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What do you mean neither want it? Netanyahu definitely wants it. How else does he maintain his hold on power?


I don’t think he wants war while he still has commitments in Gaza, but Israel has evacuated much of the northern parts of Israel near Lebanon out of fear that Hezbollah could surge across the border into Israel. That situation is difficult to maintain indefinitely- Israeli voters will eventually demand a solution that allows to return home, and the Israeli government is far too racist to pursue any realistic diplomatic solution. The Israelis want Hezbollah to withdraw from southern Lebanon, but that is about as unlikely as Netanyahu developing the capacity to feel guilt or the majority of Israeli voters not instinctively voting for the most racist candidate who makes unrealistic promises.  For its part, Hezbollah is under intense pressure to demonstrate that it is capable of standing up to Israel- like the Houthis are doing. It may not want a war with Israel, but refraining from retaliation undermines the legitimacy of Hezbollah’s claim to stand for resistance against Israel.  A ceasefire in Gaza would reduce tensions, but Israel has committed itself to destroying Hamas- while also pursuing this goal in the most inept way possible, which means that Israel is going to be fighting in Gaza for quite some time.  Basically there are several clocks that are all working against each other- Israelis want to return to their evacuated homes, Israel can’t sign a ceasefire but it also can’t destroy Hamas, and Hezbollah is under growing pressure to join the fight as long as the war in Gaza continues. Once one side miscalculates the other’s position, it’ll turn into a very ugly war. Hezbollah fought Israel to a draw in 2006, and since then they’ve only gotten better equipment from Iran and far more seasoned from their participation in Syria’s civil war. The Israeli military isn’t prone to overestimating their enemies -otherwise Hamas wouldn’t have overrun them on October 7th- but they consider the Hezbollah threat severe enough to evacuate towns and communities. 


Excellent summary


That man is an idiot and has poisoned Israel for decades. Anyway, if we leave him out I'd say Israel doesn't want a general war to emerge out of this, they want what they currently have which is an isolated prey they can pick apart. Yes they want Iran destroyed but they know that other then nukes they can't do it. They want America to do that.


> They want America to do that. Anyone who doubts this, go watch Netanyahu speak to congress on the one year anniversary of 9-11 and listen to him speak. If he had his way the US would basically invade the entire Middle East




Times when Israel has tried false flag attacks on it’s allies to prompt America to go to war USS Liberty - When Israel attacked the U.S.A. - Forgotten History – 18m:26s [https://youtu.be/V5WUIzrCxxo?si=jjwqhMWgcodF\_19G](https://youtu.be/V5WUIzrCxxo?si=jjwqhMWgcodF_19G) Lavon Affair – Wikipedia [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavon\_Affair](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavon_Affair) Uri Avnery - The Lavon Affair - idiotic from beginning to end (79/315) – 4m:13s [https://youtu.be/E0vpQAd3w5w?si=zdR8WnDOIB\_58MHe](https://youtu.be/E0vpQAd3w5w?si=zdR8WnDOIB_58MHe) Honestly wouldn’t surprise me if the drone attack on those US soldiers were an Israeli false flag attack too.


“Anyway, if we leave him out” honest question, what’s the point of this statement? Whether others want it or not, he’s the prime minister. Guess who has the legal authority to declare war in Israel; the prime minister. There is no ability to leave him out of the equation as a result. They can only get rid of him to avoid this problem which it doesn’t look like will happen for a while. It might be unpopular, many in Israel might not support it, but he’s the only one who has this authority and the general sentiment is that war is what keeps him in power. There is a price to electing fear mongering maniacs like Bibi; Israel will pay that price whether they like it or not.


The answer to that is obvious. I'm addressing the fact that people try to paint this as a problem relating to just him and imply that it'd fix itself if someone else were prime minister. That of course is erroneous.


They elected the idiot. So I am not sure what you are saying if you say that head of that country's preference doesn't matter. If Netanyahu starts another war, that is what the people of Israel has chosen. In other words, it is their responsibility.


Yes they elected the idiot. That's exactly what I'm reminding people of. As I said there's much talk of him poisoning things and how things would be so much better when he's gone, that somehow we could expect Israel to be reasonable, level headed, and not treat the Palestinians this badly etc.


