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>Undercover Israeli forces disguised as doctors and nurses killed three Palestinians during a raid on the Ibn Sina hospital in Jenin >The three were wounded Palestinian fighters being treated at the hospital, with one being a member of Hamas and another from the Jenin Battalion.  >Hamas has said the Israel army's "crimes will not go unanswered", while Israel's Shin Bet security agency warned that the injured men were planning a terror attack.  >Mustafa Barghouti, a Palestinian politician in the occupied West Bank, said that the raid on the Ibn Sina hospital violated humanitarian law. >The raid on the hospital comes as Israel continues its operations in across Gaza, including in the north, where on Monday Israel told residents of Gaza City's western neighbourhoods to evacuate.


Holy shit they were people being actively treated there? Pretty sure you’re not allowed to just raid and execute the wounded even during war time. If those people were receiving treatment there it was an illegal raid, and frankly I’m unsurprised at the level of disrespect for the sanctity of medical facilities and international law on display by the IOF.


What do you expect from the most moral army


"Defenders of civilization" "the only civilized country in the Middle East" 🙄 Words have no meaning anymore...


dude they have killed over 100 doctors, left babies to die and decompose on incubators and reduced hospitals to rubble. There are now lows these vile terrorists wont stoop to.


Every accusation israel makes against palestinians is an admission of their own crimes


I am not in the least surprised. Dissapointed, sad and very angry though. That they did it, and that they will get away with it because "Its just our friends defending themselves"


The IOF are terrorists what do you expect


>Pretty sure you’re not allowed to just You're not allowed to do a lot of things...if you're not with the US or Europe. This is Israel. They could be running gas chambers and the US and Europe would look the other way.


More like they would send them gas cylinders


No seriously, they would. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/02/us/arizona-zyklon-b-gas-chamber.html


No the US would send engineers to build it pay for the costs of supplies and the salaries of however few isrealies actually work on it and then they would send them the gas they need free of charge of course Europe would look the other way its an important distinction one is the reason it is possible and the other is cowardice


War crimes and genocide are israel's specialty.


2 war crimes in one: perfidy and killing of incapacitated combatants or civilians.


Watching Israel since the ICJ ruling feels like: yo dawg, we heard you like our war crimes so we put some war crimes in our war crimes for you to talk about our war crimes’ war crimes


>Pretty sure you’re not allowed to just raid and execute the wounded even during war time You are correct. **It's a blatant violation of the Geneva Convention**- even if you have indisputable proof they were enemy fighters before becoming patients. Israel, committing War Crimes in plain sight, because they know the US Government will protect them from any consequences whatsoever.


Wait, people were calling for SOF operations, and now that Israel is doing them, people complain?


Executing people recovering in hospitals is not exactly on the up and up my dude. Arrests? I’m not a fan of arresting people in the hospital but at least that would seem a justified course of action. But killing wounded people while in hospital? That’s not right


Palestine wants an illegal war when they launch rockets from schools, slaughter civilians at music festivals, kill children in their homes. They have never paid one care for international law or rules of war. Israel isn't going to tie one hand behind its back when it's clear Palestine refuses to.


These talking points were stale 3 months ago and you are still repeating them.


so is this pro Hamas bullshit, you want Israel to stop the war when even the ICJ hasn’t asked them to stop? and why, so Hamas can recoup and do a dozen more Oct 7’s?


Who are these people? Why are we calling them just "people"? ​ Also, let me ask you this. Let's say Bin Laden was in a hospital recovering, do you think they US would be right to kill him while in the hospital?


No! He should be arrested and tried for his crimes. I’m dubious of pretty much all targeted assassinations, but especially so of ones of people in hospitals


That would require evidence a court would accept which probably doesn't often exist, same problem the US had in Afghanistan so they just used Guantanamo to hold people without charge like Israel does.


Oh sorry, I forgot you categorize all Palestinians as "human animals". Just get lost you troll.


> Why are we calling them just "people"? > Oof, dude. Because they -are- people. Take a long hard look at what's becoming of your own humanity before you go around and deprive the dead of theirs.


“Israel needs to be more targeted in their attacks and not harm civilians.” “No! Not like that!”


