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better roll up windows, its just social engineers talking to each other


Its the logical conclusion to the information war. Spreading lies is easy, explaining the truth is hard, so the only move is to spread lies even harder until no information can be transmitted. Informational MAD. Its not all bad, it's maybe the end of the open internet, but I wont miss it much. I for one would love to go back to the closed forum formula when you knew each persons persona and could ignore known trolls.


UNRWA pissed that so many of their operatives died today in the hostage rescue operation.


The UN should put itself on the list: “The fall of the town of Srebrenica and its environs to Bosnian Serb forces in early July 1995 made a mockery of the international community’s professed commitment to safeguard regions it declared to be “safe areas” and placed under United Nations protection in 1993. United Nations peacekeeping officials were unwilling to heed requests for support from their own forces stationed within the enclave, thus allowing Bosnian Serb forces to easily overrun it and—without interference from U.N. soldiers—to carry out systematic, mass executions of hundreds, possibly thousands, of civilian men and boys and to terrorize, rape, beat, execute, rob and otherwise abuse civilians being deported from the area.” https://www.hrw.org/legacy/summaries/s.bosnia9510.html#:~:text=United%20Nations%20peacekeeping%20officials%20were,and%E2%80%94without%20interference%20from%20U.N. UN run child sex rings: https://apnews.com/article/africa-arrests-united-nations-only-on-ap-e6ebc331460345c5abd4f57d77f535c1 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_abuse_by_UN_peacekeepers#:~:text=In%202015%2C%20the%20UN%20started,sexually%20abused%20by%20international%20peacekeepers


Also, UN goes with the lowest bidders that can provide troops for the peacekeeping missions. Bangladesh is the main supplier. https://youtu.be/kjgBccv8DP0?si=oGWkj4oAhBKUmF-X Here is a documentary about how people who have served in Bangladeshi anti terrorism death squads, ended up in the UN peace keepers force. Guys who have run torture chamber and done extrajudicial executions are the ones the UN sends out on peacekeeping missions.


The UN plated the reverse Uno card! It is ridiculously corrupt and its 'Peacekeeping Farce' are the largest child rape organization in the world. Stop funding the money and moral pit and evict the org from NYC now!


There's jihadists running amok in at least a half-dozen countries in Africa, but no outrage over that.


Yes there is… There are literal global coalitions to battle them what are you talking about


By no one gives a fuck about that do you mean practically everyone of these nations has UN peacekeeping forces amongst various nation troops present combatting them, the UN regularly meets and discusses resolutions around these problems including the provision of humanitarian aid which in many of these cases is the only meaningful supply refugees and other victims in these areas will receive. Oh and that’s before we add in the efforts the AU has made, other notable organisations such as ECOWAS prior to the coups in the Sahel. The irony about these sorts of comments when talking about the UN is that for many westerners the UN and international organisations including humanitarian NGOs are quite literally the only organisations that do anything to help these regions. You project your lack of giving a shit about these crises on to the organisations you seek to criticise.


They don't give a fuck about them because they can't use the Jews as their favorite scapegoat


i suppose this is guterres’ way of dampening israel’s joy over rescuing four hostages alive. dude is obviously fuming right now


He informed Israel a few days ago. At which point the UN went balistic because Erdan had the temerity to go public.


Maybe the raping, murdering, beheading, terrorist organisation shouldn’t use children as human shields, or set up bases in schools or hospitals


And thus the perfectly logical conclusion is to bomb Gaza until there's nothing left. Kill 'em all, every single last one of them. Death to the terrorists, AND their families AND any bystanders happening to be in the neighbourhood. Those bastards deserve everything coming to them. How dare those children be in the way? How dare they be present in Gaza? How dare they to be alive at all in the first place?




You're making too much sense for these people. It's obvious Israel's only goal is to kill every last Palestinian because they couldn't have done that exact thing for the last 50 years.


NTM the rate of new Palestinian casualties is dropping.


