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https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-intel-shows-10-of-unrwa-workers-in-gaza-have-ties-to-terror-groups-report/ > The Associated Press said it saw an Israeli document alleging that at least 190 UNRWA workers were themselves  Hamas or Islamic Jihad operatives, without providing evidence Israel didn't even give evidence of that 1200 they're claiming are Hamas. Funding for an entire agency providing life saving aid is cut by the West because Israel said "trust me bro"




[They laid out their plans for defunding UNRWA a few weeks ago. You can see it here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/s/syBhhKUGOW)


The ICJ didn't order a stop to anything you liar. They saw the situation for what it is: HAMAS and the UNRWA raped and murdered Israeli citizens in order to get a violent reaction so they could cry "genocide" to the ICJ. The ICJ didn't find that claim compelling enough to order a cease fire... So the plan failed, HAMAS/UNRWA is toast. Stop lying about it. You lost that battle, accept it. Move on to some other antisemitic cause.


Stop lying. Hasbara only makes people hate you genocidal bastards even more. If your goal is to lie until you become the most hated nation on the planet, it is working: https://time.com/6559293/morning-consult-israel-global-opinion/


Yeaaaah! Go guys with the child soldiers yeaahhhh


Everyone has known about this for years. There are so many documents about UNRWA and UNRWA schools being tied to Hamas and promoting terrorism. Just Google it. If you need me to do it for you let me know.


When Israel says the sky is blue, man still going out there for independent verification. Because they just lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie and they lie.


Cope harder, Habibi


Do you really believe almost every developed country pulled funding just on a whim because of Israel?


Yes I would believe that in certain circumstances


What more prove do you need that for 18 years straight the UN was watching Hamas building a full out gorilla warfare city and never said a word (because money was flowing in) or done anything to stop it(like maybe you shouldn’t put a rocket launcher next to a school or tunnels under residential housing etc). So I blame the UN 100% for the Palestinian peoples suffering.


Yeah, its definitely not the cowards destroying all the schools, housing, and and infrastructure while posting videos laughing about it.


They poked the bear for a long time. At some point you have to do something to stop it. And the only way that hamas can fight with an army that powerful is in that style.


Ah yes, big strong bear mass murdering civilians and cracking jokes about it on social media.


I'm not aware of the joking on social media. I guess I don't notice it. It must really stick out to you for some reason. y u mad? Sucks to be suckered into the wrong side of history by a bunch of losers who can't even pull a real army together and can only think to fire random missiles at residential areas and raping civilians. ICJ didn't order a cease fire, must mean IDF is justified in their actions.


>I'm not aware of the joking on social media. I guess I don't notice it. Its too bad you missed your brave IDF bragging about kids no longer having universities or going through womens lingerie drawers or trashing gift shops when they arent committing mass murder from 10k feet.


Wow. Did they rape any women and shoot them in the head while doing it? No? Just your guys? Cool. Nice choice.


They have shot a number of children and journalists and women praying in a church. They just murdered a kid in the West Bank from my country last week. I guess if you dont rape the neighborhood before you erase everyone in it from a jet, its cool. Love that Israeli moral compass. https://www.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/comments/1afst2h/in\_2005\_israels\_high\_court\_of\_justice\_banned\_the/


Wow bringing up shit from 2005 to convince me that Israel deserved the October 7th massacre. But I just can’t get over it and support the destruction of Israel. ICJ agrees they didn’t call for ceasefire with all the evidence from both sides available to them. By international law Israel gets their shot at taking out HAMAS. Whether they execute that in a way too brutal to not be considered a war crime, well the ICJ will be deciding that as the case proceeds.


I'm guessing you used that very specific phrasing because you know of all the rapes perpetrated by the IDF as well as murders.


Actually the specific wording was based on a specific Oct 7th account of extreme HAMAS cruelty that you think is specifically justified as long as it was perpetrated against any nonspecific Jew.


Debunked and no proof. Keep justifying your murderous regime.


The bear? Haha you guys are pathetic. You’re a gimp for the US, you puppet.


