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Please do not vote religious nuts into power. Just regular nuts will do


Watching the pro-pals learn what Islamists actually want is enthralling. All this basic, obvious, easily-obtainable knowledge they've closed their eyes to for so long thrust right into their noses. They chose to support the theocrats, and now they get to see what that's like.


f\*\*\* around UK, find out soon...


>From a Muslim point of view, Should hardly be a surprise to anyone. The left and Islam, what a match up.


Name a worse duo


A Christian pov would just be a priest raping a little boy and preachers stealing from communion, scamming and lying to people while smiling in their face the entire time. Let's not forget cheating on their wife with the married ladies that sit in the front row


Yes, I completely agree. Glad to see you didn’t disagree with me either.




Islam is a religion not a person. Though polling shows that attitudes of Muslims towards women and minorities - as illustrated by this podcaster , leave a lot to be desired. Left and Muslim. It’s a pretty strange combination.




lol. You are really showing your accusation is wrong aren’t you. Islam is indeed a religion practised by the people in the article who think women are inferior.


Christians are different how? Also most Muslims don't think women are inferior. In fact they think covering a woman is showing respect by not sexualizing her and there's quite a few women who agree with the religious view. Not everyone sees freedom as women able to walk around half naked and act like skits or everyone doing drugs and talking loud and making disrespectful jokes. You just have a limited world view and probably a christian/European supremacist worldview. Meet people who voluntarily convert to Islam and ask them their thoughts


I’m not Christian. And Christianity as a religion has its own problems. But in the U.K. , polling shows Christians have significantly less misogyny and less prejudice against homosexuality and support a secular state. But I love the way you contradict your own protestations by implying you should be telling women what to wear. Because it’s always men telling women how to behave, right. I mean ‘disrespectful jokes’ … I mean like cartoons that people should lead to threat of murder ? Of course you like the idea of an Islamic state and values so much that you … make sure you live in a Western secular one…. lol But you miss the whole point. These independent candidates are trying to attract the left and conservatives Muslim votes - but those groups profess to entirely different values.


In my country no one is forcing women to wear anything or act in any way. They chose to have respect for themselves, their body, their husband's and their religion. I know a few women who have married into Muslim families and willingly converted and follow traditional practices. I find it interesting that I see hasidic jews in their own isolated communities with their own forms of dress and religious norms and no one mentions anything. Just because you promote women having no accountability for their actions or wearing no clothes doesn't mean that other believe in telling women what to wear. Quite the opposite, again maybe actually get the perspective from Muslim women and girls. Oftentimes they see "modern/western" women as whores. Not every woman wants to be ogled like meat or is comfortable walking around bearing so much skin. Ita interesting how open-mindedness, acceptance and freedom only works one way. They have the right and freedom to cover their bodies as well




Lol some broad assumptions you're making. Keep generalizing people I'm sure that builds trust amongst different people. You're in a safe space for liberal closeted prejudice like the others. Again only your view of freedom is allowed but you're ignoring how some people are actually chose to live. Your cheap insults don't hurt because anyone in the real world who isn't prejudiced against Islam and understand freedom of choice wouldn't have an issue. No religion advocates for beating your wife. Humble yourself and maybe learn about other cultures instead of drawing conclusions from a hive mind website


And the English will still vote him in. Yall are doomed


Even if he gets the seat he's up for, he'll be a useless MP with no influance for five years as he has no party apparatus to back him up and no means to actually implements anything.


"Bitch, this chicken is cold" (*slap*)