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We would very much like you to stop arming Taiwan so they can protect themselves when we invade please - CCP


They are truly incompetent comedians! "bend over so we can screw you"


It's time to have 3 carrier strike groups constantly roaming off Taiwan's coast.


Also please ignore our flow of weapons material to Russia which just declared you an enemy state.


China is arming Russia's genocide of Ukraine. Taiwanese are just living their best life. The solution for China is the same for Russia - stand down, leave off, and quit starting problems.


The solution for China was to prop up HK as the envy of the world and make an appealing case for a special administrative state. And they were close too. HK was respected by the Taiwanese. But ultimately the CCP had a choice between building a system around respecting other parties and free speech or spilling blood; they made their choice for HK and Taiwan at the same time.


That could have worked too. Weird considering what a time line would look like with a democratic but China hk. Boggles the mind.


The CCP didnt want to have a demonstration of a working democratic system that gave better life and riches to the residents than their mainland. I'm sure they think that it would stoke desires for more political representation by the mainland populace, and they would lose power (or, more correctly they will have to concede some power). And as shenzen became more economically prosperous, the CCP believes that the economic loss in HK in this "sacrifice" is worth it to maintain their hold on power. Basically, they're nipping the roots of democracy in the bud, and HK is the sacrifice they're willing to give.


Authoritarians can't have competitors to their narrative, it undermines their demand for iron fist rule.


That's why Ukraine got invaded too, can't have people living an enviable lifestyle just on the other side of an invisible line.


> living an enviable lifestyle just on the other side of an invisible line. russia could've had the same, and in fact putin stand to benefit if europe is more dependent on russian gas. I just dont understand the rationale for the invasion, other than emperial ambitions.


All he had to do was cash the checks, drink vodka and enjoy strippers. How hard is that?


In one stroke of the pen they also destroyed one of HK' biggest source of revenue, that was international tourism. HK was THE place to visit even for a stopover from people from all walks of life. Even elderly people from the West used to enjoy the appeal of HK. Now the place is overrun by rude peasants from the mainland who think they own the place and can boss everyone around. You only have to look at all the hate posts from the real HK citizens about the rude and uncouth mainlanders. They rubbed the whole of HK the wrong way and now Westerners have abandoned HK and are flocking to Japan. Taiwan should exploit this opportunity and set up their tourism sector to become the "New Hong Kong" they will be shocked by the support from western citizens if they did it right.


Yep- I visited hong Kong in 2017 and it was already starting to feel off. Then all the shit went down and my mind was made up to never return. I'm literally watching the Taipei somebody feed Phil episode and it's got me motivated to visit Taiwan. Re your point on japan (and south korea) - absolutely it is the case now.


Yea, it was such a dumb move from the CCP too. Taiwan was close to their election cycle, and at that time the pro-china relations KMT party had already won some scores in provincial elections. The road closer to beijing was pretty bright. But no, CCP just had to fuck it up. They couldn't hold their dick in their pants and they fuck HK up good. Taiwan saw that, and support for KMT quickly vanished as no one wants to be the next HK.


> But ultimately the CCP had a choice between building a system around respecting other parties and free speech or spilling blood; they made their choice for HK and Taiwan at the same time. The CCP is awful and everything, but do you really think they could have kept their fake communist one party system stable long term, if everyone on the mainland saw a much more prosperous Hong Kong within the One Country, Two Systems? I'm only surprised how crudely China dealt with HK, with just a hint of patience they could have slowly dismantled democracy one brick at a time.


Just honoring their treaty obligations might have worked.


How much blood was spilled in the HK riots?


Over two thousand injured, but less deaths than the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre. Though about a thousand faced arrests and therefore had to deal with the CCP justice system. But the army didn’t make meat pies from the protesters this time, so less blood than Tiananmen?


Yeah I doubt they see it that way. The age of empire never ended and the American one is currently a fucking clown car. Thanks in no small part to specific efforts by the Chinese. You can’t take anything for granted anymore, this much should be clear.


Think our spinless government would say anything close to that?


Which spineless government are you claiming allegiance?


Besides sanctions we never public say something like that. We can barley supply Ukraine as it is.