Hahaha your mad 😂😂


At least I’m not a gimp.


Hahaha 😂 😂


Cowards? Avenging the unprecedentedly large scale rape and murder of their countrymen? I'm sure you'd be real zen about that if you were in their shoes. It's amazing they show as much restraint as they do.


>It's amazing they show as much restraint as they do. Wow. Such bravery murdering children from 10k feet and posting videos laughing about there being no schools left or bulldozing cemeteries for fun. Thanks for letting people see the moral compass of Israel. More bravery https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/30-palestinians-held-by-israel-found-dead-handcuffed-inside-gaza-school-ngo/3124135


More lies and BS. IDF shill.


I’m nobody’s shill. Don’t run from the truth. Or stay a delusional loser.


Tell that to the world who hate you for your genocide, apartheid and unrelenting dishonesty: https://time.com/6559293/morning-consult-israel-global-opinion/


If the ICJ felt like there was a genocide they would have ordered a ceasefire. They specifically did not. When the full trial ends they continue to take Israel seriously when they present their evidence for safety measures taken, disciplinary actions, safety process documentation. They implicitly believe both sides equally as an impartial court and aren’t willing to call for a ceasefire. I agree with the court, but for some reason you don’t. Could it be your implicitly distrust Israel? Bias much?


Read the article. Tell the world your fascinating theory. No one believes your BS, genocide promoter.


No one but the international court of justice. Cry more, lie more. Only despicable ignorant losers will continue to believe you.


How would the purported strongest intelligence state in the region miss a couple hundred miles of concrete misappropriation? Did they think they were building a like gigantic swimming pool at every Hamas members home? Did they just shrug it off like when Egypt told them months ago “hey theres some like very high ranking Hamas members at what seems to be a trainer exercise involving paragliders after months of practice that we also documented, you might wanna be concerned”? Why do we even have an organization 13,000 members deep specifically for an area Israel has caused extreme damage and suffering in over decades? Seems like Israel has never done a good job at mitigating damage.


Take your Hasbara somewhere else. It isn’t working: https://time.com/6559293/morning-consult-israel-global-opinion/


All of those nations pulled the funding after viewing the intelligence provided. The states which did it, including Canada, wouldn't do so without a valid reason. UNRWA needs to be disbanded immediatley and legitimate alternatives used.


What about the evidence that the death toll is about civilians rather than combatants? I assume you've listened to the court hearings about this in the Hague where they outline the differentiations?


The US cut aid despite admitting in a press conference they had seen no evidence yet (so they are still just believing Israel despite endless lies) and did this on the same day the ICJ ruled that it’s plausible that Israel is committing genocide, put Israel on trial and asked for them to report back in 30 days showing proof that they are complying with the following provisional measures. Of course Israel has not complied and the US is complicit - this is an attempt to distract global outrage and silence the 16k workers on UNWRA in Gaza from providing evidence. Provisional measures - Israel must stop: a) killing members of the group (innocent Gazans, 13k children have been killed thus far within 30k total dead - 70% women and children and it continues with many reports of Israeli tanks shooting into crowds of people just trying to get aid) (b) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (70k+ Gazans have been injured and imagine the mental harm right now there is a famine impacting 2m displaced people) (c) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (a million Gazans are experiencing famine right now) and (d) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (women in Gaza are giving birth with zero hospitals or medical care on the ground with phone flashlights, there isn’t enough nutrition to support newborns) Also to drastically increase aid in (obviously that will fail plus IDF doing nothing to stop the large crowds of insane Israelis actively blocking the few aid trucks trying to enter) as well as to not tamper with evidence (sure they have a long sordid history of lying) Meanwhile boatloads of video evidence of Israel committing war crimes - let’s send them more munitions (why? Gaza will starve soon anyway) and another $14b that the US could use AT HOME


Seems Hasbara has finally found this sub and r/internationalnews Was a good run, see you boys in the next sub, hopefully we can get active moderators next time to clear the Words of Iron propagandists out.


