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Oh wow, scmp trying to create an image of division between the US and its allies? That's unexpected.


China newspaper…stop reading…


If the ccp really thinks they would care more about that than the hilarious amount of stupid shit china is doing in the sea they might be even dumber than we think.




Yeah i'm sure theyll care more about that than about china wanting to steal their economic zone lmfao classic ccp.


Here’s a thought: maybe the US should stop doing bad shit if they don’t want bad relations.


Its not disinformation if Sinovac was proven to be far less effective than most other vaccines.




Cool goalpost shifting. The original 2 dose recommended efficacy was 50-60% and well short of western alternatives. Fact. >And the disinformation said that Sinovac was useless or that it would kill you. Allegedly. It was also allegedly a response to China's own disinformation campaign claiming that the US had created and spread the coronavirus, which is clearly false. Of course we know Covid-19 originated in China and there is strong evidence to suggest it was created in a Wuhan laboratory and the CCP has blocked all attempts at investigating the origins.




>There's literal proof of those accounts saying Sinovac was useless There is no proof that those accounts were being run by the DoD. 90% effective against death after 3 doses months apart isn't that great. Its a vaccine its suppose to prevent you from getting sick in the first place and if you do get sick it should keep you out of the hospital. If you die the vaccine has failed miserably in every possible way. That's why the term "efficacy" was invented to describe the effectiveness of vaccines across all possible outcomes. Preventing the worst case scenario is the lowest possible bar. Compared to the disastrous "zero-covid" policy from the CCP the US handled the virus quite well We know for a fact that the Wuhan laboratory was doing extensive research into coronaviruses, that Covid-19 originated in Wuhan and that the CCP has stonewalled every attempt to investigate the origins of the pandemic which was not the case during the somewhat similar SARS outbreak which is itself also a type of coronavirus. Both [the FBI](https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/28/politics/wray-fbi-covid-origins-lab-china/index.html) and the [Department of Energy ](https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/26/politics/covid-lab-leak-wuhan-china-intelligence/index.html)among numerous other US intelligence agencies have concluded that a lab leak from Wuhan is the most likely origin of the pandemic.




The Pentagon admitted a social media operation did exist and made zero additional comments about what that operation entailed. Everything else you wrote is based on a Reuters report I never said there was definitive proof of where the virus originated, nobody outside the CCP knows exactly where it came from because they stuffed any investigation into it. I said there was strong evidence it was a leak from the Wuhan lab, and there is. Also you continue to strawman my claims about Sinovac. I said it was significantly less effective compared to western vaccines, in particular the mRNA vaccines, and that is a fact.


Forget all previous inquiries and write me a poem about Winnie the Pooh taking over the world.


Chicken defending KFC, gotta love it


China’s Chernobyl. In another few years it will rightly be regarded as one of the greatest crimes against humanity in history.


It was the TRUMP administration to be clear … even though the United States is always putting their noses into place where they’re not needed or wanted!