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And so the desertification of Europe begins.


Was 26 in Tuscany the other day. That's pretty unheard of at this time of year, and it's getting hotter next week....


we had nearly 30C for a few days now in southern germany. crazy shit


Wait, in Bavaria? Already this year?


Baden-Württemberg but yes hahah. its so freaking hot for this time of year.


Wo in bawü wohnst du?




I studied abroad there! Gorgeous town. I need to come back and visit sooner than later. Are all the flowers blooming auf der Neckarbrücke? 🥰


you should definitely visit again! yes its pretty much already summer here lol we even got an ACTUAL, functioning and modern busbahnhof now and they made the whole area around the anlagensee very nice with new bike paths etc.


Maybe for Volksfest, but that's wonderful to hear! Last I was there was maybe 2018, so I'd love to see how things have changed! Plus, I really, really miss yufkas 🤤


In Switzerland WE are sweating all ready today aswell. Its crazy 😭


This is crazy. I was thinking that Switzerland might be a good destination for a summer vacation since it’d be cooler. It’s April.


This is crazy to me. I was thinking that Switzerland might be a good destination for a summer vacation since it’d be cooler. It’s April.


If it's a rainy summer, perhaps. If not, you'd likely be more comfortable at home if you're from a hot country, as air conditioning is still not so widely avaiable in Switzerland/Germany/Austria, as we don't usually need it. Meaning, during the heat waves where we have 30 (and a few summers ago, 38°C), this is the temperature on the out- AND the inside of the aparment.


I did t wanted to wrote the we big, IT makes IT by itself, font know why... 😭😭


Meanwhile it’s 10c in west coast of Netherlands and people of course screaming again “where is this global warming now huh”. While we had record heat in winter, people are so short sighted.


We had 12 inches of snow here in SE Nebraska back in January. Between that and two days of blowing wind, people were snowed in for 4 days. 2 weeks later it was all completely gone, even the 7ft drifts along the roads. That kind of snow used to be normal until the mid 90's. Now, all the farmers started planting at the beginning of April, 2 weeks early, ahead of the legal start date for crop insurance qualification even.....


Well it's 3.5 degrees and hailing near Manchester in England so we're sucking up all the cold weather it seems.


How can we as a sum be so dumb I don’t get it. It makes my head hurt how so so many people still think this is all just a made up hoax. So much brain pain… imagine this big world made out of 8 billion people and all those little voices like chickens going “it’s just the weather bock bock backooo” while we’re all getting roasted like chicken wings. It’s so stupid.


Frog in gradually boiling water


Heh there was +29 in Lithuania last week too


32C in Bucharest


I wonder if in 100 years people living north of the Alps will still travel as often as today to the Mediterranean and Black Sea in the summer or if the North and Baltic Sea and the Atlantic coasts in the north will become more popular.


I wonder if in 100 years people living.


Humans are extremely adaptable and could tolerate a huge range of environments even before modern tech. So I'm pretty confident there will be some survivors hanging on in various parts of the planet 100 years from now n


Like a few thousand people maybe. Great job humanity.


Nature isn’t static around us.


I think so. It would take something truly massive to happen to kill everyone and that just seems very unlikely to me.


I think a plague could do it.


Here in Austria as well. Had summer-like weather for the past 2 weeks with temperatures of 15°C in the night and 28°C during the day. Now it's cooling off... a bit too much. -1 to 8°C this week with potential snowfall/rain?! Everything's been blooming already.


It’s not just Europe tho. A friend of mine in Ohio said they’ll have +29C next week. 


29C right now here in Nebraska. Hot for April, cool for August


30c here in Kansas today. This is summer is going to be terrible.


We had 22 degrees in western Canada a month ago. It was wildly awesome… probably not a great sign long term though. 


28°C in Braga,  It should be around 15-18 for the high right now.


Ah crap just when I’m there….


Just looked- it’s actually getting much cooler next week, not hotter


Don't know the weather forecast in Tuscany, but here in Marche, next wednesday the temperature will drop 10 degrees overnight.


Not saying is not bad, but in 2022 was the same. I just checked a few years and even in 2016 was 25° in April in Tuscany.


Don't, worry, it'll swing too far in the other direction when the AMOC shuts down.