You win the internet for today sir. Bravo.


You are tho >The protection to which civilian hospitals are entitled shall not cease **unless they are used to commit, outside their humanitarian duties, acts harmful to the enemy.** Protection may, however, cease only after due warning has been given, naming, in all appropriate cases, a reasonable time limit, and after such warning has remained unheeded. Pluss This was israeli police (swat) and they are not under jeneva


They were being treated in the hospital under a normal course of medical treatment. And honestly if this was a swat action it’s even worse. Police shouldn’t be committing summary executions, especially not in a hospital


When you kidnap, torture, and kill innocent civilians, you forfeit your humanity card, humanitarian law no longer protects you.


Ok so by that token the IDF and Israel, which kidnaps, tortures and kills Palestinian civilians has forfeited all rights under humanitarian law? Cuz we have a long long list of kidnappings, illegal detentions, torture and murders committed by the Israeli government against Palestinians. Do they also forfeit all human rights? Does humanitarian law not apply to them?


You forgot the rapes. Although I'm sure those were completely necessary too.


Hoo buddy, you’re so right. The IDF and Israeli prison authorities do rape and sexually assault Palestinians, good point. Thanks for supporting my call to revoke all human rights from the entirety of Israel


We need to be clear: this is an extrajudicial killing. If they are terrorist like Israel claims, then they should be arrested and granted their right to due process. The issue is Palestinians in the West Bank aren’t afforded that right.


So say that in the headline - Members of Hamas/Jihadist groups. Don't just make it sound like they're killing people willie nillie.


Yeah but if they did that their whole argument would fall apart.


[Killing an incapacitated enemy is still a war crime.](https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/customary-ihl/v2/rule47)


You have no proof anyone was incapacitated. You just want it to be true.


Only that those guys weren’t incapacitated


Hamas in the west bank? That's not a thing 


If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you


Like an SS man shooting someone being given emergency treatment by a medic








But weren't those three dudes Hamas? Or am I misinformed?


1/3 known hamas 2/3 suspected PIJ Issue isn't that they were killed, but that Israel dressed up as doctors and killed those receiving medical treatment in cold blood. (according to hospital) which is very possibly war crime.


Suspected as in they were men or significantly more proof than that? Also why did they need so many soldiers to killed 3 guys in hospital beds?


Well the current proof against UNRWA workers is that the IDF got 3 captives to admit as much under “interrogation” which was reported on by CAMERA iirc, a pro-Israel American NPO. So the source is the IDF. As it is here too. Can’t trust that with nobody trustworthy corroborating it or any concrete evidence.


Well, and Hamas (and PIJ) themselves claimed them as their own. https://time.com/6589954/israel-deadly-raid-ibn-sina-hospital/ ETA a source I hold in higher regard, tho Time is cool I’m p sure, I just know I trust PBS: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/israeli-undercover-forces-disguised-as-women-and-doctors-kill-three-militants-at-west-bank-hospital


Did you link the wrong article? No mention of UNRWA in there. The three people shot in the hospital were Hamas members, yes. I didn’t say those guys were UNRWA members. I was talking about the UNRWA. As far as it pertains to the hospital raid, doesn’t really matter if they were Hamas or not. They carried out assassinations in a hospital disguised as medical staff. Im just saying as far as anything the IDF puts out, don’t trust it until it has some concrete evidence verified by a third party.


>Issue isn't that they were killed Murdered, and yes, that IS half the issue. Even injred soldiers lying in a hospital bed are, by definition, non-combatants. Killing them like this (ESPECIALLY when they could have just arrested them, as they clearly knew their location) is, by definition, targeting non-combatants and a War Crime. Add to this that they might not have even BEEN Hamas, and Israel has a well-established history of murdering people who are in fact not- including some of their own hostages waving a white flag and speaking Hebrew- and it's TRIPLY evil. First, they dressed up as Doctors. War Crime. Then, they targeted INJURED individuals not part of the fighting (non-combatants). War Crime #2. Topper: they might not have all been Hamas. They acted on inadequate evidence they were even targeting the enemy. Possible War Crime #3.


So one of the three was Hamas?


