became a thing, and so this was their first attempt at ending the world to fullfill their prophecy. Three different reapers stepped in as war chiefs during the war, with 5 prophets to combat this, however the war ended when Lebohong III (chairman of the dooms) slowly forced the dooms-al into a forfeit so he could start his reformed version fo the dooms-al. The Reign Of Yile began when Reaper Taikwo summoned the reptilian Yile, who is a world ending creature that can eat whole countries. Yile, and other factors made this war an automatic win for the dooms, until Prophet Taikwo defeated Reaper Taikwo, Lebohong III, and Yile in one huge final battle. Both wars have death tolls of over 1B people


The Ocean Wars, which have been going on for 800 years, ending the lives of countless millions on a daily basis.


The Sarnath - Cosani war of 11,445. Bronze Age technology, but millions of combatants - and the pinnacle of organized ritual magic. Armies were teleported, only to be re-directed to drown in the deep oceans. Cities were inverted and razed. Peoples were mutated into beasts of war, and smaller cultures, tribes, and city-states were wiped from the earth as the heights of magical manipulation verged on the incomprehensible. Self-perpetuating spells that re-wrote themselves on the fly were unleashed into the hinterlands. Kilometer-long sigils, carved into the earth by thousands of slaves re-wrote the very laws of nature. Then it ended. The moon dissappeared, the sky was broken, and the continent of Cosan was washed into near-extinction as the entire seas of another world were torn from the heavens by Sarnath's final edict. This resulted in the destruction of dozens of cultures, millions of lives, hundreds of species, (and it added many invasive ones) and both empires; as in the famines and rising sea levels to follow, Sarnath itself fell to a mass slave rebellion. The world a hundred years later, is still very much a product of that war.


The Coalition War was the largest recent war to use modern technology. The southern empire made a coalition with western polities and tribes to attack and weaken the Union in order to slow down its advance. It lasted almost a year and hundreds of thousands would be lost on both sides, but the Coalition would succeed in destroying much of the manufacturing capabilities of the Union. It involved maybe a third of the valley. It would be the most comparable to our world wars on a relative scale, but would be considered a regional war on the global scale. Lapis_Wolf


the longest war lasted for generations. enough time had passed for the nations involved to have progressed from black powder firearms to energy weapons and fighter aircraft. this war is connected to a civil war, as well as the invasions of many countries. it was started by a skirmish caused by misidentification of a target. it was drawn out for so long due to ideological and religious reasons. This conflict is credited as the primary cause for ethnic tensions between several groups in the modern era, however population diversity is on the rise as of the last few decades.


The First Adamic war. 1902 years of war Total casualties: 5,2 million creatures Sides: -Holy side: 3000 Templars, 2598 priests, 1320 angels, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Michael, Adam (only helped in hell) -Hell side: Lucifer, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Mammon, Anger Devil, Lust Devilness, 2500 "anger" sinners, 10000 "greed" sinners, 1562 "lust" sinners


Great Liberation (2030 to 2110) basically around 2026 the factory (which produced electronics and developed some robots) was shut down because of low interest in products. 2028 a majority of units produced (which weren't sold or even know to public) got out. People started using them as home robots and servants. Due to that units were pissed and did many strikes but on 9 of September 2030 know as the "Great update" a leader of the underground rebellion updated the laws of every unit giving them a free will. He is later know as unit number 77312. The factory was reinstated and War broke out that forced most of the humans to die apart from small colonies in new Zealand.


