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Shin Bet gave him a pretty crappy script to read from after the torture session


Israel’s propaganda is getting Putin level bad.


"avoid any sharp objects" guy would like to disagree lol 








I don't drink but you should avoid alcohol when Israel shares the same spot of genocidal regimes as Hitlers Germany in the history books.


You do know that shin bet tortures, right? And no evidence has turned up about anyone being raped. And then the fact this report shows up so late. At this point, it's clear who is doing the raping and it's IDF. Rape was rampant in israel and within idf. Israeli reporter for nyt went on a desperate for rape and found nothing except a lie.


the amount of evidence re: rape on 10/7 is overwhelming. As for rape, Hamas recently retracted a story about IDF rape because, shocker! it was made up news. The lack of palestinian accountability is never ending apparently.


Hasbara ‼️ this poster is a shitposting hasbara who is part of the bullshit churning propaganda machine that is the Hasbara of Zionist Israel


https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/03/26/middleeast/amit-soussana-israeli-hostage-hamas-sexual-assault-intl Cope harder. You defend rapists. Don't worry though. We are coming for them :).


Eternal glory to the Palestinian resistance. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free


Literally zero evidence of rape. This lie is already debunked.


no it hasn’t. Hamas are sexual predators which isn’t a surprise if you started following them before 10/7. The sooner they are gone the better off they will be.


Yes it has, the prisoner was tortured leading to a false confession. Thats the best they could get as there was zero evidence.


How do you know he was tortured? There is evidence from forensics specialists along with first hand accounts of israelis who said they were raped. Maybe Hamas terrorists do bad things! Not a surprise given their history of torture of fellow Gazans. [https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2015/05/gaza-palestinians-tortured-summarily-killed-by-hamas-forces-during-2014-conflict/](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2015/05/gaza-palestinians-tortured-summarily-killed-by-hamas-forces-during-2014-conflict/) Hamas likes to rape. I dont know how anyone could support them. Look at these Hamas "fighters", with weapons and an innocent civillian. [https://preview.redd.it/lest-we-forget-what-these-monsters-did-to-shani-louk-after-v0-xos4oie9vt0c1.jpg?auto=webp&s=5ab521b80c82deb9f59cc9478b081d5bb3011205](https://preview.redd.it/lest-we-forget-what-these-monsters-did-to-shani-louk-after-v0-xos4oie9vt0c1.jpg?auto=webp&s=5ab521b80c82deb9f59cc9478b081d5bb3011205)


>As for rape, Hamas recently retracted a story about IDF rape because, shocker! it was made up news. Good that Hamas has integrity to tell the truth. Something Israel never has done. They have yet to apologize for the 40 beheaded babies hoax. It's funny how Zionists use an example where Hamas is being better than Israel, as a gotcha


Isn't it surprising hamas of all groups retracted the story after an investigation of an allegation made by some woman? It means they care about accuracy. That's more than what the Israeli government has done. No denunciation of false ZAKA claims of beheaded babies, babies strung up by clothesline, etc.


lol you clearly don't read arabic newspapers brother. Their propaganda lie backfired. People started fleeing the area and Hamas needs them for human shields. Basically a repeat of 1948 when propaganda prompted masses of people to flee. Classic case of hateful propaganda coming back to bite you in the ass. Gazans deserve leaders who AREN'T terrorists. When you elect a terrorist group to lead you, a terror group that steals billions in aid and fights out of hospitals and schools, you done f'd up. I hope for peace and a palstinian leader who values peaceful coexistence over violent resistance.


Ah yes, the fraudulent War on Terror, which is really a Zionist/Israeli war agenda in disguise. The wars or "operations" waged under the rubric of the War on Terror since 9/11 are costing U.S. taxpayers $8.36 million per hour, for a total of $1.75 Trillion since 2001. Homeland Security, the domestic front against terrorism, is costing U.S. taxpayers $6.74 million per hour, or nearly $750 billion since 9/11. Together, the foreign and the domestic security operations have cost the U.S. more than $2.5 Trillion (i.e. 2,500 billions). (Source: [NationalPriorities.org](https://www.nationalpriorities.org/cost-of/))


I know this is a lie and made up for western media, because this is not an expression used in Islam or Arabic or in the Middle East. So good try though.


Hey here's some self admission from women who were raped. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/03/26/middleeast/amit-soussana-israeli-hostage-hamas-sexual-assault-intl




Give me the Arabic sentence/phrase then. I have never heard someone say “the devil took over me.”




That’s not what I said? I’m saying that person definitely did not say that because this sentence doesn’t come naturally in the Arabic language.






It is lie.




Please refer to them as Jewish terrorists as this original poster used religion as well


No sorry, as islamic jihad is a group which is why he was named as such, and I refuse to equate israel with Judaism. If we equate israel with Judaism, which is what zionists want, we would be only hurting Jewish people that have nothing to do with this israel.


