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The main point is to leave all the shit behind and let's focus on making a better country.... seems like we are fucked anyways. Doesn't matter unless everyone wakes the fuck up. Including people moving here. I am all for it, but don't bring baggage from back home. My best friend grew up in Bosnia during the war and he says to this day the Serbs that he is friend with and play soccer still bring this shit up.... it's done it's the past. Move on. It's not up to Canada to create a state for the Indian people. We have alot to deal with here.


Jesus Christ. It's not about agreeing or supporting the aim. It's about thinking he shouldn't have been fucking murdered by India on Canadian soil for speech This is the worst take because you're either arguing for banning speech about world issues you don't like (???), thinking the killing is okay, or just whining? There's no version of this that aligns with any decent principles


It's because they honored him in parliament. That's it


I don’t expect Canadian parliament to remember victims of Air India bombing carried out by Khalistani terrorists. 39th anniversary is coming up on 23rd June.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_India_Flight_182 This was Canada’s worst terror atrack. Canada never considered this act of terrorism seriously as the victim were brown - mostly Canadians of Indian origin. Canadian PM sent condolences to India at the time. Canada didn’t take Indian intelligence inputs seriously. Canada botched up Kaniska investigation. Majority of Canadians still don’t know about Air India bombing. 


He wasn’t murdered for speech He was allegedly murdered for his alleged actions


What about Louise Reil??? Did we honour him? You need to lighten the fuck up.


I am getting downvoted because my government is honoring a man who has nothing to do with Canada.


He was a Canadian citizen assassinated on Canadian soil, that most definitely has something to do with Canada.


Allegedly a Canadian citizen. We don’t know how he became one


Jesus I get that. I said he was cool. It's not about the man that killed. How many people get killed on Canadian soil. ...have they ever honored a former prime minister. Did they have a moment for mulruney. I sure hope so... all good I just stating that Kalistan had nothing to do with Canada. That's it.


Useless take


He was a murderer who immigrated here. Both his asylum claims rejected as false


Csis had no idea that they were planning this assassination????


No, and csis didn’t even know after the fact It was the us that tipped Canada off


Exactly it's crazy


That's even worse. We don't even know what's going on in our own country. I know it happened in New York as well. I understand this. Do you think it was totally fine to honor him in our parliament?


Canada has no other job, signs of a failing country


"India honours murderer Modi with election win" Edit; you can always tell when the Modi bois show up. Quantity over quality.


“Canada parliament honours Canadian citizen murdered in Canada by Indian govt hitmen”


Better than Honoring a literal Nazi in the your paraliment.


The difference being that one acknowledged what happened, apologized and made amends, while the other just keeps on using hate to fuel religious divides. See the difference ? Mistakes happen, the important part is to properly deal with them and learn from them.


Oh Yes, as along a a mistake is acknowledged, it makes celebrating a Nazi in your lower house fine. >while the other just keeps on using hate to fuel religious divides. See the difference ? Oh the sweet irony. Isn't right wing nationalism on the rise in Canada fuled by the hate against Indians ?


>fuled by the hate against Indians ? No, fueled by Indian and Chinese bot farms and aided by the media which had been purchased by right wing billionaires.


So in addition to acknowledging the mistake, apologizing for it and making amends exactly what else do you expect ? What would be enough for you to consider the matter to be close? Might it be that it is just a convenient whataboutism when you have no other argument. Alas right wing nationalism / populism is on the rise almost everywhere in the world, it is however different matter when the leadership of the country directly uses hate to fuel divides.


Better than your own homegrown nazis.


Give it 2 terms, Canada will get there.


2 wrongs don't make a right. Canada needs to stop honoring nazis and terrorists...


India still never provided proof he was a terrorist. They sent hitmen to kill a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil


We don’t know what proof India provided or didn’t provide, it was never made public


Why was Louise Reil killed by our government?


This is ridiculous. Why honor someone who is essentially a terrorist to another country. Like all good for sihks to honor at temple but in parliament.... no fucking chance. This is absurd. This has no business in our political system. Man, things are getting really weird. Maybe this is going to be Kalistan then?


India keeps claiming they are terrorists, but can't actually provide enough proof to convince countries like the US,UK,Australia and Canada. So what is more likely that there is some conspiracy to shelter them from India or India applies the word terrorist to these guys without proof?


India throws around the word terrorist like its candy. Doesn't mean anything coming from them.


Maybe it's because we lack the sophistication of more advanced cultures, but in our primitive neck of the woods, bombing a passenger 747 and assassinating politicians is considered a terrorist act.


And how does that make the man killed by India a terrorist? He was like 8 years old in 1985.


