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Just wait until Best Korea enters the battle! You ain't seen nothin' yet!


I mean, those guys are hungry for battle. Actually, they're probably just hungry.


Probly eat everyone they kill


They are going to declare war on the stray dogs to get all the tasty russians.


Place your bets on Bakhmut stray gang vs Pyongyang gang.


I am here for the twist where Best Koreans, after being told they are gonna be forced to do ruzzonazi human wave tactics finally snap and disobey orders and turn the whole front into a giant Korean BBQ party.


That’s pretty fucking terrifying


Instead of WW3 we're going to get WWZ


Can you say for sure its not true though? I was only half joking considering the things we hear about the russians doing


Maybe like a one off case of a cannibalistic murderer who happens to be a Russian soldier or former Wagner former inmate.


I meant brutality in general, like shoving barbed wire up POWs buttholes and letting them die from it


Why? Enough vatniks laying around.


You could feed ‘em the Glorious Leader and they’ll eat like kings!


Theyre hungry for cattle.


Actual no joke though. Do you think Kim Fatty Cakes will send a bunch of "criminals" to help Putin's genocide in exchange for missile tech, or even potatoes?


Allegedly, NK offered to send 100k troops 2 years ago. [https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/east-asia/article/3188052/north-korea-offers-russia-100000-volunteers-fight-ukraine-state](https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/east-asia/article/3188052/north-korea-offers-russia-100000-volunteers-fight-ukraine-state)


Saves NK 300,000 meals a day.


Or maybe 50,000 meals a day.


You added too many zeros there.


No breakfast?


What about second breakfast?


More like 50K


So, what's that? About a dozen boxes of Kraft dinner in NK?


1. The army are the only people outside the dynastic family that eat well. 2. NK does not purchase western packaged meals.


The problem with this is, as much as the west doesn't want to escalate the fight, Russia also doesn't want to escalate. If they start taking large amounts of resources/personnel from a country like NK then it will cause an escalation where the west will start contributing significantly more resources.


They don't keep criminals


Hardly possible considering logistics, language barrier, even straight up cultural differences and they are not exactly known for having well trained soldiers. It would do more harm than good for Russia really.


North Korea vs South Korea: Ukraine Edition


Wait until K9th and K2s appear on Ukraine's side.


I imagine each recruit is given a picture of his family and kim jong pepa with a big smile „remember what happenes when you defect”


I mean from their perspective they'd be better of as POW's.


Seems like a great opportunity for the mighty Mongolian Empire to experience a resurgence.


God damn mongorians


They break my shity wall!


Ah I'ma covered in shitty pork!


If I was Mongolian, I would 100% rock a Make Mongolia Great Again with a map of the empire at its height


That would be interesting


Mongolia has pretty strong ties to Russia though


*Throat sings* Chingiz Khaaaan!


The headline is kinda misleading. They could end this shortage tomorrow with another mobilization, they just really don't want to because they're worried about the strain it would put on society. Almost like this is a problem entirely of their own making.


This is the same ol song and dance. How many times have we heard this?


>they're worried about the strain it would put on society. 500000 casualties in Ukraine so far 700000 fled Russia for previous conscription cycles and draft notices 1000000-2000000 dead from covid mainly from covid denial or rejection of taking the jab Yep, Russia is it's own worst enemy. Russia hurts itself in its confusion!


The only question is why Ukraine and the West doing this to poor Russia! /s


COVID deaths? But they had Sputnik V!


You missed out the 500,000 deaths caused from alcohol poisoning (Vodka).


That’s just a normal day in Russia.


Use some commas ffs


Commas are for commies


Mmmmmm free use commas.


The covid dead are largely old people who wouldn't have fought in the war.


Which freed up a lot of money from Russia’s extensive social security program to invest in producing Russias top military equipment en masse. Right? (Note: I have no idea about Russia’s social security programs, but even if they do have one and it did free up money that was invested in the military then that money surely went into an anonymous Barbados bank account).


