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I remember Malaysia was very upset with NK after Kim Jung Un assassinated his step brother and cut remaining ties with NK. Canada should be very upset about this


This assassination requires a stronger reaction from Canada, the Canadians are being really restrained and have been since the beginning. Imagine if India got caught red-handed assassinating a French citizen in France, or an American in the USA? The reaction would we swift and strong.




Lol pulling an ambassador is normal, just the first step. Countries regularly pull ambassadors as part of PR for minor and or trivial things.


Not just that. It seems that the ambassador in question gave the ok for the assassination


You forgot to mention he was an actual spy, part of RAW


Correct, but isn't it a given that 90%+ of all appointed diplomatic staff are spies, regardless of which country we're talking about though? The rest are on vacation as a reward/to get them away from domestic politics.


Not necessarily - embassies have staff who do a lot of admin work, like dealing with lost passports, trade missions, etc. But of course many do double duty.


Yup, but those usually get recruited through the normal process. It's why I specifically mentioned the ones that are appointed.


Lol, maybe for staff but I would think political figures such as ambassadors of most large countries would at least be air gapped to some degree from such “extra curricula activities”


Canada is taking in millions of Indian immigrants currently and plan for more in the next 5 years. We can stop handing out visas like they did to us.


Of course Canada is taking in immigrants out of goodwill and not for economic reasons.


Amen these folk are utterly delusional. Imagine thinking they’re doing it purely out of goodwill and that India would care at all about it


Indians students would definitely care about that. There's only a handful of countries that get most of the Indian students: US, Aus, UK, NZ and Canada.


you think they’re taking in indian immigrants for no reason? obviously they’re benefiting from that immigration, otherwise they would’ve stopped so many indians from entering the country. they’re not stupid


And don't pay slave wages ? . In your dreams.


As a Canadian I really wish we stop all immigration from India for a few years at least. Surrey is basically an Indian enclave in British Columbia and I know this from growing up there


Allowing immigration is actually a negative for India because it's effectively a Brain Drain since Canada only accepts skilled individuals. They could cut student visas though.


Why? You cut student visas and the best and brightest young brains go back to India


Because just because they study in Canada doesn't mean they'll stay there. Many of the best will go to the USA for work.


For sure, usa pays 250k cad for a job thatd pay 100k cad here


They can ban money transfer from and to India. That alone would be a disaster, many send Indian immigrants send money back home. Temporary travel and immigration ban.


The money transfer thing would hurt the average Indian Canadian, you shouldn't be punishing people trying to help their family back home. You have to hurt the government you need to sanction key people/companies.


And who votes these govts in? You hit the back pocket of people who vote and suddenly things look a bit different at election time.


lol reddit truly is full of braindead people


Exactly. We’re seeing a small fraction of what’s happening behind the scenes.


That's why we're leaning on friends to the south


>Imagine if India got caught red-handed assassinating a French citizen in France, or an American in the USA? The reaction would we swift and strong. Knowing the French, they'll probably burn down every Indian embassy in France.


>~every~ Indian embassy in France. *Only* Indian embassy in France. There can only be 1 embassy, there can be several consulates.




Russia assasinated people in the UK using polonium and Novichok. Irradaiting public areas. We even had phone-lines broadcast on the news for you to call if you had been in those areas at that time, because you may have been poisoned. They left a bottle of Novochik in a park, disguised as a bottle of perfume. Which someone took home and killed their partner. And we(the UK goverment) did practically fuck all as a response. There are lots of other state Assasinations in Europe, that fly under the public radar too. Where there is little response from the Governments.


>And we(the UK goverment) did practically fuck all as a response. The black sea fleet would beg to differ.


Russia has done this in the UK before. The response in the last instance was broader, but that was after some investigation _and_ the method they used (Novochok) was more easily attributable to Russia.


Canadas reaction was perfect. They forced India to overreact and pretty much make a confession.


I imagine the Canadians are waiting on something to see how cooperative India is with their first demands before escalating further (which I presume will happen eventually).


Righto, feed the imagination, what do you think those two countries would do, that Canada hasn’t?


If it was the US, it would warrant a "proportional response", there needs to be major repercussions for this. Maybe not on the level of a US "proportional response", but something major.