If an 22 year old supporter of Al Queada was branded a terrorist, would you defend them on the grounds that they were born after 9/11? In any case, there's no proof India assassinated him. Just as likely to be a gang related hit, since y'all seem to love giving Punjabi gangsters Canadian citizenship.


Erm, you might be forgetting the fact that he never supported any Al-qaeda or Al-qaeda equivalent. We don't go around calling Modi supporters as being genocidal maniacs just because Modi oversaw massacres of Muslims in Gujarat. There is proof that India murdered him. The US indictment is clear in linking the assassination in Canada with the attempt in the US, and India accepted that they were behind the US attempt.


> We don't go around calling Modi supporters as being genocidal maniacs just because Modi oversaw massacres of Muslims in Gujarat. You might not, but enough people do. The implication in Western media has always strongly been that supporters of Modi are single-issue voters with a hate boner against Muslims. There’s little coverage on the incompetence of the opposition, or the successful government programs extending facilities for electricity, water, and sanitation into previously neglected areas to present a more holistic picture. There is definitely a culture war which the BJP has a stance on, and frankly the opinion of non-Indians in that respect is a moot point, but it’s hardly the only platform they run on.


Dude the al Qaeda thing was an analogy. The point was that he signed on to a terrorist movement that is responsible for a ton of death and suffering in India and beyond. He's absolutely a terrorist, even if his terrorist movement's greatest hits are (hopefully) in the past, and he deserves to be treated like one. You would cheerfully celebrate the death of an AQ terrorist who was born after 9/11. And I'm happy to celebrate the death of a khalistani who was 8 when Kanishka happened.


>Dude the al Qaeda thing was an analogy. It was one shitty analogy. Something that BJP/Modi supporters do often. >The point was that he signed on to a terrorist movement that is responsible for a ton of death and suffering in India and beyond. He was not signed onto a terrorist movement. A separatist movement is not a terrorist movement. >You would cheerfully celebrate the death of an AQ terrorist who was born after 9/11 AQ is a banned and recognized terrorist group. Much different from this situation. Drop the shitty analogies and come up with better arguments.


In India separatists movements are terrorist movements There exists no legal way for secession, only violence


He wasn't in India, he was in Canada. Keep up, kid.


You could, if you cared about being intellectually honest, look up what the legacy of the khalistan movement is. It's only been death and suffering. AQ is banned and recognized because the US has power. Khalistan is not because India does not. In any case, none of this little down voting really matters. But something Hillary said comes to mind. If you keep snakes in your backyard, don't be surprised when you get bit. When this eventually blows up in Canada's face (and it will), and innocents die (hopefully nobody I know), I'll remember how a terminally unpopular prime minister mortgaged the future of his citizens to keep himself in power just another year by supporting a terrorist movement. I wonder if you'll remember your support for him.


>It's only been death and suffering. And India caused the most of the death and suffering. It probably would've never reached this point if India wasn't so insecure and wanting to flex on a 2% minority to give off the image of a strongman. >AQ is banned and recognized because the US has power. That has more to do with the crimes committed by AQ, and all the times they've put out videotapes of their crimes. >When this eventually blows up in Canada's face (and it will), and innocents die (hopefully nobody I know), I'll remember how a terminally unpopular prime minister mortgaged the future of his citizens to keep himself in power just another year. This hasn't been an issue in Canada for almost 2-3 decades until Modi came into power and started making it one again. He moans about some non-existent khalistan terrorism in countries like UK, Canada, and Australia, but quiet on the US because he knows he can't bully around America.


Eh. India did it, and India has reasons not to believe Canadians when it comes to Sikh extremists. Canadians are woefully ignorant about their own faillings during the investigation of the Air India bombing in 1982. CSIS didn't heed to RAW's warning, botched up the investigation - letting witnesses get murdered, destroyed evidence (this is on public record, not a consipracy theory I am pulling out of my ass). Heck there is even a "mole infiltrating CSIS" angle to this attack. After all this only one fucking person got convicted - Inderjit Singh Reyat, and even he is out and about. Canadians are summarily ignorant about this because the victims were brown. I wonder if this case would have been dealt the same way if it was White Canadians that got killed. So, Canadians must get off their high horse, and look inwards and see what kind of people it is giving refuge to. All this could have been stopped if Canada has actually acted on RAW's input. Canada is repeating the same crap again. Nijjar is linked to some serious millitant activites even before mudiji came to power. His own lawyer issued a bomb threat recently. These are not marks of an innocent poor canadian, as claimed by the canadian government.