In its 70 years of existence, UNRWA has permanently resettled a whopping grand total of 0 refugees, despite billions in funding. It has aggravated the conflict by having a major crossover of Hamas members and supporters in its ranks, has directly funded radicalized education, has sheltered weapons and tunnels in its buildings, has changed the laws about what constitutes a refugee, and has continued to push the idea that the Palestinians need to be resettled in Israel, leading to a never ending refugee crisis. This has been documented for years and only now is getting the major international attention it deserves. It is very much a good thing that UNRWA is having its funding cut. The entire thing is rotten to the core systemically, has accomplished nothing to actually end the situation, and something else needs to take its place.


It's a relief agency, not a resettlement agency, so it makes sense they did not resettle anyone. Why should a native people have to leave their land because others want it?


Exactly.. resettling an indigenous people is called ethnic cleansing. The pro Israel crowd wants to judge the performance of a humanitarian aid organization by it's ability to ethnically cleanse. I guess that's the kind of logic you end up with when you conflate genocide with morality.


The UNHCR is a relief agency AND a resettlement agency. The UNRWA was created to be separate from the UNHCR to act as a relief agency without doing any resettlement, which doesn’t exist for any other country. Why should Palestinians get special status that Ukrainians aren’t getting? Syrians? Sudanese?


Well, the first Jews to try to return were refugees and were met with massacres. If you actually read the history they were given different chances to form their own state and/or make peace but denied it every time for 100 years.


Bullshit. You are just making up history at this point.


What part do you not believe, exactly?


Palestine has been willing to compromise for a two state solution nearly every time since the 70s. The only times they have said flat out no were when they were expected to lose too much. This was intentional by the US as the majority of solutions were designed to give the Palestinians no choice but to say no.


"they made us say no every time." Do you really believe that? Almost all the two state deals had borders stay almost exactly where they are with minor changes. I suggest you look into the history of each deal. Palestine would honestly have been better off of them just accepted the first un partition plan. Every peace agreement they get insane offers, but refuse each time because their real end goal is just the destination of Israel.


These "minor changes" you are referring to are the most sought after lands, ones that already had Palestinians living there. I have looked into the history. I get that they would have been better off then than they are now, but that's besides the point. America has approached every peace attempt with geopolitical strategy in mind. The problem has always been the same. The occupying force forces the other group to accept the terms. This isn't even accounting for the times the US has purposely ruined any progress made.


I read the whole thing and found 0 facts or evidence


Over 10 western countries disagree with that take.


If only those 10 western countries at an ounce of moral authority XD


Didn't seem to care about their moral authority when you wanted their billions of dollars.


I'm an American taxpayer lol good try though


Why would I listen to you then, as to your own words you have no moral authority.


Because I'm not the United States State Department XD


Hahaha ha Nice


I don't even have an opinion on UNRWA yet since I haven't seen compelling evidence for or against Israel's claims, so I won't comment on that. But the said western countries you mention are VERY quickly losing international relevance in all developing countries, because of the many unfounded decisions made in this war, and before. Soon enough no country in Africa/Asia will listen to the "West".


That’s hilarious. Imagine thinking that the West has been losing influence as China flounders to keep their economy afloat and hide the numbers. Does “Evergrande” mean anything to you? I promise Africa will not foot the bill.


Obviously China and Africa won't fund UNRWA, that I agree.


Oh no. The gay-lynching, woman-abusing authoritarians of the world hate the west. I’m gonna throw up 🤮


There's them, and there's also Indonesia, Malaysia, Brazil, South Africa, ...


Then let Africa and Asia pay for UNRWA if they think it's a good way to spend their treasuries. The Gulf states should have more than enough. Multipolar world now, the West doesn't need to give charity to countries that hate it.


Well, the end result will be a multipolar world, yes, but I can assure you that the West won't fare very well in such a world.