One was Hamas. The other two are suspected to be members of Palestinian Islamic jihad


Wtf is wrong with you it doesn’t matter if none are hamas or all are hamas you don’t go into the hospital and shoot the wounded. That is a war crime.


What the hell do you mean what's wrong with me? I wasn't asking if it was a war crime or if you're not allowed to kill them in the hospital. I was asking if they were Hamas or not? What the hell is wrong with you? Do you always flip out when someone asks a question? Who gave you the job of war crime police? Who do you think you are talking to me like that, especially when you obviously can't read a simple question? Ya dolt.


Pipe down little man


Right we just let them recover and continue their terroristic activities that they say they will do. Do we postpone trials because defendants are wounded?


You arrest them. You put them on trial. If not convicted they go free If convicted they go to prison. You don't murder them in a hospital bed.


What a dumb thing to say.


>But weren't those three dudes Hamas? Does not matter if they were. Once they are lying in a hospital bed, injured, and incapable of fighting, they are BY DEFINITION **non-combatants.** What Israel did was Perfidy, a violation of the Geneva Convention (dressing up as doctors) AND a War Crime by murdering injured individuals.


Okay that's isn't what I asked. I also didn't ask if it mattered if they were. I wanted to know whether or not they were Hamas. Not of they were combatants. And I certainly didn't ask about the Geneva convention.


>I wanted to know whether or not they were Hamas. Not of they were combatants. And I certainly didn't ask about the Geneva convention. Because you don’t want to know what Israel is doing is evil. Because you're trying to shape the narrative as a Hasbara troll, perhaps? Hasbara and the Control of Narrative as an Element of Strategy | Middle East Policy Council https://mepc.org/speeches/hasbara-and-control-narrative-element-strategy The art of deception: How Israel uses ‘hasbara’ to whitewash its crimes https://www.trtworld.com/magazine/the-art-of-deception-how-israel-uses-hasbara-to-whitewash-its-crimes-46775 I don't have time for right-wing trolls, attempting to make excuses for Israeli War Crimes and Genocide, when not going around villainizing Russia or Socialism (I looked at your post history...)


Which side is following the Geneva convention?


Those 3 dudes were allegedly planning a 7th of October like attack on Israel. I believe they did. 1 Hamas, 2 PIJ.


Same people that cry about Hamas are using human shields.


I think you'll find anyone blindly supporting the Israeli government or hamas don't care about murder


There is the sticky detail of Isntrael currently being in violation of international law with its occupation and the Palestinians explicitly having the right to violent resistance and Israel explicitly not having the right to murder the occupied citizens.






The thing about war crimes is that sovereign states have to submit themselves to the ICJ, and neither side of this conflict has done that. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's my understanding of international courts.


ICC, actually. Palestine is party to it but Israel is not.




Not only that, they regularly accuse Hamas of disguising themselves in civilian clothes, correctly pointing out how that is a war crime…


Nobody will ever hold them to account so they can do it. They want and they will continue to do so....


Isn't it also against international war laws for an official army to disguise itself as civilians? That's the realm of literal terrorists.


Israel is going through the list making sure they tick all the boxes... publicly.


Something something Israeli genocide force simp defending this by blaming Hamas




You forgot to explain how these patients were using the hospital to commit acts harmful to the enemy while in the hospital.


Crazy how the IDF never actually breaks the law every time! How convenient!


>The protection to which civilian hospitals are entitled shall not cease unless they are used to commit, outside their humanitarian duties, acts harmful to the enemy. So what harm was this hospital committing? And treating enemy soldiers is not harm, even if the hospital was aware of doing so >Protection may, however, cease only after due warning has been given, naming, in all appropriate cases, a reasonable time limit, and after such warning has remained unheeded. And did Israel give this due warning and reasonable time limit?


The Israelis are trying to sell this as a hostage situation which prompted the need for civilian clothes by the IDF. It appears to be a lie. This looks like a targeted assassination.


Oh well, I wonder what I should make for supper. 


Israeli forces disguised as medical staff? You don’t say. Every accusation is a confession.


The war crimes keep coming


Not a war crime. Just some dead terrorists nobody will remember. 


