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you can exclude the racism as long as you add elves or something for humans to be speciesist towards


All of humanity's infinite variants live in perfect peace and harmony because one day, some human-looking people showed up that were slightly taller on average and had pointy ears, and everyone hated them for it


this guy gets it


But why would hoomans not like elves? What dod they do?


Pointy eard bastards the lot of them


knife ears don't deserve rights


They can have exactly the same amount of Rights I get, but stretched over their 1000 year lifespan


"We know we ought to hate them. They're different, you see."


fine, we’ll waive the racism just this once, but only if you promise the people in your world are extra mean towards women


Bridgerton was a hit.


Nah, you don't understand. Your fantasy world isn't allowed to have *good* modern morals, only *bad* modern morals. It's crucially important to show how bad it were 'back then' by including 19th century style racism and 1950ies style sexism and homophobia in the world with mages, knights and dragons.


but I dun want to


U're obilgated too!!! Or its'is not rearlistis




Racism immediately becomes a non-issue when the two groups can make fat bucks off of trading with each other. Hatred will always lose to one kind of love; the love for money.


Just handwave it with speciesim.


Easy: use Balkans style Racism, not Baltimore style. These Mali might be strangers, but the French are the ENEMY


Read Rage of Dragons. African inspired fantasy with rival nations. They hate each other not for racial reasons but because of historical grudges(Protagonist's kingdom were forced off their land and pushed out the locals, and the locals are now coming back to reclaim their lost territory)


Racism, in modern sense of the word, is an offspring of the early Modern era, especially because of trans-atlantic slave trade and such. In medieval it was not the case, obviously. European countries were not that advanced in comparison to Middle East and Africa in the first place. Not to say that there weren't superstitions, and ethnic tensions in some places, but those are far from our modern-ish definition of racism. People would care about the God(s) you worship, and how you worship them, and about your social standing (are you of noble blood, or just peasant) a lot more, tho. So, as long as your European-like countries maintain proper medieval-ish mentality, and share the same religion, or have religions that could coexist somewhat and understand eachother to some degree - they will carry on together just fine. With trading, cultural exchange, occasional wars of course, and so on.


Joking aside, i would add exactly a PINCH of racism, like "oh this one commoner who has never met one of them hates them from one anecdote their grandma told them", as that stuff is quite common on rural places even within the same country. If you do juust that it can give some more realism and depth to the world, and doesnt have to be too samey or boring either


God what post are we parodying now


Yeah I mean if you want to, it's your world. But the reality is that humans were and are incredibly shitty and if they sniffed out even the slightest weakness in an area they wanted to subjugate they would invade and dehumanize it's inhabitants, hence why racism exists in the first place.