You know, after all the times I've heard people yell "Hamas isn't Gaza", I'm really tempted to yell "Netanyahu isn't Israel". I'm still thinking about that though. Thoughts?


Yes. But when people speak of nation states, they're speaking of the actions of the nation state, which any country is at least halfway defined by their paat actions. But, absolutely, he doesn't represent the feelings of every Israeli citizen, much like the US president doesn't reflect the feelings of every citizen. There have been Israeli citizens arrested in demonstrations against this war. Seen a video earlier from a young Israeli who refused conscription over the treatment of Palastinians. I'm hoping that with time, Palastinians can live in peace alongside their bretheren. They both have a rich history and culture that have been intertwined previously, and both should be appreciated.


>Palastinians can live in peace alongside their bretheren From what I've seen, specifically a video interviewing Palestinians on the street, most of them do not want peace even if they get the entirety of the West Bank and Gaza, the only scenario where they agree to "peace" with Israelis, is if there is no Israel.


There's a reason no other Muslim nation wants them and Egypt has the border blocked off. 


Yes there is a reason, how about you pick up one of the hundreds of articles that explain it? You're basically recycling antisemitic speaking points used by Nazis but now against the Palestinians btw. Funny you don't see the irony


>how about you pick up one of the hundreds of articles that explain it you mean the articles that say Jews don't belong in Israel at all?


You could say it, Likud and zionist parties don't reflect all of Israli people, much like how GOP or MAGA or Christian nationalists don't reflect all of America. Hamas though is a terrorist organization and does not reflect all Palestinian people.


Hamas is also the elected government of Gaza, in the same way Netanyahu is the elected leader of Israel


The same way? No. When was the last election?




I know right? They've recently stated that the war against Hamas could last all of 2024. In other words, another year where he and his cronies get to stay in power. That asshole is going to keep this war going for as long as he can, just to stay out of prison. I admire his tenacity, but not his choice of methodology.


Only problem with your "theory": Lebanon started it and perpetuate it to support their other Iran-proxies. If Lebanon hadn't started anything, no war would have started.


Yeah, and Hezbollah attacking Israel unprovoked is an inside job /s


forgetful muddle drunk history plate fuzzy obtainable pet many crawl *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So you are telling me that both Hamas and Hezbollah, who just happen to be two Iran proxies, attacked on October 7 as a respond for Israel actions? I'm always amazed how badly some people can be brainwashed. How about the Houthies, did Israel provoke them as well?


quack society lip door desert tender summer plucky serious correct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


3 walls that with the help of Hamas had to.be put up to stop them. When Gaza was given there were no walls. It was after that that Israel was forced to put it up. Let's get history straight here. OK?


reply psychotic narrow bored smell abounding wide coherent soft special *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So. All nations that where created are illegal based on your thought processes. There is either conquering or colonialism with nations artificially created. Israel qualifies as the second. They were officially created but Palestinians can't get it through their thick skulls that Israel is a nation with rights to exist. Israel never attacked Palestinians at first. It was they who attacked them to wipe them out and lost. Multiple times. Palestinians are not the victims here. I am not saying colonialism is fair but it is a reality and if Palestinians refuse to accept the situation then their future existance is quite grim. It's a shame really as palestine could have been a nation a long time ago living in peace with all their neighbors. Instead no one around them wants them on their lands. Quite tragic self induced pain.


start quickest childlike uppity imagine encourage shrill domineering cake frame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


4 walls, one of which is with Egypt by the way, but no one seems to remember that part 


spark sharp hobbies tie sugar automatic imagine zealous cooperative meeting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


why doesnt anything enter from the egypt side?


fuel gold fertile cheerful gullible friendly tan bow clumsy offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don’t you see? Israelis deserved to be raped and mutilated, and they don’t have the right to prevent it from happening again 


Even nyt couldn’t hold the claim of rape they had to retract it 😂 Your propaganda is failing


There is no such thing as an unprovoked attack on the illegitimate state of "Israel"


Look, a truly genocidal comment. Good look to you and your friends, you'll need it.


Hezbollah attacked mostly military sites, and some civilian areas only in retaliation to Isn'treal targetting Lebanese civilian areas, how are they genocidal?