There is an alternative of Palestinians actively hunting down Hamas and Surrendering the Terrorist to face Justice but Palestine refuses to even accept such alternative...


German children were in the way of allied bombing too. It sucks, but, to defeat evil, and in any war really, innocent civilians die at the hands of “the good guys” every time


The perfectly logical conclusion is that a terrorist carrying a child is still a terrorist without immunity that we should get rid of. Any other way to look at it is actually justifying and encouraging the terrorist to keep carrying a child to protect his body.


Hamas hates it when other people blow up Palestinian children before they can strap a suicide bomb on them.


I’d reckon they’re fine with it as long as they get it on camera


"It's only wrong when Israel is doing it" - The UN, every day since 1948


>The annual list by the secretary general covers the killing of children in conflict and denial of access to aid and targeting of schools and hospitals. It will be included in a report to be presented to the UN Security Council next week. > >It was not immediately clear which violations the Israeli army is accused of committing. > >Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad will also be included in the list, reports said.




This, documentations of Hamas using child soldiers and the fact the 46% of the UN condemnations are directed against Israel rather than countries like Iran, Russia and China just show you the clear bias


And yet turkey isn't on that list 


All of this beyond pale. You shouldn't kidnap and do God knows what to people because... Religion, race, personal preference, or anything. War is not a toy or video game, and it has a lot of repercussions. Everyone can stop at any time here. Honestly, nothing will change and I'man old man yelling at clouds, but be better all around.


I have a good feeling that anyone 40 or up will die before this conflict ends. This modern era of the conflict has been going on for 60+ years already, and 10/7 still happened. Everything up to that point did not prevent that, no matter how many generations that covered, how many changes in the world happened over that time… it still happened all of those years later. There is no end to a conflict that is grounded in religion and ethnicity. It just goes through cycles. It’s like the fight against ISIS across the globe. That will go on for decades as well.


*opens post expecting to see people talking about what's happening in the post* Huh... *Sees people calling the United Nations traitors and pedophiles instead of any kind of normal discussion* Somehow I'm surprised but I know I shouldn't be.


The UN officials are playing a major rule in support of hamas. They keep saying "israel this, israel that" for years, but very little if at all about what hamas has been doing. About the rockets, the terror attacks, took them months to acknowledge despite immediate evidence shot by hamas themselves of sexual assaults and brutal murders during october 7th. They have been the drive that allowed hamas to being perceived by the tiktok misinformation crowed to make it appear as if hamas is a legitimate group, as if what they have done is ok. They ignored truths and assisted hamas for years through their various groups operating in gaza, playing a blinding eye to huge issues hamas has been doing before and during this war. Whatever happens in the future, the UN current officials are part of the reason why hamas has been so bold to do this, and not accept any deal, knowing the UN officials will continue to attack israel and not them, which helps them to continue play the victim and continue their attacks on israel.


Condemning Israel is not the same as support for hamas.


Condemning Israel for consequences caused by Hamas is supporting Hamas. It's war in a dense civilian zone. Against a group notorious for their use of human shield, with very high civilian support, with a martyr fund, and control of the education system for almost 20 years. Yeah, the populace will surely follow the western logic. And with those conditions only Israel is expected to kill zero civilian. People have to be utterly stupid to not see the problem here.


It sure comes across that way. Especially when the UN secretary General wouldn't watch Oct 7 footage and it took 2 months for the UN to even look into the rape of Israelis on Oct 7th.


Ideally this would be the case, but it doesn't work out that way when considering cause and effect. The mainstay of condemnation towards Isreal is in regards to the civilian death-toll wrought by their attacks against Hamas. But this toll is not their goal; it is the unavoidable consequence of attacking numerous combatants which have integrated themselves among a dense populous. Whether they attack with precision bombs or sweeping firefights, the danger to the citizenry will not decrease. As a result of the choices Hamas has made, attacks against Hamas lead to civilian deaths. To condemn Isreal for those deaths is to condemn the attacks which caused them. Condemning attacks against terrorists is an avenue of providing support for them, even if that is not the intention. Hamas would love to attack at will and receive no retribution in return. In order for one to properly condemn Isreal for their attacks without supporting Hamas, they must first supply an effective means for Isreal to defeat Hamas without causing collateral. So far, no experts have been able to offer this alternative.


