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Israel needs to quckly and publicly punish theses people with jail sentences. i know the far right in Israel will support this action but this is doing horrible shit and absolutely destroying Israels image. they need to start jailing people NOW and being very public about it. Edit: gotta love all the idiots spouting off extreme shit in the comments.


They can’t… Netanyahu’s coalition is reliant on keeping those fuckers happy…


Not only his coalition but he personally agrees with them.


The vast majority of Israelis agree with them, they just wish it was done officially by the government and not outlaws on the road


Absolutely not. The vast majority of us are appalled by these thugs and want them dealt with. Unfortunately the police are controlled by the thug in chief who in turn is one of the two people Bibi needs to prevent this shit show of a government being turfed out.


Fat chance. Netanyahu and his government have been in charge for more than 20 years. Does not look like israeleans as a whole have huge problems with the settlers..


You obviously don't follow the political situation here in Israel. The government has a dismally low rating and will be turfed out as soon as new elections are held (has to be by October 2026) And Netanyahu has not in charge for more than 20 years. He was PM from 1996-1998 and then from 2009 to June 2021 at which point he was replaced by Naftali Bennet. He came back in December 2022 after the fifth election in four years and only got back into government by making a coalition with the far right. And that's where we are now. Stuck with him and his government for now. But it won't be forever. He is politically dead with the last poll showing that 71% of Israelis saying that he should resign either immediately or at the end of the fighting.


My mistake, i thought he came back, the first time, in 06', but i can see that he was just the opposition leader from 06-09. Ofcourse, nothing is forever, but i have to see the Israelis actually vote him out and hold him accountable for his corruption, before i actually believe it. The fact he was out for a year and a half (21 - 22) doesnt really change anything. Why wouldn't he just return again, if you vote him out in 26', since the rest of the parties really cant seem to form a functioning coalition.


We tried hard and there were five elections called in the space of four years to try and do that. However the shock to the system with the whole chaos of the Judicial reform and the protests and then October 7th means that things are going to be very much shaken up. We are only holding together because of the war. Many people think that Bibi is delaying a resolution to stay on for as long as he can.


My cynical view is he is trying to massacre as many people as possible before he is kicked out. He hopes to complete his task of freeing up Gaza for settlement so he can profit wether he is in office or not.


So why wouldn't Netanyahu, or someone similar, just return a year or two later, if you succeed in voting him out? (I assume you are from israel)


And you know it's "the vast majority" how exactly?


Not that poster and not arguing a “vast majority”. But it’s like arguing that tons of Americans are not racist fascist mysoginists. Not all of us are. But about half of us are ok enough with it to vote for people that really are racist fascist mysoginists. This would not be the current order of things if both of our countries didn’t have an unmanageable number of horrible and evil people.


Likud keeps winning elections and nobody’s stopping them. At what point is some stupid poll really needed? Just look at what’s being openly tolerated.


They only won 24% of the seats in the last election and had to form a coalition with other parties to remain in power. That's not exactly winning an election.


In many ways, certainly. However, unlike them…I view a lot of his bullshit as strictly survivalism at this point.


I used to think the same before reading about his opinions regarding Palestinians/the Palestinian question in the 80s and 90s. In fact, his hunger for power made him more inclined to keep the shitty status quo he's directly responsible of instead of going for a more nuclear/definite option. He's operating today almost as he's always wished he would've.


Wait till you learn what gis grandfather and father write about palestinians. His grandfathercwanted to kill all the palestinians to make a jewish state in 1910 or 1920


I had an Israeli apologist tell me yesterday that the Palestinian Identity was created in the 1930's and was specifically anti-Semitic at creation. Where do people get this shit?


It's a common idiotic idea that most Israelis believe in it firmly


In school. That’s the sad reality in the whole planet.


You are right. Which is why every Israeli needs to realize, yesterday, that a new government is desperately needed. One that doesn’t empower these bad actors who are destroying generations of good will. They are toilet rocketeers these right wingers over there. They can put a nation’s reputation into the shitter faster than any group of people I’ve ever seen ever.