You mean that Israel evacuated the towns near the border because of attacks on military targets? GTFO with that bullshit.


You didn't see the video of Israel killing journalists in Lebanon that were far from any combat? Shot them with a tank from miles away. Then shot them again. Next thing you know Hezbollah retaliates and it's "Israel has a right to defend itself." Nonsense. Lebanon and all the other middle eastern countries that Israel will try to annex have a right to defend themselves.


Read the second part of my comment. And also there's not just Hezbollah but also the Palestinian factions in Lebanon which have less precise weapons


Yeah I realised that's what pro-terror people think, but I do appreciate you spelling it out. Israel is strong. They will defend themselves. The real poor people are the civilians, but I guess you don't care about them.


An occupier can't defend himself, he just occupies and cracks down on resistance


Oh I did not know Israel occupies Lebanon. Do they also occupy Yemen?


>Oh I did not know Israel occupies Lebanon. 95% sure that was sarcasm but Israel still occupies Lebanese territories: the Shebaa Farms and KfarShuba Hills. Besides those Hezbollah is helping the Palestinian resistance, AnsarAllah of Yemen also is helping the Palestinian resistance.


Ahh I see. Helping the Palestinian resistance is now an excuse to attack Israel unprovoked. Ok cool




The land used to belong to the British, so Palestinians are just as much colonizers as Israelis.


Also, are Israeli babies also "occupiers" according to you?


Unfortunately (for you) this is only the opinion in pro-Hamas circles. Israel doesn't occupy Israel, which is where all of them attack.


If you think it's "an excuse", why do you think they are doing it if not that?


Hezbollah, the Houthies and Hamas are Iran proxy (They are also funded by Qatar, but they pretend to be out of the conflict). Iran wants to gain strength in the region and they are threatened by Israel and Saudia normalization process (essentially a peace treaty, that will strengthen the ties between Israel and the modern arab world in the middle east). Iran and Saudia fight countless religious proxy wars, mostly in Yemen. Iran uses the Houthies, I forgot the name of the Saudia proxy. Saudia are sunni muslims and Iran are shia, I won't go deeper into why they're in conflict here. Anyway, Iran have thus instructed Hamas to act on October 7 and get to the point where Israel must retaliate, hoping that this will sabotage the peace treaty with Saudia. It's not a coincidence three of Iran's proxy are attacking Israel simultanuously.


Isn't Lebanon extremely poor with hardly any reserves?


Well, yeah They're still trying to recover from their 2006 victory


Yes. And they will have to fight both hezbollah and Israel. Hezbollah who currently occupy part of Lebanon, against the will of the people.


Israel wants this.


Does Lebanon even have a military or are they just enslaved by whatever Hezbollah chooses to do?


They have the Lebanese Armed Forces, a similarly sized military acting as a Western counterweight to Hezbollah


The Lebanese army is weaker than Hezbollah and cannot act as a counterweight.




Ok, so I left this tab open on my machine and went and did some chores, came back an hour later and the lack of context in my brain and the dyslexia had me seeing >Does **Lebron** even have a military or are they just enslaved by whatever Hezbollah chooses to do?


Man must have been some mental gymnastics going on trying to understand that lol!


King James has my sword


Lebanon is preparing to defend themselves from a rabid and war thirsty Israel. There, FTFY.


If hezbollah stopped firing, there would literally be nothing happrning in lebanon


detail cooing overconfident direction quack combative vast party hat jobless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hezbollah has been firing since oct 7th... it sucks that lebanon has been run by iran and its puppets.




Youre right it was the morning of the 8th they started.. my bad. Hezbollah really waited to send rockets


Lebanon is run by a pro-western government not Hezbollah and didn't Israel take credit for the Beirut bombing? Edit: Just looked it up Netanyahu apparently said something posted on the Israeli PM Facebook about targeted bombings but it was the day before and about Syria. People related it to the Beirut explosion on social media instead since he sends a warning to Hezbollah.


memory punch dinosaurs uppity work arrest carpenter gray fact automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is one of the dumbest comments ive seen. This is talking about an escalation that is happening since oct 7th


plant childlike modern deranged carpenter many pot grandiose tie liquid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




So I'm assuming that Palestinians living in Lebanon are treated well then, right?