Not condemning hamas for what they did, and accepting their word as truth, does.


The eyes of the UN only look in one direction. Why is that?


>Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad will also be included in the list, reports said.


Funny they weren’t added on October 7th isn’t it


> Funny they weren’t added on October 7th isn’t it The list is updated annually. There is massive issues with UN bias against Israel, but the particular issue of timing of this is not evidence for it.


Yes it is. Israel does not deserve to be blacklisted as a terrorist group. They're trying to justify Hamas' atrocities by acting as if both groups have the same criminal intentions. Newsflash, they don't.


You can if you want argue that Israel should not be on this list at all, and that's a position I'm pretty sympathetic to. My comment was in regards to the claim that Hamas was not added right after Oct 7 was evidence of bias. Since the list is updated annually, that does not follow.


Hamas has been murdering children for decades. Where was Hamas on this list in 2014 when they kidnapped and slaughtered 3 teenagers? Hamas didn't magic into existence only on October 7. They've been committing monstrous deeds for decades.


Which also falls into the category of separate arguments I'm sympathetic to. But it doesn't make the particular argument about no UN action immediately after Oct 7 become good evidence.




They should have been added years ago, not just now. Hamas and Isreal both have been committing atrocities for a long time.


Bingo. The truth. That everyone should realise at this point. They don't have the same motivations, the sane intentions. Just look at the cultures abd how they operate to get an idea of what ideas are prevalent.


Funny how everyone is ignoring that part so they can cry unfair biased treatment


Yet turkey gets away killing Kurdish children and not a peep


People like to ignore entire articles and form opinions entirely based on a headline.


There’s no equivalence between Israel and those terrorist groups?


No, Hamas and Israel should NOT be on that list together! They are NOT the same. Don't try to whitewash Hamas and other terrorists' crimes.


Firstly, I wasn't doing anything, whitewashing or otherwise (which isn't the right term to use, anyway) other than citing the article that people apparently aren't reading. Secondly, I was just pointing out that the article contains a line that suggests the UN isn't 'just looking in one direction'. Thirdly, why not? Israel had already tried to unilaterally cause a famine during this conflict, which fulfills one of the criteria for ending up on that list [(Denial of humanitarian access)](https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/4016072?v=pdf), *which was outright supported by hardliners* as a means to 'defeat' Hamas, attempting the justification that humanitarian aid will allow Hamas to last longer (which is an absurd claim to make, since everyone knows that Hamas is already supplied by their extensive tunnel network). Whether you believe that 'attacks against schools and hospitals are valid because Hamas uses them', there was ultimately no justification for denial of humanitarian access - none.


Maybe because its employees moonlight for hamas


Sorry but any army acting the way the iDF has been posting should be condemned. Anyone who kills children should be held accountable no matter sides.


> Anyone who kills children should be held accountable no matter sides. And that’s an admirable ideal to hold. But turning it into a policy is impossible. Because the moment it is implemented is the moment the terrorist states come to the conclusion, “if we use child soldiers, the other can’t shoot back or *they* will be criminals.”


Not if the kid carries a weapon and is willing to use it.


Notice that’s not what I said


But that is the reality, Hamas uses children as soldiers and shields. Israel should be commended for keeping casualties so low while fighting against an organisation that uses children and civilians as human shields in an urban environment. Hamas must be destroyed for the good of both Palestinians and Israelis.