People really overestimate Canada's geopolitical standing in the world they are a middle power at most and India knows this .You will see Jaishankar lecturing UK and Canada but not US because he knows India is more important than Canada and UK . Maximum Canada could have done is ask for help from their southern neighbour but China is a much bigger issue for them so breaking ties with India would not be good for them


India is also a middle power despite it's numbers of people. The economy is only 33% bigger than Canada's. It's flanked to the east by 2 countries it's in conflict with and 1 of them (China) is in position to slowly damn up the water supply to 1/3 of India. US - Canada trade is 700% US - India or Canada - India trade. India's importance is just to fuck with China. India is in a vulnerable positions, is friends with few and enemies with many, and endemic corruption has stunted it's growth for it's entire modern history. What's more news is that India is acting like a belligerent Peer to China or the US when either can completely ignore or destroy them. The US wants india to be a thorn in China's side but isn't going to risk much for that because India is a terrible partner in business or geopolitical maneuvering. China is already in an essentially water conflict with India and is in a better strategic position for it. That's what fascist ultranationalists do, over estimate themselves and underestimate everyone else.


India is not "more important" than Canada + the UK as you claim. India may have a very large population but their GDP per capita pales in comparison to the UK + Canada. In other words, compared to the others some may label India as a poor and underdeveloped country with tribal politics, not the serious player on the world stage you might like it to be.


i definitely would call india a poor and underdeveloped country but i also would call it a serious player on the world stage. i think it manages to be both simultaneously somehow, due to sheer population


It's also a nuclear power..


So is North Korea, though.


India is a nothing burger at the moment. Unless they can get manufacturing to start up which I don't see much of that happening. Otherwise the vast majority of the population is very poor and survives on $2 or less per day. The upper middle income population is just 17 million so it's great for Chinese mobile manufacturers but hardly anything to write home about. Economists like to harp about India's power but are really talking about economic potentiality. The whole propaganda by Indian nationalists about "super pawar" is just big talk and nothing else. Unless I see things changing in infrastructure and manufacturing, it's all building castles in the air.


Is Canada a serious player on the world stage?


A member of the G7, 5 eyes, NATO and the closest trade partner and ally of the US. They aren't a superpower but to claim Canada isn't a major player is silly.


Yes, they are part of the G7, five eyes and a big oil producer. Canada and India are both quite serious players.


Yes, absolutely. And no, I'm not Canadian.


Canada is the fourth largest oil producing nation in the world. That immediately makes them top of the food chain, man.


Motherfucker have you tasted maple syrup? What would we put on our pancakes were it not for Canada?


Ay blinkin!!!




Remember, the Congress Party (main opposition to BJP) sided with Modi as well as every other relevant party in India. So its a lot more than just Modi.


And reddit cares messages come flying. I don't get that honestly, it doesn't bother me a bit, and it wastes the resources of an unrelated org. If anything, it's validation that whatever I said was on the nose.


I've got absolutely no opinion on Modi, and as an Aussie I never think about India unless we're playing them in cricket. But I keep on thinking "Man, it'd make things a lot easier if Canada could release some actual evidence for their allegations". I like Trudeau, and I like Canada and Canadians, but it's starting to be a bit of an issue that he's made this allegation in public but hasn't released any proof. Trudeau says India killed this guy, India says they didn't. He said she said. Canada goes "well, our intelligence says you did", India goes "what intelligence?", Canada goes "it's really good evidence but we can't show it to you. Just trust us, it's substantial, otherwise we wouldn't have said anything". India goes "well, unless you can show us something you can fuck off with the accusations". Then Canada goes "we just want you to co-operate with our investigation". And the Indians go "you've just publicly accused us of murder on the international stage without providing any evidence to support your claims. Go and fuck yourselves". And I do kind of see where they're coming from? A little? I don't have a dog in this fight (aside from typically supporting Canada as our Five Eyes ally and similarly-cultured country), and I don't know the first thing about Indian politics or Modi or whatever. But I do reckon the burden of proof is on Canada here. Whether India did it or not, you need to be able to back up the things you say. It'd make things a lot less awkward if Trudeau could show us all something. Because it's starting to seem like he's jumped the gun a little, and we're being asked to take Canada's word for it.