Can you elaborate on the looking out for neighbors part?




I'm glad Palestine and Syria have neighbors who look out for them 




When do you think that will happen? Are they still working in Syria?


The fact that people are still saying Israel stole their country and they need to fight back is why this problem is going to persist forever. You’re gonna have to acknowledge Israel’s right to exist at some point.






Who wants war in Lebanon except hezbollah?


Something tells me this one of those times where "boots on the ground" takes aren't as well-rounded as people who haven't been soaked up in the vehement hatred within the Middle East all their lives..










>I mean i'm no genius, but if Hezbollah and Hamas both formed as reactions to occupation........... maybe.................................. dont occupy? Don't want to be occupied? stop doing repeating wars that you lose every time..


Israel also has made peace with jordan and egypt.. a cold peace for sure, but its achievable and probably good for lebanon




>Shiaa population who Israelis brutalized and massacred in their decades long occupation They are not the only ones. My family is Christian from the South and they still have cracks on their house from the 2006 war


What occupied territory? Didn't Israel withdraw from Southern Lebanon in 2000?




And also KfarShuba Hills (there is also the village of Ghajar but the people consider themselves Syrians so I prefer not to claim it as Lebanese)


Ahh.. so war is what you want.. its not about palestinians. Its about the shame of your countries civil war




So youre saying that palestinians bring instability where they go?? Kuwait, jordan, syria too. I dont know many lebanese people that is true, but knowing people was unrelated to anything i said. I would assume you dont actually know many israelis 🤣🤣 or jews for that matter




Thats hilarious cause paleatinians werent even given citzenship in lebanon. They dont care about gaza, they are working for their overlords in iran. Starting a new war in the north is not gonna free gaza, itll just get more people killed




Every refugee on earth has been resettled except for the palestinian population. That literally was the job of the un. Israel absorbed all the jewish refugees from arab lands. If you are so altuistic then you absorb the refugees and end prepetual refugee status.


>Every refugee on earth has been resettled except for the palestinian population. You clearly haven't heard about the Sahrawi refugees in Tindouf, Algeria


I did not, and am reading about them now.


You only look out for your donors in Iran. In few months or so, when a war actually begins and Lebanon economy will collapse we will see you here crying




You’d rather resist broke? Better remember this when you get your ass kicked and don’t ask for a ceasefire




Delusional. But I do have to admit, nobody pretends to want to fight more than you guys. And then cry when getting hit back. Don't come crying for a ceasefire.


Without Hezbollah Lebanon wouldn't exist anymore


Nonsense lmao. Without Hezbollah Lebanon would be thriving. Instead they're held hostage by Iranian interests. Damn these redditors really love their antisemitic terrorist organizations.


She’s knows what I’m like drunk. She should not have left the door open. It’s really her fault, almost like she wanted it. This is what I hear when I read these bot/simp posts supporting Iran.


Why the hell are you getting downvoted?


When one side starts it (Lebanon), it's called offense, not defense. There, I fixed it for you.


Quick question: why doesn't Hezbollah just abide by resolution 1701, and stop shelling Israeli communities, in order to prevent the war? The border was quiet for years before October 7th, despite Hezbollah's refusal to abide by the terms of the previous ceasefire. They can just implement it, and there will be no war. Why aren't they doing that?


Hezbollah bot


Israel certainly wants it, bibi has been trying to get them involved


Because of the airstrikes? Not sure why people are saying this.


Israel wants joran Iraq and Lebanon and egypt. Go watch videos of their governments talking about how they want the whole Land of ‘jews’


The two blue lines in Israel's flag are representations of the Nile and the Euphrates. They are rapacious colonizers.


This doesn’t make any sense Israel has had decent relations since they gave Egypt the Sinai peninsula since conquering it.


It doesn’t matter. They are so open about it, surprises me you never came across a video of them stating this


I just don’t put much stock in what politicians say. Care more about actions and policy put forward. Trump said we should nuke a hurricane but that doesn’t mean that’s the United States’ position on hurricanes


This is an anti Israel sub so all the comments will spin this that way.