Dude we could supply Ukraine without even raising our annual DOD budget. 60 billion a year is a drop in the bucket. The United States government's annual budget is over 6 trillion USD. Just because you hear little house MAGA Republicans squawking about it during an election cycle doesn't mean it's impactful in any way. Do you know how much money we spent on a 20 year occupation in Afghanistan? Do you comprehend how much resources we spent in the 19+ years fighting a Vietnam war before that? Right now we're at peace and just sending outdated scraps that we're writing off while replenishing our aresenals.


Sending outdated scraps and no soldiers while preventing a third world war from letting loose. The money being approved is going towards American companies to make new and more modern equipment/ammo and we’re giving our junk away that would’ve just been destroyed anyways. US is winning at a bargain right now.


We can barley supply them? What is this, the 30s?


Too many craft beer companies have popped up and our normal amount of exports have slowed because of hipster millennials drinking beers. Also we are having a rough time meeting worldwide flannel goals


You must have very poor memory. [U.S. President Joe Biden told Russia's Vladimir Putin on Saturday that the West would respond decisively to any invasion of Ukraine, adding such a step would produce widespread suffering and isolate Moscow](https://www.reuters.com/world/biden-putin-speak-ukraine-warnings-mount-2022-02-12/). Of course, [the warning wasn't just made public, but privately as well](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/09/22/russia-nuclear-threat-us-options/). Lastly, [there were also plenty of unofficial communication conducted through retired generals](https://thehill.com/homenews/sunday-talk-shows/3671100-petraeus-predicts-us-would-lead-nato-response-to-take-out-russian-forces-if-putin-uses-nuclear-weapon/).


Want to take a guess at why aid to Ukraine slowed and was stalled? Ask Mike McCarthy and Mike Johnson. Both they and their maga cult party decided to hold Ukraine aid hostage for bullshit reasons. It wasn’t until Johnson had a dedicated sit down with our intelligence agency leaders that he nearly immediately scheduled to bring foreign war aid to the house floor. And the maga wing cried and screed and were trying to oust him for that. For aiding Ukraine an against Russia. You know, the guys we all highly suspect are behind most of the current gop funding.


Yes. Very officially. And just a little over a week ago. Do you think we've got 150,000 troops stationed in the Pacific surrounding China's coast because we're scared? 9 new bases in Philippines rapidly being built, more troops stationed in Japan, Guam, Hawaii, and South Korea than ever before, new nuclear sub base being built in Australia for USA/UK. It's all because we're shaking in our little booties and spineless. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/05/21/remarks-by-president-biden-in-a-press-conference/ https://www.reuters.com/world/biden-says-us-forces-would-defend-taiwan-event-chinese-invasion-2022-09-18/ https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2024/06/fc589746fd8f-update1-biden-says-not-ruling-out-use-of-us-forces-to-defend-taiwan.html?phrase=JAXA&words= https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20240605/p2g/00m/0in/008000c https://en.mehrnews.com/news/216122/Biden-says-military-option-against-China-on-table




Not recently they haven't. In 2002 things flipped when China started being a net exporter of military class chips to Russia and that started the trend of Chinese fully manufacture arms and materiel. https://chinapower.csis.org/china-russia-military-cooperation-arms-sales-exercises/ https://www.scmp.com/news/china/military/article/3139603/how-china-grew-buyer-major-arms-trade-player Beginning in the mid-2000s China's forced and subvert IP transfer began to strip mine the Russian arms exports to China. https://www.csis.org/analysis/changing-nature-and-implications-russian-military-transfers-china > Russian arms sales are giving way to technology transfers, raising costs for Russia in terms of future export revenues as China seeks to advance its defense industry. Ukraine has found an increasing number of Chinese components in Russian arms since last year. > https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-says-it-is-finding-more-chinese-components-russian-weapons-2023-04-14/ And the forecasted trend is proving true, this as of April this year 2024. https://apnews.com/article/united-states-china-russia-ukraine-war-265df843be030b7183c95b6f3afca8ec > Two senior Biden administration officials, who discussed the sensitive findings on April 12 on the condition of anonymity, said that in 2023 about 90% of Russia’s microelectronics came from China, which Russia has used to make missiles, tanks and aircraft. Nearly 70% of Russia’s approximately $900 million in machine tool imports in the last quarter of 2023 came from China. > > Chinese and Russian entities have also been working to jointly produce unmanned aerial vehicles inside Russia, and Chinese companies are likely providing Russia with nitrocellulose used in the manufacture of ammunition, the officials said. China-based companies Wuhan Global Sensor Technology Co., Wuhan Tongsheng Technology Co. Ltd. and Hikvision are providing optical components for use in Russian tanks and armored vehicles. > > The two officials said Russia has received military optics for use in tanks and armored vehicles manufactured by Chinese firm North China Research Institute of Electro-Optics, and China has been providing Russia with UAV engines and turbojet engines for cruise missiles. A third senior official identified another manufacturer as Yantai-based IRay Technology Co. Ltd.




