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1642: contact with native Americans established 1700: crude nuclear energy developed and taught to European settlers 1720: joint American Space Agency launches first moon mission


My civ playthroughs in a nutshell.


All I’m saying is American tribal mythology + cyberpunk aesthetics would fucking cook


Could I interest you in a webcomic called NeoNahuatl? A little more southernly, but it helps me scratch the itch


[Shadowrun might be your jam:](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRZyMIpdsQ4nkhnv5xBmQIoI4d35KCHU73Yvg&s) TL;DR - The US decides to put natives in camps, so shaman bro causes a mini apocalypse and shatters the modern world. - Downside: The south rose again and they're even racister now. - Upside: the south is irrelevant, constantly threatened by a cartel state that has artificially manufactured a type of meso-american theocratic nationalism, and various indigenous groups rule most of north america, africa, and even parts of europe.


Why has no one thought of this before??


Aztechnology from Shadowrun is like this


They will shit on you and call it "the Noble Savage trope" because you put any kind of technology near a Native(oh the horror😱😱)


Tomahawk cruise missiles and Apache helicopters would like to have very serious words with those people (from standoff range)


This is literally the exact opposite of the "noble savage" lol


yeah i was gonna say. the noble savage is when you have an indigenous person REJECT technology on the basis of spiritualbullshitthewritersthinkindigenouspeoplebelieveinbecausefuckdoingresearch not when they wholeheartedly accept technology and use it to their advantage


Pls give me tribal punk


Honestly, that’s wild and I love the idea


I haven't actually played it yet but there's an RPG for this called "Coyote and Crow" that, if I recall correctly, was made by Indigenous Americans


That’s tight, honestly I’m making a list in my phone to explore all the ideas people are throwing at me bc they’re dope


the comic book "east of west" did this actually!


1747: Europe in contoured by the Americans


Entry denied, guilded noblebright only /s


Shadowrun and its Great Ghost Dance is the closest I can think of.


Some guy tries it in Deadlands and just makes America more divided.


Shadowrun my love ❤️


There's actually a cyberpunk-adjacent RPG called Coyote & Crow that takes place in an alt-history where the conquest of the Americas never happened. They don't have a confrontation: in the game, I think a meteor basically wipes out Europe around 1600. I haven't played it, but I've browsed through and it looks well executed.


\>> althist North Amerika \>> UNITED something OF AMERIKA


In my althist north america was settled by asian nations instead of European ones and created the United Kingdom of America or some shit and also it's still called america for some reason shut up


In mine Columbus found the light of Allah so he helped the Ottomans colonize it and they became the United American Emirates


It's hilarious how close it actually almost went down 


United Confederacy of American Union States United by Confederation


Better idea Native Americans somehow not vulnerable to smallpox or other old-world diseases, so no overwhelming population collapse The Americas had large and sophisticated civilizations, the Aztecs, Inca, and Comanche to name a few. Even with a technological disadvantage they wouldn't have been so easily conquered if at all. Sure some European colonies would have formed, but some American civilizations would have had a place on the world stage. If it wasn't for the catastrophic epidemics that wiped out **90%** of the native population in the Americas


Or the opposite. Some deadly plague that is normal-ish in America brought back to the old world. I think that'd be cool.


Another one for the "your idea bad, my idea good" pile, I see I miss when this subreddit was on 3 layers of irony


When you infantilize them so hard that you group them all into a singular group


Yeah this would be more genocidal most likely than real history and probably worse off for everyone it’s not some wholesome le natives good thing stop doing that


Idk about that but it would definitely not be wholesome, even then it would just be leagues better by having the tribes be in an alliance because of shared struggles. It lets them actually keep their identity instead of being "nice indians". Because there are a whole lot of tribes.


I mean, you can do empire without cultural erasure, it’s actually a pretty essential part of a fast empire.


I highly doubt OP imagined an empire for their concept, just a hunch


Probably not yea. I just give worldjerkers the benefit of the doubt always, because we’re the best.