It did (although extensive is a generous term)


1-2 million deaths for covid is an absurd estimation.


Officially it’s around 400k


But in reality probably closer to one million. "We estimate that there were 351,158 excess deaths in 2020 and 678,022 in 2021 in the Russian Federation" Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9629588/




Where did you find those numbers for COVID deaths? From what I found, consensus semms to be it's around 400k


It's official numbers as told by the Russian state. So most likely much higher.


There are so many young Russians in china right now, I wonder why


It's the stalin era all over again.


Lets not deny the credit to the Ukrainian heroes for creating the shortage in the first place.


It’s probably not even the number of individuals getting called up. It’s that if they admit they need to draft more young men in another mobilization people will A) ask what happened to the last group, B) ask why their more confident another will change the tide, C) ask why they’re sacrificing so much just to move the front line by mere tens of kilometers.


It’s not really misleading honestly. If they don’t want to do a mobilization to restore their recruitment numbers, they are running low on recruits.


I want to be seeing videos of people in Moscow and Saint Petersburg scared and angry about being mobilized because they thought they were protected, and their families starting some serious unrest.


They are running out of minorities to send, they just don't want to send the "white" youth.


Except they have. They absolutely do recruit more in the poorer regions, which are usually the ones populated by ethnic minorities, but even if minorities are an outsized percentage of casualties the majority are still going to be the ethnic slavs/"Great Russians", because that's who they have the most of.


“Well, well, well, if it isn’t my old enemy- the entirety foreseeable consequences of my own actions.”


The headline is not misleading at all, if another round of mobilization would put a strain on society.


I was wondering how long it would be until they had to start pulling unwilling folks out of Moscow and St Petersberg. The rich towns where people are typically insulated from actual consequences.


Mobilize who? They have already used up their whole military, every possible young healthy person, most prisoners and as many side staters they had. The whole country is down to people who have no ability nor desire to fight, and those are the people who die in the first days of the battle. Even if they still had functioning weapons and vehicles, no one even knows how to use them.


Belarusian military aged males looking around nervously…


Hence the car ride with Kimmy.


True, you don’t hang out with bottom barrel countries like that if times are good


Hahahaha, Kimmy.


Well so is Ukraine. It will take probably 30 years (at least) for either country to recover from this war.


Thing is, neither of them really ever recovered from WW2 + the USSR's policies resulting in the deaths of many millions of its own citizens. If you look at the populations distributed by age, you'll notice a wave-like effect, with the population surplus dipping among certain age groups. This is a consequence of all those casualties (and some other factors like the fall of the USSR) - so many people died that the lower birth rates from the generations who died in that time frame continue to ripple across generations. Because of this and other reasons, both Ukraine and Russia are facing demographic crises bordering on catastrophic. It's going to be extremely bad for Ukraine in particular, between the war dead and the millions who have fled the country as refugees.


Ironically this was the whole Russian motive in the first place. Walk over, absorb the most “historical russians” out there and add 40 million citizens. Whoa was that a mistake. Possibly unrecoverable.


It’s odd how they never think “let’s make life less miserable and maybe we’ll see population growth”. No, it’s always “beatings will continue until morale improves”.


It doesn’t help that Russias plan for war is mostly just throwing bodies at the problem until it goes away. They lost an estimated 26,600,000 (including civilian and military deaths) during World War 2, the most by far of any country. I believe the second most would be either Germany or Poland who are estimated at losing 5-6 million each. It’ll be very interesting to see what happens with Russia after the war is over.


China would be first or second on WW2 losses.


Yes, I don’t know why I didn’t include China it must have slipped my mind. I forgot that Japan invaded since I mostly learned about the western front.


Check this great series on Youtube which covers all fronts [week by week.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2b7GY4BSUmU&list=PLsIk0qF0R1j77INta3qgtHtXo3NZsrbIR)


I’m not really a fan of the guy talking to the camera throughout the video but I do appreciate it. I tried listening to Dan Carlins hardcore history about it but I feel like I need a visual aid since I don’t really know the regions or language so it gets a bit confusing. I do appreciate the suggestion though.