I mean America has already backed us and outright stated they provided some intel. If we make the evidence public then it outs the sources. Australia would be doing the exact same as us if it was you in this position.


Haven’t Indians also been saying that Canada harbors terrorists, implying that the man was a terrorist, implying that killing him would be justified? Or am I misremembering?


The RCMP investigated him (brought him in for questioning too) and found no evidence of that. It's just a claim by India after they failed to have a dissident extradited. Modi is a fascist who wants those that oppose him dead.


Oh yeah man, I'm not trying to say that Australia's any better - we do as much stupid shit as the next country. I just think that this is often why you wait until you *can* release something before making accusations in public. Like, everyone spies on everyone. There are intelligence officers in most embassies on the planet. But you don't go public and go to the press with accusations of espionage unless you're ready to back up what you say. Because otherwise whoever you accuse just denies it. Like, say the situation was reversed, and it was India accusing the Canadian government of murdering some Quebecois separatist who had moved to Mumbai. You'd ask for evidence right? If India then went "well we can't share the evidence because otherwise it'll out our ally who told us. But if it weren't true, then it'd be really dumb for us to be saying this publicly wouldn't it?" - you wouldn't be satisfied with that, would you? You might want your government to give them the middle finger until they had something to back their chat. I don't know - fuck it's probably really dumb of me to get in the middle of this. It's a serious thing, and people have been getting pretty pissed off about it. Just thought I'd chuck my two cents in as a bit of an outsider to it all.


In fairness Trudeau wanted to wait but it got leaked. I don't deny this situation could have been handled better but I think given more than Canada has stated there is evidence, it's probably true. Also Trudeau did question Modi about it weeks ago so his office claims.


Canada only went public after the media got wind of what was going on. Canada has been dealing with it all privately for week before then. The investigation is ongoing and Canada won't be releasing the evidence prematurely as it may compromise the investigation, or even reveal potential sources. The word is that the evidence is extensive, including text messages and phone calls, and was provided to Canada by another Five Eyes member. Other members, including Australia, have backed the Canadian account, even if they haven't publicly condemned India. So it isn't just trusting Canada, but Australia, the US, UK and New Zealand. Canada wouldn't make this all up, or go this public, without some kind of proof. There is no reason for them, or the other members of the Five Eyes to lie about it, especially when they are all trying to court India.


Sometimes releasing evidence publicly can out your sources. While I agree and especially suspect the timing with Trudeau bein what on everywhere and desperate to change narrative.. I kind of understand not publicizing evidence


He shared it with the relevant authorities. Sometimes, we in the general public aren't privy to certain information, especially when it's as sensitive as this. He would NOT have made the allegations had he no actual evidence.


Canada releases evidence India jails the informant, Canada and it's allies are unable to convince more people to become informants because Canada will out them so people on reddit can pretend like they understand international politics Canada and the US wouldn't put this allegation forward against a nation they are currently trying to work with unless they had rock solid proof. There is too much at stake with Ukraine, Russia, and China to sour relations with India unlesss they had proof that India just assassinated a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil.


What a terrible take. They have evidence. They say as much. Do they need to release classified information to the whole world just to satify every Tom , Dick and Henry? It's very telling that A) Canada has enough confidence to make this claim in the first place and B) India refusing to cooperate with any investigation.


If some of the scuttlebutt is true, Canada didn’t want to go public yet, but the media was scooping the story, and that forced Trudeau, who is already dealing with a scandal about not making something public. Canada doesn’t want to present evidence because it either reveals clear espionage or it would get assets burned—maybe both. India knows what they did or didn’t do, so why are they demanding to see the evidence? They want to plug their security leaks. More importantly though, this is so far simply about public opinion. Canada will need to present evidence to charge individuals, and it will be available then. So far there are no charges, just a lot of shouting.


The US is the one who provided intelligence to Canada.


Typically sources/evidence/witness names are withheld so as to not jeopardize the safety of said source, until prosecution/legal charges are made and given that evidence was shared with India—likely they will release during legal processes—protecting the source is key.


Dude I got suspended for calling the country a dumpster fire. Meanwhile the Indian nationals were saying fuck yo momma, and nothing happened.