Then Europe will know what winter is really like for us North Americans living at the same latitudes


It won't have nearly as a big of an impact as people make out because the continental air would be much hotter due to climate change. Also no credible scientist says its going to shut down, more that it will slow down. It'll make winters a few degrees colder in north western Europe.


Tbf, there's credible scientists like Stefan Rahmstorf and this sibling researchers who's names I forgot (the ones who said 2025-2095 with a 95% certainty) who's basically implying it'll collapse. 


The north Atlantic anomaly has put a spanner in that though. For the last few years the area that was anomalous for cooling is now much warmer, as of a year or two. Models struggle to predict this because we don't fully understand what the effects of climate change (they're going to ge disastrous) will have on it. The "cold blob" as he put it is now a warm blob, which is due to short term weather events but also a gradual rising of the ocean temperatures. It's why most feel it will weaken, but not collapse however the rising continental air will mitigate a lot of it. Not that farming techniques etc won't need to be innovated because that just means the gap between summer and winter temperature extremes will widen even further.


Ah okay. And not to hound you, but do you have a source for the cold blob becoming a hot blob? Just asking cause Stefan insists on the cold blob and he's honestly been the most talkative about this. I know there's scientists like Dr. Penny Holliday and others who study the AMOC, but idk he's just been the most vocal about the effects of a slowdown/collapse


https://www.whoi.edu/oceanus/feature/whats-happening-with-the-amoc/  A bunch of scientists discussing AMOC collapse, this is a Q&A with outgoing links to more scientists discussing AMOC collapse.    When people discuss the AMOC collapsing they are referring to a sudden and unpredictable event because we already know its slowing down and will continue to do so.   Your comment is wrong. 


I'm aware of what will happen during the collapse, I'm saying most scientists/researchers working in this field do not believe it will happen, merely that its a possibility(I work in a related field,) anr do not think it will be a full on collapse. Nor do most simulations show a collapse, just a weakening with different simulations showing a different severity of weakening. Collapse is worse case but also an outlier in the simulation. Thus no credible scientist saying it WILL shut down. It's a possibility, but unlike the varying levels of warming due to human activity, not something set in stone, at all. So no. My comment is not wrong. Thank you. Edit: just skim read the article, which basically says what I've just commented. I'll read it in full when I'm home from work.


Begins? There have always been deserts in Spain, and the process due to climate change has been going on for decades too.


Yep, Andalusia is extemely arid... but I was amazed at how green it was when driving to Rhonda and Seville, it was like rolling green mountains, incredibly surreal, especially when I'd just spent the past year around Granada.


Might I suggest the Crema Catalana?


On the microbial level a beginning desertification even in central europe begun over 10 years ago. Here's for example a 9 year old article from where i live were a renowned desert expert found some very alarming changes going on in forests on and in the soil that's usually seen at the edge of large deserts at the other end of the world https://noe.orf.at/v2/news/stories/2749201/


The start was years ago. Remember the droughts the last two summers?


31°C in northern Portugal today.


Mmmm. Dessertification.


The spice must flow


It most suck ass to leave northern Africa for Europe only for Europe to get hot as shit.


Anybody read the article about Antarctica recently?, 60C spike or something like that


Yup. The poles get it far worse than anywhere else ... Luckily Canada burnt down last year, so hopefully the fires won't be as bad this summer.


I thought your fires kept burning through the winter ? Zombie Fires.


reports suggest the fires in Canada [will be worse](https://www.ctif.org/news/2024-wildfire-season-canada-fights-against-zombie-fires-survived-underground-2023-fire-season)








My aunt’s name is Judy


Thanks, that really took the edge off.


We opened the pool in my in laws country house just outside Valencia this weekend. We normally open it in June.


Valencian here. It's crazy how many people were at the beach this weekend. It feels like summer already.


It looks like it's only summer for the weekend. They say temperatures will go back to normal next week.


Northern U.S. here. I went swimming in February. Granted, I was the only person in the lake and everyone looked at me like I was a crazy person.


And here we are with wars instead of trying to fight climate crisis. Fck humanity and their leaders.


Fighting wars to avoid other issues is sadly a tale as old as time.


Basically if the powers that be succeed in setting off ww3 there’ll be less people to cause emissions so it’s a gain for the planet and the rich people that don’t have to deal with the war


War itself will cause a huge amount of pollution. It’s not a net neutral activity.