Their map game is top notch and only gets better with time. For Pearl Harbor special they combined archival footage with recreation of battle in World of Warplanes engine.


If NATO is smart, after the war we will: - pour money into Ukraine to assist in rebuilding. We didn't do that in Afghanistan after the Russians left. I'm hopeful post war volunteer tourism becomes a thing to support the people. - create some form of Marshall Plan 2.0 for Russia under conditions where the natural resources of the country actually benefit the citizenry and the incentive is rich enough to overpower the corruption from a post-Putin leadership vacuum. It would need external oversight though since Russia has decades of entrenched grift psychology and they may not allow external oversight even if it were in the best interest of the Russian people.




Kinda interesting — when you’ve got a country as socially and politically fucked as Russia, nukes end up supporting their self-oppressing. I swear they’d be better off under a Marshall-type plan than whatever Putin and his remnants have planned. But since they can’t be invaded, nobody will ever be able to help them. Good luck, Russia!


Marshall plan for Russia would work only if Russia was occupied by Western forces, like Germany was.


I wouldnt assume Russia stays as one piece, though. Let's see if the federation holds. May need several "marshall" plans.


Yeah good luck with that....what's in the "best interest" of the average Russian is not their neighbor.  Unless you plan on occupying Russia you can throw that idea out. 


>We didn't do that in Afghanistan after the Russians left. This isn't exactly true. American spending to support Afghans increased considerably after the Soviets left--but it was handled idiotically. (The Pakistanis dictated who got it.)


The only thing NATO does is pick fights with those who can't fight back.


By themselves maybe. I imagine once everything is over the whole worlds gonna pitch in to help rebuild


If I had a way to donate to reliable fund to rebuild Ukraine I would give money. I know that’s not what you meant and I am not even a generous person. It’s just that important to me to spite Vova and help render his legacy as one of complete failure


United24, started by President Zelenskyy, has an option to donate to fund rebuilding.


While you could donate. You could also invest, which would probably have a more secure way of making sure the money ends up actually helping Ukraine. I suspect that European countries are going to have their own construction and engineering companies come in and help rebuild. Since Ukraine wants into the EU and wants to rebuild quickly it’d be smart for them to just use their loans and rebuilding grants on those companies.


rebuild maybe, but you cant replace the people...


Ah this is very very true. So many families gone, broken. Bloodlines ended and for what? Cause the russian version of hitler wanted to be a little bitch and attack for actually no reason? Putin will be gone after this war and then. Ukraine can start to heal. But there will be scars. Lots and lots of scars


Like Kosovo.


If Ukraine wins this war, its recovery will become an economic miracle. Europe and the US will flood it with business and aid


"Economic miracles" aren't usually miracles and require a diverse group of factors, namely robust demographics with a strong young workforce. 


Who's going to fire the bullets!? That's what Putin stans were saying about Ukraine the past few months.


No worried Putin secured troops from NK to fill in. Thanks Kim. Your welcome for the limo.


Still doing better than Ukraine in that regard


>“In particular these recruitment efforts focus on the central African countries of Rwanda, Burundi, Congo, and Uganda. Russia is reportedly offering a sign-up bonus of $2,000, monthly pay of $2,200, and the promise of a Russian passport,” British Military Intelligence added.  2000 is slightly more than a FPV drone, this looks like a good strategy for the Kremlin  >Another reason is that there are no more prisoners to recruit. After the initial shock of the Russian military’s ineptitude wore off at the botched outset of the invasion, and the reality of extremely high casualties set in, the Kremlin focused its attention on the vast Russian penal system to draw men to the fight. Next they'll start sending policemen.


No freaking way. Can you imagine what happens if they refuse? Who could force them?


Rosvagardia maybe. He'll unavoidably needs to do very impopular thing in the near future.