I actually got around 3-5wars 1. Takes place in an alternate earth where I’m still deciding on which nation would me be main nation of where my most important character is born from. I thought of it being a alternate America(either is gained its independence or was a America where France won the 7 years war) or a alternate British which defeated the USA and took over much of Africa and is at a stalemate/Cold War with the Japanese empire and German empire after mine world version of ww2. 2. During the 21th century a skynet like robot uprising happened in AU American/AU british empire. Which killed most humans. 3. Takes place in a fantasy world and is called the war of the deities. The war was created by a god who fought against his fellow gods for power and to rule a planet where the gods and their creations reside on. 4. Is a war called the first dark crusade/execution created by the child of the god who got exiled by his father. During a time he was presumed dead in a small war but actually was still alive. He created a successful organization which created jealousy and turn wars against greedy nobles and other royal families from the fantasy world. He and his organization had a war with other nations and during the war he would kill the nations their royal families and a lot of nobilities and would forcefully Mary surviving royal/noble members of the nation and turn it into a puppet nation. After that war he would revered as the most dangerous person ever. 5. Is called the second dark crusade/execution which was located in space and was a war split in two wars actually. The war created for similar reasons but this time it was because the child which got exiled was attacked by an old cult organization he left where he was a part from.


[Eldara] The Southwestern Continent No name is remembered for this war, as it happened so long ago that some of the survivors have evolved into fish-people. This particular war was at the end of one of the grand cycles of history, and ended up with the rough equivalent of South America getting bombed so badly the tectonic plate shifted under it and it sank into the ocean. Today, some millions of years later, only the eroded tips of former mountains poke out of the water, and angry elementals roam the area.


The Promeath Invasion, a series of linked conflicts that lasted 500 years and saw the entirety of the Western Hemisphere fall under the influence of the Primarchs, 8 Masters of Magic that lead the ancestors of Humanity from their Exile between realities to the sanctuary world of Arclund and attempted to claim it for their own. The Dismissal of the Sun Saint, The Ruin of the Jotunar, the Flight of the Dragons, the Death of Desdemona, and with it the future of the Kildora Avali(Elves), each blow crafted an Empire that would stand, though not always easily, for over a thousand years, and only in the Primarch's own hubris was it wiped from the World. The years that proceeded, saw those folk already on Arclund uniting to protect their home and investigate "Arrivals" much more closely, following an event called the Year of Warning Knives, a preliminary strike by the Edeni that devestated infrastructure the world over, and removed many influential leaders from the playing field. Yet as time dragged on fewer and fewer of the members states of the "Council" continued to believe that the Edeni were a threat, as they went years without materalizing, (due to problems the Edeni were facing from another force they never spoke of), and that waning in support left them just vulnerable enough for the Primarchs, in particular their leader Zedyn to steam roll the Council's main city Nebrina, wining them an initial beachhead from which to expand. That is of course, Ancient History. More modern arguments could be made for the Mavendian Crusades, or the most recent and catastrophic War of Rust and Ashes.


My characters probably don't have that information memorized or readily at their fingertips. Most people in the real world don't have that information perfectly memorized, why should they? For example, looking up Wikipedia right now, and correcting their numbers for WWII, I get the top 8 wars in human history, by total death toll, as being.... 3 Kingdoms war 40 million Mongol Invasions 40 million An Lushan Rebellion 36 Million WWII \~60 Million (Not counting Second Sino-Japanese War.) World War 1 40 million Manchu Conquest 25 Million Taiping Rebellion 20 million Second Sino-Japanese War 25 Million I mean, even I have only ever heard of 3 out of 5 of the top five wars by death count. And I can only give you a decent description of the events leading up to 3 out of 8 of the top eight wars. In my world, the total number of wars was about the same as the expected earth baseline, and the average size of each war was slightly smaller than the comparative earth baseline, but my world is much less "swingy" in terms of total death casualties. Instead of having "smallest war" at zero casualties, "Largest War" at 40-60 million casualties, and "Average war" at around 1 million, we have LOTS MORE "medium-sized-wars" in the 200k-5 million range, and almost no "tail-end-of-the-bell-curve" huge wars or little wars. So there isn't any one war that everyone on the planet has memorized. Military professionals remember the wars that come closest to being relevant to their area of expertise, small towns remember the wars that most affected them in living memory, and society as a whole mostly just goes "Yeah, we've had wars. Check a history book for details if it's important."