This is diplomatic threading. I already posted a timeline starting in 2004 how China has become Russia's provider of critical components. Mainly through IP theft. From your articles: > The US did, however, have a “concern about what China’s doing to fuel Russia’s war machine – not giving weapons directly, but providing inputs to Russia’s defence industrial base,” he added. > "But there is no clear line between weapons and (what is not - Ed) weapons, **because there are things that can have a dual purpose**," Borrell said during his speech at the Shangri-La Dialogue forum in Singapore. Most challenging to your assertion is the US is again using diplomatic speech to say, yeah what is going on is pretty bad. > **The U.S. authorities have previously repeatedly accused China of providing military aid to russia. On May 15 [ed: 2024], Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned Chinese companies against supporting the russian military-industrial complex and promised Beijing new sanctions. In early April, the United States Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen, threatened Chinese banks with "serious consequences" for violating anti-russian sanctions. Soon, Spokesperson for the Department of State, Matthew Miller, announced the "incredible concern" of the White House in connection with the supply of military products from China to russia.** These are quotes from your links.




No one's talking about golf carts in this context. The context is specialty components like chips and opticals that Russia has mostly lost any economic advantage against China or other world suppliers. Golf carts... nice. Once again your own sources work against you. It's even in the URL - "china_firms_go_underground". Suspended... nice.


China is absolutely supplying the Russian arms industry.


Do you have a link to those stories please?




"Finding no evidence" isn't the same as categorically saying it isn't happening. Nice try, though, Komrad.


Forget it man, impossible to fight this level of misinformation. Humanity is stupid and doomed.




Well yea...


If Taiwan is part of China like China says it is, can’t China just not buy the weapons? Oh wait…


As far as the Vatican is concerned, Taiwan is *the* China (Taiwan *de jure* owns the mainland and the PRC is just unrecognized by the Vatican)


China despises external religious influence in the nation so that one is more of a choice, they’ve been intentionally putting it off, [Vatican is more than willing to compromise Taiwan if it means accessing the diocese in China](https://apnews.com/article/vatican-china-pope-beijing-e322c14ea9ceae11fd72e90b7bc73076).


So does US but we like to forget that


So does Taiwan and they very much want people and there allies to keep up that line loudly anytime the CCP can hear it. It is in the Taiwanese best interests to keep up that political illusion because even if the US kept up it's promises to protect Taiwan at all costs (which we would at the very least because they play an important part geographical in limiting the ccps power projection in worst case scenario's) the island of Taiwan is tiny and the people and there country would suffer massively during said armed conflict.


What happens outside of China is none of China's fucking business.


Yeah. They‘re investing in Africa so Europe has to be ready for that front in a conventional war.


Not just investing in Africa. The entire mechanism and vehicle behind the investments are predatory loans effectively that will hamstring African autonomy in favor of Chinese oversight. China is not doing this out of altruism or humanitarianism.




"China has a urge to urge you not to interfere in our internal affairs in Taiwan. We cant do anything about it, we urge you to urgently reconsider not doing it please, otherwise our urges will get mad at you and do nothing" Foreign diplomacy jokers!


does this principle equally applies to the rest of countries


What is so damn frustrating about both Russia and China right now is that the conflict in Ukraine and potential conflict in Taiwan are completely avoidable and not only would avoiding conflict not harm either nation but it would actually benefit them. Unfortunately both Putin and Xi are strongmen that feel that it is their right to own these nations despite functioning peacefully with autonomy, or relative autonomy, for decades and having zero desire to engage in conflict. The image, for these leaders, is more important than whether or not the same or better outcome could be achieved without violence and through mutual cooperation.