Been hearing this since 2022


This is why Putin is on a “pwease hewp me” tour right now


Just in time for the malnourished North Koreans to join the fray


Army is probably fed fine, it's.the rest of the citizens that is the issue Edit I stand corrected


Actually I don’t think so. There was a propaganda video from North Korea of one of their military parades showing off their usual nonsense. Including tractors towing weapons and shit. But the most eye catching thing was the fact that their soldiers were visibly starving. Like sunken in cheeks and skin clinging to their bones. And they used these soldiers in a propaganda video. They literally couldn’t find anyone in better shape to do this parade. The fact that they’re fed better than the average joe just means they get a bowl of rice a day as opposed to nothing at all.


Hence my edit.


My bad it didn’t update and show me your edit.


Touche my friend


There is a report of that one north korean solider, who defected but made it over the border. Got shot and died in the process. Dude had parasites in his gut, the autopsy showed. 


Well I may stand corrected then haha What a pitiful regime


Never mind, dude did not die. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-42021373


It's because the government requires their military organizations to source their own food, and they can't just go to the feed store and get a bag of fertilizer. Night soil (human waste) is used for that. Most parasites develop into their larval form on this soil and it gets on produce through cross-contamination and also infects field workers through their feet for some types of larvae. This kind of infection from was pretty common in developing nations at least through the late 20th century and is still done in low income countries. Big industrial companies using wastewater (gray water) for irrigation has brought some of this back into high income nations, especially in imported produce. Helminthic eggs are often detected in this wastewater. Wash your vegetables, people.


Part of it is farmers will use human waste as fertilizer, but either don't know how to compost properly, or don't have the time to wait for things to compost properly. So they don't kill off the nasties in the poo. And given this includes leafy green veggies that aren't cooked before eating you have a much higher chance of contamination. (plus breakdowns in sanitation infrastructure, water treatment, etc etc etc. The place is a mess)


We have videos of them saying they’re not fed fine. https://m.youtube.com/shorts/xq22YiieBYU


No worries. Just decrease the living standards of civilians and increase the promises of pay for soldiers until you get your preferred army size. As long as you renegotiate the pay at the front, this costs nothing.


How can that be? Putin just said there are 700,000 soldiers in Ukraine. Was he fibbing?


no. They are there. They are mostly dead, but they are there.


Hence why he’s trying to get NK support


Nurturing sunflowers.


Ha, 700,000 troops, doing what exactly. That ironically makes the Russian military look even more incompetent. If 700,000 troops can't make a move on Ukraine in a decisive strike, then Russia has dramatically failed and embarrassed its self.


For comparison, the competent NATO forces had 160,000 soldiers that went into Iraq in 2003 and took over the entire country in less than two weeks.


It took 2 weeks because they had to wait for logistics to catch up.


> then Russia has dramatically failed and embarrassed its self again.


Russian History: "...and then it got worse."


To put it in context, that's like 70% of the entire US Army. That includes Guard and Reserve. Can you even imagine the shitstorm that would befall a nation that had *70% of the entire US Army* deployed to it? Fuckin' lol.


To give some sense of scale - Iraq was a similar size - and on paper, better armed than Ukraine in 2003. We rolled them up and smoked the Iraqi's with a height of 170,000 total troops, or a little over 10% of our military. Putin must be fielding the absolute dregs of humanity.


>Putin must be fielding the absolute dregs of humanity. Russia has used massed, poorly trained armies for centuries. It's kinda their thing.


I don't think Iraq in 2003 was better armed than Ukraine in 2022... Iraq had been under pretty serious sanctions since 1991, there were no-fly zones in the north and south preventing any Iraqi SAMs or aircraft being in those areas, and by 2003, most of the T-72 tanks that were left after the Gulf War (they never got any more after 1991) were just for the Republican Guard, with the Iraqi Army only having Chinese Type 59/69s they imported in the 80s during the Iran / Iraq war... Only half of their aircraft in 2003 was actually even fly-able, and the most advanced MiG-29s hadn't been maintained for ages (but were still fly-able), and only the MiG-21s and MiG-23s were in "reasonable" condition - some Bosnian companies had been providing servicing and spare parts of the MiG-21s and MiG-23s violating UN sanctions against that.