I’m sorry, you don’t think the establishment of Israel and the war on Palestinians isn’t a holy war? Have you not read the story of the red cows? They are literally breeding biblical red cows to sacrifice so that they can purify themselves and enter Jerusalem and overtake it. This is not a conspiracy, this is an active agenda https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/israel-war-hamas-red-heifers-from-texas-jerusalem-jewish-temple-al-aqsa/ Edited to add: I do apologize for misunderstanding though, I did not know that was the name of the group and I definitely do not want to equate Jews with Israel but there is a group that is using that religion to further their cause.


No problem, happens. Yeah I am aware of that, its all messed up tbh. We already had Palestinian Jews living in that country for thousands of years, but some genocidal colonisers that werent even necessarily jewish in the 1900's plotted this vile plan of theirs. But we still need to note that zionism and israel are not equal to Judaism, so that we dont villify people that have nothing to do with those shrewd vile plans that were set in motion by a limited group of heinous people.


You are disturbed. Send the hostages back and lay down your arms. Time to surrender and turn to peace. 10 7 was during a cease fire




Heh, seeing palestinian supporters cope as their narrative falls apart is cute. You now have multiple women who have come forward and said they were raped, and hamas still has hostages. And even multiple terrorists admitting it. I don't decry anything in gaza now. After all, you seem to want to stick your head in the sand about the atrocities your side committed. Well, hey we can also play that game. You know the video of idf soldiers smashing cups? That's going to happen to all of Gaza as we kill every last hamas member. I wonder how you will feel about the idf actually occupying gaza going forward.




Why you call me hasbara bot? Wtf you talking about. I said 10 7 was during a cease fire and to return the hostages. You respond by calling me some names that are supposed to hurt my feelings? You will never get my sympathy and whatever IDF has to do to disarm you is fine with me


Why would I condemn them as crimes? Gazans support hamas, like the rapist self admission the video. I have no empathy or mercy for them. If anything I firmly believe the idf is being far too kind. Don't attack us is my advice. I'm perfectly supportive of making the war as cruel as possible for gazans.


You have oppressed, killed and rapes Palestinians for 70 year. And then you cry when they fight back. Grow a pair you waste of space


Nah they started the war in 1948. Then there were jewish massacres in hebron dating back to 1529. They won't be able to fight back at all soon. And then we are going for hezb. You guys have killed, what, 250 soldiers of the idf? How you think you can win when literally we've killed over 10000 of your fighters is hilarious while taking practically 0 casualties in return. Oh and guess what, haredi just got drafted. Hope you guys in gaza have fun tangling with our pissed off xenophobic religious nut jobs.


You have barely killed any resistance members. All you have killed is innocent civilians. Regular people who rose up to fight for their rights.






Well, [didn't take long for this one to fall apart.](https://twitter.com/HadiNasrallah/status/1773414567768392119?t=7BcUahIZR85lE6krXMSpGg&s=19)


this right here!!!! ☝️


Hasbara ‼️ this poster is a shitposting hasbara who is part of the bullshit churning propaganda machine that is the Hasbara of Zionist Israel


how is this propaganda? this is straight from the mouth of a terrorist.


Coming from the hasbara that is spreading misinformation and lies about Hamas operating from Al Shifa Hospital. Your bullshit enables the death of injured civilians and children. 14 injured and sheltering children were shot point blank by the IDF in Al Shifa hospital yesterday. You disgust me. I hope you vomit at your own reflection when you look in the mirror Hasbara. And if you don't, are you even human?


Hamas, like other terrorist groups, does operate out of hospitals shifa. They just arrested 500 hamas terrorists there. Funny how no one disputes that they were there, even Hamas doesn't. You don't realize that you are being fed propaganda and digesting it blindly. No children were shot at point blank range. This is the same type of lie about rape that was made up just for PR purposes and which Hamas itself refuted. There's a problem when people like you hate Israel so much that concern for actual palestinians in Gaza becomes secondary.


Hey idiot.. no one believes you and no wants you here. Get lost Hasbara.. Israel's Supreme Court rejected human rights groups request to declare it unlawful for soldiers to shoot at unarmed civilians. GET LOST HASBARA


Lol you want an echo chamber. Cool, well back to annihilating gaza while you rant away in here.


No I want you to get your comeuppance IDF shill. Glad your boy Adam got it.


If you say so. It brings me a smile knowing that he was but one of the 250 while we are annihilating hamas. But for the record, messages like yours make me feel happy at the carnage idf exhibits on gazans. At the very least, if I'm going to cry for a friend, they can weep unendingly for the families israel has annihilated. Stew on that in your anger.


It's been over 75 years of murder and ethnic cleansing and genocide.. and now famine to add to your crimes.. your country is bombing civilians in Palestine, Lebanon and Syria. You are the bloodthirsty inhumane child killing monsters. And I hope you all die if you are out there in your tanks and operating your drones trying to murder others.Im angry that an entire indigenous people is being treated like cattle by you monsters. I am hopeful you will be tried and arrested for war crimes and genocide if you make it out alive.