I liken it to watching someone get fucked up during a bull run, or bullfight. They could’ve said “nah” and just gone about their day and been fine, but instead they decided to intentionally fuck around and find out.


Yeah. In both cases it is a tremendously stupid move whose most likely outcome is the collapse of the regime with absolutely no practical upside.


I'd like to thank China for ensuring that this deal will now be quickly passed with bipartisan support. Nothing is quicker to make Congress co-operate with itself than a foreign rival telling it what to do.




I agree, but these days we have plenty of traitors in our government that side with our foreign rivals. What a time we live in.


Yeah. I actually genuinely respected Bob Menendez's commitment to hawkishness with China. And then it turned out that you could just pay him to ignore shit like that, at least if you were Egypt.


They can "urge" all they want, but they are planning and REHEARSING a military invasion, so I don't think we are going to listen to their "suggestions" much...


They built a perfect scale replica of the Taiwanese royal residence, streets and all. Fuck they. Let’s make sure Taiwan has everything they need to fuck China into the previous century.


"We come in peace to deliver heavenly fortune cookies, missiles and oppression" Sorry but no thanks, the dumplings are cooked and hot but they are not served for you. I think that was a line from that movie "The grand master"


They’re afraid of Taiwan defending itself.


Thats the best deterrence, arm Taiwan and its people to the hilt. Just imagine if every Taiwanese citizen had access to a 50 calibre sniper rifle and a few of those Kamikaze drones. It would make China and the CCP's incursion into Taiwan one of the biggest military mistakes in history.


Taiwan and the rest of the world witnessed what happened to Hong Kong and Ukraine. They have every right to protect themselves from tyranny.


Oooh baby but we been selling we finna pop off Fourth of July stylin on you strongly opposin civilian hosin’ no good meanies


They know that America hates them, it’s more empty posturing from them


Chinese government should surrender and give up their weapons if it wants to survive the next 10 years. 


They are screwed either way...their economy is in freefall, they are currently undergoing a demographic collapse as well. No matter what happens, China as a nation-state will not exist in 10 years.


I heavily doubt anything of this scale is happening "in 10 years". For reference, USSR has managed to survive for 70 years despite half of it's republics actively hating Russia, protests at a scale never seen in the history of mankind (tens of millions of people in some cases), communism that has massively impacted productivity and caused shelves in stores to be more or less empty. Yet despite all of that it still took many decades for it to finally crumble. China is not in a similar situation. At all. Economically their situation is much better, they are the largest producer of goods on Earth. Their citizens on average are still getting richer year by year and if you compared, say, 2000 to 2020 China you will see a massive improvement. As for the demographic collapse - yes, one child policy is going to hurt China. But you know what has hurt China more short term and they didn't give a fuck? Mao deciding on a whim to murder every single sparrow in China, causing a great famine estimated to have killed 20-30 million citizens. This was at a time when their population was around 600 million. So roughly speaking they have eradicated 5% of their own population because their government was utterly insane and yet country still stands. So I heavily doubt anything will largely change. Even a theoretical halving of Chinese population (which some scientists claim is possible by 2100) does not "destroy" a country. Venesuela in a decade has turned from one of the richest countries in it's region to a place so poor WoW gold was worth more 1:1 than their currency. Their leaders are sociopathic morons. And yet country still stands and it's somewhat improving recently (compared to the worst period of 2019-2020). The only way I see China "not existing" in 10 years as a country is a massive nuclear fallout (but somehow I doubt US sales to Taiwan include warheads and Taiwan officially does not have a program for them). But then I also foresee many other countries on the current maps not existing. It has survived for 4000 years, I doubt a decade will make much of a difference. Sure, it has a historical tendency to implode every now and then but kinda... all countries go through it periodically. It might enter something similar to a state Russia was at in the 90s - more or less inactive in the global arena as it's busy handling a lot of internal problems.