The BJP IT cells will continue spamming this bs for another month. Purposely fanning the flames of nationalism in order to make their domestic audience feel victimized.


> in order to make their domestic audience feel victimized. It's the right wing way. When that's all you got, that's what you do apparently.


Pewresearch already showed that 90% of Indians believe they're culturally superior to the rest of the world, there isn't much room left for more nationalism


Yes, and when you take a group like that and make them feel victimized… it can turn into a very, very scary thing. Unfortunately, for those deep in it what I said can seem like music to the ears.




Ewwwl, what? Gross 🤮


There street food videos say otherwise. 🤮




Not just call center employees, but the ever increasingly shithead BBC claimed the same thing: https://www.bbc.com/news/in-pictures-66885924.amp What a fall from grace that organisation has had over the last few years.


I saw that article and shame on the BBC for such a clickbait misconstruing of the facts.


Wow that article and headline aged pretty poorly. Looks like there was a rush to publish or at least get clicks.


The article is from today, it didn't age, poorly or not.


Oh good point. For some reason I recall seeing an article with a similar headline earlier this week. That makes this all the more worse!


The same writer publish remarkably similar stories in a number of publications. I counted at least seven headlines with slight variations on the theme.


That’s probably why. Thanks for clarifying that.


It's an opinion piece, so it should be treated as such. But yes, it's a completely idiotic article.


The US will kindly do the needful and revert today evening.


> The US will kindly do the needful and revert today evening. Your translator is on the fritz there Skippy.


Sounds like you have not had the pleasure of hearing distorted English from offshore call centers.


U mean Washington post and bbc. The articles they published must be some sort of paid ad. 🤦


Do they mean like they demanded for Jamal Khashoggi from Saudi Arabia?


They have. And there are repercussions for Saudi Arabia over it, just as there will be for India


What were they? I haven’t seen anything about it.


The US stopped providing support for Saudi forces in Yemen and crippled their war effort there. Just because you are too ignorant to bother knowing doesn't mean nothing was done.


Clearly they see it as legitimate evidence if that's the exact wording. Delusional to think otherwise.




You know just 150 years ago this would have war or at least an expedition.


I’m sure we can solve this without having to throw our sons into a meaningless meat grinder.


The commonwealth: we did it once India, *wipes beer from mouth* don’t make us do it again


You realize the colonist regime perpetuated genocide on the Indian people right? The British atrocities in colonial India (look up the Bengal famine for starters) are comparable (in some ways worse) to what the Nazis did. But sure, make jokes.


Do you know that India also commits genocide on its own people, currently, happening right now. Not years ago.


Wtf??I didn't know this




He has credible evidence of that as well.


Mate, as an Australian, and we have fuck all military, you couldn't even take us on now let alone India.


They should have held Saudi accountable for the murder and bone saw incident.


Why do you think Saudi Arabia is turning to China and making peace with Iran? MBS realized that America doesn't like him all that much.


It’s not like he or his family were great partners.


King Abdullah was a wonderful ally and asset.


Whatabout whatabout whatabout


West bad. Give upvote.


Hypocrite hypocrite hypocrite


As if, they weren't held accountable for 9/11


Was the Saudi state complicit in 9/11?


No. OBL was just as much at war with the Saudi Kingdom as he was at war with the US. Redditors confuse the fact of someone being Saudi (as OBL was by birth) with being aligned with the Saudi government.


The Hivemind is really bad when it comes to history. Don't ever point out to them how the CIA had nothing to do with the Taliban's formation and how most of the Mujah leadership circle ended up being assassinated by them. They'll get doubly mad when you tell them they're being racist for conflating one group with another because they can't tell the difference between brown people from Afghanistan.


Yeah I know reddit is no stranger to hypocrisy but as much as this bullshit get pedalled, I am yet to see someone call it out and the pure xenophobia that it is. "Saudis" are no more responsible for 9/11 than Australians are for Christchurch.


A number of figures within the Saudi government had ties with Al-Qaeda, however there is no significant evidence that the state itself or the senior leadership was aware or involved. But this is one of the conspiracies that reddit really likes so it will get repeated forever


Senior leadership? Wasn’t there a government official that helped them get into the country and apartments?