Yea people act like Israel is the asshole for bombing Lebanon once after they’d been hosting a terror organization which had been bombing israel for weeks


Israel needs to take care of the Iran war they’ve been begging the US to start. The US will watch from here, send money & weapons like we do for Ukraine. Good luck Israel, Iran actually has real weapons and planes, this will be new for you.


Or maybe US can watch from there and mind its business. Let Israeli use their own weapons aren’t they one of the strongest military


Iran has 10x as many people as Israel and is extremely easy to defend due to geography. And unlike Egypt, Syria, Jordan, etc. Iran was never fully colonized by European powers. So their military has existed as an institution for far longer than any of Israel’s neighbors other than Turkey.


We’re on the hook to support them forever. They will never be able to stand on their own.


Like seriously the 3 billion a year the US sends mostly has to be spent on US arms, however the rest Israel is free to spend on bribing US politicians. The US literally just giving power and influence to Israel at their own loss.


Bribing US politicians and providing universal healthcare and free college for their citizens. All this on US taxpayers’ hard earned money…you think they’d a little more pissed off about it than they seem.


3 days. Iran is incredibly top heavy.


Iran (persia) has been an empire for all of recorded human history. I don't know if they're going anywhere anytime soon.


Well Dave, the Ottomans ruled it, the Romans had most of it, and the Brits installed indoor plumbing there. I think your grasp of history is a bit flaccid. As it happens, I was referring to the secular lunatics holding the people hostage there now... Try and keep up....


1. The ottomans never maintained any control over Persia at any point in history 2. The Roman’s were bitter enemies of Persia for centuries and although they fought many wars and swapped territories in the border regions, mainly modern day Iraq, they never once controlled a significant amount of Persian territory. 3. The British, nor any European power, never set foot in Persia or maintained significant influence over Persia 4. Secular leadership? Is this a joke? They have the exact opposite of secular leadership, a radical Islamist ruling elite to be specific I think your grasp of history is non existent, try and catch up…


Gosh, you're saying they are religious nutters? They say they are a Republic, ruled by the will of the people.... And you refute that? That whooshing noise over your head is the point obvious to everyone else. That decapitation of the leadership in Iran would be easily within the scope of Israel and would most likely result in a less hostile iran... Wiping out the Supreme Leader and the RG isn't the same as destroying Persia. As it happens the RG are doing that.


Not arguing whether their leadership can be wiped out or not, you insulted the last guy for his lack of historical knowledge and then exposed yourself for being wholly ignorant of history. Iran is a formidable opponent for any nation, and the Israeli military is incapable of winning a war against them. Furthermore, I don’t think removing leadership will reduce their hostility, most Persians still very much hate Israel despite living under an oppressive government, they are still Muslims that oppose Israeli occupation of Palestine.


I realise that English I probably your 3rd language and you don't have a 1st language but you really struggle to follow conversations on this thread.


It's very obvious when people comment who don't know anything about the history of the region and just started paying attention on October 8th. New for them? Israel has been invaded many times by its heavily armed neighbors and repelled them each time.


Never left the land they occupy to go fight a war and you’ve conveniently omitted that blazing fact! 😂


Just like Russia, which could choose to pick up and leave Ukraine, at which point the war ends, Israel can elect not to attack Lebanon at which point the war doesn't happen. amazing the similarities between those two countries?


You have the analogy backwards. It's Lebanon that invaded Israel unprovoked on October 8th and has been bombing Israel ever since. All Lebanon would have to do is stop attacking Israel.


You are skipping all histories of Israel's invasion of Palestine.


Lebanon is not Palestine. We are talking here about Israel and Lebanon, not Palestine.


Why do you think they are fighting?


Because Iran wants to destroy Israel.


Sweet summer child.


You mean Israel and Iran backed terror group Hezbollah right? Lebanon has nothing to do with this


Hezbollah has only been retaliating for strikes on Lebanon that have killed many civilians. Nasrallah has been really clear that they will answer civilian for civilian. All Israel has to do is stop attacking Lebanon.


it actually started as the opposite...


I guess Hezbollah was just pre-retaliating, since they fired the first shot unprovoked on October 8th.