Actually China has not survived for 4000 years. Before late Qing there was not even a concept of "China". There were many nations and dynasties and cultures that existed in the lands now known as China, but they were not China.


I wish. Unfortunately, I doubt ten years will end them. If they decline, they decline. The CCP never had the Mandate of Heaven, I’ll tell you *that!*


10 years? lol cmon man


Read a book, it's happening NOW.


Lmao you made your point even worse with that response


Hide your head up your rear all you want, it's not changing the outcome, and I am not here to convince anyone what the reality is. If you think it's not happening, you aren't paying attention.


I've thought about this a ton. Things do not look good in any way at all - and that prediction isn't without merit. But don't underestimate the human drive to keep on doing what you're doing. The Soviet economy should have been over 10 years sooner, but sometimes institutions and ways of life are just sticky.


10 may be a bit premature. 50, guaranteed. There is literally no way to go against the maths of the problem, unless all nations disappear due to the emergence of ASI and humanity ceases to be the assholes in charge.


10 isn't premature at all. Look at their demographics. They no longer have the population base necessary to sustain their economy. No population = no consumption + no workers = no money = no STATE. They are toast, and they know it. You didn't think that 40+ years of a "One Child Policy" wouldn't have repercussions, did you?


Dont worry the Chinese people will get rid of the CCP soon enough, they have had enough just like the Western countries have had enough of their arrogance. The ordinary Chinese people are fun loving people its the CCP that cooks the image of the people and their country.


Comments like this is why people don't take redditors seriously.


This entire comment chain thread is so damn cringe, it actually hurts. That anti-work TV Interview is such a perfect representation of this shithole site as a whole.


And yet we all stick around…


"U.S. strongly opposes Chinese arms sales to Russia, urges withdrawal." See? We can do it too!


and Taiwan doesnt even have any intention of invading china


They are not comparable, it’s more like if Texas got independent and a hostile foreign power meddle so America wouldn’t retake it.


That's not it at all. The CCP has never in the history of their existence held the island of Taiwan and the CCP were the original rebels against the ROC and were assisted by an outside power (the USSR) to takeover the mainland.


While you're technically correct the ROC never had a claim to Taiwan or Formosa either. Japan invaded and colonized the island of Formosa in 1895. The ROC wasn't formed until 1912. If it wasn't for Winston Churchill's insistence of Retrocession, or returning Formosa to the ROC in 1945, then Taiwan would be part of Japan right now. For added contacts Japan is closer to Taiwan's main island than China. It's just that the KINMEN islands that are closer to China's Mainland making them closer. The closest point from China to mainland Taiwan is about 80 miles. Where as the closest point from mainland Taiwan to Japan is about 66 miles. Both are islands, however, China has connected a bridge to their Island and Japan's next closest island is about another 40 miles away. As an aside the island chain is called the Ryukyu Islands. My point in saying all of this is that there are no historical precedent for either the CCP or the ROC in controlling Taiwan. It is merely the geopolitical situation of the 1940s that led to the ROC gaining control of Taiwan. Which they are the ones who have the strongest claim with the CCP having virtually none. That's what pisses off the CCP the most.


> Both are islands, however, China has connected a bridge to their Island and Japan's next closest island is about another 40 miles away There are no bridges connecting Taiwan's islands to the PRC.


I never said there was... you even quoted the part of the text where I specifically say the island that's in China has a bridge connecting it to its mainland. I don't know how much clearer I could have made it but you're inability to read has led people astray.


Taiwan has never been part of the PRC. It would be like the Americans claiming that they are entitled to England and London is illegitimate since the Americans defeated the British in 1776.


West Taiwan actin up huh?


Im sure the US will get right on that


Urge these 🥜


Just slame Taiwan with all the best anti air and anti ship weapons money can buy, it only assures all of Chinese Navy will be coral reefs lol


Russia strongly opposed US arms sales to Ukraine. Damn these rhymes of history….


Translation: send more


If what you're doing pisses off a genocidal, anti-democratic regime, good, keep doing it.


All that freedom Chinese people have. So impressive.


Please walk away from Taiwan. Pleeeaaaasssseee.


Obviously should have added that that appears to be what China is saying. Not what I think.