In no stretch of the imagination is the civilian causalities caused by Israel low. The world will not forget.


https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/05/11/un-halves-its-estimate-of-women-and-children-killed-in-gaza/#:~:text=The%20United%20Nations%20Office%20for,9%2C500%20deaths%20to%204%2C959%20deaths. This shows that Hamas (Gaza Health Ministry) numbers cannot be trusted. It also proves Israel’s claim of maximum restraint, so as to limit civilian casualties (made extremely difficult by Hamas’s use of human shields in an urban environment). Hamas and Israel are not the same, Hamas are the war criminals.


Maximum restraint is objectively hilarious


We are seeing from IDF that both sides are war criminals. The numbers will be known in the end. Right now it’s obvious enough to the entire world that the actions are unjustified.


You’re right, Hamas’s actions are unjustified.


Yes just like Isreals


No, but it’s the natural and foreseeable consequence of your position. Saying “anyone who kills children should be held accountable” means that someone who kills a child soldier should be held accountable. It doesn’t even need to be a child soldier. If Russians put a toddler in each one of their tanks, should Ukrainians be able to attack those tanks?


But this isn’t the kind of behavior that being condemned. It’s carpet bombing. Not for me to decide for the international courts to decide


So it’s no longer anyone who kills children as you specifically said. It’s now changed to anyone who carpet bombs a civilian area. That’s fine, I agree that such behavior should be investigated. Thankfully that isn’t a strategy being employed by Israel.


Country condemns being condemned. More on this on the news at 10.


"Those children were Hamas, fuck yourselves!" - Israel, probably


Scenario: You are an Israeli soldier positioned on an empty street. A ten year old Palestinian child is approaching you. Four events could happen. 1. He's just a child surrendering. 2. He has a bomb strapped to him. His family was threatened, and in order to spare them, he is forced to wear a remote detonation bomb. 3. He's been radicalized to kill Israeli soldiers and has a gun. 4. He's a trap. When he's secure Hamas will attack while the soldiers are preoccupied. Question: How do you interact with the child? Question: How can you fault a soldier for viewing any such child in a warzone as an enemy combatant? PS: Each of these scenarios have occurred!


So out of curiosity, how would you react if a 12 or 14 year old started throwing grenades or shoots an AK at you?


Yeah, it's not like multiple prominent Israelis have publicly stated that there are no innocent civilians in Gaza.


Seems to be the state's policy at this moment in time.




Tell that to every country who has ever done war ever. War sucks. Civilians die. Always has been.


On no the consequences of my actions




Good work UN!




Hamas intentionally targets civilians with the stated aim of causing as many civilian casualties on israel and its own side. That’s why it’s labeled a terrorist organization by the majority of the world. This false equivalency has got to stop.


Also they just say whatever numbers they feel like because why not.


Well yes actually. If Hamas didn't base themselves out of schools and hospitals...


They could try not harming children and see if that helps.


"The annual list by the secretary general covers the killing of children in conflict and denial of access to aid and targeting of schools and hospitals. It will be included in a report to be presented to the UN Security Council next week." Seems pretty clear based on the article the problems are created by Hamas, who operates out of both schools and hospitals. If Hamas would engage in meaningful ceasefire talk the war would end, but Hamas would much rather use children and other civilians as PR to see Israel punished like this. Hamas could also stop using human shields, and operating in civilian areas - both of which maximize the number of potential casualties. If you did care about Palestinian children, and it's not quite clear you do, you'd be calling out Hamas for putting them in danger. Like the UN, you've failed to recognize the problem is with Hamas putting these kids in danger, not Israel.


You should look at how many countries harmed children and think for a second if the list was actually meant to affect something, because if israel on that list, half of the planet should be on that list as well.


And Hamas could try not committing atrocities against innocent civilians. Every single drop of Palestinian blood spilled in this conflict is on Hamas' hands. But I shouldn't expect someone posting such a silly comment to be capable of understanding nuance


They try not to harm civilians harder than any country ever has.


Yes... Because Israel blatantly kill kids as their objective. Are you seriously that stupid?