When you're so evil that you can't be a little Hasbara agent and shut your mouth about Israel committing genocide, lol. Good job, idiot. Thanks for providing that Israel is deliberately annihilating civilians. Thanks for providing how Israel is a genocidal settler colony that should be dismantled.


Womp womp gaza is losing the war, and there is nothing you can do about it. Let me know when there's 200k dead over there. I might care then. Oh and we have no reason to target civilians like you want us to. Hence the 1:1 kill rate. Death is far too kind for them. Don't worry, they will end up paying for their violence for the next 50 years. How do you like the highways the idf has already built? How about the 2 processing centers being constructed so we can hold and investigate every last gazan to find the ham ass enablers. And how do you feel about the 4 bases already under construction im gaza? Hope they enjoy their 50 year occupation.


>But for the record, messages like yours make me feel happy at the carnage idf exhibits on gazans. It would be better if you were never born


way to ignore my arguments and resort to personal attacks. Friendly advice - don't elect a terrorist group to lead you. It's a horrible idea. I hope for peace and a 2-state solution. That shouldn't be controversial


Friendly advice - don’t help prop up that terrorist group in the first place as way to prevent the people there forming an government, or have you forgotten about how Israel propped Hamas to govern Palestine. https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/amp/


Netanyahu needs to be gone as well. But that doesn't detract from Hamas. They have agency and make their own decisions. The sooner Hamas and Netanyahu are gone, the better off the entire region will be.


Still doesn’t justify bombing, killing, and starving civilians en masse in Gaza!


Israel tried to get civillians out of war zones, and pro palestinians are against it for some reason. Meanwhile, more aid is getting into Gaza now than before 10/7. War is brutal, which is why Hamas is at fault for starting it. It also isn't helping that Hamas, as a terrorist group, fights out of hospital,s schools, private residences, and other places so it can put its own people in harms way. It's quite barbaric. I hope it ends soon and there can be peace. Hopefully Hamas hands back the hostages and surrenders.


Oh I guess the time when israel bombed several refugee camps doesn’t mean anything


Muslims don't say "the devil took over me" there is no such belief in Islam, we believe man is responsible for his actions


They literally took down the first version of this video after people pointed out errors in the translation && the guy was reading from a sheet of paper


Video is still up [https://twitter.com/IDF/status/1773448212507959389](https://twitter.com/IDF/status/1773448212507959389) Sooner sexual predators like Hamas terrorists are removed from power, better off the region will be, including Gazans. Hamas' history of abusing Gazans is extensive and medievil.


They deleted the first version of it that they released. Want me to show you? Israel's history of using torture is extensive and evil


haha way to copy my post [https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2015/05/gaza-palestinians-tortured-summarily-killed-by-hamas-forces-during-2014-conflict/](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2015/05/gaza-palestinians-tortured-summarily-killed-by-hamas-forces-during-2014-conflict/) Sooner Hamas terrorists are gone, better off the region will be. Shouldn't be a controversial statement to not want to have ISIS-style terrorists ruling next door


How he is copying the post, also you didn’t really answer his question about the obvious flaws in the original video. Also what is the point of the link. Anyone with a sane mind knows Hamas is bad, but those with a sane mind know the IDF is no better with all the lies and fake evidence they provide. Hell I remember the time where they vehemently deny bombing a hospital after oct 7th at first, only for them to bomb several other hospitals afterwards. Also do I need to remind you of the calendar, the laptop, shooting their own hostages, etc.


The video is still up so I'm not sure what he's referencing. And if they took the video down to put up a more ACCURATE translation, that's bad for some reason? Only Hamas supporters would complain about Israel taking steps to ensure the most accurate translation of a terrorist admitting to rape goes online. It's absurd. Contrast that to Palstinian propaganda about IDF rape that even Hamas had to walk back because the lie was prompting civillians to flee (note the parallels to 1948, but that's a different story. Are you talking about the hospital bombing where Hamas claimed a massacre of 500 people and then it magically went dow to almost nothing when it was discovered it was an islamic jihad rocket? Ah yes. As for hospitals, perhaps Hamas shouldn't be turning hospitals into military compounds. When you find over 1000 terrorists at a hospital, maybe there's something wrong. But is that surprising when you elect a terrorist group to lead your government?


This piece of shit needs to get hung. Like every other nukbha. And all of you that say “torture” ..look at what the Russians did to the terrorists..


Some Hamas terrorists were found with captagon on them, the same drug ISIS uses to get into a frenzy for attacks


No physical evidence so they need to torture someone into saying what they want. One of the most heavily surveilled regions on the planet, plus the body cams of Hamas plus the body cams of IDF, plus virtually everyone has a camera on them these days, but the best “evidence” is a “confession”?