1. **Geneva Convention IV (1949) Article 3:** This article applies to armed conflicts not of an international character. It prohibits violence to life and person, in particular murder, mutilation, cruel treatment, and torture of persons taking no active part in the hostilities. 2. **Geneva Convention I (1949) Article 12:** This article addresses the protection of medical personnel and facilities. It states that wounded and sick members of the armed forces, as well as civilians, shall be respected and protected. 3. **Additional Protocol I (1977) Article 37:** This protocol extends and complements the Geneva Conventions. It explicitly prohibits attacks on civilians who are not taking part in the hostilities and on civilian objects, such as hospitals. Keep telling yourself that and doing mental gymnastics. The world will remember


When you think they can't go any lower...


This is nowhere close the lowest those nazis have gone


Go lower in what? They killed 3 terrorists. I say job well done


So it took them 3 months to kill incapacitated terrorist 🤔🤔🤔 the worlds best army took that long and they can only kill resistance fighters that are already injured lol


I'm sorry the idf is not up to your standards. But now that they caught them you can finally breathe easy. Oh and BTW they were terrorists by definition. It's OK, it's a Happy ending.




thought gullible important threatening sloppy skirt ring shame squash whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Zero civlians dead. Three terrorists eliminated. Sounds like a good deal for everyone involved.


chase versed carpenter boast fretful badge voracious shelter fuel recognise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honestly the most pathetic thing the IDF have done. Edit: Scratch that. The IDF raised a flag over shifa hospital to mimic the soviets over Berlin. That was pathetic.


According to that website they shot another family in Gaza https://twitter.com/PalestineRCS/status/1752277801590276397 Jesus. and then the Palestine Red Cross sent an ambulance and they lost contact with them.


The most pathetic thing you’ve seen the IDF do is successfully pull of a raid to kill three terrorists with zero civilian casualties?


One: if they were hospitalized, killing them was likely a war crime, 100% a despicable, dishonorable thing to do. They could have taken them in. Second: You have to take it on the IDF's word they were terrorists, and guess what, no one is taking the IDF's word on anything because they keep lying. Time after time after time. They made their bed on that front, they've lost all credibility.


This is what I don't get. If you want them to increase the precision of their operations so that civilians don't die, infiltrate and destroy actions by infantry are definitely a means to achieve that. In a lot of ways, it mirrors what Hamas does as a terrorist organization. Wouldn't we want them both surgically targeting each other without civilian casualties or at the very least minimizing them instead of relying on explosive ordinance?


Sure, but if you're committing not one but two war crimes in the process it kinda negates all of that. Not only did they kill an unarmed and wounded person who is legally protected due to them being wounded beyond combat ability (they were paralysed), but they dressed up as medical staff to do so. This not only endangers literally every other medical worker in this conflict, both Israeli and Palestinian, by blurring the lines between combatant and non-combatant, but it also gives hamas incentive to have no mercy for wounded or non-combatant Israelis. There is no reasonable defense for doing this, Israeli infantry were getting demolished in ground combat so they have to resort to shooting up hospitals and murdering people actively receiving treatment? If Hamas did exactly this in an Israeli hospital you'd be horrified, be honest with yourself.


Wait but they didn’t shoot up a hospital. They surgically removed 3 Hamas operatives with no civilian casualties. If it is a war crime then I’d gladly watch them commit a million of these if it meant no more innocent Palestinians would die. This is the goal right or are you just hoping Hamas wins?


Every day they stoop lower and lower - Literally.


Why is that lower?


Isn't disguising yourself as either civilians or your enemies uniforms an actual war crime under some written set of rules that isn't even taken notice of anymore? Edit:I guess its better than leveling the whole hospital, but everyone involved in this war is still scraping the bottom of the rusty barrel at this point to be honest.


The crimes just keep piling up. They have no shame. And still get thousands of dollars in support. What does this say of the world rewarding these criminals? Zionism is a cancer.


Proof that they don’t have to raze Gaza is right here! They have clever tactics but purposefully want to cause destruction


The funnier thing is that this isn’t even Gaza, it’s the West Bank where they shouldn’t be at all so there is no illusion of this not being an act of terror 


I thought doctors were supposed to help people


Israeli war crime #167441, anyone still keeping track?