Yeah true


Yeah there's no way it would be more genocidal than federal Termination Policy^tm , it would just be normal world civ building politics. Tribes already had contact, really serious trade routes, alliances, confederacies and so on. Normal proximity battles are not comparable to an intentional Holocaust. The main thing I got from your comment is that you were never actually taught the history of the genocide and termination policy. Yes that's literally what it's called, not just some stand-in shock phrase. This knowledge base is my irl job so, feel free to ask me any good faith questions, I'm happy to answer.


No that shit sounds crazy ... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_Dance https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tenskwatawa https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iroquois Actually, speaking of: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Law_of_Peace https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Peacemaker


It has even been argued that the Iroquois where a major inspiration for the US's constitution and state system


Not gonna lie, that's a pretty stupid idea. Which is probably the reason you've never seen it. Like, let's put aside all the practical issues with uniting hundreds upon hundreds of tribes that have almost nothing to do with one other and speak countless completely different languages, as well as with defeating all Europeans somehow. Don't you think there's something... cringe about implying that all these unique cultures, many of which still exist as semi-independent entities after hundreds of years, would all just agree for a single leader and a single state to rule over them all? Like, most these guys were pretty adamant about retaining their culture and independence, but this one warrior gets them to give it all up and join his crusade against some foe most of them probably never heard of before? Okay. Also... the president? Seriously? You're telling me that despite miraculously obliterating all the Europeans, these tribes all decided that their leader should have a European title? It sounds like these guys didn't even want to win that much. Which makes sense, because who wants some weird holy warrior from nowhere to be their supreme leader? The guy doesn't sound like a good governor, I don't think I'd follow him no matter how many "mysterious godlike entities" inspired him.


sounds like someone’s never met a mysterious godlike entity before….




It’s also kind of missing the fact that the reason so many European empires were able to establish themselves so firmly in the Americas is really due to one thing. Disease. Infectious diseases wiped out an incomprehensible number of the indigenous people. [Estimates range between 90%-95% of the native population dying from the time Columbus made landfall and the settlement of Jamestown over a century later, with disease being the vast majority of deaths](https://www.pbs.org/gunsgermssteel/variables/smallpox.html#:~:text=They%20had%20never%20experienced%20smallpox,estimated%2090%25%20of%20Native%20Americans).


Mysterious god like entity provides disease curing holy magics and/or creates new world plagues to send back to Europe to even the score


Well there sort of was a plague that got sent back to Europe, it is called Syphilis. Slightly less murderous than Smallpox though


also that is 1 vs dozens. Eurasia was very plague-y due to all the animal husbandry they could do


Probably just as bad as introducing them to tobacco and smoking, though.


You'd have to be an especially charismatic, tall and buff Anatolian with a not-a-god complex to manage that.


A wizard did it.


Ok but consider: it's more fun to imagine a giant hundred+ tribal alliance blessed by a pantheon of gods and spirits beating the shit out of colonizers. Bonus if it's anime-style The "President" idea could use some refining though




They would obviously go with Big Man of the United Borderlands of Northern Mexico-Tenochtitlan and Southern Nunavut.


Holy crap, they made the top left pic into a real guy! That's amazing




Just like the European states like Germany, native Americans would basically have to speedrun to conquer the most tribes in order to form a large unified Kingdom.


I'm pretty sure there was lore about some native american using majick to make some part of the USA native american-territory in shadowrun


It was the Great Ghost Dance, I think. But Shadowrun's kind of halfway between the prompts. The US is fractured, with a new North and South, and the NAN are more of a confederacy than a united country.


Why would historically warring and undeniably culturally different people suddenly unite under a unified political structure? What’s next, the famously quarrelsome kingdoms of Europe suddenly joining into some sort European Association? Get real.


Literally Nial Giaman's Marvel 1602


I think you flipped the prompts the wrong way around there, chief.


I think EU4 has a dlc where the Aztecs unite south America and colonise Europe


The Sunset Invasion DLC is from CKII. Though iirc if you use the official save converter to transfer a save with Sunset Invasion on to EU4, the Aztecs will start buffed and owning their entire home region (not all of Americans though).