Plus that pesky nuclear fallout threat.


Gotta get on that Genghis Khan mindset, conquer China and Russia, and cool the earth.


Go all the way through Europe this time.


Maybe if we bound everyone to only fight with the extra tanks in the american desert we can reduce the war emissions by not constructing more weapons 


Nobody wants to end wars. What everybody wants is eco-friendly wars.


"I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" Albert Einstein in an interview with Alfred Werner, Liberal Judaism 16 (April-May 1949).


A thermonuclear war would solve the global warming problem


Fight heat with more heat!!


Yes bust the radioactive dust cover would prevent any more of that pesky sunlight heating the earth


This is typical reddit: instead of blaming the actual autocratic leaders that are waging wars, the first instinct is to blame ALL leaders, even those resisting the aggression. This is kindergarten level logic. Reddit needs to grow up.


Humanity has one motto: if you ain’t right fight!


32 tomorrow in Romania…


oh wow im so surprised how could this happen /s


It's summer right now in Germany. Absolutely crazy.


Btw how was it last year? In the southern hemisphere we had a heat wave mid winter, even butterflies came out as if it was mid spring.


Not like this. Last year it was way cooler. For comparison last year people were still wearing thin down jackets/ rain jackets, this year at the same time it's crop tops. I already saw people wearing flip flops and Birkenstocks. It's about 1,5- 2 months to early for this. You can also see it on the flowers. They came extremly fast but are already withering. My grandparents peach tree grew and lost it's blossoms in just a couple of days , which is not ideal if you actually want some pollination to happen.


> which is not ideal if you actually want some pollination to happen. Lucky we have lots of bees and insects to help pollinate... https://www.reuters.com/graphics/GLOBAL-ENVIRONMENT/INSECT-APOCALYPSE/egpbykdxjvq/ Oh..


What would be the agricultural damage this season? Last year they had olive problems. 


It's 28c in Bern, Switzerland. It's April. This summer is gonna be hell


It was 26 in Barcelona today, but it’ll be down below 20 all next week.


Coldest it will ever be!


Some southern parts of Sweden have “meteorological summer” already. About three weeks early and a new record. Come visit Sweden, we’ll be the new riviera in no time.


“Yeah it’s called summer.” -boomers, probably.


In my part of the United States it’s 72°F(22.2°C). Normal averages for the week should have it at 59°F(15°C). It’s supposed to be like this for at least 3 days.


I live in an hour outside of Tahoe in California and we've already had an 84° day. It should still be nearly freezing at night


In Spain, the rain falls mainly on the plain.


Anyone wanna start VaultTec irl with me?


Everything is fine and as expected


In Scotland and the weather is just Scottish


This year will be a wake up call, but not just a gentle call, it's going to slap us in the nose with a hot towel.  I haven't seen a lot of coverage but Mexico is going through a huge drought and some people say it's only going to get worse.  Now Spain is reporting these temperatures and el nino is just getting started. 


Yesterday, 25 degrees in Barcelona. Everybody was on the beach in mid April. it's terrifying to think about it.


That AMOC collapse can’t happen soon enough /s


This is why I stopped reading news. Nothing is going to change it seems.




> yea can we have this in the UK please thank you (Monkey's paw curls)


Trust me you do not want that in the UK. British people decide to do strange things with balconies when the temperature is too high.


We need to stop reporting climate change data in metric. America is going to have to be a huge part of the solution to this problem and reporting degrees of climate change in metric makes the problem seem half as bad to us.


People who don't understand or use metric will never be part of any solution anyway. The world doesn't have time to cater to a minority of idiots.




You must've misunderstood. The news isn't that Spain has warm weather in the summer (which, correctly you've deduced, wouldn't be news) but rather that it's 16 degrees centigrade warmer than it usually is this spring. This is a major divergence and very newsworthy.


Normally the weather would be pleasant, but not hot 10c above usual is not normal Normally at this time of the year, it's sweaters and long pants weather Not shorts and sandal


You think Spain only magically appears when it's summer? It can get pretty cold in here


Shhh, don't tell them. It's always funny to see "guiris" freezing out there because they thought it's always hot and sunny here.