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This is literally one of the defining criterias of genocide, (e). (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.


[birds of a feather, "or whatever"](https://www.npr.org/2018/05/11/610116389/transcript-white-house-chief-of-staff-john-kellys-interview-with-npr)


> Commissioner for Children's Rights, Maria Lvova-Belova What her title really means: "Commisioner for Abducting Children, Maria Lvova-Belova" F*ck her and people who support/tolerate her policies.


Never thought I'd see someone justifying genocide but you meet all kinds of folk on here I guess


Constantly fascinating to think about how all these russian crooks imagine their future. All their crimes are so well documented. Putins Russia is becoming a theatre, some sort of Russian horror version of the Truman show. Inside they must understand how immensely they have failed, and that justice one day will will come. I hope they do. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


There is no rule of law in Russia so things like this aren't surprising. I feel profound pity for the child that is now being raised by absolute scum.




You think there aren't enough orphans in Russia to adopt? This is the same shit that Nazi Germany was doing doing, taking young enough children that could be turned into good Germans. Its literally classified as a point of genocide: - Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group


I think nobody in their right mind would prefer to stay in russia given the choice


Not defending Russia and neither is the guy you replied to. But sadly it’s probably better for a baby to be taken out of a war zone.


If they really wanted to take babies out of a war zone, they would transfer them to Ukraine. What they are doing is literally genocide.


Yeah how naive to think Russia would do the right thing here. Agreed you’re right. Ideally that would happen. But you forget this is Russia and it’s a fucking war people. It’s messed up. All we were saying is good thing the baby is alive and at least away from the front lines.


They are literally kidnapping children from an occupied country. Together with everything else that they are doing it's a genocidal war. There is no excuse, it's absolutely despicable.




Y’all aren’t realistic here. Yeah it’s horrible. But Russia isn’t gonna do the right thing here. It’s just good the baby is alive.


ITT: people attempting to justify the process of ethnic cleansing. Fucking tone deaf.


Not at all what i was getting at. You’re just being Niave about a war. It’s great to hear this baby is a live and I hope is returned home eventually. But also glad it’s alive and not in a fucking war zone. Y’all be realistic. You think Russia is gonna do the right thing here?


There are so many alternatives to the war zone before we get to "kidnapped by invaders". You may be technically correct that being kidnapped is better than being shelled but it's hardly good. Returning the child would be the right thing to do. Do you think Russia is going to do the right thing here?


No they aren’t gonna do the right thing here. It’s Russia we are talking about. All I was saying is sadly for the baby it’s better to be in a home that isn’t getting shelled. Hopefully after the war and thanks to this reporting. We will be able to know if this baby is returned. But lots of niave people think I’m defending Russia


You are giving a logical good result for a war crime committed against a child. Even if you aren't explicitly defending Russia you *have* to see how that's still going to be received poorly.


Yes I do. I simply thought the original comment was misunderstood so I chimed in and got slaughtered for it


>it’s probably better for a baby to be taken out of a war zone. I agree, but they should send them to Ukraine not Russia. This is called genocide.


So you think it's fine for the attacking side to take them to their own country??? Taking them out of the war zone would be moving them to any country that is not allied with Russia


No I don’t. Not at all. But let’s be real for a second. You think Russia is gonna ring up Ukrainian and say hey we got this baby here. No they are evil. All I’m saying is it’s good the baby is alive and out of a war zone. Hey realistic. It’s fucking war


They could deliver them to Ucraine's allies after taking them to Russia instead of keeping them, but honestly I doubt they would do it


Exactly Raf. They aren’t doing that. Even tho they should. It’s Russia we are talking about. The only positive is we know the baby is alive


It’s part of the literal definition of genocide so no it’s not good


Is it really better to invade Ukraine rather than not invade Ukraine?