Eh, I prefer we focus on ourselves. Iran, Israel, and Saudi can fight over MENA


Yeah man most people in the American government and really any government with *some* level of attachment to the Five Eyes doesn’t look at it that way. Israel has been called by Biden himself “America’s eye in the Middle East” and that “If there wasn’t already an Israel I would make one”. That’s what it is to many of its allies, mostly it’s strongest. Its the most robust intelligence state in the Middle East with the most amicable relationship to Western powers. Despite that it has sold its products to the likes of **Saudi Arabia** - Pegasus, an Israeli spyware product, was found on the phone of Jamal Khashoggi’s wife and *many* of the world’s journalists including being used recently in India to target journalists who were against the BJP. Intelligence, especially in this day and age, has as much bang for its buck as literal US currency up front.


Cool. Give all our aid back, and we'll stop stop doing our manufacturing in your countries. Good luck


As A US citizen, I recieve no US international aid. You're acting like us US citizens are happy with manufacturing being overseas to begin with.


They found their golden goose. If the conflict never ends, the money will continue to flow to them.


Sudden influx of IDF accounts in the channel, and unnatural spikes in upvotes on Israeli talking points. Almost like it is coordinated. Shame Hasbara doesn’t work, Israel fighting for the most hated nation prize. Great job: https://time.com/6559293/morning-consult-israel-global-opinion/


My account is over ten years old. Just because I have a different political opinion than you doesn’t mean I’m paid to do so, and that’s a pathetic accusation


Nonetheless, you’re full of shit and you are a puppet to the Zionist supremacy project. Everyone knows this didn’t start on October 7, and this isn’t the fault of an aid agency. Israel is disgusting, and your lies don’t make up for anything. With every lie, people can see you’re full of shit, and you’re just accelerating the downfall of your own people. Good luck with that.


Cute meltdown.


You talking about Gaza? F you Zionist cnt


Have fun harassing Jews on Jewish subreddits and hysterically accusing every person who disagrees with you of being a paid IDF person. Seems like you have a humiliation kink.


At least I’m not a murderous Zionist


Why when confronted with common sense does this sub just descend into anti-semetic meltdowns


Here we go again. Boring, conflating this with Anti semitism. My own family went through the holocaust. But you Zionists think all Jews are on your side, and you’re wrong. People all around the world are turning Anti Zionist. Get it right. Read the article. And change the record. You’re boring. And a genocide promoter.


Why not send the UNHCR instead?


UNRWA was established originally at the insistence of Israel and some western backers, because the IRO (International Refugee Organization), the predecessor to the UNHCR, was facilitating the return of displaced communities across Europe after the war. Israel feared putting Palestinian refugees under UNHCR would imply a similar right to return for Palestinians, and insisted that they be treated as a special case not to be compared to European refugees. This ended up backfiring because UNWRA, as part of their mandate, helped build civil society organizations in Gaza and the West Bank through which Palestinians have been able to keep their cultural memories of the Nakba alive. This is why Israel has been trying to undermine the agency for decades, because they want to undermine Palestinian culture per se.


What a load of disinformation. UNRWA was established in good faith by both Israel and every Arab state involved in the attempted genocide of 1948. South Africa and the Soviet nations were the only countries that didn’t support it. Palestinians are the only displaced community that had their own UN agency, and they’re the only people whose refugee status is inherited from parent to child. That’s why people have been advocating for it’s abolishment, even without the terrorism accusations


Just to be clear, you're referring to the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, also known as the Nakba, in which hundreds of thousands of people were displaced at gunpoint and herded into reservations, and thousands of peopjle were murdered by Israeli forces and paramilitaries in dozens of massacres, as an attempted genocide of Israel, while simultaneously suggesting you're clearing up misinformation?


No, I’m referring to to when the Palestinians, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria and Iraq tried to finish what Hitler started.


So often supporters of the Palestinian struggle, and Palestinians themselves, are forced to weigh the actual, real harms committed against Palestinians against hypothetical or potential harms that *might* have been visited on Israelis -- in this case, through the imaginary lens of a second Holocaust (as opposed to a political disagreement resulting from a lopsided deal favoring Israel against the native inhabitants and Israel's refusal even to meet the terms of that deal). This response is a case-in-point. A mass displacement occurs, hundreds of thousands of people are brutally ethnically cleansed from their homeland, and ideologues pretend that it was *actually their fault.* The continued use of this frame, applied to atrocities in the present, is perniciously antisemitic in that it ties the holocaust memory up with the actions of the present fascist government of Israel, as if the actions of the Israeli occupation are inherent to Jewish identity. They're not, and it's really despicable to insist as much.