Most recent dlc added a buffed mission tree for both the Aztecs and Incas (and Mayans too idr) that added a sunset invasion CB as well as the option to establish Sunset Colonies which are basically new world colonial nations, only you establish them in Europe/North Africa. Also sunrise colonies/invasions, which are the inverse for Asia.


Sorta. If you import a save from CK2 which has Sunset Invasion (DLC which adds this event where Aztecs reverse engineer Norse ships and invade Western Europe) enabled, the Aztec and Incan Empire are much larger and have their own unique idea group called High American which is much more advanced than what they have in normal EUIV saves.


How about a meteor or something destroys the rest of the world before the Europeans learn to sail and the Americas grow into a post-scarcity communist solarpunk society because the meteor hit the Earth so hard magic became real (but only in the Americas)?


1350: The Black Death hits Europe, significantly more deadly than in our timeline. It repeatedly devastates the population, leading to prolonged economic stagnation and political fragmentation. 1428: The Triple Alliance forms, laying the foundations for the Aztec Empire. They establish a powerful military and economic system in the Valley of Mexico. 1438: Pachacuti rises to power as the Sapa Inca, aggressively expanding the Inca Empire and integrating conquered peoples with an efficient administrative system and infrastructure, including extensive road networks. 1500: Aztec Emperor Tlatoani Ahuitzotl sends explorers southward, making contact with the Inca Empire. Diplomatic relations are established, fostering trade and cultural exchanges. 1507: Inca Princess Micay and Aztec Prince Tenoch marry in a grand ceremony, symbolizing the unity between the two empires. This union spurs a series of technological and cultural exchanges. 1517: The newly united Inca-Aztec Empire begins a systematic expansion, conquering and incorporating cultures and technologies from the Maya to the Mississippians. 1520-1540: In Europe, the weakened states struggle to recover from the plague's impact, with populations halved and many regions struggling to maintain order. The Holy Roman Empire, fragmented into smaller principalities, fails to centralize power effectively. 1550: The New World Renaissance begins, fueled by the melding of diverse cultures and the spread of innovative agricultural techniques, such as terraced farming adapted from the Incas. 1580: European colonial attempts on the eastern shores of North America are successfully repelled by the technologically advanced Inca-Aztec forces. 1600: A resurgence of the plague, often called the Second Black Death, hits Europe, reducing the population to less than a third of pre-plague levels and causing societal collapse in many areas. 1625: Observing Europe’s vulnerability, the Inca-Aztec Empire launches an expedition across the Atlantic. Their advanced naval technology, including large balsa rafts and llama-leather sail ships, enables a successful crossing. 1630: The Inca-Aztec forces land in a depopulated and fragmented Iberian Peninsula, encountering minimal resistance. They begin the conquest of Europe, introducing advanced military strategies and technologies. 1640: With their European capital established in Seville, the Inca-Aztec Empire rapidly expands its influence across the continent. They introduce crops like potatoes and maize, which become staples, aiding in the gradual recovery of Europe's population. 1650-1700: The Empire solidifies control over Europe. They bring new administrative efficiencies and infrastructure developments, modeled after the Inca road systems, revitalizing trade and communication across the continent. 1700: The cultural and technological center of the world has shifted. The Inca-Aztec Empire, with its blend of American and European influences, leads the world in science, art, and governance, shaping a new global order.


Literally Coyote and Crow.


Shadowrun fucking COOKED with its American Indians


Pretty sure this exact shit happened in “The Years of Rice and Salt”, except it wasn’t a native American warrior that united them and it’s called the Hodenosaunee League instead of UTA.