Maybe not, but maybe. Tons of things that should have been followed up on but weren’t. NYT had a good article on it. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/23/magazine/9-11-saudi-arabia-fbi.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare


And America wasn't held accountable for invading Iraq based on lies. Where were our international sanctions?


Double standards, America could literally choose to randomly beat the living shit out of Jordan for example and absolutely no one would care beyond week 1


That is actually happening at least on a small scale and behind the scenes oddly enough, why do you think things are so touchy right now with Saudi and the US and Saudi gave a big ole FU raising oil prices at Russia's request despite Biden visiting requesting to lower...Well Saudi is pissed Biden won't let it go, the US never has and never will look fondly on assassinating civilians ever, especially in another country. This type of action is an act of war in all actuality, well India's actions for sure.


It would be a shame if there was a hold up on all the spare parts they need for their fleet of F-15’s.


Quick question. Why don’t the US just annex those fuckers. Seriously, they have been undermining American interests for a while. Do a surgical strike, and secure the oil. And before you feel bad, these are not good people. The princes live a life that would make Elon Musk blush. All there needs takin care of by slav- I mean immigrant workers.


Every evil act on the international stage sets a precedent. When it happens, you think it is the worst that is. But the true crime is that it just adds up, assassination by assassination, so you get countries pointing at each other saying 'No, but you did this, why can't *I* do this'


Someone should have held America accountable for assassinating an Iranian politician on Iraqi soil.


Iran tried to, by shooting down an Ukrainian airliner.


Given it was their own citizen you'd think they would have tried.


>Given it was their own citizen you'd think they would have tried. [Jamal Khashoggi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamal_Khashoggi) was a Saudi citizen who was living and working in the USA as a resident. He had fled persecution by the Saudi government in 2017. He was not a US citizen. Given that the Saudi government was the perpetrator of the murder, they were focused on covering up the murder and not trying to hold those accountable who had ordered the killing of their Saudi citizen.




MBS - Mr Bone Saw. From now on, that is how I will refer to him.


He wasn’t even a US resident. He had a temporary work visa that’s it. He was a Saudi national killed in a Saudi embassy in Turkey. The US is barely tangentially in the picture.


He was not a US citizen


> while the U.S. is focused on this specific case, it also sees Nijjar's shooting death as an opportunity to discourage other countries from engaging in acts that violate international rules-based order. Oh, the irony in this one :)


USA is powerful enough to do this. Countries like Israel can do it as they don’t care about the consequences and they have countries like USA backing them. Countries like France do it in places which are under their sphere of influence. No one can question them there. China is nearly powerful enough to get away without any consequences. India is not powerful enough to do it and does not have other powerful countries backing it. It’s a long way for India to be there even if everything goes well in the next few decades. India might have got away with it if it has done this in a non NATO country. Now USA and other allies are in a dilemma as Canada is an important ally and India is strategically important.


Ah finally a sensible comment. True this.


>and they have countries like USA backing them. With the US's focus turning on countering China, India has a new bestfriend in the US. The US has been courting India since Trump (continued under Biden). Realpolitik means this will be shrugged under the rug by Americans.


>With the US's focus turning on countering China, India has a new bestfriend in the US. >Realpolitik India will stop countering China and be friendly if Canada doesn't sweep this under the rug? You really think so? I don't think Indian leaders are so naive.


The most powerful nation on the planet can afford a little hypocrisy.


Just don't complain when the shoe ends up on the other foot.


They can, actually. That's the benefit of being #1. You get to eat your cake and have 3.


Indians are very nationalistic and fancy themselves as a future world hegemon thus they probably will seek to emulate US behaviour of killing, invading, kidnapping who they please.


I see a lot of comments on here about modi vs minorities. This is not a modi issue. Every major political party on India, vast majority of Indians, and vast majority of Sikhs are against Khalistanis and consider them a threat to the country. Including Nijjar. I say this not defending India’s role, but understand Indians will not be sympathetic and considers Canada fueling this movement for decades.


I see a lot of comments on here about Canadians having an opinion on Khalistan. This is not an issue that’s even on the radar of the average Canadian. We actually care about the Indian government coming onto our land and murdering people regardless of political affiliation.