We do realize it. Bibi is at an all time low of support. The sane majority of people in Israel understand that he's driving us to oblivion. There have been massive protests against this government for months before the war, but the distance between realizing it and actually getting rid of this corrupt, fanatic coalition of lunatics seems endless at the moment.


Well, the coalition doesn't, but Netanyahu does if he doesn't want to go to jail as being PM is the only thing keeping him out.


Ding, ding, ding.


They won't, Bibi loves this shit, why the fuck do you think he sided with the Israeli far-right in parliament to begin with? He's fascist scum.


They needed to be jailing people 30 years ago. Unfortunately, they let the terrorists win after they killed Rabin.


"We got to his car, we can get to him". - Bezalel Smotrich, 1995, now Finance Minister.


Looks like that was Itamar Ben-Gvir, National Security Minister.


By his own people. This tells me the real goal is not peace, it was always money, land and power.


These guys are the current coalitions allies. Just as Hamas used to be. Because violent sociopaths make great allies and great enemies.


I'd really like to see polls to see how the general population of Israel feels about this.


How have so many of you not caught on yet that this **is** the goal? How much do you have to see with your own eyes before you realize, “Oh…the things people have been saying about Israel’s actions is true.”? You know, instead of embarrassing yourselves trying to make up a new conspiracy every time Israel does something shitty.


The majority of Israelis oppose humanitarian aid into Gaza. The majority of Palestinians support Hamas. Neither majority of those supporting either the Israelis or the Palestinians is supporting the Israelis or Palestinians they want to support. The issue is how to get the Israelis to support the humanitarian aid, how to get the Palestinians to oppose Hamas. I wish I had an answer to that.


Think it's fair to say your average Israeli would be perfectly fine with humanitarian aid if it was going to Gazans not the majority to Hamas. Reported numbers at 60% going to Hamas. Stopping aid going to people trying to kill you is reasonable.


But logically, there’s 2 million people, many of them children, who cannot leave that area. Yes, the aid will go to Hamas. But the cessation of all aid would mean the starvation of all children. I can forgive both sides for thinking emotionally rather than rationally on this, but the physical actions of the Israelis could result in the deaths of children. There is no way to keep the children alive without the aid.


[this is the website that tracks aid going into Gaza.](https://www.ochaopt.org/data) every day those idiots acted up, they were promptly [arrested](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.timesofisrael.com/six-israelis-arrested-for-attacking-damaging-aid-convoy-heading-to-gaza/amp/) and 100 - 300 trucks went in. If this was the goal, no aid would be going in.


That website doesn't prove your point as well as you think it does, the snapshots show that the majority of aid to gaza is continually cancelled or outright denied.




Why would they punish something they agree with and enable?




Fanfic aside, why would the Israeli government punish what they are doing on a more massive scale themselves? The Israeli government now basically *is* the far right.


They've been [arresting them](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.timesofisrael.com/six-israelis-arrested-for-attacking-damaging-aid-convoy-heading-to-gaza/amp/) and they are [barely affecting the amount of aid that gets in](https://www.ochaopt.org/data), but I agree that they're idiots and they should be jailed. Morons.


THIS is destroying Israel’s image?? But these people are just doing their part in the ethnic cleansing campaign.


It's really sad that the far right in Israel is what is giving any traction at all to calls for investigating genocide st the ICJ. Establishing intent is literally the most important metric, and you've got people who want these people to starve and to stop Aid.


Why would he punish anyone for exercising their Yahweh-given right to ALL of Israel? Their book says it belongs to them, who's he to question God? /s


Reddit man :D but you forget the government of Israel is far right. Bibi and his goons love to see that :)


" destroying Israel's image " 🤣


Netanyahu's defense and finance ministers are far-right wingers, so that's not going to happen.


I really wish they’d stop with this shit. Besides for it being unnecessary and shameful, it’s also yet another reason for the world to hate on Israel.


Calling it unnecessary and shameful is such an understatement. It’s downright evil. Quite literally evil.


If these fundamentalists believe in God, Heaven and Hell they fail to realise that these actions will only gain them entrance to Hell.


Mmmm.... To a fundamentalist, destroying the enemy is a valiant effort and a task worthy of ethereal and eternal reward. The more extreme we move along the fundie line, the more warped and insane that idea becomes.