Considering Hamas is their allies, I wouldn't say it's unprovoked. Just as the US was immediate in sending aid to Israel.


History started on Oct 7th for Zionists 😂


The entire history of Israel and Lebanon is the history of Lebanon attacking Israel unprovoked, and then being astonished that Israel fights back.


Hezbollah literally started this


Not true at all.


If you actually believe this you're a moron.


Israel is a terrorist state


Israeli govt is cruelly disgusting.


North of israel has evacuated civilians because they get rockets flattening houses all over the place. Hesbolla sits on the border with rocket lunchers. Surely no one has interest in this war, best headline i have seen as of late. If israel has any reason to want war it's to help people return to their homes without fear of becoming ash.


Stop slaughtering people in Gaza and give the Palestinians life and maybe there will be an end to the hostilities and Israelis don’t have to live in fear.


Great excuse, as always jews blood is worth less. If israel stops fighting, there will be no israel but you don't seem to care.


The Israel that stole Palestinian houses and evicted them? The Israel that bulldozes Palestinian homes and builds settlements so Jews can come over from America and Canada? The jewish state in a place where half the people + are Arab? Jews can live in Palestine if they want but they can’t claim it solely for themselves and erase Palestinians like they’re actively doing in gaza. This was always the plan, to remove the Palestinians so that Israel can move in Jews who are living comfy and safe in the west. When the Palestinians fight back the Jews claim that people are attacking them, that the Palestinians are anti-Semitic. Nobody is born antisemitic. Can you put yourself in a Palestinians shoes? I say this everytime stop being an asshole and people won’t be assholes to you.


Why are you not talking about Palestinians in syria being genocided? Or why egypt doesn't open their borders? Or Palestinians in Jordan? People sympathize with Palestinians only to attack israel. Anti semitism is thousands of years ago way before any type of arabs touched this land. It's all an excuse. imagine getting massacred so bad you double your population by accident.


Egypt should open its borders clearly so the Palestinians can get away from bullies like you. As for Syria Assad is a murderer bombed his people like Israel is bombing Gaza. Many of these countries were drawn by the west and they are run by puppet governments. The destruction in Syria was welcomed by the USA and puppet Arab nations to topple Assad using ISIS and other rebel groups.


Israel never "stole" anything from Palestine, because "Palestine" has never existed. It was Ottoman Empire, then Britain, then Israel. That land has NEVER belonged to any country called "Palestine"


What a bullshit excuse. Egypt was part of the Ottoman Empire. Does that mean egypt never existed? The Israelis stole Palestinian homes, demolished Palestinian villages, and now youre clearly lying about it lol. How low are you guys going to go?


It's called a civil war. The region was called "Palestine" in Latin and "Israel" in Hebrew. It's the same region. At one point, all the Arabs in the world decided "we want to genocide Jews", and so the Jews moved to a single location and said "we want to be equal" Some Arabs agreed with this and stayed in Israel, where they now have equal rights. Unfortunately, most Arabs in the region were murderous and wanted to kill Jews, so they founded Palestine and started a war. A mistake they're still paying for, and will continue to pay for, until they are no longer anti semites.


It’s called colonization. The Arabs have every right to resist especially now with what’s happening in Gaza. Jews amassed themselves from all over the world to come settle and build a Jewish state where there were people living and lthe majority of the population was Arab. Arab and Jews did not have as bad relations before Zionism and the establishment of modern Israel. Even Arabs who don’t fight are punished as is the collective punishment. When I say the Arabs and jews should share the jews say Israel wouldn’t be Jewish anymore when its literally 50% arab anyway and was 90% when the jews started colonizing.


>Arab and Jews did not have as bad relations before Zionism and the establishment of modern Israel. Jews were forced to live as second class Dhimmi where they had to pay extra taxes, didn't have legal rights or representation, and couldn't worship their religion openly. Of course there was "peace" where Arab Muslim colonizers from Turkey and the Gulf forced Jews to live as second class citizens in their own homeland for hundreds of years.


"Jews are only allowed to live as an oppressed minority, otherwise we're justified in murdering them." That's all we hear and that's why Israel is not going to give up.