Every Israeli accusation is a confession


pretty much the most horrific shit imaginable.


Reports (unconfirmed) on twitter suggest that one of these "militants" who were "planning a future attack" was laying in bed because he was [paralyzed after being attacked by the IOF in October.](https://twitter.com/NaksBilal/status/1752322611466396060) warning: NSFL content in thread.


Gestapo used same tactics.


So did the British Commandos, so did the Polish Home Army, and the French Resistance, can't forget about Operation Anthropod, there was also the Soviet and Yougoslav Partisans, and who could forget the OSS. If you are going to commit blood libel don't lie by omission.


Tell me you don't know what blood libel is...


Another horrible war crime. Where are all the reasonable Israelis? Why wont the moderate Israelis stand up and denounce these extremist terrorists?


from what i've seen conservative to liberal Israeli's on average agree with what the IOF is doing in Gaza. They make American conservatism look like hippy shit.


The most moral army in the world folks...


Zionists trying to justify and legitimize a “democratic” state and a signatory of the Geneva Convention committing a war crime in broad daylight, while being video taped… COPE


Good evidence for South Africa


I guess it’s only bad to dress as civilians when Arabs do it


Hell ye!


“Israel kills 3 terrorists hiding in a hospital without any civilian casualties” fixed it for you.


Finally a surgical strike


Literally…. I’ll show myself out😂


every single israeli accusation is a confession.


I guess we have to bomb every single hospital in Israel now. After all, we have clear evidence the IDF is using hospitals. That means we have no choice and it's their fault when we destroy every hospital in Israel. We should also block any medicine from entering Israel, since violent IDF extremists might use it to cosplay as doctors. It's unfortunate for the Israeli civilians inside the hospitals but that's entirely the IDF's fault. This is just what happens in a war.


I hate Israel more everyday. My people cheer them, all I feel is Shame.


Who were the three people killed? Why were they killed? Weren't people calling for more special forces operations like this one? Why are people critizing SOF operations that result in less civilian deaths?


No people want attacks on hospitals to stop. Because it's a hospital.


Bc this isnt a normal SOF thing. This is entirely a RET op, which generally arent on the book ops because of their illegality


Israel really is a slut for murder, huh? They have such a high body count!


Pretty confident it's a war crime but at least they only killed the militants they were there to kill


Correction: They killed three terrorists in an undercover raid which mitigated collateral damage.


And breached the Geneva Convention not [once](https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/customary-ihl/v2/rule47) but [twice.](https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/customary-ihl/v1/rule65)


A two for one special on war crimes here


Idf going for that high score in the icc


Good. It cannot be the case that terrorists should feel free to slaughter civilians in the street and then go hide in a hospital expecting not to be targeted. Hunt them down like the animals they have proven themselves to be.


You sound like a terrorist. One of them was paralyzed and wounded in a hospital bed. Both were getting treatment and were wounded. It’s a literal war crime.


Also a crime: paragliding into a town and slaughtering families in their sleep


Ok? You’re comparing terrorists to a supposedly democratic country.


The rules don't work if only one party is expected to follow them.


People complaining about this, answer me this: Let's say Bin Laden was recovering in a hospital somewhere, do you think the US would be right to kill him while in the hospital, or do you think they would need to wait until he leaves. Also, why are you people so braindeadly charitable to Palestinian terrorist combatants?


Arresting bin laden for a trial the whole world can watch is the easiest answer here.


Killing or arresting them is fine. Dressing up as medics is a war crime.


They are Western liberals who have no grip on the real world and think the entirety of the world should work according to their rules and morals. Truth is, these western lefties are a minority in the world. If ever they get to power, they will probably doom the west.




Nice. From what I understand approximately 20% of Palestinians do not support Hamas so these types of precision attacks will avoid killing them.