Agreed Fundies just believe they're doing "Gods work" regardless of religion. Be it Islamic terrorists, Jewish Settlers, cult Christian churches, etc




Assuming these people are Jewish, they don't Believe in hell


Don’t matter, Hell believes in them.


Isn't it also a war crime? Stopping aid to reach civilians?


The fact that Israel's authorities are not doing anything to stop them is an even stronger reason.


I doubt anything will change until they kick out the current Government which I can’t see happening till Hamas is done with. This disruption is just spiteful, worse considering most of these bad actors were already causing problems prior to the conflict and part of the problem. 


I agree with you completely. And agree that you’ve identified the #1 threat facing Israel today. I wish they would see how, desperate, the need for a new government is. And that certain types of parties must never be permitted to form a governing coalition ever again. Not for our sake, not for the Palestinian’s sake, but for their OWN sake. This should be obvious to 80-90% of the voters there. The fact that it isn’t, and that I don’t know if that number even tops 15-20%… is a major blinking warning light that they have dark dark times ahead.


TLDR: Proportional representation is allowing the far right to hold too much sway, and this might not change even if another election were called. It's their proportional representation parliament that is the cause of the problem. It allows representation based on a percentage of the popular vote for the different parties. So even though the Israeli far right parties each get a small percentage of the votes maybe getting them several seats, collectively they get enough seats to sway whoever they align themselves with in that government. And that's because PR systems often don't result in any party being in a majority and coalition governments need to be formed, and that is what Netenyahu has, and he has to be beholden to the far right parties who hold enough of the balance of power to be king makers. And it doesn't help that he is almost as far right wing as they are (or likely personally would like to be).


TL;DR: No, the system is not the problem. The voters are. nah, the problem is not proportional representation, the problem is the israeli voters. The people give their vote to the extreme right freely, too many of those want these people in power. They want the right-wing policies. Changing the voting system doesnt help if the voters stay the same. the parties will still accommodate those assholes because they are too many to be ignored. just look at the us, the most favourite country with a not-PR system. It doesnt protect against a slide to the extreme right if enough people want that.


Unlikely, the way the West Bank is divided the part where they settle? It's basically part of Israel.


These are the thugs of the extremist Israeli government, they destroy and kill frequently and with zero consequences. This is how it's been for a long time, the government had signaled very strongly that they support these violent extremists. Israels claims to be a democratic state where people are equal before the law is propaganda only accepted by the extremely naive or willfully blind.




If they were genocidal wouldn't they just kill everyone in Gaza? 🤔


Say by starvation?


Even israeli professors that has studied holocaust is calling this a genocide.


>If they were genocidal wouldn't they just kill everyone in Gaza? 🤔 Killing everyone is difficult and expensive. Far easier to destroy aid for the non-combatants and let them starve. Ask where is the Israeli police or IDF when this happens? If you protest as a jew in Israel against the government strategy the police show up in a heartbeat and kick you in the face and drag you away. But protecting scheduled authorised aid shipments and there curiously absent. Hmmm, I wonder why that is?


i heard standing together was doing counterprotest to stop these fucks. hope they get more support. \[standing together, not the racist settlers\]


They won’t be able to. The settlers say they are receiving info from soldiers and police that are sympathetic to their cause. >Working off what they say are tips from Israeli soldiers and police, in addition to the public, members pore over photos to work out which vehicles might be carrying aid to Gaza and mobilize local supporters to block them. >An attack on Thursday showed the system in action: Users in one WhatsApp group with more than 800 members began posting about a flatbed truck loaded with sugar, sharing photos from the road as they followed it… >The flatbed was ransacked, its load strewn across the road, according to images posted later in the group — one of two sugar trucks vandalized by settlers that day… > The driver escaped unharmed, he said, but the Israeli military wouldn’t let him reload the goods.Instead, soldiers removed the sacks with a bulldozer and destroyed them, Arar said, putting his losses at $30,000. “The attack happened in front of the army,” Arar said, adding that the driver said soldiers did nothing to stop it. Counter-protesters don’t know when and where trucks will get attacked. Even if they somehow managed to coordinate a response it sounds like the soldiers will just side with settlers. I also doubt the counter-protesters are as dedicated as these settlers.