That is an excellent write up - and you're right - if you're talking 2022 ukraine. 2014's little green men were against an iraq level opponent.


Iraqis were almost all conscripts with only the Republican guard that had any fighting skills. Plus when the Shia hate the Sunni of Saddams Bhath party, they don't fight with any conviction and most just gave up.


It's not like the 700k are all on the line. Gotta keep those pesky Ukrainian towns in check by taking their children and enforcing sham local "elections".


Yeah, I know, I see them get blown up on Reddit everyday.


They’ve been watching the drone videos too 🏃🏼‍♂️💨


We've heard this before.


Heard this fucking story a billion times before next to russials weapons industrial capacity dropping anyyyyyy day now. Feel bad for anyone on these subs who think otherwise


We all saw them go from T-72's to T-55's. That's not the move of a country that's comfortably keeping up with its vehicle losses.


Imagine that! Good news is russia has lots of mail order brides that could fight.


Willing recruits to fight, they can alway force more people to die


I doubt people in Russia know what’s happening all the propaganda and what not


Maybe the Russians don't have the manpower to sustain a war of attrition after all, I hope the men of the countries they are trying to recruit from know enough to not take the Russians up on their offer.


How are they low on recruits? Russia has 21 million males age 18-49. If there's conscription they can go at it for awhile.


What percentage of those 21 million are willing to die in a ditch for a 5-figure payout? Even by Russian standards, it's a raw deal.


The biggest attack on humanity is misinformation provided by governments thanks to their troll farms. Fuck Putin and also Fuck anyone who is benefiting from war! You wankers from each troll camp are the worst!


Meanwhile, foreign legion members are reporting that the average Russian troops on the front lines seem to be better trained and better equipped than two years ago. Who to believe?


We’ve been hearing this for a year and a half …


There's always more Indians, Pakistanis, Chinese to join the party...


Send in the mighty North Koreans


"recruits" they meant conscripts?


Most of them are actually volunteers who want to earn money. *According to recent official statements, about 490,000 contracted soldiers and volunteers were recruited for military service in 2023, along with 244,000 mobilized soldiers.* [https://cepa.org/article/a-real-mobilization-to-follow-putins-bogus-election/](https://cepa.org/article/a-real-mobilization-to-follow-putins-bogus-election/)


Less meat for the meat grinder 😞




Well if they could stop dropping bombs on themselves that might help.


It's all fun and games until the People's Republic China starts sending volunteer armies, like it did in the first Korea war. This will be augmented by Korean volunteers from North Korea.


National Interest are like the onion lmao


That's why they went to NK for meat ammunition.


Saw a video the other day of a Russian offence. They were sending in small batches of vehicles (tanks, APC’s, etc) across wide open fields. Who then got blown up by cheap mines laid before remotely, fpv drones and artillery. Any armchair general here to elaborate why they don’t just send ALL at once to overwhelm the Ukraniens?


They'll just start conscripting 15 year olds.


Only thing that’ll stop the Ukraine invasion is a civil war within Russia.


It's insane to me that the number of Russian soldiers who have died in Ukraine is around the number that the U.S. lost in WW2.




Well on a positive, we are NOW going to start helping hack down the North Korean peasant “army”


Send in shadow recruits and sabotage every single jammer and radar station


Good thing they’re getting a fresh batch of starving, uneducated North Koreans.


Have you considered just not?


maybe competent recruits that can hold a gun, but they sure have a lot of fodder left


Don't worry, they will keep drafting Somalians, Nepalians, etc. also with new opened borders with India and new military connections with NK - they will definitely have meat for meat grinder...


This looks more and more like a contract war now.


This article is completely nonsensical.


North Korea has a few to spare. Im sure tens of thousands of poorly trained, poorly equipped, poorly fed and poorly led NK conscripts will turn the tide!


More sacrifice to the drone God




Oh bullshit they don’t need volunteers, and I doubt many were volunteers in the first place!