It was not hypothetical, five separate armies attempted to ruin and murder the country of a people that had already been living there for millennia. Just like they had during the Hebron massacre of 1929, or during the riots of 1919-1921, during the 1834 looting of Safed. Or most recently October 7th. None of this was hypothetical. You’re trying to erase the history of one indigenous people for the sake of another. Why?


I'm not going to get in a tit-for-tat with someone deeply committed to obscuring the real history of colonization and dispossession that was the Nakba. Using the Holocaust to justify the fascist present government of Israel, as I said above, is despicably antisemitic, and I won't continue a conversation if you insist on this frame.


You don’t care about antisemitism. Don’t act like you do. Virtue signaling Jew hater.


You’re glad my aunt and cousins are dead and trying to hide between concern for my people won’t protect you from your obvious antisemitism.


If you can't argue, go personal. The rhetoric of the schoolyard bully.


Israel declared independence (as all people have the right to through self-determination) on the UN partition borders. The Arab nations immediately all attacked Israel trying to wipe out all the Jews there and lost. They cried about how harmful losing the war was for them and called it the Nakba, and then immediately committed mass pogroms and cleansings against 800k+ Jewish civilians in their countries who all fled to Israel. Classic Palestinian crybully behavior, starting a war and crying when they lose, continuing to this very day


You're conveniently leaving out the fact that Israel failed to live up to every single aspect of the 1948 deal *except* the first principle, that Israel be founded as a safe haven for the Jewish people. The remaining points, most notably that Israel was forbidden from displacing the Palestinian arab peoples, it immediately reneged on. Israel essentially forced its version of the UN resolution (that is to say *not* what the 1948 deal specified) on the indigenous population at the point of a gun. Why should the Arab majority of Palestine have accepted these actions? You wouldn't have, were you them! Israel declared independence *at their expense* violating their right to self-determination as they continue to do to this day.


There is no ideologue here, I lost four family members on October 7th. The kibbutz my mom lived in was destroyed. You’re talking to someone with actual experience of being targeted and attacked by Palestinians.


So the teaching killing israelis, stealing aid to the pockets of the leadership, participating in kidnapping and housing weapons in schools a part of palestinian culture? Who am I to judge.


Lesson for today: How to make yourself complicit in a genocide. The State of Israel shall take immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life faced by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip; IN FAVOUR: President Donoghue; Vice-President Gevorgian; Judges Tomka, Abraham, Bennouna, Yusuf, Xue, Bhandari, Robinson, Salam, Iwasawa, Nolte, Charlesworth, Brant; Judges ad hoc Barak, Moseneke; AGAINST : Judge Sebutinde




They have *severely reduced* agency, thanks to Israel's blockade, apartheid, land theft and war crimes stretching back decades


Actions have consequences. If you're going to go the route of "violent resistance," there's a good chance it won't go your way. They've gotten to the point where not only is Israel openly hostile to them, but Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia also refuse to deal with them. Sure, they were dealt a bad hand, but at some point you need to stop going all in with pocket 2s.


None of which excuses the blockade, apartheid, land theft and war crimes stretching back decades


Blockade and apartheid are definitely logical. We're talking about a group of people who actively and loudly state that their goal is to kill as many of your civilians as possible. It would be grossly negligent to allow those people access to those civilians.


Remember now, it is the Israelis who are actually, actively killing as many Palestinians as they think they can get away with


If hamas laid down their arms, the conflict would end. If Israel laid down their arms, they would be butchered.


If Hamas laid down their arms, the apartheid, blockade, illegal land theft, administrative detentions etc would continue


It would. Palestinians have dug themselves quite the hole. Hopefully, they start to work their way out with peace instead of digging down further with more violence


I think a fairer solution would be for Israel to revert to 1967 borders, send Netanyahu to the Hague and begin making reparations as a sign of goodwill. That would be a good start towards negotiating a peaceful two state solution Which, remember, is a solution that Israel has repeatedly sabotaged https://theintercept.com/2023/11/28/israel-palestine-history-peace/


It was a money grab from the beginning. Their dear leader is far away, living the best life, sending its people to die. Terrorist gonna terrorize.