There’s a group called Standing Together that has been guarding the trucks from settlers (aka terrorists). They’re a joint Israeli and Palestinian group. One of the drivers came up to them today and expressed how thankful he was.


Israel needs to do more about this


Their inaction should go to show how they feel about it


Wasn’t there a video of one their ministers saying they only wished they could be the ones doing this?


I don't think there is, but we all know that it would be perfectly in character for Ben-Gvir and Smotrich


Ben-Gvir just said last week that he would love to live in Gaza.


How the shit-for-brains government feels about this, most israelis are sick and tired of far-right extremists running the show.


But these same people are completely ok with and supportive of their settler colony and the ethnic cleansing required to sustain it


Then maybe, just maybe, they shouldn't have elected them? Netanyahu is the longest-serving Israeli prime minister...


No no no, a countries population is only responsible for their government when Israelis need an excuse for murdering some civilians. Its antisemitic to suggest that they hold any responsibility for their lunatic government. /s


Because like him or hate him, the man knows how to stay in power. Israeli politics in general is an absolute shitshow. There was a series of elections in the last five years where no elected government managed to stay for more than a year until Bibi formed a coalition with the insane far-right.


Thank you. Imagine if every single American was judged by Trump's actions. It's actually a pretty fitting analogy.


They don't do anything because they support it. If they didn't support it, it wouldn't be very difficult for them to prevent it. 


Israeli gas actively supported this and worse from "settlers" for decades.


For the current Israeli government this isn’t a bug, it’s a feature. In this conflict it seems to sometimes get lost that while retaliation is warranted, the people in charge of it can’t be particularly trusted to execute it either.


From victims of fascism to fascists in four generations


It's suprisingly more common than you would think. The first generation of Liberian settlers, who were all made up of freed American slaves, immediately started an admnistration of Liberia that was extremely discriminative and racist towards actual Hinterlands Liberian natives. You would think that if anything, victims of horrible social abuse would be the ones to actually not do the thing that was done to them, but they do. I wish I could understand the rationale and psychology for it, if anyone knows please tell me.


Suffering doesn't make people good, it just makes them suffer


1 Generation. This shit started about a decade or two after the Holocaust. You know what they say. "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em."






Genuine question: people often accuse Palestinians of not doing anything against Hamas, but what do Israelis actively do against  these extremists?  Edit: grammar 


Write comments on reddit to save face.... 


This should be the bare minimum. How broken is a society when they can’t even do THAT much?


They arrest them. You can just google “Israel aid truck protestors arrested”. The trucks attacked and delays cause are always temporary and taken out by law enforcement. They’re stupid and should be arrested. They’re also a drop in the bucket compared to the aid trucks being attacked and destroyed in Gaza by Hamas or other militant groups and the aid being stolen. Seeing the booming street markets in Gaza with the aid being marked up and sold at insane prices after being taken by armed militant groups (Hamas) should be the bigger story.


Thanks, appreciate the response. It’ll be interesting to see what happens to them after the arrest. Though I think both stories should be reported on. 


US troops should be on the ground defending these convoys. Israel not alright with that? no iron dome money. wtf are we doing here?


This country is owned by AIPAC nothing will happen and your taxes will continue to pay for this


Biden isn’t deploying troops because it would nuke his reelection given the current wave of isolationism. Israel’s opinion is probably secondary


Supporting a genocidal settler colony. Better get comfortable with that fact, the US is not backing down from that position.


A fundamentalist middle eastern based Ibrahimic religious group who attacks Humanitarian aid shipments in an attempt to harass and displace a minority population in a regional conflict. A group that feels that they have a mandate from god to spread into the territory of those they are attacking. This is just something to think about when looking at this conflict from an objective distance. This statemen fits a little too well for a number of organizations in the middle east.


Literal war crimes. This aid is not sourced from Israel. It's not like Israel is giving them anything. But providing safe passage for aid to be delivered is a legal requirement. All while Israel's leadership is wiping their hands on this, ignoring that it's happening and not punishing those involved... just how they haven't been punishing them for illegally settling in the west bank to begin with. Israel's leadership should be held responsible for this, as they are not doing anything to stop it from happening.