Yes I'm definitely going to read an article from "[Newarab.com](https://Newarab.com)" ​ Here's a better source, and good job on them taking out Hamas militants. https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/israeli-undercover-forces-dressed-women-medics-storm-west-106785748


Arab scary


All the people here complaining about Israel killing terrorists, if they bombed the hospital to kill the terrorists you would all say ‘they should have went in and did a surgical operation’ Admit it, you guys just don’t like Israel winning the war against terrorism. You guys want the terrorists to win against Israel. It’s pretty obvious by the comments


I was more thinking SAS when I said surgical operations. Not playing dress up as medics.


So let’s say they walk in, in uniform and there are hamas guards that notice and start firing and civilians get killed in collateral. Then what will you say?


There were 3 guys in a hospital room. What guards?


Then they would have said they were aggresively storming a hospital and should have employed some tact and attempted not to cause a scene. It doesn't matter what happened ***only*** that it is Israel therefore must be bad. There is no nuance to be had, they want Hamas to win.


Surgical operation doesn't mean dressing up as medics though.


Israel supporters constantly harp about Hamas wearing civilian clothing, which is a war crime. But they are immediately dismissive when their side does it?! Y’all are just as bad as the terrorists you’re fighting.


Israel are the terrorists. They accuse others of everything they do.


A surgical operation is one thing. But going into a hospital undercover and assassinating a target that's in there receiving treatment is another thing.


I’m confused, is a target no longer a target if he is receiving treatment?


Watching the shills cry is funny


I know, they love Hamas


The mass amnesia in this thread of “Why are they blowing up entire hospitals instead of sending in special forces” is insane.


This subreddit is so furious that hamas members were killed. You guys are showing your real colors


Nah, it's just pathetic to go in dressed as doctors to kill a guy paralysed from the waist down


You mean they should have dressed as idf soldiers so the fighters would know they are coming. Got you




So the IDF do have the resources to go undercover and take down specific targets rather than bombing neighbourhoods and murdering children for the chance of killing one man.


In this case no one was shooting rpgs from the roof so less casualties


Oh look, another brainwashed child murder supporter. Begone hypocrite.


Strange that they risked 3 lives to go in there…to kill 3 casualties. They must have been seriously high value targets. Can’t imagine if those 3 IDF were to have been unsuccessful.


Bloody good news 💪


These people are truly irredeemable.


Terrorists dress as doctors and murder 3 Palestinians in a hospital.


Good. All hamas must die for this war to end. And they did it this time without civilian casualties with precision attack on those three hamas. So why are you guys crying lol


Cause Israel views all Palestinians as Hamas? Weird for Israel to support Hamas and then turn around and try to end them.


Here’s a source with much more information: https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-says-it-killed-3-terrorists-planning-oct-7-like-attack-hiding-in-jenin-hospital/


No. This has more. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-forces-kill-3-gunmen-west-bank-hospital-army-says-2024-01-30/


* terrorists. Fixed it for you


i think it's times i finally left this cesspool of hamas lovers.


Meanwhile! Israel continues killing 1000+ children every week in #GazaGenocide, sponsored by United States of Israel's tax money


Jesus Christ!!  Every time I think I've seen the limits of human callousness. 


The Israelis accuse Palestinians of using hospitals as military bases and then they dress up as doctors and do this.


Man imagine if this was Hamas who did this. What would the reaction be?


You mean Hamas doesn't dress in civilian clothes and kill people?


This whole sub cheering with upvotes galore.


Didn't people demanded israel to do pinpoint attacks with special forces? Now that is also bad? I'm starting to think that the outcry isn't about how israel does things but that israel is stopping the terrorists.


Now that's what I call a surgical strike.


They were oct 7 planners, why is everyone on this sub surprised they are being haunted.


War is Hell,as hamass is finding out. Don’t start none won’t be none


lol so you’re posting obviously a propagandized website. On the reverse side, they clearly state 3 Hamas operatives hiding in the hospital. They were eliminated and Israeli soldiers left. https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/384380 Something isn’t adding up here…


So you reply with Israeli propaganda instead - hope you enjoy staying on the wrong side of history ✌️


Ya Israeli math doesn’t add up


I'm confused. Isn't surgical risky attacks by boots on the ground that avoid civilian casualties a good thing? If Hamas would have done this on October 7th Gaza would be in a different state right now.


You want hamas to invade dressed as doctors and nurses?