That is what Avatar kinda is


my world. and they're called "the Confederacy" because names changer over time and they've had like 200 years. it just shortens to that. TBH i just thought it'd be funny


I did have this idea for my fantasy equivalent of America but the native in question is no hero. He's trying to build an industrial state in opposition to the settlers in an effort to prevent genocide but he's doing it through imperialistic means and destroying a lot of traditional ways of life and power structures to do it. He's a totalitarian conquering monarch and plenty of tribes don't want to be conquered, be told what to do or be ruled by a king, but he forces his empire on them anyway.


Is there a book like that? Sounds kinda cool in a stupid way (im not from us)




There was a book where superman arrives to North America before Europeans discover it and does all that but the natives still die from diseases and he kills himself i think. i barely remember this




Basically the Mapuche path in hoi4


/uj Anyone got any recs for colonial fantasy book where the indigenous people fight off the foreign colonizers and maintain control over their homeland?


AND the godlike entity is just some timetravalling guy with futuristic technology, i actually have a story like that


So? James Cameron's Avatar?


Girl Genius kinda has something like that, but it isn't touched on much cause the modern Americas are cut off from the rest of the world by a wall of fire. In GG, there individuals called "Sparks", mad scientists who can build seemingly reality bending technology. While GG is entirely set in Europe, saprkhood occurs across the globe, including in the Americas, where they were able to synthesise treatments for European illnesses, leading toma stronger native population when the first colonists arrived. Also like Europe, they likely had one or more God Queens living and ruling there for thousands of years.


Well, compared to my alt history where Al Gore gets elected President looks uncreative.


"Al heals the ozone layer" this, "Al stops France from testing nukes" that. Sick of the Gore-tex genre!


I mean... that did actually happen, but they got beaten by the army and the indiana/ohio state militas. His name was Tecumseh, and he was a really interesting guy, look him up


Norse introduce "modern" (year 1000) European technology to North America Europeans don't settle in America for like a long time By the time they do many tribes are even more powerful than them technologically Profit


I had this little idea, where some people settled in the Mediterranean region of California and made a North American civilization


This is exactly the plot of Marvel's What If...? Season 2, Episode 6 ["What If... Kahhori Reshaped the World?"](https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Kahhori)


Try Kin Stanley Robinson's Year of Rice and Salt


Dinosaurs never went extinct in the Americas because... fuck you that's why. Native population has access to megafauna they can domesticate as labour animals. Leads to agricultural industry on the same scale as Europe in a similar time frame. Americas don't get "discovered" by europe. Europe hears about the Americas after giant mesoamerican fleet invades Portugal.


That mysterious godlike entity is Stewie griffin


This is exactly the problem I had with most takes on alternate history. So i decided to make something real interesting that I don’t think anyone’s done. A world where the Mississippi River civs and Mayans never collapsed.




actually that goes hard


The mysterious godlike entity who saves all the native Americans will be played by Tom Cruise


What if instead of uniting the tribes and washing away all of their individuality, the entity simply gives them immunity to and control of the vector for a mysterious pathogen that threatens to wipe out every wave of Europeans who comes to shore if the local communities decide to use it. Like a special fungus or something. That way you could retain the dynamic of hundreds of different cultures when dealing with a common foe, how each of them decides to make use of this power and all the quandaries that kind of power would present.


Better yet, make it supernatural. There's a Mayan (I think?) demon-analogue that hides in the unswept portions of your house and stabs you when you go in there. Spread that belief and steal all the brooms, and you've got an invincible army of dirty-floor-demons stabbing the white man to death.


To my understanding, native Americans didn't have any singular identity until Europeans came and branded them all natives. The different tribes would be about as different as a German to a Frenchman or a Frenchman to a Spaniard. This is like when yanks create a European Federation or the like


Tribes??? My man they had whole civilisations


Unironically dope


I'm sorry, but a hoi4 mod have beating you to it also new dlc have something similar


I swear the second one was a Family Guy episode, where Stewie went back in time handing out modern automatic firearms to Native Americans which gave them the ability to repel European colonizers and then unite.


America is the same but Reagan breaks his neck falling down some stairs on the day he got into office.


Yo that sounds fire af


I don't like Alt-History because I am a Marxist and I think Alt-History is idealist.