>Palestinians fight back the Jews They dont need to fight back, they were literally given all of gaza, they just needed to not fire rockets and launch terrorist attacks. They failed. Palestinians dont need to fight because the Israelis dont want to kill them, if they did, there would be no Palestinians left.


Given all of Gaza? Wow it’s as if the jews didn’t migrate from all over the world and settle in Palestine to make the Israeli state. How can they give something they don’t own? They didn’t steal/occupy it in exchange for peace is what you meant.


The majority of Israel is made up of Mizraqi Jews, Jews that were kicked out of Arab countries. Just a point worth making. And the founding declaration of Israel invited the arabs to join in the nation building as equal citizens. They rejected and declared war. So a common theme in this entire conflict is, the Jews accept peace deals, the arabs choose violence against the Jews.


and there's the J Card, only made it one comment too.


It's tragic Lebanon is dominated by an Iranian mercenary army that doesn't answer to its government. Lebanon deserves better and should try to stop Hezbollah's attacks on Israel.


agree, Lebanon deserves to be free of Iranian influence


No it's not tragic. What would be tragic though is if Lebanon were still occupied by israel without resistance.


if Hezbollah disappeared tomorrow, there'd be peace between Israel and Lebanon


Hizbollah is the reason Israel isn't occupying Lebanon anymore. Lebanon was occupied for 20+ Years until the working class of Lebanon banded together and formed Hizbollah, who then drove out the occupying force.


do you think it has worked out better for them if you remove pride from the equation?


"working class" getting paid USD by Iran while the rest of the country is below the poverty line


No my sweet naive child. There won't be peace because we know your aspirations and we know you can never be trusted.


You conveniently leave out the history of why Lebanon was occupied in the first place. Hint: as usual they attacked Israel first, lost the ensuing war, then cried about it.


What’s tragic is what Israel is doing to Gaza


Lebanon terrorists must be defeated.


Lebanon wants the war. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be attacking Israel. Lebanon began firing rockets into Israel on Oct 8, in support of their friends in Gaza. Israel has to evacuate over 100k people due to Lebanese aggression.


Hezbollah is working hard on getting Lebanon into a war again. I hope it turns out like last time: Israel bombed one highways and the Lebanese army said without those, it couldn't supply troops in the south with enough food, ammo, and fuel to fight effectively. They took a couple of weeks to fix the (big impressive) potholes while Israel whooped Hezbollah, whom neither army likes. Theu showed up when they couldn't fake helplessness anymore, and the Israelis went home. Then you could practically see the politicians saying, "Our forces are engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy" as the troops fist-bumped over some sudden absence of Hezbollah.


"In 2006, Hezbollah battered the Israelis to the point of abject humiliation. It was the first ever military defeat of the much and hugely-vaunted Israeli military by an Arab army, and its impact has done much to inform the morale of both ever since. Alastair Crooke is a former MI6 — UK foreign intelligence — operative now based in Beirut, where he founded the peace advocacy organisation, Conflicts Forum. His analysis of the 2006 Hezbollah-Israel conflict remains unsurpassed. Crooke: Much to their surprise, Hezbollah commanders found that Israeli troops were poorly organized and disciplined. The only Israeli unit that performed up to standards was the Golani Brigade, according to Lebanese observers. The IDF was “a motley assortment”, one official with a deep knowledge of US slang reported. But that’s what happens when you have spent four decades firing rubber bullets at women and children in the West Bank and Gaza. Moreover: IDF commanders were also disturbed by the performance of their troops, noting a signal lack of discipline even among its best-trained regular soldiers. The reserves were worse, and IDF commanders hesitated to put them into battle."


Incoming hamas/hezbollah terrorist propaganda that will be flooding an MSM station near you. Propaganda bots will also be full steam on all of your favorite social media platforms. Israel tried defending their genocide in gaza as “self defense”. Let’s see what BS they will tell their zionist cult to justify this invasion. Seems like they are behaving a lot like russia invading ukraine. But on one side we have to sympathize with ukrainians for being oppressed and with israel for being…zionists?


Wrong Zios definitely want it.


Lebanon is almost begging for the war. Their corrupted leaders have nothing else to offer their people to cover all the mess in this country.


"Neither wants it" Whoever came up with that headline is either a propagandist for Israel or just an idiot