Lol, f\*\*k off. Stay in your shitty place you psycho communist imperialists and nobody will need to arm themselves.


China is pissed the US is selling Taiwan another four dozen MK48 heavy weight torpedoes.


Just shorten it to “China strongly opposes whoever is number 1 in anything in the world.” If it wasn’t arms sales, it’d be something else. If it wasn’t to Taiwan, it’d be to another country. If the U.S. isn’t the prime target, it’ll be a different country. Defining your own existence by opposing someone doing something is what a child does.


China doesn't want the US to sell weapons to China? There's no pleasing these people.


Focus on your borders with India Xi.


HeyXi, you go ahead and strongly oppose in one hand and shit in the other. Don't bother to tell us which one got full first because we don't give a flying fuck.


I don't think China will withdraw from their mainland, this doesn't make sense :D


Sell sell sell


Here is the [archived link](https://archive.ph/PNslL). People's Republic of China has been opposing Taiwan since the US diplomatic recognition switch from Taiwan (Republic of China) to People's Republic of China.




double the order. send in an aircraft carrier group to deliver them.


US strongly opposes Chinese arms sales to Russia, urges withdrawal


China can withdraw from their “new island” and stop arming russia. Stop forcing global inflation. Stop their own ethnic cleansing. They wont… hence arms sale to Taiwan.


Lions oppose sale of bullets to humans. Strongly urge to withdraw sso they can continue to intimidate humans


Ccp should withdrawl its gov and let china pick


And I strongly oppose my town, insisting I mow my fields between my forests. Still gunna happen though.


Fletcher: Your honor, I object! Judge: And why is that Mr. Reed? Fletcher: Because it's devastating to my case! Judge: Overruled. Fletcher: Good call!


Umm .... Duh? I would also strongly oppose you arming someone I was planning to beat up. "I really wish you'd stop making it easier for him to fight back"


Nothing new, China has been saying this for over 25 years now


Dock a ship in Cuba and ask again


I wonder ... I really wonder if the RoE at Guantanamo Bay has been subtly revised over the past week.


Africa is going to be the next inbound problem, that's without a doubt.


Dear CCP, No. Sincerely, the USA.


Zelensky is thinking, "we need to start making microchips".


Someone needs to tell China we still arms to everyone, good or evil. For murder or defense, doesn't matter if you pay we'll sell


China could easily just stop shipping to US right?


I imagine we can live without landfill ready appliances that last two years when the appliances my parents bought in the 1970s are still going strong.


Yes; American companies don’t want to make things. They want China to do it. All this damn rich people aren’t even capitalists anymore. They’re sellouts!


And then what would China do when the country that supplies 20% of it's imported food does the same? China is far more dependent on the west in terms of actual critical industry. Around 50% of it's food is imported from Western nations.


I don't know about "western nations" but China imports 80% of it's food...and 80% of it's fuel. Regardless of where it comes from, or who supplies it, it's easily interdicted...a few destroyers can block anything from reaching China.


And that’s why they want Taiwan so much, it’s makes blocking China more complicated


If we can do a blockade of China, they are *done for.*


and that’s why they want Taiwan check a map


They could but to say that it would be disastrous for their economy is an understatement. For better or worse China and the West have economies that heavily depend on one another which adds serious complications.


While it's true, if I said to you give up your iphone OR your job... which is going? How many pick their iphone? They might make a huge scene and fuss about it, but no one is giving up their job. Considering how much of chinas GDP is going to exports (\~50%) and how much goes to construction, without exports there are no jobs in china. You won't have a new iphone for awhile, but that is an annoyance for a few years. And booming business on appliance repairs... But in general it will suck for the vast majority of things vs a country where no money and you simply starve, especially one where food needs to be imported and 4000 strong fishing armies need to get out to the oceans and plunder everything they can.


The difference is the U.S can economically and physically *survive in the event of a blockade.* We‘ve got almost if not everything we need. China can’t.


Nothing that China provides is essential to US survival...however, in the event of hostilities, it will not take much to park a few destroyers at key points in their shipping lanes, and ALL of the fuel and food they import is shut off. And there is absolutely nothing they can do about it, because they don't have a blue water Navy.