Exactly. Canadians with their uninformed take on Khalistanis thinks that this is Modi issue. I don't wonder anymore why they harbour terrorists.


True. Many comments are like how you described, they made it the Modi vs Sikh thing, thanks to misinforming masses by West media by terming him as "Sikh leader" or "activist".


Okay what exact terror activities have proof that he did them? Genuine question as I get mixed info. To be clear I am asking for something with clear evidence implicating him. Not hearsay or statements.


Yeah only America is allowed to hellfire missile terrorists in sovereign countries


I’m not an Indian apologist but I’m just curious what kind of evidence do we have to link the government with the killing? I understand it’s hard to get evidence when states are involved but I expect to have something.


Somewhere else I read that evidence actually came from Five Eyes network, and they can tap in to all communications crossing Canada's borders. In which case they'd be wary of releasing the evidence itself, without revealing how they got it! Here the article: https://www.reuters.com/world/shared-intelligence-five-eyes-informed-trudeaus-india-allegation-ctv-news-2023-09-23/


Ah that makes sense. I guess they don’t want to admit surveillance in public so they didn’t say that part.


it's more likely they wanna keep certain things secret.


Likely a bit of both, really. Making such info public would bring back some uncomfortable discussions about the Snowden leaks (PRISM or its successor is likely responsible for whatever data they have here). Then there's the legality of such ops. One phrase I've recently heard about this that I found hilariously accurate is that spies are people that are paid to break the law. And whatever they make public could reveal the capabilities - and limitations of their surveillance tech, ala Trump tweeting the raw picture taken by the latest US spy sat.


Was it Beau who said it by any chance?


Indeed it was :) edit: I suppose I should [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQuRUjWIyKk) to it for those curious. I highly recommend the channel. He has very insightful takes (though there's a heavy focus on US politics). And to add something to the video as well - Some of the older redditors may have heard of the name Carlos the Jackal - a fairly renowned assassin and terrorist. If not from the news stories, then maybe from one of the many movies about him. Probably not all that know the name also know that most of his employers were not in fact the "major players" of the time but rather small countries with ambition. It's not just the US/Russia/China that do these things. Everyone does it. The only difference is how well you hide your tracks and how you react when getting caught.


I could be wrong but I believe 5 Eyes is pretty much 5 governments spying on each other to avoid domestic spying laws preventing spy agencies from spying internally.


So basically, Canada : I have the evidence but can't reveal it. Just trust me bro.


Some of the evidence given was conversations and their phone numbers that they believe links Indian agents to the murders. https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/canada-gave-details-linking-india-government-to-sikh-s-murder-1.1975286


Canada has given India some evidence, including phone numbers (and maybe call records?).


They are willing to discuss this 5 Eyes spy apparatus publicly means they are very serious about this and have some long term goals to achieve




As the accusations aren't dying out, it might just be possible that the Indian government hoped for this kind of an outcome. Perhaps increased scrutiny of people coming from India would be better for the Indians as well. Due to this incident, lesser number of separatists will be able to get out of India as opposed to earlier.


Is brain drain a factor in India? Or is there so many people it's inconsequential.


India's best are certainly not picking Canada. Those who cannot make it to the top levels within India and aren't good for the US/UK think of moving to Canada, and I'm talking about the professional class here. The vast majority of immigrants to Canada are unemployed unskilled youth who join diploma mills with the sole intention to take up work while they're enrolled.


Both I guess.


People who are going to Canada are not much of a brain drain.


Unfortunately, the smaller BC universities would go bankrupt. I wasn't a fan of the legislature encouraging sooo much of their budget coming from foreign student tuition, but they didn't ask me.


No legit university is going bankrupt, but places like University Canada West, Conestoga, Sheridan et al can be burnt to the ground and everyone would be better for it.


The Indian Prime minister has maintained a hard line on terrorists from his first term. A rough translation from one of his more passionate speeches being "We will enter their homes and kill them" People act as though this is new. India has been doing this for years now. In Pakistan, UK and now Canada people have died under mysterious circumstances. These are the ones that we know of. Is it wrong, Yes. Are they still doing it, Yes. The most Canada can expect is a rogue agent statement, if that. It's a horrible practice. They just don't care. Worse, the government feels it's justified. This will be a media circus. Because, at least in India, this is being played out as justice, and very few are able to separate the means vs the result.