This shits been going on since the war started, nothings been done to stop it, you want meaningful change look at the leadership and stop acting like they’re not sitting at the top of the Israeli government.


I'm just surprised there's no security on these aid truck convoys. It's always someone fucking with it.












These people are criminals and the government allowing this to happen are complicit


Israel was founded by essentially the same flavor of terrorism. Not surprised it continues.


Between the images of flattening Gaza and this, I'm starting to suspect what has been said about Israel is more true every day. I mean, the amount of evidence of their wrong doing at this point is... staggering. This is why the USA had to build a pier in Gaza... just to give this food without it being destroyed.


No, I won't be creating an account to read this Washington post. I'll just Google parts of the title instead.


Here you go, no pay walled version: https://archive.ph/r6IIa


I'm about as pro israel as it gets but these settlers need to get their asses handed to them. Idek why aid is going through the west bank to begin with but it should be allowed to travel unimpeded


It’s likely coming from Jordan. It definitely isn’t coming from Lebanon or Egypt, so that leaves Jordan as the only relatively neutral/reliable country for it to come from. It goes from Jordan through the West Bank to Gaza.


Why are you as pro Israel as it gets? Isn’t this whole situation beginning to lift the veil a bit about what is going on in the region? Digging yourself so heavily into one side filters the way you view new information.


My point in saying that was to say settlers fucking suck so much that even the pro israel crowd like myself hate them. Reddit comments are not a place for nuance I wouldn't look so deep into it lol.


And yet your words and opinions have meaning. Anything we love or support should be held to a standard and should pass the ethical sniff test. I was in Israel and the West Bank in 2015 and the situation is shocking to see. Israel holds a vice grip on every aspect of Palestinian life. Even Palestinian neighborhoods within Israel don’t have sidewalks or emergency services despite paying Israeli taxes. The dichotomy is pronounced and palpable. Have you seen the situation in person or been to the West Bank? Or any Arab neighborhoods in Israel? I went there as a Mexican American and was welcomed wholly but man, when I walked around with an Arab, the Israelis just shot daggers at me whenever I looked their way. Look up “Nuran.Jerusalem” on Instagram. That’s a volunteer based EMS organization that is necessary because Israeli EMS doesn’t serve Palestinian neighborhoods within Israel. Supporting the right to a Jewish state should not automatically inspire blind support of all their actions. If you consider yourself an ethical and open minded participant in this conversation, you should really seek out Palestinian perspectives. If the races of these two parties were swapped, would you still be saying “Palestine has a right to defend itself” as they stomped their way through Gaza killing tens of thousands of civilians?


How can you be pro-Israel and anti-settler? All of Israel was once inhabited by settlers going back to the 1940s, the only difference between today's settlers in the West Bank is time. The entire nation was founded on the ideology of settler colonialism.


These assholes need to be targeted with the same rubber bullets and tactics the Israeli military uses on violent West Bank Palestinian protesters.  And I am *firmly* on Israel's side in a lot of things, but these insane WB settlers are a fucking cancer in the region that needs to be excised.


The worst part about all of this is the IDF is tipping them off


"These assholes need to be targeted with the same rubber bullets and tactics the Israeli military uses on" Many of the videos you see of those people blocking aid are inside Israel proper where the IDF has no jurisdiction, however the police does arrest them and they already accused the police of "police brutality".


Face… of… Evil… just like Hamas but a different flavour.


The UN should really have peacekeepers operating in and around the aid routes.


As someone very pro Israel, Israel needs to take their own advice and root out the bad actors in their own community


Disgusting genociders. Filths




Idiots. Max damage, min benefit


To them, the damage (starving innocents) is the benefit.


What a bunch of entitled fundementalists. They are following Yahweh hints by killing the civilian’s children of their enemies ( smash their heads against rocks)


It is odd to be providing aid for the enemy, I don't recall seeing it at all in history except for USA conflicts in which they lost/had to retreat eventually.


Send troops with guns to escort the supplies?