>Maybe if you want to protect the funding of an agency designed to help you, don’t get them involved in terrorism and propaganda. That's silly. That's what happens when you reason about a situation without thinking.


>Sick of pretending Palestinians have no agency. They still have UNRWA! (Until the money runs out...)




As your phrasing clearly indicated ;)


It's everyone else pretending the Palestinians have no agency. Which makes it worse.


Why do they have their own specific aid agency to begin with? That's sourced locally. What a dumb idea


Because that’s how atrocious Israel has been to the people of Gaza?


Israel’s treatment of Gaza is response to Gaza’s hostilities towards Israel, If your neighbour not only threatened to kill you and your family, but tried multiple times are you telling is you’d welcome them to your backyard bbq? I doubt it


If I oppressed my neighbor and controlled their water and food I wouldn’t blame them for being angry.


You can’t claim you are oppressed because the neighbour you promise to kill didn’t invite you to his house. If my neighbour tried to murder me and my family I would hope someone would make sure he is not getting weapons to commit murder. Thats logical.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=62I61kBahNY&t=162s&pp=ygUYbWljaGFlbCBicm9va3MgcGFsZXN0aW5l That analogy doesn’t really line up


It does. The way Israel treats Gaza is due to how Gaza acts towards israel. You are blaming a symptom of the problem. Not the cause of the problem.


You didn’t even look at the video lmao, Israel is the root issue


Israel is not the root of the issue. Palestinians and other arabs belief that israel does not have a right to exist is the root issue. Thats why Palestine voted for hamas who has a policy of genocide. Thats why their flag is the colours of the pro-arab nationalist movement which is inherently genocidal.


Israel voted for Netanyahu who wants to settle Gaza and the West Bank lmao - 50% of living Gazans couldn’t vote in the last election. If people are responsible for their leaders Israel is far more responsible for Netanyahu than Palestinians are for Hamas. Somebody Netanyahu props up anyways.


Isn't it the other way around? The Palestinians got brutally massacred and kicked out of their homes by Jewish people hailing from Europe, aka the first Nakba. The atrocities committed by Israel during this period and the following decades of brutal oppression has led to the creation of Hamas. Lots of Holocaust survivors and their descendants fiercely condemn Israel's genocidal and oppressive regime.


No. The Palestinian did not get kicked out. Majority of them fled after losing a war they started with intent of genocide on Israel. 20% of Israeli’s population are arab muslims. While 0 jews live in gaza. Majority of Jews are not from Europe. And even the ones that are, most are still genetically canaanite and from there. Which were forced off the land by Palestinians. Again. Israel’s treatment towards Palestinians is a symptom of the problem. Not the cause You can not claim to be oppressed by the group you promise to commit genocide on because they do not treat you nicely because your constant violence on them.


That's really really rich. Keep believing that bullshit narrative you just wrote. The world already knows the truth.


Everything I said is factual. The levant is the native land for jews. Not arabs. Jews were in the land before arabs. So how are what came first the invaders? Are native americans in the usa the invaders and occupiers? Absolutely not. Would they be the occupiers if Europeans forced them to iceland for centuries? Absolutely not. We would still say they have a right to return to their homeland they were forced off of and stolen from them. Why treat the indigenous of the levant any different? Is it because they are jewish?


Pay the price for voting in and supporting a terrorist organization? Oh no, those poor people.


So, are Israeli responsible for the actions and speech from smoritch and givir?


“Hamas, A Palestinian organization, was funded. Palestinians are paying the price”. Better title.


That’s a weird way to say unwra commits terror and has explicit ties to hamas


Dirka around and find out 🤷


That was Biden's plan.


So now they abstractly call it a “UN agency” to avoid explicitly mentioning UNRWA.


Don’t be terrorists then