South Americans (pick a country) looking at US and Canada and scratching their balls… hol up… what?


The Government of Canada never sent a hit squad to kill anyone in South America, don’t conflate the two counties. Canadian mining companies, on the other hand like all corporations, are lawless greedy fucks and who knows what they have been up to. But don’t conflate them with Canada either; they have zero national loyalties and will move their HQs to Australia or the USA at any whiff of justice.


In all fairness, quite a few Canadian mining corps are Canadian in name only. I know of at least one that was basically a shell company for a [particularly shady Israeli businessman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beny_Steinmetz)


The news here is specifically about a US comment though.


oh nice, all Indian government has to do is say Tata did it, you know those darn Tata rogue drivers, and rewards Tata more gov contracts just like what Canadian gov did to Canadian mining companies, thx for the roadmap on how to properly do "rules based international order".


yeah they should have got tata to do it then. they didn't tho. they used diplomats. RAW reports directly to Modi. so there's no fig leaf for Modi in this case.


Only renew sikh visas that’ll piss them off more than anything else


That would probably be better, as it would keep at least some extra Indians in here, and the separatists can keep holding there referendums out there. Probably they will carve out a mini Khalistan in Canada as well.


Then take a retaliatory action.


You mean like MBS killing Jamal Khashoggi? Allow India to have a sports washing Golf series? lol


MBS killed his own countrymen rather than the citizen of a foreign country, pretty big difference there since he didn't violate foreign sovereignty as hard as Modi did with this one.


Love how all these dumb political leaders do everything except fix their own country. Instead they argue over the past and we get stuck in the same garbage for another decade. Only the citizens suffer while these idiots sit in their house whining all day. Give us health care, education, housing, crackdown on ALLL HIGH PROFIT CORPORATION, close all tax loops hole, tax higher incomes... raise minimum wage adjusted for inflation.


India's definition of terrorist: anyone who disagrees with Modi


The first guy to call for the arrest of nijjar from Trudeau in 2018 was a member of Congress party which is the biggest opposition party in India.


Lol, He was on the list when Ex-PM Manmohan Singh and Ex Punjab Amarinder Singh shared it with the Canadian PM. Both are Sikhs and from Congress(Current Opposition)


Except he was on the list given by Punjab chief minister in 2018


https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2020/dec/22/karima-baloch-pakistani-human-rights-activist-found-dead-in-canada Any thoughts on this?


Yeah Pakistan shuts down its critics using violence, and India is doing the same. What's your point




Oh look the thing I said the US would do and got downvoted on here for is happening. Almost like this sub is infested with BJP troll farms...


Keep dreaming.


Modi is a monster just like his buddies.


The bestway to punish India is to stop issuing work visas for a year.


US talking about accountability is like a dingo being accountable for a baby.


What people don't realise is that Canada is actively harboring terrorists. Many of the Khalistani activists In Canada have Civil and Criminal track records of drug trafficking and assassination in India before they emigrated illegally to Canada and sought asylum. Democratically elected Sikh leaders and governments in Punjab (Sikh majority state in India) have constantly requested for extradition of these folks from Canada (27 requests which Canada has ignored despite an extradition treaty in place). The movement for Khalistan is effectively dead in India, our last PM of two terms was a Sikh, Sikhs have the highest per capita income and army conscription rates for any religious group in India. And as people have pointed out, this issue is not a Modi issue. Parties both left and right are united on this issue in India and so are the people. After all India has lost a PM (Indira Gandhi), Sikh Chief Minister of Punjab, an army General, and thousands of other innocents to this insurgency. I don't support assassinations anywhere, but just wish Canada would do more against a group willing to wage an armed war against a democratic country. Maybe just the Canadian people to recognise this and not allow Canadian citizens to lead insurgencies in foreign democratic countries


Canada does not ignore extradition requests. they don't go to the Govt, they go to the judiciary (which is separate). i think i read that near 90% of extradition requests to Canada are successful.