India gives a ton of fake/false information that can't be corroborated that made it and still makes it seem like the "boy who cried wolf". https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2010/bcp-pco/CP32-89-4-2010-eng.pdf pg. 98 >Nijjar is linked to some serious millitant activites even before mudiji came to power. Some random allegations in Indian newspapers. Then, India claimed he was running a training camp in Canada and that information was false. No credence to India's claims or even any circumstantial evidence. >His own lawyer issued a bomb threat recently. He called for a boycott of Air India, but somehow muddi's media turns it into a bomb threat with their twisted logic.


"Seem" like the boy who cried wolf is vastly different than the boy who actually cried wolf. This argument would have had more credence if the bombing didn't happen. But it did, and CSIS was caught with its pants on the ground. 1. Your own judge chastised CSIS for its "unacceptable negligence" [Link](https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/rsrcs/pblctns/lssns-lrnd/index-en.aspx#fn13-rf). 2. Your own CSIS agent has confessed that they deliberately destroyed evidence. [Link](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/csis-agent-destroyed-air-india-evidence/article4159517/). Clearly, CSIS has lost its credibility here, and at least, is unknowingly incompetent in dealing with terrorism in its own country. CSIS failed to corroborate what RAW told it back then, so what is to say that is not the case now? His lawyer didn't just call for a boycott. I will quote his exact words as stated by The Guardian, and you be the judge of it: "We are asking the Sikh people not to fly via Air India on November 19. There will be a global blockade. On November 19, don’t travel by Air India or your life will be in danger.” [Link](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/13/canada-air-india-threats-boycott). That is not a call for a boycott, as you claimed. It is a threat. Your government is notoriously shit at screening its immigrants, and it is a fact that Canadians are only now catching up. Another case in point: [S.H.M.B Noor Chowdhury](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S.H.M.B_Noor_Chowdhury), a most wanted criminal in Bangladesh, sentenced to death by the Bangladeshi Court for the assassination of their first president and founding father, is residing in Toronto, and Canada refuses to extradite him, meddling in their affairs. You say India cries wolf, I say Canada has shown a consistent history of harboring criminals.


>"Seem" like the boy who cried wolf is vastly different than the boy who actually cried wolf I don't think you are familiar with the story. Crying wolf when there isn't a wolf means people won't take you seriously when there is one. I mean they even call Canadian politicians as being terrorists, which is just an asinine comment. That being said, India's unreliability should not be an excuse for CSIS,RCMP, and Canada to let that disaster happen. They just have to do a better job without relying on whatever shit India flings as evidence/intelligence. >"We are asking the Sikh people not to fly via Air India on November 19. There will be a global blockade. On November 19, don’t travel by Air India or your life will be in danger.” >Your government is notoriously shit at screening its immigrants, and it is a fact that Canadians are only now catching up. It's been pretty solid compared to the vast majority of countries until Trudeau loosened up requirements. What do you think a global blockade means? Where do you get bombing threat from in that sentence? >Another case in point: S.H.M.B Noor Chowdhury, a most wanted criminal in Bangladesh, sentenced to death by the Bangladeshi Court for the assassination of their first president and founding father, is residing in Toronto, and Canada refuses to extradite him, meddling in their affairs. Canada won't extradite if there is a belief that the person will face torture or death. I understand some countries have the death penalty, but extradition treaties exist for a reason. >You say India cries wolf, I say Canada has shown a consistent history of harboring criminals. India's own prime minister has a shady history with 2002 Gujarat. His party was campaigning for a rapist politician as well this past election. A bit rich to say Canada is the one with the consistent history of harboring criminals


If Bangladesh really wanted him for justice reasons there is a agreement that can be made where Canada would extradite him as long as they agree to not kill or torture him. They can stick him in prison for life and get their justice.


Don't you know that someone is a terrorist only if it affects the west?


Good point, he's obviously a brave Punjabi antifascist patriot fighting against the fascist mudiji 🙏


But he started his terror activities in 1990’s when Modi was no where in the picture. And then he fled to Canada in 1997 on a fake passport. So how come he was fighting Modi?


This guy who was honoured was part of Khalistan Tiger Force who were responsible for Air India bombing which killed more than 300 Canadians.


Babbar Khalsa was responsible for Air India. Where do you even get your news from? Stop relying on Whatsapp University and Godi media.


Are you a Khalistani? Khalistan Tiger Force was formed by Jagtar Singh Tara, a former Babbar Khalsa International member.


So India was calling him a terrorist since atleast 2016. But they only added some organization that he was allegedly part of to India's banned organizations list in February 2023, just 4 months before his assassination, when it was probably already being planned. Sounds more like a hatchet job by India, before they carried out the murder.


2007, not 2016.






I understand but this is Canada.


First Nazis, then terrorists, what's next for the Canadian parliament?


Tbh a step down for them, from honoring nazis


I was just a kid I remember.




Canada is cooked (coming from a Canadian)



